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The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje's October 25, 2012 Monthly Message :
“Dear children! Today I call you to pray for my intentions. Renew fasting and prayer because satan is cunning and attracts many hearts to sin and perdition. I call you, little children, to holiness and to live in grace. Adore my Son so that He may fill you with His peace and love for which you yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje's October 2, 2012 monthly message on the day for nonbelievers through Mirjana:
“Dear children; I am calling you and am coming among you because I need you. I need apostles with a pure heart. I am praying, and you should also pray, that the Holy Spirit may enable and lead you, that He may illuminate you and fill you with love and humility. Pray that He may fill you with grace and mercy. Only then will you understand me, my children. Only then will you understand my pain because of those who have not come to know the love of God. Then you will be able to help me. You will be my light-bearers of God’s love. You will illuminate the way for those who have been given eyes but do not want to see. I desire for all of my children to see my Son. I desire for all of my children to experience His Kingdom. Again I call you and implore you to pray for those whom my Son has called. Thank you.”
Mirjana said that Our Lady blessed all those present and the religious articles brought for blessing.
March 25, 2012 Message to Marija
"Dear children! Also today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing and to call you to prayer. May prayer become a need for you to grow more in holiness every day. Work more on your conversion because you are far away, little children. Thank you for having responded to my call." 03/2012
Annual Apparition To Mirjana - March 18, 2012
The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March. It has been this way through the years. Several thousand pilgrims gathered in prayer of the Rosary at the 'Blue Cross'. The apparition lasted from 14:00 to 14:05.
"Dear children! I am coming among you because I desire to be your mother - your intercessor. I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father - your mediatrix. I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit. My children, consecrate yourselves to me completely. I will take your lives into my motherly hands and I will teach them peace and love, and then I will give them over to my Son. I am asking of you to pray and fast because only in this way will you know how to witness my Son in the right way through my motherly heart. Pray for your shepherds that, united in my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you."
Message of March 02, 2012
"Dear children; Through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him - the High Priest. Thank you." 03/02/2012
Message of February 25, 2012
"Dear children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life for you. I encourage and love you, so that in God you may find your peace and the joy of living. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 02, 2012 Message to Mirjana
"Dear children; I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God's presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him - and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you. Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen - those are your shepherds."
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
part 2 Bayside Message
JULY 15, 1970 - Do not defame My Son's Sanctuary! Visit My Son often for He will protect you against the darkness..........Do not be ashamed of My Son's Crown. Why do you hide His Cross? Darkness covers My Church. My Son is hurt. Turn to My Son.(vol I page 11)
AUGUST 14, 1970 - Joseph has been forgotten. Love him and pray to Joseph. He will guide you on the path. Yes, the enemy is within the Holy Church. Satan will find many to create heresy with loss of the true Faith. Resist the knife that seeks to cut Holy Church asunder. (vol I page 13)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Stand beside My Vicar. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration. Do not abandon the Holy Father for he is your Father on earth. Do not abandon My Son's gift to you in Holy Church, for it is Our home on earth, your Heavenly habitat, sheltering you from the Dark Knights (satan's henchmen), wandering about to drag you to the bottomless pit! Find shelter in Jesus' arms. Remain close to Him. (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - Do not leave Holy Church. Do not fall away from the Church for the sins of man. Only My Rosary holds back the darkness. ............Your way of life in your Country has been planned by Satan for the destruction of souls, with the destruction of the Holy Church of My Son and the Divinity of My Son. The gates of hell will not prevail against My Son's Church! (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Though the forces of evil have entered the Holy Church, they will not destroy the House of My Son. Do not abandon My Son because of the present confusion, for We will rescue you from the darkness!.............Who created the pagan rituals that I see before Me, in the Holy Places of Prayer? For well I remember how they too, danced about My Son's Cross, clapped their hands to the beat of each drop of His Blood! Why must you make My Son continue His anguish? See the torn Flesh, the Heart laid bare! Won't you stand beneath the Cross with Me, now? (vol I page 17)
Visit My Son often in the Tabernacles of the world. Do not be turned away by the present strife, for always remember. Where Jesus is, there is your Church...........Do not My dedicated, take away the pictures and statues for then the children will cast their eyes on things of the world. We will be just a memory, a legend to them. Blessed be the dear souls who placed the child in My arms...... (vol I page 18)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - This man of perdition, this man out of hell, will spread his darkness through Holy Church! Hold the Truth always in your heart! Pray for your priests, your hierarchy, for the Faith has grown weak! They will be victimized by the evil one who is now loose in your Land. He will only possess a soul that has grown weak! Strengthen your souls by staying with My Son, near the Tabernacles of the world. Accept the gift of My Son often, His Physical Body, present in your Eucharist, given to you only by consecrated hands blessed by My Son and Ordained to do His Work and represent Him! Turn you face from those who wish to profane the Body of My Son. The Light of the Holy Spirit will guide you in this respect! The indignities to My
Son, the Eternal Father and all Heaven are increasing with the increased destruction of the man of sin! His goal is the possession of all spirits destined for My Son's Kingdom. (vol I page 23)
Remember January 21, 1971! This was the day My children, when the man of perdition came to your city and entered your Holy Church. Now he moves about and will spread destruction throughout your Land before he proceeds on to Egypt. Remember this date, My children, for it was a sad day for mankind. For what could be sadder than the entrance of the anti-Christ into your Land. (vol I page 24)
MARCH 24, 1971 - I would like you to call on Michael often!! He is the guardian of My House!... I must bring forth the sad truth, My children, that a House in darkness will wear a band of death about it! (vol I page 25)
APRIL 3, 1971 - I must now caution you in the days ahead, you must not be led or misled by the events that the evil one will bring upon you in his attempt to destroy My Son's House (Church). You must help your priests. It is not constructive to speak out in anger against My Son's House. If you have anything to say that you feel is being done wrong, go to the ones concerned, your priests, your bishops. Do not spread words among the disbelievers, those waiting to take anything that can be thrown back to destroy My Son's House. You must realize now that the trouble within My Son's House has been caused by defiled man of perdition, the anti-Christ, who has been loosed among you in this final battle. If you would put aside your worldly pleasures, your pampering of your body, your eyes would no longer be blinded. You could see the existence of the evil one in your country; but no! You have chosen to cast Us aside for temporary pleasures. Those who have loved Us enough to care; there is nothing to fear, for We will extend Our Mercy far and wide. (vol I page 26)
MAY 19, 1971 - Yes, they will be needed to safeguard those who represent Me in My House (Church) for the man of perdition (anti-Christ) will enter higher places to render discord among those who rule My House on earth. Have pity for those (clergy) who will fall into his trap. Only prayer and mortification of the senses can retrieve one of these souls. No one will be free from the assaults to the Church by the one called anti-Christ unless you keep Me with you (Eucharist), not as an occasional visit but as a daily act of love. Satan has placed his disciples in your schools, your government, you ways of entertainment, you means of communication, all have been infiltrated! You can readily see My children, how far he has progressed to destroy. We are gathering Our armies from Heaven, yes, We are watching and will join in the eventual combat for My Mother's Heart will heal when We triumphantly remove the evil one from among you!! (vol I page 27)
I love you all, My children, My Son loves you, do not force Our hand upon you! Yes, We see those whom satan has placed within Our House. You know who you are! You went on the wide road. Throughout your country We see pagan practice! Who led them into such vile practices? There is a well laid plan to destroy My Son's House, many have sold their souls to get to the head! Eternal damnation is their destination! ..............Why have they chased Michael from My Son's houses? He was their guardian! They must place Michael back in My Son's house! Yes, they have shut doors and minds against him! But they cannot shut him out of the hearts of those destined for Our Kingdom. What kind of noises do We hear in My Son's house? Demons on the prance! Did they not dance around My Son's cross as He hung there on the wood?
We can see and hear everything! Nothing is hidden from Us. Nothing can be done in secret. The Eternal Father is the Lord High God in Heaven and your Creator. As such He can destroy you! I have told you before that everything has been planned for your destruction and the evil is well rooted in your country now, your country is in dire danger because it has the facilities to promote more evil throughout the world. Therefore the punishment will be far greater! The man of sin is in your country, and the punishment will be far greater for the man of sin is in My Son's House! You will glorify My Son in your house, (Jesus), or you will not stand as a house! You will not glorify man before God! You will not exchange the heart of God for gold or silver. You will stand with the Holy Father and render him no more sorrow. You who have been his disobedient children, stop plunging the knife into his heart! He is Our Vicar. He is your Father on earth, why do you disobey him? (vol I page 28)
JUNE 15, 1971 - Unless you pray for the souls that are falling in My Son's house (church) you too, will be affected by the disaster that lies ahead of you! Yes, My words were given in the same vein many years ago, and they too, were not heeded. Did you act upon them? No! You hid them from the world! What will you do now? Yes,, I warned you many years ago that satan would enter My Son's House! (church) but you did not listen. Now he is there! Have pity for all men of sin! Have pity for those who represent My Son and have fallen into the web of deceit of satan! They will all be answerable to Us, more so, for they were given the graces to fight this!
What is this darkness? You ask Me, My child. The darkness is a blindness of heart! Yes, you can be conditioned to be confused and no longer recognize the truth. You have a free will to go your own way, should you fall, you must fall alone! We will not let you take innocent souls with you. You are treading on My Son's House and making it a place of self gratification for arrogant man who follows after his own lusts! Your love of money has been your downfall. Yes, you are misguided. There will be much suffering for those who stand to defend My Son's House! This can never be destroyed for the foundation is solid. The foundation is My Son! But many now dishonor Him in His House. Blind man of self gratification, blind man who pursues after his own heart, his lusts! You call the hand of the Father down heavily upon you! This condition did not arrive over night, or this year, or 2 years ago. Yes, it has been well planned! ....delusions!..........Oh, mournful, heresy! Whatever will We do with you? Satan is now banding his disciples within My House, My Heart is bleeding. We watch this, My Mother's Heart is torn! (vol I page 29)
JULY 1, 1971 - You will not conduct and perform acts of mockery in My House! (church) Oh My poor blind children, you do not see what is already upon you! You do not recognize the signs, you choose to blind yourself to the truth! (vol I page 30)
JULY 25, 1971 - Your country is calling upon itself a greater danger for when they sent themselves against My Son and seek to lock Him out of their Houses and to lock Him out of their country, We have no recourse but to chastise you as We would disobedient children. All about you, you see the disobedience of children. In your schools, your government, you churches, where is the respect, the honor to your God. (vol I page 31)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - A house in darkness wears a band of death about it! You will not mislead the children any longer! (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - Your country has cast Us aside, yes, they are a few who stayed with Us, satan has done his work of folly well! Yes, satan has gone into the highest positions in My House (Church), but, he will not triumph in the final count. The victory will be with Us, for he (satan) will only proceed as My Father deems. The Chastisement you receive will be a cleansing! It will gather souls for the Kingdom but, many at the time, will still not recognize the truth. (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - Satan has placed his disciples in your schools. Satan has placed disciples in My Son's House. You will have to seek them out. You will need My Son to guide you. You will not recover these souls without prayers or sacrifice, violence will gain you nothing, for you will destroy your own souls! (vol I page 33)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - Beware, My children, of those about you who are enemies of light and life. You must flee from them. I repeat: You must flee from false pastors, not to give disrespect to My Son's House (Church) but to prevent the souls of your children being contaminated by the evil. He (anti-Christ) is working hard in My Son's House (Church). But this you will remember in the days ahead, they will not be triumphant. All evil is never triumphant. We will bring the sword and destroy these evil one's in My Son's House! They have darkened the souls of My children and I seek to bring them back to Me. They who once were the light and now have walked into the darkness. I give you the knowledge, My children. (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - My child, you will make My message known to the world. We implore all true hearts to spread My message. My words will be few, the darkness is deeper. I have just come through the shadows. I have with Me, My child, three guardian (angels) of My Son's House (Church). He (anti-Christ) the evil one will not destroy My Son's House. Yes, there will be many martyrs in the days ahead. All parents must rescue their children from the evils of error! We advocate the instructions of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not recognize the truth. You must know this truth of the evil that is about you, and must fight this evil with prayer and sacrifice of your worldly desires! Or you will not escape the Chastisement planned by the Father! Unless you heed My words and guide My Church, unless you erase the evidence of error in My Son's House, you will be destroyed! Repeat: A house in darkness wears a band of death about it. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. ...............Weep not for Me, My child, but cry for your children. But mothers cry for your children for they are the true victims! I have begged you to remove the corruption in your country and now covers like the darkness of the abyss your government, your schools and My Son's House. But you were apathetic to My warnings. What will you do now? (vol I page 36)
OCTOBER 2, 1971 - My child, man hath aligned himself with Our adversary, satan. Man has taken up arms against Us! Unless the forces of anti-Christ be removed from My Son's House there will be great suffering! Those who remain true to My Son's House (Church) will be asked to suffer much! Satan has now loosed many agents among you. They have a strong army. The ultimate victory will be Ours! We have given you your armor. Your defense will be found there. You have your armor. Now you will keep a constant vigil of prayer going in your country. It must be one life of atonement, sacrifice, and prayer! The numbers left after the conflagration will be counted in the few. The choice will be given to every individual which road he will travel. Yes, there are many in My Son's House who have fallen. Even those can be saved with your prayers. The ones whom your prayers do not recover, they will become members of satan's crew, for already he (satan) has aligned them against those who will defend My Son's House! We have asked your Holy Father for a great sacrifice. You, in your resort to prayer will hold a balance of the sacrifice.
Call on Michael more often. He will enter My House without even being acknowledged within My House! Anti-Christ covers the earth now. Those who choose him surround their lives with materialism's and this new creation of humanism will find they have only been prey of satan, and when they have rejected the light that We have given them they will have willfully cast Us aside! They have done so willfully! All past messages must be dispersed at this time for the "future" is now here! I give you, Veronica, peace of spirit from the heart of the Father. Continue to gather the souls. Make is known that the Faith in My Mass, in My House, shall not be discarded. You will NOT lose faith in My Mass. I am present in physical and spirit in My House and in My Mass and anti-Christ shall not destroy this truth! .........Agents of satan are everywhere. You will learn to recognize the face of evil. Pray for the Light! (vol I page 37)
OCTOBER 7, 1971 - Those who remain true to My Son will be given the light in the dark days. We will not abandon any to Lucifer for all who call for your help and assistance will receive the graces to carry them through. You will wear your Rosary and remain close to My Son's tabernacles throughout the world. Spread not your time questioning the ethics or the reasoning of mere man who used My Son's House, but retire within the spirit and come to My Son in His House looking at Him through the spirit not through worldly eyes. He will always be there in His House. Our lawfully ordained priests will always have the power to bring My Son in physical body to you. The trappings as such, placed on the procedure by man are of nothing, for you will live in the spirit concerned not with aspects of worldliness and decoration now, for in truth the destruction and removals in My Son's House are but symptoms, indications of the major illness in My Son's House, caused by the entrance of the evil one who you know as anti-Christ, the adversary of satan and darkness. (vol I page 38)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - All who deny My Son and have developed pride in worldly interests, blinding them to the words of My prophets choosing to rewrite to distort the written and spoken word of Our prophets, to satisfy their own purpose and self gratification, striving after their own hearts, their own work of folly. Oh, arrogant man! Why do you take your brothers and sisters further from Us? We view the vilest of desecration's being perpetrated in My Son's House! ..........Prayer, sacrifice, atonement! Pray for the light; pray for all clergy. My Heart is filled with tears at the numbers fast going into darkness. Will they not recognize the evil that has entered upon My Son's House? (church) Our clergy must read Our Bible. They no longer find the Revelations in Our Book of Light and Life. Remember, My children, the day will come, after much suffering, when My Son will return to set all right again. Persevere against the forces of evil that now enshrouds your earth. Be nourished by the presence of My Son among you (Eucharist). Hold back the darkness! (vol I page 40)
DECEMBER 24, 1971 - An evil power enshrouds your world now, a power strengthened by the demons now loosed from the abyss. We see the earth covered in darkness. The victims of your decadent society are your children, the innocent victims of their elders. Have you not recognized the advent of anti-Christ into your land! Into your government, your schools, your news medias, and yes, now into My Son's House (Church)! Woe to evil man who has chosen to sell his soul to Lucifer for worldly gain of such temporary existence! There is great deception in My Son's House. Unless My message is heeded I will no longer be able to hold back His hand that will fall heavy upon you! Oh, My children, do not deafen your ears to My pleas now! Do not turn away from Me now! Oh, My children, see My heart so torn with sorrow, this Child I gave to you, with love; this Child you destroyed on earth before My eyes, this Child now grown whose Heart still bleeds with hurt, with yearning for your understanding. (vol I page 40)
A merciful God, Who asks for repentance, Who asks you to mend your ways now for your future is limited. Recognize the signs of the times. Your country, your world, your church, are being destroyed from within! The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church, but Oh, the souls that are being lost to Us now. The advance of the darkness will all be on your decision! Those of grace must carry the Light! (vol I page 40,41)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - All humans are subject to temptation, error and the decision to accept the Light or the darkness, on free will. The choice will be given to all to accept or reject My Son, before the arrival of the cataclysm. The word will go throughout the world. You will not accept the rewritings of false prophets as satan has entered the highest ranks of My Son's House (Church). Pray for all priests. Pray for all who have in their power the measure of the balance for the destruction of innocent souls. My Son cries in anguish at the many abuses to His Sacred Being. Many souls are being led to the road of damnation by false teachers. Woe to evil man who by his avarice and evil example has chosen to sell his soul to Lucifer.................Confusion, confusion! All about Us We see confusion and the conditioning of errors. Family prayer must be instituted in the home. Without prayer you will walk the road of error! Many prayers of reparation are needed for Our Vicar. There is, My child, a plan to eliminate him. It is being developed to remove him from Our House for one who is known as anti-Christ, to reign, yes, this black leader is not black of color, but of heart. He will bring much evil into My Son's House. (vol I page 41)
And remember, a House in darkness wears a band of death about it. (Our Lady said that Holy Church will pass through a heavy trial, but Jesus will turn all evil to good.) (vol I page 42)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - The Church of the Living God vs. the church of man. Condemn not My House, My children, I gave it to you with peace and purity. It is man, in influence of satan, using fallen leaders, who seek to defy and defile Me and My House! Those who remain in the Light will recognize this truth. These loosed demons (out of hell) can be driven away by the guardians, the angels, assigned to My House to defend My House! Yes, even those who have fallen from grace will be rescued if they repent of their ways now and turn back to Us! Soon there will be a sword placed upon the world. (vol I page 43)
This hallowed place (Shrine) will be an oasis in a barren land. In time you will understand. There will be many tears before the gathering of My Son's House (Church). Keep hope and light of heart, for that day will come when all will be returned as beauty, of peace, as the Father has Created it to be. Persevere to that day and you will be counted among the blessed. (vol I page 43,44)
MARCH 24, 1972 - St. Michael: Hasten now! Listen to me! You make an irreverence of Our House (Church)! I am Michael. Guardian of the Faith, Guardian of the House, Guardian of the souls within the House. I speak to you now; you will listen, or meet the fate of an unrepentant generation! You have descended the steps backward and desecrated the Holy Temple! As such you call down upon yourself a just punishment! .................St. Gabriel: The war is on now! It has entered within the Holy Temple of God! You have set up a cross to worship, but you have built a false image; it is not of God, but of man! For this the sword will be heavy upon you!........(Our Lady) My children, the evil has accelerated! I see the deep darkness in My Son's House (Church) Many Rosaries, many prayers are needed for Our Vicar. Unless you make sacrifices of the senses for your Vicar, he will be removed from among you! It will be a great sacrifice for the world, for you do not know what awaits you on the Seat of Peter! Soon there will be a violent change, My child, on your earth. (vol I page 44)
All cardinals and bishops are being held accountable for defilement of My Son. Those who have led many astray will now turn back and return to the Light of Truth. You have traded within My Son's House, man has traded within My Son's House; bargained His Body for gain and power, while souls are numberless that are being starved, and thirst for the pure Waters (people are like flowers; souls are flowers in God's Garden on earth, who are now in black soil; nourishing waters poisoned, so the fair lilies have wilted and many die) (St. Theresa, 1969, to Veronica: "Their flowers faces can no longer face up to the light.) ...................The pictures you have been given (miraculous photos) were given because the faith has grown very weak. Man needs now physical proof. We are desperate for your acceptance of Our gifts to save each and every soul! We do not want the final count to be in the few! There will be the gathering of the souls when My Son sets His House to right! (vol I page 45)
MARCH 25, 1972 - You will make it known to all that the road ahead, My child, will now be rocky and is marked with thorns. Pray, sacrifice, atone now, for your Vicar! Among you and in My Son's House are those who are paving their road to Hell! Our hearts are grieved for they not only fall, but they take others with them. Innocent souls that are led by them into darkness! Woe to evil man who turns his back upon his God. When the hand falls upon him he will not rise! ...........My child, I am not here to fill you with fright; all will be good for those of well spirit. I am not here to rescue the good, but to awaken those who have turned their backs and are following Lucifer! Your world is in darkness! Our House is in darkness! I roam, My children, throughout the world carrying the Light; My steps grow heavy. The Light is flickering. Won't you light your candle with Me and help Us in this war of the spirits? (vol I page 45)
There will be trials ahead, trials in My Son's House, and in your country. All who do not recognize My Son as the Savior shall not be given keys to the Kingdom. My Son, in the Father has given you all an inborn conscience, and guardians that you would not fall prey to the agents of satan or his planned elements. Should you throw away Our graces, you will become blind, in darkness, until you will no longer recognize the truth! (vol I page 46)
APRIL 1, 1972 - Continue your prayers and sacrifices for your Vicar. The enemy has a well-founded plan to remove him from the seat of Peter. The enemy is waiting, who will recrucify My Son! Only you can help to hold back the darkness that is now smothering truth within My Son's House (Church). Our Church will rise triumphant in the final count, but how many souls must fall to satan before that time? How many who have been given the power in My Son's House are using this power to destroy souls. They have aligned themselves with satan! ..........All who have sold their souls to satan will be claimed by satan. All who have remained true to Us and Our Church will stand forth and join My Son in the glorious day when all will be one!...............You must decide your path, hell or Heaven! There is no recourse, My children. You have all been given an inborn conscience. You must reject the plan of satan and not succumb to his lures! The world about you has become the playground of satan and his agents. Your world is in darkness. Our Church is in darkness; but We still carry the light. All who follow Me, My children, will be led out of the darkness. The punishment would be upon you this day but for the numbers of souls that satan would capture now. (vol I page 49)
APRIL 10, 1972 - My child, you will make it known to Our high priests that they are not to become involved in politics of the world. They are being led into the web that will take them into deep darkness. Hearken now, and heed My words you are being blindly led into darkness! ....... All who will stand to defend My Son in these trials, many will be martyred. Your government, your schools, and now My Son's house (Church) has been entered. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. The abyss, the deep pit, is filling fast! ...........Rank in My Son's Church will not guarantee you entrance into the Kingdom. All who trade in My Son's house will be judged among the least! You will not bargain My Son for the things of your earth! ..................Many of Our images are being removed from among you. Poor misguided children, and teachers! Do you not recognize the hand of satan! Do you not know that out of sight, out of mind is a proven fact? The young minds must have images, or they will cast their eyes on creations of darkness. The conditions in My Son's House, and in your world, is long in developing. Satan and his agents have worked their plan well among you. (vol I page 50)
MAY 30, 1972 - All Heaven cries for the numbers of souls abandoning My Son's House (Church). They are turning away, but must return and patch the cracks. Your government, schools, have been entered. My Son's House has been entered, but if you love My Son you will stay with Him. Chase satan out with a vigilance of prayer! ..............Your city of evil will crumble into the dust! Your world leaders, who are Godless murderers, will fall to the sword! The Judas's in My Son's House shall fall to the sword. There are many Judas's in My Son's House. Do you think We do not see you? Your are being tolerated for you, too, can be saved if you turn from your road to hell. Turn back, Romans! Turn back while there is still time! When evil has reached its ultimate, you will be planet struck! During this trial in cleansing, only a few will be saved! (vol I page 52)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Forged documents are coming out of Rome. The enemies within Holy Church seek to place the papacy and Pope Paul in a bad light; to place the blame on him, in an attempt to tear down the papacy and set up an international religion and not of Jesus Christ. Many are accepting as sheep going to the slaughter. They neither pray nor try to patch the cracks. Many are in need of awakening to the truth. Rank in the Church is no guarantee of salvation. The Light is dim now; Jesus will be recrucified by members of His own House (Church). For what? Hell is their destination! Those in the Light cannot deny these facts. Shall We say We have a pope in chains? Yes! He cries, 'help, help!' He is being placed upon the cross now. Stand behind Holy Father, Pope Paul! Jesus commands this, now! (vol I page 53)
JUNE 18, 1972 - The monuments (statues) must be returned to My Son's House, now! All who keep the monuments in their homes will be saved. The pagan practices that are being condemned in My Son's House (Church) must now stop! .................All high priests of My Son's House will live in the spirit and not be concerned with the politics and worldly living. You will make your choice, you will stand with My Son, or you will be of the world, and you who have been given the graces to represent My Son in this world will be cast aside and condemned with the least for the offenses you are committing against your God! (vol I page 55)
JULY 15, 1972 - There is great darkness in My Son's House (Church); many have sold their souls to reach the head. Your Vicar will soon join the increasing list of martyrhood. .........There was a time, My child, when satan used only the world, but now he is in My Son's House, roaming! He has kept it in darkness! He shall not be victorious, but many tears will be shed before My Son intervenes.................You shall inform Our bishops that intellectual pride has been their downfall. You will inform the red hats that they have overstepped the boundaries you are like rodents burrowing into the structure of My Son's House! Many mites shall fall into hell! Hell, the abyss, is open wide. Number three (demon) enters among you. (Three demons of special mission are loosed, three more to go for 666.) (vol I page 56)
JULY 25, 1972 - There will be many mitres in hell! Many priests are on the road to damnation; with them they take others! For them, the lowest pit of the abyss will be eternity! Those entrusted with My Son's House will be held accountable for the fall of young souls! Your rank will be no guarantee of an entrance into the Kingdom! You have betrayed My Son! How dare you sell His House! You have sold My Son's House for the profits of your temporary lifetime! Woe to evil man who has cast aside his God! You will receive the sword! (vol I page 57)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - St. Peter: Hear me well! Those in the House of God, you will stop your conversing, your leanings toward modernism, your venturing with rationalization! Turn back and get on your knees! You have been deceived by satan. He has been present at your meetings. Many receive the fate of hell! Your rank in the House of God gives you no precedence over another soul!, for you, too, will be cast aside and judged with the least for your part in the final damnation of those souls entrusted in your care by the Father!
The agents of hell are multiplying in the House of God. All cardinals and bishops will ask themselves this question: Can I stand before the Eternal Father and say, 'my teaching has been pure in Your sight? If you can say this with truth of heart, then you have been misled. Misled! If, in your truth, you have accepted the riches of the world, and sold souls for the acceptance of these riches, then you will be spit out like venom to enter the flames! You shall join Luciel (satan) in his kingdom! All cardinals and bishops will now take themselves off the road to hell! They will take their spirit where it belongs, wherein the realm of good, casting aside their lusts, their desire for riches, their pampering of the body, while the souls are starving! No longer will your offenses be tolerated! ...................I have cried, I have wandered throughout the world pleading with you to listen to Me! I have also come to your earth to gather those who will be left to build and rebuild the shambles of My Son's House (Church), the shambles that satan has created., by using the will of a fallen generation! (vol I page 59)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 - Those in My Son's House now receive final warning that they will not remove Our Vicar from the holy House of God, for to do so will set in motion the advent of the anti-pope into your house! You will not defile My Son in this manner!..............All Cardinal, all Bishops will stop wasting their words and get down on their knees now! Satan is among you, and his agents are multiplying in the holy House of God! Many are selling their souls for the temporary pleasures and riches of the world! Pray, My children, pray much for those who have fallen! (vol I page 63)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1972 - We see the greatest of evils being perpetrated in the holy House of God. The example being shown by the high men of the holy House of God is abominable! The harvest of Lucifer will be great. My heart has now uncountable thrusts from the hands of My children on earth. ................The aberrations and abominations being committed in the holy House of God have had no precedence from the time of Noah, and before the time of Noah! The offenses to your God call down justification for the end of your civilization. (vol I page 64)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1972 - Prayers, prayers! Many prayers are needed for your Vicar! My Son's House is being subverted from within! The forces of evil are gathering! There are many groups in secret who make plans to enter upon the seat of Peter! They have laid the groundwork of this entrance in well planned secret, but they do not know that they are only allowed this for the ultimate reversal to good! Man of his free will, will bring many trials upon himself. This will be allowed by the Father. All who have received the Light will not enter upon the wide road. All who have received the Light will pray and do penance for those who are upon the wide road! (vol I page 65,66)
NOVEMBER 1, 1972 - The Holy House of God will be cleansed by trial. In this manner, those who remain when My Son arrive will be ready to set up the glorious Kingdom! (vol I page 70)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - You must return Michael to My House! The exorcism must be brought back to My House. Man has replaced the unseen world with his worldly interpretation. He must recognize there is another world, unseen without the grace of the Father to most but all who are on your earth must pass on into the other world whether you reach the Light or descend into darkness for eternity will be of your decision. (vol I page 71)
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - You have your armor, and I do not expect you to cast this aside. I know, My children, even in the House of My Son, many of the learned have chosen to mock the sacramentals! It is only satan's plan to remove from among them their protection! I repeat anew: Michael must be returned in prayer to My Son's House! For Michael will stand guardian over My Son's House (Church). (vol I page 76)
FEBRUARY 1, 1973 - Before this battle is over, many who remain to stand forth to protect the honor of My Son will be subjected to torments from their own. Many martyrs will enter into the Kingdom. The persecution within the House of God will be heavy. The agents of hell seek to destroy My Son's House on earth. Many of the dedicated will grow weak and fall in with the plan of satan, preferring to accept a life without suffering on earth, refusing and casting from their minds the reality of the eternal life of the Kingdom. (vol I page 80)
FEBRUARY 10, 1973 - We ask all to remain steadfast and do not leave their home parishes. The heart of the House of God is the coming of My Son through the Consecration of His Host. Though We sorrow of the antics of many of Our high priests and clergy, you cannot deny the validity of the Consecration. (vol I page 85)
MARCH 18, 1973 - My Son is lonely; He has been abandoned in His tabernacle and His home. The doors have been locked. He remains there a prisoner of His own............My Son is very lonely in His House. Won't you come with compassion and ease His loneliness? You do not abandon those you love. Have you no love for your Creator? Have you no love for He Who gave His life upon earth for you? Have you no love for He Who still sheds His Blood for you? ............ There is now in the world a satanic grouping of one-world planners. They will eliminate slowly in their plan the Church of Jesus. This will be accomplished in great haste, should the Seat of Peter be abandoned at this time. (vol I page 86)
St. Michael: Open the doors and allow me to enter. Bring me back to stand guard over the House of God. You open the doors to demons with your permissiveness..............St. Theresa: There will be no strength in the House of God for man unless he returns to his ways that have proven strength in the past. By your fruit will you be known, and many now lie rotten upon your earth. They have also fallen from the trees before they grow to bear fruit. (vol I page 87)
MARCH 25, 1973 - The forces of evil always surround a shrine of purity. Therefore, you will use the invocation to Michael at all times. We have asked that Michael be entered back into the Holy House of God. His removal has opened the doors for the entrance of the evil spirits into the House of God. (vol I page 90)
St. Robert Bellarmine: Why do we find these abominations in the House of God What is the new modernism you claim so constructive in the House of God, while we see destruction about us and the loss of souls to the King of Heaven? Arrogant man! What are you calling down upon yourself bit your own destruction? Lovers of pleasure! Fornicators without conscience! Even among the men of God! what punishment do you call down upon yourselves! You who should stand forth as an example to your flock have led them from the road!! (vol I page 91)
APRIL 14, 1973 - Padre Pio: My spiritual children: Hear me, for I bring you the word of truth. Demons roam in the Houses of God. Prayer must chase them out! Atonement, prayer and sacrifice! I speak out for an imprisoned Vicar...........Michael must be returned to the House of God. All men in the House of God must turn from their worldly ways and be an example of the living Christ. They will get down on their knees and pray! Starve their bodies of the demons which they have entered; allowed to enter upon them. (vol I page 95)
MAY 30, 1973 - The Hand of God will fall heavy upon your world. For a man to let himself fall into perdition in his lay life, but when this perdition has entered into the House of God, it calls for a speedy and fast destruction! For all that is rotten will fall. Weak vines will break, boughs will be bent, but the Cross of the Living God shall not be bent by the will of man and to satisfy the design of a corrupt generation. No-o-o! For woe to those who promoted evil in the House of God! They will be held accountable in full measure for the fall of the souls entrusted to their care. (vol I page 104)
JUNE 8, 1973 - St. Robert Bellarmine: I stand above my namesake, for the battle ahead will be one not only for the salvation of the human soul, but for the existence of the true Church of God! (vol I page 108)
JUNE 16, 1973 - You must restore within the House of God a strict discipline of life and procedure. Return to sacrifice and self-denial. You must starve your bodies of the demons which you have allowed to enter upon you. You cannot partake of the full pleasures of earth, all created for soul-destruction and enter also into the Kingdom. There is no middle road. The left follows into the darkness; and the straight road is in the light. (vol I page 109)
St. Michael: You will repeat this, my child. Rigid discipline and self-control and self-denial must be exorcised by the men of God in the House of God. Can you not sacrifice for the souls in your care and your own soul! (vol I page 110)
JULY 1, 1973 - You have not followed the rules set down by your God, or the teachings of the prophets of old. You will make a complete reversal of your ways of arrogance in the House of God. You must divest yourself of all worldly desires for gain. You must live a life of sacrifice and simplicity. Only in this manner will you return to the road that leads to the Kingdom. (vol I page 112)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - You will make it known to the world, and especially, My child, to the men in the House of God, that We can no longer tolerate their permissive attitudes in the offenses which they permit, and are acting in laxity of their permission of offenses to the Eucharist. .........The House of God will be a sanctity of silence and adoration. The House of God will be a place of honor among men. The House of God will not be entered in nakedness. ..................Your children are wandering into the web of satan, going farther from the House of My Son. The truth is being removed from their hearts. They are setting among themselves groups. They shall not remove from their lives vows of My Son. As the only sanctified House upon earth, their souls will be destroyed when they are not given the Bread of Life. This Bread will only be obtained in the sanctified House of My Son. (vol I page 119)
They must remain with the leaders. The goats shall be weeded from the House of God, so do not leave. Stand forth as examples of truth. Many enemies of God have entered into the House of God. But this is the plan of satan. You will not leave. You will stay and patch the cracks. The foundation is solid. The foundation is My Son. (vol I page 120)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - Pagans roam the world, pagans walk into the House of God. Man, you have reduced yourselves to the state of an animal. Your intellectual pride has set you down the ladder to the fires. ..........I have set before you leaders in My House. There are those now who roam throughout the world, setting themselves, filled with intellectual pride, to interpret what I have given through the Holy Spirit to the leaders in My House. You will not break away from My House and set yourselves up as examples for the young to follow. Return now to My House, or forever be damned. (vol I page 119,120)
AUGUST 14, 1973 - .....However, it is in the plan of the Father that We shall gather the House of God and restore it in the world to its proper proportions. Man, then, will be returned to his former state, for he will then no longer be forced to offend his God, forced through the agents of hell who will be removed from your earth. (vol I page 123)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - You must all now return and honor My Son in the tabernacles throughout the world. The doors of the houses of God must remain open to do homage to My Son. A constant vigilance of prayer must be kept in the homes of God and in the homes of the people. (vol I page 129)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 - Michael must be returned to the House of God immediately. Man's free will has cast him aside. He will not be returned unless man asks. (vol I page 131)
OCTOBER 2, 1973 - Remove the corruption from within the House of God, and you will find your doors opened and the Houses of God renewed. (vol I page 137)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - Man must not flee from the houses of My Son. Much evil and corruption has entered into the hearts of many, even in the houses of My Son. However, it was doomed and deemed for this time to come about, for man to pass through a crucible of suffering, one which is a test. All that is rotten will fall. The sheep will be separated from the goats. (vol I page 139)
NOVEMBER 24, 1973 - There are many in the House of God who have been misled. They are not to be castigated, but make known to them the Message from Heaven. The Father is always the final judge. Speak once and if not hastened, say no more. But keep in heart, My child, that it may not be of their decision. Errors abound, confusion reigns, and many are running in circles. Do you not recognize the ways of satan? He is the master of confusion. A practiced rule sets a firm foundation...........St. Thomas: Confusion, delusion, misrepresentation. Man must not rewrite under the direction of satan. Pray for the light. The words of the founding Fathers have always passed the test of time. Novelty in the House of God will bring darkness and open the door for entrance of the evil spirits. Return to the rules. This foolishness is bringing upon you the wrath of the Father.
It is arrogant of man to set himself above the Father. It is pride of man who wishes to place himself above the founding Fathers. The rules for your salvation and the way was given fully in the Book of life and love. No changes will be made. The contents will not be altered to follow the fancy of man. When you start burrowing into the foundation, you weaken the structure. However, the foundation of the House of God is in the light. The walls may crumble, but the foundation is always there. Rebuild the walls, patch the cracks, and return the sheep that have strayed. ......We see, we look with consternation upon the actions of those who should be setting by their rank good standards. We find the houses of God being emptied. The House is abandoned by the whims of man, man who has turned to satan. Prayer has been abandoned in the House of God and in the lives of the laity. Unless you pray, you will be lost. (vol I page 145)
DECEMBER 7, 1973 - St. Peter: I must not slacken in the objective given me by the Father to make known to you that the men in the House of God have given themselves to error. You will not change the words of the Book of Life to satisfy the basic desires of mankind. These actions are not of the spirit of godliness, but of the spirit of darkness. These actions are being promoted by the prince of darkness. (vol I page 147)
My child, though man will disprove these manifestations, they are in for a great surprise. The Father has a plan to awaken those who have fallen asleep in His House. (vol I page 149)
FEBRUARY 10, 1974 - The House of God, My Son's House, will proceed through great trial. All that is rotten will fall. Satan now rages and will do full battle in the House of God. The greatest hope, My children, I can offer you, is that the eventual victory over the evil will lie with your legions with My Son. ................The Father has full mastery over your world, permitting this time of trial in order to separate the sheep from the goats. You will be tried as metals in the fire. (vol I page 166)
There is much confusion, My child, in your world, confusion that has been created by satan. There is only one major means now to rid satan from the House of God and your homes, that is prayer, and turning to My Son. Save your souls and the souls of all those you love in the Sacred Heart of My Son. (vol I page 167)
MARCH 18, 1974 - Prepare, My children, for the great battle ahead. The forces of evil now will do full battle for control of My House. Know that satan shall not be victorious, but it is in this manner that you will be tested. Persevere, and you shall win your crown. (vol I page 172)
MARCH 24, 1974 - St. Paul: Repeat what you hear, my child, and shout it from the rooftops. No woman shall be on the altars of God! Disobedience, lack of respect for the Holy Father; what will this bring you to but your own destruction! A church that falls into darkness will fall. The foundation will rock, but the foundation shall not be destroyed. For it will be renewed and built as it was ordained by the Father. (vol I page 177)
APRIL 6, 1974 - The gates of hell are open wide, but they shall not prevail against the Church of My Son. This He left to you as a guide, as you go on the narrow road and make your way back to the Kingdom. Too many have set themselves on the wide road, and given themselves to satan. (vol I page 184)
Accept fast and atonement. I have asked in the past, many times, that the leaders and the teachers in the house of God, the Church of My Son, that they fast and do great penance, pray more, for they have allowed the demons to enter upon them. The Father finds their leadership very poor and He will judge accordingly, and all shall receive the fruits and merits of their actions and their leadership. (vol I page 185)
It is a knife in the heart when We see the fall of the souls of Our children, but it is countless knives in the Heart of My Son, and I, when We know that Our Houses have fallen to satan! (vol I page 186)
The statues, the monuments of godly Nature must be returned to My Son's House and to the homes. Prayer, atonement and sacrifice, My children! Wear your sacramentals, My Heart is heavy and My voice grows weak, but I have promised you that I will be with you unto the coming of My Son. (vol I page 187)
APRIL 13, 1974 - There will be many false prophets upon the world. There are many false prophets in the world, My child. They bring doctrines that are not of the truth. A great delusion has been set upon man. Error abounds in the House of God. A House in darkness shall shut its doors, for a band of death will be placed about it. (vol I page 188)
Satan has entered into the House of God. He rules now from the highest places. The world and the Church of God are in deep darkness. Those who are in command, many have fallen away. Pray, My children, much, for with your prayers and sacrifices, they too can be recovered. (vol I page 189)
Do not judge the House of God by the works of man. The Foundation of the House of God is the Father in the Son and the Holy Ghost. The foundation that you understand in your human nature, is Jesus. (vol I page 190)
These sons of satan have worked many years to tear down the House of God but they shall not succeed. It is sad, My child, to know that those whom We have chosen have set themselves in conspiracy against the House of My Son. For he love of money, many will sell their souls. They care more for the pleasures of earth than for the eternal glories of the Kingdom of the Father. How sad it will be, the weeping, the gnashing of teeth, when they come over the veil and know that they will long for what may have been. (vol I page 193)
MAY 22, 1974 - My child, shout, shout from the rooftops. Your brothers and sisters must not turn from My Son's House. They are judging, My child, on the actions of man. Man, men of earth, are but the walls of My Son's Church. He is the foundation. Do not run away from Him, but console Him. He is lonely, My child. The doors are locked. (vol I page 196)
The Order of Michael will be established in the United States. Michael is the guardian of My Son's House. Michael will be entered into My Son's House or your country will fall. The doors will shut, persecution will reign in the House of My Son. And all that is rotten will fall! Pray much, My child. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Rosaries of prayer throughout the world, link to link, bead to bead, soul to soul across your nation and the world. You are living now in the days of trial, and you will all be tested and receive your just reward from the Father. (vol I page 199)
JUNE 8, 1974 - Michael has set himself over the Houses of My Son. He seeks to stop the abominations being committed in these Houses, Churches. You will not chew My Son. You will not defame Him. You will not destroy His Image! You will give Him the honor that is due your God! ........Those who have been given the leadership in My Son's House will one day stand before the Father, and will they be able to say that their leadership has been just in His eyes? Shall you stand before Him and say that your teaching has been clean of impurities? (vol I page 109)
JUNE 15, 1974 - We of the Kingdom of the Father find many errors being propagated in My Son's House, Church. It is the great deception that is permitted for mankind in these latter days. It will be in this manner that the sheep shall be separated from the goats. All who have given themselves to satan will be known, for their fruits shall fall for they will wither on the vine, and all that is rotten shall fall! ................We have asked all who are with My Son, not to abandon his House. Do not judge His House, on the man who has been governing it, your pastors and your clergy! For they are only human, subject to sin even. Remember that the heart and the true foundation of Jesus's House is the Eucharist, that you receive in the Holy Communion. Woe unto that day, My child, when this is even denied you! ...........There is developing, My child, in your country and the world, a most dangerous trend: It is one of separation from the Peter, the head of your Church. You will not bring about this separation from the Seat of Rome! You have nothing to gain but everything to lose, for should you go ahead with this plan of separation, you will lead unto the road of the abyss, leading to the abyss, many souls. Woe unto those pastors! Woe unto, the clergy who now set themselves up as leaders to confuse, confound and mislead! (vol I page 213)
Pagans, pagans, My child, pagans roaming also in the House of My Son! Is there no one who will go and cheer them out? I have asked you, for the Father, to return Michael to My Son's House. He is the guardian of the faith. Michael, must be entered into My Son's House. (vol I page 215)
JUNE 18, 1974 - The Order of St. Michael will go forward throughout your country and the world. You will heed the direction of the Father that Michael be entered back into the Houses of My Son, Churches. Michael is the guardian of the House of God. He shall not be kept out of the Houses of God. If you do not allow the guardian in, you will open the door for the entrance of the evil spirits. (vol I page 223)
JULY 15, 1974 - Satan has set himself to do great battle in My Son's House. Hurry. Shout from the rooftops! Warn all of Our clergy that they are under heavy attack by the agents of darkness. They must not be misled! Their influence is great over the young. Many who carry high honor in My Son's House by their rank have set themselves into My Son's House with black hearts. They come to destroy; they have been sent to destroy. But they shall not destroy! A house in darkness must close its doors. Errors, evil, destruction of the young, the souls contaminated by dark waters, this shall not be tolerated by the Father. All who have given themselves to the fleshpots of the world have received their reward! All who have sold their souls to get to the head in My Son's House, they have received their reward! The abyss of hell is open wide. None shall escape a just judgment from the Father! This judgment will come soon upon you in force! (vol I page 230)
You are living now in the times known in your world as the anti-Christ, against My Son. All who reject My Son as the Messiah cannot enter into the Kingdom! What fallacy is there being permitted in My Son's House! You are uniting unbelievers for your own destruction! My Son founded His House upon earth. You will not bring in unbelievers and change it! You will not convert souls by permissiveness! You will destroy! You feed the bodies and destroy the souls. (vol I page 232)
JULY 25, 1974 - The Father will not tolerate the abomination being committed in the Houses of God. Many of His dedicated are being permissive in their approach to the salvation of souls. You will not gain nor redeem souls by lowering the standards. Many of Our dedicated, clergy and foolish maidens of the nunneries, have given themselves to the world, the flesh and the devil. How sad that such great graces could go by and be cast aside for the temporary pleasures of the world. (vol I page 234)
Know that when the world and your Church on earth become as one, the end is at hand. The gates of hell, open wide, they will claim all, even mitres that have given themselves to worldly gain and the destruction of their sheep! The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's House! (vol I page 236)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - The enemies of God entered into the Houses of My Son many earth years ago. Their plan has been insidious and with much cunning they came forward, coming into the highest places in power within the Houses of My Son. In this manner, My children, they have been able to mislead, misguide and set many souls onto the road to destruction of their eternal souls. We place a great responsibility upon all parents to bring the truth to their children. (vol I page 238)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - All man is and was a creation of the Father, but not all man; or all men; will enter into the Kingdom of the Father! Only a few will be numbered in the final count. You all will receive this chance and you may reject it, or accept the graces and the path given to you to win eternal life with the Father, or eternal damnation in the abyss!...........You will not destroy My Son's House, Church, buy consorting with the enemies of My Son! You will not convert the enemy by lowering the standards! Your example must be one of a steadfast faith........... Change, what need of change when the foundation has proved through the test of time? It is the dissatisfied man, a greed and lustful man, who seeks change! Does he change to bring man to God! No-o--! He changes to take man from God!, and give him to Lucifer! (vol I page 242)
Satan was present, he listened with careful ears at the Great Council. He awaited every move, and he placed his agents among you! Recognize and reconstruct your path! You have been deluded! You are on the wrong road! Turn about now, or you will sow the seeds for your own destruction.............What can you do, My child, you can pray and pray. Be on your knees, so few now bend their knees! War is a punishment for man's sins. ...........The irreverence given to My Son in His Houses upon earth cry out to Heaven for vengeance! (vol I page 242,243)
The Mercy of the Father is great. None will be lost if he will turn now from his present course. Return My House to the state of a firm foundation and mend the cracks that you have wrought into the walls! Bring My sheep, gather them back into My Houses! No longer dispense them with your example! You will not change My words! You will not change My direction! You will stay on the narrow path and you will bring My sheep onto this path, or you will answer to the Father and be condemned as such for having destroyed the sheep entrusted to you. (vol I page 245)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - My Son set His House upon earth. All who left, left in rebellion, in protest. Are you to join them? Shall you compromise your Faith? No! All who sell out the Houses of My Son shall receive a recompense or eternal damnation!...........There are, My children, thieves, robbers in My Son's Houses! Money-changers in the temple! The Father watches all and tolerates for the sake of the elect. The Chastisement will claim many, good and evil. (vol I page 246)
St. Michael: My child, shout it from the rooftops! He did his work well! The walls are crumbling! A House, Church, in darkness shall wear a band of death about it! O woe, woe to mankind! You do not know what is before you! Open your doors to me! Do not shut me out! I cannot enter into the churches without your desire! (vol I page 247)
Control, you must know, My child, and tell the world, that satan has control now of many major positions in the House of God, in the Eternal City of Rome. Traitors surround your Vicar. His sufferings are great. ............Already they have chosen his successor. But pray, My children, pray much that he not be removed for woe to the world! The crucifixion of the Mystical Body of Christ will come to mankind! (vol I page 248)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - The greatest knowledge, My child, is the eventual victory and reign of My Son upon earth. There will be great trials. Many will fall by the wayside, unable to carry their crosses. Many will choose the easy road. But keep a steady course, for My Son is at the help. Know, My child, that the Bark of Peter flounders, but My Son is at the helm. Those who are asleep will be awakened. Pray for those in darkness that they may come into the light, My child. (vol I page 258)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - Your protector and the guardian of your Faith has not been entered into the Houses of My Son. Know that you will deceive yourselves with this action. Michael must be entered into the prayers and hearts of mankind! All clergy, all shepherds of the flock, must praise the Father through His guardian, Michael. You must return Michael in your prayers after the Holy Sacrifice! (vol I page 260)
There are many traitors, enemies of the Father in Heaven, in My Son's Houses! They will fall like rotten fruit as We shake the trees, on that day when My Son shall set all to right! All that is rotten will fall! A good tree will not bear bad fruit! By their fruits will they be known to you. ..........My Son is a firm foundation. His House will go through much trial but will never be destroyed! Before the House of My Son shall fall, mankind shall be cleansed with fire! The sun shall scorch your earth and the skin will burn and dry up and blow off the bones as though it had never been. Eyes will see and many will still not believe, so weak is the faith! When My Son returns, shall He find, My child, even a flicker of Faith left? The numbers saved will be counted in the few. Pray, pray much, My child. Days of great trial are ahead. ..........My Son's Houses, My child, the Churches of earth, are on troubled seas! He stands fast at the helm! Do not abandon Him! Pray! Pray that they do not remove from among you the tabernacles! (vol I page 261)
You must not, My children, compromise the Faith of My Son's House! You will not save souls by meeting them when they have fallen away and protested against the true teaching of My Son. You must bring them into His House, not tear down His House and enter upon those who have fallen and constructed another structure. No! Patch the cracks in My Son's House. Set a better example and the walls will echo to the praises of the Father and the return of many souls into the light. (vol I page 262)
He shall not unite as one, the ways of the world and My Son's House, Church! Man shall not be set up as an idol to worship! The following of the this course has condemned many to hell! Be they laymen or wearing mitres upon their head. They, too, have fallen into the abyss! They have free will, they have chosen to offend the Father and discard the trust given to them in their vocation. (vol I page 264)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - I accept the torments which are heaped upon Me by an ungrateful generation! You will not cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural! You will not cast aside the truth of Faith and set up a faith based on the immorality of man! No! You will retain the Faith and Tradition as given to you, not making changes that cater to the basic carnal nature of mankind! You are misleading Our sheep! Pray! Get down on your knees and pray! You will gain nothing by socializing. You have idolized money and become money changers in My Son's House! ............ My Son shall fling you out of the temples again! Moneychangers in the House of God! Destroyers of the Truth! Turn back now for your judgment will be far greater than those given to an ordinary man, for you as a priest of God have been chosen by the Father to represent My Son and as such your judgment for misleading and denying the basic truth of your Faith will be far greater! (vol I page 280)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - I ask , as your Mother, to turn back now from the ways that offend the Father! You are re crucifying My Son! You desecrate His Body! We do not want the women standing upon the altars of the house of My Son! Why do you not listen, My children? We gave you the plan for setting up the House of God. My Son set the plan. He sent Paul to you with the plan. Read, My children, the book of love and life, your Bible. You are misguided! (vol I page 287)
If you do not pray and cleanse your government and daily lives of the evil which you have allowed in, many Houses of My Son will shut their doors and you will no longer have the light among you. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Chase the demons out of My Son's Houses. Those in authority must remove the bad seed from My Son's Houses! (vol I page 288)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - My Son is much grieved, My child, in the manner in which many come to Him in His House. They come with disrespect; they do not have love for Him in their hearts, My child, please, they lead themselves onto the road to satan. They must not accept My Son with sin in their hearts. Many do not go to Our representatives. They accept My Son with sin on their souls! Shout it, My child, from the roofs; you must honor the Eucharist! (vol I page 298)
You must all stand firm in your faith. Do not abandon My Son's House, Church. Know that you must not judge My Son's House by the actions of man. Man has been created by the Father, and man in his human nature can fall, My child. Do not judge My Son's Church by the actions of man. Know that regardless of the actions of man, My Son will always be there in the Eucharist. A duly ordained and consecrated hand of a legal representative, your priest, will always be able to bring to you My Son's Body and Blood in the Eucharist. The enemies of My Son wish to take this truth from you. They say that the Mass is not valid. That is not true, My child. Through the power of the Father in the Spirit, My Son comes to you. He comes to you physically and spiritually in presence. Do not accept the error of your day that this is a story or myth, My children. I assure you My Son is there with you. (vol I page 299)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - The Father has not lost count of the evil abominations being committed in the Houses of My Son throughout the world, the Churches, being committed among the people of earth! Families disintegrating into cesspools of filth! Immorality! Parents that lead their children to sin! (vol I page 305,311)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - Those who have been given the rule in My Son's House, Church, there is much wanting in their rule! The laxity of their teaching shall not be tolerated by the Father! My Son is much grieved because He finds the greatest responsibility being lost, the teaching polluted by those He has chosen among mankind to direct and gather His sheep for the Kingdom! Woe to those who have cast aside the rule and given themselves to the pleasures of the flesh! (vol I page 313)
A house in darkness wears a band of death about it! The family that will pray together, will stay together. My child, Pray a constant vigilance in your homes and you will make the demons flee. They cannot stay in a house of prayer. You will understand, My child, why satan has entered My Son's House on earth, the Church! Because there was not enough prayer! Man talks, idly talks of worldly matters when he should concentrate on the spiritual. (vol I page 316)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - Pious XII: Rules and regulations, My child. they must be followed. You will not change the rules to suit the man. The rules have already been written down. There is no reason to have them rewritten. It is satan who is rewriting the rules! Awaken from your stupor! Take the cobwebs from your minds! You are blinded to the truth! A sad state exists in the House of God! Awaken from your slumber! (vol I page 331)
MARCH 18, 1975 - Women must adorn themselves in modestly. Pagan practices of diabolical music is not condoned by the Eternal Father! Nor shall We condone dancing and all manner of worldly entering within the Holy Houses of God!...............Women must cover her head! It is a respect required in the House of God. This, the angels demand! (vol I page 339)
MARCH 22, 1975 - You must enter the Houses of your God properly clothed and with goodness of heart, not disporting yourselves as pagans. A quietude must be returned to the Houses of God. You come to communicate, My children, in spirit and body with My Son Who is with you in your Eucharist in Spirit and Body, a true Physical Presence. Many now are despoiling His Body! How many have set themselves to solace Him in the evil that is about the world now! (vol I page 347)
We look upon pagan practices, My child, in the House of God. It will not be tolerated by the Father. Remember, My child, the evil ones danced around My Son as He shed His blood upon the tree. (vol I page 348)
MARCH 29, 1975 - I shall be entered into the Houses of your God or you shall not have a full protection against the forces of evil that are raging now throughout your world. (vol I page 352)
APRIL 5, 1975 - This scene, this diabolical quandary, My child, is spreading throughout your world. Blood shall flow in the streets of all nations. The red flag shall rise over many convents and the Houses of My Son. All that is rotten will fall! A House in darkness wears a band of death about it. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Pray for your clergy for many mitres will fall into hell! (vol I page 355)
MAY 28, 1975 - St. Francis: My child, Veronica, we despair in Heaven for we do not see the beads of prayer being fingered often in our monasteries. (vol I page 371)
JUNE 5, 1975 - All My Churches upon earth, all that go into darkness will fall. All that descend into darkness will close their doors. A House in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol I page 373)
Since mankind refuses to mend his ways, to return to his state of sanctity in My Holy Church throughout the world, there is no other recourse but to send upon mankind chastisements, to return him to the fold. ...........I need not repeat now the chastisements planned by the Eternal Father for mankind. I am certain that My Mother, has made this quite clear to you in the past..............My Church, My House, was given to you in entirety. There is no need now to change!!..........The only change necessary now, My children, is to go back and restore the light!!!.............Holiness, piety, dedication must be returned to the Churches, or the vocations will fall! The Churches will be emptied and the leaders will be imprisoned by their enemies that have come to them as angels of light but ravenous hearts. (vol I page 375)
JULY 15, 1975 - Holiness, dedication of purpose and pure truth must be returned to the Houses of God in your world! (vol I page 382)
JULY 25, 1975 - You must pray much for your clergy. A House, a Church, in darkness, My children, will shut its doors, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol I page 386)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - The teachers in the House of God, will you stand before the Eternal Father and declare that your teachings have been pure in His sight? No, I say unto you, you must now mend your ways, you who have given yourselves to the world of satan! You must turn now and make amends! Restore My Son's House to a House of sanctity and piety and holiness! You'll gain nothing by uniting My Son's House with the world. (vol I page 392)
Satan now has entered into many Houses of My Son, churches, throughout the world. A pastor must remain true to his Faith. If he gives himself to the world, he will find it difficult to return to the narrow path that leads to the Eternal Kingdom of God the Father........Satan has placed many agents in high positions in your governments of your world and also in the Houses of God. You will not compromise your Faith, My children. You will not unite the world into one religion for it will not be that given by My Son, but a religion of darkness...............The foundation for your Church, My children, is My Son. The Trinity shall be your guide: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. One God in Three Persons, My child, but in One God; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. (vol I page 393)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - The children! The children, what shall become of them? Heresy, O mournful heresy! Who will cleanse My Son's House upon earth? Abomination upon abomination! The sword pierces My Heart! The defilement of My Son's Body, O abomination upon abomination, whatever shall become of you? .........All reverence, My children, all discipline must be returned to My Son's Church! False pastors shall be cast out!...........Tradition, My children, shall not bring in doctrines of devils!!! Nooo!! You shall not seek change, as you are given this by satan!.........My Son does not want change that sets you into darkness!.......A firm foundation shall withstand the trials and storms of time. All that is rotten shall fall! My Son, My children, is your Foundation......The church of man shall be the destruction of man!! (vol I page 412)
OCTOBER 6, 1975 - Pastors, upon earth, why have you scattered your sheep? Why do you follow the call of the serpent? Why have you taken My Son's House, Church, and destroyed the knowledge of their God? You are building for yourselves a Church that will be one of man and not of your God. Stone upon stone, you build using all of the treasures of your world to build it, but they will crumble; each stone shall fall, none will be left unturned in the Chastisement. Then, what will you have gained for your sins? (vol I page 428)
Pastors in the House of God, We have been watching and finding you wanting. How many warnings shall you receive as you conduct yourselves and your sheep like pagans in the House of prayer? You are setting up money changers in My House and I shall cleanse them again! No man shall defile the House of God! No man shall use this House for self gain! All that is rotten shall fall! (vol I page 431)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - You must not seek novelty in My Son's House. Many abominations sadden My Heart. There is great lack of respect during the Holy Service, My children. My Son's House, His House throughout your earth, have become meeting places of demons. ......... There are organizations, My children, in your daily lives, that have been set up by satan. They come as angels of light, infiltrating even into the Sacred Houses of My Son, the Churches. You must learn to recognize the faces of evil. The foundation of your Faith and Tradition have been given to you. You do not seek novelty in change. (vol I page 439)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - All manner of novelty and experimentation must be removed from My Church now! You have been given the rule. You have been given the way. Restore My House now, for a House in darkness wears a band of death about it. The doors will close! Souls will be starved for the light. Blood shall flow in the streets. Death shall become common-place. Is this what you want? The wages of sin is death. What will it gain you, if you gain your whole world in treasures, but cannot take them with you to your judgment. Your judgment is eternal, forever! (vol I page 445)
I send you, My clergy, those who I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your Traditional Rites. You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroy, NOW!.......Many who call themselves My chosen one, have set themselves to destroy from within. Your actions have not gone by unnoticed by the Eternal Father. Errors, deception, deceit, in the guise of sanctity and piousness! You are unmasked before the Eternal Father. You shall start little by little and repair the foundation, or you shall be within and destroyed! (vol I page 446)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - You must keep your armor upon you, your sacramentals. You must remain with My Son in the Eucharist. In the Tabernacles throughout the world. There is much confusion at this time and much error to the Houses of My Son. But do not turn away! You must stay and pray and set a good example for those who run about in confusion are trying all manner of novelty. (vol I page 449)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - The simple plan for the Redemption of mankind was given to you in the past by your prophets. Already We hear you clamor for the ordination of women! No woman shall stand in My House to represent Me! How dare you bring in this heresy to My House? I shall be among you and I shall sling you out from My Temples! (vol I page 461)
I, your God, demand that you cleanse yourselves now! We extend to you a time to bring this about! You are not hidden in your evil ways from Our eyes! Do you think you shall escape a just punishment! Noooo! Amen, I say to you, no rank shall make you escape the fires! You who call yourselves My Pastors and have sold your souls to get to the head! You who have taken the young to destroy their souls with all manner of novelty and innovations in My House! I did not ask you for change! I did not ask you to discard the words of your first teachers, the Apostles! In your arrogance, you laugh and are derisive of their teachings! You set yourself up another church, not My House. I shall not represent Myself in Body and Spirit in your new house! Shall I separate My Pastors and cause more confusion! Nooo! The Eternal Father deems to cleanse you! There shall not be another separation. ................Amen! Amen, I say to you, you have just about reached a point of no return from your destructive ways! You shall not open the doors of the Eternal City to all separated brethren who reject the Christ! (vol I page 461,462)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - You will remove woman from My Church. As leaders and rulers of what? What manner of foul action do you promote?...In the beginning I gave to you through your prophets the establishment of My Church upon earth........The rules were simple but now have become changed and defiled to please the carnal nature of mankind........You must restore the holiness to My House! You must bend your knees in humility and penance. (vol I page 463)
Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your priests, cardinals, bishops, your clergy, for a great test, a delusion has been set amongst them, to test their valor, to test holiness, to test their fidelity to My Son's Church! Oh sorrow of sorrows from your Mother's heart, that as We now go throughout your world, can We say that there are one hundred true priests left in My Son's House? Shall He return and find even a flicker of Faith left among His sheep? The shepherds don't carry the light. (vol I page 466)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - My voice has carried throughout your world for many earth-years, We do not see a measurable change in the ways of man, ways that offend the Eternal Father. We see My Son's Church slowly falling. The foundation is solid, but the walls are cracking. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it! all that is rotten shall fall!...........What manner of evil is in these seminaries, My children, that they promote fallacies and heresy, permissive behavior, a morality that now is based on advanced science and theology! The Eternal Father gave the mode, the manner for man to save his soul, simple, clear, and unadulterated with the evil that now has set My Son's Church in darkness! (vol I page 469)
Before the Chastisement, My Mother's words will have reached throughout the world, and the sheep will have been separated from the goats. All that is rotten shall fall. My House kept in darkness shall fall! It shall be cleansed! (vol I page 470)
FEBRUARY 10, 1976 - The Eternal City of Rome, My children, is undergoing a great trial. It is a sad fact that the doors were opened and all manners of people that do not possess the light entered; heretics and separated brethren who have come not to join, but to confuse, confound, and rend asunder the Church of My Son. (vol I page 472)
MARCH 18, 1976 - You must, My children, tell your brothers and sisters that they must not at this time separate themselves from your ruling bodies within your Church. Satan has set upon the world much confusion and error. You must pray a constant vigilance of prayer that you do not fall into error. Do not be concerned of the confusion that satan has set upon all at this time. Believe and you will be given the way. All that is rotten shall fall. The enemies of your God shall be exposed, for by their fruits shall they be known. (vol I page 475)
The world has now become a battleground of the spirits. You must not become engrossed in inconsequential, minor matters involving your salvation, My children. I refer to the separation of your brothers and sisters from My Son's Church, as they are misled. They are misled because it is not the plan of the Eternal Father to have a schism, a breaking away from My Son's Church. (vol I page 475)
How many earth-years have I come down from Heaven to reach you with these words of warning and direction? I have pleaded with the pastors within My Son's Church to return to their tradition. I have pleaded for recognition of fact and truth and the destruction that is now being perpetrated by a conspiracy of the Red Hats in My Son's Church. O My children, the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled...................I repeat for your enlightenment again: No woman shall stand in the Sacrifice as a priest. How dare you set yourselves for a change created by satan! The plan of the Eternal Father has been made quite clear to you. Your father now is not the Eternal Father of Heaven, but the father of all liars, satan! My Son's Body, sacrificed for you, tortured for you, is now being re-crucified in His own Church! (vol I page 477)
APRIL 10, 1976 - The great Sacrifice, My child, has been misunderstood by many. It was the will of the Eternal Father that one universal language be used along with, in comparison with, together with the language of the land. This universal language, Latin, befit and was chosen by the Eternal Father as a universal language for the universal Church, the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of Pope Paul VI, the successor of Peter. Do you not understand, My children that you were united in beauty, that you were united in understanding?
Because of the fall in Babylon, many new languages were given because of the sin of Babylon. Therefore, as a member of one country, My children, with a universal language, you carried with you your own country's translation, and were you to visit abroad, you could enter upon any foreign edifice, Church of My Son, and feel comfortable and in one with the man, the priest, the one chosen by My Son to represent Him in His House. If you were, My child to go from your United States to France, could you understand the words in French? But, My child, you would recognize the words in Latin and you would have your book with you to read in your American language, just as those in France could read in their French language, bringing upon the world a beautiful and common bond of language among all who have been given the grace to be called to the Roman Catholic Church of My Son.
Do not leave My Son's Church though, My children, because they have taken this language from among you. You must wait and persevere and weep with My Son for this defilement by man. It is a great sorrow to the Eternal Father that this folly has been perpetrated by the men who wear the Red Hats and the Purple Hats within My Son's Church. O cardinals and bishops, shall you stand before My Son and say to Him in judgment that your teaching has been pure in His sight? (vol I page 479)
Satan has been given much power. Luciel, cast out of Heaven onto earth, is doing great battle now with Our children. He knows that his time is growing short. His plan, My children, and listen well, is to capture the ruling body within My Son's Church. (vol I page 480)
APRIL 17, 1976 - As in the days of old when My Son sacrificed His Body upon your earth, it is now that He is being recrucified in His Church and in the hearts of mankind. O My children, if only I could open, open the world to you and allow you to see what is going to become of you. You who do not listen and follow My direction, I have come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. I have been sent to you in these days of great trial. It is truly the time of great sorrows. (vol I page 482)
The true Church of Jesus in Rome is being attacked by the forces of 666. It is a world wide involvement that cannot be fully described at this time. It is a diabolical involvement that will be made fully known with the Second Coming of Jesus. (vol I page 484)
A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Remember that, My pastors. A Church in darkness shall close its doors! But My Church shall not be extinct or destroyed, for the church of man cannot transcend the spirit. (vol I page 485)
MAY 15, 1976 - No, My pastors, I shall not destroy earth. It will be a gradual cleansing. It will be the forces of the world. Do you think, as pastors, that I left a heritage to you of words that were not true? You take My Book, the Bible, you tear it and rebuild it with the work of satan! Restore My Church, or I shall come and I shall chase you of light against the forces of darkness. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. The ultimate cleansing shall be given to mankind. It will be a celestial punishment............The plan for your salvation was given. It was a simple plan of faith, faith in what has been given to you in the past! You mock the past in Tradition! You set yourselves to build a new church. The gates of hell shall never prevail against My Church! .......... Man shall not judge My Church on the actions of man, for man now is taking it and building a church for man, not to honor his God, the Eternal Father, not to honor and prepare his soul for the entrance over the veil! No! He is now wasting valuable time in promoting a mode of humanism and modernism. You are feeding the nature, the carnal nature of mankind, while you are starving their spirit. (vol I page 488)
MAY 26, 1976 - My child, We watch and see the Houses of My Son crumbling, being destroyed throughout your world. Doors are closing, convents are emptying, and the dedicated are leaving and falling into all manner of sin and abominations. Who shall be in the remnant? Only a few will be saved. (vol I page 490)
You are blind, My pastors. You permit untold evil to ravage My House. How long do you think I will permit you to mislead and destroy the souls entrusted to you? I want an end to the experimentation in My House. I want an end to novelty. Restore My House, or I will come and send you out of it!................My House is becoming fast a den of thieves! My House has become a show place for demons! My House must be cleansed from within. You polish the cup, and the dirt lies within. (vol I page 491)
MAY 29, 1976 - The world has entered upon My Son's Church. You have made it a meeting place for all manner of sinners, all commissions of abominations. Holiness, dedication, piety must be returned to My Son's House, Church. All manners of change and novelty are destroying the souls entrusted to you! (vol I page 493)
We do not want a separation within My Son's House, the Roman Catholic Church under Peter and now Pope Paul VI. We do not want a separation within My Son's House. The United States of America heads fast to a schism,. Fight, My children; do not give in to the forces of evil. Fight the enemy with prayer. (vol I page 494)
My Houses, the houses throughout your world are fast becoming dens of thieves. I shall cleanse them in My own time, and that time is short............Many mitres now hold major responsibility for the loss of their sheep. You have scattered them in all directions. And now what do you intend to do to restore My House? Restore My House now, for I shall return and I shall send you out of My House, forever lost to Heaven. Your rank has no precedence over another soul when this soul is being sent into the abyss. You hold a major responsibility for the loss of My sheep. (vol I page 495)
JUNE 5, 1976 - Bishops in My Son's House, Church, you have gone astray. You have scattered Our sheep. You have joined with all manner of heretics and false teachers. You started with good intentions in your Council but you became deluded in your search for peace and brotherhood. You allowed all manner of error to creep slowly into My Son's House, Church. You must understand that you are setting in motion the formation of World Council of Churches, but it will not be the Church of My Son. It will be a church of man, a church without the true foundation. ..........My children, do not compromise your Faith. Do not join with the enemies of My Son. And I say unto you: All who know of My Son and deny that He is the Christ, they are the antichrist. Birds of a feather will flock together. Do not become unevenly yoked. You must not gather all churches with the one true Church, for you cannot do this now. You are deceived, and you are deceiving...........You must not compromise your Faith. You cannot lower your standards and bring others into My Son's Church, for you bring in all manner of heresy and abominations. By your example did you gather Our sheep, and by your example now do you scatter them. I say, as your Mother: Turn back from your road, for you are on the way to perdition. Know there has been sent upon you demons of special mission who have evolved your world on the road to full capitulation to the agents 666. (vol I page 497)
You shall not compromise My House, My Church. You shall not gather souls by destroying the principles of My Church, for you have scattered the sheep. By your fruits have been made known to the world. It truly cries teardrops from Heaven. You have been given a warning, and you will act upon it. (vol I page 499)
JUNE 12, 1976 - My children, recognize the evil about you. Mr. 666, the man of perdition, a general term, My children, I repeat, they are the forces of evil now that are working towards the elimination of the knowledge of the existence of your God. My Son's House, His Church, is under great attack by satan. Hell and the forces of hell are loosed upon earth, but they shall not prevail against My Son's Church. (vol I page 500)
The world is passing through a great crucible of suffering. As time progresses faster and faster and the hourglass runs faster and faster. My children, you will see your world progress into a form of total madness, for sin, My child, is surely insanity. Sin has become a way of life in your country and many countries; I shall say, My child, most nations throughout your world now have accepted the rule of satan. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! When the world and My Son's Church becomes as one, know that the end is near and at hand. (vol I page 500,501)
In My Son's Church it is becoming a House divided. United you shall stand, and divided you shall fall! And why are you becoming divided? Poor leadership, My children, poor example, and not enough prayers! ..............My children, you must pray much for Our Vicar, Pope Paul. He is truly a prisoner in his home, his Church. Woe, woe to those pastors who sit with him at the table and then produce the knife behind his back. (vol I page 501)
JUNE 18, 1976 - In your search for peace and brotherhood, you are building another religion, My children. It is a false religion of humanism and modernism. How many warnings were given to you in the past, warnings against these forces, the forces sent out from hell! You pastors, who have rejected Michael as the guardian of the Faith and My Son's House, you must return him in prayer and visual sight, his monuments, his statues to My Son's House, Church. (vol I page 505)
JUNE 24, 1976 - I give fair warning to all that your pursuit of humanism and modernism shall send many from My Church upon your earth. My Son has had His heart torn anew by the many who have cast aside His teachings, who seek to destroy the foundation of His Church, My Son. There are many Judas's in His House! It truly rains teardrops from Heaven. (vol I page 507)
JULY 15, 1976 - I cannot promise you at this time a major change in your present struggle to retain My Church. You must all approach the days ahead with the knowledge that it is deemed by the Eternal Father that all mankind shall be tested and tried in a crucible of suffering. The sheep shall be separated from the goats, and We shall pull from the chaff the good kernels, those who will retain and restore My Church. (vol I page 517)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - Awaken from your slumber, My pastors. The pastures are rich, but the sheep are growing thin. The greatest responsibility for the destruction of souls I place upon the shepherds. I give fair warning to those in command, the highest rank in Rome, I give fair warning as your God, that Heaven has set a time and an hour to stop the desecration within My Church. My Mother pleads constantly for an extension of time to mankind to expiate the sins of man. (vol I page 520)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - As this battle with the agents of 666 continues, out of fear and lack of the light, many shall fall into the web of the octopus. The secret societies, My children, are gaining fast advocates to undermine and subvert My Son's Church. It will appear, My children, that satan has gained a great ground, but know that his time is growing short. It is sad, My children. I cannot explain to you fully the ways of the Eternal Father. Much must be remain a hidden secret to you until you come over the veil. (vol I page 525)
My Church is becoming fast the meeting place of all heretics. My Church, My House upon earth, is being defiled. Young souls are being sent out into the world to meet with all manner of evil and contamination. And what of Our leaders? Parents, do not depend on your leaders. You must, as parents, now assume full responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. (vol I page 527)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - O My children, leaders of Our flock, Our pastors, you must spend more time in voicing out, crying out against the evils that have invaded your society. You are, in your permissiveness, scattering Our flock. You are, in your permissiveness, floundering, and the bark is sinking. I have asked you to keep the bark of Peter afloat, to bail her out. And how? To return, turn away from your errors. In your arrogance and pride, can you not strip yourselves of your pride and turn back and restore My Son's Church? (vol I page 529)
The good books of truth are still among you. Pray for the light, My children, and be guided so that you may not fall into error, for man is now creating a church of man, and it will not be the Church of man, and it will not be the Church of truth and the light, the Church of My Son, Jesus. Man is bending His cross to suit his carnal human nature. (vol I page 530)
No man shall take it upon himself to change the laws, the commands of your God to satisfy the mere carnal nature of mankind. I implore you, as a merciful voice from Heaven, to turn back and restore My Church. I implore you, as your God, with full knowledge of the punishment that is planned for the redemption of a generation that has fallen to satan. (vol I page 531)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - I warn you now, My children, that you must turn back and start again. Do not renew My Church by commending it to satan, by destroying it. You cannot destroy the foundation. You crumble the walls. Like rats you are burrowing, O Red Hats into the foundation of My Church. I say unto you, there is not a man living upon earth now who hears My voice that shall not face the great trial ahead. (vol page 533,534)
I, your God, command those who hold rank In My Church to remove the heretical, excommunicate those who accept themselves to join secret societies to demolish My Church. Do no compromise your Faith, My children, for there is only one direction you will proceed, and that is down. (vol I page 534)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, My Son, His heart is pierced by the manner in which many come to His House with disrespect, apathy, and using His House as a meeting place for all manner of abominations. In due respect on this night of the feast of the high angels in the Eternal Kingdom, they demand, and Michael commands, that women must cover their heads during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not through custom that this is asked of you. Do not be deluded by satan, My children. Women must cover their heads in respect for the Sacrifice of My Son, in respect for all laws of your God and not of man; for man now, My children, is setting up his own laws, his own rules, and man shall destroy himself in this manner..............The foundation is solid, My children. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church. Though those who follow the light must go through a crucible of suffering for the restoration of My Son's Church, know, My children, that the eventual victory is with My Son. (vol I page 537)
The way back is very simple. O shepherds of Our flock, return to your teachings. Set aside your false pride, for pride will always come before the fall. It is a simple rule and lesson given to you by your prophets, the founding fathers of My Son's Church, chosen by Him. Bring back these rules of discipline. Do not set upon the world this heavy cross of division in My Son's Church. Do not experiment. Cast out the heretics. Cast out the secret societies. Cast out from among you those who have given themselves to satan. Cast out with excommunication the heretics! (vol I page 540)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - My child, the example given by Theresa and all who have given their lives in vocations, this example must be returned to My Son's Church. Because you do not pray enough, My children, because you have given yourselves to sins of the flesh, many wars have descended upon you, many trials of earthquakes and floods and great heat have come upon you, My children, there is a most terrible calamity approaching mankind, and I beg you, as your Mother, to avoid this, to get down now upon your knees and do penance, atonement and sacrifice to the Eternal Father who has already been offended too much. (vol I page 542)
In the Eternal City of Rome, the Message from Heaven has been made known. Now I admonish you, as your Mother, to act upon My warnings, My children. There must be a complete reversal in the manner in which you have set out to tear asunder My Son's Church and His teachings. In blindness of heart, you have taken the rules and remade them to suit the basic carnal nature of mankind. You must bring back the commandments of your God, as given to you by the prophets, without addition, without change, and without the rationalization of sin! (vol I page 543)
Many leaders in your government and many leaders in My House have fallen into error and grave deception. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your pastors. Pray for your priests. Know that even they can carry their mitres into hell! (vol I page 545)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - There is in the Eternal City of Rome, My child, much error, confusion, and deception. The plan of those who carry on their backs the number 5 of communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal City, gain control in politics in a manner to control the world. They seek to overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and atheism, atheism, My child; they seek to overthrow Rome and gain control of the power of the House of My Son throughout the world. They will subvert it from within, My child................There are many Judas's in My Son's House now. Better that they call themselves "reds" and be honest. There are many Judas's in the Houses of My Son throughout the world, and there are many who have placed their heads in the clouds. Their minds are befogged by satan, and their minds are poisoned by satan. They spread error, confusion, and lies. (vol I page 547,548)
Awaken from your slumber, My pastors, you have been misled. I repeat the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. I repeat again: You, O Red Hats, you are burrowing, burrowing into My Church like rodents, seeking to undermine the foundation of My Church. But I say unto you: I am your foundation, and you shall not shake Me loose, though you crumble the walls within My House. We wait with great patience for your return..........There is much work to be done to return My House, My Church, to its previous state of dedication, purity, and holiness. Much that has happened within My House, the direction was not given by your Vicar, Pope Paul. In arrogance, many Red Hats have set themselves to set up their own church, and it is fast becoming one of man and not of your God. There are no angels directing you in the building The spirit you receive is not of light, but of darkness in your building. Restore My Church to its former glory, or I shall set My hand down fast upon you! The Eternal Father is long-suffering and merciful, but My hand is growing heavy. (vol I page 550)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - These laws were given by your God. These rules were given by your God; they are not man-made! You in your arrogance, O pastors who rule within My Son's House, you have rejected the supernatural. You reject the teachings the very founding fathers of your Church gave unto you, and you reject them for a modern teaching of satan! (vol I page 552)
My Son chose, in His earth life, those who would begin His Church that will last until the end of time, for the gates of hell shall never prevail against His Church. Though many shall come with evil in their hearts and plans of destruction to My Son's Church, I say unto you: You will get nowhere in your pursuit, for you have set yourselves against your Almighty God. (vol I page 552,553)
My Mother has cautioned the pastors in My houses upon earth to remove themselves from this octopus of evil that is spreading fast throughout your world, the diabolical plan of satan to destroy My Church. But I say unto you; he is only permitted this reign of evil for the separation of the sheep from the goats. It is a manner known only to the Father in Heaven; the Father in Heaven, a manner in which those who have given themselves to evil shall continue and fast fling themselves into the abyss. It is a test of faith for all. You cannot compromise My Church; you cannot compromise your faith, for you will be lukewarm and as such, I do not know you, and I will not know you when you come for your judgment. (vol I page 554)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - O My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and all of the countries of your world. I have warned you that unless you turn back and restore My Son's House to its former prominence and in its true purpose of the salvation of souls; unless you restore the basic traditions and truth of My Son's House, you will receive a just and fitting penance; you will receive the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 556)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - Live your life, My children, day by day as though the end were at hand. You will not be caught unawares if you remain with Me in My Houses throughout the world. You have nothing to fear but fear itself, My children. The Message from Heaven has not been given to you to promote fear in your hearts but to bring to you the reality of what is to come upon mankind. It is in this manner that We have separated and are separating the sheep from the goats. Those who will be saved will be counted in the few, My children. ............Give charity of heart in action to your brothers and sisters, but do not be deluded, My children, into comparing and bringing a comparison of charity and humanism together. When the world and My House, My Church, become as one, you will know that the end is at hand, My children. Recognize the signs of your times and act upon them. (vol I page 559)
NOVEMBER 22, 1976 - O Pastors in My Son's House, how many times must I warn you of the dangers of your innovations, the dangers of your experimenting in My Son's House? You will not convert, you will not return Our straying sheep with your improvisations................You must return discipline to My Son's House. This discipline must start with the rulers in My Son's House. ................What manner of dereliction do We hear in a form of music that takes the hearts and minds of Our children from prayer? My Son's House, His Church, is a house of prayer to the Eternal Father through My Son. You are making it a meeting place and a hall of gathering for all of the demons loosed upon your world. Slowly My Son's House is being changed into a church of man until all vestige of recognition will be removed from it. (vol I page 560)
My Son, His Heart is torn asunder by the representatives in the priesthood who now are Judas's in His own House. They consort with the enemies of your God. In the manner of humanism and modernism and ecumenism that has been designed from hell, man now is plunging fast into making ready the full capitulation of My Son's Church and the world under a dictatorship of evil. When the world and My Son's Church becomes as one, when the evil men of the cross have sought to destroy My Son within His own House, know that the end is near at hand. I say unto you as your Mother, as you sow so shall you reap! (vol I page 561)
The world is in great chaos, My child, My House is becoming a den of iniquity for many. Sad that those whom I have given the grace to represent Me are taking their leadership as tools, tools that are now being designed for conquest of souls by satan. (vol I page 562)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - Those who have been given the rule within My Son's House are using their knowledge to twist and pervert the teachings of the peoples. What manner of church are you building now, O mankind, as you fast plunge to your destruction? A church of man that will have no resemblance to the Church that My Son left for you! (vol I page 565)
The conduct of women during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass shall be one of silence. No woman shall speak out during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Women must wear head coverings when they enter the House of God. The House of God is a place of prayer, and not a meeting place or dance hall. No woman shall speak from the pulpit. No woman shall enter the ministry.........There are many abominations, My child, being committed within My Son's House. Many say it is not the little things that count, but O My children, these little things are adding up fast. They will culminate in a vast explosion and a separation in My Son's House..........We do not wish division in My Son's House. United your will stand, and divided you will fall. (vol I page 567)
My children, listen well to the direction of My Mother. My Mother has gone throughout your world through countless eras of earth-time crying out in a voice coming from the very depths of Her Mother's heart to you, Her children, to turn from your present course that is setting you onto your own destruction. When the world and My Church unite as one, know that the end has been reached.............You have set the stage now for the full capitulation of My House by the group under the synagogue of satan. As Judas's, you conspire in disobedience against your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. Know that there is no honor among thieves and murderers. And woe to the man who murders the body, but double woe to the man who destroys the spirit! (vol I page 568)
You will go forward in the days ahead, retiring from your world that has been given to satan. Do not allow your parish doors to close, My children. By your example, unify as a parish group and you will patch the cracks. Do not lose faith in My Mass; it is valid. Many may distort, but it is valid. Many may distort, bit it is valid, I say. When a legally-ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church conducts this Mass, it is valid, I say. (vol I page 569)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - The lessons of your Faith have been given to you for all time without change. My Son is forever, for God is, God was, and God always will be. My Son is your God in the Father and the Holy Ghost. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of the Trinity. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of My Son's Divinity. Do not recrucify My Son upon your earth and in His Church, His House. You call upon you a heavy hand of punishment from the Eternal Father............All manner of evil is being condoned with permissiveness by the pastors in My Son's House. All manner of abominations are being committed in My Son's House. Clean out the errors, restore the light within My Son's House, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it...........My children, the forces of evil are gathering within the Eternal City of Rome. They exercise great control over the human element, and satan now exercises great control over the supernatural. The Eternal Father will allow him his time, as you will be tested as mettle in the fires. Shall you bend, in your free will, your human free will, shall you bend the cross and distort it into a cross of mankind? Shall you bend My Son's Cross? O evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of you?
Like sheep fast plunging for the slaughter, you await eternal damnation as you have cast aside your Faith. You have opened the doors for the entrance of all manner of heretics and evil in My Son's House. O ye of little faith, whatever shall become of ye? ...........You must now make your choice. The time is now! What was to happen in the future shall be now! The sides are now being divided. My Son's House is now being divided. Shall you restore it now while you have time, or shall you accept slaughter within your country; death, death in such magnitude that there will not be time nor people to bury your dead? The Ball of Redemption will soon be upon mankind, and many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 570)
There is a massive web of evil now fanning out from a nucleus of power. There is a plan now to engulf your world into a united center of power with a central head of man, man uniting all nations into a common dictatorship, man seeking to discard My House and set up one to his own liking and nature. I allow you to proceed but for a short time............Pastors in My House, I look upon you and find your wanting. I do not have to single you out, each and every one, and divide you now on your merit. You are already dividing yourselves into two camps. There will be great discord and struggle and trial within My House, and there will be great discord, struggle, and trial among the human race.............Turn about and maintain a true renewal of your spirit, O pastors. I have looked upon you and found you wanting. You will cleanse My House of the heretics, the errors, the fallacies, and the liars that you have allowed to enter upon it. You will cleanse it and set My House straight, or I shall come among you and send you out of My House into the fires of eternal damnation. (vol I page 572)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - Michael is the guardian of the Faith, of My Church, must be returned! You have cast aside your guardian and opened My doors to all manner of heretics and liars! You must not accept the word of a communist, for they are not of your God but they are followers of darkness. (vol I page 577)
My Mother has given you My way. It is a simple road that must be followed. The rules have been given to you that must not be changed, as you cater to the basic carnal nature of man, a generation that has fallen! You will not make changes within My House for you have dispersed My sheep. You will restore My House to its former glory! Strip your hearts of your pride! Recognize your errors and restore My House!..................I say this to you for your Creator, as your God; restore My House or I shall come down and restore it Myself with a firm hand! And shall you stand before Me, O Pastors, and say that your teachings have been pure in My sight? I shall take you and spit you out as spittle into the fires of eternal damnation! Vermin that came out of the flowers! (vol I page 578)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - Arrogance and pride has made man close his eyes and become blind to what is happening. Because of his sin, he has been allowed to be blinded. Satan gathers his army of souls, fallen souls, lukewarm souls, and man of price, to bring about the downfall of My House, My Church. But I say unto you, as your God: The gates of hell shall not open wide enough and empty fast enough to destroy My Church. (vol I page 580)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - There are many novelties, there are many abominations and offenses being committed in My Son's Houses throughout the world. Man has given himself to experimentation and humanism, and man has not learned from his past or listened to his past Vicars, the Popes of old, who warned of the approach of heresy and modernism. You were given the measures to be guided by to prevent the entrance of the antichrist into your world and into My Son's Church. But man of God, followers of the cross, you cast the cross down and stomp upon it! (vol II page 19)
It will do nothing constructive, at this time, to expound upon you, to you, the names of those who have caused the greatest chaos in My House, My Church. Far be it from any human to set a judgment upon another, for those who have been given the power to destroy souls within My House shall receive a judgment beyond any human words to describe, or feelings to understand. (vol II page 20)
My children, there are all manners of heretics in My House, a delusion of uniting all within My House. It is an error, and it will bring the shutting of many doors of My House. ..............You cannot change My House so that man will accept it in his liking. You must change man to be acceptable to his God. No man is above the Eternal Father. He permits you to go upon your way so that your final destructive act will turn about and send you deep down into the abyss. (vol II page 21)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - We ask you from Heaven not leave, not create a schism from your main body in Rome. You must remain within My Son's Church and pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Satan and his agents have entered in full battle upon My Son's Church. Satan has entered into the highest ranks within My Son's Church and the world. He will manipulate powers, provincials, until he brings about a great Chastisement, because man will not listen and mend his ways. (vol II page 23)
MARCH 18, 1977 - - My children, you must speak out about the evils that are allowed to be perpetrated in My Son's House. All manners of abominations are taking place. Your country and many nations of the world have given themselves over to sexuality and perversion. Sin has become a way of life among you. (vol II page 26)
O My children, pray much! We do not want to see a division in My Son's House. The Roman Catholic Church must remain one! But this does not mean, as the church of man states, you will bring all manner of heretics and separated brethren in. No, My children, that is an error, a delusion from satan. You cannot change My Son's House and bring these in and change for them! They must change and come back to the original rule give by My Son and those who were with Him in the building of the foundation..................I repeat, My child and My children: Separated brethren must change. They have protested in the past; they have taken themselves away from the truth and this one true Church. They must reject the errors they have made in the past and come back and start again. They cannot bring their errors into My Son's House...................You are opening the doors now for all manner of heretics, separated brethren. They do not come to unite in good spirit and heart; they come to take over. They seek to change, O pastors, who are being deluded. And what do I see in My Son's House but separated brethren upon His pulpit! Even from the temples, the synagogues of satan, upon His pulpit! And for what? (vol II page 28)
APRIL 2, 1977 - We see a church of man being built, a church that has no angels guiding it, a church that is made, as the true Church of My Son is being chipped away at, undermined by My Son's own priests! How dare you debase My Son's heritage by allowing all evil to be condoned in His Church! (vol II page 31)
Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. Penance, atonement and sacrifice I beg of you. Be examples of piety and purity, My children. There is not much holiness left in My Son's House. Do not leave My Son's House. The foundation is strong, though the walls are cracking. Won't you help patch these cracks?..........The gates of hell shall never be triumphant against My Son's House. Persevere and you will win your crown. The separation of the sheep and the goats will continue as evil accelerates...........Children of the world starving for the light and the truth, I am the Way. I am the Light, and My Church is the light for mankind now, even though My own pastors have darkened it by their actions and their avarice and their greed and their vanity and pride! Know that when they have given over My Church to the world, and as satan deludes them to unite all into a one-world religion and a one-world government you are enslaved and it is the end! (vol II page 32)
APRIL 9, 1977 - My children, what manner of abomination is being committed in My Son's House? Can you not cry with Him, suffer with Him on His way to the cross? No! Demons have entered into My Son's House. They claim the human body to use them to defile My Son's House until evil men of the cross are setting a church up, now, a church of man with no angels guiding them, with no supernatural intervention from Heaven guiding them This church of man shall be built on naturalism, modernism, and humanism............We look upon you, My children, and find that you are consorting with astrologers, sorcerers, paganism, even bringing this way of life into My Son's Church! Like pagans, you dance down the aisles during the Holy Sacrifice! Like pagans you come undressed, My children, to the Holy Sacrifice! You conduct yourselves without respect or love. (vol II page 35)
MAY 14, 1977 - Do not be deluded, My children, by the agents of satan among you in human form who preach doctrines of devils. The truth has been given to mankind through the ages. The Holy Roman Catholic Church of My Son will stand. The members shall be reduced to few. Only a remnant, My child, shall carry the banner Faithful and True. But the gates of hell shall fight a heavy battle against My Son's Church, but they shall not succeed. (vol II page 39)
My House has become a meeting ground of robbers and thieves, self-seeking, instruments of satan. Many are selling their souls to get to the head. And what do they gain? What does it matter if you gain all the treasures that the earth has to give you, for you come over the veil with nothing. You will go out as you came in, bare! But those who are of knowledge prepare to come over the veil, and they gather as ransom for their souls the graces I have given knowledge to you of, graces that you reject! I say unto you: Heaven, Paradise was created for all who seek it, but many are called, but few are chosen.................The Eternal Father waits for you to reverse your ways. The Eternal Father waits for you to restore My House to its former glory. Stop running about seeking another master, while you pile up riches of gold and silver that shall melt in the firmaments; while you gather power, and what power do you have but for the destruction of mankind?................My children, parents of the young, remember: You have nothing to gain but sorrow if you neglect the rearing of your children in sanctity and holiness. Do not expect to find this holiness in My House now, My children, but do not run away. Stay and fight! Retain My Church! The numbers will be reduced to the few, but better, My children, there is quality of few instead of quantity with nothing. (vol II page 41)
MAY 28, 1977 - While man cries peace he goes farther from peace. Peace, love and brotherhood! Words, I say unto you! Lip-service from mankind! That is all! What comes from the heart is darkness and evil! Even in the hearts of men in the highest places in My Church, they conspire with enemies of their God. The faith is weak. (vol II page 48,49)
MAY 30, 1977 - My children, you will pray for your priests, your clergy, but do not be fooled by those who have fouled their habits. Restore My Son's Church to its former glory. My children, do not abandon your children now when they need you. (vol I page 50)
JUNE 4, 1977 - Apathy among the clergy have closed the doors to My Son's Houses! Please, My children, awaken from your slumber and see the road that you have set yourselves upon by sin and avarice and pride! Turn back now! I plead to you as your Mother: Turn back now as the time is growing short!!! (vol II page 54)
JUNE 16, 1977 - Satan, the master of deceit and the prince of darkness, has entered into the highest places of My Son's Church, and into the highest places of the governors of all the earth's kingdoms until those who make the rules for nations have given over the nations to abomination. (vol I page 57)
My Church, My House upon earth, shall not crumble by the onslaught of satan! It will be a good and just battleground allowed by the Eternal Father for separation of the wheat from the chaff. The harvest shall be great, and all that is rotten shall fall! And the chaff shall be gathered and cast into the fires! The numbers to be saved shall be counted in the few, not better, My children, a few with quality than quantity with nothingness. (vol II page 58)
JULY 15, 1977 - All who have received the Holy Spirit have consecrated hands. And I say unto you none but legally ordained priests in My House shall bring My Body to the multitudes! No woman shall stand in the Holy Place! No woman shall vie or compete for ruler ship in My House. I say unto you, you must go back and read the commandments of the Eternal Father; you must go back and read the rules that Paul gave you. You cast aside and you write another book, a bible, a tome; you write it to suit your own basic, carnal, human nature.
The way has been given to you in the past, and the way does not change. It is a simple way. The rules have been given, and you change them for what? Were they imperfect? Have you considered the Eternal Father to be in error? I say unto you, you blaspheme in your consecration. I say unto you, you will return My House to the former status of honor, glory, discipline. You must, as shepherds, give a firm example of holiness..................There was great unity in My House upon earth, but man became unpious, unholy, and with itching ears he has listened to doctrines set forth by demons. Now, My shepherds, you will close your ears to your modernists and those who seek change and who will build a church of man. No, I say unto you, this shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father! You are permitted a long rule for reason. The Eternal Father hopes, in His merciful heart, that you will come out of your slumber and see the light. You are walking in darkness............My children, you will all recognize the faces of evil. Satan has entered into the highest ranks of My Church. Pray now for your priests, your bishops, your cardinals, your clergy. Many prayers are needed, for many are on, now, the road to perdition and taking many others with them. (vol II page 65)
My children, do not cast aside your sacramentals. They are your armor in the days ahead. Do not desert My Church. Do not judge it by the man who has stood there in ignorance or in pride and changed it until it will almost be unrecognizable. I am still with you, My children. Do not leave. You must stay and fight. In this manner, My children, shall the sheep be separated from the goats. It is a form of cleansing. (vol II page 66)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, I have repeated over and over that if you return to the rule and discipline as given by My Son, you must now have a rule of the cross and not of man. You must read the Bible and act upon it. Cast not aside the teachings of the founders of My Son's Church. Saint Paul, you revile and deride him. You cast him aside, and why? So that you can write and rewrite the words of your God to suit your own basic carnal human natures. (vol II page 68)
My children, My heart bleeds; I cry bitter tears to see the manner in which mankind has reduced My Son's House of worship and adoration to a meeting place of all manner of demons and abomination, defilement of My Son's eternal Body and Blood. .............My children, the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's House. My Son is always with you. If you are seeking Him, He shall not abandon you, My little children. Ask and you will be given the way; believe and you will find the light. .........My children, unless you restore My Son's House to its former glory, with holiness and piety, discipline and dedication, the doors will close, for a House in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol II page 69)
Many of My clergy are on the road to perdition and taking many trusting souls with them. It is a knife in My Heart that satan has been allowed to enter into My Church, but now My Mother has been given, as a Mediatrix between God and man, the knowledge and power from Heaven to gather Our armies of little saints upon earth. And it will be these people, humble, of little means, but with full hearts, who will go forward and restore My Church............Pious X: Keep the Faith. Modernism must be cast out. Heretics must be set loose, but they cannot be retained. My children, you must listen while there is time. Restore the House of your God. Do not defile and commit abominations in the House of your God much longer, for you have been tested, and all that is rotten shall be cast out. (vol II page 70)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - My children, your world has cast aside the knowledge, the existence of the supernatural. Your leaders and even those pastors in My Son's House have laughed at the supernatural. They cast Michael out of My Son's Church, and now satan is in His Church! It is satan now who rules within My Son's Church and the world. He has been given his time now to claim his own., All that is rotten shall fall. The vinedresser, My Son, shall shake the vine, and all that is rotten shall fall! (vol II page 83)
You must chase satan from My Son's Church. You must do everything in your human nature to dispel him from My Son's Church and your country and the countries of earth. It is to your advantage to listen and act upon My counsel, or you will cry bitter tears of regret when it is too late! (vol II page 84)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - I accept, with a stricken heart, the abominations that are being committed in My House. Satan was allowed to enter. Man chose to take Michael, the guardian of Faith, from My House; and the doors then swung wide open to admit the prince of darkness and his realm of corruption and evil...............My children, satan has entered into the highest places of government and the highest positions in My Church. They too will feel the sword. (vol II page 89)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - Because of the major role the city of New York plays in the world governments and the governing of your nation, the United States, My child, it is for this reason that satan chose that area for his start to bring into your country a full overthrow of Christian belief. It is his endeavor now to replace the Church of My Son with the church of satan. (vol II page 90)
Do not be fooled by their outward appearance of piousness and holiness, for many of them will come as angels of light, but they have ravenous hearts of wolves. They are the wolves in sheep's garments, and sad to say, My children, I find many of these are in My House, My Church upon earth.........Throughout the earth-years of time, I have given direction, through the Holy Spirit, for the course of My Church, but man, as in the time of Lucifer in Heaven, man in power, has decided to take it upon himself to go above His Creator, seeking to create life, seeking to accept the knowledge of life and use it to destroy, until the world has created a force of executioners from hell...........There will be degradation, for the morals of your country are being destroyed. There will be no honor, for there is no honor among thieves; and there are thieves who have stolen into My House, My Church. They are robbers, seeking to destroy My children. (vol II page 91)
I cannot at this time give you the full import of the existence of this web of evil throughout the world. It is the major plan of satan to bring about a complete one world government and a one world religion. And it will not be of My Son. It will be a church of man based on humanism, modernism, and satanism. O My children, if I could only open the doors of the world and set your eyes to see what We see now being perpetrated in My Son's Houses throughout the world! It is no wonder that I cry bitter tears of pity, for you know not what you do, and you know not what the future holds for you!...............Already, in many of My Son's Churches, side by side, are they sacrificing My Son, and also satan sacrifices unwilling victims to his black mass. My children, you must fight to retain the divinity of My Son, and not have satan encroach upon it. It is a war far worse than man has ever seen in history. These are the days spoken of and written of by the prophets of old. (vol II page 90)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - Charity has grown cold in the hearts of most. And those who profess a vocation in the clergy have become neither lukewarm nor active, but they go downstream to their destruction like ducks, neither caring whether the abominations destroy souls in My House. They call forth the heavy hand of the Father upon them! All manners of violations to all humanism and dignity is taking place even within the portals of My Church, violations against sanctity. (vol II page 94)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - My children, understand: You cannot have two masters. One you will love and the other you will hate. Has My Son become now hated in your world, one to be mocked and scorned anew? Has My Son's Church met now with a new ruler? Have you torn down My Son's Church and erected one of man? Yes, I say unto you: Your time is short. (vol II page 96)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My child, My heart is greatly saddened by the evil that has entered into the hearts of the priest of My Son's Church upon earth. I have asked and begged those who have the knowledge and light to go forward in prayer, in charity of heart, giving the Message from Heaven to all, including the priests in My Son's House. And now I cry bitter tears of remorse, because now satan has full control of My Son's House. The gauge was metered by the desecration being committed now to My Son's Body. (vol II page 100,101)
My heart is torn, My children, at the manner in which you do honor to My Son in His House! The angels demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice of My Son. A woman must have her head covered. It is the command of the angels who are present at the Holy Sacrifice. All flesh and nakedness shall burn with the Ball of Redemption. Cover your bodies! They are temples of the Holy Ghost! (vol II page 101)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - One day, My Church shall be restored to its former glory. The light of truth shall return. But, My children, it will be a great battle before that day. We are lining up now the armies of light, and satan has gathered his agents, the army of darkness. You will all be given the opportunity to choose your side. Vol II page 107)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - I cry bitter tears of sorrow. I ask all My children to save My Son's House, His Church upon earth. And how may this be accomplished? By prayer, My children; by good example; constructive criticism. You cannot give full confidence to satan or his agents. You cannot expect another to take your part in this battle of the spirits. Each and every one of conscionable age must now go forward as a bearer of truth and light. These days, My children are the days that had been spoken of and written of by the prophets of old. (vol II page 109)
The practice of the black mass, abominations, corruption being promoted even within your teaching institutions and this does not mean that I can look upon the corruption in My House, My Church, and condone it with permissiveness, I say unto you, O pastors, you will awaken from your slumber now, for your sheep are straying. A House, a church in darkness, wears a band of death about it! All that is rotten shall fall from the vine; for I, your God, shall shake the vine, for I am the vinedresser. (vol II page 110)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - There are secret societies now upon earth. They are all under the direction of satan. I command you as the Eternal Father commands you, and the Spirit of Light, I command you as your God that you shall not worship false idols and gods, such as gods of nature. I command you as your God to rid those who create the evil and the destruction of souls, to rid them from My House, My Church. All that is rotten will fall. ............The present leaders of My Church in the city of Rome, in your arrogance you have set up My Church without honor, without holiness! In the name of peace and brotherhood, you have whittled away the foundation. I am the foundation! You must now rebuild My Church, for a church in darkness wears a band of death about it. I say unto you: It is better that there are few with quality than quantity with nothingness. (vol II page 113)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - My children, I repeat: Do not leave your parish church but remain as an example. The Eucharist, My Son, is always with you. Comfort Him, as His heart is torn by the many abominations being committed in His House and by many of His clergy. (vol II page 117)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - In the diabolical conspiracy, worldwide now, against My Son and His Church, there are leaders, and these leaders reach into the youth of your nation with a diabolical plan from satan. Man has paganized himself, and he seeks to set up new idols to worship. (vol II page 120)
MARCH 15, 1978 - My children, I repeat again: You must not abandon your parish churches. We do not want the doors to shut. You must remain there and suffer with My Son and set a good example. The enemies of your God, in many forms, with many names, go about the world now with a major plan of destruction for My Son's Church. (vol II page 127)
The greatest strength for parents in your so-called modern civilization is the knowledge that the eventual triumph over this evil will be for Heaven. Even My Church shall come out of the conflagration renewed. (vol II page 128)
MARCH 18, 1978 - We will not tolerate division in My Church. Satan knows to divide is to conquer. The captains always remain upon the ship, even when it is sinking. The strong, those with faith, shall bail it out, the ship; keep it afloat until help arrives from Heaven. ................All manner of heretics and unbelievers seek to enter My House, My Church upon earth. You must not compromise the Faith, for you will not win souls by lowering the standards. I gave you through the prophets the rule, the way, for I am the way, the truth and the light! ..........O you hypocrites in My House, you who teach fallacy, errors and lies, whatever shall become of you? Shall I abandon you to your sin? If I abandon you, you will gain a reprobate sense, and you shall be destroyed in your folly. (vol I page 132)
You have been given many warnings in the past, and you are receiving a final warning to return My Church to its former glory. Experimentation must stop. Humanism and modernism is a creation of satan in My House! A delusion has been set upon you. Your heads are out in the clouds, fogged. You are like ducks floating fast downstream to the brink, the edge. You are playing follow the leader. It is a game of destruction. Turn back now while there is time! (vol II page 133)
APRIL 1, 1978 - My children, My Son's Church is passing through a terrible crisis. Please do not abandon it in these days of darkness, but stay and fight with prayers, good deeds, works of mercy and good example. (vol II page 138)
MAY 3, 1978 - There will be gnashing of teeth and much woe set upon the earth by 666, satan and his consorts. Protect your families, your children. Eat of the Bread of Life. Do not allow My Church to close. I repeat, a church in darkness wears a band of death about it. But you can save My Church by your prayers and your efforts. (vol II page 144)
MAY 13, 1978 - My child, they converse of the secret that I gave at Fatima. It is a simple explanation. It could not be fully revealed because of the drastic nature of My message. How I warned and warned that satan would enter into the highest realms of the Hierarchy in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that satan would enter into My Son's Church. vol II page 146)
See, My child and My children, the sufferings inflicted anew upon My Son. These sufferings are increasing daily by the blasphemy and the abominations being committed in His House upon earth, His Church. His divine presence has been sullied. Pray, My children, for your brothers and sisters who are in deep spiritual darkness. Pray, for hell is fast filling up and purgatory is overflowing with souls. So few are entering into the Kingdom without long stays in purgatory. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children.(vol II page 147)
Do not expect your clergy now to save your children and your families. It is your responsibility now. Satan is in My Son's Church. Michael was cast out. And now satan has free rein to roam. (vol II page 148)
MAY 20, 1978 - There are many deceptions taking place among you, and one being the falsification of the manner of the salvation of souls. When I was upon earth, I established the rules and I gave you My Church, My House. However now I watch as many have gone forward with itching ears and novelty, and they are setting upon the world a new religion. Though their hearts may have started with good intent this novelty and experimentation. My children, I assure you, what you are calling Pentecostals and calling down upon you the 'Spirit' It is a devious and insidious evil created by satan to take away from you the knowledge and the need for the institutionalized Church. (vol II page 150)
My children, you must understand that many are called but few are chosen. I cry from this knowledge, for it is My purpose to come to you as your Mother to save all of Our children,. But this has never come to a reality because, My children, many have allowed their hearts to become hardened. Their ears are closed, and they only open their ears to listen to all the heresy, to all of the modernism and humanistic tendencies, even coming to them from their teachers, even in My Son's Church, His House upon earth. (vol II page 152)
MAY 27, 1978 - My Son is the door to His Church. Unless people enter this door to visit with My Son, they shall not receive a grace. Because many who enter are thieves and robbers, not only seeking to destroy souls, to steal souls from the Eternal Father for satan, but they seek after worldly treasures, My Son's House is becoming a den of thieves. My Son calls to you as His faithful and true disciples to rid His House of these thieves who despoil His Body. ...........I have visited My Son's House seeing all of the abominations being committed in the name of peace, love and brotherhood, a delusion and deception upon mankind from satan, no love or peace shall come to mankind unless he places his God first and above all men or man. (vol II page 152)
My children, your doctrines of faith have been given to you, the dogmas of your religion, and you cannot change them without bringing destruction upon yourself and My Son's Church.........Many victim souls are being offered to slow the disintegration of My Church in Rome. I say disintegration, because the red armies are gathering within the portals. As My Mother has counseled you, My children, many have sold their souls to get to the head. How many times have I shouted warnings to My Hierarchy. How many times has My Mother passed among you, crying out to you, crying from the rooftops. My children, She has shouted, for the day is upon you now and the darkness is growing deeper, darkness of the spirit...........(vol II page 153)
The way, a simple way, was given to mankind. I gave the keys to the pastors of My Church, My House upon earth, and these keys have been tarnished through greed and avarice and the lust for power. My House now is producing bad fruit, and I shall soon shake the tree. All that is rotten shall fall! Remember, My children, the world and My Church shall not be as one. Conform and you will die on the vine! ...............I ask you this: Do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you. (vol II page 154)
MAY 30, 1978 - Because as a generation you have given yourselves over to sin and abominations even reaching into the House, the Church of My Son, you bring upon yourselves a just punishment. All who remain of well spirit will have nothing to fear. They will go through the approaching trials with great confidence and love for My Son. ..........The Church of My Son, that is being stripped of all holiness, shall emerge with the world and the world's leaders, to be directed for a short time by satan. (vol II page 155)
My children, as parents you must now protect your children. My Son's House, His Church, is being stripped of all holiness, the destruction of its doctrine, tradition, paving the way for the ultimate goal of those in the power of satan to destroy My Son's Church by creating a church of man. They are rebuilding slowly while awaiting the next conclave. They are preparing the way for the destruction of all mankind, for when the Church and the world become as one, you will know that the end has come for mankind. (vol II page 156)
My Church, My House upon earth, is undergoing a great crisis; however no evil shall ever be triumphant, it is a time of testing for all mankind, and all who have developed itching ears, adopting new doctrines and ways that are akin to modernism shall find themselves fast plunging into error and deceit and death. The wages of all sin is death. My children, pray for your bishops and your cardinals. Be a good example to all. I ask you to remain in your parish churches for reason. Accept the cross, the suffering that you must persevere in. ........... I do not want new churches arising all over the land and throughout the world, for united you can stand, but divide and you will truly fall! Satan wished division within My House...........My children, you will pray again, making your life a constant time of prayer. There is not time to seek worldly pursuits and glory and power and riches. They will all be nothing soon. Your greatest strength shall be your Faith. For many shall face a great test, wishing for death in the turmoil ahead. (vol II page 158)
JUNE 10, 1978 - I ask you again not to abandon your parish churches. You will maintain the papacy in Rome. I tell you anew that 666 now is in Rome. Do not judge My Son's Church by His pastors in their human nature they can err, however, as legitimate legally ordained Roman Catholic priests they will bring My Son to you if you come seeking Him at the tabernacles of the world. The Mass is valid, I say unto you! (vol II page 163)
JUNE 18, 1978 - My children, in the past My Church, My people have gone through crucibles of suffering, but I say unto you; My House, My Church upon earth is passing through a trial far greater than any in past history. Lucifer and his agents now are working with diligence and are most successful at this moment in their striving to topple the seat of Peter and to place in Rome a pope that is the anti-pope of history. (vol II page 168)
JULY 15, 1978 - I have asked you, My suffering little children, to remain in your parish churches. Pray and be an example. Do not abandon My Son's Houses in your district. For while the doors are open, and My Son is the door though thieves have entered and robbers,, My Son is the door, and if you come through that door you will be received with the light. (vol II page 170)
JULY 25, 1978 - In your well meaning actions of opening My Son's Church to all without conversion, you have allowed yourself to associate with heretics and unbelievers, in this manner you are compromising your Faith. My children, recognize what is happening now in My Son's Church. (vol II page 173)
Parents must protect their children now. Do not depend even upon your clergy to safeguard your children's souls. Satan now is doing great battle in My Son's House upon earth. He shall not be victorious; however, it is a test now for all mankind. You will be guided by reading the Bible, the Book of Life. And I repeat again for all mankind to hear: Conform to the world and its sin and you will die on the vine! (vol II page 174)
The clergy upon earth, in all denominations, cannot give themselves over for experimentation, change with errors. For many souls shall be lost to Heaven. Clergy in My Son's House in Rome, under the direction of the Seat of Peter, you must recognize that the world is closing in upon you, and you will die on the vine if you conform with it............Convert the unbeliever. All Heaven cries for conversion. Do not go forward with the delusion any longer that you will bring souls into My Son's House, His Church, by change. You will find you will lose souls, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. ............The human nature of man is corruptible, and when this corruption flows into the soul, the spirit, then what shall a man do but become a stooge, an agent of hell. Many, for the love of power and money, have given themselves over to being Judas's in My Church, My House. No man is hidden from the eyes of the Eternal Father, for He has counted each hair on your head. .............My children, continue to follow the counsel of My Mother. All of the saints and the angels of Heaven shall come with you to aid you in this war of the spirits. Soon My clergy must make a decision; shall they build now a church of man and replace My House upon earth. No angels are guiding their movements. No angels shall rescue them from the pits of hell. Awaken, My clergy, for your heads are in the clouds! (vol II page 175)
AUGUST 5, 1978 - Lucifer is the prince of darkness and the father of all heresy and liars. I say this with great anguish, for Lucifer has entered into My Church, My Household. The battle is great upon earth, and when the battle reaches into My Church, it will be a testing ground for all of the earth and the world. For when My Church and the world become one, know that the end is at hand. (vol II page 179)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - O My children, through countless earth-years I counseled you to prepare My Son's House, His Church upon earth, for this fight with Lucifer. From the beginning of man's creation by the Eternal Father, the day was to come for this battle of the spirits. The Eternal Father has a plan for all mankind. However, man must now do full battle with the supernatural world of satan, who is Lucifer and his agents............ O My children, what will happen in Rome shall be meted to mankind for the darkness of spirit that has entered upon My Son's House, His Church, and into the heart of mankind. (vol II page 180)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - My children, My Son's Church is being fired upon by satan. As I warned you in the past, Lucifer has entered My Son's House, His Church, to do battle now, as he knows he has been given but a short time to work his will among mankind, as he is the prince of darkness and the prince of the world now. Each and every soul placed upon earth by the Eternal Father has been given a mission to fight Lucifer and his agents and return victorious to Heaven from whence the Eternal Father has created you. (vol II page 183)
My Son has counseled you, and I repeat anew: If you conform to the world, you will die on the vine! My Son is the vine, and you are the branches. The Eternal Father directs all. A good tree will not promote bad fruit. My children, understand My counsel. By their fruits are they known. All that is rotten shall fall. Though they be few in number, My Son's Church shall stand, as My Son is the foundation..............There are many who are being misled, led astray. Remember, My children, the road to hell is often paved by good intentions. You must not accomplish, or try to accomplish, anything in relation to movements within My Son's Church now, without prayer and direct counsel from Heaven, for Lucifer is waiting to take over the Seat of Peter. ............There will be many manifestations given to those who have taken over the role as disciples of the latter days for My Son. The people must now save My Son's Church. This battle upon earth has been given now to the people, and through the people shall you bring back My Son's Church to its former position of holiness, piety and numerous entrances into the vocations. Many holy priests are needed.............I beg you, pastors in My Son's House, to wash your garments in suffering and prayer, for you have sullied them in your quest for worldly power and riches. You must divest yourself of all self-seeking, and return My Son's House and gather the sheep into one fold, but not gather them at the expense of Tradition. (vol II page 184)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - In the city of Rome there will be great confusion and trial. Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the year 1972. He cut off the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. Lucifer has controlled Rome and continues this control now. And I tell you, My children, unless you pray and make My council known to all of the ruling fathers of the Eternal City of Rome, My Son's Church, His House, will be forced into the catacombs. A great struggle lies ahead for mankind. The eventual outcome is for good of all, for this trial in My Son's Church will be a true proving ground for all the faithful. Many latter day saints shall rise out of the tribulation....................You must stand forth as bearers of the light, carriers of the truth. You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son Jesus. Though man in his arrogance and pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it forward. Retain the Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind. (vol II page 186)
My child and My children, make it known to all that the road to Heaven was never easy, but you can make it much easier upon yourselves and your families if you follow the rules, if you follow the commandments from the Eternal Father. The changes that We see taking place in My House and upon earth are not good, for many souls are falling into hell. And a great measure of responsibility now is with those who have been called to the holy orders, who have given themselves to represent Me upon earth. Shall I say that I have found many Judas's now within My House? Cannot this situation be changed................There is only one way that this can be stopped, this evil that has seeped into My House and into the hearts of all mankind. You must stop now your seeking for change and novelty. You must restore My Church to its former glory. Admit your error. Do no conceal this with pride and arrogance. (vol II page 187)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer must be kept throughout your country and the world. Do not abandon My Son in His Church. Do not be deluded by those who call the Mass invalid. My Son is there. He does not want the doors to close in His Houses, His Church, for He is the door. Though robbers and thieves often enter, He is still the door. Come and seek Him in His House. You will not be abandoned, My children. Only the man of sin shall be given over to a reprobate sense............I warn all bishops and cardinals that they are deluded in their efforts to bring about a one-rule under one shepherd. The one shepherd you seek shall not be man. My Church, My House upon earth, is being torn asunder by the countless antics of man in rule in Rome. (vol II page 190)
I do not intend to act as a hammer upon the heretics who have entered My Church, the deceivers, those not of the Faith who entered to destroy. My Mother shall direct this battle. Lucifer and his agents are in Rome now. Do you not know what this means? Are you so blinded that you do not know of the power of Lucifer? My children, My pastors, awaken from your slumber! While you sleep the sheep have run away. Save your own souls, for you have brought scandal into My Church. (vol II page 191)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - Do not forget that St, Michael has been removed for your churches for reason. Michael is the guardian of the Faith. He must be returned to My Son's Church for protection. (vol II page 194)
My child and My children, I am not intending to go through a long discourse with you on the present state of My Church in Rome. Suffice it to say that 666, Lucifer and his agents, will make a concerted effort to dethrone the present Vicar. In his plan, the plan of Lucifer, he seeks to unite My Church with the world, and this I shall not permit. (vol II page 195)
You are blinded, My Hierarchy. You seek to bring all into My Church, but this must be by conversion. You are allowing all manner of heretics and the antichrist forces to enter among you. You are being deceived. Awaken from your slumber...............A great battle is taking place now within My Church and in all corners of the earth and countries. If the evil accelerates farther, it will be necessary for divine intervention, is this what you want, My children? Can you never learn from your past? Your nation, My children, the United States and Canada and many nations of the world - and I shall say now, your nations of earth - have given themselves over now to paganism and atheism and all manner of "isms" that spell destruction for mankind. (vol II page 196)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - I ask parents to restore discipline to their homes. I demand My pastors to restore discipline to My Church upon earth. You will not convert the masses, but you will set yourselves to be destroyed by the enemies of God, because you do not pray, because you do not seek means of mortification. I say unto you, as your God, in the name of your Creator, that as you sow, so shall you reap; and many of you are preparing to reap the whirlwind! (vol II page 203)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - Even in My Son's Churches I have watched My children approaching the Sacred Species, My Son's Body and Blood, His Divinity, being desecrated by young women, young men, and even middle aged, wearing satan's emblems. How foolish you are not to recognize the cross and the sacramentals given by the institutionalized churches, the Roman Catholic Church of My Son, even though sadly I have often cried at the many denominations that come from the first Church of My Son. However, the cross is your salvation, and many of My children are wearing Lucifer's symbols. You wear a horn about your neck, and you say it is the Italian horn of plenty. It is not!! It is the horn of Lucifer! (vol II page 205)
You will alert, as followers of My Son, Jesus, those in His Church who have fallen asleep, the bishops and the cardinals. And sad to say, My children, the ugly hand of communism has reached in to desecrate the Body of My Son in His own Church. You must remember, as man goes about the world crying peace, love and brotherhood, he sets up governments liberalizing the masses, called socialism. And it does not operate under the true cross of My Son Jesus, but is used as a front to entice like a spider with his web those unsuspecting souls who are looking for peace, peace of heart, peace of spirit, which they cannot find in their present world because the leaders have fallen asleep. (vol II page 205,206)
You have been given, My children, these warnings in preparation for the plan of the Luciferians to take over fully your country and the world. You must act upon this, I have given your armor to you. You have prayer, you have My Son. Do not accept false messiahs going throughout the world. Do not reject the institutionalized Church of My Son, just because there are some who have lost the way, just because some have entered into My Son's Church to bring about discredit and destroy from within. Do not judge My Son's Church by the man and the men who run it, but remember; My Son is always with you. (vol II page 206)
Do not abandon My Son any longer by rejecting His Church. Do not judge My Son's Church by man. The foundation is My Son, Jesus. And though the walls may develop cracks, the foundation is solid. Will you not remain and patch these cracks, My children? We do not wish that you break apart into small groups of discord. No schisms must take place in My Son's Church. For all who are baptized a Roman Catholic must die Roman Catholics to enter Heaven. A rejection of the Papacy, a rejection of the Faith, because of human reasoning shall not be accepted by the Eternal Father in Heaven. Remain faithful and true forever unto the end. (vol II page 207)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - Many are now selling their souls upon earth to get to the head. Like thirty pieces of silver. I hear the clink of coins being tossed to sell out My Church. Remember, O pastors, the day shall come when you shall stand before Me in judgment, and shall you say to Me that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I will say unto you: Away from Me, you vipers! As I cast you into the flames. (vol II page 211)
MAY 23, 1979 - The commandments of the Eternal Father were written in full; the construction of My Son's Church was directed in full. All will be found written by the founding fathers of the Church in the Bible, your Book of life and love. Pastors in My Son's Church, whatever are you seeking to reform! You had the truth, you had the light, but with itching ears you are listening to demons. (vol II page 213)
MAY 23, 1979 - My clergy, you must take yourselves out of the world; you are secularizing My Church, but you are also demonizing the sheep, subjecting them to falling into the abyss; because though the mercy of the Eternal Father is all-knowing, and His Heart is merciful, many of Our sheep are falling into the abyss because many of My priests are on the road to perdition, and taking others with them. O My children, whatever shall become of you! It will take great strength of Faith to remain true. (vol II page 215)
MAY 26, 1979 - I have asked you all not to abandon My Son's Church, but to remain; set an example of prayer and holiness. There is too little holiness now in My Son's Church, and in other denominations upon the earth. (vol II page 217)
My children, go to your Bishops and tell them that all Heaven is disturbed, and Our Hearts are torn by the laxity in attitude to pride and arrogance of the priesthood in My Son's Church. We ask for you to convert the unbelievers but not to join them, not to compromise My Son's Church. The reforms you are promoting will bring your destruction, for the sheep will leave. ............We ask that all Bishops and Cardinals refrain from promoting change and reform in My Son's Church. They must gather the peoples into the church to do honor before the Eucharist. Unless you eat of the Body of My Son, and drink His Blood, you shall not have the light in you. (vol II page 218)
JUNE 9, 1979 - You must still in your human nature not become prideful or arrogant. You must accept the counsel of the true priests who are in My Church. You cannot and must not break away and form your own groups...........I have given a procedure from the beginning of the Book of life and through to the end. You must follow fully the procedure. My Church will not be subdued though it goes through great trial now............I do not want you to leave your parish churches. I want you and counsel you as your God to remain! If you have any dispute, I ask you for the preservation of your salvation upon earth, to not cast aside the role of the priesthood as given through the Apostles, My followers.............I ask you not to judge another; you may counsel, you may give your viewpoints, but no violence must be used, and I do not want schism. I do not want any interference from separated brethren in My Church. They must be brought back. Convert the unbeliever! You must remain united with Rome.............The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church, for a cleansing will come about and all that is rotten will fall! And My Church shall be restored to its former glory! (vol II page 225)
JUNE 18, 1979 -You will all pray for your Holy Father in Rome, Pope John Paul II. There is a devious and diabolical force now trying to tear asunder My Son's Church. The laity must now go forward and save My Son's Church. (vol II page 227)
Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world. Be a good example for those in your parish church. I ask you not to abandon My Church, but to stay and fight. We ask not for physical force, but for prayer and example........You cannot condone what is wrong, but you must act to correct it. Prayer is one of the greatest weapons now for mankind to use against the forces of darkness that cover now and enshroud the whole world. (vol II page 228)
JULY 14, 1979 - There cannot be a church of My Son looking like a Quaker meeting place. It is the House of God, My children and My child; My Son's Church is a House of God and all come to honor Him. They do not come to have a social gathering...............There must be holiness returned to My Son's Church. This responsibility weighs heavily on the shoulders of the clergy, the hierarchy. I assure you, My clergy, unless you act immediately upon the counsel from Heaven, many mitres shall fall into hell. (vol II page 232)
JULY 25, 1979 - I ask you as your Mother, too, not to give in or give up in this struggle to retain a semblance of the Church of My Son upon earth. You will speak out and continue to approach the clergy in your parish. The monuments, the statues, must remain............All honor must be given to My Son in the Eucharist. Man must kneel. My Son's House is the House of God and a house of prayer, and it must not be turned into a meeting hall. ..........The enemies of God have entered even upon My Son's Church. Will you not come forward as disciples of these last days and fight for My Son to retain His Church?! (vol II page 234)
Unless you restore My House, My Church, to its former glory your doors will close, your clergy will be persecuted, and only a remnant shall be left. Is this what you want, you who consort and try to form, a socialistic church upon earth? No angels are building it with you; they are demons. (vol II page 235)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - My child and My children, a long discourse will not be given by Me, though I am certain My Mother has made it known to you quite distinctly and clearly, and understandable to My clergy in particular, that there must be a major reversal of the present trend for innovation, change and experimentation in My Church. (vol II page 238)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - You have been given My heart. I have given you the way through the prophets sent among you, countless years of earth's time. The Book of life, your Bible, must not be changed to suit the world; for when the world and My Church are united as one, you will know that the end is at hand. (vol II page 248)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - My children, I have asked you in the face of crisis, to stand firm. You must not desert your parish, or the doors will close. My Son is still in the tabernacles of the world. Do not judge My Son's Church by the antics of man, for every human can be tempted and become weak and fall, only, though, because you have offered too few prayers for your bishops and your priests, and your beloved relations soon forgotten in Purgatory. The value of penance for the repatriation of the souls in Purgatory have been forgotten, are no longer taught to the children, creating a void in their lives, a void that is being filled by the occult and satanism! (vol II page 250,251)
Your world now is insane with sin. The distinction from the Eternal Father, the distinction between man and woman, is being cast aside. The homes of many now have no anchor, no faith, no love, no God. And as in My Son's Church, I have warned you that a house in darkness wears a band of death about it, so I say unto you as your Mother each home in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol II page 251)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - Saint Michael was, is, and always will be the guardian of the Faith in My Son's Church upon earth. You must now bring him back, in sight and in sound and in prayer. For as he remains outside the portals, the portals shall crumble, the doors shall close, persecution shall abound upon your earth. (vol II page 253,254)
My children, it is a delusion for mankind to believe that a form and manner of humanism shall save the world. Modernism shall destroy the world and My Son's Church; but not the foundation, for My Son is the foundation. Though the walls may crumble, the pillars may shake, the foundation is solid; for it is My Son, and it shall be rebuilt, after the great Chastisement, to its form glory. The Eternal Father has full control over your world; though, in your free will now, He will allow you to follow your own course to destruction. (vol II page 254)
The kernels that survive in a store often fall on rocks and don't bloom and bring forth and bear fruit. But now, as I look upon My House, My Church upon earth, I find you have opened the doors to thieves and robbers. All manner of heresy abounds now in the hearts of man. You have turned from your God, and you are forming false gods of worship based on a humanistic way of life............You shall not modernize My Church. For you shall not change My Church to suit man, but you must reverse the course of man to bring him to his God. For I have given you the grace in your vocations to gather My sheep, and you have chosen to scatter them! (vol II page 255)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Do not abandon My Son's Church because of the antics, because of the personality, of some or many of My Son's representatives in the priesthood. Do not judge My Son's House, His Church, by man's reasoning. But remember; you must remain in your parish churches, partaking of the Bread of Life in the Eucharist. My Son is always with you in the Eucharist. (vol II page 258)
Michael, Saint Michael, is the guardian of My Church upon earth. And, Pastors, you must replace him! I say replace; take out your banners and pagan symbols, and bring Michael back into My Church for your protection! (vol II page 260)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - The great Chastisement of the Ball of Redemption approaches also. Minor trials shall take place, My children, must you wait until all is destroyed before you will acknowledge that you have been wrong in your procedures, in your teachings, and in your seeking for scientific renovations and novelties, even in My Son's Church upon earth? ..........There must be a complete cleansing of My Son's Church. What do you do, My children, when your house has been infested by rodents or vermin? You clean out your house. You do not abandon it; for it has taken much love and much labor to build the walls. You do not abandon it, but you work and pray, and use every means to clean out My Son's House, His Church. .................Do you understand Me, My children? I ask you not to abandon My Son's Church in the crisis of Faith now, but to keep the Bark of Peter afloat. I ask you not to remain silent when you meet with wrongdoing, but to speak out and act to correct a situation that is offensive to your God and destructive to your soul. Speak once, and if not hastened or listened to, speak no more, but pray that the Eternal Father in Heaven will open up the ears of those who have closed their hearts and their ears to the truth. (vol II page 261)
JUNE 18, 1980 - I do not intend to act as a hammer upon the heretics who have entered My Church, the deceivers, those not of the Faith who entered to destroy. My Mother shall direct this battle. Lucifer and his agents are in Rome now. Do you not know what this means? Are you so blinded that you do not know of the power of Lucifer? My children, My pastors, awaken from your slumber! While you sleep the sheep have run away. Awaken from your slumber! While you sleep the sheep have run away. Awaken and save your own souls, for you have brought scandal into My Church. (vol II page 273)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - I give you a final warning from the Eternal Father. You will turn back and restore the earth. You will turn back and restore My Church upon earth. You shall not set up a new church of man, for I shall destroy it. You shall see nations disappear from the earth in seconds. (vol II page 274)
OCTOBER 6, 1980 - The world will soon learn that there exists now another unseen world of evil that is closing in now, for satan knows that his time is growing short. As I told you in the past, My child and My children, sin is insanity, and it is only now the beginning. Unless you pray and make atonement to the Eternal Father, you will see abominations and the desecration of churches, and murders will abound until those who remain upon earth will envy the dead. (vol II page 278)
Beware of those who start a new church among you. A Roman Catholic Church, must have a legally ordained Roman Catholic Bishop, and the Old Catholic Church is not with Rome. It is a schismatic organization, and all who join these interlopers shall gain immediate excommunication by Heaven and through the legal Hierarchy of Rome. The Old Catholic Church is schismatic, and is not, and shall not use the name Roman Catholic Church. Later, My child, when you gain your strength, We will extend this message to mankind. For many shall come as angels of light and deceive the elect.........I ask you all not to abandon My Church. Do not judge My Church by the priest, for in his human nature he can err, But I assure you, I am using him, as a legally ordained priest, to bring you My Body and Blood. Do not go seeking elsewhere, for you will lose your baptismal right, and you will no longer be accepted as a Roman Catholic, and you will not enter into the highest place of Heaven, the Kingdom of Paradise, (vol II page 279)
MAY 30, 1981 - I have asked you to get down on your knees. Clergy in My Son's House, His Church, restore the altar railings that man may be on his knees. For many shall crawl on their knees in desperation seeking to flee, but nowhere shall they escape the flames. Restore My Son's Church while there is time. Return the railings. Have the people make atonement upon their knees to their God...................Why must you be like immature children, to be punished before you will be obedient to your God? Can you say, O clergy in My Son's House, and those who profess with mouths and barren hearts allegiance to Our Vicar in Rome; when he dies, you have killed him, because of your disobedience. (vol II page 282)
For to whom much is given, much is expected; and discipline and obedience means suffering and sacrifice. Unquestioning love, unquestioning obedience, that is the only way to Heaven. Accepting all suffering, and offering this for good cause. Too few know, My child. I know Theresa has given you the full discourse on the value of suffering, that one day you will release to the world when you complete your second book, That will be left for My Church. (vol II page 283)
O My children, protect your families; pray constantly a constant vigil of prayer. Not enough prayers have been offered for your clergy. Many bishops proceed onto a road that will lead them to hell, but sadly they will take others with them.........There must be a complete cleansing of My Son's Church. What do you do, My children, when your house has been infested by rodents or vermin? You clean out your house. You do not abandon it; for it has taken much love and much labor to build the walls. You do not abandon it, but you work and pray, and use every means to clean out My Son's House, His Church. (vol II page 284)
JUNE 18, 1981 - Man has the balance, man has been given in free will the balance for his own fall, or restoration of a nation to its former glory under God. Like rodents, the enemies of your God have eaten away at the foundations of the Faith. But in a short time they will be destroyed, and a new House will rise, a Church stronger in faith, and sanctity and holiness. But this cannot, My children, take place until a great Chastisement is set upon mankind. (vol II page 292)
AUGUST 14, 1981 - I have asked you in the past, and I ask and continue to beg you, My children, not to abandon your Vicar in Rome, and not to abandon your parish church. You may have discord with your pastor, you may have discord with other priests in your parish, but you must remember this, My children, if it gives you any consolation in human nature, and for their human nature you must understand; you must honor them for who they are, but not judge them for what they are or have become............My Son's Church has been laid out and the course to Heaven, the way to Heaven has been given by Him. Therefore, change causes confusion and error. When you have something beautiful, when you have a firm foundation, you don't start boring holes in it, or you will weaken it. However, I would suggest that you say that the walls have cracked, My child and My children. For the foundation is My Son, and in parable and symbolism, I say, the foundation is solid. My Son is the Church. Man may build another church, but he shall not have the angels assist him.
My heart, My Son's heart has been grieved, as We go about the world and see the carnage taking place within His Church. We can see a division bordering on schism. My children, I have asked you in the past; We cannot have this division, for it is promoted by satan. The adage of old remains forever true; United you will stand but divided you will fall............Do not judge My Son's House, His Church, by the man, though he is a representative; legal, a legal representative of My Son, in His House. He is but a human in his nature. But during the time that My Son comes to you, this man will be used through the Holy Spirit, regardless of the state of his human nature, be it sin or a saint; be it a sinner or one who has led even those astray; at the time that My Son comes in the Consecration. He shall not turn aside from you, My Son. Therefore, you cannot say the Mass is invalid. This has brought great sorrow to Our Hearts, for many left the fold on this matter. (vol II page 294)
Be a good example to all in your parish church. Do not be deterred by the opinion of any man, whether he is of lay, or of a denomination of the religious. Remember, My children, when you come over the veil, there is no one to defend you. You will only bring with you love and prayers, and your own merits to bring to the Eternal Father for your judgment. ..........Remove your thoughts, your judgments from the man standing at the altar who represents My Son. See only in him as one who is My Son at the moment of Consecration, be he sinful or be he a saint. In time you will understand and accept this counsel. (vol II page 295)
MARCH 18, 1983 - Unless you pray for your Vicar Pope John Paul II he will be removed from among you. And if this takes place there will be far worse sacrilege committed in the city of Rome and the parishes throughout the world. ............Up to this time, My child and My children, you know full well that the wishes and the directives from Rome, from the Eternal Father in Heaven, through Pope John II, they have been cast aside, each and every individual going his own way and making My Son's House a shambles............Veronica: Now Our Lady is pointing to the right, and high up in the sky; the sky is opening up. Oh, I recognize it now. I'm standing in the square in Rome. I can see St. Peter's. But now I see blood; blood running down St. Peter's and into the square there, and it's dividing, it's dividing the Church in half.............Our Lady: That, My child, is symbolism of what is to be. When Pope John Paul II is removed, the Church shall be divided among itself. United it will stand, divided it will fall. (vol II page 378)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My child, I wish at this time that you will take three pictures. They are very important, because as I have made known to you before, and you will repeat again: Satan has entered into the highest realms of the Hierarchy. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Better that there be a few with quality than nothingness. For without the light of God truly shining within My Son's Churches on earth, they will become darkened, as they take with them onto the road to perdition many souls. Do not judge them, My children, when you come upon these lost souls, but pray for their salvation, for many have been misled. ..............As I said before, My Son's Church is in great crisis. The enemies of God, with Russia as the head, now seeks to destroy the knowledge of the Eternal Father in the Trinity. My Son they seek to take My Son from history and try to defame Him for their own gains.
My child and my children, you must do your utmost to bring back into My House, My Church upon earth, the Faith. I often cried through My Mother's tears, Her tears and Mine abounded over the earth, because through the Eternal Father, man was given a conscience and a free will, to either accept Heaven by sacrifice and penance, and having to face the rebuke of a darkened world. .................I hold your country, My child, at fault because too few who are in power in the government and the teachers from My Church on earth, too few are willing to fight against the abomination of the homosexuality that is raging throughout the United States, Canada, and the world. In no way will homosexuality be accepted, for it means damnation and destruction. And I say this to you, once fair maidens in the convents of the world, who have chosen to cast aside your profession and your oaths of allegiance to you God to seek a more pleasurable life upon earth without your habits, without your convents, and living the life of a lay person.............All who have received Holy Orders, legally, shall be held accountable for their casting aside their profession, for they are weakening the structure of My House.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - I say now, My children, that you must understand there are great graces given for reading the Bible, even a short time of fifteen minutes; you will be graced by indulgences. Have you forgotten, My children, in the modernization of My Son's Church, have you forgotten the meaning of indulgences? They are applicable to the time you may have to put in purgatory, My children.........I say goods because, My children, many have sold their souls to get to the head. They place more value on their coins. No coins shall jiggle on their person when they come for judgment. One day there will be a great General Judgment, and all mankind then will be forced to accept what he has sown. Many are throwing away the time allotted to them to right the wrong, to restore My Son's Church to its former glory, to bring your children out of the darkness and into the light.
Yes, My child, I must tell you, since much of your penance for the priesthood has been accepted, My child, I at first chose not to mention the sorrow We have because of the manner in which My House upon earth is being continued, a House, because of modernism, satanism, and seeking the profound, not in the history of My House, but in the new modern way of doing things. This new modern way has been promoted by satan...............Yes, My child, even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took over the scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the highest league of the Hierarchy, until it saddens Me to say that many priests now are on the road to perdition and taking many others with them.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children I do not have to tell you that the knowledge of hell and purgatory has been slowly corrupted, cut apart, and cut asunder from the Church. My child and My children, you are all My children, I judge you not by color or race, and I do not judge you by your creed; however, should the knowledge of the One True Church be given to you, and the way to Heaven along the narrow road be given to you, you will follow it or you will be rejected. There are, My children, so many poor souls now that are languishing in purgatory; some will be there till the end of time. Will you not succor them, My children, will you not pray for them and shorten their time in this place of dark suffering?................I see and understand, My child, your feelings to this matter. I know you have pity for all. Many are fast on the road to perdition. Many are to be pitied as they follow this road, especially, My children, by advancing farther into the mores of satan in practicing illegal, immoral acts............One of the Fathers of your Church, St. Paul, made it known to you quite licitly, that men shall not consort with men; and neither shall men dress as women. These are all abominations in the eyes of the Eternal Father, Whose Hand steadily rocks back and forth the comet; Whose Hand steadily seeks to raise and throw upon you, so that you will be planet-struck with the comet.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child, I wish for prayers of atonement, especially for the protection of the Holy Father in Rome. As I have warned you, the time is growing short, and the enemies of My Son's Church are accelerating in their plan to do away with your Vicar; your Vicar who has been sent to you by God the Father to save the whole institution of religion in the world, and not have it fall into the hands of the egomaniacs that reside in the land called Russia. ........My child and My children, this could be an occasion of great joy, My coming to you. But the fate of humanity and the world lies in the hands and the hearts of the faithful. Without your prayers and your acts of penance, you cannot save your Pope, and Our son, your Vicar. I will say, in My Mother's heart, from My Mother's heart to you, that your Vicar will soon meet with an enemy, who comes as an angel of light to him, but is an enemy of My Son's Church, and all of My Son's churches throughout the world. We choose, My child, to call them the House of God, because it is a home, a refuge, for all of Our children who suffer, and are brought to naught by modern science. In this way We hope that modern science will accept the supernatural, but they rather would cast it aside, My child and My children.
My child, I know you are affrighted at this word 'war'; 'death', 'turmoil', 'depression', but what can I do but tell you the truth. I cannot smooth over it, for I would be accepted like those upon earth who like ostriches, they walk about, proud in their scientific knowledge. However, they are fooled by satan, for satan has made it known, and We here, My children, as defenders of the Faith, defenders of My Son's House upon earth, We, also, know the truth, that satan is loosed upon earth. All hell is opened up wide. Every major and minor demon, called the devils by others, only they remain upon earth now. Those who perish now in the name of their Faith shall be held in abeyance to meet with My Son, in His second descent onto the earth. ..........Since the world has given itself over to murders, murders of the unborn, father against son, daughters against mothers, all manner of carnage; also, being perpetrated in My House, My Church upon earth. How long do you think I shall stand by and watch the destruction of the young, because of parents who should not accept the role or the name of parents, for they are destroying their children's souls by their example. .............and I say, My poor children, remember My words: When you become ill, be it physical, mental, or sorrowfully in your heart, you will say, my Jesus, my confidence! And I will truly succor you. I use that word, My child, 'succor', because it was a favorite word of one of Our sons of My Son's House. Yes, you know, and all know who this was, though he met an untimely death, as did the other who came after him.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I speak with you this evening to caution you, and not, to not fall into despair because there is a conflict over My Brown Scapular...
You will know, My children, that there are always rules and regulations for everything that man holds sacred. Therefore, because so few priests in My Son's Church are willing to intercede with the Scapular, and enthrone those who wish it, it has become necessary to give a Scapular to every child upon earth; and he or she of reasonable age shall go forth and find a kind-hearted and true, holy priest to enroll them. It will take, My children, much doing to find these priests; there are not many left...................O My children, how difficult you are making it for Me, especially the priests in My Son's House upon earth, His Church. I cry tears endlessly when I know that every day My Son is confronted by numerous souls who have lost their way, and refused the redemption that will come to him through wearing the Brown Scapular................My child, do not be stopped in your efforts to give out these Scapulars. I directed you well, My children, in several instances throughout your lifetime. Think back, My child and My children, think back to the days when you were enrolled in the Brown Scapular.
My child and My children, you may ask your priests for knowledge of the stories coming from the old, elderly fathers of My Son's Church, but can they tell you the truth now that their seminaries have become polluted with errors? Mothers cry to Me; I hear all of their prayers, prayers to Heaven to save their children. And where can they find the knowledge of the truth to teach them? That will depend now upon an earnest mother and father, and discipline. Children are like soft flowers that must be nourished so that their stalks will grow; and their faces, the purity of their faces, shall rise toward Heaven and be nourished with the fruits of life. .............My child, this evening there is one more subject that must be resolved and dismissed quickly. All over your country and the world, there are groups forming that have alienated themselves from their hierarchy. I have asked you many times to not form another church. I have asked you to remain and suffer for all the souls upon earth; suffer, even though you know that the Eternal Father watches what is going on. We do not want a schism. We do not wish that new churches be formed. Though they meaning is well, they can lead to nothing but destruction and schism.
We hear all names coming forward to Our ears of churches being born anew, called the Traditional Roman Catholic Church. My child and My children, We need no more Traditionalists running around and creating new churches. We have to remain steadfast and firm in our convictions that with enough prayer, and, also, the firm example of holiness among many, this will not happen.................We do not condemn those who make these side churches, the Traditional Roman Catholic churches; they mean well, but they are being led astray. There will be eventually an American Catholic Church if this continues. This is not approved by Heaven. Man's judgment can always err, especially when he discounts the knowledge of the supernatural..........Remember, My children, I have asked you to remain steadfast in your parish churches, even though it will be a crucifixion to you. We cannot have schism in the United States and Canada. For those who are united shall stand, and those who divide themselves shall fall. My child and My children, do not discount this part of the Message from Heaven. It is most urgent that this breaking away stop now before it evolves into a major schism.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - You will tell mankind that the sins of the flesh shall send many souls to hell. My child, the need for materialism is wrong. And the need for modernizing the world and My Son's Church is wrong. And passing over the grievous sin of immorality and, also, pornography, and all the other evils, are placed under the heading of humanism; even accepting without a frown, or proper attention to a sin, in accepting the aftermath of AIDS, received through inhuman relationships. I say 'inhuman' because those relationships are not from God, My children, but they are from satan. Homosexuality shall always be condemned because it is against the nature of man; and it is a violation of all human morality, and shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in the Trinity.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - St. Michael: Veronica, my child, announce to the world that the end approaches for your most illustrious President of the United States, and, also, your Pope, John Paul II.................I know, my child, Veronica, that this has affrighted you, but it is most frightening to know that we cannot get enough peoples upon earth to pray and assist the Holy Father in his day of suffering. Yes, my child and my children, tell the world immediately that the Holy Father suffers greatly for he too, has been given insight in visions to know what lies ahead for him. But he is willing to suffer all for the salvation of souls and the good of the Holy Church.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - My child, I know you are in wonderment of why Michael is holding the chalice with anxiety. I must tell you within the chalice in Michael's hands are the Hosts collected from throughout the world that had been discarded by the faithless. I have asked that My Son's Body be protected upon earth. But many clergy now have cast aside My warnings from Heaven, and His Body has been placed and thrown on the floors, and into the water fonts of many of My Son's Churches throughout the world. ....................My child, I ask this of you this evening, that is why I requested that you do not eat, I ask that you accept My Son. You will do heavy penance for the world in the coming months, My child. But you will accept My Son for the world. I want you, My child, to raise your heart to Heaven now, and beg forgiveness to mankind from the Eternal Father. My child, you will now receive one of the Hosts taken from the water fonts.
My child, I want the world to know that Michael is the guardian of the highest Heaven. You must also tell the priests within My Son's Church that they must return Michael to his rightful place as guardian of the Church, or they will be subjected to terrible trials. What has happened to nations throughout the world, through Russia, shall happen to the United States and Canada. Russia, My children, is not entering where you can see them. They are infiltrating now into every side of your nation; north, south, east, and west; on the outer fringes and the inner fringes. ...............My children, much of the evil now that is spreading in the United States and Canada was promoted by these men and women of satan, known as communists, who have been allowed to enter not only into your country and the countries of the world, but also in My Son's Church upon earth.
Yes, My child, I want you to let the world know that Our seminaries were not pure. Many had entered for this very day to try to destroy the Faith and the Church of My Son. You must know that the Eternal Father will not permit this................Veronica: Now Jesus is looking all about Him. He's looking over to Saint Mark, Saint Luke, and Saint Matthew, and Saint John, there. And He's whispering something to them but I can't hear. I guess I'm not supposed to hear it; I can't hear it. It sounds like the rustling of the wind, but He's talking to them. Oh, I see now....They're holding up what looks like pens. They're very strange looking pens; they look like a feather with just a point on the end. And they're writing; each one of them has a book, and they're writing in the books. Now Jesus is nodding. ...............You have taken that correctly, My child, That is the manner in which the Book of life and love was written for you. I say for you, because it was to be established as the cornerstone of My Church; let Us say that, My child; the cornerstone of My Church is the Book of life and love, that you call the Bible.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, My heart is so lightened with joy at the numbers of wonderful souls who have come here this evening to honor the Eternal Father when He sent Me sixteen earth-years ago, down upon earth, to try to stop the crisis in the Church, and the chaos that is going throughout all the countries of the world. .....................I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents, and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth. .......At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening? Not those who were years, earth-years away. All Heaven was crying in that time, for the Eternal Father had made it known how His message would be received. To this day, to your earth-year 1986, you have not been given, My children, the full secrets as given to the children at Fatima.................Therefore, I must make it known at this time to you. If you are perceiving and interested in My Church upon earth. I do not have to explain Myself too fully; for you will already know of the chaos that satan has wrought when he entered My Church. And why did he enter, you say? This I want it made known, My child, and you will not be affrighted as you are now, you will speak out for Me and My Mother, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Spirit; you
will speak out and say that satan is in the Church, My Church upon earth. He knows his time is growing short.
And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules, given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: The Third World War and, also, the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem to go about their way, perhaps pride fully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but some may pride fully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand, that once you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and sisters.........My child and My children, this message will not be greeted gleefully by your clergy. But since Lucy has been silenced, it is necessary that the world knows the truth. I will also send this message out through one more seer in the world, and if it is not abided by, I have nothing to do but to allow the Chastisement to fall upon mankind. .................My child and My children, I come once more with an urgent and pleading message to the hierarchy in the Church, My Church upon earth. I want you to know now that We look upon you and find many that do not fall into grace. They are falling out of grace and misleading many of Our sheep.
Therefore, I warn you now as your God: You will stop your intricacies within My Church. You will stop experimenting. I gave you the rules to follow many years ago, two thousand years approximately. And why now, two thousand years later, do you deem it necessary to change My Church upon earth? I, your God, say to you, you will be judged accordingly. You will return My Church to its former glory, and in that manner you will have more vocations and more entering the seminaries, and not fleeing from them as they hear the heresies and all other innovations that are going on within My Church. This is My last and final word to My clergy. Change now or suffer a just punishment and banishment. ................My child, that message must go out strictly without change. You must not be worried nor affrighted by any of the message because it is a dire necessity. I can no longer stand by and watch, day by day without change, what is happening in My Father's place upon earth. I say it in glory to the Father and the Holy Spirit; it is His Church on earth.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - It has become a most distressing situation for the Eternal Father. Many He would remove from the See of Peter, but it seems, My children, that the only way they can be removed is from force; for they do hearken to the threats, nor even he advice and counsel of the Holy Father in Rome. ................The successor to Peter has been chosen well. We sat him upon the Throne of Peter for the principal reason to return My Son's Church to its original state. Understand well, My children, that he is also a human being subject to error. But this does not men that he is to be subjected to derision and hate, until you build up a fire within the hearts of those who are seeking to destroy him. Better that you pray for the Holy Father than to deride him. Do not question him at this time, because I assure you, My children, as he will tell you in due time, I, too, have appeared to the Holy Father. ...........We do not want division within the Church. That will solve nothing. You cannot separate yourself from the Holy Father in Rome. And once you are baptized as a Roman Catholic, you must die within the fold; you cannot reject it. There are many false prophets going throughout the world now seeking to take your soul to satan. They come as angels of light.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - Remember, My child, I have already told you, as My Mother did sometime ago, that the enemy is closing in fast upon you. You are being tempted now to bring your sons to the foreign shores of foreign nations to fight and lose their lives. Is this what you want? How many hearts of parents will be torn by the carnage of receiving greetings from the United states or Canada, from the Army, the Navy, the Marines, saying: Your son is dead or missing in action..................Is this what you want? Cannot you do a slight penance for your God, for your neighbors? Love your neighbors, even if they malign you, even if they make fun of you. Remember, you hold the truth in your hearts and in your hands; for you carry the Rosary, you carry your Scapular about your necks, and you also wear the St. Benedict medal. Satan must run at the sight of the St. Benedict medal, as well as he will when you cast the waters of truth upon him, your holy waters, gathered from the many holy churches left upon earth. Use them all, My children. All! Your armor cannot be strong enough; that is how strong the enemy has become in your country and many nations of the world.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - I say the true Church upon earth, My Church, My children, which has been defamed, even by some of My clergy. They have been taken away by crude, and Zealous, people who go about posing as witnesses to God. You understand, My children; I am talking to you now about the Jehovah Witnesses. They must be cast aside, for they are false prophets in these end days. But many, how many tears My Mother has shed upon the earth, as She seen how many have been....capitulated to this evil sect.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - When I came to Fatima many years ago, I knew that communism would go throughout the world destroying many nations and attacking My Son's Church. Therefore, I made a promise that if the Pope, the Pope of those days and the Pope today, would unite with all the bishops of the world, all together on one day, not the world, but the bishops and the Pope will unite and pray for the consecration of Russia I do not mean the world, My children; I mean Russia, Russia, the scourge of mankind. You will pray for Russia. One day must be allotted in which Pope John Paul II and, also, all the bishops of the world must unite on one day, I repeat, and pray for Russia, or Russia will continue to be the scourge from God. Russia will continue to go throughout the world annihilating people and places and countries...........My Mother has gone throughout the world to try to stop the carnage that man is making upon other nations. Brother against brother, sister against sister. For what? What is there to gain if you lose your soul? Murder is a sin that is not condoned in Heaven nor upon earth; therefore, why must you murder and kill your brothers? For what? For money? For social standing? For gain? And what is that but a passing fancy. For this is a world where man passes through but for a short duration. You real life is over the veil. That is when your life begins. You are all pilgrims upon earth going forward to honor your God, and I should say, that many dishonor Him now, even in His own Church upon earth. ................I ask this of you as your God: In the Holy Sacrifice that I left with you. I did not ask for women to be upon the altar, nor try to be a high priestess. They carry this on in the churches of satan; therefore, it shall not be carried on in My Church.
When I had the Last Supper with the Apostles, My Mother was not present. If I had it in My power from the Eternal Father to make a priestess, I would surely have chosen My Mother; but, no, there were no women present at the first Dedication..................My child and My children, I do not have to go through the long list of carnage that is taking place in My Church upon earth. It will suffer a great Chastisement soon, very soon, for the communism that is spreading throughout your country, the United States, is entering upon the churches. You can see what they already did, My child, to your church, and understand why We are so desperately in need of those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the hereafter. I say the hereafter, for the reward in Heaven shall be great for those who will be willing to stand up and fight for the truth, for their God, to keep the Church as I asked it to be: One, Holy and Apostolic. ...........I cannot say that in My visits upon earth, I cannot say that I find much holiness left within the portals of My Churches, My children. This has to be regained. There is a force restraining you in these efforts. That is satan. He does not wish to see My Church come back to its true standards. He wishes to demolish it, and to stand and stomp on it with his feet....................I come to you as your God, and I also want to make this clear: I did not have any brothers or sisters in My family. My Mother was Mary ever Virgin. This was a supernatural manifestation from Heaven; and only those who are in the light, they fully understand the existence of My Mother and the role She played in establishing the One, True Church upon earth.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about counseling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers and they are mothers who will murder their own children.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, the United States of America now is in dire conflict with its conscience. But you must remember: Without My Son they cannot succeed. Slowly but surely, against all the counsel from Heaven of the past nineteen years, man has become more scurrilous and more antagonistic towards My Son until he has even entered My Son's Church, seeking to cast aside all tradition and all knowledge of the supernatural, bringing a mode of modernism and humanism into My Son's Church. This has forced many a good soul to lose his way and leave the Church. ...................My children, I beg of you, as your Mother, do not leave My Son's Church. Do not allow the rodents to come in and burrow and underground My Son's Church. You can save it if you will only pray more. Pray for sinners, that they will seek the light and be given the knowledge of the errors of their ways, so that they can turn back before it is too late, children are to be lost.
Already there is much discord in My Church upon earth. It saddens everyone in Heaven. And We are out in force now, going throughout the world seeking to set up armies of good children who will fight, to the bitter end if necessary, to save My Church upon earth. It is being destroyed. Just as rodents will burrow into a house those who have evil natures are burrowing into My Church. We find it almost unrecognizable, My children. However, I will say this: I asked you to remain in your parish churches, not to judge by the actions of man......................The institution itself, as set up by Me, remains to be true; however, the cavorting and the banjos and the guitars and the musical interludes and the dancing are all created by satan. So you can understand that satan has entered now with his armies in full regalia, appearing as humans. However, they are demons in disguise, and they have one ultimate aim: To try to destroy My Church, the Roman Catholic Church, with the seat of Peter as the head.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - My child, Veronica, I have a mission for you that may not be pleasant. You can reject it when you hear Me out, or you can answer yes. What I want you to do, My child, is to reach your bishop. And you will write to him, if not a personal visit - that I will leave up to you, My child. But you will tell your bishop that We in Heaven are much distressed by his current action of allowing the Lutheran groups to enter upon the Cathedral, My Church upon earth, the Cathedral of St. Agnes. You will tell him that all Heaven is distressed by his mistake. ....
You, My child, will pray much for your bishop and all of the bishops of the world. ............There are so many errors now abounding that it seems almost hopeless to recover those who have lost their faith. Many have left My Church upon earth, and this disagrees with the heavenly plan to save all mankind..........Remember, My child and My children, no matter how rough the road gets, you will stay within your parish church. And by good example and many prayers you will bring the priesthood back into the light. Many have lost their way because there are so few who pray for them. Remember, My children, to pray for your clergy, for they are human also and subject to error, mistakes, influence, and sometimes, pure evil. Pray for your priests daily, My children.
On June 8, 1989, Most Reverend John R. McGann, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Rockville Center, Long Island, New York, permitted the use of St. Agnes Cathedral for a Lutheran ordination ceremony. It was precisely this action that evoked such a strong remark and request for action by Our Lord, Himself, to the seer, Veronica Lueken......................About 1,000 Lutherans gathered for the six ordinations of four men and two women to the Lutheran ministry by the two Lutheran Bishops. In the June 15, 1989 issue, the Long Island Catholic reported that "four people present expressed anger and described allowing the service and ordinations as "heresy." Father Donald Hansen, vice chancellor of the diocese, said the bishop's office had received complaints about the service.
Lutheranism is the oldest Protestant religion founded by Martin Luther on October 31, 1517. (Luther ordained a Augustinian Catholic priest, was excommunicated in 1520) Some of their religious beliefs which include, Scripture as the sole authority, justification by faith alone, and the doctrine of con substantiation in connection with the Eucharist are clearly heretical and not in harmony with the pure doctrine of the one true Church as founded by Jesus Christ, the Roman Catholic Church. ................Loyalty to Christ and His Church forbids the sanctioning in any way a false religion, and allowing the Lutheran service on the altar of St. Agnes could be construed by the faithful that one religion is as good as the other, and as a result, a cause of great scandal to many. ..................Traditionally, a Lutheran ceremony in a Catholic Church would be considered an act of desecration! A procedure known as the rites of reconciliation would then be implemented by the local Ordinary to purify the desecrated church.................Truly one can see why all of Heaven is much distressed. .....................*A distinction should be made here. Material heresy is the rejection of some truth of the Catholic faith without knowing that it is the truth. Most Protestants would fall in this category. Thus, no sin is committed, and no guilt incurred.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - Be it known to all men upon earth that the antichrist has entered now among you. Be it known to Our bishops and cardinals: (I do not include Pope John Paul II at this time, because he is under the domination of his bishops and cardinals) I look upon My Church at this time and I find gross errors. I tell you now, all bishops and cardinals of the world: My Church shall not be defaced. You shall not defame My Name. I will allow this to continue but for a short time. If you do not acknowledge Me properly before the world, I assure you, I will not acknowledge you before the Father; and you will not have rest with My Father in Heaven. ..........
My child and My children, I ask you in the name of the Father, and My Son, and the Holy Ghost, to listen to Me now. The course you are on is a course to destruction. Satan has entered into My Son's Church. You remember, My children, Pope Paul VI, Our good Vicar, said to the world, "I know that the smoke of satan has entered into the Church." But who listens to him, and who did listen to him? But they laid him low, and put another in his place..................I know, My child, the derision and the scoffing that comes your way because of this message. But you will go forward, My child, and not listening to the scoffers, you will succeed one day in bringing forward to Us many wandering sheep. ...........I say unto the cardinals and bishops in My Son's Church: I am much grieved at your conduct. You will be accountable to the Eternal Father for the destruction of souls. And the abuses that go forward against My Son cannot be tolerated by the Eternal Father. My Son suffers greatly upon earth. Have you forgotten so soon how He sacrificed His very Being for you all? And what are you doing in return. .................Many prayers are needed for the clergy. Won't you, My children, help them? For many are lost; they are on the road to perdition. Please help them. I ask you as your Mother, in your merciful hearts, for My Son and the good of His Church, pray for your priests, your cardinals, and bishops.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - Veronica, My child, I repeat again, though My Mother had been throughout your country for years now, with Her messages: We ask that the priests take themselves out of the world. They are becoming men of the state, not men of God. I accept the degradation and the present confusion in My Church upon earth, but I want a change back to normal. Man is building a church without the Eternal Father.
OCTOBER 3, 1991 (MSG) - Because of the nature and government of the Church, Lucifer is able to implement and set in motion his plan of destruction. His deceptive measures, cunning ways, and subtleties are filtered down through the ranks and throughout the universal Church causing confusion and discouragement with many and a false sense of progress and enlightenment with others................In the name of peace, love, and brotherhood, faith and morals are questioned, compromised, and even rejected. And much of this under the appearance of the Pope's approval and blessing. ...Our Lord on August 15, 1971: Satan has done his work of folly well. Yes, satan has gone into the highest positions in my House, but he will not triumph. In the final count the victory will be with Us, for he will only proceed as My Father deems.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - My child and My children, you understand it is a known fact that when the morals of a country fall, that country will be destroyed in one way or another. Wars are always a punishment for man's sins. ............So I ask you, My children, to keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and through your churches, and even if you have to approach your pastors................Many pastors have fallen away from the truth, and they are like black sheep now among the white sheep. However, I say to you, prayer can overrule all evil. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. It is the only resort now that you have against the evil.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - You will continue to pray a vigil of prayer for the clergy of the world. Darkness has descended upon My Son's churches upon earth. Whatever shall become of you all in the chaos that is fast coming to your country and other nations of the world! There will soon enter upon your world a despot. Number two I call him. But many have named him, and the Book of life refers to him as the Antichrist....................Yes, My children, you will recognize him by his deeds. Many will sell their souls to him to get to the head, but all that is rotten will fall eventually. No matter what the struggles to keep the light in your country and the world, you will go forward as soldiers of light, carrying your banner Faithful and True, in the face of adversity.
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Tear down the temples put up by satan, for there are many in your Country. Store up your graces, My children, for the final battle! (vol I page 13)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - The temples of satan have been developed in your City the past year. These temples will mushroom throughout your Country. The man of perdition goes about your Country to plant his seed for destruction. (vol I page 18)
JULY 1, 1971 - All men who choose to honor Our adversary, Lucifer, all men who choose to place temples of honor to him have already descended halfway to the pit, where they will soon fall! You will not set up temples to dishonor your God. (vol I page 30)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - The Church of the Living God vs. the church of man. Condemn not My House, My children, I gave it to you with peace and purity. It is man, in influence of satan, using fallen leaders, who seek to defy and defile Me and My House! Those who remain in the Light will recognize this truth. These loosed demons (out of hell) can be driven away by the guardians, the angels, assigned to My House to defend My House! Yes, even those who have fallen from grace will be rescued if they repent of their ways now and turn back to Us! Soon there will be a sword placed upon the world. (vol I page 43)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Forged documents are coming out of Rome. The enemies within Holy Church seek to place the papacy and Pope Paul in a bad light; to place the blame on him, in an attempt to tear down the papacy and set up an international religion and not of Jesus Christ. Many are accepting as sheep going to the slaughter. They neither pray nor try to patch the cracks. Many are in need of awakening to the truth. (vol I page 53)
OCTOBER 6, 1972 - I give you the vision of what is to come upon your earth in the final days: Jesus raised his hands and said: Look upon My hands and know that you intend now to crucify My Mystical Body! Woe to a world that has placed up man as an object of worship and cast aside his God! The Eternal Flames will reach many! (vol I page 69)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - Those who cast aside the laws of their God; men of science, ever seeking but never reaching the Truth! Man shall not set up as a point and object the worship of the human! (vol I page 71)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - Your country, My child, and the countries of earth have become cesspools of sin! Your leaders are worshipping the creation of their hands. They seek power to destroy! They will set up among themselves a church of man, excluding My Son from among them! Satan shall sit upon the altars of My Son's Houses! Pray, pray, My child, desperate days face mankind. (vol I page 261)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - Peace! The world cries peace when there is no peace, love, when there is no love. Why have you cast aside the words given in the Book of Life, your Bible? The Eternal Father gave you the plan for your future in the Book. Why do you change it? Because you do not agree with the word of your God! You must change it to suit your carnal natures! You are setting yourselves fast to build a Church of man and not a Church of God. What will you gain, for your Church of man shall be given to satan, eternal damnation. Those who are misled shall be given the road back to the light. Prayer and penance are much needed at this time. The leaders are scattering the flock. Do not think your heart is not known, Our clergy, in Heaven. The Eternal Father watches your actions, your behavior, you misguidance, and your selling your souls for silver! (vol I page 434)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - There must be change, My children, but a change back to reality and Tradition. My Son has given you a true foundation but many come now with axes and they chop away. They seek to build a Church without spirit, a church of man. The walls will crumble, the earth will shake. The Eternal Father will send His Wrath upon mankind. (vol I page 450)
I do not have to repeat anew the warnings given to you in the past. You will act upon these warnings and restore My House. I have given you a firm foundation of faith. What are your building now, churches of man? All that is rotten will fall. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol I page 451)
DECEMBER 24, 1975 - Rome, the Eternal City, what manner of Faith do you give yourself? Tears and blood, sorrow, no joy, but darkness, darkness of the spirit! The forces, the red forces, My children, shall spread throughout Rome! Can you not pray and do penance to hold back the darkness? Pastors, you must now do great penance! Get down on your knees! Humility, My pastors, holiness and piety! Tradition! What are you building among yourselves but a church of man, eliminating My Son and the light! Bishops, awaken from your slumber! I repeat, My children, My bishops, shall you be obedient to sin? Shall you unite and destroy your Faith with the ultimate destruction of soul? My Son gave you your Faith. He gave you the course, a simple plan to follow. He gave you your first leaders. They wrote down the plan from Heaven into your Bible! Every man seeks novelty, interpreting for his own satisfaction! All manner of delusion and complication, novelty! For what? For the ultimate destruction of your Faith? Sheep running and scattering, Churches closing their doors! Why? Because you have replaced the light with darkness. (vol I page 455)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - The Eternal City of Rome must now take action by those in rule, the cardinals and the bishops, to restore this city to the light. Those who seek to build a church of man must be removed by the power of excommunication given to those who rule or representatives in My Houses, churches, upon earth. (vol I page 463)
JUNE 5, 1976 - Bishops in My Son's House, Church, you have gone astray. You have scattered Our sheep. You have joined with all manner of heretics and false teachers. You started with good intentions in your Council, but you became deluded in your search for peace and brotherhood. You allowed all manner of error to creep slowly into My Son's House, Church. You must understand that you are setting in motion the formation of a World Council of Churches, but it will not be the Church of My Son. It will be church of man, a church without the true foundation. (vol I page 497)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Through countless earth-years, My children, I have wandered among you. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix, between God and man, bringing you a warning from Heaven. It is a simple message of faith, My children. In the knowledge, the all-knowing knowledge of the Eternal Father, He foresaw the days ahead and tried to prepare you, My children, for these days. Prophets were sent among you, and what have you done with their message? You have cast it aside, disowned your prophets, your saints, and you have decided among you, O you of little faith, to bring about the rise of another church that is not of My Son. Your building, in your arrogance, a church of man. You scurry to and fro, crying love, love, brotherhood, and friendship, but the words come not from the heart but from the mouth! (vol I page 542,543)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - Many priests, bishops, cardinals in My Son's House need prayers from the laity that they may be strong enough not to fall into the plan of the third worlders, who are also known, My child, as the one worlders. They seek to destroy My Son's Church and build one on the creation of man. My Son has cried many times great tears of sorrow and has said: Will there be any faith left when I return? Will I find even a small flickering of faith left in their hearts when I return? It truly rains teardrops from Heaven! (vol I page 548)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - Those who have been given the rule within My Son's House are using their knowledge to twist and pervert the teachings of the prophets. What manner of church are you building now, O mankind, as you fast plunge to your destruction? A church of man that will have no resemblance to the Church My Son left for you! (vol I page 565)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - The little candles of light are not numerous in your country. The candles are being extinguished in other countries throughout your world, but I say unto you: In this battle, the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church, for I am your foundation!! You shall not build of man into a church. You shall build a church of man rejecting the cross of your Christ! (vol II page 21)
MARCH 18, 1977 - You must pray, pray much for your Holy Father. He suffers greatly from disobedience of those under him in his rule. Yes, My child, it appears now that there is a form of insanity taking place in Rome, for priests, prelates, cardinals and bishops, are running around with their heads in a fog. They have great plans, My child, to build a new church, a church of man. But My Son has other plans. Their time is running out. (vol II page 27)
My child, My children, this new church they are building but no angels help to build, only demons; they are building a church of man, using as a foundation the basic carnal nature of mankind. There is nothing beautiful of spirit; it is all humanistic, My child, modernistic. And what are they doing but they are building the church of man with satan as the director! (vol II page 27,28)
APRIL 2, 1977 - We see a church of man being built, a church that has no angels guiding it, a church that is made, as the true Church of My Son is being chipped away at, undermined by My Son's own priests! How dare you debase My Son's heritage by allowing all evil to be condoned in His Church! (vol II page 31)
APRIL 9, 1977 - My children, what manner of abomination is being committed in My Son's House? Can you not cry with Him, suffer with Him on His way to the Cross? No! Demons have entered into My Son's House. They claim the human body to use them to defile My Son's House until evil men of the cross are setting a church up now, a church of man with no angels guiding them, with no supernatural intervention from Heaven guiding them. The church of man shall be built on naturalism, modernism, and humanism. (vol II page 35)
JULY 15, 1977 - There are many children without the light now, and the measure of responsibility is with My shepherds. You must understand that the supreme and first commandment of all and to all mankind is honor to his God, and the Eternal Father is your God in the Trinity. If you reject Him, if you build a new house, a new church upon earth, it will not have the angels at your side; you will have demons of humanism and modernism to your own destruction..............There was great unity in My House upon earth, but man became unpious, unholy, and with itching ears he has listened to doctrines set forth by demons. Now, My shepherds, you will close your ears to your modernists and those who seek change and who will build a church of man. No, I say unto you, this shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father! You are permitted a long rule for reason. .....
The Eternal Father hopes, in His merciful heart, that you will come out of your slumber and see the light. You are walking in darkness. (vol II page 65)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - Because of the major role the city of New York plays in the world governments and the governing of your nation, the United States, My child, it is for this reason that satan chose that area for his start to bring into your country a full overthrow of Christian belief. It is his endeavor now to replace the Church of My Son with the church of satan. ............. Already, because too few listened to and acted upon My counsel in the past, already, My children, your nation is covered now by secret societies and churches of satan, being founded by the master of deceit and the father of all liars, the prince of darkness, satan. (vol II page 90)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - Man has sought to become a king among nations. And man has sought to destroy My Church upon earth. And he builds himself one that cannot be recognized as being in the light, for it is a church now of humanism. And woe to those who have set themselves up to worship idols, and have commanded through satanism. My children, have you all progressed into insanity? For surely you have been counseled in the past that sin is insanity, and you now shall reap your own harvest in suffering. (vol II page 94)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - My children, little by little, step by step, the road has been paved to the erection and construction of a new church. It will not be a church of My Son. No angels shall direct the building. It will be a church of man. But as man builds his monument to man, I assure you, My children, the Eternal Father, the Godhead, shall bring down that false church of man. You are testing His patience to the limit. How long do you think He will persevere in His suffering for an unworthy generation of sinners? (vol II page 105)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - There is now a conspiracy of evil in your country, the United States. Recognize the meaning of Illuminati. It has been now interwoven with the churches of satan and the massive international organization of Wicca. They are now fighting My Son's Church. It is satan who guides them, for these people who have entered into the organization of Wicca and Illuminati, they are dead bodies and dead souls! (vol II page 109)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - You cast aside the counsel of your peers. You cast aside the counsel of the founding fathers of My Son's Church as He gave them to you! You build a new church of man. No angels helped you cement that foundation, because My Son is nowhere around. O ye of little faith, whatever shall become of you! (vol II page 112)
For gold and silver anew you sell Me out, I say unto you, your father is satan! You are liars! You are murderers! And now you bring the church of satan within My portals! Worshippers of evil! Lovers of false gods! (vol II page 114)
MARCH 25, 1978 - The destruction of souls accelerates. My children, can you not recognize the path you have allowed yourself to go upon? It is a way of destruction. It is not the way as given by My Son, for you have set yourselves to build a new church, a church for the glorification of man. (vol II page 135)
MAY 30, 1978 - My children, as parents you must now protect your children. My Son's House, His church, is being stripped of all holiness, the destruction of its doctrine, tradition, paving the way for the ultimate goal of those in the power of satan to destroy My Son's Church by creating a church of man. They are rebuilding slowly while awaiting the next conclave. They are preparing the way for the destruction of all mankind, for when the Church and the world become as one, you will know that the end has come for mankind. (vol II page 156)
JUNE 18, 1978 - I gave you a simple way, the rule to follow. You were set with doctrines and tradition, and in your arrogance you rise above the founding Fathers of My Church and seek to build another religion and a new church, and you are putting it together without any help from the angels of light, for you have employed denizens of darkness. (vol II page 168)
JULY 15, 1978 - My children, there are many among you in My Son's ecclesiastical bodies that seek to build a new church upon earth. It is not supernatural if is a natural church of man! (vol II page 170)
JULY 25, 1978 - My children, continue to follow the counsel of My Mother. All of the saints and the angels of Heaven shall come with you to aid you in this war of the spirits. Soon My clergy must make a decision; shall they build now a church of man and replace My House upon earth. No angels are guiding their movements. No angels shall rescue them from the pits of hell. Awaken, My clergy, for your heads are in the clouds! (vol II page 175)
AUGUST 5, 1978 - Do not try to set up a new church of man upon earth, for a church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol II page 179)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - Pastors, cardinals, bishops in My House, My Church, what are you trying to rebuild, a church of man without angels to guide you? What are you trying to renew? Has not My Church, My House, withstood all of the trials of time? It will stand again, but My concern as your God is the number of souls that are being lost to Heaven in this trial! The Eternal Father does not want one sheep lost to Him! Each and every soul upon earth is precious to Him. (vol II page 181)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - My child and My children, I need not repeat to you the necessity to retain tradition a value, a safeguard from the eruption of My Son's Church, a schism, a division within My Son's House upon earth. I cry unto you, your Mother, as I hasten back and forth bringing you the Message, the counsel from Heaven. You must recognize, bishops, cardinals and pastors, you must recognize what is happening now in My Son's House. There is being rebuilt before your very eyes another religion, another church of man. No angels are helping in this building. (vol II page 186)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - I say unto you unless you turn back now, bishops and cardinals, and restore My Son's House. Do not be prideful. It is too late for false pride! You must admit your errors. turn back and start over! You were given a simple rule to follow. These rules were given to you and written for you in the Book of Life, your Bible. You have chosen in your arrogance and pride to cast aside these teachings and to build another church upon earth, a church of man. You are building it without the help of the angels. (vol II page 189)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - I have asked you in the past to refrain from rebuilding My Church into a church for man. I am the foundation! I have set down the rules, and of all the disobedient cries, of disobedience against My little ones, it is you who are disobedient to your God!! It is you who have been disobedient to the Vicars I sent to you! and it is you who have murder in your heart! (vol II page 199)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - No, O men of the cross, whatever has happened to you in your profession? You prefer the worldly life of riches and power, you partake of sins of the flesh; you mislead by teaching doctrines of demons. You do not exercise discipline among your own. Better that you have a few with quality than a quantity of nothingness! You will not build in Rome nor in the world a church of man given over to humanism and modernism. (vol II page 200)
Yes, My child, as My Mother has told you in the past, man is endeavoring to build a new church upon earth, a church of naturalism and of free conscience, a church of satan. (vol II page 203)
MAY 23, 1979 - I am your God, and I say unto you: Continue to change My Church and you will fall! You will build a secular church, bringing in all, even heretics, even homosexuals. All aberrations condemned by the Eternal Father, you will permit in the name of humanism. Nay, no! I say unto you as your God. You will be given a short reign, for I consider you then an abomination, and as such you will be removed. (vol II page 215)
JULY 14, 1979 - There are many false prophets now teaching doctrines of demons. You must protect your children from falling in with them. False prophets trying to build a church of man; and no angels to guide them. A church of secularism, humanism, socialism, communism, and satanism. (vol II page 231)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - O My children, you cannot build another church, a house upon earth; for you are building it without the assistance of the light and the angels. You are building a church that will take in all manner of heretics and antichrists. ..............O My children, are you so prideful that you believe you can allow bad fruit to come into your vineyards; and that you will nourish them with your human intellect and ripen this fruit so that it will stay upon the vine? I say unto you: This will not be! My Son is the vinedresser, and all that is rotten must fall! (vol II page 268)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - I give you a final warning from the Eternal Father. You will turn back and restore the earth. You will turn back and restore My Church upon earth. You shall not set up a new church of man, for I shall destroy it. You shall see nations disappear from the earth in seconds. (vol II page 274)
JUNE 13, 1981 - My child and My children, much cannot be in discourse with you at this time. But I must stress the urgency of your remaining in My Son's Church regardless of the turmoil. I stress again this urgency for the salvation of your soul. You must not tear it asunder. You cannot run hither and yon setting up a new church, for to divide is to conquer, and that is the plan of satan against My Son. (vol II page 286)
JUNE 18, 1981 - We see all manner of confusion, experimentation. There is no unity now in spirit. For man in the clergy has taken upon himself to set up My Son's Church to his own pursuits, his own man-given knowledge of intellect, without the spirit. For much of this intellect is being directed by satan and not by God. (vol II page 291)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - I must warn you at this time as your Mother that you must remove yourself from this gathering of world Churches.........My Son has given you His true Church upon your earth. All others have left it as they could not follow the rule. As protesters, they have cast aside the truth...........You must not compromise your Church by bringing in the measure of humanism and modernism for you have opened the door to satan...............I shall clarify My former statement, My child. You must remove yourself from the World Council of Churches. It has become an instrument of the adversary.......... There is but one Church, My children, the Church as set forth by My Son under Peter. (vol I page 414)
JUNE 5, 1976 - Bishops in My Son's House, Church, you have gone astray. You have scattered Our sheep. You have joined with all manner of heretics and false teachers. You started with good intentions in your Council, but you became deluded in your search for peace and brotherhood. You allowed all manner of error to creep slowly into My Son's House, Church. You must understand that you are setting in motion the formation of a World Council of Churches, but it will not be the Church of My Son. It will be a church of man, a church without the true foundation. (vol I page 497)
CLERGY - See Priesthood: Clergy
CLOTHING - See Dress
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - You agents of satan murder! Yes, you murder the little ones. Next you will choose the aged and infirm. Vile vipers of the abyss!! The command of the Father is thou shalt not kill! Hell will overflow with your souls. (vol I page 18)
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - Satan has opened the abyss many of his henchmen are among you, for every knock on your door, evil knocks on your door. Guard your homes well, let not those enter, if you value the salvation of your souls. Guard your children well! Teach them the laws of God. Live a life with Christ and you will be saved. Pray for those who reap what they have sown! (vol I page 22)
MARCH 25, 1972 - Permissiveness, My children, is destroying you. Laxity of discipline and parents involving themselves in excessive worldly pundits. What has become of the dedication? What has become of the laws given to you by Our prophets? They have been changed to suit the weakness of man. How long do you think I can hold back My Son's hand?.......(vol I page 45)
You have broken the laws of your God! We see despicable women who desecrate their homes! What has your love of the flesh, your sins of the flesh, gained you, but hell! The laws of your God were given you for a reason. What example do you give your children? Do not call yourself 'mother', call them harlots of the world! You are as dung in the streets! (vol I page 46)
APRIL 1, 1972 - A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis many will be cleansed! Understand, My children, that science cannot strive above the laws of His God. (vol I page 49)
MARCH 18, 1973 - Man will not defy the laws of God without going unpunished. You are a perverse generation, and you call the hand of punishment down fast upon you. (vol I page 85)
Love of your God, honor to your God, and following the rules set forth by your God shall not be a temporary habit, but must be inborn and a renewal complete. (vol I page 86)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - Man has accepted now in your country and throughout the earth, a way of life that condones the breaking of all commandments of the Father. Ah, the poor little ones that have been led astray by bad example. Sin has become a way of life in your country. We have begged for your good example of prayer, sacrifice, and atonement. (vol I page 128)
Moses: Time does not change the commandments of your God...............Moses: Time does not change the commandments of your God. The rule must be followed with discipline. (vol I page 129)
FEBRUARY 10, 1974 - The Eternal Father has set before you the rule and discipline for your salvation. They will not be replaced by the rules created by man to feed his worldly inclinations for soul-destruction. Many will sell their souls to satan to get to the head. (vol I page 166)
MARCH 24, 1974 - Moses: These are the Commandments of the Father. Break one and the gates of hell are open to you. You will place these in prominence in your household. Would I be upon your earth now I would shed bitter tears of sorrow, for I see among you a renewal of despicable abominations that caused me great sorrow upon earth. You hasten the coming of the Lord High God upon you. The wrath of the Father shall descend upon you. (vol I page 180)
JUNE 8, 1974 - The soul is entered into the body at the moment of conception. We abhor, We will not tolerate the murders of the unborn. Mankind seeks a terrible chastisement, far beyond what his human mind or sight can ever conceive, for his actions against the creation of the Father. Murderers! As such you break the commandment of the Father, Thou Shalt Not Kill. Damnation, eternal damnation, will be the lot of all who take part in the murders of the unborn! Repent now of your sins. Make restitution to the Father, for you will be held accountable for the murders of the unborn. (vol I page 210)
JUNE 15, 1974 - It is the will of the Father, My children, that I repeat to you that all who have any part, even a small measure, in the murder of the unborn shall be condemned eternally in the abyss. The Commandments of the Most High God your Father in Heaven were not given to cast aside but it is a rule of discipline and these commandments must be adhered to. Thou shalt not kill a creation of your Father! (vol I page 214)
JULY 25, 1974 - The commandments of the Father have been cast aside. They were given so that your world would live in peace and flourish. Now you seek to invite Exterminatus! Exterminatus, My child, is the demon of destruction known as war. (vol I page 236)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - My child, you perceive rightly. It is only in following the rules set down by the Eternal Father that man can find a true peace of heart. There will be no peace upon your earth without My Son. Reject Him, and you will reject Me. You will follow the rules given by the Eternal Father, your Commandments, for if you break these rules, you will break your spirit. (vol I page 337)
MARCH 22, 1975 - You must hasten to remove the blindness and error from My children's hearts! Send My Message, My child, fast out to the world. It is an error to say to My children and misguide them, that they may break the rule and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This is not true, My children. Grace and merit shall bring you to the Kingdom. Grace and merit. You have a free will to make your choice. Pray for the light. Nothing is impossible to the Father. (vol I page 346)
JULY 25, 1975 - The Eternal Father, My children, has given you a simple lesson of life. The Commandments must be followed, for shall you break one, you break them all. (vol I page 387)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - The Commandments of the Eternal Father that have been given to you through generations must be followed with discipline! You will not compromise your Faith! You will not compromise and gain souls for you are turning them away from My Son's House! Awaken from your slumber! My pastors, you have fallen asleep! (vol I page 392)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - The commandments given through the ages by the Eternal Father must be brought forward to be studied and obeyed. Many are misled. Do not judge them, but seek first their spirit. Many are misled; they do not know their God. You cannot love without knowing. Who will bring this knowledge to the innocent children? (vol I page 408)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - Do not be swayed by the fallacy that all will enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, for only 'many', My children, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven if they follow the rule. (vol I page 414)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - The Commandments of the Father were given and no one shall cast them aside. What man, in his pride, has the knowledge from the Holy Spirit to change these Commandments to satisfy his basic fallen nature?...........You ask, My child, about penance. What more can I bring you in direction? There are laws of God and laws of man. The Eternal Father demands penance! The Eternal Father demands a strict rule, with no alterations and no novelty implemented upon His words. You shall not rationalize the Commandments of the Eternal Father! They are simple and they are to be followed simply in faith. (vol I page 468)
MARCH 18, 1975 - Parents must give to their children the knowledge of the Commandments of the Father. No excuse is accepted for casting aside these commandments. (vol I page 342)
OCTOBER 6, `1975 - You owe, My children, no allegiance to man who offends the Eternal Father. The Commandments given by the Eternal Father must be followed. (vol I page 429)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - You ask, My child, about penance. What more can I bring you in direction? There are laws of God and laws of man. The Eternal Father demands penance! The Eternal Father demands a strict rule, with no alterations and no novelty implemented upon His words. You shall not rationalize the Commandments of the Eternal Father! They are simple and they are to be followed simply in faith. (vol I page 468)
Because My Son died, My children, upon His cross, He opened the gates of Heaven that were shut to mankind at the fall of the first parents. He died for mankind, but shall those who reject Him by sin and breaking the Commandments of the Eternal Father, without penance, enter! No! Sadly, My child, My children, they cannot enter. (vol I page 469)
FEBRUARY 10, 1976 - The destruction of moral values, the turning from the Commandments of the Eternal Father, all has happened in the past to bring destruction and a change, just as now you proceed to your own destruction in the name of 'change'! (vol I page 472)
You have a false security that all is forgiven. But is this not sheer insanity in sin to believe that you may offend your God and break His rules and enter? What manner of life would there be in your Kingdom of Heaven? All will enter by merit! Many shall enter through suffering and atonemnet and penance! (vol I page 474)
APRIL 17, 1976 - Shall a warning be given to mankind? I say yes, My children! Many minor warnings have been given in the past and have gone by unnoticed, by the Eternal Father to awaken mankind. There shall be tremors and earthquakes in places never before seen or experienced. Great tidal waves shall descend upon a great city and it shall fall into the sea. Measure for measure, mankind shall be given his Chastisement to cleanse him in a crucible of suffering because of his aberrations, because of his arrogance, because of his turning from the truth, the light, and from the Commandments given by the Eternal Father. (vol I page 482)
MAY 15, 1976 - Man shall not judge My Church on the actions of man, for man now is taking it and building a church for man, not to honor his God, the Eternal Father, not to honor and prepare his soul for the entrance over the veil! No! He is now wasting valuable trine in promoting a mode of humanism and modernism. You are feeding the nature, the carnal nature of mankind, while you are starving their spirit. (vol I page 488)
JUNE 18, 1976 - Pastors, you go farther from your Faith. You deny the existence of the supernatural, for you are building a church of man. Turn back, for you will be forced to turn back by My Son. Because of your impiety, because of your immorality, and because of your atheistic leanings, My children, your country shall enter a great crucible of suffering. Many countries of your earth shall be cleansed by trial. (vol I page 505)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - The good books of truth are still among you. Pray for the light, My children, and be guided so that you may not fall into error, for man is now creating a church of man, and it will not be the Church of man, and it will not be the Church of truth and the light, the Church of My Son, Jesus. Man is bending His cross to suit his carnal human nature. (vol I page 530)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - THE TEN COMMANDMENTS: I. I am the Lord thy God: Thou shalt not have strange gods before Me...........II. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain............III. Remember thou keep holy the Sabbath Day.............IV. Honor thy father and mother............V. Thou shalt not kill............VI. Thou shalt not commit adultery. ...........VII. Thou shalt not steal............VIII. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor...........IX. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife. ..........X. Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's goods. ..............Know that all who disobey the laws of the Father and set upon mankind laws of error, laws that are made by mankind the creature, and not the Creator, shall receive the same judgment as the fallen angels. (vol I page 541)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - There must be a complete reversal in the manner in which you have set out to tear asunder My Son's Church and His teachings. In blindness of heart, you have taken the rules and remade them to suit the basic carnal nature of mankind. You must bring back the commandments of your God, as given to you by the prophets, without addition, without change, and without the rationalization of sin! (vol I page 543)
And why, My children, will this great war come about, the war to end all wars? Because of man's sin! In your country, My children, in your seminaries in the United States and Canada, My children, and the world, you have professors now so steeped in sin, they who call themselves My Son's chosen priests, they are vile sons of satan who are now rationalizing sin! The commandments shall not be looked at objectively and given to excuses, to reasoning to condone sin! No, My children, it is the minds poisoned by satan that spread this filth and error, this distortion of doctrine, this distortion of Tradition, and this distortion of your Faith! (vol I page 543,544)
The knowledge of the world beyond the veil, the knowledge is being lost to your children. Bring prayer into your homes! Teach your children the basic foundation of their Faith, the commandments of your God! Do not water them down. Do not rationalize sin, for without your guidance, parents, your children shall be lost. (vol I page 546)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - There is only one way, My children, when you turn from your God it is down. Moral corruption, casting aside the Commandments of your God, building and worshipping idols of man, paganism in My House, leaders that have given themselves to satan; shall I continue to list for you all of the abominations committed by mankind until I cry out that you have become a degenerate generation and you call upon yourselves a baptism of fire? (vol I page 568)
MAY 30, 1977 - The rules for mankind were given from the beginning by the Eternal Father. They were commands from Heaven, commands to be followed through love; commands that only can be followed through love, for fear does not beget love. If you will seek the light, you will not remain in darkness; but if you prefer, in your human frailty, to remain in the darkness, shall you have the time to come out of this darkness? (vol II page 52)
JUNE 4, 1977 - I counsel all leaders of governments to return to the commands of his God. I counsel all mothers and fathers, heads of households, to return to the commands of their God. I counsel every man, woman and child who hears My voice and the Message from Heaven to do penance, atonement and sacrifice, if not for yourselves, but to save your priests, your clergy, your cardinals, your bishops who are fast heading into the abyss. (vol II page 54)
JUNE 16, 1977 - My children, you cannot have the light within you unless you partake of the Bread of Life. Come to Me in all of the tabernacles of your world. Refresh yourself in the Blood of the Lamb. What is there in common between the light and the darkness? Have you chosen your way? The way given from Heaven is a simple way; the rules have been laid down. And why do you make your own rules now and change the rules to suit your carnal human nature? And for what? To bring about your own destruction! (vol II page 59)
JULY 15, 1977 - All who have received the Holy Spirit have consecrated hands. And I say unto you none but legally ordained priests in My House shall bring My Body to the multitudes! No woman shall stand in the Holy Place! No woman shall vie or compete for ruler ship in My House. I say unto you, you must go back and read the commandments of the Eternal Father; you must go back and read the rules that Paul gave to you. You cast him aside and you write another book, a bible, a tome; you write it to suit your own basic carnal, human nature...............The way has been given to you in the past, and the way does not change. It is a simple way. The rules have been given, and you change them for what? Were they imperfect? Have you considered the Eternal Father to be in error? I say unto you, you will return My House to its former status of honor, glory, discipline. You must, as shepherds, give a firm example of holiness. (vol II page 65)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, parents, I caution you again to take full charge of the rearing of your children by good example and giving them a true foundation for their faith, by bringing to your children the knowledge of their God and the commandments of their God. (vol II page 79)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - You must understand that no man, or woman, or child of conscionable age will be gathered by satan unless it is of his own free will, for he has rejected grace and given himself to satan. He has disobeyed all of the laws of the most high God in Heaven. And there is a penance for disobedience, as there was a penance when the angels, the highest angels of Heaven, and Lucifer himself was cast from the realm of the Kingdom of God for his disobedience and arrogance. (vol II page 78)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - I have asked you in the past to take yourselves out of your world that has been given to satan. You may be in the world, but you must not join it in its corruption and loss of Faith. If you wish to attain the glories and joys of the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven, you must merit it with discipline and by following the rules. (vol II page 84)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - The commandments of the Eternal Father must be followed. The commandments of the Eternal Father will not be changed to suit the basic carnal nature of human mankind. No, I say unto you, you scholars of great renown, you will not escape the abyss, you who go about bringing satan into My Son's House! You with itching ears who run about seeking change; you who seek to make yourselves god! Remember the lesson of old. Lucifer, Luciel, he followed the same path, avarice, vanity, and he was banished. And I say unto you, My children, as you sow, so shall you reap! (vol II page 102)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - The rules, My way was given to you in the Book of Love and Life, your Bible, and I say unto you, you who go about adding to My words and making changes, I shall visit upon you every plague that has been written in the Book of Life! (vol II page 111)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - The Eternal Father created man in His image. He set rules for the welfare of mankind and his progress to return triumphantly to Heaven. You are all but pilgrims upon earth. Your time is short. (vol II page 118)
MARCH 15, 1978 - The commandments of God will not be changed to satisfy the carnal nature of mankind, a major Warning that will bring many back to the Faith. But many shall still see and not believe. (vol II page 127)
MAY 13, 1978 - The Ten Commandments given by the Eternal Father were given for reason and must be followed by all, or you will set upon yourselves a firm and sorrowful judgment from the Eternal Father. (vol II page 145)
JULY 25, 1978 - It must be known to all mankind that life upon earth is but a temporary existence, but life off the earth in the spiritual world is forever, a realm of complete consciousness and knowing. All emotion shall be governed by the Eternal Father, with peace and joy in knowing. This beautiful world of consciousness, eternal, must be gained in merit upon earth by following completely the directions from Heaven given through time upon earth. As pilgrims upon earth, My children, you must follow the rules given by the Eternal Father for your salvation, the commandments of your God. (vol II page 174,175)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - My child and My children, make it known to all that the road to Heaven was never easy, but you can make it much easier upon yourselves and your families if you follow the rules, if you follow the commandments from the Eternal Father. The changes that We see taking place in My House and upon earth are not good, for many, many souls are falling into hell. And a great measure of responsibility now is with those who have been called to the holy orders, who have given themselves to represent Me upon earth. Shall I say that I have found many Judas's now within My House? Cannot this situation be changed?............
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - You must understand that the merciful heart of the Father is always extended to you. You must pray more, you must read and act upon the Commandments of your God. They can neither be added to, nor modified, nor taken away. The ten major Commandments must be followed. And I can see, My children, that you break many now, and ask for the hand of a wrathful God upon you. Thou shall not kill! Thou shalt not steal! Thou shalt not worship false gods! Thou shalt not commit adultery! Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife! Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors goods! My children, on and on I could go on, enumerating the major sins of mankind. However, since you understand that sin is insanity, to those in the light, it will appear as though the world has become a snakepit. And I say "snake" for it well covers the work of Lucifer. (vol II page 207)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - Yes, My child, Lucifer was always a murderer. Lucifer promotes the breaking of the rules and the Commandments of your God. That is why We always tell you, My children; Lucifer cannot remain hidden, even though he promotes in your world a cover of ignorance and a cover of darkness. And the cover that shall destroy many is by casting aside the reality of the existence of demons and the world beyond. (vol II page 209)
MAY 23, 1979 - I have warned you in the past, that as man rejects the commandments of his God, all manner of sin and evil shall fall upon mankind; murders, homosexuality, all aberrations of the flesh. The good shall be persecuted, and the bad lauded as saviors of the world. There shall enter many false prophets among you who preach and give out doctrines of demons. (vol II page 213)
JUNE 2, 1979 - And I repeat again; all who become part of or condone homosexuality shall be destroyed. All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed! All who seek to cast out the discipline given by the Eternal Father in the Commandments, the Ten Commandments from your God, they too, shall be destroyed! All women who disport their bodies in nakedness, the flesh shall burn! (vol II page 222)
JUNE 9, 1979 - Do not be deluded by those agents of hell, or those who have been unwittingly and unsuspectingly become enmeshed with the agents of hell. They will come to you with all seeming good intentions. But remember, My children, that the road to hell is often paved with good intentions. I say unto you now as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, the commandments of the Eternal Father must be followed: If you break one, you break them all! (vol II page 224)
JUNE 18, 1979 - I give you, My children of the world, your protection. I give you the sacramentals that are necessary for your protection in the days ahead; the Rosary of prayer, beads of prayer to Heaven, pearls of prayer to Heaven; the Scapular of faith to be worn constantly and never removed from your earthly body. I give you anew the commandments of your God as given from the beginning of time from the Eternal Father in Heaven through His instruments, His holy instruments upon earth. These commandments cannot be changed, neither can they be subtracted from nor added to. They must be followed precisely, for if you break one commandment, you break them all in the eyes of your God, and restitution must be made for these offenses of disobedience to the Eternal Father in Heaven. These commandments were given to you to keep you safe from the assaults of Lucifer, who seeks to break all of the commandments of your God. (vol II page 226)
JULY 25, 1979 - I have requested many times that the word death be applied only to the human body. For man, as created in the image of his God, there is no death if he will accept the commandments of his Creator and live his life upon earth as requested and directed by his Creator. Man with his free will can also reject the beckoning of Heaven and fall victim, willingly or unknowingly, to satan. Those who go into the web of Lucifer unknowingly can be brought out through the charity and prayers of another. (vol II page 235)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - My children, if you cast aside the commandments of the Eternal Father and set up a new rule to live by, you are lost. If you defy the Book of Life and Love, your Bible, and rewrite it to suit your own basic, carnal nature, you are lost!! If you bring false doctrines upon earth, the doctrine of demons, worshipping false gods, worshipping Lucifer, you are lost!! (vol II page 242)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - You believe you can cast aside the commandments of the Eternal Father and exist in peace? No, My children, already your world has given full evidence of what happens when you become arrogant and prideful and seek to rule as little gods upon earth. You cast aside all religious foundation build new religions that are guided by false doctrines of humanism and modernism and satanism. Oh, My children, you never learn from your past, because you are now in a state far worse than in the times of Noe and Sodom. And what then shall be your fate? ..........
Oh My children, My Mother has cried bitter tears of anguish, for She has been given full knowledge of what is to be. She has tried to prepare you, to guide you through countless earth-years of time, to counsel you upon the direction to Heaven, but you have chosen in your arrogance and pride to build new religions even belonging in hedonistic teachings and false gods. For this, My children, you are abandoned to your folly, and, as such, you will find that you will be brought to your knees, forced to turn back from the wide road that you have chosen of your own free will. (vol II page 265)
JUNE 18, 1981 - O My child and My children, how many earth-years have I traveled to and fro. My voice relentlessly crying out to you to do penance, atonement and make restitution to your God for the many offenses that you have committed against the Commandments, which the Almighty Father has handed down to you in order to guide you, so that you will not lose your way and will come to Heaven. However, as it was in the past, so it is today in your generation, that you have learned nothing from your past and continue along the same path to your own destruction. (vol II page 290)
JUNE 18, 1982 - And if any priest that tells you, My child, or My children, as you have experienced, We have allowed you to experience this for the betterment of all mankind; any priest that tells you that you must love your neighbor first and God second, he is not a true man of God nor is he a true Roman Catholic priest, not is he a true minister of any denomination. Because the first Commandment of God the Father is 'I am the Lord Thy God, thou shall not have strange gods before Me.' Thou shall not take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain. (vol II page 304)
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - I also ask that all of My children of the world review the Ten Commandments...............In your tabloid, My child, I wish that the Ten Commandments be printed in large letters for everyone to see. I wish that they be printed in a manner that is like the tables given to Moses. Remember, My child, the tabloid must have the Ten Commandments...........And, also, remember, My children, when you break one commandment, you break them all. So better that you follow them through, and when you are ready to pass over the veil you will not have to be gripped with fear if you cannot have a priest on hand in your last moments upon earth. ..........You see, My child and My children, not everyone is taken from the earth with the final blessing from the priesthood. That is a special grace.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - You see, My children, satan always says; to divide is to conquer. But I do not want to see the world in chaos, and a Third World War. That is why, My child, I brought you here this evening, though I knew that your strength was waning by this afternoon. There is only one recourse for mankind now to avoid a Third World War, that is more prayer, more penance, and more sacrifice for sinners. Those who are keeping the laws of the Eternal Father must remember that they have been given a special grace from the Father, and have an obligation to seek out the souls who have not received this grace. Bring them the light; show them the way. For they are wandering, and they can be seduced in nature by others who are not in the light. Your example, My children, is very important. ..............This I can tell you; because We are much grieved as We look into the hearts of the mothers and fathers throughout the world, not many are in the light. Families are disintegrating; the state of marriage is becoming nullified. Now it is fashionable in the United States, and many nations of the world, to discard the Sacrament of Marriage and to live together in sin. This, My child and My children, cannot be tolerated. Man must come back to the laws of his God, or he will be destroyed.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - Those who do not listen to Our pleading voices now throughout the world, your time is growing short. We say that to all. For those with the grace and knowledge of what is going to transpass-trespass I should say, because, My child, in My mind I hear all of the trespasses of mankind against the laws of his God.....That is why I cannot hold My Father's hand nor Mine back any longer.
COMMON-LAW (MARRIAGE) - See Marriage: common-law
COMMUNION - See Eucharist
COMMUNISM - See Russia: Brown Bear/Communism
AUGUST 15, 1971 - I bless you all, My children. You must, My children, understand the love of parents and child. I love My Father as the children should love their earthly father and the Father in Heaven. It is sad to see the children who are being compromised in the web of evil. You, who seek worldly gain, to destroy your souls, all this will be left when you come over to Us. You cannot BUY your way into the Kingdom! Your only passport is grace and love! (vol I page 33)
APRIL 6, 1974 - Compromise, My children, what have you to gain when you compromise your Faith? You divide yourselves so that the enemies of God will conquer you! All who do not recognize My Son as the Christ in the Father, in the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, they are not of My Son and they are not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, and they shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! This is from the Father. (vol I page 185)
MAY 30, 1974 - My child, you will make it known to the Bishops of My Son's House, those in authority, that they must not compromise. They do not gather souls by compromising their Faith. They must stand forth as symbols of chastity, piety and humbleness. What has become of these virtues in mankind! (vol I page 205)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - It will be a command of the Father from Heaven, that all in authority defrock and excommunicate those under their rule who seek to destroy the Faith as given by the Father from Heaven........... Those in rule will excommunicate and defrock all who enter and make pact with the separated brethren and all who will compromise the Faith with the separated brethren. (vol I page 248)
JULY 25, 1975 - A house that has set and divided itself cannot be on a firm foundation. You will gain nothing by compromising with the enemy. (vol I page 389)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - The Commandments of the Eternal Father that have been given to you through generations must be followed with discipline! You will not compromise your Faith! You will not compromise and gain souls for you are turning them away from My Son's House! Awaken from your slumber! My pastors, you have fallen asleep! (vol I page 392)
Satan has placed many agents in high positions in your governments of your world, and also in the Houses of God. You will not compromise your Faith, My children. You will not unite the world into one religion for it will not be that given by My Son, but a religion of darkness. (vol I page 393)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Now, Our Lady is coming forward and She's bending over. My child, make it known to the world that man, children of God led astray: You must not compromise your faith! There shall not be one world and one religion at this time! For no man shall now gather the flock. Not one man shall gather the flock together. This will be done by My Son when he returns in the final stages of Armageddon! (vol I page 404)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - You will find a great struggle in gathering the sheep, Pastors of Light. You will not compromise your mission, Our Pastors.......... If you compromise by pleasing those who have set themselves to rule you, and if you compromise without the love of God and accepting the Will of God, and replacing it for the will of man, in obedience that has been darkened by sin and false obedience, blind obedience. Nooo! You shall not cast aside your God to please any man! (vol I page 412)
You must not compromise your Church by bringing in the measure of humanism and modernism, for you have opened the door to satan. (vol I page 414)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - Children of the world, you have been given time to make amends for the sins and abominations committed by both clergy and lay peoples in the Houses of God throughout your world. You will no longer defile the High Host of Heaven. The portals must be cleansed of all sins and abominations. You must excommunicate, as clergy, high clergy in Rome, all who seek to compromise the Faith, all who enter into a compromising agreement with the agents of satan, who seek to control mankind and the world without their God. You shall not compromise your Faith; you will not save souls by compromise. You must now start to clean your House, for if you do not listen to this direction, you shall be cast out of the portals by the Son of God. (vol I page 433,434)
MARCH 18, 1976 - We ask that all remain steadfast in their missions. We ask that all do not leave now, but remain and await the Warning that will soon be given to mankind. We do not wish a separation or a division among Our sheep. You shall not compromise your Faith. You shall not be misled into error in the name of humanism and modernization. (vol I page 478)
JUNE 12, 1976 - Awaken from your slumber, O pastors! You have become soft and pliable to the enemy, because you have fallen asleep on your job! Compromise! Change! If you have a solid foundation and you were given a solid foundation, what need is there to change, for you seek then to change the foundation. You are chipping away at My Church, you are burrowing like rats into the foundation of My Church. (vol I page 503)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - Each soul that has reached, who has reached the age of reasoning must give a good example of faith, modesty, purity of purpose, and dedication to his God. There shall be no compromise of the Faith in My Church. There shall be no compromise with the world, for My Kingdom is not of your world. My Kingdom is eternal, My ways are not the ways of the world. (vol I page 529)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - Compromise! Compromise, and you shall fall! You shall not, O pastors, win souls for the Kingdom of your God by compromise!! Your example is poor! Shall you stand before My Son and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? Oh no, I say unto you! You shall be cast into the fires of eternal damnation! (vol I page 571)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - The red forces are gaining momentum in the Eternal City of Rome. Your country, the United States, and other countries of the world, in their measures of compromise to communism, shall fall to communism. You cannot choose a middle road; you must go either to the right or to the left.................Compromise will bring you nothing but despair and sorrow. Compromise, My children, will enslave you. Recognize what is happening within your country and many countries of your world. The Bear is plundering now and has plans to plunge forward throughout the world, the Red Bear, My children, known to you as the Red-Brown Bear.
(vol II page 23)
My Mother counsels you well when She warns you of compromise with the enemies of your God, the dangers that you bring into your country. My children, the words of atheists hold no weight; there is no trust in the ungodly man, and you cannot consort with them, for you will love one and hate the other. Is there not a spirit of hate now against all of the personages of Heaven? (vol II page 24)
MARCH 18, 1977 - Yes, My children, as time goes on in these closing days, you will watch those of evil intent become brazen in their approach. They no longer know the meaning of shame or modesty. Like the brazen serpent they come forward and throw themselves before you. And why? Because your leaders have enacted rules, regulations, and laws that hold no water, have no discipline and no purpose. They are too busy compromising.................It is the easy way to compromise, My children. It casts the responsibility onto another, so that you may not be bothered. But I say unto you, pastors and laymen, you must accept this responsibility to protect your Faith, to restore My House to its former glory, to chase out the rodents in mitres that are burrowing like rats into the foundation of My Church. (vol II page 29)
APRIL 2, 1977 - In your search for love and brotherhood, you have opened My Church in the name of love and brotherhood to all manners of evil and demons! I assure you, My children, compromise will get you nowhere; the promises and words of atheists will get you nowhere. You will not win souls lowering your standards or making changes to suit the basic carnal fallen nature of mankind. (vol II page 32)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, no country now shall be free from the evils of communism, My heart is torn, for I have come to you in countless appearances upon earth to warn you as Our children to avoid compromise with the enemies of God, though they come to you with smooth tongues, rationalizing their behavior. And because man has fallen out of grace, he will accept these lies and become enslaved. (vol II page 145)
MAY 23, 1979 - The commandments of the Eternal Father were written in full; the construction of My Son's Church was directed in full. All will be found written by the founding fathers of the Church in the Bible, your Book of life and love. Pastors in My Son's Church, whatever are you seeking to reform! You had the truth, you had the light, but with itching ears you are listening to demons. (vol II page 213)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - You cannot compromise the Faith. You cannot accept gratuities to compromise My Church. Where is your faith? When I return shall I find even a flicker of faith left in the hearts of My Clergy? And even My sheep that have been scattered, My children upon earth? (vol II page 255)
JUNE 13, 1981 - Your country, My child, must turn back to God, because the time is running out. You cannot compromise with the enemies of your God, nor can you compromise with the enemies within My Son's House, His Church. Conform and you will die on the vine. I say unto you, all clergy, cardinals, bishops and lay people in My Son's House, His Church: Conform and you will die on the vine. (vol II page 286)
JULY 1, 1970 - Pray for those who have not lived. He breathes the Spirit of Life at the moment of conception! Do not murder the little ones! His Hand grows heavy! Many souls will be lost. All Heaven is saddened. Man walks the road to his own destruction. Pray for your brothers. Bring My Message to the world. So many souls will be lost! Man has forgotten My Son! It hurts to be turned away. Love My Son as He loves you! You can't bargain with God and man! One you will love the other you will hate! (vol I page 10)
MAY 10, 1972 - The torment that will be visited upon those who murder the little innocents shall be eternal damnation, and they shall spend eternity with the eyes watching the parade of the murdered innocents! The Spirit of Life is breathed into the creation of the Eternal Father at the precise moment of infiltration of conception. Life begins at the exact moment of the infiltration of conception, therefore you are destroying a creation of the Eternal Father and, as such, you will condemn yourself to be eternally damned! You will not destroy a creation of your God! (vol I page 51)
MARCH 18, 1974 - Murderers shall die! Murderers shall burn forever in the abyss. Life, and the spirit, enters into the being conceived into the human body of women at the time of conception. No man shall place himself above the Father and make the decision on life or death. (vol I page 172)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - Your city and many cities and countries throughout the world will suffer for the murders of the holy innocents. Life, the spirit of life, is breathed, the soul placed by the Eternal Father into the body of the unborn at the precise exact moment of conception. Do not fall prey to the fallacy; there is no life until the child emerges from the womb. No! I say to you; life begins at the moment of conception. The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life at the moment of conception. No man shall take this life, for at that he is guilty and found guilty by the Eternal Father of murder! (vol I page 408)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - You ask, My child, about the state of soul of the priesthood. This, My child, is not for you to question or judge. A human being he is, yes. Subject to error, yes. Subject to fail, yes. But still during the Consecration, and when he hears you in the confessional, the Holy Spirit comes down upon him, using him as an instrument to bring absolution to you. (vol I page 140)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - My Son is much grieved, My child, in the manner in which many come to Him in His House. They come with disrespect; they do not have love for Him in their hearts. My child, please, they lead themselves onto the road to satan. They must not accept My Son with sin in their hearts. Many do not go to Our representatives. They accept My Son with sin on their souls! Shout it, My child, from the roofs: You must honor the Eucharist! (vol I page 298)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - The young children must be taken by their parents to the temples, the Houses of My Son, throughout your world. They must learn by habit a good example of cleansing of their soul by CONFESSION. The good priests of earth, those who have been dedicated and received this consecration from My Son, must take these tender souls and nurture them in their Faith. (vol I page 438)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - When a man has stepped over the threshold and allowed himself to fall into mortal sin, he must be purified by trial, but he must also, My children, be purified by the rule of penance and confession. What manner of evil is being set now upon mankind that compels him to lose his soul by rejecting the Sacraments, by no longer confessing to his confessor, but coming to receive My Son in sacrifice, while his soul is degraded by sin of mortal nature! (vol I page 529)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - My child, make it known to mankind that penance and confession is a private communication between the confessor, the penitent, and God. (vol I page 567)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. All who are in the pure spirit of light will have nothing to fear. If you fall victim to satan, you must immediately run to receive a new store of grace from your pastor in confession and the receiving of My Son's Body. My children and those you love. There is not much time left. (vol II page 77)
MAY 19, 1971 - Confusion! Confusion. It is satan's method. Fear and confusion. You must recognize the face of evil, you must not be led as sheep to the slaughter! We gave you all an inborn conscience. These evils must be stopped because of the children. The heavy burden will be upon the parents. They must keep the Faith in their hearts. It will not be an easy task, your only refuge will be your home. You will have to bar your door against evil. Yes, you can be deluded and misled and not see the evil about you! It could be, My child, like mass hypnotism! Satan has gained much ground throughout your earth. The numbers of conquests increase every day and not enough forces to stop them. We place a heavy burden upon you who have the heart and the faith. You must save your brothers and sisters from this evil! (vol I page 28)
MARCH 25, 1972 - All who do not recognize My Son as the Savior shall not be given keys to the Kingdom. My Son, in the Father has given you all an inborn conscience, and guardians that you would not fall prey to the agents of satan or his planned elements. Should you throw away Our graces, you will become blind, in darkness, until you will no longer recognize the truth! (vol I page 46)
APRIL 1, 1972 - There is a great war ahead, many arms will be needed in this battle. You will be on divided sides the road in between holds nothing. You will not be lukewarm, but forced with the love of My Son to defend Him as such! You must decide your path, hell or Heaven! There is no recourse, My children. You have all been given an inborn conscience. You must reject the plan of satan and not succumb to his lures! The world about you has become the playground of satan and his agents. Your world is in darkness. Our Church is in darkness; but We still carry the light. All who follow Me, My children, will be led out of the darkness. (vol I page 49)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Your country is now turning fast to pagan practices, My children. Satan has entered upon your hearts well; you accept him of free will (conscience). All who will stand to defend My Son in these trials, many will be martyred. (vol I page 50)
MARCH 25, 1973 - God the Father has given each man an inborn conscience. He will sin when he chooses to blind himself to the truth. (vol I page 92)
NOVEMBER 24, 1973 - Every soul, My child, that has entered, fallen into hell, has had his choice. In each life there is that moment of recognition of soul. You have all been given a God-born conscience. The Creator, your Father, did not birth you in ignorance. Those who fall into the abyss have done this of free will. (vol I page 144)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - My child, is it necessary for Me to repeat My words? Have I not reached the world with an essence of the truth? The truth lies in every man's heart, for every man has been given an inborn conscience from the Father. However of your own will can you shut up your contact with your Father, for you give yourself to the world. (vol I page 161)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - The murder of the young shall not be condoned by the clergy, nor the laity! Hell shall claim each human who in conscience and free will has accepted the murder of the young! Remember, My children, satan sends his agents, demons, in human form. They will do nothing unless they enter into the bodies of any human, man, woman or child who has fallen out of grace and given himself to the agents of darkness and the ways of satan. (vol I page 247)
JUNE 18, 1977 - Every man, woman and child of the age of reason knows right from wrong, for he has been given an inborn conscience. At the moment of his conception a life is forming, regardless of what the agents of hell now pollute the minds of mankind with, creating murders of the young! I say unto you, life begins at the moment of conception and all who extinguish this light are murderers, and without repentance shall be condemned to hell! (vol II page 61)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My child and my children, you must do your utmost to bring back into My House, My Church upon earth, the Faith. I often cried through My Mother's tears, Her tears and Mine abounded over the earth, because through the Eternal Father, man was given a conscience and a free will, to either accept Heaven by sacrifice and penance, and having to face the rebuke of a darkened world.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, many punishments have gone by unnoticed, and many more shall be given. I say this with a heavy heart, because daily the prayers of the multitudes reach Us, asking forgiveness for those who have sinned. My child and My children, I must tell you that they have a free will and conscience. ................Russia, being an atheistic country, My children, Russia, you cannot believe what they tell you, nor what they print in their tabloids. Russia has but one plan; to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children. That is why as time goes on, until that grain goes through the hourglass forever, that is why you will undergo great suffering.
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - Veronica: Oh my goodness! The satanic master, or what he calls himself, has two horns! They look like they're coming out of his head-not a costume, but actually out of his head! And he's laughing! Blessed Mother, he's so evil! Must I look at him?...........Do not be affrighted, My child; I placed a veil between him and you at the time. But they are conducting their services this evening, so the prayers that you will say, My child, when you return home tomorrow, you will say it for this group. There are children among them that have been missing now for months, for years. They are all pawns of the satanic cults!.............You ask, My child, what can be done about them. First, you must go to the supernatural. You must also read your Bible and place before these obnoxious, self-satisfied demons from hell, that have entered into the bodies of these individuals.....They have been under full control, therefore, they have no conscience. They have no holiness. They are everything the opposite to Christianity, and their goal is to take the Catholic children of the world, through nationwide cults. Already, there are five
thousand or more now in the United States and Canada, and people ask: 'Where have my children disappeared to?'
SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 - You understand now, My child, with your experience, why I cry bitter tears throughout your world, crying for the true meaning of love to be expressed by mankind. Love means the Corporal works of Mercy...............Do you, My children, truly know the meaning of love and practice it in your daily life? Or have your lives been given over to luxury and seeking pleasures of the flesh? Selfishness abounding in the hearts of many, and even in the hearts of the clergy. The corporal acts of mercy must be practiced by the clergy in My Son's House. (vol II page 244)
There is now upon earth, as I have directed you and counseled you before to be aware of, by wearing your sacramentsls, to be prepared for the onslaughts of the agents of hell. I do not wish that you go about making hasty judgments against your brothers and sisters.. The corporal works of mercy must always be followed. (vol II page 246)
My children, you must all be defenders of your Faith. By your example and your practice of the corporal works of mercy among mankind, you can stem the tide of evil now that has engulfed all of the nations of three-quarters of mankind. (vol II page 246)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - My children, Our sorrow is deep. We watched with great anticipation and hope that the gathering of Our bishops would bring forward much good, but sadly, We found confusion and delusion in this gathering in your city of Philadelphia. (vol I page 521)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - Watch, My children, what is to be. They will call another Council. Oh, but satan now has his plans. Oh, woe! Woe! to evil man! What is to become upon them! (vol I page 160)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - Satan was present, he listened with careful ears at the Great Council. He awaited every move, and he placed his agents among you! Recognize and reconstruct your path! You have been deluded! You are on the wrong road! Turn about now, or you will sow the seeds for your own destruction. (vol I page 242,243)
MARCH 18, 1976 - The Great Council, the Council that has brought forth discord, disunity, and the loss of souls, the major fact behind this destruction was because of the lack of prayer.............
Satan sat in within this Council, and he watched his advantage. He is now playing a game of chess with the Red Hats and the Purple Hats, moving them with great glee as he watches the evil accelerate, and all manners of people are flowing fast through the doors of the Holy City and all ecumenical bodies. (vol I page 477)
MAY 15, 1976 - I repeat, My children, as I have told you in the past, that the great Council of Vatican II was manipulated by satan. He sat there among you and he worked you like a chessboard................What can you do now to recover? It is simple, My children; turn back and start over with the foundation given to you. You must bring respect back to your priesthood. You must bring respect back to your Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. I have warned you of all manners of abomination, errors, and delusions that have been set upon you. Listen, and act upon My warnings to you. (vol I page 486)
JUNE 5, 1976 - Bishops in My Son's House, Church, you have gone astray. You have scattered Our sheep. You have joined with all manner of heretics and false teachers. You started with good intentions in your Council, but you became deluded in your search for peace and brotherhood. You allowed all manner of error to creep slowly into My Son's House, Church. You must understand that you are setting in motion the formation of a World Council of Churches, but it will not be the Church of My Son. It will be a church of man, a church without the true foundation. (vol I page 497)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - I repeat, My children, the great Council in Rome of Vatican II, the promises were great, but satan sat among you and he played you like the chess board. (vol I page 518)
MAY 18, 1977 - In the Council of Rome, of Vatican II, man set out to use his own deviations to promote peace. Look about you, My children, and learn what peace has been brought to mankind. Man cries peace, peace, and he goes farther away from peace. There shall be no peace without faith. There shall be no peace without the plan of God in the hearts of man! (vol II page 43)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, the Council of Vatican II was started with good intent, but the doors were opened to all manner of heretics, causing a slow pollution of the Faith. My children, you must now awaken the pastors from their slumber! They have given themselves over now to a new religion of man. (vol II page 68)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - The enemies of your God are gathered within the Holy City of Rome. Sad to say, My children, but a fact of truth, that many of the councils now shall bring forth diabolical ventures. (vol II page 91)
MAY 13, 1978 - All manner of promises were made at the Council in Rome, Vatican II. The road to hell is often paved with good intentions. (vol II page 145)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - Before the forming of the coming council, the conclave, you will all pray daily the beads of prayer, the Rosary, that the Seat of Peter shall not be covered in darkness. ......
My children, you will continue now with your prayers of atonement. Pray constantly for your cardinals in Rome. The outcome of the council will be the deciding focal point for the coming of the Warning and Great Chastisement to mankind. .............My children, you will continue now with your prayers of atonement. Pray constantly for your cardinals in Rome. The outcome of the council will be the deciding focal point for the coming of the Warning and Great Chastisement to mankind. (vol II page 184)
The days coming will be days filled with news for mankind, and I say unto you as your God: It is in the will of the Eternal Father that the world of man upon earth must make a decided change for the better, or the world must come to a closing of the era. (vol II page 184,185)
You will all now keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Pray for your bishops, your cardinals in Rome. The decision they are planning shall bring on a great catastrophe to My Church and to the peoples of the world, for many souls shall be lost unless they change this decision. (vol II page 185)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - My children, a conclave shall start, and without prayers you will receive one on the seat of Peter, one with dark spirits, consorting with the devil. (vol II page 197)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - Many because of the mistakes made issuing forth from the good hearts of John XXIII, Pope Paul VI; many have taken the messages and the directions given at the Vatican Council and twisted them to suit themselves, reading in the Bible words of their own, or finding excuses for their sinning, through the Bible.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - Yes, My child, even with Vatican II, it started out with the best resolves, but then satan took over the scene. And with his agents he reached into the highest professions, the highest league of the Hierarchy, until it saddens Me to say that many priests now are on the road to perdition and taking many others with them.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - I say this evening, as your God, that on that date, as promised at Fatima, satan entered My Church upon earth. He brought with him his agents, and satan himself, the deceiver of all mankind, sat in on Vatican II and maneuvered all the outsiders to come in and distort My doctrines and distort the truth. ...............At Fatima, My Mother tried to warn of this coming event, but who cared to listen? Who was interested in listening? All Heaven was crying in that time, for the Eternal Father had made it known how His message would be received..
COVENS - See Satanists: Covens
JUNE 5, 1975 - My child, many have asked about this Cross without the Corpus. It is a symbol of the suffering that will be allowed to a victim soul. Each man and woman upon earth will now be tested in the days ahead. (vol I page 373)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 - Repeat, My child. Only by experience can any human being understand My Son's suffering. Many crosses are placed upon earth, barren of the corpus, to represent those who will be victims for the merciful love of the Eternal Father in Heaven and the repatriation of many souls. (vol II page 245)
JULY 1, 1970 - The strong must carry the weak. Keep His Cross before you always. Prayer and sacrifice will be your guide to the Light. Place not your trust in this world, for it is your exile. Eternity is forever. The children are the innocent victims! Pray for your children. My tears fall on all mothers. Come to Me for I will comfort you! Pray! Pray always, My children. There are many souls to be saved. I know of a mother's broken heart that tears cannot mend. My Son will comfort you. I bless you all, My children. Pray My Rosary daily. (vol I page 10)
JULY 15, 1970 - Pray for My priests. They are led into the darkness. Many hearts are hardened to the truth. There is salvation in prayer. Many will be sacrificed in the engulfment. Carry your cross, My children. All hearts must rise to Heaven in prayer. (vol I page 11)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - Your crosses will increase from now on but persevere and you will reach the Kingdom. (vol I page 12)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 - Continue to give to the world; to bring Our Message to the world. It is not an easy task. But carry your crosses with joy for the expectancy of Heaven to come. I let fall a shower of roses upon you. (vol I page 15)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - I cannot guarantee happiness for you in this world, but if you help Me carry His Cross, the Glory of Heaven will be yours, for the time is not that long. Each and everyone will be saved if he will just come to Us. (vol I page 17)
This beloved spot, this hallowed place will be an oasis in a barren land, for We will dispense here many graces upon you all. We know you care. We know you love and We hope with you. I say this because My dear Son has always been long suffering. He carries His Cross for you because He loves you! Won't your help carry His Cross for Him? It won't be easy, but Our little armies throughout the world will rescue many souls before the end. It is not just by chance that I chose this place, for here I found the seed of hope! (vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - Carry your Cross, My children, be not affected by the mockery and insults you will receive when you defend My Son. We will always be with you, so face the world with His Cross in your hand! It will far exceed all the greatest joys of expectation. Yes, they will hate you, as they hated My Son when He brought the Word. They will laugh at you as they laughed at Him. ..................Prepare for this heavy cross. (vol I page 20)
APRIL 10, 1971 - Unless you reach out to help gather the souls of all your brothers and sisters, you will not be counted among those gathered during the destruction! Love is always in giving! My child, care not for the judgment of mere man, but shoulder your cross, keep the Words given to you by My Son in your heart, for they will comfort you in your trials. (vol I page 27)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - This great flame they will see and yet not believe. Then, satan will claim his own. There will be a heavy cross upon this world...........Many will be granted their supplications, but many will also have to bear their crosses of illness in order to purify their souls, to enter the Kingdom. They will eliminate their stay in purgatory by cleansing their souls as victim souls upon earth and suffering for the weak. (vol I page 34)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - Unless you are able to penetrate the darkness with the light of truth, many will carry the cross with My Son! I tell you now: Count not on the extension of this Chastisement. As I repeat to you: The last grain is approaching, ere but for the merciful heart of My Son in the Father you would receive much worse than is planned to be metered to you! (vol I page 35,36)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - Oh, My children, recognize the path you are traveling on. I have given you enlightenment, and many miraculous manifestations. It is only to strengthen you in the days ahead, for many will fall in the battle. They will be unable to carry the cross, as it will become too heavy for them. The strength necessary will be given to you if you come to My Son for you will then bask in the Light of His Sacred Heart! My Son sheds tears of great sorrow. He cannot look upon the creation with joy............. There are two crosses in the world now, My children, the Cross of the Living God and the one that man has built for himself to worship! Pagans in disguise! Bowing down to man! (vol I page 43)
MARCH 25, 1972 - I hear all the entreaties you send to Me, My children. Some will be cured; others must carry their crosses. Do not misunderstand Me, My words. Those who carry their crosses will be doubly blessed. We have asked for victim souls in these dark days; carry your cross with purpose; offer your sufferings with My Son, Who suffered much for you. (vol I page 46)
APRIL 10, 1972 - All messages given in the past must be dispersed as quickly as possible! Do not be affected by those who will meet you in rebuttal! It is the cross you will carry. Suffer, My children, with patience! (vol I page 50)
DECEMBER 24, 1972 - If you have given your lives into the trust of My Son, you will be guided along the right path for your salvation. Do not expect to fully understand the ways of your God. For His judgment is not akin to man's. Accept the trials and the sufferings of your daily life upon earth. And when the time comes, you will fully understand why your cross was made heavy. And I assure you, My children, at that time you will rise with joy of heart, to know that you were given the opportunity for your salvation. (vol I page 72)
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - In the battle ahead, you will find that you will be rejected by many of your own. Your road, the Cross, you carry, cannot be lightened at this time. The sins of man have placed a great burden upon those who have offered themselves as victim souls. Souls who will do penance, penance to obtain mercy for the wicked. (vol I page 76)
MARCH 25, 1973 - All must retire from your world that has been given to satan. You will not have both. You must now pick up the cross and carry it. Only in this way will you stay on the road. It is a narrow road, and when you leave, it is difficult to find the way back. (vol I page 90)
APRIL 14, 1973 - You will be given, My children, no heavier a cross than you can carry. Think of the great graces you can accumulate with your suffering. To walk to the Kingdom is a thorny road. (vol I page 95)
JUNE 16, 1973 - Man has now the choice of his destruction or his reprieve. All who follow the light will carry heavy crosses. (vol I page 109)
JULY 15, 1973 - The road to sanctification is not an easy road. We expect all to fall and tumble. But you will pick yourselves up and continue to carry your crosses. (vol I page 115)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - I know that among you there are many who will accept the cross and be disciples for My Son. Join Me, My children, as We gather your brothers and sisters. (vol I page 141)
NOVEMBER 1, 1973 - Know that this night you have joined Me on the cross. Therefore, since you have acknowledged Me before man, I will acknowledge you before the Father. My children, you have heeded the call of My Mother, and you will be counted among those saved. (vol I page 143)
DECEMBER 7, 1973 - There will be placed upon the world a very heavy cross. Your country shall not escape a long due Chastisement. The Father is not hard of heart. He is most merciful and has suffered long,. However, it will be the purification for many. (vol I page 147)
There are many who are carrying, My child, heavy crosses. Many of these crosses will be taken from them, but We ask others to carry them with perseverance and purpose. For it is their sacrifice that will be instruments in the recovery of many souls. Know the value of suffering. (vol I page 148)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - We place a great burden, My child, upon the few who have been given the graces to understand. Know then, that We do not send this suffering upon you and others without reason. You cannot enter the Kingdom, My child, unless you are willing to carry the cross. I have never, My child, forced you to accept any mission. You must do this of your own will. This decision will mean a very heavy cross for you. Yes, My child, I knew before your answer what it would be, for that is why the Father chose you long ago. There are many, now, My child, like you throughout the world. You are not alone in the battle. All must unite against the common enemy of the Father. (vol I page 161)
APRIL 6, 1974 - You will find that many will be placed upon the cross as victims for their faith. All who follow My Son will carry a very heavy cross. The time of the persecution is now accelerating, prepare yourselves, retire from your world which has been given to satan. (vol I page 183)
APRIL 13, 1974 - The road to martyrdom, My child is not one that would be accepted in your human nature. However, all who enter the Kingdom of the Father must carry the Cross. Know, My child, that now all are being separated. Many are already marked with the sign of the beast or the mark of the Cross. In your perception, you will be given this insight to recognize the enemies of your God. (vol I page 193)
JUNE 8, 1974 - My child, your heart is heavy. You join Us in the great sorrow. A great darkness covers the world. It is in darkness of the spirit. The road you travel will be a road filled with thorns. The cross will be heavy as you follow the path. (vol I page 109)
JUNE 15, 1974 - You will understand, My child, in time, that those who are given great graces must carry a very heavy cross. There is much that cannot be revealed to you at this time, for there are mysteries of Heaven and a great mystery of earth. At the proper time all this will be made known to you. (vol I page 214)
JUNE 18, 1974 - The forces of evil are rampant upon your world. Many will take the easy road, the wide road leading into the abyss. Pick up your cross, My children and follow My Son. It is the only road that will lead to eternal happiness. (vol I page 223)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - I bless you all My children, as the Father blesses you in the Holy Spirit. We dispense among you the graces for your salvation. None will be lost but of his own free will. Remember this: The way to Heaven will be the Way of the Cross. (vol I page 240)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - If you, My child, find your road filled with thorns, know that you are truly traveling the way of the cross. You cannot expect any less a lot than My Son received when He brought the Message to the world. For if you were bringing a message known to the world you would be accepted. But since you bring a message of the spirit, those not of the spirit will reject you, My child. Pray for them, for the power of prayer is great. (vol I page 300)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - You must not forget the fifteen minutes a day of reading the Book of Life and Love, your Bible. Do not be concerned of the words of mankind. Know that all who follow My Son must carry His Cross. (vol I page 302)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - My child! Do not flee in fear! You must stay and fight the evil. Think, My child, of the great glory of martyrdom. Know that every man who leaves the earth carrying My Son's Cross, holds the key to the Kingdom...............You, My child, and others of Our children upon earth, would not be able to understand the way of a Father. That is why I counsel you My child and My children to accept all the Father sends you, be it crosses or roses. With each rose that is given, My child, there will be thorns. (vol I page 315)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - I must tell you now that all who remain with My Son will carry the Cross. However, know that the victory is with My Son, for satan and hell shall fall. The state of My Son's House is temporary. It is in the plan of the Father that the sheep shall be separated from the goats. All that is rotten shall fall. A House, a Church in darkness, wears a band of death about it. (vol I page 329)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - I bless you all, My children, as children of the light. I will be with you to the Second Coming of My Son. All who are burdened with their cross, come to Me and I will comfort you. Come to My Son in the Tabernacles of the world. Hurry, My children, the agents of hell are loosed and have set in motion a plan now to close these Tabernacles to you. Hasten now, gather your graces, My child, while there is still time! Spend much time with My Son in the Eucharist. It is truly the Bread of Life. It will be a most dark day, My child, when these Tabernacles will be closed to you. (vol I page 335,336)
MARCH 18, 1975 - Veronica: Now Our Lady is coming forward. And She's holding now a Cross. It's a wooden Cross, and I don't see a Corpus on it. And She's holding the wooden Cross in front of Her like this. ......Our Lady: My child, this is the symbol accepted by little Theresa. All who follow My Son must place themselves upon this Cross. It is the way of Christ. (vol I page 341)
APRIL 5, 1975 - Padre Pio: My spiritual children, you must unite in a common cause. Your world shall be chastised soon. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You have been given an extension of time to gather the souls, My children. Do not expect to follow my road and the road of the Savior without suffering. It is truly the Way of the Cross. Use more time in daily prayer. Not enough pray, My children. (vol I page 356)
You see, My child, all suffering shall be used for the salvation of souls. None enter into the Kingdom except by the Way of the Cross. The road to Heaven is filled with thorns but at the end of the road you will receive a very large bouquet of roses. (vol I page 357)
MAY 28, 1975 - Know, My children, that I am always with you, My Mother is with you. We will guide you in the future. Your future is now. The days grow short. Accept your cross, My children, and go forward searching as candles in the darkness. ..........I bless, you, My children, and give you peace of heart, My children, in your present struggles. Know that you shall travel the way of the cross. ..........Have pity upon your neighbors, My children. Pray for them. Pray for those who castigate you. Pray for those who slander you for in their hearts many are misled and truly do not know what they have done. Do not judge, lest you be judged, My children. Accept your cross and carry it without complaint. (vol I page 370)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - You will be scoffed at, you will be slandered, you will be mocked. There is only one way, My child, to the Kingdom Eternal, that is by carrying the cross. (vol I page 394)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - You have been given a time to change. The time is running out! Those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear, My child. For they will go through this crucible of suffering with more hope and courage, knowing that the eventual victory is over the veil with the Eternal Father. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration that lies ahead! It will truly be the cross!..................You must, as a child of God, pick up your cross and carry it, even if it is heavy! Suffering shall be a way of life soon for many. It is all in the plan of the Eternal Father to separate the sheep from the goats. You are all being tested, My children. (vol I page 400)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - As it was in the time of My Son upon earth, so it shall be in your time. All children of God shall enter upon a crucifixion, but carry your cross, My child, My children, carry your crosses with great fortitude and perseverance for the victory is with My Son. (vol I page 412)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - All who do not wear the sign of the cross, My child, shall be made known to you, and those who have carried their crosses through this battle. (vol I page 446)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - Be persevering, My children. Be confident in the Eternal Father. You will not be given any more trial than you can proceed through. Your burdens may be heavy, but know that you are going truly the way of the cross. (vol I page 470)
APRIL 10, 1976 - You will hear, My child, sadly, clamoring and voices being raised against your Vicar. You will go forward carrying the banner of Faithful and True. You cannot expect a life of all roses, My child and My children, for your road will be filled with thorns. Pick up your cross and carry it without complaint, My child and My children. (vol I page 480)
MAY 26, 1976 - You must all keep a constant vigilance of prayer throughout your country and the world. The few who have been gifted with grace must carry a heavy cross. Accept your cross, My children, with perseverance and confidence. The final victory is with Heaven. This shall comfort you in the days ahead, the knowledge that you shall be victorious with My Mother. (vol I page 492)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - My children, all who follow the road to the light must carry the cross. The greatest suffering that can be entered in to your heart is to know of the fall of a friend. Pray, My child, a constant vigilance of prayer, for no man can be free from the attacks of satan while he is upon your earth. Pray much that you and others shall not fall into his web of evil. I repeat; no man is free from these attacks until he comes over the veil. (vol I page 525)
In the past, many warnings have been given through voice-boxes throughout your world, My children. Many of your saints were given the sight to see. There is a great price for the ability, My child, to see, for beneath every rose is a very heavy cross, My child. (vol I page 526)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - Your lives upon earth shall be a constant struggle to avoid the snares of satan. This is the way of the cross, My children, and every man, woman and child shall travel this road in order to be purified and to enter the Eternal Kingdom of your God. I say unto you, My children, never since the time of Sodom, and never since the earth went through the trial of being cleansed by great waters, shall man see what will soon come upon him for his sin, for his succumbing to the pleasures of the flesh, and for discarding his God for all of the creations and spirit of darkness, allowing the prince of darkness, satan, your adversary, to gain control of your country and your world. (vol I page 531,532)
Your lives upon earth shall be a constant struggle to avoid the snares of satan. This is the way of the cross, My child, and every man, woman, and child shall travel this road in order to be purified and to enter the Eternal Kingdom of your God. I say unto you, My children, never since the time of Sodom, and never since the earth went through the trial of being cleansed by great waters, shall man see what will soon come upon him for his sin, for his succumbing to the pleasures of the flesh, and for discarding his God for all of the creatures and spirit of darkness, allowing the prince of darkness, satan, your adversary, to gain control of your country and the world. (vol I page 532)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - The greatest of trials, My child, will be given to those who have been chosen for special missions upon your earth. It is truly the way of the cross. My Mother and I are united with the symbol of My cross before mankind. (vol I page 533)
Now, My child, you will fully understand the way of the cross. After penance, My child, there is always a great joy. (vol I page 534)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - You must expect to have a road filled with thorns, My children. Pick up your cross and carry it; follow My Son. The road to Heaven is a narrow road. Many turn and leave it and find the way back most difficult. (vol I page 537)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - My children, you go through your earthly life looking for the roses, but you must understand the cross is always beneath the roses. (vol I page 542)
Accept your cross, My children. Carry it well, for it is only a short and narrow road to the Eternal Kingdom, and when you choose to drop your cross and go onto the wide road it is very difficult, My children, to return. Better that you persevere in truth and in faith. (vol I page 546)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - Yes, My child, many shall be given crosses and many shall not be able to stand up under them. You will be tried like mettles in the fire. It is truly the way of the cross, My child. (vol I page 549)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - Do not allow your minds to be clouded by satan. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. Pray for those who have received the greatest of crosses, those who no longer can receive Me, My children, in the Eucharist. (vol I page 551)
Do not be misguided by those who, in the spirit of darkness, take the knowledge of the supernatural from you. Yes, in order, My children, to stay in the light, you will be rejected by many; you will be scorned; you will be called insane; because, I repeat; there is nothing in common between the light and the darkness. As they rejected Me upon your earth, you, too, must go the way of the cross. But carry your cross, My children, with purpose and fortitude. And I assure you, as your God, that the road you follow in the light will be well worth your perseverance. The joys of Heaven are for all, but all do not attain this height, My children, for they are not willing to sacrifice and do penance and to follow the way of the cross. (vol I page 555)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - You see, My child, all suffering shall be used for the salvation of souls. None enter into the Kingdom except by the Way of the Cross. The road to Heaven is filled with thorns but at the end of the road you will receive a very large bouquet of roses. (vol I page 578)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - My children, I promise you, as your Mother, to be with you until your world and mankind has been righted by My Son. Step by step, through the darkness into the light, shall I lead you, My children. But it will be a road filled with thorns. The cross will grow heavy. You will stagger, you will fall, but I assure you, My children, you will rise even stronger. (vol II page 20)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - The road ahead will be filled with thorns, but is the way of the cross, My children. As I lived upon your earth, all who follow My road must carry the cross. (vol II page 25)
APRIL 9, 1977 - All of the sufferings you must endure are but short and small crosses, My children, in comparison to everlasting life over the veil. Accept these crosses, carry them for My Son, and He will acknowledge you before the Eternal Father. He will await you with a crown for your perseverance and faith. (vol II page 35)
MAY 28, 1977 - Mankind has given itself into all manner of sin and abomination. Mankind shall be cleansed by trial. All that is rotten shall fall. Many shall carry a heavy cross in the days ahead, but carry it with perseverance and dignity and purpose, for no man shall be above his master. As He went the way of His cross, so will you as children of God go His way. (vol II page 48)
MAY 30, 1977 - O My children, there will be many martyrs coming out of the tribulation period. You will all follow My way; you will pick up your cross and carry it without questioning or complaint. (vol II page 52)
JULY 15, 1977 - You will keep all of the sacramentals with you, upon your person, for in this war of the spirits, My children, I assure you, you will need every one of them. Surely, it will be a battle to the finish. You will be scoffed at; you will be called crazy and all manner of other epithets the unbeliever can devise. But, My children, you will follow the same path as My Son. Pick up your cross and follow Him The road will be strewn with thorns. I assure you, My children, you will pass through them, but then you will find a field full of roses and lilies. (vol II page 64)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, you will all be unified under the banner of Faithful and True to the Eternal Father. To be faithful and true, My children, you must be of the cross, and follow the cross, and not one that has been made by man. You must remain true and faithful to the teachings as given to you by the founders of My Son's Church. (vol II page 68)
AUGUST 5, 1977 - Do not become discouraged, My children, as you continue upon this mission for Heaven. You will be a minority upon earth subject to trial and derision from those who will be lost. As My Son was tormented, rejected and abused physically, you must expect to carry your cross as He did. (vol II page 74)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - My children, do not be afeared of the judgment of the world upon you; for as they judged My Son, and He walked among thorns, so will you be judged. The cross will be heavy. You will be rejected by the world, for you in the light have nothing in common with the darkness. You will be rejected by the world; but, gloriously, you will be accepted by Heaven. ..............My children, there is a separation now being made among your workers. We cannot contain within the ranks those who have become lukewarm. Many will fall by the wayside, for the cross will become too heavy. You will pray for those who have not gathered their graces to fight in this final battle. My children, they will not be lost, but they endanger their souls by entering into the world. (vol II page 91)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - My child and My children, understand well that as I was persecuted upon earth, do not expect any less a lot. For the cross is always heavy, and unless you carry this cross you cannot reach Heaven. For the way of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom. (vol II page 95)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - My children, I cannot promise you an easy road. The road to Heaven is not easy; it is filled with thorns. But I assure you, My children, if you will pick up your cross and carry it, at the end of this road, you will find roses and beauty far beyond anything the human mind could ever comprehend. The battle, My children, will be won when you say in your trial, My Jesus, my Confidence! My Jesus, my Confidence! (vol II page 97)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - My children, all who are of well spirits will understand the urgency of bringing this Message to you and the world. All who have been given the mission to be carriers of the light to mankind will not be free from attacks of satan. My children, there is a heavy cross for all who follow the way of My Son. Satan will send many agents to disturb. (vol II page 105)
You shall, as you go, My children, throughout your world bringing the Message from Heaven, you will be called all names, but, My children, these names may hurt your heart, but do not be concerned of these thorns, for I too walked your earth and was subject to the same trial. Can you not follow Me upon My path and carry your cross without complaint? (vol II page 106)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - The road to the Kingdom of your God is a narrow road filled with many thorns. Can you not, for your redemption, travel this road for Me? Can you not carry your cross as I did? (vol II page 110)
MARCH 18, 1978 - It will not be easy, My children. The road to Heaven is never easy. It was not easy for My Son, and you must now, to gain Heaven, pick up your cross and follow Him on the same road. It is a road filled with thorns but at the end of that road, My children, there will be a glorious reward for all. No human eye can ever see until over the veil the beauty and the glories that await man. (vol II page 130)
MAY 3, 1978 - The children of light shall go forward with great perseverance, knowing that they will carry a heavy cross. For no man shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless he picks up his cross and follows My Son. The road shall not be an easy one, My children. It will be filled with thorns amid the roses. However, as you progress in sanctity, you will find, My children, that you relish this opportunity through suffering to gain graces that may be applied to the salvation of another soul. When many graces are given to a human being much is expected of him. (vol II page 141)
MAY 23, 1978 - The road to Heaven shall be covered with thorns among the roses. Pick up your cross and follow My Son along His way, not the way now that man is developing for the destruction of the soul. (vol II page 145)
MAY 30, 1978 - Satan will use human beings who have become walking shells and dead spirits to trample the meaningful cross of My Son beneath their feet. As you seek to harm the Mother, you hurt the Son, and in this manner shall you be repaid measure for measure for your evil. (vol II page 155)
JULY 15, 1978 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer for your Hierarchy, your priest. Set a good example among them. Do not be afraid of the scoffers, those who bring derision upon you (derision, My children). Accept your cross. Pick it up, My children, and carry it and follow My Son. The reward will be far greater than any reward that man could ever visualize in his human mind. (vol II page 172)
JULY 25, 1979 - My Mother has been coming to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. She sends you and strews among you many roses. Many have thorns, the thorns are always with the roses. And you will always find, My child and My children, the cross beneath the roses. The road to Heaven is the way of the cross. Pick up your cross and follow Me. The way is narrow, and very few remain on it. Many are called, but few can be chosen. (vol II page 235)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - The cross, the symbol of life for all, is being trampled on, and even by many of His clergy, it is being trampled on. But only for a short time longer. The Eternal Father will not allow My Son to be recrucified by His own. (vol II page 241)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 - We call upon mankind for victim souls; those who are willing by human will and spiritual light to make restitution upon the cross! I say unto you, as your God, to pick up your cross and carry it. The road is narrow and filled with thorns. But there is only one road to Heaven, and once you go off of it, the way back becomes more difficult, and often to many, impossible. And why? Because too few pray for them. (vol II page 245,246)
My child and My children, the cross of your Christ is being trampled upon. And who will take this cross and carry it in reparation for the sins of mankind? I beg unto you as your Mother: Pick up your cross and carry it for My Son. Can you not suffer for My Son? Can you not make reparation for the sins of man, to expect God the Father in Heaven may extend unto you a small measure of time to save your brothers.. (vol II page 246)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - My child and My children, for all who seek to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, much will be expected of them. The road to Heaven will have many thorns, the cross will grow heavy, but you will pick up your cross and follow Me on that road. (vol II page 248)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - My Son has accepted His cross. Are there so few who will not accept a cross to save your world now? To save your Vicar now? Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Could I take you now and open to you into sight what is coming upon mankind, you would soon be groveling upon the dust, praying on your knees, and walking on your knees, to avoid the terrible destruction that shall be wrought by the Ball of Redemption! Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol II page 251)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - Yes, My child, I have you look upon the crisis ahead. When the cross is extinguished, there will be great confusion. Murders will abound; man will proceed deeper into the darkness of spirit. Without due atonement, without penance and sacrifice of many. I cannot any longer hold back the punishing hand of My Son. The Eternal Father, through My Son and the Spirit of Light, give fair warning to mankind, as in final warning to your generation: That you must now turn back and restore your earth so that it may be pleasing in the eyes of the Eternal Father in Heaven, or He shall be forced to destroy you. (vol II page 253)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - My children of light, do not be distressed, for I shall be with you, and your confidence shall be in the words given to you through My Mother, in all the messages from Heaven that will guide you when the road becomes filled with thorns and the cross grows heavy. (vol II page 265)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - My children, pick up the cross given to you. No man has ever received a burden greater than he can carry. The Eternal Father knows full well the limits, the limitations of your human nature. (vol II page 268)
JUNE 18, 1980 - Pray, My children, for strength. It will take great courage to remain in the fold in the days ahead; but your courage shall be the cross and the knowledge of the truth. (vol II page 273)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - There is only one way to restore your world to peace, and that is by following the way of My cross. You cannot change My words to bring them in line with mankind's own egotistical ways. You will find that humanism and modernism shall bring much suffering upon mankind. (vol II page 274)
JUNE 18, 1981 - My child and My children, understand well that as I was persecuted upon earth, do not expect any less a lot. For the cross is always heavy, and unless you carry this cross you cannot reach Heaven. For the way of the cross is the true road to the Kingdom. (vol II page 292)
APRIL 14, 1984 - My child and My children, My dear, dear children of the world, My tears fall upon you. I send My heart and My love to all who have taken up My Son's cross as a way of life to follow Him. (vol II page 400)
JUNE 18, 1984 - Know, My children, that nothing has been wasted, no act of charity has been wasted, and none shall say that they didn't try; because that is also the secret of success into the Kingdom of God, is that you will try to follow in My Son's steps. (vol II page 404)
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - You ask, My child and My children, why must also the good suffer? As it was in the beginning of time, so it will be now, that no one shall be above the crucifixion or beyond it. In order to reach the eternal life of Heaven, you must take up your cross and follow My path.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - You ask Me, My child, why We don't just put the heavy hand down on mankind, and that would be the end of the sinning. No, My child, the Eternal Father knew that once satan came into the world and was released from hell with all his demons, he expected many to fall to his cajolery's. However, though they fall, they must pick themselves up and walk a rough road, the road of the cross, back to Heaven. It will be a road of sacrifice and deprivation; however, in this way, My children, can you be purified for an entrance into Heaven.
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - Remember My plan for the Rosary. Wear your Rosary. I bless you with final victory! Watch for the Sign of the Cross! (vol I page 18)
APRIL 1, 1972 - As he sows, each individual shall receive. Prepare yourself well for the days ahead, for a mark has been given to you. My words have come to you often. I have prepared you well if you have listened and opened your hearts to Me. (vol I page 49)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - In the world today, man has been marked. He carries the mark of the beast or the Sign of the Cross. Those in the light will recognize among their brethren these signs. (vol I page 238)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - All who have consecrated their heart with Us, have now received the mark of a Cross upon them. It is a lifetime dedication and consecration.................You will find, My children, that since you have received this mark upon you from the Father, you will be most unhappy if you reject the light. You have been chosen among the many. It is not by accident that you have been sent here by the Father. You are all truly children of God. (vol I page 322)
JUNE 16, 1977 - Already, My children, those who are to be saved have been marked with the sign of the cross. The numbers now are being counted. The sheep are being separated from the goats. This is a battle of the spirits, and man in his free will shall be given the chance to accept the light or reject it. (vol II page 57,58)
JUNE 18, 1977 - My children, you have all been marked now with the sign of the cross. Go forward with graces from Heaven. You are now all apostles of the latter days. And many latter day saints shall come from among you. (vol II page 61)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - My children, I came to counsel you for many earth-years and you did not listen! Already those who are to be saved have been marked with the sign of God, the Cross. Those who have given themselves to satan now, loving their evilness and wrongdoing, shall be claimed by satan. He has many ogres now in many disguises roaming throughout your country, city by city, state by state. And this will advance, without prayer and penance, into every country of your world. He is the spirit of darkness. He will go wherever there is darkness. (vol II page 83)
JULY 25, 1978 - O My children, I could give you countless sins, errors in teaching, naming them, listing them hour by hour, so great have they multiplied since My first visit among you. Needless to say, all are being marked with the sign of the cross or the sign of the beast. As time goes on, My children of light, you will be able to recognize with your human eyes, through insight from the Eternal Father in the Spirit, those who are marked with the sign of the cross or the beast. (vol II page 174)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - The final count shall be in the few of those who are to be saved. My children, at this very moment of time upon earth, each and every person of conscionable age has been marked with the sign of the cross and redemption, or they have accepted on free will the mark of the beast, eternal damnation! (vol II page 180)
CRUCIFIX - See Sacramentals: Crucifix
CULTS - See Satanists: Cults
CUP - See Chalice
CURATIVE WATERS - See Bayside: Fountain
JUNE 18, 1970 - Right from the beginning, Our Blessed Mother instructed Her messages to be disseminated throughout the world. Miraculous photos have been taken during the Vigils by various instamatic Polaroid cameras which produce 'tamperproof' photos. Polaroid has no explanations. Rosaries have turned from their natural metallic color to gold during the Vigils, the substance of gold having been verified by jewelers. There have followed cures and conversions and people returning to the faith. Veronica has a file with many testimonials. (vol I page 9)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 - I come not only to cure bodies but to save souls. Many will suffer My Mother's sorrow. Redemption, grace, peace, I carry in abundance, only for the asking. ............Veronica, you should wait on this, but since you cannot keep a secret....There will be many cures. You have seen much, My child, for there is a time for joy and a time for sorrow, and as you can see, the joys are in abundance. (vol I page 14)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - A work of art, a work of love that has brought tears of joy to Our Hearts. For this, I bless you all, My children. We now have placed a full set of armor upon Us. Through this treasure (the medal of Our Lady of Roses) will flow many Graces from Heaven. Have them also blessed by a true loving priest and wear them for the days ahead! For, as the crippled will be cured, the blind can see, so shall all be saved, who believe and wear this medal. (vol I page 24)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - Veronica asked Our Lady if all present and sent to the Shrine could be granted their petition, or cure, if in the will of the Father, Our Lady said: Many will be granted their supplications, but many will also have to bear their crosses of illness in order to purify their souls to enter the Kingdom. They will eliminate their stay in Purgatory by cleansing their souls as victim souls upon earth and suffering for the weak! (vol I page 34)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - Come to Me, I love you all, My children. My arms are opened wide. I am the Mediatrix of all graces! Many who suffer physical illnesses will be cured, and many will be asked to accept this suffering as victim souls, for the relief of souls incarcerated in purgatory. Your suffering can be the instrument for the salvation of a fallen soul. (vol I page 42)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - My child, it is Our wish that none should perish in the days ahead. Convert the unbeliever! Michael, the Guardian of Our House, makes it known to you that you must convert the unbeliever. The good stalks are being fed the pure waters, or they would have wilted, My child, long ago. Satan has destroyed many minds. Satan has captured many souls from
Us. We ask now that those with strength in the Light reach out and save your brothers! (vol I page 43)
MARCH 25, 1972 - I hear all the entreaties you send to Me, My children. Some will be cured; others must carry their crosses. Do not misunderstand Me, My words. Those who carry their crosses will be doubly blessed. We have asked for victim souls in these dark days; carry your cross with purpose; offer your sufferings with My Son, Who suffered much for you. (vol I page 46)
JUNE 8, 1972 - All who come to Me, on My hallowed grounds, I will comfort them in their suffering. Many graces of cure and conversion will be given from Our hearts. There is nothing the Father would not do to rescue you, My children. Do not turn away from Us! Do not close your ears to Our pleas! Close your eyes to the world! Close your ears to the world! (vol I page 54)
FEBRUARY 10, 1973 - I send upon you graces in abundance, graces for the asking, the power of cure and conversion through prayer, instruments for the conversion of sinners. All sacramentals blessed on the sacred grounds of My Son, I say My Son, for I give no credit, My children to Myself as the Queen of Heaven, but do honor to the Father of Heaven and earth, for the graces He chooses to send you for the conversion of your souls. (vol I page 83)
MARCH 18, 1973 - We are permitting at this time manifestations and evidence of miracles more abundant than ever in the past history of your world. This is a means We shall use to fight the armies of satan. I promise, as the Mother of God and Queen of Heaven, to bestow upon all who come to My Sacred grounds, powers within their sacramentals for cures and conversions. (vol I page 86)
DECEMBER 24, 1974 - There will be in your country a conversion in your government leaders. (vol I page 308)
THE SECRET LETTER OF FATIMA: There will be a time which neither king nor emperor, cardinal nor bishop is expecting, but it will come, nevertheless, in accordance with My Father's plan, to punish and avenge. Later, however, when those who survive all things are still alive, God and His glory will once more be invoked and will once more be served as He was not so long ago when the world had not yet been corrupted. I call on all true imitators of My Son Jesus Christ, all true Christians and latter day Apostles. The time of times is coming and the end of all ends, if mankind is not converted and if the conversion does not come from above, from the directors of the world and of the Church. But woe, woe if this conversion does not come about and if all remains as it is, nay, if all becomes even worse. (vol I page 325,326)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - Michael: You ask, my child, why do the wicked prosper? The Eternal Father has the answer, my child. Each soul is important to Him. The wicked must be converted; every chance must be given to them to recover their souls. There will come a time upon your earth. (vol I page 434)
DECEMBER 24, 1975 - I bless you all My children. I give you in faith all graces for your conversion and cure, first the cure of the spirit, and then, my children, the cure of your body, but first the cure of the spirit. (vol I page 458)
JUNE 18, 1977 - I bless you all, My children, for My Son, in the Eternal Father, and the Spirit of life. We send among you graces; graces for cures and conversions, cures of the body and cures of the spirit. But remember, My children, it is the spiritual cures that are needed most now. Do not place too much value in physical cures. The spirit now must be cured, My children, for many soon shall enter over the veil and they must come with pure spirit. (vol II page 61)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - You are blinded, My Hierarchy. You seek to bring all into My Church, but this must be by conversion. You are allowing all manner of heretics and antichrist forces to enter among you. You are being deceived. Awaken from your slumber. (vol II page 196)
MAY 23, 1979 - My child and My children, I must caution you now to repent of your sin. The United States of America has fallen from grace. Your country, My child, and many countries of the world are paganized, giving themselves, their peoples, over to all manner of sin and evil that must be cleansed. It will be cleansed through penance or suffering; suffering that will bring not only death to the body, but death to many souls before they can recover with conversion. (vol II page 215)
MAY 26, 1979 - I have asked the pastors of My House not compromise the Faith of My sheep, for you shall not bring converts into My House in that manner. You will scatter the sheep. You are fast engaging in an untimely death for My Church.............I am the foundation, and when I speak of death, I do not mean the extinction of My Church. But I say unto you now all Bishops and Cardinals, all that is rotten will fall. You consort with the enemies of your God for money and power, and they are waiting to pick your bones clean. You will not bring about a conversion of those who are presently apostate by compromising your Faith or changing the construction of the exterior lines of My Church, and by that I mean the physical appearance and the manner in which you conduct the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (vol II page 219)
JUNE 18, 1984 - You ask, My child, countless times, in the power of God, why do you not just take them from the earth and cure them of this illness, the illness of ignorance and the illness of avarice. My child, there is one thing you must understand; man has a free will and shall not be forced through the gates of Heaven. He must come of his own free will. (vol II page 405)
JUNE 18, 1984 - With the extension of the Rosary, many shall now receive the power through the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, to bring health of body and health of spirit to each soul. You will find that your Rosary beads shall turn color again. The stems will become pure gold. So do not cast aside your Rosary, thinking falsely, as satan would whisper into your ear that they're not good anymore and must be thrown away. That presence of the Mother of God. Jesus, and the Eternal Father in the Holy Ghost, know that these Rosaries are very powerful. So you will keep them with you always, for they will have the power for cures and for conversion, cure of the ailing body and conversion of the sickened soul. (vol II page 407)
JUNE 30, 1984 - My child, you must make it known to all that all of the Rosaries blessed this evening, and all of the sacramentals, shall be used in the future for cures and conversions, cures of the body and the spirit; conversions of the soul, conversions of unbelievers. (vol II page 411)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - This will tell you, My child and My children, that the major Chastisement shall be a Third World War, which is in the planning now. Russia has not been converted. And why? Because the Message I gave many years ago to the little children, and to those who had the heart to seek for the truth, I told them that unless they prayed the Rosary and wore their Brown Scapulars, death shall be a place among the living; death, such as no man could perceive in his human mind, to see the destruction of missiles and other contemptible, technological implements, made strictly from the knowledge of satan.................Now, My child, because of the long term of rest and illness, you will take three more photographs. They will stress what I have just given you in words, that sometimes, My child, one photograph can convert many, because seeing to some is believing. Blessed are they who do not have to see to believe. But if they must believe by some physical sign, We send all of this to you, My children; conversions, cures, photographs. Surely you cannot turn away from the pleas of My Mother.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - You will see, My child, and know soon, why the light of Heaven has fallen upon two individuals who, as of this moment upon earth, are now cured. Get up and walk, My son.......................Veronica: Now Our Lady is going backwards. She came down quite far to get to the individuals who are somewhere over here on the right.....I would say that they are beyond the point of half of the crowd, out to the street and beyond that point. The man, Our Lady said the man is sitting in a wheel chair. The man is sitting in a wheel chair, Our Lady said. And the other, a lady, is now rubbing her arms. ...........Our Lady: My child, it lifted My heavy heart to be able to bring from the Father these gifts of conversion and cure for the crowd. .......There will be two others on Our left side, they have not been forgotten. One will be conversion, the other will be cures.....................My child, there will be very many victims upon earth; those who are willing to sacrifice their own pleasures, their own human pursuits, to give them over to the salvation of souls, their brothers and sisters, who are marked with the mark of satan and are seeking to take it away. There is only one way; conversion, and then cure of the sick soul.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - Day by day, man is killing now. Many countries shall be embroiled in wars, until we have the greatest war ever seen, nor shall ever be seen again, the Third World War, which shall engulf the nations. And many nations shall disappear from the force of the armaments being gathered now throughout Russia. ................Yes, My child, no matter how the world reacts to the truth, you will shout it from the rooftops that Russia has not accepted any overtures from Rome. Unless Russia can be dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mary, unless they will recognize the truth, they will continue to go throughout the world sowing seeds of discord, discontentment, and war. You know, My children, that war is a punishment for man's sins, but also, war is an indication of the loss of the knowledge of God. ...........The enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again. Tears shall be banished, and mothers shall not sorrow until they die of grief for the loss of their children and their sons. ...............My children, I shall not allow the scientific world to find a cure for AIDS, because of the horrible nature of what brings on this disease called AIDS. It is being flaunted now as though the good were to be stomped upon, and the bad shall receive the glory.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Look, My children, beyond where My Mother is standing; look carefully, and you will see the globe of the world, as it starts to turn.................Veronica: And now it stops on a massive nation. I see men in uniform, doing what appears to be a goose step, that is the only way I can explain it. And now I see them marching six abreast, row after row, across nations and countries. ..................This, My child, is reason for a dirge. For this nation of Russia shall bring much sorrow to the world. In many years past, I begged of you to convert Russia, but, instead, there is a fear of Russia that should not be. There is only one individual to fear in your world, and that could be, My child and My children, the fear of an angry God.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth. I repeat again, My child Veronica; you repeat now in your weakened state, again; the Pope, John Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children.
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - All right, My child, now; you sit back and I will talk to you when you do what you said you promised Us, that you would take the Rosaries and the rose petals to the ill and infirm. They come, My child, with great heart, knowing in their hearts that some will be cured miraculously this evening. And shall We find the individual in the wheelchair, that person is going to walk out his or her wheelchair. So be sure that someone follows you about. We are gong to stand, My child and My children, directly over the statue.......................Our Lady: My child, now, you will gather the rose petals, and the Rosaries that are at hand, and take them now while they are fresh, to the ill and infirm. ...............Now you will continue, My child, look forward and find the other wheelchair, My child. It seems to be hidden. It is very necessary that you find that invalid, because we must have their name and address..........Veronica: That individual is in a wheelchair. He has no legs. Oh, no, they're covered by a shawl. I assumed Jesus said that he had no legs; the legs are there, but he is paralyzed. ..................Jesus: Now find that individual and place the rose petals about his head and his legs. Can you do that, My child? Veronica: Oh, yes, Jesus, I will. ..................Jesus: We're standing here, My children. We're not leaving you; but We do want you to find the person for Us this evening. It will make it much easier when they write out their cure.
ONE MASSIVE CURE: CHRISTOPHER ROZYCKI Christopher Rozycki, age 20, of Kensington, Conn. had progressively become paralyzed over the past two years from a condition diagnosed as either multiple sclerosis or toxic metal syndrome. Since Easter he had been largely confined to life in a wheelchair. ..................About a month ago, Christopher was introduced to the Shrine, and since then the course of his destiny has been irreversibly altered for the better. His condition improved dramatically after using the Bayside rose petal, which he kept secured to his bedpost. ..................On June 18th, he embarked on his fateful pilgrimage aboard the Meriden, Conn. bus, and to his fortuitous rendezvous with, and his blessing by Veronica, the Bayside seer, while Heaven approvingly looked on. ..........Christopher's physician had already been somewhat baffled by his gains in motor movement (from a low of 7% at Easter, he regained use of 86%. And the process of healing continues. ..............Christopher's recovery has been so spectacular that he no longer needs his wheelchair. On June 28th, he walked two miles unaided! All glory, praise and honor to Jesus and His wonderful Mother, Our Lady of the Roses!
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - Theresa has the permission of the Eternal Father to remain here for the rest of the evening. She will also move about and look upon the ill and infirm, because on her feast day and the feast day of the guardians angels there will be many cures.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - Jesus: You will cure two. Veronica: Oh, that is just wonderful! I know they'll be very happy.................Now, My child, there are two who will be cured this evening. To avoid all confusion, I will lead you directly to those whom I wish that you will bless with the crucifix of the Shrine of Our Blessed Mother..................Now, My child, I wish that you take any rose petals available and go to the infirm circle and give out also any available Rosaries. My Mother and I will stand to the side while you do this. It will be necessary for the cures, My child...................I tell you now that there shall not be a cure found for the disease of AIDS. It is a punishment from the Eternal Father. Unfortunately, My children, there are many young innocents and those that are older who have come in with the plan of God for the salvation of their souls, but they, too, have fell victim to the AIDS plague. It is a plague, My child, as other plagues shall also follow this one.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, there is one thing I wish to bring to you this evening; that is the word of Russia. You do not understand the great threat she is to the world. I say 'she' because We have nothing else that exemplative of explaining the necessity to convert Russia. Now My Mother in the past has told you through countless earth-years of visits upon earth how to do this, I repeat from My Mother Her words to the world some time ago (and I believe, My child, you have been a voice-box before and a means for Heaven to transport this message to the world) that is, that the Holy Father in Rome, in unison with all of the bishops of the world, must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - The Infirm Circle: On September 30, 1980, Our Lord instructed Veronica to set up a special area for the sick and suffering. They would be the beneficiaries of outstanding graces at all Vigils. However, if Veronica is present, there would be an added grace, a blessing from her Shrine crucifix, gifted with the power of cure and conversion and kissed affectionately and reverently by Our lady at nearly every vigil Veronica attends. Veronica blesses the afflicted with this invocation: "I bless you with the Shield of the Immaculate Conception. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost..............Numerous cures and conversions have been wrought, some of them massive, with doctors statements and medical documentation providing authentication.
JULY 1, 1970 - My Rosary will be the light of the world. Prayer only can stop the man of perdition. Half of the world is already in darkness. No man is beyond the reach of satan. Many will perish in the engulfment. There is salvation in prayer. Turn to My Son. Give Him your heart. (vol I page 10)
JULY 15, 1970 - Do not defame My Son's Sanctuary! Visit My Son often for He will protect you against the darkness. ................Do not be ashamed of My Son's Crown. Why do you hide His Cross? Darkness covers My Church. My Son is hurt. Turn to My Son.(vol I page 11)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - I weep for the murder of the holy innocents. Man has discovered sophisticated sin governed by body pleasures. Only satan could fashion such diabolical destruction. I wander the earth in tears. My children have forgotten Us. So many will be lost. Why won't you listen to Me? I plead with you as your Mother. Listen to Me before it is too late. The darkness grows deeper. So many souls will be lost. So many will be martyred. ................I have wandered far to try to save you but you choose to close your ears to My pleas. I have come to warn you, to save you. I wish to place My Mantle over all My children so that not one will be lost. The hand of the Father grows impatient. I hold back the darkness but His hand grows heavy.
......................My Rosary can hold back the darkness. My Rosary can reach out and save those souls already going down to the abyss. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 14, 1970 - But My Immaculate Heart will triumph over all evil. The present strife is but a symptom of the underlying sickness, the loss of soul. Prayer is your beacon in the dark world. (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - Remain in communion with My Son for He will protect you. Visit My Son often. You have many friends in Heaven. Be not guided by fear but by prayer. Fear not the darkness for I carry the light. (vol I page 14)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 - Open your eyes to the signs of the times and you will not be in darkness. (vol I page 14)
OCTOBER 2, 1970 - You are the children of My Heart. I bless you from My Heart. Your yoke will be heavy but only in relation to the penance needed to save souls. Your prayers will recover many from the darkness. ...................Man's inhumanity to his brother is Our greatest sorrow. There is blindness much worse than loss of physical sight, the blindness of the heart. So many are heading for the flames blindly. Man seeks to destroy the evidence of hell, but he will learn the truth soon enough. Hell exists and Heaven exists. The sins of the flesh send more souls to hell. ...........Bring My Rosary to the children who wander further into the darkness. Who will bring them into the light? You who love Me and My Son, must carry this light into the darkness. See His Heart so pierced by the sins of ungrateful man! Woe to those who lead the little ones astray! Better they had died in their mother's wombs then to walk the earth to destroy souls. (vol I page 15)
OCTOBER 6, 1970 - The recognition of Father will not be denied, for His disobedient children will ask for a Father's Chastisement. I do not seek to place fear in your hearts, but only the realization of the possible consequences. Take heart for the dark days will be shortened for the elect, the children who sought to comfort Us when We were cast aside. (vol I page 16)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - We look down upon mass insanity! The legion of sick souls is growing! Fear fills the hearts of those falling in darkness. (vol I page 16)
Remember, My children, My Son is always with you. He has a Home in every land. He will be always with you. Though they seek to remove the Physical True Presence, they cannot invade the world of the Spirit that will be the light, that will guide you in the darkness. Man of Science forever searching. Man of science seeking to find a consort in his quest. He will find satan. (vol I page 16,17)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Though the forces of evil have entered the Holy Church, they will not destroy the Home of My Son. Do not abandon My Son because of the present confusion, for We will rescue you from the darkness. (vol I page 17)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - Your sacrifice, My children, will be a tower of strength for all who refuse to accept the Light in these dark days. While you reject all body comforts, We look down upon warm hearts. Your example will be the beacon, for they have closed their ears to the Truth and remain blinded by worldly pursuits and pleasures. It is sad to see, My children, that the Light has left many homes. The children are walking in darkness. Must My Son forcefully admonish you with a strong hand? So many of the good will then have to suffer along...I repeat again that the punishment metered out to you for the disobedience and turning away from God will be more than your human minds can conceive possible! (vol I page 19)
Pray always for your priests, your pastors, who are now confused. It is a way of satan, this confusion, for men grow weak from confusion. Increase your numbers of Rosaries, for they will always hold back the darkness. The graces you will need will come from the Father because of His great Love of his darkening world. (vol I page 20)
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - Observe the near future and open your eyes to the truth, for the Hand of God is ready to strike! Those living in the light have nothing to fear, for all body discomforts or destruction, will only remove the shackles that bind our soul to this darkening earth. (vol I page 20)
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - I have tried to warn you, My children, but My warnings have fallen on closed ears. I can no longer keep the darkness from you! I beg you now to keep a constant vigil of prayer. He is here now! Oh the sadness of hearts on this day. How We cry in Heaven for the sadness ahead. He shall spread his destruction all over the earth. The man of perdition is in your country! ................You will not receive a kind ear from the clergy, for man can be wise but stupid. Man has grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life. Man no longer seeks the Revelation in the Bible. I want you, My child, to repeat the words of My Son, given to your young son in his innocence of heart. I repeat the words of Jesus: My heart is sobbing. My hands are bleeding. I long to see My creation and be filled with Joy! The monuments, your statues, they MUST be kept in your homes, for all who keep them in their homes will be saved. The broken cross, the sign of the man of perdition, the sign of the anti-Christ, so-called peace symbol, all who wear this ARE DOOMED! The Rosary is broken, people do not take this seriously, My children, how many signs must be given to you? The man of perdition has spread his folly wide! The Light has not passed through the Papal Village. He has kept it in darkness. (vol I page 22)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - This man of perdition, this man out of hell, will spread his darkness through Holy Church! Hold the Truth always in your heart! Pray for your priests, your hierarchy, for the Faith has grown weak! They will be victimized by the evil one who is now loose in your Land. He will only possess a soul that has grown weak! Strengthen your souls by staying with My Son, near the Tabernacles of the world. Accept the gift of My Son often, His Physical Body, present in your Eucharist, given to you only by consecrated hands blessed by My Son and Ordained to do His Work and represent Him! Turn you face from those who wish to profane the Body of My Son. The Light of the Holy Spirit will guide you in this respect! The indignities to My Son, the Eternal Father and all Heaven are increasing with the increased destruction of the man of sin! His goal is the possession of all spirits destined for My Son's Kingdom. (vol I page 23)
MARCH 24, 1971 - There can be ultimate joy when we go beyond the dark days ahead for My Immaculate Heart will triumph over the darkness. ................I would like you to call on Michael often!! He is the guardian of My House!... I must bring forth the sad truth, My children, that a House in darkness will wear a band of death about it! ................To survive in those days ahead you will have to learn to live in the Spirit! Can you not understand the meaning? Talk to Us, My children, with your hearts! Do not speak to Us with your lips! We are waiting patiently! We need your love! Please, My children, do not forget Us for only We will be able to carry you through the darkness! (vol I page 25)
APRIL 3, 1971 - Be guided by the Holy Spirit that comes to you through the Eternal Father. In the darkness He will guide those who keep Him in their hearts. Our Father is the Lord High God, in Heaven. Defiled man knows his father as the black prince of hell, and this father of the dark abyss spreads destruction, fear, violence, hatred, murder of innocent babies, hear Me now, and remember what I say, you have brought the sword upon you by your own actions! For as the Father gave you a free will to choose your road; if you sought not the grace necessary to stay on the right road, it is because there were too few prayers, to little who cared to save themselves or you! ............My child, you must continue your mission without fear or distraction. Stay within yourself as has been directed. Pray, My child, pray day and night! I will always be with you; for always in the darkness I will send forth a shower of graces upon you, upon all who call to Me. (vol I page 26)
MAY 19, 1971 - Oh, My Jesus, how well the darkness covers the land. We look upon hate, greed, paganism and murder. The darkest of sins are being committed! Guard your children from the unholy ray. Keep the monuments (statues) in your home, keep the Rosary about your neck. These were not given for decoration. We cannot bear the blasphemies against Us much longer. We admonish you to save your soul and the souls of your loved ones. We are always with you, just raise your hearts in prayer to Us. Your prayers and sacrifices will be needed for your priests.
(vol I page 27)
We will continue to guide you in the dark days ahead. We urgently beg you for acts of penance, atonement, sacrifice daily. This will be all that can hold back the darkness. (vol I page 27,28)
My child, tell the world now, there is a hell! The evil one seeks to remove the thought of punishment from sin. Sin will then be a way of life. It becomes easier to delude you, then to capture your soul. Open your eyes, do not be blind, for the blind walk in darkness! Everything about you has been planned well to bring you into the darkness. Everything is planned in every war! Without Us you will be lost. Do not try to fight the battle alone. So they will scoff at angels and demons, but will you scoff when you are face to face with them? Do not follow the bad example like sheep to the slaughter block. Do not let them blind you. You can carry the truth, the Light, always in your heart! Show the example of a living Christ. Carry My Son's Cross, for by your example you can save others, and We will reward you. Do not let him take them from Us!
We don't wish to see one of Our children lost to Lucifer. He now gives all God's children battle. There is such turmoil in the world that We cannot come to you as often, Veronica, for We are needed very badly in the battle of the spirits. We listen to all who call Us. We will answer all who come to Us in belief, come to Us, believe in Us, and you will be saved! I have asked you to wear your Rosary to protect you from the evil that now enshrouds the earth. Already those destined for My Kingdom know Me. We know them! Those who have turned to Lucifer, who have turned their backs on Us, We know them not! Soon, My child, iniquity will so abound, that even many of the elect will be in fear to be charitable. Yes, charity will grow cold. We have already impressed on you the necessity for prayer. The power of prayer to chase him out. If you do not listen, you too will walk into darkness. You must not go around berating your brothers and sisters, you must pray for them! Without prayer, you cannot fight satan! These are not ordinary times, these are not ordinary days, no, if you read the words left by the prophets, you will understand the Book of Life. (Bible) (vol I page 28)
JUNE 17, 1971 - What is this darkness? You ask Me, My child. The darkness is a blindness of heart! Yes, you can be conditioned to be confused and no longer recognize the truth. You have a free will to go your own way, should you fall, you must fall alone! We will not let you take innocent souls with you. You are treading on My Son's House and making it a place of self gratification for arrogant man who follows after his own lusts! Your love of money has been your downfall. Yes, you are misguided. There will be much suffering for those who stand to defend My Son's House! This can never be destroyed for the foundation is solid. The foundation is My Son! But many now dishonor Him in His House. Blind man of self gratification, blind man who pursues after his own heart, his lusts! You call the hand of the Father down heavily upon you! This condition did not arrive over night, or this year, or 2 years ago. Yes, it has been well planned! ....delusions! (vol I page 29)
JULY 1, 1971 - Yes, I am truly the Mediatrix of Peace, the Mediatrix between God and man, I have been given the Light by My Son to hold back the darkness, but this will all be on your decision for you must listen to Our direction. (vol I page 30)
JULY 25, 1971 - Oh, you blind, foolish parents who do not recognize the products of your laxity!! The blow, it will be visited upon you, for as you sow so shall you reap. Yes, you parents are filling the bodies and minds with luxuries, but you have chosen to starve the souls of your children. Your children are being led farther into the darkness. We do not see the light ahead for them. Oh, mournful sight, to see the destruction that is imminent upon you. Oh, mournful heart for you who do not listen. When this comes upon you, you will still not believe what you see with your eyes. Oh, My children, will you be counted among the few or will you be lost forever to Us?
.............You will continue to disperse the message that We have given you in the past times. We are approaching the final gathering of the souls. You will send out the messages of the last days to all cardinals and bishops as directed, for when My Hand comes upon you, My Warning will have been sent throughout the world. When this Chastisement comes upon you there will be no excuse for ignorance for in the truth it will be that you have remained in the darkness and rejected the Light. (vol I page 31)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - I have brought you the plan for your salvation. It will now be your decision. You must eliminate the evil one in your schools, your churches, your houses and your entire way of life which has turned to satan. You must bring your children out of the darkness, that their elders have cast them into. It will be the duty of all parents to bring the truth to their children. It will not be easy. You will have to fight the world and society but how long will you be living in this society? Do you think of who will be ahead of you? Have you forgotten the Kingdom? Have you given your bodies and your souls for the pleasures of this world which will soon be ended for you? (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - The Chastisement will be from your God. Do not be misled by those who defame the habits! Do not be led like sheep to the slaughter. My Mother carries the Light in the darkness, the spiritual darkness that now engulfs you all. (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - There will be every chance given to every soul. It will be their own choosing, should they continue in darkness and be visited with the ultimate destruction. The darkness now covers the whole earth. No Land is free from the infiltration of anti-Christ, My child. Already there is a plan against your Country. You are not safe in your security now, My children. I have tried to warn you, but you have hardened your hearts and closed your ears to Our pleas. My Shrine, here, will be an oasis in your barren land. Many graces will be given from Our Hearts, My children, to you. We will never abandon you in the darkness. We will not hold all children responsible for their acts against God. We will hold all the parents responsible for the destruction of their children's souls! (vol I page 33)
Do We set fear in your hearts, My children? Only those who have turned from Us have need to fear. Only those who allow themselves to be led into the darkness have need to fear. Before the destruction comes upon you, the word will have spread throughout the earth. Already the sands of the hour glass have spread throughout the earth. Already the sands of the hour glass are running faster, the grains are few. Are you ready, My children? I, too, am subject to the Will of the Father. I would give you the last ounce of blood from My Heart if I could save you. We do not wish to see one of Our children lost to Us. (vol I page 34)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - The blind shall not enter My Kingdom unless they repent on free will. (vol I page 34)
These words are placed in the Book of love and Life. Believe in My Son and you will be given the Way. Turn from Him and you will be left in the darkness. The enemy, anti-Christ, has removed everything that will bring to mind the Truth of Heaven. (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - He (anti-Christ) is working hard in My Son's House (Church). But this you will remember in the days ahead, they will not be triumphant. All evil is never triumphant. We will bring the sword and destroy these evil one's in My Son's House! They have darkened the souls of My children and I seek to bring them back to Me. They who once were the light and now have walked into the darkness. I give you the knowledge, My children. (vol I page 35)
Your balance, My children, will be measured by the extent of the sin in your land and throughout the world. Your offenses to your God. The hour has struck, My children, there is no turning back! You can only hold back the darkness now, I am not abandoning you in the days ahead. I will always be with you, but the final decision will face them. (vol I page 35,36)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - My child, you will make My message known to the world. We implore all true hearts to spread My message. My words will be few, the darkness is deeper. I have just come through the shadows. I have with Me, My child, three guardian (angels) of My Son's House (Church). He (anti-Christ) the evil one will not destroy My Son's House. Yes, there will be many martyrs in the days ahead. All parents must rescue their children from the evils of error! We advocate the instructions of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not recognize the truth. ...........Weep not for Me, My child, but cry for your children. But mothers cry for your children for they are the true victims! I have begged you to remove the corruption in your country and now covers like the darkness of the abyss your government, your schools and My Son's House. But you were apathetic to My warnings. What will you do now? The hour grows late! Atonement, prayer, sacrifice. We beg your prayers! Those of well spirit will bear this with greater heart and courage, My child, but pity those who have descended into darkness. Pity the shock of realization they will receive, too late, too late. (vol I page 36)
OCTOBER 7, 1971 - You will all absorb what has been given to you in the past months of your earth time, and you will read these well, and you will prepare yourself now for what lies ahead of you, the severity of which will depend on your atonement and you penance. The battle is on now My children. You will find yourself divided soon. Those who remain true to My Son will be given the light in the dark days. We will not abandon any to Lucifer for all who call for your help and assistance will receive the graces to carry them through. (vol I page 38)
NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - Prayer, sacrifice, atonement. We ask little of you. All can be summed up in one word: Love. All parents will guard their children's souls. All parents will be held responsible for their children's souls. Pray for the Light that you may not be led into the darkness. I have stressed the plan for your salvation many times. You will act upon it now or fail! You cry peace, peace, when there is no peace! You cry security when there is no security! You open you country's door to add to the brood of Vipers (U.N.) You have left the narrow road and your road grows wider! For those who receive in abundance much will be expected, and woe to those who have received the Light, to turn it into blackness! Stay with Us! Flee from the evil of the serpent that now runs across your land! Accept not a drop of his venom because you are not strong enough without the Light to reject it! (vol I page 38,39)
NOVEMBER 20, 1971 - Your country will go into great darkness, but We will carry the light. Many will light their candles with Me, to carry the light in the darkness. Perseverance, confidence, My children, in the days ahead. We will not abandon you. There will be many trials. Do not be apathetic to the situation in your land, My children, if you sit back you will be removed from your homes and your land. You must organize a solid front, yes, link to link, soul to soul, across your land. (vol I page 39)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - Prayer, sacrifice, atonement! Pray for the light; pray for all clergy. My Heart is filled with tears at the numbers fast going into darkness. Will they not recognize the evil that has entered upon My Son's House? (church) Our clergy must read Our Bible. They no longer find the Revelations in Our Book of Light and Life. Remember, My children, the day will come, after much suffering, when My Son will return to set all right again. Persevere against the forces of evil that now enshrouds your earth. Be nourished by the presence of My Son among you (Eucharist). Hold back the darkness! (vol I page 40)
DECEMBER 24, 1971 - I wish to bring you tidings of great joy, but, My children, tonight there is great sorrow in Our Hearts. We look upon a full conspiracy. The evil is widespread throughout your country. Many have fallen because of their love of money and power over the peoples. It is those who do not recognize their God as being the Eternal Master, it is they who have developed the plan of destruction of your children and your country. An evil power enshrouds your world now, a power strengthened by the demons now loosed from the abyss. We see the earth covered in darkness. The victims of your decadent society are your children, the innocent victims of their elders. Have you not recognized the advent of anti-Christ into your land! Into your government, your schools, your news medias, and yes, now into My Son's House (Church)! (vol I page 40)
A merciful God, Who asks for repentance, Who asks you to mend your ways now for your future is limited. Recognize the signs of the times. Your country, your world, your church, are being destroyed from within! The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church, but Oh, the souls that are being lost to Us now. The advance of the darkness will all be on your decision! Those of grace must carry the Light! (vol I page 40,41)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - Prepare the young souls well, for as they go without the family door, it will stand them well in the onslaughts of satan, so evident in excess about them; this darkness that covers the world. Be you not ignorant of the fact that there are loosed on your earth inhabitants of the abyss, demons of the latter days struggle, who will gather as agents of hell, bent on souls destruction and searching up new inhabitants for the kingdom of Lucifer. Your children of tender years are led very easily, the world is now a giant web! I would spare you, My children, from this terrible fact, but you must be alerted to these agents. Do not be misled also by those who parade as angels of Light, but are truly ravenous wolves carrying the venom of satan. Do not be conditioned to accept evil. Your first allegiance is to your God. ..............All humans are subject to temptation, error and the decision to accept the Light or the darkness, on free will. The choice will be given to all to accept or reject My Son, before the arrival of the cataclysm. The word will go throughout the world. (vol I page 41)
MARCH 24, 1972 - My children, the evil has accelerated! I see the deep darkness in My Son's House (Church). Many Rosaries, many prayers are needed for your Vicar..............Many will leave your earth unprepared! Pray that this darkness will not enter upon your house! We place the greatest responsibility upon parents at this time; to guard and armor their children's souls, from the evil which will increase! (vol I page 44)
MARCH 25, 1972 - My child, I am not here to fill you with fright; all will be good for those of well spirit. I am not here to rescue the good, but to awaken those who have turned their backs and are following Lucifer! Your world is in darkness! Our House is in darkness! I roam, My children, throughout the world carrying the Light; My steps grow heavy. The Light is flickering. Won't you light your candle with Me and help Us in this war of the spirits? (vol I page 45)
All who do not recognize My Son as the Savior shall not be given keys to the Kingdom. My Son, in the Father has given you all an inborn conscience, and guardians that you would not fall prey to the agents of satan or his planned elements. Should you throw away Our graces, you will become blind, in darkness, until you will no longer recognize the truth! (vol I page 46)
APRIL 1, 1972 - Continue your prayers and sacrifices for your Vicar. The enemy has a well-founded plan to remove him from the seat of Peter. The enemy is waiting, who will recrucify My Son! Only you can help to hold back the darkness that is now smothering truth within My Son's House (Church). Our Church will rise triumphant in the final count, but how many souls must fall to satan before that time? How many who have been given the power in My Son's House are using this power to destroy souls. They have aligned themselves with satan!
You have all been given an inborn conscience. You must reject the plan of satan and not succumb to his lures! The world about you has become the playground of satan and his agents. Your world is in darkness. Our Church is in darkness; but We still carry the light. All who follow Me, My children, will be led out of the darkness. The punishment would be upon you this day but for the numbers of souls that satan would capture now. (vol I page 49)
APRIL 10, 1972 - My child, you will make it known to Our high priests that they are not to become involved in politics of the world. They are being led into the web that will take them into deep darkness. Hearken now, and heed My words you are being blindly led into darkness!......How many tears We shed, My children, seeing the numberless souls that are being lost to Us! Please, won't you light your candles with Me, and search through the darkness and ransom your wandering brothers and sisters? (vol I page 50)
MAY 30, 1972 - Our joy is multiplied this evening by the numbers of Our children who have come to Our defense in the war against satan. The evil he promotes has accelerated. Unless you become knowledgeable and recognize his handiwork, the end of your era will be hastened. Unless you turn from worldly affections and give yourself to My Son, you will be lost in the darkness. (vol I page 52)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Your city is a cesspool of sin! Many cities in your country have become dark with sin! Will you continue to seek the way in darkness? Understand, My children, that you are in a hard battle. The abyss is open and when you are in Our Light the forces of evil are doubled against you. Therefore, be watchful!..........My beads of prayer have been given to you. I promise, now, all who tell My beads daily shall be saved from the trials that lie ahead. I have asked for the beads to go across your country, link to link, a solid chain to hold back the darkness. (vol I page 54)
JUNE 9, 1979 - I know of the great distress among nations today. As your time on earth, My children, becomes shorter, you will find that there will be many tragedies set among you. These tragedies will come through sickness of the body and sickness of the soul. We can say that there are many bodies now walking throughout your earth with dead souls, for the Spirit, the Light, has left them and their bodies now are shrouded in darkness. ...........O My children, as I repeat myself to you over and over again, I have gone constantly as your Mother walking upon your earth, guiding you out of the darkness. How often have I cried out to you to prepare your household, to safeguard your children, and to maintain the true knowledge of your Faith and My Son's Church in your homes and in the hearts of the young.........My children, I beg of you as your Mother, as a Mother of love and understanding, that you in charity of heart pray for your Bishops, pray for your Cardinals and all clergy, who are under now attack by 666, satan and the forces of hell. Wherever there is darkness so will the agents of hell gather. Know by this, My children, the predominance of sin will give you a signal that onto this position and location have gathered the agents of hell. (vol II page 223)
JULY 15, 1972 - The world is now in deep darkness, I see the candles burning now; they will lead the sheep out of the darkness. You will pray and make many sacrifices for the recovery of My Son's representatives (priests). Many have succumbed to the evils of the flesh. Many will go down the road of damnation and take others with them............There is great darkness in My Son's House (Church), many have sold their souls to reach the head. Your Vicar will soon join the increasing list of martyrhood!...........There was a time, My child, when satan used only the world, but now he is in My Son's House, roaming! He has kept it in darkness! He shall not be victorious, but many tears will be shed before My Son intervenes. (vol I page 56)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 - I have promised to be with you in the dark days ahead. I intend to stay with you in the dark days ahead, and guide all those who will not shut Me out of their hearts. My Son will be with you, and He cries for your understanding in the dark days ahead, that you will not go the easy road and desecrate His Body. The dark days ahead will be a test for all. It will be like placing the mettles in the fire, and the separating of the sheep from the goats. All cannot enter; yea, I say, none can enter unless they repent of their sins and cast aside the evil which they have allowed to become a way of life for them, and this must be done on free will. (vol I page 63,64)
DECEMBER 24, 1972 - But there is one great hope that you must always keep in your heart, that My Son in the Father will be victorious. It is, and has been, from the beginning of the time of your earth, deemed that these moments on earth (times) of tribulations would approach. The darkness was held beck by the prayers and penance of many. And the darkness can still be held back with a major reversal (of ways) and a turning from the man of sin who is day by day claiming more victims! You will continue to pray and make sacrifices for your clergy. They are given many graces by their ordination, but they, too, are under subject to attack, great attack, by the adversary, satan. You must pray that they do not fall into darkness. For in this way they would have the opportunity to take many souls with them to hell (should they fall). (vol I page 73)
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - Gather My sheep, each one seeking his brother! Go out to the pastures that are rich but filled with poison. Save My sheep from the darkness, My children, this I ask you, for many tears will be shed upon your earth, before long. Approach these days with great hope, and live your life in the spirit of light. A life of penance, atonement and great sacrifice not only for yourselves, but for your loved ones, and others who do not have the grace to save their own souls. For they need you, My children, and I need you, for I love you as the Father. We expect the return of each of you to Us. Do not turn your back on the path, for it is very difficult to return, My children, when you go too far off the path. (vol I page 76,77)
JULY 1, 1973 - Your world is in deep spiritual darkness. The Message from Heaven is reaching all of the far corners of your earth. It is in the will of mankind, allowed by the Eternal Father, for all to hear the Message and to make their own choice. In the days, the days that will lead to the great crucible of suffering, there will be a gradual separation of the sheep from the goats. (vol I page 114)
JULY 25, 1973 - I do not often speak out, but the world has sent itself into spiritual darkness. All Heaven now mobilizes for the final battle. It is through the providence of the Father that we of Heaven are permitted to speak with you. It is through the merciful heart of the Father that you are being warned. The destruction will come fast upon you, and we pity those souls unprepared.. (vol I page 118)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - The greatest barrier is intellectual pride among the men of God. Once they remove this barrier by much penance and return to prayer, the blindness will be taken from them and they will see the errors of their ways. Pray, My children, pray much for them. The power of prayer is great with the Father. (vol I page 129)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 - Many will see and still not believe. Pray for those who have covered themselves with blindness. When I speak to you, My child, of blindness, it is the state of the spirit. The world of man has lost sight of the road to the Kingdom. (vol I page 131)
NOVEMBER 1, 1973 - Did I not warn you that the agents of darkness would try to stop the truth? Have no fear, My child. It is not man that you should fear. Man has lost his way; he is in deep darkness. Darkness has entered into the hearts of many. Many in My Son's House now have gone down the road to darkness. Pray for them, My child. Do not castigate hem in any way, but pray that they may be given the light...........So now prepare for the days ahead. Pray much, wear your sacramentals, and beware of the sunrise. Do not look up to the flash. Pray; pray much during those days. The world will go into deep darkness. Prayer will be your only recourse. The light will flicker throughout the world, and man will be plunged into heavy darkness. My Mother will be here on these sacred grounds. (vol I page 143)
NOVEMBER 24, 1973 - My child, as We look upon the deepening darkness of earth, the spirits of darkness that cover your world, We look into your books of knowledge and find many of your earth words; charity, piety, goodness; being removed. All the creations of satan to seduce you and take you down into the bottomless pit are being placed at your disposal. (vol I page 146)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - There has been, My child, great question on the place in your world of evil created by satan. Yes, satan rules, now, upon your world but his time grows short. He will accomplish no more than the Father allows. This world of darkness will soon give way to the light. However, My child, much conflict, much confusion and the loss of many lives will take place before the final cleansing...........I can only promise you a short reprieve, for, at the present time, I see much evil developing in your country. There has entered into your country a new worship of idols. Man is going deeper into the darkness, ever searching, but going farther from the truth. The truth lies in every man's heart if he will open his heart to the Father. How many, My child, are counted in darkness! They count in the millions. (vol I page 159)
APRIL 13, 1974 - What is the darkness, you ask, My child? The darkness I speak of, is the great darkness of the spirit. Learn a simple lesson of faith: What does it gain a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul? Would you give a thousand pounds of silver for one day in the abyss? (vol I page 191)
JUNE 8, 1974 - My child, your heart is heavy. You join Us in Our great sorrow. A great darkness covers the world. It is in darkness of the spirit. The road you travel will be a road filled with thorns. The cross will be heavy as you follow the path of My Son. (vol I page 209)
JUNE 18, 1974 - My child, it is with great joy that I look upon the loving souls. My Mother has been sent to you as a Mediatrix from the Father. You will listen to Her counsel, for you stand in great trial in the days to come. It is only through the intercession of My beloved Mother that you will be directed out of the darkness. (vol I page 224)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - The powers that have now grown beyond all expectations, the evil powers of darkness, have control now, My child. (vol I page 246)
I need not repeat My words of the past, My child, that the evil forces of satan, using the bodies of mankind, those who have fallen to satan, they will be used to lead astray Our children. Unless you wear your sacramentals and remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, you will not escape falling into the darkness; the darkness of spirit that is reaching out and covering the world now, almost completely, I say almost, My child, for there are still lights of heavenly beams, shining forward to guide those who are looking for the way. The Way is My Son. (vol I page 247)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - Many are allowed to be blinded as penance to them for they must find their way out of the darkness that they have allowed themselves to fall into. Pray, pray, a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 269)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - Already My warnings have fallen upon hardened hearts and deafened ears. The blindness is spreading throughout My Son's Houses. You must now pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Your country has set itself upon the road to its own destruction. Pray a constant vigilance. (vol I page 302)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - You will stand, My children in example. You will remain true to your Faith for it is not mankind that you are fighting but the spirits of evil, the forces of darkness, that cover your world. Know that the victory will be with you and My Son and one day We will all rejoice in the Kingdom knowing that We have returned from a mission that was well done. (vol I page 333)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - Veronica: Our Lady is pointing up, and I see two dignitaries. They look like Cardinals. Now one is holding a key, a very large golden key and the other now is counting out, what looks like large silver pieces. ................You see, My child, they are re-crucifying My Son for pieces of silver, for worldly gain. It is time all repeated. Your world is in a spiritual darkness, far worse then in the time of Noah. (vol I page 334)
MARCH 22, 1975 - Understand, My children, when I speak of darkness of the spirit, satan must assume the body of a fallen man, woman or child, to promote his diabolical deception. Sadly to say, My child, satan has captured the minds of many in high places! This condition, My child, did not come about in one move but has crept upon you through the course of time and planning by satan. My warnings of the past also fell on deafened ears and hardened hearts. What shall you do not? (vol I page 345)
MAY 28, 1975 - My Heart will shine in your darkened world, My Blood shall be your salvation. (vol I page 370)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - Many prayers are needed for your clergy. The leaders of many have gone into deep darkness, through false ideology, maxims of modernism and humanism mankind has entered into a delusion. All who have followed satan will fall fast into darkness of spirit, no longer recognizing the light. When I return shall there be even a small light of Faith left upon your earth? The numbers saved will be counted in the few. (vol I page 395)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My child and My children. Many prayers are needed for your hierarchy. Many have sold their souls to get to the head; so great is the power of satan in your world. No man can fully understand, My child, why the Father allows the world to go forward in great spiritual darkness. It is to separate the sheep from the goats; for those who have given themselves to satan and the world shall fling themselves headlong into the abyss and hell. And those who have set themselves on the narrow road that leads straight to the Eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven shall find their road filled with crosses, thorns. They shall be cast aside and called 'different.' They shall be abused and all manner of worldly punishment; however, know that this is the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is not an easy road, but one that is strengthened by suffering. (vol I page 440)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - We are not in a fortune-telling business, My child. Warn those who read the Message from Heaven that they must not become engrossed in the false science of astrology. It is a creation of satan. Only the Eternal Father guides the lives of mankind. Man has a free will and can defy the Eternal Father; but then, he is left upon his own to fight his way through the darkness. He will be divested of graces that will be necessary to bring him out of the darkness. (vol I page 446)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - Your world now has plunged itself into deep darkness of spirit. Come out of that darkness, My pastors! You have been given many warnings, and they have fallen upon deafened ears! How many warnings do you think you shall receive from Heaven? You are misleading Our sheep! The Red Hats shall stand before Me, and shall you say to Me that your teaching has been pure in My sight? Away from Me, I shall cast you into the abyss! Vipers, join the brood of vipers, soul-destroyers! (vol I page 466)
MAY 28, 1975 - Open, My children, My children of the light, your hearts to those who have gone into darkness. Offer, in your charity, My children, prayers of atonement for your brothers and sisters who have gone into darkness. Only a few will be saved to the final count. (vol I page 370)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - Satan shall seek out your country wherever there is darkness of spirit, and in those places, My child, all manner of evil shall spring up, evil such as has never been seen upon your earth! Human beings infested by the devil, working all manners of evil against their brother and sister! O, My child could I promise you all love and light? Shall I deceive you by opening a picture of peace and joy to you? I cannot lie and bring you what pleases human nature. This has all been cast aside by mankind who has placed science and technology above his God. My child, you will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer? Prayer, penance and atonement shall be your rule now, My children! Do much penance and make much atonement for the sins of mankind. In this manner We will gather those who are to be saved. (vol I page 4)
APRIL 10, 1976 - Because mankind has fallen into darkness of spirit and allowed to be blinded by the Father, he no longer recognizes sin until sin has become a way of life. I say unto you cardinals, Red Hats in My Son's Church; you are extending in one hand, your left hand, a hand of friendship, and you shall receive the shiv. (vol I page 479,480)
APRIL 17, 1976 - My child, for those who have gone into darkness of spirit or fallen into the errors of your day, know that they will not understand much of Our Message to the world. It is because they have been allowed to be blinded by the Eternal Father. They have ears that do not hear; they have hearts that have hardened because of sin; they have eyes that will not see. But to those who have even a small measure of faith like a seed in a garden of flowers, if they but give this seed a small water of life, it will grow and grow and bear great beauty and fruit. (vol I page 483)
MAY 15, 1976 - A deep spirit of darkness now covers your earth, and has entered to do great battle upon the Holy City of Rome. (vol I page 488)
MAY 26, 1976 - My voice, My children, and the voice of many from Heaven have cried out to warn you, to prepare you, for you hold the balance for your own destruction or salvation. Your country and many countries throughout the world now are in the darkness of spirit. Your medias of communication are controlled. Can you find the truth among atheists? The truth, My children, you will have to carry in your hearts. Shall My Son come back and find even a small light of faith left upon your earth? (vol I page 490)
MAY 29, 1976 - Man shall reject what he refuses to accept, even if it is a truth. He will refuse because of two prominent reasons. One, he has become blind, blind through sin. He has become misled and deluded. (vol I page 493)
JUNE 5, 1976 - Darkness of spirit has entered upon your country and the world. Pray much, My children, for the value for life and the living grows dim. In your world of spiritual darkness, there shall be a loss for the love of life. Death will become commonplace as man loses his love of neighbor. But first and above all, he has lost his love of his God. (vol I page 498)
JUNE 18, 1976 - Spiritual darkness is a wall, a wall that shuts out the light. You will all continue with a constant vigilance of prayer. My beads of prayer to mankind, the Rosary, shall lead you across your land. Recognize, My children, all of the graces given from Heaven for your enlightenment, enrichment and fulfillment. (vol I page 505)
JULY 24, 1976 - It is sad, My child, that there are so many delusions and errors prevalent upon earth. The souls fall into deep darkness, as they are misguided by Our clergy and those who have cast aside the light to run fast headlong into the darkness. (vol I page 511)
It is sad, My children, that We have to look upon a world that has become much darker, more corrupted and defiled than in the time of Noe or Sodom. Awaken now from your slumber My pastors. There is not much time left to gather My sheep. And shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching of My sheep has been pure in My sight? No!! I say unto you; many of you have fallen asleep. (vol I page 514)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - O men of the cross, you have fallen in with satan. Awaken from your slumber. Recognize that you are being deceived. This delusion has been set upon you, allowed by the Eternal Father. In this manner shall you be separated, for what is there in common between the light and the darkness? You will remain with those is darkness of spirit, or you will take yourselves away and suffer all to remain in the light, and follow this light to the Eternal Kingdom. If you choose of your free will to remain in this darkness, shall you be given the time to be recovered? Nay, I say unto you. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 554,555)
Do not be misguided by those who, in the spirit of darkness, take the knowledge of the supernatural from you. Yes, in order, My children, to stay in the light, you will be rejected by many; you will be scorned; you will be called insane; because, I repeat; there is nothing in common between the light and the darkness. As they rejected Me upon your earth, you, too, must go the way of the cross. But carry your cross, My children, with purpose and fortitude. And I assure you, as your God, that the road you follow in the light will be well worth your perseverance. The joys of Heaven are for all, but all do not attain this height, My children, for they are not willing to sacrifice and do penance and to follow the way of the cross. (vol I page 555)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - This My child and My children, is what will be; in darkness will they seek the way? But this, My child, is what will be; in darkness will they seek the way, or shall they continue to give themselves into all manner of evil, worship of false idols, placing their God away and setting idols to worship? Astrology is a science, a false science for unbelievers. (vol I page 556,557)
Through error, confusion, and outright deception, there is a great darkness closing in upon the Eternal City of Rome. There is a great darkness covering all the lands now of your earth, and there is a great darkness enveloping the very nature of mankind, and many now walk the earth with living bodies and dead souls! And you ask, My children, can there be a revival a renewal? And what do you seek to revive and renew but Lucifer! (vol I page 559)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, and, in your charity, extend your heart to your brothers and sisters who are traveling in darkness, darkness of spirit. Upon your earth, My children, death is everywhere, for sin is death, and there are many human bodies that are carrying dead souls within them. And I repeat; as it was in the past, so shall it be now, for the dead shall be burying the dead. (vol I page 566)
The world, the peoples of earth, My children, are in great darkness of spirit. Were this darkness, to reach only the lay peoples, there would be not that much concern, My child, but now My heart is torn to watch as those dedicated go deeper into darkness. It is a scale that is graduating through leadership. The evil is accelerating. Satan is poisoning the minds of many. Those in leadership, who should know better, are now using their rank to destroy souls. The measure of iniquity is the gauge, the scale, for the coming Warning and Chastisement. ..........O My children, take the blindness from your hearts and your eyes. Recognize the signs of your times and the path you have set yourselves upon.(vol I page 568)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - There will be, I repeat, much woe set upon the earth by the evil forces now loosed upon your earth. Recognize these signs and act upon them. Protect your children; protect your homes; and above all, pray that you too will not be led into darkness. (vol I page 578)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - Your world is covered with deep darkness. And the wages of sin is death! O My children, many shall die in the body upon earth, but do not cry for the loss of the body, but cry tears of deep anguish for the loss of the soul, for many are falling fast into hell, forever banished from the Kingdom of Heaven into nothingness and despair. The fires of hell, My children, are so fierce in emotion and far beyond what any human mind could comprehend in explanation. Should I show to you, My child and My children, the full forces of hell that are loosed upon your earth, your body could not withstand the torment! You would die immediately in your body, My children. (vol II page 20)
MARCH 18, 1977 - And why has man progressed so far into darkness of spirit? Because, My children, he did not pray enough; mankind in the past have gone by unnoticed and not acted upon. How many warnings must be given to mankind before they come out of their darkness of spirit and recognize that the agents of hell are gathering in force about them?. (vol II page 26)
APRIL 2, 1977 - My children, I ask you and I have asked you through Scripture to remain as children in your hearts, but I did not ask you to be stupid and recognize the difference between light and darkness. They have no compatibility. (vol II page 32)
APRIL 9, 1977 - You ask, My child, in pleading, what does the future hold? Man holds a great part of his destiny in his hand, My child. The Eternal Father has watched with patience and charity of heart as man goes blindly farther into the darkness. (vol II page 36)
JUNE 16, 1977 - I promised you in the past, and I say again, your world, earth, shall not be completely destroyed as it was in the past by the Eternal Father, but know mankind shall go through a crucible of suffering! Slowly, out of all of this suffering, shall mankind emerge anew and refreshed and bathed in the light of his God. Darkness shall be dispelled, but not without suffering. You will be left to your own deviations. It will appear that the light has completely been extinguished in the world as man bathes himself in darkness, as man goes forward gaining more knowledge and more knowledge, but proceeding farther away from his God until one day his ultimate in knowledge shall be his own destruction. (vol II page 58)
JUNE 18, 1977 - Pray, My children of the light, for those who do not come out of the darkness. No one shall be cast into the abyss and damned to hell unless he goes there of his own free will. (vol II page 61)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - My child and My children, the world has entered into deep darkness of spirit. All of the forces of hell are now loosed upon your earth. The retainer, Michael, was rejected by many, and the evil one, the adversary, satan, had to come forth from the pits, the abyss of hell, to do final battle with mankind. ............My children, recognize the given signs of your times. It is a battle now to the finish; it is a battle now that will lead to the separation of the sheep from the goats. (vol II page 84)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - My child, you have spent many hours in searching the truth of the evil forces now loosed in your immediate area of New York. Satan, the evils of satanism, only appear when sin has become a way of life, and the evil has brought an immense blanket of darkness to an area. 666, satan in human form, is wherever darkness is. He is the prince of darkness, the father of all liars, the master of deceit. And I say, My children, the master of deceit for he is cunning beyond all human understanding. (vol II page 105)
APRIL 1, 1978 - The greatest gift you can bring to your fellow man now is to make him believe. Many are deeply entrenched in darkness of the spirit and without your help the many will be lost to satan; eternal damnation and banishment. (vol II page 138)
MAY 3, 1978 - The world, the earth, is now covered in deep spiritual darkness. It is a sad fact, My children, that man has not profited by his past nor learned through a bad experience. Therefore, I have come to warn you over and over that, unless you turn from your ways that offend your God and return the state of earth into even a small resemblance of its glory under God, you will receive a most terrible Chastisement. And many shall die in the Ball of Redemption. (vol II page 141)
MAY 13, 1978 - See, My child and My children, the sufferings inflicted anew upon My Son. These sufferings are increasing daily by the blasphemy and the abominations being committed in His House upon earth, His Church. His Divine Presence has been sullied. Pray, My children, for you brothers and sisters who are in deep spiritual darkness. Pray for hell is fast filling up and purgatory is overflowing with souls. So few are entering into the Kingdom without long stays in purgatory. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. (vol II page 147)
MAY 20, 1978 - The armies of hell are gathering. They enter wherever darkness of spirit prevails, My children, 666, satan and his agents from hell, now have control in every country of the earth! And sad to say, now the battle rages in Rome, the Eternal City. (vol II page 149)
JUNE 1, 1978 - There are many now in your world who have become, given themselves over to satan, Lucifer, Luciel, known to you. Satan is Lucifer and his agents. They gather together throughout the world wherever there is darkness of spirit to do great battle with the children of God. (vol II page 161)
JULY 25, 1978 - There are many now false Christ's upon earth. There are many lying teachers, false teachers. All this is but the surface indications for all to see of the state of the world in spiritual darkness. (vol II page 173)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - My children, unless you pray and do penance now, your world will go into such darkness of spirit that man shall become as an animal! Trials upon earth, both physical and spiritual, will bring about the time when man shall envy the dead!! Charity will grow cold in the hearts of many, so great will be the evil. .............My children, you are as a man, divided. Your spirit is darkened while your body and worldly inclinations capture you in a prison where you seek nothing but pleasures of the flesh and sensuality. You must now divest yourselves, strip yourselves of all worldly seeking or you will be lost! A house divided will fall! A church divided will close its doors! Only a remnant will survive. Be it know that when I return, will I expect, may I expect to find even a small flicker of faith left upon earth?! (vol II page 181)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - My child and My children, My heart is very sad that I must bring you this urgent but final Message from Heaven. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix from Heaven. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix from God to man all about your world, the earth, crying out warnings from Heaven to mankind, warnings that only a few have heeded. And now the hour is approaching, the hour of darkness and sadness. Many parents shall have tears of anguish brought into their homes by the coming events. (vol II page 200)
JUNE 18, 1979 - It brings great sorrow to My heart and the heart of My Son in the Eternal Father and the Spirit of Light, that is being diminished in the hearts of many; it brings Me great sorrow to know as I watch My children upon earth proceeding farther into the darkness created by sin. Sin is insanity, it shall be recognized among you as your see and recognize the signs of your times. (vol II page 226)
JULY 25, 1979 - My child and My children, I don't think it necessary for Me to go into a long discourse on the state of your world, the spiritual state. Needless to say, man now through his own volition has covered the whole world in deep spiritual darkness. In the plan of the Eternal Father there are candles of light, pockets of knowledge in the hearts of those chosen by the Eternal Father to maintain the truth of the Faith. This knowledge must include Tradition. ........... How much longer can My tears flow over you, My heart is torn again and again as I see My children progressing farther into spiritual darkness, giving themselves over to all manners of sin. Sins of the flesh are daily sending many souls into damnation, hell. (vol II page 233)
As the darkness deepens upon your earth, your world will appear to many like insanity has set upon it! Murders will increase, accidents called 'freaks of nature,' accidents that are not accidents. Children will continue to rise up against their parents, being encouraged by their schools, their teachers, their news medias and all of the medias that have been well-planned to seduce the souls of your children. And the master behind these medias is Lucifer and his agents from hell walking now in human form. (vol II page 234)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 - My children, you are like candles going throughout the darkness, but you must persevere and look for your lost brethren. If you return even one of My lost children to the fold, there will be much joy and celebration in Heaven. (vol II page 245)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - Already the forces of evil have gathered; and your country, the United States, which has now proceeded into spiritual darkness, shall suffer a great crisis. The time for being optimistic has passed by. Your country, the United States of America, shall be chastised. My heart is bereaved by the knowledge of the loss of great life that will come about in this minor chastisement. Wars are a punishment for man's sins. .............My children of the world, you stand now upon a hill, a hill that you have built upon humanistic values and materialistic manners, as you sought to build a world of your own; cutting off the light, and building a utopia, built with humanism and socialism, and communism; all under the heading of love and brotherhood, but covered with a blanket of darkness of the spirit. For this, the Eternal Father has allowed you to pursue your own course. The awakening shall come in shock to many. (vol II page 262)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - We do not seek to place fear in your heart, but to bring to you a message of warning and counsel, My Mother shall not reject you, even in your debasement. I shall not reject you, My children. The Eternal Father, in the Spirit of Light, shall not reject you. But will you reject Us in Heaven now? You will be the loser. Reject the light, accept the darkness of sin, and you lose eternal life in Heaven. (vol II page 252)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - Oh My children, you are truly My little children, for many times a child must be reprimanded and chastised. However, in your freedom of will, you have become all-willed in your pursuits, relying upon your men of science, who have taken you into spiritual darkness. (vol II page 265)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - O my children, how happy were the days when I could look down from Heaven upon you and find that America was so beautiful, a Christian nation, devout, pious and following the road as given by the Eternal Father, through My Son, and the Holy Spirit of light. And now the light has been darkened. (vol II page 268)
JUNE 18, 1980 - You will continue to pray for your cardinals, your bishops, your priests, My Son's Church, His House upon earth. By your example many will saved. By your prayers and example there is salvation for others. Continue now with your prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed, for the world is in great spiritual darkness. Satan has poisoned many minds. (vol II page 272)
MAY 30, 1981 - My child and My children, I have always promised to protect you and all who call to Me. But the powers, the forces of evil, have been allowed to enter even into My Son's Church. The smoke or darkness, darkness of the spirit covers the world. Already many have reached the point of no return. Pray, My child and My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol II page 282)
How long, the voices of those who are persecuted and must die, are saying, the voices rise to Heaven, join with the saints: How long, O Lord, shall you continue to find excuses upon excuses as these generations of degenerates have progressed into a spiritual darkness and depravity far worse that even during the time of Noe or Lot? How long, O Lord, shall many more martyrs shed their blood? (vol II page 283)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - I have promised you peace, My children, if you will go forth with your Rosary in one hand and the Brown Scapular about your neck. How many have cast aside their armor because they fear or they are afraid of the mockery of those who have already hardened their hearts to the truth. And their eyes and hearts are eternally blinded, for many of them shall fall into hell, and many of them shall be wearing their red birettas. ................My child and my children, you must do your utmost to bring back into My House, My Church upon earth, the Faith. I often cried through My Mother's tears, Her tears and Mine abounded over the earth, because through the Eternal Father, man was given a conscience and a free will, to either accept Heaven by sacrifice and penance, and having to face the rebuke of a darkened world. ..........No man shall fall into hell unless he wishes it. For his heart and his eyes are blinded; his heart is hardened, and the pleasures of the world, and the popularity of a generation that has gone insane with sin, for these he will give up his eternal soul.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - One day there will be a great General Judgment, and all mankind then will be forced to accept what he has sown. Many are throwing away the time allotted to them to right the wrong, to restore My Son's Church to its former glory, to bring your children out of the darkness and into the light. ..........Do not be affrighted, My child. It is best that you bring forth what is to be. Perhaps, with your prayers and your penance's, you can reach some of these souls in darkness before their time runs out.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - My child, I know you are in wonderment of why Michael is holding the chalice with anxiety. I must tell you within the chalice in Michael's hands are the Hosts collected from throughout the world that had been discarded by the faithless. I have asked that My Son's Body be protected upon earth. But many clergy now have cast aside My warnings from Heaven, and His Body has been placed and thrown on the floors, and into the water fonts of many of My Son's Churches throughout the world.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - I say families must be strong in this age of sorrow, this age of darkness. It is the family, within the family, that the children must be taught. Do not depend upon your schools, for they have been infiltrated with evil. Do not depend upon your neighbors, for they are often caught up in the world of satan.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - My child and My children, prayer has not become a way of life for many. That is why communism has got such a foothold in your country and in other countries of the world. The prayers given to you in your childhood will be remembered always, I know, My children; but there are those who have not received these prayers in their schools, for prayer has been outlawed in many areas of your country and the world. It took but a few without faith to bring down the flag, for even your country's flag is being defiled, My children. I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great Tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have a most desperate message for you tonight, one which will affect most of the world. But I say now, as your Mother of light, that there is a great darkness upon the world. And as this has been allowed to continue, regardless of all the messages from Heaven through various seers throughout the world from the beginning of time, you constantly ignored Our counsel to you, and now the fruits of your evil ways have come to pass. Already you have been found wanting of all the graces necessary to prevent what I am to tell you will happen now in the near future. ..........My child, as I told you this morning, there will be a great earthquake in the area of New York. When I give you the dates, you will not venture from the island, or you, too, will be caught up in the chaos. There will be much flooding of the highways, so do not try to make your way forth into the areas. Your son, in his work, My child, shall escape the carnage. There will be great fear in the hearts of men, but it will be too late to do anything about this, for the Eternal Father has waited many years.
My parents of the world, I say unto you, as your God: This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My children, they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for the parents. They laugh at you when you are not watching. That, My children of the world-parents, your children are to be lost.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - As I counseled you all in the past, I said to you as quote: "This is a ruse," I repeat again. This is the visit to your country, the once great and illustrious United States of the world, the nation, the United States of America, the illustrious country that now is leading into a path of darkness. This has been allowed because of the dire straits of your nation. The morality has now been cast aside. Darkness has fallen upon mankind.
MARCH 24, 1971 - It surely rains teardrops from Heaven! Remember, My children, I am your Mother! I carry the Light! Tonight a star has fallen from the sky! Two more will fall before the Great Darkness! Fatima ....1917 America ...1971. (vol I page 25)
MARCH 18, 1973 - There will come over the earth a great darkness. The air; stagnant, lacking oxygen. There will be no light; the candles will be few. Then the heat will become intense. (vol I page 85)
MARCH 25, 1973 - The great plague and darkness will come before the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 91)
JUNE 8, 1973 - The world before the Great Chastisement will be plunged into darkness. (vol I page 106)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - Your future is now the decision for man's extinction, his destruction, lies now with man. The Father watches; He waits as you approach great days of darkness. (vol I page 129)
JUNE 12, 1976 - There will be tremendously high waves roaring and taking with them cities; buildings shall disappear from their moorings. The atmosphere shall spew forth currents of great heat. A darkness of spirit and a darkness of atmosphere shall settle in a deadly quiet upon mankind. ..............Keep blessed candles, water, blankets, food within your homes. The candles of those who have remained in the state of grace shall not be extinguished, but the candles in the homes of those who have given themselves to satan shall not burn! Amen I say to you: As night follows day, a great darkness shall descend upon mankind.(vol I page 502)
JUNE 12, 1976 - There will be tremendously high waves roaring and taking with them cities; buildings shall disappear from their moorings. The atmosphere shall spew forth currents of great heat. A darkness of spirit and a darkness of atmosphere shall settle to a deadly quiet upon mankind. (vol I page 502)
JUNE 18, 1976 - You who call upon the Spirit forcefully command the spirit of darkness, the prince of darkness, to send his agents into you. You are treading where angels would fear to go, My children. You cannot force the Spirit to come to you. It is a gift given at the discretion of the Eternal Father. Stop now your meandering into regions of darkness. (vol I page 504)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, you must understand that man in his human frailties often succumbed to the mores of modernism. Countless times in the past the Spirit of Truth came with the knowledge to man that the day would come when a great delusion shall descend upon mankind and cover the earth in a blanket of spiritual darkness. This day has arrived, My children. Recognize the forces of evil about you now. The man of sin, 666, satan, Lucifer, with all the demons loosed from hell, now are upon earth and do great battle with the children of God. (vol II page 145)
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, especially My child Veronica, I knew of your suffering, and I knew that you would not turn your back on My pleas to come to the grounds this evening. I will not tax you, My child, with too long a Message for the world this evening. But most of all, I come to say, My children, that your time has been shortened. The cataclysm, the day of sorrow, and the dark, long days are coming upon you.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - Veronica: I see a....I see a - it's a huge ball. It's covering the whole sky; it's going into the trees too. It's huge, it's smothering! And there's fire, too, there's fire all around it. It is huge! As far as I can see, it's a whole mountain, like, falling on us - a rock, with fire. Oh! Oh, no!...............Now it's becoming dark. The darkness is covering the horrible sky. it was all afire. It was huge!
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - I place this truth with you, My child. I cannot see beyond 1971. No, My child, I do not close My eyes to what lies ahead, or try to at this time pinpoint any dates, for all is in the Will of the Father. But I must admonish you again that I do not use My words lightly!! (vol I page 20)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - Remember January 21, 1971! This was the day My children, when the man of perdition came to your city and entered your Holy Church. Now he moves about and will spread destruction throughout your Land before he proceeds on to Egypt. Remember this date, My children, for it was a sad day for mankind. For what could be sadder than the entrance of the anti-Christ into your Land. (vol I page 24)
MARCH 24, 1972 - Oh, My children, if only you could look into the few days in earthly years and see what is to come upon you! You will prepare yourself well for this day! You ask for dates, My child. It would be then, that they come to Us in fear. Dates will not be necessary. Should I inform you of the date or the season, the Plan of the Father, would this be a permanent return of souls to Us? No, My child, it would be that when the danger is over to their physical bodies, they would go back to their sin! And We, who suffer in Heaven will gain no advantage to have to struggle through for the salvation of your souls on earth! (vol I page 44,45)
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - The date will not be necessary, I have given you enough clues, signs, I have given you your directions for the future. (vol I page 76)
MARCH 25, 1973 - I do not have to give you the count of hours, days, or years before the coming Chastisement. What matters is that you prepare your souls now for what lies ahead of you. (vol I page 90)
AUGUST 14, 1973 - No dates will be given, but I can assure you, My children, a date has been set. (vol I page 122)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - My child, many ask you for dates, for times. It is not important. It is not necessary that you know dates, but to be prepared. (vol I page 151)
APRIL 13, 1974 - There have been upon earth many voices heard in Heaven, voices of speculation. Dates are not necessary, My child, what need is there for dates but that you be prepared at all times? Were I to give you a date mankind would turn and mend their ways, but of what actual value would this be to the soul of mankind? For when the danger to his human nature is over, he will return to his sinful ways. No, My child, I shall not give dates. I shall tell you to be prepared at all times. This assurance I will give to My children of the light: They will not be caught unprepared, for I have promised to be with you through the battle ahead. (vol I page 190)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - No date will be given for there is no advantage in divulging dates. The renewal of mankind must be a complete and lasting renewal. Therefore, you will continue in the directions given by the Father. I have come as a Mediatrix through the will of the Father to direct you as a Mother. As a Mother I implore to listen to Me now and follow this direction for if you do, you will be saved. If you cast aside My words, the directions from Heaven, you will be lost. (vol I page 239)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - How many warnings will you receive before the Hand of your Father will be sent upon you? No dates do I give unto all mankind but only to a few. All those who accept the grace given freely for the asking will not be caught unawares. They will prepare themselves! All mankind upon earth should prepare for his death. (vol I page 243)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - It will not be necessary, My child, to speculate on dates for what does it gain Us if We give you a date and man changes his ways for the moment? For when the time of trial has passed over, he will return then to his sinful ways. The change must be a permanent one, My child. (vol I page 279)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - It is not well to waste this time in speculating on dates. No date will be necessary to be given to you. However, you have been given the knowledge in secret and it will remain as such. (vol I page 320)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - Much must remain hidden from you at this time, My child. You will read the photographs most carefully. I have counseled you into the past not to speculate upon the date. It will not be necessary to speculate for I assure you, My child, when the word is to be made known, there will be no doubt. I ask you to continue to prepare yourselves for the days ahead. (vol I page 328)
JULY 15, 1975 - Michael: I do not have to repeat myself in admonishing you, my child, not to speculate on dates, as you were directed by the Queen of Heaven. It matters not, a date, but what does matter, my child, is that a permanent change to goodness is undertaken by mankind. (vol I page 383)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - You will not, My child, speculate in dates. It does not matter a date, but to be prepared for I have given you enough signs and direction to prepare yourselves for what lies ahead. (vol I page 393)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - Man has progressed fast onto a road that is taking him farther away from the truth and farther into the darkness of spirit. He is creating, in his searching, a new church, a new world, a world that is shutting out the light. The knowledge of his God is being taken from among him and being substituted by all manner of humanistic modes with modernizing improvising, experimentation. And what is behind all this, but a quest for change. And why does man change, My children? Dissatisfaction, guidance by satan, the spirit of darkness entering into the hearts of mankind. (vol I page 531)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - My child, you speculate much about the coming Warning. I have asked you many times not to speculate on dates, but I give you one indication that the time is ripe. When you see, when you hear, when you feel the revolution in Rome, when you see the Holy Father fleeing, seeking a refuge in another land, know that the time is ripe. But beg and plead that your good Pontiff does not leave Rome, for he will allow the man of dark secrets to capture his throne. (vol I page 533)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - I will not encourage you to speculate on dates; it is not necessary. I do not expect the sheep to come running for a short respite from the evil and their sins; it must be a permanent turning away from the evil, My children. Therefore, there will be no dates given, for what would there be to gain if you know the date and you come and change so that you will be ready, where your heart does not carry a true conversion? (vol I page 559)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - I cannot at this time give you, My child, dates it would be of no merit to give the date now that you ask, My child. That will be given to you in secret. Let others speculate, but I say unto you, you must be prepared at all times, for it will come upon your suddenly. (vol II page 118)
MARCH 25, 1978 - My child, you persistently seek the knowledge that the Father wished you to wait upon. No dates shall be given to mankind for reason, My child. You must exercise great care that My words are not misinterpreted. Satan and his armies are seeking to confuse and confound the children of light. That is why My Mother counsels you to keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your personal lives and also in the lives you lead not as human beings upon earth. (vol II page 136)
JUNE 18, 1978 - I do not at this time have to go through a long discourse with you, My children, giving you names and dates; I am certain that with the grace from Heaven you have received the knowledge from other sources. (vol II page 167)
JULY 14, 1978 - There is little time left. Dates are not given, for what will a date produce but a temporary reversal from sin, and as soon as the danger passes, man will soon forget and go back onto the road to perdition. Man never learns from history or his past. (vol II page 231)
JUNE 18, 1979 - My child and My children, do not waste valuable time speculating on dates or the methods of the Eternal Father, but be prepared at all times, for the first great trial is coming upon you and it will come when you least expect it. Do not become prideful in this knowledge, My children, for those who are given much, for much is expected of them. It truly rains teardrops from Heaven. (vol II page 228)
JUNE 18, 1981 - You cannot count time, My child and My children, for your earth-time is not akin to the counting of time in Heaven. So do not speculate on dates, but be prepared for it will come upon you fast, without any knowledge to many. Do not be caught unawares. (vol II page 292)
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I wish now that there be taken three photographs; I say three, because within these photographs, My child, you, and you alone, will find the date of the Third World War. Sit back, My child, now; awaken, and take three pictures. You understand what I said to you, My child. ..........If I told you, My children, now, in clear sound when your end is coming, you would hasten forth, running here and there, to and fro, trying to warn mankind. However, only a few will be saved. I say this, My child and My children, as you count the millions of souls upon earth, only a few will be saved.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - In the Book of love and life, My children, every name has been counted, and every name has a date. Yes, My child and My children, the Eternal Father has looked far into the future, and the book is already made up; those who are to be saved, the sheep; those who are to be lost, the goats.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - I cannot, My child, give you your request of last week of the date. But you will keep those photographs that I gave you, and you will know the date. But you must promise Me that you will not reveal this either by mouth or by writing................You see, My child, if you give dates, others will run to come back to the fold, but as soon as the danger passes they will go back to their old ways. We must have a complete redemption, not just a temporary state of goodness. For it is a selfish reason that does not reach out and give to the Eternal Father what He asks; your love, your compassion, and your willingness to help Him in this crisis.
MAY 23, 1979 - I am much concerned over your search for change in My Church. In the Book of Life, the Bible, the full knowledge is given to you of the construction of My Church. Why are you now planning to take married men, making them what you call deacons, to give the sanctity and holiness, the grace in marriage to My sheep? What right have you to change the rules and the direction? ........................Understand well when I appointed the Apostles, there were no names given as cardinals or bishops; but Peter was the first Pope, the leader, and would you say not that the Apostles were the first bishops? And after that they chose out of multitudes, seven whom you call deacons and listed as deacons, but they were truly priests at that time. But you do not need the procedure now, if you are willing to ask the Eternal Father, and if you do not give yourselves over to doctrines of demons, you will have priests sufficient to carry out the ministry. But what do you do now? You will seek to make instant priests, against the Will of the Eternal Father! You will delude others to think that your deacons can take the Sacraments and give them as in the priesthood! A priest, My children, is a chosen man of God; a true legally-ordained priest is far superior than any man, as he represents Me in the Godhead. (vol II page 215)
JUNE 18, 1970 - Do not disrespect Our Vicar! He is NOT the cause of the discord of the disorder! Many of His trusted have fallen! Desecrate not the physical presence of My Son on earth! (The Host, the Tabernacle) Oh, thoughtless, careless child, how long can I hold back His hand? Pray, My children, Pray! Remove all souls from Purgatory! Physical death is but the beginning of the spiritual life, the eternal life! I am the Mother of the world! Come to Me for I will comfort you. (vol I page 8)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - There will be much suffering ahead, My children, but fear not for this is your temporary home. Fear not the destruction of the body, but pray that this destruction does not reach your soul. So many are blinded by worldly pleasures to the realization of the truth that lies ahead - the darkness. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Pray, pray, My children. Recover all souls from Purgatory. Physical death is but the beginning of spiritual life. I am the Mother of the world, come to Me and I will comfort you. (vol I page 13)
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - The Rosary must be continued at this moment for many lives are being lost without grace. Without having the grace, these people are now at this moment dying, and We will see in the papers the evidence of such. ..............Because of the revelry and sin this evening, many lives will be lost! You will count them in your morning papers. Continue your Rosaries for those who are already dying and not in the state of grace, due to the mixture of drugs and drinks. The deaths will be counted so numerous! (vol I age 20)
APRIL 10, 1971 - My child, this is what you will suffer to gather the 144,000 true souls. My child, how well you will carry My Son's Cross!, for many will pass on the same road My Son did before this life as your know it, will pass away. You must remember, My children, that the most bountiful harvest is gained when We start pulling out the weeds, for when the stalks are bent, for they failed to weather the storm, the soil blows away and new seed must be planted. How hardened the hearts of so many! Oh, poor, unseeing man, that would rather see many die so that they can be rescued from their doubts! Who would see others die to be proven true in their judgment, pride! Pride, befits the ultimate fall! Could you not sacrifice your own destructive pride and search in those satan dens on this earth, to save your fellow man, your brothers and sisters! (vol I page 26)
APRIL 1, 1972 - A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis many will be cleansed! Understand, My children, that science cannot strive above the laws of His God. (vol I page 49)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Hope will be nourished if you accept the guidance of My Son. Satan has set before you many enticements. They have been placed to nourish your worldly instinct for body pampering. Recognize the truth; the spirit is a distinct enclosure within your worldly body. The shackles, the fetters must fall to dust, but you must live on! You see in your world the word death. My children, there is no death. Your life will continue. The life hereafter will be eternity and forever. Satan has sought to remove the reality of hell from among you. You can sin when you think there is no punishment. (vol I page 54)
APRIL 6, 1974 - O, the anguish of heart, O, the gnashing of teeth at that moment when they pass beyond the veil! What does it gain you, now, if you receive the whole world and lose your soul? Over the veil, your life is eternal. Death, My child, is a word that should be stricken from your earthly language. There is no death! Life is eternal. Your body will one day rise anew, and you will be recognizable to each other; but unto that time, you are living, beyond the veil. There is no death. It is only the enemies of the Father, that try to erase this truth from your minds. In this manner, they can set you on the road to satan. For they are truly the sons of satan, as they were always the sons of satan, when they killed My Son too upon earth. (vol I page 184,185)
JUNE 8, 1974 - Make it known, My child, to the world, there is no death to the soul. The human body will be temporarily separated from the soul. At the end of time, both will be reunited for the glorification of the Father. The soul lives on forever. (vol I page 210)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - No man shall be above the Creator for all men will eventually return to the dust. The soul is eternal, life continues; the word 'death' should be removed as such, from your books. There is no death. Your body is but a casing, a temple for you holy spirit. When you desecrate this temple, you desecrate your spirit. You blacken this holy edifice of the Father and as such without redemption, you must be given to satan. (vol I page 238)
MARCH 22, 1975 - We must explain again, My child, for many do not understand. There is no death. We hear the word 'death' but We can call this, 'sin' is death, My child. All who follow and believe will not know death, My child. When you sleep on and leave your body and come across the veil, you will receive your reward in judgment. (vol I page 346)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - Death shall be rampant; murders and abominations, all because man has given himself to a lie of sin. Wars are a punishment for man's sins. What can I tell you, My children? Shall I cover you with hope and optimism and delude you in the face of reality? I give you hope over the veil. What can I promise you upon your earth? (vol I page 452)
JUNE 12, 1976 - Do not be concerned of your body, but have at least a small measure of fear that you do not lose your soul, for your life eternal is in the spirit. There is no death to mankind in the spirit. Your eternal life is over the veil, and every man, woman, and child born upon earth must pass beyond the veil sooner or later. (vol I page 503)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - My children, understand Me now: You do not die. Only your body must go back into the dust, but you do not die. You live on. But the choice is given to you whether you shall join Us in Heaven or, whether you must do penance in purgatory, be purged until your garments have been washed white and clean enough to enter the place of the Lamb. My children, there is also a place of eternal damnation, the abode of the prince of darkness, satan, the deceiver, the father of all liars. (vol I page 580)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - Your country, the United States, has been given in the control of the forces of evil, 666! Death will become prevalent among your leaders. There is no honor for life in your country and the countries of your world. Therefore, My children, recognize the rampant evil. When the value for life and the preservation of life has been removed, as it has been in the murder of the holy innocents, know that no man shall be free from death at the command of the leaders. (vol I page 468)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, and, in your charity, extend your heart to your brothers and sisters who are traveling in darkness, darkness of spirit. Upon your earth, My children, death is everywhere, for sin is death, and there are many human bodies that are carrying dead souls within them. And I repeat; as it was in the past, so shall it be now, for the dead shall be burying the dead. (vol I page 566)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - You must now make your choice. The time is now! What was to happen in the future shall be now! The sides are now being divided. My Son's House is now being divided. Shall you restore it now while you have time, or shall you accept slaughter within your country; death, death in such magnitude that there will not be time nor people to bury your dead? The Ball of Redemption will soon be upon mankind, and many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 570)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - Man was created in the image of the Eternal Father. Shall you make Him bow His head in sorrow as you defy Him now? Do you think with all of your scientific knowledge and endeavor that you can escape eventual death of the body? No, I say unto you: That is one, one measure of knowledge that man shall never find. (vol II page 101)
MARCH 18, 1978 - I never, as a rule, use the word "die", My children, for only the dead are the dead of soul. But for you to understand My words, I say "die", My children, in reference to the soul, the spirit, leaving your body, your human body. Every man, woman and child must be parted by body and soul at one point in his life sooner or later. You must prepare yourselves well and your children for this parting. (vol II page 130)
JUNE 1, 1978 - My children, there is no word such as death as you know it. Mankind will never die. He must live on into eternity in the plan of the Eternal Father. Only your body must be returned to the dust temporarily until the final judgment. However, the living part of you, the most important, living part, your soul, your spirit, will live forever! When you pass over the veil, My children, you will be judged immediately. (vol II page 160)
JULY 25, 1978 - There is no death, just a leaving of the spirit. There will be at death, a feeling of faintness and passing out. There will be a full consciousness. There will be a tremendous light pulling, forcefully, you out of your body casing, and you will be carried forward a great distance into and over the veil.(vol II page 174)
AUGUST 5, 1978 - All human flesh must go into the dust sooner or later. However, your soul, your spirit, is immortal. That means it cannot die; it will not die. It continues to live, though known as dead souls upon earth. It is the state of the spirit on earth. If you allow the light to leave your body, you will succumb to Lucifer, satan; and when your pilgrimage is over upon earth, you will be given to Lucifer, satan. Is this what you want? You were placed upon earth to honor your God, to love Him and to serve Him! And now you serve Lucifer, His adversary. For what? (vol II page 179)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - I hear 'Peace, love and brotherhood' coming forth from the minds and the mouths of men, but what comes from the heart but death and destruction and wars and murders and robberies and adulteries and all manner of sin, punishable by death, not only death of the souls but death of the body! There will be many dead bodies upon earth if you do not turn back from your sin! (vol II page 196)
MAY 26, 1979 - My children, the scepter of death has been set loose upon the world. There will be an increase in accidents that are not accidents. The elements shall spew forth fire, and many shall die untimely deaths. Shall they be prepared to go over the veil for judgment? O My children, already, the Eternal Father knows how many will be lost to Him in the final count. (vol II page 218)
JULY 25, 1979 - I have requested many times that the word death be applied only to the human body. For man, as created in the image of his God, there is no death if he will accept the commandments of his Creator and live his life upon earth as requested and directed by his Creator. Man with his free will can also reject the beckoning of Heaven and fall victim, willingly or unknowingly, to satan. Those who go into the web of Lucifer unknowingly can be brought out through the charity and prayers of another. (vol II page 235)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - Our world in the Eternal Kingdom of Heaven is of the spirit. It is not of the body. It is of the life that lives forever within you, over with the death of your human body, your spirit, the real you, that must sooner or later come over the veil and enter into your eternal reward. No man, woman, or child shall fall into hell unless he wills it of his own accord. Many spend countless years in purgatory because there are so few who are willing to do penance or pray for them. (vol II page 249)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - Every single man, woman, and child must one day die in his human body. Is it worth renouncing your Faith, rejecting the light and giving yourselves over to pleasures of the flesh, materialism, and all manner of political pursuits of communism and humanism. For what? For your own destruction. ...........Life is eternal; your body will die, but your living entity will continue over beyond the veil, My children. I repeat; there is no death; you live on. Once you leave your body, with full knowledge you live on, and come to Us for judgment. (vol II page 261)
JUNE 18, 1980 - Remember, My children, in the days ahead, your great comfort is the knowledge that there is no death. Life will continue beyond the veil for all. Many will be asked to sacrifice in the name of the Lord. But how great a sacrifice is this? Very little, in comparison to the great reward that lies for him over the veil. (vol II page 273)
JUNE 18, 1981 - Man is no master of death. He can only inflict death upon the body. But with satan beside him, he can inflict death to your soul, your spirit, and you will be forever lost. (vol II page 291)
JUNE 18, 1983 - Armaments are being made to destroy mankind. The more armaments that are made, the less chance there will be for salvation; not the salvation of the soul, but the salvation, the keeping of the bodies. For bodies will be burned upon earth, burned to a crisp. Many shall see death as they have never seen it before. Is this what you want, My children? Your brothers and sisters of good, will hold forth their hearts to you; do not slam the door in their faces, for you will cry bitter tears if you lose this chance to be among those who call themselves Faithful and True. (vol II page 394)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children of the world, I come to you with great news, not one, though, of joy, but of pity and sorrow. I say sorrow, because for many earth-years I have wandered among you, from place to place, and country to country, trying to warn you to avert this coming Chastisement, which is fast approaching mankind. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. ..............The world may call it the onslaught of holocaust, but not many will have the opportunity to try to figure what has happened about them, as they run back and forth and try to flee before the Chastisement. Don't look back, My children, as you find the bodies, black, dead bodies, lying among your roads. Do not touch them or you will die, also.
This will tell you, My child and My children, that the major Chastisement shall be a Third World War, which is in the planning now. Russia has not been converted. And why? Because the Message I gave many years ago to the little children, and to those who had the heart to seek for the truth, I told them that unless they prayed the Rosary and wore their Brown Scapulars, death shall be a place among the living; death, such as no man could perceive in his human mind, to see the destruction of missiles and other contemptible, technological implements, made strictly from the knowledge of satan...................In the Church, My child, cry with Me. My tears fall upon you and your children, and all of the children of the world, because of the fact that many shall die in the great flames of the Ball of Redemption; and, also, the technological weapons of the enemy, Russia. All of these munitions are being sent throughout the world. They are building up armaments beyond what man could conceive. This you must know, because only you, My children, who hear My words and act upon them, shall be saved.
Your children, I cry for you, poor mothers. Know that My Mother's heart is solaced only by the knowledge that these children shall not be lost to Heaven. But your young children have been disappearing from your homes. And where are they, as you go to and fro, looking for your children, and My Mother's tears fall upon you? Many shall be found dead, but others shall never be found, for they are disposed of in a most despicable way by a group known as the satanist........
These groups, My child and My children, are increasing, even on your island of Long Island. There are at least twelve major covens, and they are using human sacrifice. These bodies, My children, cannot be found by the police, or other authorities who seek to help and to solace the hearts of the family members of the lost child.
But I tell you this now, why we have the abomination of murders of children, for they are possessed by satan, those who will set into motion laws, laws that are against God. Your country, My child, the United States, shall feel war as never have they conceived in their minds, that this could enter upon the glorious nation of the United States and Canada. No, My children, you cannot escape this. Your time is running out...............My child, I wish that you boil the water in your home. I will tell you now, My children, if you are receiving waters for your use in your homes, it must be boiled, because the contamination of chemicals and waste matter, nuclear waste matter, is driving down into the soils of the nation and polluting these waters, which will bring imminent death to many.
And especially, My children, I repeat anew the words of My Mother when She said to you some time ago, that anyone who has even a small measure, responsibility for the deaths of the unborn, shall be judged as a murderer. No nation that has become so corrupt that their legal rules and regulations are changed for those who are in sin, shall not stand. They will burn in the embers, as the bodies will burn upon the roads and the streets. ................The good and the bad shall die together, My child. Yes, you may describe if you wish, My child, what I have just shown you........
Veronica: I see a road. I see people fleeing, their clothes are ragged , it seems as though they had been hit by some kind of shrapnel, or something that's tearing the clothes off their bodies. But the worst part of all is that beyond the roads I see bodies, dead bodies, dead bodies strewn all over, in the streets, through the houses, in the lots. And I see the waters aflame. And I see waters churning and churning, and rising higher and higher, as they wash onto the shores that border the seas. ........................Yes, My child, in the great Chastisement a ball of fire shall fall into the waters killing all that is living in the seas. And, also, unfortunately, because they could not listen and change their ways, many will die also from the flames and also from the waters. Those living along the coastlines, We caution them to keep a sacramental and a crucifix upon their doors, for the angel of death shall not enter your home.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My child, I wish you to view one scene. You will hold your crucifix and you will not, My child, pass out. Veronica: Over on the left hand side, I see....I know it's Africa. It's all in flames. I've seen the flames before, but this is horrible. They're going wild; they all look dark-skinned, yet they're killing each other. ...............Jesus: My child, you see war, the beginning of a war. It will be father against son, mother against daughter, and satan will be in their midst. Those who have the power are exercising it now in the wrong direction, My children. Better that they take the monies coming to them from out of the world, better that they try to construct a country with joy and happiness and peace among the brothers.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I shall continue to beg the Eternal Father to hold His heavy hand from coming upon you. Your peace and joy, that words are spoken of peace and joy when there is no peace and no joy. How can there be joy when others have assumed a power, which they expect to transcend to Heaven with by bringing back the dead? No, My children. I know of your modern science and how they are trying to now resurrect the dead. This shall never be.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - The Rosary must be recited daily, and twice a day, if possible. All others We leave to you to say for added graces. In your world of corruption and evil, My children, you cannot gather enough graces. For those that you will not need when you come over the veil to eternity will be given to those whom you love, or those who you have fought to save, and, yet, you felt unsuccessful. All the children of the world shall be counted in those who will see the ultimate Chastisement. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption............You cannot judge your brothers and sisters, for you do not know their hearts. However, should you see them going on the wrong path and fast falling from the narrow road to Heaven, you will do your utmost to convince them of their folly. For in the end, it is they who will suffer, because no man knows the day or the hour in which he will depart from the earth. No man can say he is a master of his own life, and, therefore, will not die.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Yes, My child and My children, as a Mother of grace I have been given many powers, through My Son, in the Eternal Father, and the Holy Spirit, many powers to recover souls that are on the way to their destruction and ultimate death in hell. I say "death", My children, I do not wish that you misunderstand Me: You yourself know that your soul is immortal; there is no death as you know it, only to the body, which in time the good Lord, the Father in Heaven, in His mercy, will return that body and soul and make it one again at the end of time. That will be the resurrection of the body and the soul................My Son has asked that I report to you that there shall be another plague upon mankind. Yes, My child and My children, another plague. For AIDS is a plague. and other illnesses that have gone by without any scientific recognition, are plagues from Heaven. They are allowed for the individual to retain a measure of love for his God. As long as he knows, as his time grows near to death, that it was because of his misconduct that he died a most unhurried and unscrupulously recognized a death. Yes, My children, there is much now in the world that you must protect yourselves against.
My child, this you can make known to mankind, that there shall be now a next tribulation in Australia. There will be many deaths, My children. That is why We do hope that the world will recognize two seers in Australia. The one who has presently come forth must be placed aside. There are two legitimate seers which shall come forward from Australia. .................Our hearts are torn asunder here in Heaven. The saints cry out, 'When will justice be meted to mankind? How long, O Lord of Lords, must we wait for the return of the good souls to Heaven? Seeing them crucified on earth makes our hearts grow heavy. How long, O Lord, the saints cry,' shall this carnage be permitted?' My child and My children, by now if you have only read a portion of My Mother's travels and Her words to the world, you will have an idea how much time is left.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - While We speak of agents of hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets, extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of hell in transport. Now you may ask why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ahh, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell; satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports. ..................There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it. They must find out something for themselves, My child, before We will help them to the ending of this great sorrow upon earth. Anything that results in murder and death is sorrow upon earth, My child, just as the great wars that are prevailing.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, I wish that you make it known to your countrymen in the United States, and Canada, and all the nations of the world, that We cannot tolerate the murders of the unborn. This is a sacrilege of the most foulest manner in the eyes of the Eternal Father and shall be punishable by death. ...............As I told you before, My child, you cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father. So many deaths in the Mexican earthquakes, so many in the floods; starvation, sorrow, murders, all this was known and burdened the heart of the Eternal Father for years. He knows what lies ahead; but We also know through His words, through the Holy Ghost, and Jesus, His Son, that one day He will return and restore this earth. However, many saints shall come out from this conflagration, saints who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, I came to you many years ago, at Fatima, with a plan for the salvation of mankind. And I must say to you this evening, as your Mother, that none of My words must be kept hidden any longer, for it is urgent that the world make this final atonement. The hourglass now is almost empty; days can be counted by hours. For at this very moment We see a most terrible explosion, with the loss of many lives about to take place.
O My children, you do not understand what I have given to other seers upon earth to bring to you. Not only words of consolation but words of truth. The truth sometimes does hurt, My children; but I, as your Mother, must treat you at this time as adults, being able to reason with the God-given reasoning that Heaven gave unto you when you were conceived by the Holy Ghost. I say this for this reason: The Eternal Father is much disturbed at the numbers of abortions being committed throughout your country and the world. These numbers go upwards to fifty to sixty million is one year throughout the world. And this is too much for the Eternal Father; and, also, for the souls who are now victim souls; victims to try to save their brothers and sisters who have gone astray from gaining their rightful deserts of destruction and death. These victim souls, that have become victims of their own accord and their own placement, they are the ones who have kept the just punishment from coming upon you and mankind.................Mothers, and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark days. Materialism has replaced spiritualism, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed upon your earth. There will be more floods with death; more volcano eruptions with death; more accidents that are not accidents; until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there is a power working at this time to bring you to your knees.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls, the mother, the father. But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on upon earth, living together without union under God. No, My children, that shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it will also be by sickness and death of the soul.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG - My child and My children, do you not know that death is very close upon many. You are all afraid of going across the veil if you do not have the Faith. However, I am telling you this now as your Mother; you must listen to Me. There is another force rampant in your country, the United States of America; it is a satanic cult that has taken precedence over all cults in the world. The major institution for satan is right here in the United States, with its subsidiary in Canada............My child and My children, prayer has not become a way of life for many. That is why communism has got such a foothold in your country and in other countries of the world. The prayers given to you in your childhood will be remembered always, I know, My children; but there are those who have not received these prayers in their schools, for prayer has been outlawed in many areas of your country and the world. It took but a few without faith to bring down the flag, for even your country's flag is being defiled, My children. I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great Tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - The Warning will soon be upon mankind. You ask Me, My child, can it be stopped? Only by prayers and sacrifice shall it be held back, but the time is long overdue. If it was not for My Mother Who steadily holds Her hand upon mine in sorrow, I would let My hand fall and the Warning come upon mankind. It is not to be asked for, because you know it is coming, My children. It is to be prayed against, for there will be those who will die in this ............
Jesus: I see murder ahead now, My child, in your city of New York. Many shall be mowed down. It is an attack by a communist nation..................No, My child, you do not need to know at this time the name of this nation, for it will soon be known when the captors are picked up. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will hear of this, My child, and they will try to stop them..............
These interlopers upon the serenity of the United States have dark skins. They are not from this nation, but they come from a presently warring nation. It is their object to destroy all and cause chaos in the city of New York. With their plans there will be bombs placed in strategic places and many shall die at the hands of these ruffians...................Now, My child, you will continue with the prayers of atonement; they are sorely needed. You will not be affrighted at the message this evening, for it must be told to the world, My children. Many will die unless they listen to Us now and follow Our direction.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - Pray, My child and My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. The world is in its most dire time, and subject to bad punishments, My children. I say 'bad' because many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. And many will also die when they see what lies ahead of them, as fear will grip their hearts as they run to and fro from their homes looking for a place of solace - a human word that will give them the courage to face what lies ahead. And that will often be death of the body..................Do not be affrighted, My child; I realize that this has given you a feeling of terror, for the AIDS plague has hit many; all the known and unknown, and children as well. I would suggest, My children, that you guard yourselves well against this plague. If you must have a form of operation requiring transfusions, I would suggest that you have a member of your family donate this blood; for the other has been grossly - I say grossly - contaminated and will cause many deaths.
DEMONS: See Satanists: Demons
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world, that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government, an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression. I can illustrate to you, My children, what I mean by this monetary depression. ...........Should you go and wish to buy a small instrument, even a guitar, that We hear plucking away at the dervishily, and deviltry, of what is called the musical Mass, strung by guitars, and other creations of satan. My child, I go on to tell you, you will say that the guitar is not a costly item, but in order to buy this guitar you will carry an actual satchel, an overnight bag-size, My child, let Us put it that way clearly, of notes, your currency. It will take a whole suitcase of paper, paper money that no longer has a value. You will soon be reduced to bartering for your food.
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - But do not search, My children, for wealth. Within two years or less, there will be a great crash of the market. The whole world's monetary systems will be paralyzed. That, My child, is why you had to come this evening to the grounds.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - My child and My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Keep this going throughout the United States and all the nations of the world, for there is little time left. Soon, in the plans of the Eternal Father, He shall set forth and allow to come upon mankind a great money disaster. In this way it will prove to you that the disaster back in the 1920's, My children, was as nothing compared to what will happen now. I talk of a great depression coming upon mankind. This is well planned by those in control and should hit your country, the United States, and Canada within the next two years. ...............Can this be stopped, My child? Anything can be if We can reach the people in time. However, I am not optimistic, My child, at the murders and the two men in particular that are now over here in the United States and using expressions like "casing the places." That, My child, means to look and see and report.
DEVIL - See Satan
DISCIPLES - See Bayside: Armies/Apostles
DISOBEDIENCE - See Obedience/Disobedience
OCTOBER 6, 1975 - You must, My child, warn your sister, Jeanne Dixon, that We are offended by her actions. Many souls are going onto the wide road! She has deluded herself! For she has followed the theories of demons. Astrology is for the unbelievers! Warn her, My child. You must not care for public opinion or worldly accusations to you. You are fishing, My child, for souls! (vol I page 430)
MARCH 18, 1973 - Doctors of the earth, what have you done to yourselves in your practices? You do not seek to preserve life, but to destroy. (vol I page 86)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - Your once loyal to the oath of a doctor, your once loyal doctors are now
butchers! For money they kill the young! Abortion, My children, is murder, and as murderers you will receive a just judgment and punishment. (vol II page 121)
MAY 27, 1978 - In your errors and your darkness of spirit your scientists and your men of great knowledge are seeking to build a utopia upon earth for man. You are feeding his body and starving his soul. No man of science can keep that body eternally alive, but that is not the object that is important. Man of science must recognize the supernatural and the existence of a God, and as such do honor to God the Father. He must as a man of science, and doctors in the world, you must do good and cure honorably. You have become murderers! You have used your profession to destroy the unborn. Woe unto any man who has any measure of involvement in the murders of the unborn! (vol II page 152)
AUGUST 14, 1981 - I have come to warn you; you will set loose upon earth the heavens. You will be planet struck. Doctors must do good and cure honorably. Kingdoms, bishops, Rome must restore My Son's Church, or there will be great destruction in the eternal city. (vol II page 295)
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - The sacrament of Marriage was given for the union of man and woman in love and godliness. There is nothing godly about a man who sets himself up to play God and starts revolving innocent; I prefer to call My children innocent, because in that way I do not refuse them even penance for their sins; but they must know that you cannot bring life in a test tube. This will not be accepted by Heaven..........These children are not conceived by the Holy Ghost, the spirit within them at the moment of conception, because their conception is from a test tube, and an instrument of a so-called doctor upon earth. He is a doctor, not of divinity but of sin.................Doctors now are profaning their profession; those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions. Doctors also pretend, or hope to seek far above the Eternal Father. Just as the angels did many years ago. They sought to outshine the Eternal Father, and they were cast forever out of Heaven. But they took many with them.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1975 - You see, My child, the three spirits of light I just sent across your, the Father, the Son, the Holy Ghost. Three doves, My child; they follow Me across the world. The day will come when I will direct them to alight at My statue's feet. No, My child, you will not be concerned what to do with them, for they will return with Me. (vol I page 417)
JULY 1, 1970 - Our Blessed Mother frowns on certain fashions. Be always "Marylike" in dress. Avoid shorts and slacks. (vol I page 10)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - Man has lost his purity. All parents must guard their children's souls. Be firm with your children. The fashions grieve all Heaven. (vol I page 12)
FEBRUARY 28, 1971 - I refuse any soul the privilege of being with My Mother unless properly attired. Women will not dress as men in Her presence; not will women condone the attire during their earthly existence! Can you not sacrifice for Me? Better the abuse of the flesh than the fire to the soul..........(vol I page 24)
APRIL 14, 1973 - The sins of the flesh, impurity and immodesty of fashion, have sent many into hell, claimed by Lucifer. Their example has also taken many from the road to the Kingdom. Your world is now in rule of satan. The Father allows his time so that the separation of the sheep and the goats may be accomplished. (vol I page 95)
JUNE 8, 1974 - Jacinta: I too was asked by Our Lady to give a message, I did not understand all that Our Lady said, but I gave the message. Our Lady told me that the nuns would start to wear clothes that would offend the Father and Our Lady very much, because these new fashions were created by satan to seduce the souls. (vol I page 210)
JULY 25, 1974 - I repeat, My child, that much discipline will be needed. The manner of clothing that We see being permitted by the parents to be worn by their children is an abomination in the eyes of the Father. They are sinful, they are degrading and they lead others into sin. Cover your bodies for they are temples of the Holy Spirit..........Men shall not dress as women and neither shall women dress as men! Shorts, slacks shall not be worn in the Presence of My Son! ..........There will be no rationalization accepted for the commission of these acts of impurity. (vol I page 235)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - Women, you will not disport yourself in nakedness in My Son's House! You will cover your heads! Not because you come in vanity thinking that your hair is a beauty or the crowning glory of your being! Look to your soul to be your crowning glory! Your hair will be covered with the worms just as your body will enter into the dust. Better that you spend your time shining your soul than glorifying your body................Cover your bodies before My Son! Do not defame and disgust Him by your presence and your acceptance of His Divinity. Why, you are naked like pagans! Cover your heads!................My child, have you seen the latest attire? Disgraceful, sinful, lustful creations of satan! No true vocation is in the hearts of those who dress as such. (vol I page 243)
The long hair worn by My Son and those He chose to be His Apostles, why was their hair long? So that they would be rejected by the world. At that time, My child, only the old, the elderly, wore their hair in such fashion and those dedicated to the rabbincalhood, priesthood. It was not the custom of the day to wear hair long. If you will look into your books of history you will note this. But My Son did not wish to be looked upon with vanity, though beautiful was His face. He chose to be unrecognized among the crowds as did those He chose to be His teachers, the Apostles. ..................Therefore the teachings of Paul are true. It is an abomination for man to wear his hair long. Read the Book of Life, read it by calling upon the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and you will understand. Do not accept these books written after the earth-year 1964 for they will have been changed to suit mankind. (vol I page 244)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - My child, We do not see much of this upon your world now. Out of sight, out of mind. The external trappings mean much. You must cover yourselves with good example. Immodesty is a sin, My child. All bodies that are exposed will burn. The great flame of the Ball of Redemption will burn all exposed bodies. Cover yourselves well, My children, and you will be covered with the armor of God. Impurity of heart is promoted by lewd actions, My children. You not only sin, but you force others onto the road to destruction by your actions. Mothers and daughters, women of the world, you must be an example of purity and piety to your children. It is only by your action as parents that your children will learn. Many parents will cry bitter tears of anguish when they see their children lost to them forever. (vol I page 299)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - Know, My children, that you as parents must guard the souls of your children. You must monitor your children's lives! Set an example of piety! We find many mothers an abomination in the eyes of their fathers! They disport their bodies like pagans! The permit their daughters to dress shamefully! Until these misled children no longer recognize sin and it has become a way of life for them. (vol I page 316)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - I ask you, My child, to retain your manner of dress. Soon, all who are following Me by example, shall be made known by their manner of dress. The worldly shall dress of the world, and those of the Spirit shall hide themselves from the eyes of man. (vol I page 330)
MARCH 18, 1975 - I repeat, women shall dress as befits a wife and mother! Clothing themselves with modesty and holiness. Children will follow the example of their parents, therefore, if your example is poor, your children will be your thorns. The sins of the parents are surely visited upon the children. (vol I page 340)
MARCH 22, 1975 - You must enter the Houses of your God properly clothed and with goodness of heart, not disporting yourselves as pagans, a quietude must be returned to the Houses of God. You come to communicate, My children, to spirit and body with My Son Who is with you in your Eucharist in Spirit and Body, a true Physical Presence. Many now are despoiling His Body! How many have set themselves to solace Him in the evil that is about the world now! (vol I page 347)
MARCH 29, 1975 - We ask now, My children, for a full dedication to the cause of Heaven. You must give all outward good example of your mission. Women must clothe themselves in modesty and good works. Men shall not wear clothes immodest. You will find it better to spend more of your monies for loose-fitting clothes, My children. The means will be given to you. (vol I page 351)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - We have asked many to give example of modesty. The world will laugh and scorn and make fun of them. For they must bring forward this example by even exaggeration, My child. That is why I have asked to lower the dress of the women to her ankles. It is only by example that many learn. (vol I page 405)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - We have asked the man, your leader, to discipline his wife; his spouse. However, in your world of liberated women, it is obvious, My children, that your women do wear pants. I shall use a comparison, My children, as many have fallen for the modern modes. I repeat the warning from Heaven: That man shall not dress as woman and women shall not adopt the attire of a man because the external indications, My children, soon penetrate the heart and expels a darkness of spirit. Many shall judge you by your attire. (vol I page 407)
JUNE 12, 1976 - My children, whatever shall become of you! You dress in nakedness, you come into My Son's House in nakedness. Immorality is widespread throughout your world. Read, My children, and learn: When a country has reached a point of no return, it has always started with the fall of morals! (vol I page 501)
JULY 24, 1976 - I will instruct you, My child, for the knowledge of all mankind. The word 'nakedness' and 'naked' has been misconstrued, and has been taken out of context from the good Book, the Bible. Watch, My child, as I will enfold, unfold the story for you................Veronica: The sky is beginning to open up on the right side. I see a very quiet body of water, a sea. And there is in the water a boat; it is a wooden structure, very crudely made. It is lying listlessly in the water, and now, as Our Lady brings me forward. I can see men; one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine; nine men are standing in the boat, and they are pulling upon a net that's stretched over the side of the boat. .........Three of the men have tunics tied about their waists, but off their shoulders. The men have been fishing, but they have not filled their nets, Our Lady says: The men have been fishing, but they have not filled their nets.......Our Lady: You will observe, My child, that none of these men are naked, for the word 'naked' can be misconstrued, when what is meant is stripped or uncovered, but not wholly. Nakedness is not to be practiced before another human. Adam and Eve, your first parents, when they found themselves naked, they covered themselves with the leaves. Therefore, watch, My child, and record the truth. (vol I page 511)
Veronica: I see over on the left side of the boat a man, a tall man; he has a beard and long brown hair. Now as I watch he is tying the cord belting tighter about his waist. He has on a tunic, a long tunic, but underneath I can see the upper part of an under covering.......Our Lady: My child, it is called a loincloth............Veronica: A loincloth. And the tunic being worn by the man is now being taken off from his shoulders as he tightens the belting, so that it lies suspended about his waist. ...........The waters are warm; the air is heavy, and they continue to labor, the men, to bring up the fish. They are becoming discouraged, and they are looking about them. Another man who is dressed in a long tunic that is belted, girded very tightly about his waist, approaches the first man standing to the left. I can hear his voice, He is saying: Simon Peter, look! There is the Master on the shore..............Simon Peter, it is the man on the left, and he turns and looks the short distance that lies to the shore. Excitedly, he brings up his tunic, the top covering, and places his arms in the sleeves and brings the tunic closet about his chest as he ties the rope closer. .............. Our Lady: Never did Peter stand, My child, naked as man will call nakedness. The word 'naked' can be taken out of context, I repeat. Peter found the work heavy and hot. He removed only the top of his tunic by girding it tightly about his waist as he worked, as he labored with difficulty with the heavy nets to bring the fish.
Veronica: Now the man who had approached Peter is pointing to the shore. And now Peter is growing very excited, and the other men are starting to pull at the nets. They have grown very heavy, and I can see now fish jumping up. Oh, my goodness! The nets are filled with fish jumping up and down. Oh! And the man on the right side talking to Peter, says: The Master has filled the nets............Now Peter is going over to the front part of the boat and he's leaping in, feet first into the water. It's not very deep. They're not far from shore, and he's now trying to swim, and wading to the shore. And over on the shore is Jesus; I can see Jesus. He's standing there in His long white tunic, His robe on His arm. ..........It's very warm. It's early morning, around ten or eleven o'clock, Our Lady said: Ten or eleven o'clock, but it's very warm and humid.............And now I can see Peter rushing up onto the beach, it looks like a beach; and the sand, though, is not a white; it's sort of a reddish, ruddy-colored looking, and he's now throwing himself at Jesus' feet...........Now they are preparing wood, and there's a fire on it. It had been prepared previously, because it's burning quite well. And Jesus is saying: Come, let us eat...........And now the men out in the boat are all quite excited, and they're coming in and trying to pull the heavy nets overflowing with fish behind them. They are all talking excitedly of the power of Jesus to fill these nets after they had labored most of the night without success.
My child, you understand now why I allowed you to carry the cross.............Saint Francis, your patron, he did not appear naked before his bishop. It is an expression, a symbol of divesting yourself of all your worldly desires and goods. He wished to live a life of poverty and piety, loving all creatures of God, for they reflected the joy and the dignity of his Master, the Lord High God in Heaven. (vol I page 512)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, My Son, His heart is pierced by the manner in which many come to His House with disrespect, apathy, and using His House as a meeting place for all manner of abominations. In due respect on this night of the feast of the high angels in the Eternal Kingdom, they demand, and Michael commands, that women must cover their heads during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not through custom that this is asked of you. Do not be deluded by satan, My children. Women must cover their heads in respect for the Sacrifice of My Son, in respect for all laws of your God and not of man; for man now, My children, is setting up his own laws, his own rules, and man shall destroy himself in this manner. (vol I page 537)
APRIL 9, 1977 - We look upon you, My children, and find that you are consorting with astrologers, sorcerers, paganism, even bringing this way of life into My Son's Church! Like pagans, you dance down the aisles during the Holy Sacrifice! Like pagans you come undressed, My children, to the Holy Sacrifice! You conduct yourselves without respect or love! (vol II page 35)
APRIL 1, 1978 - Now also in relation to a woman's head being covered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and proper deportment within the portals of Holy Church where Jesus is residing. Now I am sure that our liberationists would not go along with as in this respect. However, this would actually signify that much of the liberation movement is being directed by satan, and not by God. Now, the headdress for women, this is St. Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 11: Now I praise you brethren, because in all things you are mindful of me and hold fast my precepts as I gave them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ. And the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. A man indeed ought not to cover his head because he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man, made from man by God. For man was not created for woman but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head because of the angels.
In other words, St. Paul is saying that it's not just custom. This is the excuse given by the liberation movement to stop the head covering of women in the church. Well, they say that it is custom only in St. Paul's time. But that is not true because St. Paul explains, and these are the words direct from God through St. Paul, that you must have your head covered. It is proper deportment in the eyes of the angels............You must not forget, My child, Jacinta 1972. I spoke with the child, and told her of the fashions that would come to the world that would displease the Almighty Father very much. These fashions would lead many young onto the road to perdition. These fashions have even entered into the convents of the good sisters, and have seduced them into becoming ordinary misses of the world. (vol II page 139)
MAY 26, 1979 - Parents, have you lost your reasoning? You allow your children to disport themselves as pagans, even in My House, setting temptation to all by the manner of pagan dress and also disporting yourselves with equal depravity. (vol II page 219)
DRUGS/ALCOHOL - See Plagues: Drugs/Alcohol
EAGLE - See World: United States
EARTHQUAKES - See Elements: Earthquakes
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - Many peoples must unite to stop the slaughter of the Holy Innocents! Your God commands you with a strong hand! You and your conduct are being tolerated only because of the elect at this moment. Already the Father has sent you many warnings which you fail to recognize. (Twisters, hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc.) (vol I page 20)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - America you will remove yourself as a country from the brood of vipers, the U. N., in your city, it will be set up to lead your people to destruction! I set forth the plan for your salvation; should you reject this Word, your suffering will be beyond all that your human minds could conceive. The Forces of Nature will be used against you to stop you; this will not be from man but from your God whom you have chosen to ignore! (vol I page 40)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - A punishment upon an unrepentant generation....This punishment will be given in stages: 1. Internal - man's own creation. 2. The second from the elements. 3. The third from the constellations to fall upon you to be planet struck, the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 43)
JULY 15, 1972 - There will be a great devastation among you. You do not recognize the hand of your God. How many disturbances of nature shall We send upon you before the cataclysm? (vol I page 56)
JULY 25, 1973 - Nothing is impossible with the Father. The elements can be disturbed. All the elements of Heaven can be changed and brought down upon you, all in the Will of the Father. He has created and He can destroy. (vol I page 118)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - The Father shall chastise those He loves. Your country and many countries of your world will suffer trials of famine, earthquakes, tornadoes and the plague. ........... Much has been not recognized in the past as coming from the Father. The Father controls the elements of your atmosphere, My children, the Father, your Most High God in Heaven. Do not credit satan with this. It belongs to your God. ..........God, your Father, sends the sun to shine upon you. God, your Father can also send the sun to burn you. (vol I page 319)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - Your country will receive a chastisement, My child. There shall be an eruption in a place that scientists will not have an account for. They will be unable to explain by natural means this eruption. (vol I page 443)
MARCH 18, 1976 - My child, listen carefully and repeat after Me. The Warning will soon be given to mankind. It will be a major awakening to many. The rumbling and the shaking of the elements will set fright into many hearts. However, you have been prepared for this time. I do not intend to follow My Mother's message to you with added words of warning and prophecy. No, I am certain that the Message from Heaven, the warnings are being dispersed throughout your world. (vol I page 478)
MAY 15, 1976 - Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Wars and more wars until mankind shall set upon himself a point of non-recovery. Tremors, floods, disaster, accidents that are not accidents; you are blind, My children. (vol I page 488)
JUNE 12, 1976 - There will be tremendously high waves roaring and taking with them cities; buildings shall disappear from their moorings. The atmosphere shall spew forth currents of great heat. A darkness of spirit and a darkness of atmosphere shall settle in a deadly quiet upon mankind. (vol I page 502)
You will hear of wars and upheavals of nature, but it is only the beginning. There will come upon mankind a great War and the Chastisement, but I promise you that I shall return, for if I do not there will be no flesh left upon earth. (vol I page 503)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - The disturbances in nature, My children, shall continue. Your country shall experience a great disturbance. Awaken now and pray a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 518)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - Hasten, hearken, and listen to the words of warning to a generation that has become perverse, degraded; and abominations committed to offend your God. In justice and for penance, there will be visited upon your earth great trials, draughts, famine, rotting crops, hurricanes, floods, all manner of earth tremors and disturbances of nature, increasing in volume, spreading throughout your world. There will be eruptions and manifestations that shall bring terror to the hearts of many, in places that have never seen not heard of such volume of sound and fierce eruptions of the earth. (vol I page 525)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - O My children, you are truly blind! These warnings have been given for time, and an extension of time to mankind before the major catastrophe shall be sent upon you, the baptism of fire. You have received these warnings that have gone by unnoticed; floods, hurricanes, fires, disasters, accidents that are not accidents, earthquakes in place that have never experienced such terror before. How many warnings must the Eternal Father send upon mankind before they will awaken and do penance? (vol I page 537)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - There will be many signs given upon earth. We promise you, My children, that these trials and signs and disturbances of nature shall come upon you, but not those who are in the light, they shall not become unaware of the meaning. Many who will go through the great crucible of suffering will go through this time with hope and perseverance, knowing that they have been given the direction and the plan of Heaven aforehand. (vol I page 548)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - Because of the great abominations in your country and in many countries throughout the world, you shall be cleansed by trial. Floods, death, destruction; you bring upon yourselves this chastisement. Great heat and the plague. (vol II page 18)
MARCH 18, 1977 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pray that your leaders will recognize the signs given by your God. Shall these increase in volume; the earthquakes, the pestilence, the fires, the floods, the great heat! My children; there is no man or woman upon this earth that you must explain yourselves to in this mission, for you are directed by the Eternal Father in Heaven in My Son and the Holy Spirit. (vol II page 29)
APRIL 2, 1977 - The world and the world's peoples are fast running to the edge of their own destruction. My Mother has wandered now countless earth-years pleading with you to make an effort to change your ways, restore My House, and do the atonement necessary to not only hold back the darkness that engulfs your world, but to hold back the great Chastisement and the ever increasing accidents that are not accidents, catastrophes, wars, famines, earthquakes. My children, so few recognize these signs being given to you. (vol II page 32)
MAY 30, 1977 - I say unto you, and I repeat My Mother's counsel to you, that the time is growing short. There will be set upon mankind trials, disturbances of nature accelerating in time, disturbances of nature that go far beyond scientific explanation. (vol II page 52)
JUNE 4, 1977 - My children, unless you pray more, unless you do penance and acts of atonement now, I cannot hold back the punishment, the Chastisement from mankind any longer. As your days proceed, evil is accelerating and the chastisements, minor and major, shall increase. There will be earthquakes in divers places; there will be floods and pestilence, and there will be the eruption of the elements. My children, My counsel to you shall all come to pass. (vol II page 54)
My children, as time proceeds further onto the road that leads to the great Chastisement, as man goes further into darkness of spirit, there will be set upon the world great trial. You have entered into the time of great sorrows. You will find the heavens in upheaval; plagues, floods, great heat will befall mankind. My children, it will be a test for all. (vol II page 55)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, why do you not recognize the signs of your times? Why is man, in his blindness, calling down upon himself many chastisements? Floods, earthquakes, famines, plagues, until all shall be cleansed by the Ball of Redemption! (vol II page 68)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - The strength of faith, My children, shall be your beacon in a darkened world. Your world, the earth, is fast plunging into deep darkness of spirit. Soon the elements shall be set upon mankind, a form of minor cleansing before the great Chastisement. (vol II page 89)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - And also these demons shall promote accidents that are not accidents. Your seasons shall turn. Upheavals of nature shall be more prevalent. They will increase in intensity and mankind is brought to his knees. (vol II page 116)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - My children, you must continue to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. Work with great haste. The elements of nature shall be used against you to try to stop the word from reaching all of your world. ..............In My counsels of the past, My children, I have told you many times that satan has control of the elements. There will be accidents that are not accidents, disturbances of nature claiming many lives; floods, tornadoes. My children, are you ready to face this crisis? (vol II page 120)
APRIL 1, 1978 - O My children, if you only realized and acted upon My counsel! If you only realized what is coming fast upon you! Be it known to you in the past that there will be many eruptions of nature resulting in hurricanes, whirlwinds, floods, great heat and plagues upon mankind. (vol II page 138)
JULY 25, 1978 - Storms shall ravage the shores; crops will rot in the ground; famine, insanity, from sin, in the minds of the young. Murders, who shall govern your fine country, My children, in the future, as the pollution is bending the stalks. Repent now of your sin, for the hand of just punishment is being lowered upon you. (vol II page 175)
MAY 26, 1979 - My children, the scepter of death has been set loose upon the world. There will be an increase in accidents that are not accidents. The elements shall spew forth fire, and many shall die untimely deaths. Shall they be prepared to go over the veil for judgment?! O My children, already the Eternal Father knows how many will be lost to Him in the final count. ..........Great elemental tragedies, disasters, manmade and God sent upon mankind, shall increase in volume, shall increase in intensity and numbers. Remember, My children, you do not understand the supernatural, for there will be accidents that are not accidents. (vol II page 219)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - The catastrophes from the elements and accidents shall increase unto the time of the great Chastisement. Many parents shall shed tears of great sorrow but too late. Prepare your children now, O parents, that your hearts may not be torn in the near future. (vol II page 237)
MARCH 18, 1983 - Do not stifle this knowledge of your God by involving yourselves in all the pleasures of the materialistic world. You will have to return to the knowledge of the supernatural or you will fall. Your country and all the nations of the world shall undergo great test. By this, My children, you will understand in due time, because there will be earthquakes in diverse places that have never known earthquakes before. There will be floods and a great heat. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol II page 380)
MAY 21, 1983 - All Heaven is joining in a major force to try to avoid in your generation the terrible floods, the great heat, and the plague. Yes, My child and My children, the crops will rot; babies shall cry, as there will be no food to feed the hungry mouths.................Disaster is coming upon mankind far greater that what has been experienced in this past year. As you will recognize, the scientists and men of knowledge all comment on this past year being a frightful one. The elements seemed to get loosened and come down in fury upon mankind. ..Remember, My children and My child, I have always told you that satan can control the elements...........Many warnings are being given to mankind and these will increase in nature. Horrible life-taking forces of nature shall be allowed to come upon you. All this is to take place while the enemy of God and your nation is surrounding you with submarines and planning a missile attack. (vol II page 385)
JUNE 18, 1983 - My Mother has directed you well through this stage of man's progressing towards sanctity. However, you must remember, this: Words were given, and actions have taken place. Our Lady told you several years ago that there would be great floods, and there were great floods; that there would be a great heat, and that will come soon; and after that there will be a great plague. You had a plague now, My children, two diseases, unknown in cure for mankind. Did not My Mother pass along to you that knowledge that there would be diseases that your scientists will not be able to explain nor stop? They will find no cure for it. (vol II page 393)
JUNE 18, 1983 - All mankind will be tested before the great day of My return. There will be floods taking many lives, there will be famine and many will die, and there will be the great heat and many will die. My child, I know you are affrighted at My words, but Our purpose is to save you. (vol II page 393)
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and, also, your immediate nations. I say this in particular because there is another trial approaching mankind in the United States, and this can also extend up to Canada..............You will pray constantly, My children. The prayers can reach Heaven in short time, and perhaps can stop the next tribulation. This is called a tribulation what will come upon you next. It will be of an earth force again.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - In the past few months, My child and My children, much has happened within your country and other countries of the world. There have been earthquakes, floods, and, also, a nuclear disaster. Know now, My children and My child, that this is not the end of suffering for mankind. Because of the fact that My Message has reached many but not all at this time, there is evil now brewing within the world that is heading for the Third World War. In My desperation, My child, I have even entered upon other countries to try to stop the evil among man, the evil of murder; murder whether planned or accidental, in accidents that are not accidents.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - Mothers and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark days. Materialism has replaced spirituality, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed upon your earth. There will be more floods with death; more volcano eruptions with death; more accidents that are not accidents; until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there is a higher power working at this time to bring you to your knees.
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - In the past many warnings have been given to you but have not been recognized as coming from the Eternal Father. Those that will come now will be recognized for they will be cataclysms such as have never been seen upon your earth; freezing in areas of your land that have never experienced the freeze; bursts of heat in areas that have never known such great heat; death shall come upon many. The approach of the Ball of Redemption shall bring upon mankind climatic changes. (vol I page 462)
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Do not be afeared, My child; retain your crucifix on your doors. And keep your supply of earthly goods, though they are needed for your human body; the canned food, the candles, the water, and the blankets. A sudden cold shall come upon mankind, and many shall die from the cold.
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - Disasters, there are many through your land, you were spared the disaster, given as warning, so close to your land (earthquakes), your country has known few "Natural," My children, because your scientists will call them (Natural Disturbances of Nature!") But No! The great disaster that approaches your country will not be but a natural disturbance of nature, but a punishment from your God! As you refuse to turn away from your sin! (vol I page 75)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - A disaster of great magnitude is approaching your country! Have you prepared for this? There will be in your country a great quake. The earth shall tremble, the homes shall fall and many shall be sent into oblivion! Many shall not be prepared and will be claimed by satan! Pray, pray, My children! Send your Messages far and wide! A great disaster is approaching mankind! Your country will not escape this chastisement. Do not, My child, put this in the same measure as the Chastisement in the near future. This will be an additional warning to mankind! (vol I page 272)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - The Father shall chastise those He loves. Your country and many countries of your world will suffer trials of famine, earthquakes, tornadoes and the plague. (vol I page 319)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - Man does not recognize the warnings from the Eternal Father. There shall be great disturbances of nature. there shall be floods, earthquakes, and great loss of life. Pray that this destruction does not come close to your families. Many children shall die. (vol I page 407)
APRIL 17, 1976 - The world shall go through a crucible of suffering, for the Father shall chastise those He loves. There will be great disturbances of nature, My child, all that I have allowed you to see in the past was for reason................Shall a warning be given to mankind? I say yes, My children! Many minor warnings have been given in the past, and have gone by unnoticed, by the Eternal Father. These warnings were given by the Eternal Father to awaken mankind. There shall be tremors and earthquakes in places never before seen or experienced. Great tidal waves shall descend upon a great city and it shall fall into the sea. Measure for measure, mankind shall be given his chastisement to cleanse him in a crucible of suffering because of his aberrations, because of his arrogance, because of his turning from the truth, the light, and from the Commandments given by the Eternal Father. (vol I page 482)
You cannot, you must not condone sin, you shall not rationalize sin until sin has become a way of life among you. It shall be brother against brother and sister against sister. Nations shall rise up against nation. There shall be disturbances of nature of such great magnitude that many lives shall be lost! You will be forced to your knees and only then, in this time of great trials, will you turn back and look for the light. (vol I page 485)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - My child, the example given by Theresa and all who have given their lives in vocation, the example must be returned to My Son's Church. Because you do not pray enough, My children, because you have given yourselves to sins of the flesh, many wars have descended upon you, many trials of earthquakes and floods and great heat have come upon you. My children, there is a most terrible calamity approaching mankind, and I beg you, as Your Mother to avoid this, to get down now upon your knees and do penance, atonement, and sacrifice to the Eternal Father Who has already been offended too much. (vol I page 542)
MAY 28, 1977 - Michael: Amen, I say to you, the day is not far that man shall see a shaking of the earth and tribulations set upon the world such as has never been seen in the past and shall never be set upon mankind again. Prepare your household for the deluge! (vol II page 48)
JUNE 18, 1977 - I assure you, My children, the work for Heaven will accelerate when the tremors come to the earth. Be ye warned that houses will blow in the wind. And if this does not bring man back to his senses, then skin shall dry up on the bones and blow away as if it had never been! Many will see this, My children, and still not believe that it is the hand of God upon men, because the hearts of man have been hardened by sin; because sin has become a way of life among you. (vol II page 61)
JULY 15, 1977 - O My children, My heart is torn that you will not turn about and get down to your knees. Throughout your world now there will be great trials set upon mankind; upheavals of nature, discord in governments, nations at war, fire raining from the sky! My children, you ask for peace, but you are traveling to your own destruction as you build up armaments to kill your brothers and maim! (vol II page 63)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - Earthquakes, disturbances of nature, shall now increase and claim many lives. I shall not give you a full accounting of the plan from Heaven to redeem your world. All I will tell you now is that you must pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Do penance, make atonement to the Eternal Father, who is much offended by the sins of your generation. (vol II page 185)
MAY 30, 1981 - Earthquakes in your country, the United States, extending up through Canada, earthquakes in places never before known to exist, or the possibility of. And they will know it comes but from the hand of God. Famine, starvation, your crops will rot. The heat will burn, the cattle will starve. And why? Because you refuse to turn back, complacent in your arrogance. (vol II page 282)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - I want everyone upon earth to know that the great Chastisement and the punishments of droughts, earthquakes, tornadoes, are but minor compared to the number of lives that will be lost with the great Chastisement.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My child, the earthquakes will increase now. There will be one in New York. Now, My child, I tell you this to prepare. You are allowed, My child, to experience all that mankind can suffer. How well you listened to Us when We told you to place on your shelves cans of food, jars of water, blankets. You found it very cold, My child, without heat and without light, and without any form of recreation other than to pray. And that was God's way of letting the world know that they will be on their knees; and one of these days they will be praying, for many the first time in many years...........I repeat again, the earthquakes will increase in volume. California shall be struck. New York shall be struck. As I told you once before, there will be earthquakes in places that have never known a quake. It will startle them and frighten them, but will they come to their knees? Few will, My child, because I can tell you this; they will not have the time to make amends; that is the sad part, My child and My children.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - My child and my children, your world is heading for a great catastrophe. Earthquakes will increase. Floods will increase. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth throughout the world as calamity upon calamity befalls mankind. And why? Because you do not listen to the Queen of Peace to bring the world back from the cataclysm it is facing.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - As I told you before, My child, you cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father. So many deaths in the Mexican earthquakes, so many in the floods; starvation, sorrow, murders, all this was known and burdened the heart of the Eternal Father for years. He knows what lies ahead; but We also know through His words, through the Holy Ghost, and Jesus, His Son, that one day He will return and restore this earth.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 - Your country, My child, the United States, shall know of another tremendous earthquake. I know this grips your heart with fear, My child, but you will see and understand. There will be more floods, more famine, more blood in the streets.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - And, also, I wish to tell you, as your God, that was only the beginning, the earthquake in California, only the beginning.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - My child and My children, I refer to you always as My children because every single soul that is upon the earth today alive, and those who have also been aborted were brought into the world through the intercession of the Holy Spirit; therefore, they are creations of your God, and as such, for the United States, a measure of punishment; there will be a great earthquake. This earthquake will be in a most unusual place, My child; but when it happens they will know that they are facing now an angry God.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - According to Causewell Vaughan, a New York Daily News Staff Writer, in an article in the October, 1988 edition of the paper, scientists are predicting with a 75% to 95% probability that a major earthquake will strike the eastern two-thirds of the nation within the next ten years. .................One early site is the New York City area. Klaus Jacob, a scientist at the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, claims the city is "riddled" with geological faults. One such fault enters Manhattan at 125 St., cuts across part of Central Park and crosses the East River.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child, as I told you this morning, there will be a great earthquake in the area of New York. When I give you the dates, you will not venture from the island, or you, too, will be caught up in the chaos. There will be much flooding of the highways, so do not try to make your way forth into the areas. Your son, in his work, My child, shall escape the carnage. There will be great fear in the hearts of men, but it will be too late to do anything about this, for the Eternal Father has waited many years. ....Another area that shall be shaken will be California, My child. There is a great split in the earth that is widening. This is not generally being given to you in your news tabloids. They are trying to lull you to complacency. We have given you the road away from these disasters and that road is only guided by prayers, penance, and atonement.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - There will be pestilence anew. There will be earthquakes in many places. The present ones have been nothing compared to what will happen next. There will be a great earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and also New York. I told you this before, My children and My child, but I must repeat to you: Many prayers are needed now, for the balance is most uneasy.
APRIL 1, 1972 - A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis many will be cleansed! Understand, My children, that science cannot strive above the laws of His God. (vol I page 49)
JULY 15, 1973 - Veronica is shown a scene: I see water, the water is running between a valley. There are hills at either side, hills, but they're not mountains. The water is rising very high. There's going to be floods. Floods! Floods! Many lives will be lost, many lives. Floods, heavy rain, the closer the disturbance of the atmosphere. Many will die in the floods. The absence of clear drinking waters will bring about a disease of the intestinal tract. Many waters will become contaminated. (vol I page 116)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - I repeat once more for your edification: Your country will meet with great disorder. Floods, great heat, and the plague. The mercy of the Father has been extended to its limit. Only a complete reversal in your evil ways will avert the Chastisement planned by the Father for your country and the world. (vol I page 128)
JUNE 18, 1983 - My Mother has directed you well through this stage of man's progressing towards sanctity. However, you must remember this: Words were given, and actions have taken place. Our Lady told you several years ago that there would be great floods and there were great floods, that there would be a great heat, and that will come soon; and after that there will be a great plague. (vol II page 393)
JUNE 18, 1984 - My child and My children, you do not recognize the floods that have been set upon you. These floods shall increase, and many will die; and these floods shall be in diverse places, places not known before to have had such an occurrence. Many mothers hearts will be saddened. (vol II page 405)
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - St. Michael: My child and my children, your world is heading for a great catastrophe. Earthquakes will increase. Floods will increase. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth throughout the world as calamity upon calamity befalls mankind. And why? Because you do not listen to the Queen of Peace to bring the world back from the cataclysm it is facing.
JUNE 18, 1986 MSG) - Mothers, and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark days. Materialism has replaced spiritualism, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed upon your earth. There will be more floods with death; more volcano eruptions with death; more accidents that are not accidents; until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there is a power working at this time to bring you to your knees...........My child and My children, do not take My words lightly. I do not speak to frighten you but to try to jar you from your complacency. There will be many minor warnings given to the world; more floods, accidents that are not accidents. There will be more murders upon earth; father against son, mother against daughter, homes torn asunder, for satan is loosed upon the earth. He has been given a time, a short time now for him to gather his souls.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 - Your country, My child, the United States, shall know of another tremendous earthquake. I know this grips your heart with fear, My child, but you will see and understand. There will be more floods, more famine, more blood in the streets. The enemy will come from foreign nations now to try to shed this blood. Do not take their words to you lightly. They will enter the United States for one purpose, to destroy the morale.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child, as I told you this morning, there will be a great earthquake in the area of New York. When I give you the dates, you will not venture from the island, or you, too, will be caught up in the chaos. There will be much flooding of the highways, so do not try to make your way forth into the areas. Your son, in his work, My child, shall escape the carnage. There will be great fear in the hearts of men, but it will be too late to do anything about this, for the Eternal Father has waited many years.
APRIL 1, 1972 - A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis many will be cleansed! Understand, My children, that science cannot strive above the laws of His God. (vol I page 49)
MARCH 18, 1973 - There will come over the earth a great darkness. The air; stagnant, lacking oxygen. There will be no light; the candles will be few. Then the heat will become intense. (vol I page 85)
OCTOBER 22, 1974 - The great heat will be sent upon mankind. The plague will follow. (vol I page 274)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - My child, you feel the heat, unusual heat. Know that at the time of the Chastisement, the brightness of the coming celestial punishing agent from the Father, will light up the night as the day. The heat will turn your winters to summer. Yes, My child, the celestial body will throw off a great amount of heat upon your earth. (vol I page 289)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - In the past many warnings have been given to you but have not been recognized as coming from the Eternal Father. Those that will come now will be recognized for they will be cataclysms such as have never been seen upon your earth; freezing in areas of your land that have never experienced the freeze; bursts of heat in areas that have never known such great heat; death shall come upon many. The approach of the Ball of Redemption shall bring upon mankind climatic changes. (vol I page 462)
JUNE 12, 1976 - There will be tremendously high waves roaring and taking with them cities; buildings shall disappear from their moorings. The atmosphere shall spew forth currents of great heat. A darkness of spirit and a darkness of atmosphere shall settle in a deadly quiet upon mankind. (vol I page 502)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - Shall you be given a full scourge of communism and slavery? Shall the elements be used against you to cleanse your world? Shall mankind feel the great heat and burning of the Ball of Redemption? You who laugh and scorn this Message, the day will come when there shall be much gnashing of teeth and woe set upon the earth. (vol II page 19)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, there will be many warnings given to mankind, one a major merciful one before the great Chastisement. The Ball of Redemption approaches. It will come fast upon mankind, a heat so great that skin will dry up on the bones and blow away as if it had never been. Man will see and still not believe, so great is the sin upon earth. (vol II page 70)
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - HURRICANE GLORIA - My child, We specifically brought you here this evening after the last trial of the past week. This was allowed to come upon you with no destruction to your home. However, you knew the fear of fleeing to the mountains. We directed you, My child, and you did well. And you escaped having to suffer the hours of darkness, and the sound of the howling of the winds, and the rise of the waters. But, My child and My children, it will happen again, but this time it will claim lies. ...............Do not be affrighted, My child; I did not say that this will happen to your home on Long Island again. You suffered not the moments of terror. We did not wish for you to succumb from sorrow at that time, My child, We sent you to the mountains; and you returned once the winds had died down to find a home still intact.
I must reveal, My children, to the world again, that you are to keep a crucifix on your front door and your back door. All entrances to you home must be guarded by the crucifix. There has not been one home on Long Island that had a crucifix on its door that did fall to any evil. I do not speak of the trees, My child; I speak of mankind. You did not know a major disaster as has happened, My children, in Mexico. You see, My child, I set you down in that area to bring the word to mankind, and it was through these words that many listened and they passed through the horrible experience of a hurricane.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and all the nations of the earth. Because if you do not, all the nations of the world shall cry. You have been given minor warnings with hurricanes, and all kinds of earth disturbances, with drought; with everything, My child, that should have alerted mankind, but did not. What are they waiting for? The Ball of Redemption?
END TIMES - See Time
APRIL 1, 1978 - Now also in relation to a woman's head being covered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and proper deportment within the portals of Holy Church where Jesus is residing. Now I am sure that our liberationists would not go along with as in this respect. However, this would actually signify that much of the liberation movement is being directed by satan, and not by God. Now, the headdress for women, this is St. Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 11: Now I praise you brethren, because in all things you are mindful of me and hold fast my precepts as I gave them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ. And the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. A man indeed ought not to cover his head because he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man, made from man by God. For man was not created for woman but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head because of the angels............In other words, St. Paul is saying that it's not just custom. This is the excuse given by the liberation movement to stop the head covering of women in the church. Well, they say that it is custom only in St. Paul's time. But that is not true because St. Paul explains, and these are the words direct from God through St. Paul, that you must have your head covered. It is proper deportment in the eyes of the angels. (vol II page 139)
JULY 15, 1978 - My child, you understand well why this direction is no longer accepted upon earth. You have now a new rebellious group called ERA, "equal rights for women." O My children, what a delusion this is among you! Do you not recognize that you will lose more than you shall ever gain because you defy the direction of the Eternal Father.............Paul the Apostle wrote down the words given to him by My Son Jesus. Adam was created in the image of God as man, and woman was given unto him as his helper. As such, My children, man must always be the head of the household. There shall not be strength in a home divided. (vol II page 171)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - St. Theresa: However, in your world now of confusion, this did not mean we shall join in the revolt of the women against the plan of God. You must tell all of the sisters in the convents, and all the women upon earth, that the Eternal Father has given them their role as children of God. They must not revolt against Him and be liberated from the role, for they have been then deluded by Lucifer. (vol II page 254)
JULY 1, 1970 - I am the advocate of peace, the Mediatrix between God and man, abundant with graces for the asking. I am now the Guardian of the Cross. I stand beneath the Cross. No soiled hands can touch My Son's Body. Only God can purify the hands. (Consecrated hands) (vol I page 10)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Do not abandon My Son's gift to you in Holy Church, for it is Our Home on earth, your Heavenly habitat, sheltering you from the dark knights (satan's henchmen), wandering about to drag you to the bottomless pit! Find shelter in Jesus' arms. Remain close to Him. ...........Desecrate not the Physical Presence (Host and Tabernacle) of My Son on earth. O, thoughtless, careless child, how long can I hold back His hand! (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - Remain in communion with My Son for He will protect you. Visit My Son often. You have many friends in Heaven. Be not guided by fear but by prayer. Fear not the darkness for I carry the light. (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - Remember, My children, My Son is always with you. He has a Home in every land. He will be always with you. Though they seek to remove the Physical True Presence, they cannot invade the world of the Spirit that will be the light, that will guide you in the darkness. Man of Science forever searching. Man of science seeking to find a consort in his quest. He will find satan. (vol I page 16,17)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Visit My Son often in the Tabernacles of the world. Do not be turned away by the present strife, for always remember: Where Jesus is, there is your Church. (vol I page 18)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - This man of perdition, this man out of hell, will spread his darkness through Holy Church! Hold the Truth always in your heart! Pray for your priests, your hierarchy, for the Faith has grown weak! They will be victimized by the evil one who is now loose in your Land. He will only possess a soul that has grown weak! Strengthen your souls by staying with My Son, near the Tabernacles of the world. Accept the gift of My Son often, His Physical Body, present in your Eucharist, given to you only by consecrated hands blessed by My Son and Ordained to do His Work and represent Him! Turn you face from those who wish to profane the Body of My Son. The Light of the Holy Spirit will guide you in this respect! The indignities to My Son, the Eternal Father and all Heaven are increasing with the increased destruction of the man of sin! His goal is the possession of all spirits destined for My Son's Kingdom. (vol I page 23)
The next abomination to My Son's Heart; do not accept His Body in your hands, for some will seek to cast His Body in the Holy Water fountains, for such is the work of satan, to degrade My Son's Body! Oh woe to ungrateful man who cares not for the Blood that My Son shed for them! Their own destruction will be made, through their own hands in their own evil hearts. For the blackened soul can seek faster the ways of satan. We cry also, for the many souls that will be lost because of misdirection. Our Hearts are merciful. But many will still be lost. (vol I page 24)
MAY 19, 1971 - Yes, they will be needed to safeguard those who represent Me in My House (Church) for the man of perdition (anti-Christ) will enter higher places to render discord among those who rule My House on earth. Have pity for those (clergy) who will fall into his trap. Only prayer and mortification of the senses can retrieve one of these souls. No one will be free from the assaults to the Church by the one called anti-Christ unless you keep Me with you (Eucharist), not as an occasional visit but as a daily act of love. Satan has placed his disciples in your schools, your government, you ways of entertainment, you means of communication, all have been infiltrated! You can readily see My children, how far he has progressed to destroy. We are gathering Our armies from Heaven, yes, We are watching and will join in the eventual combat for My Mother's Heart will heal when We triumphantly remove the evil one from among you!! (vol I page 27)
OCTOBER 7, 1971 - We will not abandon any to Lucifer for all who call for your help and assistance will receive the graces to carry them through. You will wear your Rosary and remain close to My Son's tabernacles throughout the world. Spread not your time questioning the ethics or the reasoning of mere man who used My Son's House, but retire within the spirit and come to My Son in His House looking at Him through the spirit not through worldly eyes. He will always be there in His House. Our lawfully ordained priests will always have the power to bring My Son in physical body to you. (vol I page 38)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - Remember, My children, the day will come, after much suffering, when My Son will return to set all right again. Persevere against the forces of evil that now enshrouds your earth. Be nourished by the presence of My Son among you (Eucharist). Hold back the darkness! (vol I page 40)
MAY 10, 1972 - You must remain with My Son through His gift of His heart to you in the tabernacles of the world. You will be infiltrated if you do not develop the daily habit of visiting My Son; He grows lonely. He has been locked out from many hearts. (vol I page 51)
MARCH 18, 1973 - Do not be led astray by the fallacy: The duly consecrated and lawful priest ordained by sacred hands shall always have the authority from his God to bring the true Body, supernatural and physical, to Our children on earth. We sorrow for the manner in which man is doing this. We find abominations and diversions within the House of God. However, you must know as fact that in the place of a high priest of God there are two outstanding forces from the Holy Spirit when they bring the Son of God to you! Evident and truthfully brought in body and spirit! ...............We ask all to remain steadfast and do not leave their home parishes. The heart of the House of God is the coming of My Son through the Consecration of His Host. Though We sorrow of the antics of many of Our high priests and clergy, you cannot deny the validity of the Consecration. (vol I page 85)
JUNE 16, 1973 - I will not abandon you. I will always be here. Come to Me often. Visit My Son often in the tabernacles of your world. He grows very lonely, My children; there are so few visitors now to His House. Won't you come often and solace Him? (vol I page 110)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - Your children are wandering into the web of satan, going farther from the House of My Son. The truth is being removed from their hearts. They are setting among themselves groups. They shall not remove from their lives vows of My Son. As the only sanctified House upon earth, their souls will be destroyed when they are not given he Bread of Living Life. This Bread will only be obtained in he sanctified House of My Son. Satan seeks to remove the Tabernacle from among you. ........Veronica: I see now a great light. It's very, very bright and brilliant. And I see open country. It's very hilly, like mountainous. And Jesus is walking up this very high mountain, and with Him are three men. They're dressed in brown garments. Oh, they're very, they almost look like Franciscans. They have sandals on their feet, and these very rough garments with a rope tied about their waist............It's very warm; it's a very warm day because one of the men has wiped his forehead with his sleeve. Now Jesus is motioning to them. They're walking up, and they're now between two trees. But now they're up on the top of the mountain, and they can look all about. And it seems that from the mountain you could see all the parts of the countryside. And now one of the men dressed in brown says: This will be the ideal place for the three tabernacles. ............Three, three? said Jesus. There will be one tabernacle!
Veronica: And then all of a sudden; oh, all of a sudden, the three men now they're throwing themselves back. The light is so bright. Oh, oh! And now I can't see Jesus. The light is so bright. It's blinding. It's a white light. And Jesus is lost in it. The light is rising now up into the sky. Oh! Oh! It's a brilliant white, oh, it's beautiful!...........Now I can see, like a haze. I can see Jesus standing in the light. Now the men have thrown themselves down. Now one is covering his face with his hands. His eyes can't watch the brilliance of the light. My eyes burn, it's so bright. Now Jesus is talking. It's as though the voice is booming from the sky............Jesus: There will be tabernacles throughout the world, but these tabernacles will be of one God. The Son of God shall be honored. God is, God was, and God always will be among you. Man shall not close down the tabernacle of God. The Word will always be among you. Wherever two or three are gathered in My name, know that I am with you. (vol I page 119)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1973 - Michael: Look, my child, upon the abominations that have fallen into the cup. Unclean hands shall stain the Body of your Creator. (vol I page 133)
NOVEMBER 24, 1973 - Be on guard; wear your sacramentals. Remain with My Son by His tabernacles throughout the world and receive the strength necessary for the days ahead. (vol I page 146)
DECEMBER 31, 1973 - My child, you will make a special effort with all those who have the true love of My Son in their hearts to open His houses that many souls may visit Him in the tabernacles throughout the world. My Son is a prisoner in His own House. Yes, My child, He is very lonely. It is a sad fact, My child, that the peoples of your country and your hemisphere have nourished their bodies well but have starved their souls..............Veronica: I see a large table, a long table. Oh, it looks like a banquet with, oh, all kinds of food laid out beautifully upon the table. All cuts of meat. All kinds of fruit. All kinds of cakes. It looks like a great feast. And many people are crowding about the table...........But over to the side of this large room there's little golden door open, and in the door I see a small, golden chalice. And the chalice is filled with, it's not wine, it looks like blood! And it's flowing over the chalice. Now as I watch, it's going over the sides of the chalice down onto the floor of the tabernacle, and running in rivulets now down from the altar piece onto the floor..........Now the people are looking over and shaking their heads, turning their backs and continuing their great feast. But standing at the end of both, at both ends of the table are two horrible figures dressed in black. One I know is satan and the other, I don't know who he is, but I know that he's an agent of hell. And they stand now, and they're urging the people on to feast.
Now I'm looking onto the table, and the food that looked so good now looks rotten. The food has rotted on the table! The people stand there startled. There's no food there that they can eat. It has rotted on the table. Now it's growing very dark on the scene, but the light is by the tabernacle. And I hear a voice saying: This is the true Bread of Life. ..........Veronica: There's a great light about the tabernacle. And now the light is so bright, that it's taken the rivulets of blood; I can't see them any more. But around now the whole opening of the tabernacle is a huge Eucharist. It's just glowing beautifully. And now right in the center, oh, it's Jesus..........I see His face. It's right in the center of the Eucharist. And Jesus is saying: Yes, My child, you see that I am the true Source of Life. For when you come to Me, you will nourish your soul. You will nourish your eternal being. You will learn, My child, in due time that the Bread of Life will sustain you without earthly food. Man must return to fast and penance. Many demons can only be dispelled by much fast and penance, the greatest source being prayer. (vol I page 155)
MARCH 18, 1974 - You will eat of My Flesh and drink of My Blood in My Houses, or you will not be with Me. Do not cast aside My House because of the values of man. My representatives will bring My Body and Blood to you during the consecration. Do not judge My House by the standards of man, but woe unto that day when you can no longer receive My Body and Blood! (vol I page 172)
Save yourself and the souls of those you love in the Merciful and Sacred Heart of My Son, present in all the tabernacles of the world. I repeat anew: Do not judge My Son's House by mere man, for, when you receive, the words you use, My child, is Eucharist, you receive My Son when He is given to you, brought to you by the legally-ordained priest chosen by My Son, though sadly many now go on the dark road, chosen by My Son to bring His Body and Blood to You. (vol I page 173)
MARCH 24, 1974 - My Mother has given repeated warnings. Many have chosen to cast them aside. Soon there will be few words and you will find that the Father has sent His Chastisement upon you. Hasten, hearken and listen, for you have been warned and you must now take fast action. Save yourselves and the souls of those you love. Come to Me, as My Heart is extended to you all. I gave My Body. I am with you in Body and Spirit. Do not cast Me aside, for I am the living Bread of your life. Without Me, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of the Father. Were you to know the glories of the Kingdom, you would run fast and turn away quickly from the evil of the world that has given itself to satan. For beyond your universe there lies the greatest joy, joy far beyond all expectations or conceivable in your human mind. This We give you for the asking. Come to Me, My children, for I am very lonely. I am visited only by the few. You must drink of My Blood and eat of My Body or you will not have the light within you. (vol I page 182)
APRIL 6, 1974 - Visit My Son often. You must eat of His Body and drink of His blood so that you'll have the strength to resist the evil forces that have now invaded and multiplied upon your earth. The enemies of My Son will seek to take this great grace from you, so hasten, My children, be with My Son while you can, for the day will come when you will cry bitter tears and have to hide yourselves from your tormentors, for you will be taken before tribunals, and set to the test for your Faith. (vol I page 186,187)
MAY 22, 1974 - Know, My child, that the heart of the sacrifice is in what you call the Eucharist. You will eat of My Body and drink of My Flesh or you will not have the light within you. You will not have the light within you, but will fall into darkness if you do not eat of My Body and drink of My Flesh. (vol I page 197)
JUNE 15, 1974 - We have asked all who are with My Son, not to abandon his House. Do not judge His House, on the man who has been governing it, your pastors and your clergy! For they are only human, subject to sin even. Remember that the heart and the true foundation of Jesus's House is the Eucharist, that you receive in the Holy Communion. Woe unto that day, My child, when this is even denied you! (vol I page 213)
JUNE 18, 1974 - Human nature, My child, sets man on the path to sin. He can overcome this sin by staying with My Son, close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Unless you eat of His Body and drink of His Blood, you cannot have the Life with you, for it is His Body that is Food for your soul. Your soul, My child, is an entity apart from the human body, which is subject, the body, to decay and be destroyed. However, the only destruction to the human soul that is eternal as created by the Father, is the destruction that can be wrought by satan. The free will of man set him on the road to the Kingdom of God or on the road to the darkness of eternal damnation with the prince of darkness, Lucifer. (vol I page 219)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - I need not repeat My words of the past, My child, that the evil forces of satan, using the bodies of mankind, those who have fallen to satan, they will be used to lead astray Our children. Unless you wear your sacramentals and remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, you will not escape falling into the darkness; the darkness of spirit that is reaching out and covering the world now, almost completely, I say almost, My child, for there are still lights of heavenly beams, shining forward to guide those who are looking for the way. The Way is My Son. (vol I page 247)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - My Son is ever present in the Eucharist and the tabernacles of the world. If you continue on your present course, these tabernacles will be removed from among you. Pray, pray much that you receive the light to know the road that is being paved for your country and the world. (vol I page 253)
Remember the power of prayer. Enter and be with My Son at the tabernacles throughout your world. He is lonely. The doors are shut. Many receive Him with dishonor in their hearts. Many make Us turn Our faces in embarrassment and shame, My child, for the desecration being committed within the Houses of My Son are many. (vol I page 257)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - Human food is not necessary. Know, there is a secret I reveal to you at this time. You can be nourished by the Body and Blood of My Son. For the secret, My child, is that you will be fed the manna from Heaven................You ask, My child, what is "manna?" At this time, My child, let Us just call it the food of the angels. (vol I page 263)'
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - Remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Nourish your souls with His Body. It is the only true Bread of life. Unless you have this Bread within you, you will not have the strength to fight the agents of hell, now loosed in great force upon your earth. (vol I page 275)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - My child, you ask why I cry? I shed tears of great anguish. I watch anew the desecration to My Son's Body being committed upon earth. ............None shall place their hands upon His Body! My Son has given you in trust those He has chosen among mankind to represent Him, your priests. None others shall carry My Son to mankind! You shall not defile His Body by giving Him into the hands of women, or those that have not been prepared by the Father as legally ordained priests in the Houses of God! Laziness, pre-occupied with the world and with the pleasures of the flesh! Return to your habits and set an example as a man of God in the House of God, an example that will gather the sheep, not scatter them! (vol I page 288)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - My Son is much grieved, My child, in the manner in which many come to Him in His House. They come with disrespect; they do not have love for Him in their hearts. My child, please, they lead themselves onto the road to satan. They must not accept My Son with sin in their hearts. Many do not go to Our representatives. They accept My Son with sin on their souls! Shout it, My child, from the roofs; you must honor the Eucharist! (vol I page 298)
You must all stand firm in your faith. Do not abandon My Son's House, Church. Know that regardless of the actions of man, My Son will always be there in the Eucharist. A duly ordained and consecrated hand of a legal representative, your priest, will always be able to bring to you My Son's Body and Blood in the Eucharist. The enemies of My Son wish to take this truth from you. They say that the Mass is not valid. That is not true, My child. Through the power of the Father in the Spirit, My Son comes to you. He comes to you physically and spiritually in presence. Do not accept the error of your day that this is a story or myth, My children. I assure you My Son is there with you..............I repeat, My children, you must eat of the Bread of Life to be nourished. That Bread is My Son!! He nourishes your eternal soul. Without this Bread of Life you will not have the light within you. Remain close to My Son in the tabernacles of the world, for He is very lonely, My child. (vol I page 299)
The agents of hell seek to ravish My Son's Body, My child. Protect Him! Do not allow the agents of satan to desecrate Him. Foul and unclean hands snatch Him, My child, save My Son! I plead with My children not to place My Son's Body in unclean hands. You must not give My Son's Body over to unclean hands. Oh, woe! Whatever shall become of this degenerate generation? (vol I page 300)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - Make it known to the world, My child, that no fence can reach to Heaven. Satan cannot take the light from you if you remain with My Son in the Eucharist. Pray, My child, that the doors of the tabernacles are not shut to your country. So great are the conquests of satan. (vol I page 303)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - Those who remain close to My Son at His Tabernacles of the world; those who eat of the Bread of Life, My Son's Body and Blood, shall be strengthened in the days ahead. You cannot have life within you unless you eat of the Body and drink of the Blood of My Son, called your Eucharist. ...............My child, please, you must make it known to Our clergy that they are defiling My Son's Body in many ways! Disrespect and dishonor! How many tears have I shed at the sight! Only consecrated hands shall give and bring My Son to the peoples of earth! Legally ordained and given the Holy Spirit, the clergy chosen by the Father, to bring His son to you! Unclean hands shall not touch My Son's Body! You must not allow My Son to be defiled any longer! No children shall carry My Son's Body in the hands! Know, My child, only one exception can be made! When a legally ordained priest is unable to reach the dying, he will send his deacon to bring My Son to him! But only in severe trial and need, I say! Only to the dying! All others, My child, will be given the needed grace if they pray.
If Our clergy become deluded by satan and lax in their responsibility to My Son, they will be set in judgment before the Father for their part in the defilement of My Son's Body.........You must warn, My clergy, My child, with your Message. We are not pleased by the manner in which they honor the Son of God.........A thorough cleansing must be made within the House of God, the Church! ................Women shall not receive My Son, dressed as pagans! Naked and without absolution! Many have made a fad and a meal of My Son! They come to receive Him without penance! What manner of abomination is this, My child!..........Mankind must do penance and prepare himself for the reception of the Host, My child. (vol I page 321)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - I bless you all, My children, as children of the light. I will be with you to the Second Coming of My Son. All who are burdened with their cross, come to Me and I will comfort you. Come to My Son in the Tabernacles of the world. Hurry, My children, the agents of hell are loosed and have set in motion a plan now to close these Tabernacles to you. Hasten now gather your graces, My children, while there is still time! Spend much time with My Son in the Eucharist. It is truly the Bread of Life. It will be a most dark day, My child, when these Tabernacles will be closed to you. (vol I page 335,336)
MARCH 18, 1975 - At every second in every moment of the day and night, the Sacrifice continues. Oh, how sad it will be, My children, if this Bread of Life is removed from you!.......The Bread of Life, My Son, is your salvation. Without Him you will never be able to withstand the attacks of satan and his agents. The forces of evil have accelerated! Protect yourselves and those you love with the armor We have given you. (vol I page 340)
MARCH 22, 1975 - You must enter the Houses of your God properly clothed and with goodness of heart, not disporting yourselves as pagans, a quietude must be returned to the Houses of God. You come to communicate, My children, to spirit and body with My Son Who is with you in your Eucharist in Spirit and Body, a true Physical Presence. Many now are despoiling His Body! How many have set themselves to solace Him in the evil that is about the world now! ...........Yes, My child, it is a sad but true fact that many have given Him again to the despoiler. There are within your country many churches of the adversary, satan. You must not take the Body of My Son in your hands! You open the door for the entrance of evil spirits to defile My Son's Body. The consecrated fingers of a duly-ordained man of God, the priest shall place My Son into your mouth, and you must absorb His Body with goodness and love. (vol I page 347)
JULY 15, 1975 - The Tabernacles of the world shall be your refuge. Come to My Son. He will nourish you with His Body. Unless you eat of this Bread of Life, you cannot be saved, so great are the forces of evil set upon your world. The abyss is open wide. The demons are loosed now to do battle against the children of God. (vol I page 384)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Pastors, no hands, other than those consecrated; only, duly ordained priests shall give the Host to others..............Better that you spend more time consummating your role as the representatives of Christ than joining the world. The extra-ordinary ministers have become a farce! ...............Women! Children! Whatever shall become of you? The rules of discipline in the Houses of My Son have already been given to you. Only legally ordained representatives of My Son may receive the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit deems that they shall bring the Host to the man and the woman recipient and the children! Only in dire need of death shall a man, I say a man, not a woman or a child, shall a man be given the power of a legally ordained priest to bring in urgency and haste the Host to the dying! ..........The debasement of My Son's Body shall not go unpunished! (vol I page 405)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - It offends the Heart of My Son to see that satan has taken away so much piety and holiness in His Churches throughout the world! We ask and repeat: That none handle an unconsecrated hands the Body of My Son! It will be defiled and discarded unless only a legally ordained priest, a man of God, with purified fingers of the Holy Spirit, give the Body and Blood of My Son to each one under his care. ................There is no need, My child, for women to rush into the Sacred Portals. There are enough throughout the world, men, consecrated and chosen as Ministers of the Eternal Father, of the Body and Blood of His Son, to distribute among mankind, His Sacred Body. I have cried tears of great sorrows! I am truly the Mother of Sorrows as I watch this constant desecration of My Son's Body! (vol I page 409)
DECEMBER 24, 1975 - You must have the Bread of Life within you, My children. Comfort My Son and He shall comfort you in the days ahead. Reject Him and you shall be rejected by the Eternal Father for none shall come to the Kingdom of Heaven but through My Son and His leadership. (vol I page 456)
APRIL 17, 1976 - The greatest strength for you, My children, is to remain with My Son by the tabernacles of your world. Go to them, My children, while you still can, for the day will come when they will be closed to you. Weep with My Son; pray with Him, for you hold the balance for the destruction or the salvation of mankind. (vol I page 482,483)
The human mind will never be able to understand fully the difference between the human body and the eternal soul, the spirit. Satan and his agents, being spirits, must enter into a body to perform their diabolical work in their crusade to destroy the children of God. Therefore, you must recognize the faces of evil about you. Wear your armor of protection, your sacramentals, and be guided in the light. I repeat again remain with My Son in the Eucharist Service. His Body and Blood shall strengthen you in the days ahead. (vol I page 483)
MAY 26, 1976 - I left with you the Bread of Life; I gave Myself to you. I am always among you in the tabernacles of the world. No man shall enter the Kingdom unless he eats of the Bread of Life. (vol I page 492)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - Do not judge your Church, My children, by the standards of man, for a legally ordained priest, a man who has been legally ordained, will be used by the Eternal Father, through the Spirit, to bring to you My Son, His Body and His Blood, which He is shedding in sorrow now for you. For all who travel the pilgrimage of life, remain with My Son at the tabernacles of your world, for He will be, and is, the true Bread of Life for you. (vol I page 520)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - All who wish to be saved must remain with My Son in the Eucharist, for it is truly the Bread of Life. You cannot have the light within you without partaking of this Bread of Life. You must not reject the Real Presence of My Son. You must not make this Sacrifice a mere meal, for you have then brought the greatest of desecration's and abominations before mankind. My Son, your God, is, was, and always will be. (vol I page 523)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - Unless you accept Me as your Host, you cannot escape falling into the darkness. I carry the light, and I pass this light on to you as your God. No man shall fall into the abyss unless he does this at his own accord and will. But I assure you, My children, My sufferings and My death upon your earth opened the gates of Heaven to all mankind, but all do not enter. All cannot enter unless they believe and accept the rule. (vol I page 528)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - My children, My Son, your God, He is the Truth; He is the Word; He is the Way. Do not abandon Him in this crisis within His Church. Stay, My children, and fight; fight with prayers and acts of penance and good works. Remain with Him at His tabernacles, My children. They have not been closed yet. Comfort Him by your presence daily. He is sorrowful, for He is lonely, My children. So few visit Him, and those who visit Him on Sunday, the day of the Lord, they come with blank minds, minds clouded by pleasure, bodies stripped to impurity and immodesty. They come not to honor, but they come by habit, with no purpose. (vol I page 530)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - Do not allow your minds to be clouded by satan. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and all of the countries of the world. Pray for those who have received the greatest of crosses, those who no longer can receive Me, My children, in the Eucharist. (vol I page 551)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - O My children, if I could only show to you, before your very human eyes, only a small measure of the Chastisement that will be set upon mankind, how fast you would turn and run and remain close beside My Son at the tabernacles of the world. (vol I page 565)
My children, raise up your voices in thanksgiving to your Eternal Father that your country has still the tabernacles open to My sheep, for the time will approach when you will go searching, and the doors will be closed to you. (vol I page 569)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, I cannot, as your Mother, refrain from bringing to you the facts. I give you hope in My Son; remain with Him at the tabernacles in your world. I bring you confidence from My Son, that if you persevere you will overcome all of the evils now rampant in your world. (vol I page 575)
Remain with My Son in the Eucharist, nourish your souls with the Bread of Life. You cannot have the light within you unless you partake of this Bread of Life. (vol I page 576)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - The Eternal Father shall send upon mankind many signs to awaken him. Will you recognize them, or shall they go by in continuance of being unnoticed, unrecognized as coming from your God? My children, unless you pray more, you shall not recognize the signs; unless you remain with My Son at the tabernacles of your world, you shall not recognize the signs; unless you eat of the Body of My Son and drink of His Blood, you shall not have the light within you. (vol I page 19)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - You violate your sacred trust. You have taken the Body of your Creator, the Son of your God in the Trinity, and violated Him. You must do your eating at home! When you come to the great Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you come in reverence. You must go down upon your knees and do penance now for the offenses to your God! ...............During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is a change of the bread and a change of the wine, and it is the real Presence, the Body and the Blood of your God!................As in the past, cannot you recognize the mystery of Heaven and earth? Did not the staff of Moses turn into a serpent in the Will of God? Did not the river in Egypt turn into blood in the Will of God? And cannot God, in His Will, come to you changing the bread and wine into the actual Presence, the real Presence, the factual Presence of His Body and Blood? (vol II page 18)
Know, My children, and remember always that My Son is with you in the Eucharist, given to you from the legally-ordained and cleansed hands of your priests. And I repeat, My children, the cleansed hands of Our priests who are legally ordained. (vol II page 19)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - I am much grieved to know the terrible abominations being committed within My Son's Church. The evil men of the cross now are taking the Real Presence and defiling My Son's Body.........Alone I stand before you now and say unto you, O wicked men of the cross; the Eternal Father looks into your hearts and finds you wanting. You cannot escape much longer the Chastisement that shall be sent upon you. O ye men of little faith, whatever shall become of you? Heresy, O mournful heresy! (vol I page 22)
MAY 14, 1977 - The greatest sorrow that smites My heart, My children, is the desecration to My Son's Body. These abominable acts are being committed by His own in His Houses, His Churches upon earth. I repeat again that none shall bring the Sacred Body of My Son, His Body and Blood, to another but a legally-ordained priest with consecrated hands. I say, My children, consecrated hands, blessed hands, washed clean by the Holy Spirit! No man shall render excuses for defilement of My Son's Body. (vol II page 38)
JUNE 4, 1977 - You must receive the Bread of Life often, for I am always in you. My children, retain a firm foundation of faith in the hearts of your family and your children, for when they leave your home, satan takes over. And if they have this firm foundation, satan shall not crack it and cause it to fall. If they have this firm foundation though you may fall into rough seas, you will keep your head above the rising tides. (vol II page 55,56)
JUNE 16, 1977 - My children, you cannot have the light within you unless you partake of the Bread of Life. Come to Me in all of the tabernacles of your world. Refresh yourself in the Blood of the Lamb. What is there in common between the light and the darkness? Have you chosen your way? The way given from Heaven is a simple way; the rules have been laid down. And why do you make your own rules now and change the rules to suit your carnal human nature? And for what? To bring about your own destruction! (vol II page 59)
JUNE 18, 1977 - During the consecration of My Body, regardless of his human nature, whether it be saint or sinner, I come to you in full Body and Spirit. I come to you through him as a medium from God, through him as an instrument from God. Come to Me, My children, through these instruments, legally-ordained priests in My House upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church born from St. Peter through My hand, and now guided, though shakily, by Paul, Pope Paul VI, your Vicar. He has not expired yet, though the enemies about him wish for his demise. (vol II page 61,62)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - It is truly now a battle of the supernatural. If you remain close to My Heart in the Eucharist, if you nourish your souls with My Body and Blood, I assure you, My children, you will not fall into the darkness. This will be a glorious time for many, for many will be given the sight to see into the supernatural life. It will be necessary now in the fight against satan, Lucifer, and his army of ogres. (vol II page 91)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - You must not abandon My Son. You must go to the tabernacles of the world and eat of His Body and His Blood, the Bread of life. (vol II page 96)
I repeat again and again that none but a duly ordained, legally ordained priest in My Son's House shall bring His Sacred Body in the Hose to another. Foul deeds are being committed upon My Son's Body! And you allow them, neither caring.......(vol II page 97)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - All of good spirit and heart will make now a concerted effort to soothe the injured heart of Jesus at the tabernacles of the world. Communion in the hand was promoted by satan because of the rise of satanists now in our country and in the world. They are conducting black mass secretly and openly. The children are the greatest victims of this evil..............The sacred Species, the Host, is being used during these rituals of black mass and satanists in a most abominable way. Please, Our Lady says, do not accept the Host in your hand. Do not allow this to be done without an outcry. No man shall be worthy to accept My Son's Body..........As a representative of Jesus, a legally ordained priest must be the only instrument of God to bring the Body of Jesus to the multitudes. Only in a severe manner must a man, and this severe manner being the absence of a priest in the face of a death, then the priest will allow a deacon, a man, not a woman, a deacon, a man in the extremist emergency to take the Sacred Body of Jesus to a dying person. And that will be the only time. (vol II page 102)
Come to Me, My children, at the tabernacles in your world. It behooves you to accept every chance given to eat of the Bread of Life, because the day will come when you knock on the doors and they will not be opened. (vol II page 103)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - I ask you, My children: You ask Me many times in your prayers, shall you accept My Son's Body in your hands? I say no! and no again, for reason! (vol II page 120)
You cannot judge all those about you, My children, who have accepted this diabolical practice under the guise of leadership. No, My children, this was brought about to desecrate My Son, to take from Him the truth of His divine nature. No one who hears My voice must accept My Son's Body and Blood in the hands! The chalice shall turn, and you shall be bathed in His Blood. (vol II page 120,121)
MARCH 25, 1978 - I have asked you once, I have asked you again, My children, not to abandon your parish churches. It is the plan of satan to shut the doors. Remember, My children, and I repeat again, that My Son is with you in the Eucharist. He is present with you in Body and Spirit. He will be brought to you by a legally ordained priest, a man of God. Do not judge My Son's Church or its structure by the ways of man. The Spirit will work miracles over the corruption of man. A legally-ordained priest is a priest for life. (vol II page 135)
MAY 27, 1978 - Do not abandon Me at the tabernacles of the world. I am your Bread of Life. He who eats of Me shall have life. Without Me you will only find death, death of the body and death of the spirit, My children. (vol II page 154)
JULY 15, 1978 - Again and again I wander to and fro directing My children to remain close to the Eucharist, the Bread of Life. But do not become misguided; do not accept My Son's Body in your hands. Satan, Lucifer, came as an angel of light and set his agents among the Hierarchy of My Son's Church and deluded them. All manner of abominations are being committed upon My Son's Body now. ...........My children, We ask that all women during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have their heads covered. It is demanded of all by the angels who assist My Son, who are there at the consecration and the reception of the Eucharist. It is not because of custom that this is asked of you, but because the angels, who demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice, are present and watch the Eucharist. (vol II page 171)
JULY 25, 1978 - Wear your sacramentals. Remain with Me at the tabernacles of My Church throughout the world. I am with you. Do not accept the challenge of satan by listening with itching ears to his new doctrines of demons. I am with you. Though the conduct of My clergy is poor, the doors are not closed to you yet! Join with Me at the tabernacles of your church. Do not abandon this grace. You will need every vestige of grace given to you in the days ahead, for many shall fall in the battle. (vol II page 176)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - My children, I repeat for all Heaven, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world. There will be much confusion set upon the earth, and much woe, by the agents of 666. Wear your sacramentals. Receive of My Body often, for it is truly the Bread of Life and Light. I am the light of the world, My children. You will not be in darkness if you believe, for you will be given the way. (vol II page 191)
MAY 26, 1979 - Many are giving My Body in a manner that can only be called blasphemy. Many are accepting My Body in the Eucharist in a manner that defames the Divinity, and also promotes unholiness, paganism, and impurity of heart and actions during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (vol II page 219)
JUNE 18, 1979 - Michael: The tabernacles of the world must not be closed. The great war will destroy many of the churches, but they will be reconstructed with great valor and vigor and faith. (vol II page 229)
JULY 14, 1979 - My children, kneel before your God in the Eucharist do, do not stand like you stand in meeting halls, but kneel and give Him a just love and observance of honor. (vol II page 231)
JULY 25, 1979 - As the darkness deepens upon your earth, your world will appear to many like insanity has set upon it! Murders will increase, accidents called 'freaks of nature,' accidents that are not accidents. Children will continue to rise up against their parents, being encouraged by their schools, their teachers, their news medias and all of the medias that have been well-planned to seduce the souls of your children. And the master behind these medias is Lucifer and his agents from hell walking now in human form. (vol II page 234)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - Prayer, atonement and sacrifice must now be your guide through life. Wear your sacramentals. Receive the Eucharist daily. I come to you; I am with you. It is My Body and My Blood. He who nourishes himself with It shall live forever. (vol II page 239)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - My child and My children, wear your sacramentals as given from Heaven. You must eat of My Body and drink of My Blood in the Eucharist or you cannot have the light within you, for I am the light and the way. He who is not with Me is against Me! I am the light and the way!! You cannot serve the world and serve God the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. You cannot join the Trinity if you are trying to serve the world. For many are selling their souls to get to the head. (vol II page 248)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Do not abandon My Son's Church because of the antics, because of the personality, of some or many of My Son's representatives in the priesthood. Do not judge My Son's House, His Church, by man's reasoning. But remember; you must remain in your parish churches, partaking of the Bread of Life in the Eucharist. My Son is always with you in the Eucharist. (vol II page 258)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - Less and less honor is being given to My Son in the Eucharist. Will you not love Him? Express and set upon your love by comforting My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Visit Him more often, for He grows lonely in His House. Graces in abundance shall be given to all who seek My Son in the Eucharist..........Hasten, repair to the tabernacles of the world, My children, while the doors of My Son's Houses, His Church upon earth are still open to you. Many countries shall be deprived of this source of great grace, and there shall be anguish of heart. Accept this elixir of love, My children, the Bread of Life, the Eucharist. (vol II page 262)
AUGUST 14, 1981 - In the name of modernism, in the name of communism, in the name of humanism you have fallen into error and discord. Chaos in My Son's Church, the falling away of souls from the Eucharist, the Bread of Life, My children, without the Bread of Life within you, you cannot sustain yourselves long in your world now. (vol II page 294)
Less and less honor is being given to My Son in the Eucharist. Will you not love Him? Express and act upon your love by comforting My Son in the tabernacles of the world. Visit Him more often, for He grows lonely in His House. Graces in abundance shall be given to all who seek My Son in the Eucharist. (vol II page 296)
JUNE 18, 1983 - I have one thing to say, My child. I grieve in My Mother's heart for My Son, for they are defiling the Eucharist. My child, make this known to mankind, that there are so many offenses to My Son's Immaculate Heart, that, as a Mother, I grieve, too, for Him. (vol II page 394)
JUNE 30, 1984 - My Son's heart is bleeding because of the manner in which His Mass is being celebrated, with neither honor nor sacrifice. My Son is not pleased with the manner in which His Body and Blood is being given to all of the humans upon earth. Communion in the hand has not been and will not be, accepted by Heaven. This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for you only add to you punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been found to be unpleasing to the Eternal Father. (vol II page 408)
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - My child, I know you are in wonderment of why Michael is holding the chalice with anxiety. I must tell you within the chalice in Michael's hands are the Hosts collected from throughout the world that had been discarded by the faithless. I have asked that My Son's Body be protected upon earth. But many clergy now have cast aside My warnings from Heaven, and His Body has been placed and thrown on the floors, and into the water fonts of many of My Son's Churches throughout the world. ....................My child, I ask this of you this evening, that is why I requested that you do not eat, I ask that you accept My Son. You will do heavy penance for the world in the coming months, My child. But you will accept My Son for the world. I want you, My child, to raise your heart to Heaven now, and beg forgiveness to mankind from the Eternal Father. My child, you will now receive one of the Hosts taken from the water fonts.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 - Yes, My child, to the ordinary human being, or those at least that have a little light of the Holy Spirit with them, they could not actually fall into the web of this organization. So you must do what you can, My child, to enlighten these poor souls. They are gathering the Roman Catholics who have not been attending Mass, or getting the light from Heaven by receiving Holy Communion daily, or at least, My child, on Sunday.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - I cry, My child, because upon earth, your people, and all the peoples of the world, in their various languages, they cannot talk without abusing My Son's name. They must curse and rebel against My Son. Why must this be so, My child? My Son is all goodness and purity. Why must his name be defiled, just as it is being defiled, His Body, in the Tabernacles throughout the world................I do not, at this time, intend to point out any individuals, but My voice goes out to you, as My Mother; you know if you are guilty of any sins against the Sacraments.
JUNE 5, 1976 - No man shall murder and it is murder, My children, when he shall give the excuse of saying an individual is no longer living or a part of the world because he has become emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help of scientific means. The Eternal Father has placed a soul in that body. That body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! No man can know when that soul must return to the Eternal Father. No man shall hasten its exit from a body by murder! Euthanasia is murder! Shall you become a judge over the living and the dead? (vol I page 498)
JUNE 12, 1976 - No man shall destroy this body until it has completed its mission as directed by the Eternal Father, for any man who destroys the mission and the body is guilty of murder. Euthanasia, untimely death, My children; man has transgressed into a form of evil far worse than in the time of Noe or Sodom. Therefore, how great shall be the punishment to mankind! (vol I page 502)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Already the measures are being taken necessary in the propagation of the damnable abomination of the destruction of life further by euthanasia, My children. (vol I page 545)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - And I repeat again to all clergy in My Son's House: You shall not rationalize sin. Abortion is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! Euthanasia is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! The Commandments of your God must be followed, and no changes will be made upon them to suit the basic fallen nature of mankind. (vol II page 262)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, the murders of the unborn will bring great Chastisement upon the United States, Canada, and the nations of the world, that are now contributing not only to the delinquency of your children and the world's children, but are condoning murder and euthanasia. Euthanasia, My child and My children is murder!
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - You, My child, will make it known to the good peoples from the Province of Canada that their beloved Director has joined Us in the fight. I assure you, My children, that he will have now the power to aid you far more so if he had remained a few more short years upon your earth.................It was the Will of the Father that he joined and accept the road of saintliness so that he could direct the fight against the forces of evil and darkness, the great fight that now rages upon earth. You will not cease your prayers for your departed Director, for he wills that you pray to Heaven to him, for him, and these prayers shall be given to the souls in Purgatory. (vol I page 266)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - I repeat the pleasant knowledge, My child, that their Director, Louis, has joined them in the battle. You have, My children, many friends here who have accepted the role as a worker from Heaven. They seek not the rest that they have gained. They have chosen to keep on struggling to save the souls. (vol I page 322)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - My child, you will tell Our dear child, Frank, that Louis Even blesses him with his presence. Yes, My child, nothing is impossible with Heaven. You will now watch the photographs and you will receive a direct assurance. Yes, My child, did I not tell you before that all good works are counted with great merit by the Eternal Father. Yes, My child, Louis did not enter purgatory, but he came here quickly, and is not resting. He has decided to work with Theresa. (vol I page 435)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, this is a time of great rejoicing in Heaven, for We have much to be thankful for, even in Our great sorrow of the times. Many have joined Us in Heaven to enter into the battle ahead, the battle against the forces of antichrist. Louis Even is among Us and many others whom in time their names shall be disclosed to you, My children. (vol I page 536)
JULY 15, 1970 - Mothers, watch....and guard your children....with prayer, for they are the victims of evil. (vol I page 11)
AUGUST 14, 1970 - But My Immaculate Heart will triumph over all evil. The present strife is but a symptom of the underlying sickness, the loss of soul. Prayer is your beacon in the dark world. (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1970 - Build a wall, My children, a wall of prayer to protect you from the contamination! Wear My Rosary! Never let it be far from your hand! Satan will seek to discard this chain! It is the chain to salvation! It is your link to the Kingdom! St. Joseph has been forgotten. Love Him! Pray to St. Joseph for he will guide you on the path. The enemy is within Holy Church! Satan will find many to create heresy with the loss of the true faith! Resist the knife that seeks to cut Holy Church asunder for My Immaculate Heart will triumph over all evil. The present strife is but a symptom of the underlying sickness, the loss of soul! Prayer is your beacon in the dark world! Sadly, I say, My children, this glorious land has fallen to gain! Oh, sorrow of sorrows for the fall of man! I will always be with you, to save you! To save you! I bless you all, My children. (vol I page 157)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - I have warned you, there is so much evil that has been loosed upon you! I have warned you many times that the Angel of peace has left your land. A constant vigil of prayer must be kept! Satan seeks to disunite My children. His plan is clever, to destroy from within! Have confidence in My Son's ultimate triumph in My inhabitants. (vol I page 16)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Though the forces of evil have entered the Holy Church, they will not destroy the Home of My Son. Do not abandon My Son because of the present confusion, for We will rescue you from the darkness. .................Foolish virgins! (the nuns) Why do you choose to live in the world on earth! Have you become blind to modesty? Has vanity invaded your hearts? Woe to those who cause the down fall of Our dedicated by their example! You are following the evil circle. My dedicated, for it is like a chain of evil, link to link! By your example you build a solid chain to hell! For woe to those entrusted with the souls of the little one, and who lead the little ones to hell! (vol I page 17)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - The eyes of Heaven are constantly on you, men of evil deeds, destroyers of souls! O man of evil ways, your time grows short! ..................Woe to those parents in their lethargy who refuse to avert the dark path, refuse to see the children on the path to destruction! Like sheep they follow the leader of evil! Those who know better, are pushing these souls, closer to hell! They are using 'leadership' to destroy souls!(vol I page 18)
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - Satan has opened the abyss many of his henchmen are among you, for every knock on your door, evil knocks on your door. Guard your homes well, let not those enter, if you value the salvation of your souls. Guard your children well! Teach them the laws of God. Live a life with Christ and you will be saved. Pray for those who reap what they have sown! (vol I page 22)
MAY 19, 1971 - My child, it is not by accident that We chose this site for atonement. The evil is unparalleled in your city. It is like a cancer! Would I set the sword on you now your city would be leveled, but My Mother begs Me to give you time to atone. ...............Yes, My children, I am here with My Son tonight. Our Hearts should be joyous but We have looked beyond your state into the hearts of your countrymen. We see evil spreading west. Already your children are having their souls desecrated. (vol I page 27)
Confusion! Confusion. It is satan's method. Fear and confusion. You must recognize the face of evil, you must not be led as sheep to the slaughter! We gave you all an inborn conscience. These evils must be stopped because of the children. The heavy burden will be upon the parents. They must keep the Faith in their hearts. It will not be an easy task, your only refuge will be your home. You will have to bar your door against evil. Yes, you can be deluded and misled and not see the evil about you! It could be, My child, like mass hypnotism! Satan has gained much ground throughout your earth. The numbers of conquests increase every day and not enough forces to stop them. We place a heavy burden upon you who have the heart and the faith. You must save your brothers and sisters from this evil!
We can see and hear everything! Nothing is hidden from Us. Nothing can be done in secret. The Eternal Father is the Lord High God in Heaven and your Creator. As such He can destroy you! I have told you before that everything has been planned for your destruction and the evil is well rooted in your country now, your country is in dire danger because it has the facilities to promote more evil throughout the world. Therefore the punishment will be far greater! The man of sin is in your country, and the punishment will be far greater for the man of sin is in My Son's House! You will glorify My Son in your house, (Jesus), or you will not stand as a house! You will not glorify man before God! You will not exchange the heart of God for gold or silver. You will stand with the Holy Father and render him no more sorrow. You who have been his disobedient children, stop plunging the knife into his heart! He is Our Vicar. He is your Father on earth, why do you disobey him? (vol I page 28)
JUNE 17, 1971 - You can be conditioned to accept error! You can be conditioned to be confused and no longer recognize the truth, you can be deluded and misled and not see the evil about you! (vol I page 29)
JULY 1, 1971 - My children, it is only because many years ago you consecrated your country to Me that you have not received the destruction that is gradually coming closer to you from the outside world. If you turn from Me now, I will no longer be able to shield you. There is evil being placed in your country far more diabolical than has been seen since the time of Noah! (vol I page 30)
JULY 15, 1971 - There is a great evil in your country. There is evil throughout the world. How sad that many have chosen to deafen their ears. You will not be free from the disasters visited elsewhere. You will not learn a lesson until the destruction falls upon you. Your country will no longer remain intact in the face of destruction. Your excessive luxury has weakened your souls. The Eternal Father needed less provocation when He banished arrogant man in his world of sin. Your evil has become far greater than the past sins of man. (vol I page 30)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - Your country is in a condition that can only be brought back to normalcy by turning to Us. The man of perdition is in your country. We can send you the graces necessary to recognize and overcome these evils but until My Son's Hand falls upon you, this force will not be used. You must ask for it, for love is in giving. It cannot be forced. It must be from the heart. ............Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you, who cry to you of no space left for man, there is space for everyone. My Father has a plan for every life He sends. (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - You who are in the greatest position to promote good have taken this power to promote evil! (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - This hope I give you, My children. It is that We will be triumphant over all evil in the final victory that will be Ours. Then, We will restore this garden over to you as a place of paradise and love. (vol I page 34)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - What can you expect Us to do before We will allow you, Our representatives, here on earth, to drag innocent souls with you to perdition indoctrinated with evil by you? Oh, mournful heresy! You bring your own destruction upon you! The few must carry the load. I would not call this burden on you, My children, those who remain true, but remember the souls you can still save in these latter days! ................Mortify your senses, free your soul from the evil about you! We will send all the graces to protect you! We will continue to guide you in the days ahead. (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - Beware, My children, of those about you who are enemies of light and life. You must flee from them. I repeat: You must flee from false pastors, not to give disrespect to My Son's House (Church) but to prevent the souls of your children being contaminated by the evil. He (anti-Christ) is working hard in My Son's House (Church). But this you will remember in the days ahead, they will not be triumphant. All evil is never triumphant. We will bring the sword and destroy these evil one's in My Son's House! They have darkened the souls of My children and I seek to bring them back to Me. They who once were the light and now have walked into the darkness. I give you the knowledge, My children. (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - He (anti-Christ) the evil one will not destroy My Son's House. Yes, there will be many martyrs in the days ahead. All parents must rescue their children from the evils of error! We advocate the instructions of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not recognize the truth. You must know this truth of the evil that is about you, and must fight this evil with prayer and sacrifice of your worldly desires! Or you will not escape the Chastisement planned by the Father! Unless you heed My words and guide My Church, unless you erase the evidence of error in My Son's House, you will be destroyed! Repeat: A house in darkness wears a band of death about it. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol I page 36)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - Pray that you will not be taken away on the wave of evil that engulfs the world. All who deny My Son and have developed pride in worldly interests, blinding them to the words of My prophets choosing to rewrite to distort the written and spoken word of Our prophets, to satisfy their own purpose and self gratification, striving after their own hearts, their own work of folly. Oh, arrogant man! Why do you take your brothers and sisters further from Us? We view the vilest of desecration's being perpetrated in My Son's House! ................Many, who have been given the grace to carry the Light to others have chosen to use this power to destroy! Blinded until you cannot distinguish the work of Lucifer, satan, among you! What do you teach the children, the young souls? Blasphemy! Heresy! Oh, evil man, you will not escape the flames! Delusions, delusions, can you not recognize the faces of evil among you? You will follow the rules set forth by the Father through his prophets of old!.........Prayer, sacrifice, atonement! Pray for the light; pray for all clergy. My Heart is filled with tears at the numbers fast going into darkness. Will they not recognize the evil that has entered upon My Son's House? (church) Our clergy must read Our Bible. They no longer find the Revelations in Our Book of Light and Life. Remember, My children, the day will come, after much suffering, when My Son will return to set all right again. Persevere against the forces of evil that now enshrouds your earth. Be nourished by the presence of My Son among you (Eucharist). Hold back the darkness! (vol I page 40)
DECEMBER 24, 1971 - I wish to bring you tidings of great joy, but, My children, tonight there is great sorrow in Our Hearts. We look upon a full conspiracy. The evil is widespread throughout your country. Many have fallen because of their love of money and power over the peoples. It is those who do not recognize their God as being the Eternal Master, it is they who have developed the plan of destruction of your children and your country. An evil power enshrouds your world now, a power strengthened by the demons now loosed from the abyss. We see the earth covered in darkness. The victims of your decadent society are your children, the innocent victims of their elders. Have you not recognized the advent of anti-Christ into your land! Into your government, your schools, your news medias, and yes, now into My Son's House (Church)! Woe to evil man who has chosen to sell his soul to Lucifer for worldly gain of such temporary existence! There is great deception in My Son's House. (vol I page 40)
The war is on, the battle of the spirits, you must decide your side. The middle road is non-existent, there is only good or evil. You cannot serve both. Your decision must be made now. Time grows short, the new time of times is developing, before the return of Jesus. Soon you will be cleansed by a baptism of fire. Man must repent of his ways now. Pray for the Light. (vol I page 41)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - My children, your homes must be a fortress. Your homes must be a stronghold of Godly unification. We look sadly upon much division in the families. Mother against daughter, father against son, all the maturing plan of the evil one. To divide is to conquer; united you will stand as a family. Recognize the evil in your land that is reaching into every family. Parents will be held responsible for the guarding of the children's souls. Pray for the Light to come to all your members. Yes, pray for your children who are the true victims of the web of evil that enshrouds the whole earth now. The example given in many homes is foul! We have asked you to keep the statues to be a focal point for the mirror of the soul. The impression upon young minds of Our true existence, that many choose to call legends! Keep the pictures, the sacramentals in your homes. Pray together as a loving family. Prepare the young souls well, for as they go without the family door, it will stand them well in the onslaughts of satan, so evident in excess about them; this darkness that covers the world. Be you not ignorant of the fact that there are loosed on your earth inhabitants of the abyss, demons of the latter days struggle, who will gather as agents of hell, bent on soul destruction and searching up new inhabitants for the kingdom of Lucifer. Your children of tender years are led very easily, the world is now a giant web! I would spare you, My children, from this terrible fact, but you must be alerted to these agents. Do not be misled also by those who parade as angels of Light, but are truly ravenous wolves carrying the venom of satan. Do not be conditioned to accept evil. Your first allegiance is to your God.
All humans are subject to temptation, error and the decision to accept the Light or the darkness, on free will. The choice will be given to all to accept or reject My Son, before the arrival of the cataclysm. The word will go throughout the world. You will not accept the rewritings of false prophets as satan has entered the highest ranks of My Son's House (Church). .............My children, keep it in your heart that one day My Son will return. He will set right the evil that covers the earth, but many must suffer as victims for Love, to become martyrs before that great day. Should you become engrossed in all worldly pursuits and desire for all of the earth world, you will become blinded. You must retire from the world of evil about you, as your station in life will permit, adjusting to live the spiritual life. You must use the sacramentals, prayer, the demons must run at the sound of prayer! ................The sorrow of sorrows are upon you. The tempo of the evil accelerates. When it reaches its highest peak the Ball of Redemption will come upon you. Pray for the Light, that you may not be led into the darkness. (vol I page 41)
Each soul placed on earth by the Eternal Father has been given a mission. There are no accidents of placement from Heaven. Each soul is sent from Heaven. Woe to evil man who acts on the murder of one of these souls sent by the Father to earth. Your land has become a cesspool of evil! The world is a cesspool of evil! You will not destroy any more of these souls in their infancy (abortion) You will not cut off this life from your God! You thwart the plan of the Father! Your punishment will be great unless you repent of your ways now! (vol I page 41,42)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - You have allowed the evil to grow strong in your country. You will remove from your country the seat of evil, (U.N.) that grows strong in your city! The mark of the beast has labeled your city Babylon! (vol I page 43)
The actions of all are now in the balance; you hold the meter of your trials and tribulations ahead. We now look upon all of your and heavy hearts, but the Light ahead shows the coming of that great day of ultimate victory over evil, over satan! Over the powers and principalities of evil! (vol I page 44)
MARCH 24, 1972 - We place the greatest responsibility upon parents at this time; to guard and armor their children's souls, from the evil which will increase! Oh, My children, if only you could look into the few days in earthly years and see what is to come upon you! You will prepare yourself well for this day! (vol I page 44)
MARCH 25, 1972 - Among you and in My Son's House are those who are paving their road to hell! Our hearts are grieved for they not only fall, but they take others with them. Innocent souls that are led by them into darkness! Woe to evil man who turns his back upon his God. When the hand falls upon him he will not rise. (vol I page 45)
What has become of the dedication? What has become of the laws given to you by Our prophets? They have been changed to suit the weakness of man. How long do you think I can hold back My Son's hand? We see the vilest of evils being committed in your country and throughout the world. The desecration of My Son's Body! The Brood of Vipers in your country, why do you open your doors to the evil? Have I not warned you? You are being deceived and led blindly down the path to destruction! Listen to Me! (vol I page 45,46)
You have been given protective sacramentals to wear about your neck; now I caution you. Why? There is unseen evil about you, not visible to your human eye unless graced with discernment by the Father; unseen evil forces, though your eyes cannot see them, they are as solid in being in their world as you are in yours, on your earthly plane. There are two camps set up now, Lucifer on one side, his demons and ogres, the road to Heaven with guardians on the other, and their followers. (vol I page 46)
APRIL 1, 1972 - Your city calls for a sign. Those who are with Us in the light receive many signs, but the wicked of heart shall be scourged! This is a perverse city. They ask for a sign which will not be received! Their sign shall be the destruction, and when this destruction comes upon you, there will be no doubt in your mind that it comes from God! Mockery, debasement; who has created such evil? Uncleanness of heart. You shall reap what you have sown! We are merciful; We are long suffering; We give you every chance to repent and atone. (vol I page 48)
I have come here; an oasis in a barren land, to this seat of evil, Babylon. But, My children, I know within this city of evil there are many who can rise above it and reach out and save their brothers! (vol I page 49)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Hearken now, and heed My words you are being blindly led into darkness! There is, within your country, an evil conspiracy in the web of defeat, and I do not say deceit, I say defeat, for your country brought this upon itself. You have opened your doors to a brood of vipers! ...............Blessed are they who seek the Light in this darkness, for their hearts will be opened to the Truth. My children, unless you listen now, you will be herded as cattle! You will live lives of servitude, under a master of hell! We do not wish to see this evil upon you, but you have a free will! A country that turns its back on its God, turns away from their God, will be divided! (vol I page 50)
My Mother's words, and those of the Eternal Father, will have gone throughout the world and then you will be planet struck! All this depends now on the extent of your atonement, sacrifices, and your turning back from your evil ways. We are merciful! We do not wish to visit evil upon you! Anything that hurts Us and Our children is evil. We love all Our children, but many times We are forced to bring you back to Us through suffering. (vol I page 50,51)
MAY 10, 1972 - There are parents who are not practicing true discipline with their children. Permissive attitudes, while parents grow lax; parents who do not watch the forms of entertainment of their children; many young souls are losing their purity, learning to accept sin as a way of life. Woe to these parents! What are you doing? Have you tried to eliminate this evil from your world from your lives? Do you not know that this is all the evil plan to destroy you and your children? What are you doing to change this? You look toward the wrong road when you accept and close your eyes, and deny the dangers to your soul. Only We can save you, the evil in man is great, only We can save you! (vol I page 51)
MAY 30, 1972 - Our joy is multiplied this evening by the numbers of Our children who have come to Our defense in the war against satan. The evil he promotes has accelerated. Unless you become knowledgeable and recognize his handiwork, the end of your era will be hastened. Unless you turn from worldly affections and give yourself to My Son, you will be lost in the darkness. ........... The Father has the power to turn all evil into good. His Heart is all merciful. All Heaven cries for the numbers of souls abandoning My Son's House (Church). They are turning away, but must return and patch the cracks. ..............Your city of evil will crumble into the dust! Your world leaders, who are Godless murderers, will fall to the sword! The Judas's in My Son's House shall fall to the sword. There are many Judas's in My Son's House. Do you think We do not see you? Your are being tolerated for you, too, can be saved if you turn from your road to hell. Turn back, Romans! Turn back while there is still time! When evil has reached its ultimate, you will be planet struck! During this trial in cleansing, only a few will be saved! (vol I page 52)
JUNE 8, 1972 - God sees all! He tolerates mercifully, and then the sword will cut asunder the wicked. Remember Noah! The flood! Remember Sodom, and keep in mind the coming Ball of Redemption, the baptism of fire! Have you made amends? Are you ready? Live each day for that day which will not be long in coming! (vol I page 53)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 - The dark days ahead will be a test for all. It will be like placing the mettles in the fire, and the separating of the sheep from the goats. All cannot enter; yea, I say, none can enter unless they repent of their sins and cast aside the evil which they have allowed to become a way of life for them, and this must be done on free will. (vol I page 63,64)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1972 - Your country and many parts of the earth are contaminated with filth! The evil has come uninvited, implanted and took full seed in the souls of the youth! We hold responsible, the greatest measure of responsibility will be given to the parents! Your permissive behavior, and laxity of parents will provide the measure for their OWN judgment! (vol I page 64)
NOVEMBER 1, 1972 - The Eternal Father has created your world and He can eliminate all form of evil! By cleansing your earth and starting anew!............The Holy House of God will be cleansed by trial. In this manner, those who remain when My Son arrives will be ready to set up the Glorious Kingdom!.........To avoid this major destruction upon your world there must be a complete and uncompromised about-face from your evil lives! (vol I page 70)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 - The Father will direct the war of the spirits unto the ultimate victory over evil and the return of earth to the state in which the Father originated its being. After the trials and the cleansing, man will be set in glorious triumph over evil and follow the plan of the Father. (vol I page 131)
MARCH 18, 1974 - There are forces in your country now, a conspiracy of evil, to remove the Word of God from among you. Not only your country, but the world has now reached a point of complete saturation of evil. When the forces of iniquity have reached their peek, the Ball of Redemption shall not be stopped, but you will receive your baptism of fire. It is through the prayers, the sacrifices and the suffering of many martyrs upon your earth at this time that the merciful Father had extended you the time to make amends. However, your days are counted. (vol I page 173)
I repeat, the evil spreads out like a cancer, strangling all in its web. The mariners will stand far off and weep in grief as they see you burning. O City of Babylon, your sins have caused your destruction! Repent now or be lost forever. (vol I page 174)
MARCH 24, 1974 - Immorality, uncleanness, destruction of the Temple of God, the darkest of evils have entered into the hearts of many. The children, whatever shall become of the children? The teachers, lying teachers, with falsehoods, half-truths and abominations. (vol I page 177)
MAY 22, 1974 - Yes, My child, you will find in the days ahead that as you fight the tide, the rising tide of evil, you will go forward three steps, falling back one; forward four steps, falling back two. But then your pace will be fast. Perseverance and prayer. (vol I page 201)
JUNE 8, 1974 - There is a great evil force, My child, assembling in your world. It is the satanic force of the abyss; satan is the leader. Recognize the faces of evil about you. They will not come in their diabolical form, My child, for they must enter into the body of a human. They will do the will of satan; by their fruits will they eventually be known. (vol I page 209)
JUNE 15, 1974 - When this cataclysm comes upon mankind, there will be no excuse, there will be no casting aside the fact and knowledge that you have given yourselves over to evil satan or the Father in Heaven. Each man has a covenant with the Lord; each man shall hold full responsibility for the soul and the souls of those he loves. (vol I page 217)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - Unless the prayers continue, My child, there will be great atrocities committed in your City. Murders, fornication, abominations in the House of God, brother against brother, sister against sister, mother against children, so great will be the evil entrenched in the hearts of man! (vol I page 328)
MARCH 29, 1975 - I shall be entered into the Houses of your God or you shall not have a full protection against the forces of evil that are raging now throughout your world. (vol I page 352)
MAY 17, 1975 - Go forward, My child and My children, in great perseverance. I cannot promise you that you will not be set to trial, but know that no evil is ever triumphant. The Eternal Father will turn all evil to good, and work with this evil to convert an errant and arrogant nation. Pray, My children, much; a constant vigilance of prayer. The Father, the Eternal Father, has a plan for you all. (vol I page 364)
JUNE 5, 1975 - The forces of evil will not slacken in their fight against you, My child. You must expect much persecution for the agents of darkness are set with hardened hearts, and light, My child, it is difficult to pierce with the light, the hearts that are hardened. Your major weapon will be prayer and penance. Many can only be retrieved, My child, by prayers and sacrifice. Speak once to them and if not hastened, My child, speak no more but keep it in your heart that it may not be of his decision. (vol I page 379)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - My child, the evil has accelerated throughout the world. It gives Me little reason to smile, My child. There must be action taken now against the forces of evil. The children of the world are truly the victims!..........Mothers and fathers of the world, will you not protect the souls of your children? You must take action against those who are propagating the evil. Parents, have you examined what your children have been reading? Their eyes, which are the mirror of the soul, are being polluted, their souls being destroyed by the pornography being sold for profit and gain. Why is there not action, My children, to safeguard your children! Many parents will cry bitter tears of anguish, but too late, too late!............I have wandered throughout your world exposing these evils, leaving them before you for your action. So many have passed by feeling an apathy to My words! Experience is a great teacher, My children, but you are fast setting yourselves upon a road the will lead to a terrifying experience! For you are bringing destruction to your world! The Eternal Father has been merciful to you. He has watched with a saddened Heart as man in his arrogance and greed has gone down the road to perdition! Those, who had the power to do good and to fortify the young souls against the evil of your day and age, they, too, have turned their backs, for they have sold their souls to get to the head! (vol I page 397)
When a man condones an evil and sets himself as an example to the multitude, he shall be struck by the sword! (vol I page 399)
The forces of evil are gathered now to start a great war. Do not become unguarded. You are not receiving a fair knowledge of what is taking place by the governing powers of your world. (vol I page 400)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - My child, no color could portray the condition of your earth and its people. A great darkness of spirit has settled upon earth. There will be much revolution among Our children, the nations of the world.........The evil is accelerating. It will be father against son; brother against brother, sister against sister. There will be much disunity in the home...........The forces of evil travel with the sickle and the hammer. Unless a country is given to servitude of its God by prayer, penance, and atonement, it cannot withstand the forces of evil. (vol I page 402)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - St. Michael: You ask, my child, why do the wicked prosper? The Eternal Father has the answer, my child. Each soul is important to Him. The wicked must be converted; every chance must be given to them to recover their souls. There will come a time upon your earth when those who carry the light of truth will go in hiding. So few will remain in the light. So few because, in their human nature, they cared more for the riches of the world and earth, than to wait with perseverance and confidence for the intercession of the Eternal Father for their salvation. (vol I page 434)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - A mass hypnotism of evil abounds! Satan is loosed in all fury upon your earth! Prepare your souls and the souls of your children! I repeat, the time is growing short! You will see murders abound upon your earth!! All manner of evil, far greater than man has ever experienced! You will observe this evil and know that no man could produce such defilement! Only satan is a master of evil doing. The adversary has many agents now upon your earth! Do not be deceived. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer that you will not be led into the darkness. (vol I page 441)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - Do not slacken, My child, in your mission. You must continue to work with great haste. There is a conspiracy of evil now throughout your world. Those who have greatest power to promote good have used this power to promote evil. This evil is entering upon the lives of every man, woman and child in your Country and in the countries throughout your world. ................As in the time of Noah and the cities of sin, Sodom and Gomorrah, it fell upon the Eternal Father to cleanse this evil from your earth. As the evil accelerates, there will be given to the Eternal Father no other choice but to loose upon mankind the Ball of Redemption. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Your earth shall go through a suffering far greater than ever seen before by mankind. All who live through this will envy those who have died. (vol I page 461)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - You ask, My child, why so much is permitted, so much evil? It is because, My child, there are many straying sheep. Were We to allow the full Chastisement at this moment, too many of Our children would be lost to Us. The Eternal Father is straining and permitting the time to gather these sheep. When the Chastisement comes upon mankind, My children, there will be a punishment never seen before in the history of your earth and shall never be seen again! Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 464)
Satan shall seek out your country wherever there is dankness of spirit, and in those places, My child, all manner of evil shall spring up, evil such as has never been seen upon your earth! Human beings infested by the devil, working all manners of evil against their brother and sister! O, My child could I promise you all love and light? Shall I deceive you by opening a picture of peace and joy to you? I cannot lie and bring you what pleases human nature. This has all been cast aside by mankind who has placed science and technology above his God. My child, you will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer? Prayer, penance and atonement shall be your rule now, My children! Do much penance and make much atonement for the sins of mankind. In this manner We will gather those who are to be saved. (vol I page 464,465)
APRIL 17, 1976 - I have instructed you, My children, in the past, to read and read again the writings of John, the Apocalypse, the Book of Revelations. Read and open your hearts to the truth. Read. and you shall not be unaware of what is happening about you. You will find the confusion being cleared when you understand now that there are two factions in your world, good and evil, and the great battle for souls is on now. (vol I page 483)
MAY 15, 1976 - There is, My children, a great conspiracy of evil now throughout your world, the forces, the column of evil. Man has given them many names, the fifth column. They have been broken up into political parties, including communism. O My children, they are but small arms of the octopus, the gigantic conspiracy of evil that will unite your world and My Son's Church under the rule of despots! (vol I page 486)
MAY 26, 1976 - My children, many warnings have been given and are being given to mankind, and many more shall be given. The evil in your world is accelerating. Know that all the forces of hell are loosed now upon earth. The full reign of Mr. 666 is on! ...........The world, Our children, have forgotten the value of prayer and suffering. In their human nature they avoid prayer and suffering, but this is the fallen nature of mankind. Do not be deluded, My children, in thinking that the time will be given for you to make amends after you have accepted all the evils of the world. No, you do not know the day nor the hour. Therefore, can you take this chance of involving yourselves with the evils of the world? Will you have a chance to do penance and turn back in time? No, I say to you, many shall be taken from the world and be lost forever to Us. (vol I page 490)
MAY 29, 1976 - The greatest weapon against evil now is prayer and sacrifice. The world must do great penance now to escape the terrible Chastisement. (vol I page 494)
JUNE 12, 1976 - I plead as your Mother, I beg as your Mother, to stand there as a fortress and fight the evil. Do not run away; do not abandon My Son's Church. Remain and pray; fight! The greatest weapon for mankind now is prayer. The Eternal Father is merciful. He will chastise those He loves to bring them back to the fold. All who persevere to the end will be saved. (vol I page 501)
JUNE 18, 1976 - My child, you will keep a constant vigil of prayer. Bar your doors to all but your family and close workers. It is a sad fact, My child, that there will be division within the homes of your country. Peace will not be given to mankind until he makes atonement to a dishonored God. The saints in Heaven cry out for vengeance upon a wicked generation.(vol I page 505)
My child, there is little that I could extend glee for. I do not come to bring you a message of doomsday, as My Mother does not come for that reason. We bring you the truth. Can We open before you a picture of joy, peace, and brotherhood, when all about Us We see deception and evil and the fast working of satan within your hearts?.............O My children, I will not go into a long discourse with you of the evil aberrations and all manner of deceit that has entered into the hearts of mankind, soul-destroyers more numerous than in the days of Sodom or the time of Noe. In that respect, My children, what kind of a stern hand shall be placed upon you, as you go fast onto the road to your own destruction! ...........Your country and many nations upon earth have given themselves to all manner of sins of the flesh, corruption and evil so vile that no human mind could conceive of this evil. But it has come up from the very depths of hell! I admonish, as your God, all who are in My House to mend your ways. My heart is sobbing; My hands are bleeding. I long to see My creation and be filled with joy. My Mother's Rosary is broken, and no one wonders why, because too few pray. Many have discarded these beads of prayer, thrown them away, and have gone chasing after all manner of sin for diversion. (vol I page 506)
JUNE 24, 1976 - There is a great evil force now enshrouding your world. It is like an octopus reaching out in every direction to ensnare the world. It is a force of evil set up by satan. There are many arms of the octopus controlled by the monies of the world. For the love of money and riches, many will sell their souls to get to the head. (vol I page 508)
JULY 24, 1976 - All parents hold the measure of responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. Do not expect others to save your children. You must retain the Faith in their hearts through your homes and your family unity. Satan has sown discord within the family circles. It will be a struggle in the days ahead to keep your children from falling into the web of evil that is slowly ensnaring the world. Satan is weaving his web of evil like the black widow. (vol I page 514)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - Many miracles and cures, cures of the body and cures of the spirit shall be given. Much shall be rejected, for so deep is the evil. This evil has permeated far into the very heart of My House. You must now turn back and restore My House. I, your God, give you this command for the salvation of your own soul. (vol I page 527,528)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - 666, the forces of evil, will be found wherever there is darkness and darkening of the spirit. 666 will debase souls in a manner so evil that no human mind could conceive this horrible evil, perpetrated through the human elements, but directed by satan and his agents. This evil, so foul to corrupt the morals, degrade the soul, is promoted by satan. (vol I page 529)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - There is in your world today a spirit of evil loosed upon mankind. All manners of filth and abomination are spewed upon mankind. The man of dark secrets, Mr. 666, the agent of hell, the forces of evil are now among you. Many minds are being poisoned by satan, My children. Recognize the faces of evil about you. Do not fall prey to all manner of experimentation, to modernism and humanism, for it follows close upon satanism. (vol I page 533)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - My Mother has cautioned the pastors in My Houses upon earth to remove themselves from this octopus of evil that is spreading fast throughout your world, the diabolical plan of satan to destroy My Church. But I say unto you he is only permitted this reign of evil for the separation of the sheep from the goats. It is a manner known only to the Father in His plan, the Father in Heaven, a manner in which those who have given themselves to evil shall continue and fast fling themselves into the abyss. It is a test of faith for all. (vol I page 554)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - Understand, My children, that My Mother came to you to protect you and to guide you out of this great mass of darkness that now enshrouds your earth. This darkness is of the spirit. This darkness has promoted in your country evil such as has never been seen before in your country, My children, I cannot, in all goodness, give you a full accounting of what transpires now in your country and in many countries throughout your world; evil such as no human mind could conceive, but evil that is coming right from the very depths of hell. (vol I page 558)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - My children, the forces of evil are gathering within the Eternal City of Rome. They exercise great control over the human element, and satan now exercises great control over the supernatural. The Eternal Father will allow him his time, as you will all be tested as mettle in the fires. Shall you bend, in your free will, your human free will, shall you bend the cross and distort it into a cross of mankind? Shall you bend My Son's cross? O evil men of the cross, whatever shall become of you? (vol I page 570)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, I cannot as your Mother, refrain from bringing to you the facts. I give you hope in My Son remain with Him at the tabernacles in your world. I bring you confidence from My Son, that if you persevere you will overcome all of the evils now rampant in your world. (vol I page 575)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - O My children, you shall see a madness cover your earth. It shall be father against son, mother against daughter, sister against sister. Charity shall grow cold in the hearts of many. Man shall become more and more lovers of pleasure, lovers of self, no longer recognizing sin, until sin has become a way of life among you. Fear shall grip the hearts of many as evil shall be accepted as good, blindness that reaches down, My children, into the very depths of your being, your soul. (vol II page 19)
All that is evil shall fall. Trial upon trial, calamity upon calamity, until all that remains will rise up, will be purified, will be purified so that the gathering shall glorify and adore God the Eternal Father, and the gathering shall no longer set man up as an idol to worship in humanism. (vol II page 21)
MARCH 18, 1977 - Do not be afraid to expose evil. If you do not bring into the light others who are fast encased in darkness by their own will, or by acts of obedience to evil; if you do not seek to save them, to bring them out of this darkness, you too will be guilty of arrogance and pride, and charity, charity that must be extended, a lack of charity, for charity must be given to others. Those who receive in abundance, whether it be graces or the material, must use their abundance to save others. ...............I see, My children, a great evil transpiring upon earth. Those who have the power to stop the evil have chosen to go downstream like ducks upon water, letting everything slide off their backs, neither caring nor visualizing the future. And why? Because they have given themselves to the world.
You see, My children, it is taking place all over again for those in command in rule. They go along passing, as you say, the buck, each one not willing to admit his error or his participation in evil, but only too willingly allowing others to take the blame or the responsibility. And I assure you, My children, if evil is being allowed, the buck passer is just as guilty as the original one who had started the evil. (vol II page 27)
APRIL 2, 1977 - My child and My children of grace, remember in the days ahead; your world and your country shall appear to all those in the light as though insanity has come upon them. The good shall be trodden upon, and the evil ones shall gain in worldly goods until all voices cry to Heaven: 'Lord! Lord! When shall you send Your vengeance upon them? Why do the wicked go about their way in gain while they trod underfoot the godly?'" (vol II page 31)
APRIL 9, 1977 - My child, We do not ask you to give names in print now. The world will judge by the fruits produced, for no man can give himself to evil and remain hidden, for the light shall search him out.............There will be much woe set upon the earth by 666; accidents that are not accidents, floods, famines, sin, impurity, immorality. My child, you will go about your earth, My children, you will all go about your earth wondering if mass insanity has set upon mankind. Oh, yes, My children, sin is surely insanity. As time accelerates and becomes an era of evil, My children, many will feel that life has reversed itself, for the good will be persecuted and the evil shall be glorified. As it was in the time of Noe and Sodom, so it is now, but the evils are far worse and more sophisticated. But as it was in those days, My children, so it will be now! The Chastisement is fast approaching upon mankind. Do not slow or slacken the pace of your work because of scoffers. I assure you, My children, even the scoffers will one day recognize the truth; but too late. (vol II page 37)
MAY 18, 1977 - Parents must guard their children from these insidious evils that have come into the schools, the medias of entertainment, your governments. Every walk of your life now is infiltrated with evil. (vol II page 45)
MAY 28, 1977 - My children, you will continue in the days ahead, sending the Message from Heaven throughout the world. I caution you to recognize the faces of evil about you that often infiltrate to do the work of satan. Therefore you must also pray that these forces do not enter upon your mission. (vol II page 49)
MAY 30, 1977 - I ask you as your Mother, to understand My role among you as your Mother to bring you to the knowledge of what is to befall mankind. There are forces now loosed upon your world, forces of evil so great that they will even attack the body to stop the work. My child, you will undergo great stress and strain of body. You must accept your cross without complaint. ........
My children, no evil is ever triumphant. By their fruits will they be known. No evil is ever triumphant. My children, I despair of heart, for many are rejecting My Son. What manner of folly is this to reject My Son? You cannot enter Heaven. You must believe My Son in the Trinity or you will not see the father over the veil. (vol II page 50)
JUNE 16, 1977 - Mankind shall receive a great punishment. How many years has My Mother pleaded for your repatriation! The heavy hand of chastisement hovered over you, held back by the few. And now We see those who were lukewarm growing cold; the good, apathetic, and the bad becoming worse. (vol II page 58)
AUGUST 5, 1977 - My heart is torn now at the full acceleration of the evil in your country, your cities and your world. My Mother made it quite clear to you that mankind is not beyond possession by satan. The human body and the human souls now are being corrupted by evil man through the influence of satan, My children. You must learn to avoid the faces of evil that come to you. You must do all in your human power with the graces that will be given to you freely to cast off the inclination to evil. (vol II page 73)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - Michael: O man of earth, you have been judged and shall be sent with a final warning. Blood shall flow. Parents shall cry. There shall be evil beyond anything seen upon earth. (vol II page 75)
Prayer, My children, is all that you have now. You have waited too long. The evil has accelerated now, and your children are surely the victims of your laxity, your permissiveness. You condoned immorality. You condoned sexuality. You made no effort to fight the evils that have corrupted your schools, and your governments, and now your homes. (vol II page 76)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - Sin is insanity, and without penance and prayer, your children, your adults, your lawmakers, shall act and conduct themselves in a manner that can only be called insane. All that is good shall be trampled upon, all that is evil shall be glorified. Your country has been stripped of its morals. You have decayed now, and all that can come through now are snakes. (vol II page 83,84)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - My Son is being subjected upon earth to all manners of abominations being committed within His House, His Church, and in the hearts of man. My children, all of the evil that surrounds you cannot affect your spirit unless you absorb it, and you nourish the evil from within your heart. (vol II page 87)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - Satan walks the earth, entering into the body of any man, woman or child to work his will in the world. You will see murders; you will see acts committed by your children so despicable that you will say that only satan, from the abyss, the depths of hell, could create and conceive of such evil! ...........There will be degradation, for the morals of your country are being destroyed. There will be no honor, for there is no honor among thieves; and there are thieves who have stolen into My House, My Church. They are robbers, seeking to destroy My children. (vol II page 91)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - My child modernism promoted heresy; heresy promotes satan. It is because of the sins of man that this time has come upon your world. You are all now living in the latter days, My children. Many shall carry a heavy cross in the days ahead. The good shall be persecuted. Lovers of evil shall glorify those who dwell in evil. (vol II page 97)
My children, there are two forces upon your world, good and evil. It is a battle of the majesties. And this is a war of the spirits far greater than any war man has been engaged in since the beginning of time. The evil has accelerated and your children are the principal victims. (vol II page 98)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My children, in recognizing the supernatural you must understand that these agents from hell exist, and must enter into the body of a human being to work their will. As you see the advanced evil now in the world; lust, homosexuality, immorality, murders. Yes, My children, I say murders, because you are going to experience murders such as never has been seen in such quantity and defiled methods. (vol II page 101)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - I have always asked you, the Eternal Father has written it in the good book, your Bible, to always test the spirits. My children, the evil, the spirits of darkness always reveal themselves with time. They cannot conceal their farce and lies. My children, you will understand now that satan is trying to conceal his nature and his being to mankind to deceive you. If you do not believe in the existence of Lucifer, satan, and his agents, demons, he can go forward working his will among you unseen, unknown, unbelieved but creating disaster and death to souls. My children, the man you call 'Sam' is satan in human body. He has powers beyond what most human beings could understand. (vol II page 104)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - My children, recognize the great conspiracy of evil that now enshrouds the world. Recognize the evil that is being perpetrated, infused into the daily living of your children, who are the major victims of your present state of society. (vol II page 108)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - My child and My children, I come to you with an urgent message of warning to all mankind. The evil has accelerated at great speed. You must all hasten now to keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. (vol II page 116)
It will come, the time, My children, when it will seem to all that the wicked have captured the earth, and only the wicked shall prosper. But, My children, they gain their reward upon earth, for they have nothing when they leave. And there is not one living creature upon earth that shall not one day return to the dust. (vol II page 117)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - There is a great conspiracy of evil in your country, My children. It is a conspiracy to bring revolution by using the young. And who is free of this guilt? My children, your medias are responsible for the fall of your country! Your schools, your newspapers, now succumbing to pornography and filth! .........In your country, My children, there are leaders, leaders of evil. I could run down and give you account of the names used; but, My children, it would lead you into great confusion, so great is the evil. Therefore, suffice it to say, My children, that you must not close your eyes. You must observe and learn and avoid all sources of evil. All occasions of sin must be shunned. (vol II page 121)
MAY 27, 1978 - You must pray for your bishops, for the greatest attack now from satan and his agents, the coalition of 666, the greatest attack now is upon My Son's Church! The forces of evil are supernatural now, and as such, My children, human scientific means cannot stop these forces. You must also fight them with your supernatural armor. (vol II page 152)
I ask you this; do not abandon My House, My Church. Remain in your parishes as an example. If you unify against evil you can vanquish this evil! If you run away, you leave My Church open to thieves and robbers! Shall you deny to your brothers and sisters the opportunity to enrich their souls with My Body and Blood? The parish church must remain open. I shall be there with you, though man is desecrating in his rituals. I shall be there always with you. (vol II page 154)
JUNE 18, 1978 - All who have received the message with heart shall go through these trials with perseverance knowing that the eventual victory is with Heaven. No evil is ever triumphant. It becomes a testing ground for all. (vol II page 167)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - The great powers of the world shall be defeated slowly, until the ultimate victory over evil comes with My Son and the angels from Heaven. (vol II page 189)
MAY 23, 1979 - I have warned you in the past, that as man rejects the commandments of his God, all manner of sin and evil shall fall upon mankind; murders, homosexuality, all aberrations of the truth. The good shall be persecuted, and the bad lauded as saviors of the world. There shall enter many false prophets among you who preach and give out doctrines of demons. (vol II page 213)
JULY 14, 1979 - You must understand that the forces of evil are cunning in their trickery. They will not expose themselves to you in their true light. They work behind a screen. (vol II page 230)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - I shall not go into a long discourse over the evils, over again and over again. I counsel you against the evils in the world now. These evils are so gross in debasity that only Lucifer could have conceived them. But I shall repeat as your Mother: There is no excuse, there is no rationalizing of sin. (vol II page 237)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - You understand well, My children, that the major concern of the Eternal Father is for the salvation of the souls of all mankind. We look upon you now, and it grieves Our Hearts in Heaven to find now brother against brother, sister against sister; murders abounding upon earth; atheism, communism, socialism; and all of the 'isms' that directly lead to the control of Lucifer and satanism. And what can you do now about the advance of the evil, My children? There is only one recourse now to save mankind. Your nation, My child and My children, and all of the nations upon earth have now been reduced to a state of moral decay. It is a major sign for the fall of a nation. (vol II page 240)
I have asked you to make it known to all mankind that a major force of evil, worshipping Lucifer, the prince of darkness, is loosed upon your earth! Great funds are supplied, monies, to propagate this evil to bring about a revolution by fear. Murders abound in your land! Dishonesty in politicians, dishonesty in medias! Lucifer is the father of all liars! (vol II page 241)
Pray for your children. Parents, do you really know your children? Have you taught them to pray? Have you given them the knowledge of their faith? No-o-o, I say unto you as your God! Your actions, your heart is not unknown to Me! The Eternal Father looks into your heart; you cannot hide your sin! It will be exposed; no evil is ever triumphant! The Eternal Father will turn all evil to good, so desperate is He that not even one soul be lost to Him. (vol II page 242)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - Satan has poisoned many minds. Pray for all men of sin! Satan now has his kingdom upon earth. If you join him, the road back is difficult. There are two forces only upon earth, good and evil. The forces of darkness now are fighting the forces of light. Which side are you on, My children? You cannot remain neutral, or you will fall into darkness! (vol II page 248)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - As it was told through countless earth-years by many prophets and voice-boxes from Heaven, you are now living in the days of the great sorrows. Evil abounds upon earth and has entered into My Son's Church. Evil abounds upon earth, and has taken hold within the homes and livelihoods of Our children upon earth. What salvation is there for you but to follow the way of the cross. (vol II page 264)
MAY 21, 1983 - All Heaven is alerted to the days ahead. 666 is among you in full force, so you must wear your sacramentals and protect your children from the forces of evil when they leave your homes. You must teach them at home the truth of your Bible and the prayers that are being lost to mankind. (vol II page 386)
MAY 28, 1983 - O My children, I have often cautioned you about the sins that you commit willingly or unwillingly, which is for the Father to judge. However, man is fast going to his own devastating future now. Man has become so corrupt and so evil. This evil extends not among many, but the source of the evil has been placed, the responsibility for this evil has been placed upon the shoulders of your government, both federal and immediate governing bodies. (vol II page 387)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - The good and the bad shall die together, My child. Yes, you may describe if you wish, My child, what I have just shown you.................Veronica: I see a road. I see people fleeing, their clothes are ragged , it seems as though they had been hit by some kind of shrapnel, or something that's tearing the clothes off their bodies. But the worst part of all is that beyond the roads I see bodies, dead bodies, dead bodies strewn all over, in the streets, through the houses, in the lots. And I see the waters aflame. And I see waters churning and churning, and rising higher and higher, as they wash onto the shores that border the seas.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My child, since others wish to know how I personally feel for the episode that went on here on the sacred grounds only a short time ago, it made Me much unhappy for two major reasons, My child. As I told you in countless earth years of visitations with you, that you must always test the spirits, and also to remain away from other so-called apparition sites or other seers. I say this to you, My children, because in your anxiety or your anxiousness to find the supernatural, you run to and fro, seeking something that you would never find; for there is much evil upon earth now, and even the good will be deceived by satan and his legion of demons.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, there is an evil plan now in your country, the United States of America, and also, the boughs are reaching like an evil tree into the land of Canada. Children are disappearing from the earth. My child and My children, I feel it necessary that I repeat to you again, that you do not be bored at the repetition of the Messages, for it is urgent. Will your child be next? Many mother's hearts are torn asunder, but they have found not the whereabouts of their children, but many have found the possibility of the whereabouts of their children, held as captives, for the whim and humor of the satanist. They are increasing in your country, My child, and all of the countries of the world. It is satan and his armies now, knowing the time is short to battle with the children of God.
My children, you are all My children; do not allow Me any longer to see the great evil that you are developing upon earth. You are giving yourselves over to seeking armaments to kill. And for what, My children? The Eternal Father shouts from the rooftops: Thou shall not kill thy brother!. .............My children, I shall not allow the scientific world to find a cure for AIDS, because of the horrible nature of what brings on this disease called AIDS. It is being flaunted now as though the good were to be stomped upon, and the bad shall receive the glory.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I must also warn you that My Mother was not light, or can be taken lightly, in what She has just given to you as knowledge of the KGB. They are now holding the major stations in your government. They come as angels of light to your leader; and though he has a good heart, he has not the knowledge to understand, nor look for, the very evil that is about him, that can lead this country directly into a confrontation with Russia.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - The Rosary must be recited daily, and twice a day, if possible. All others We leave to you to say for added graces. In your world of corruption and evil, My children, you cannot gather enough graces. For those that you will not need when you come over the veil to eternity will be given to those whom you love, or those who you have fought to save, and, yet, you felt unsuccessful. All the children of the world shall be counted in those who will see the ultimate Chastisement. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - I hold all parents responsible for the fall of their children's souls. Remember, My child and My children, I have warned you often that once you open your door and you go out into the world, you will enter into the kingdom of satan. You ask, My child and My children, why is this allowed? That you must trust to the goodness and in the goodness of the heart of the Eternal Father. You cannot, as a human being, understand the ways. But know this, My children, that no evil can come upon mankind if he watches and waits. And We offer you three sacramentals in you wait for the future. .............You will tell mankind that the sins of the flesh shall send many souls to hell. My child, the need for materialism is wrong. And the need for modernizing the world and My Son's Church is wrong. And passing over the grievous sin of immorality and, also, pornography, and all the other evils, are placed under the heading of humanism; even accepting without a frown, or proper attention to a sin, in accepting the aftermath of AIDS, received through inhuman relationships. I say 'inhuman' because those relationships are not from God, My children, but they are from satan. Homosexuality shall always be condemned because it is against the nature of man; and it is a violation of all human morality, and shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in the Trinity.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - And the great issue now of homosexuality in your country that shall be on the balance that Michael holds. Unless this balance is evened by removing this evil from you country and bringing in just laws to prevent the spread of homosexuality, you cannot be saved, your country cannot be saved. Because I repeat again, as I have repeated in the past. When a country has given itself over to immorality and all pleasures of the flesh, and abominations of the flesh, then that country will fall! If you do not believe Me, My children, I say: You will read your history books, and you will find out that there was a Sodom and Gomorrah. And what did We do to that abominable city, Sodom? We destroyed it! And what did We do to Gomorrah? We destroyed it! And We destroyed all who did not follow the plan for their redemption.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - In the past few months, My child and My children, much has happened within your country and other countries of the world. There have been earthquakes, floods, and, also, a nuclear disaster. Know now, My children and My child, that this is not the end of suffering for mankind. Because of the fact that My Message has reached many but not all at this time, there is evil now brewing within the world that is heading for the Third World War. In My desperation, My child, I have even entered upon other countries to try to stop the evil among man, the evil of murder; murder whether planned or accidental, in accidents that are not accidents.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - Yes, My child, the evil is accelerating. In fact I understand, from hearing My children in their prayers, that it boggles their minds how the evil continues to accelerate, as we pray and do penance and seek for the repatriation of souls upon earth. We have extended the time far beyond what the Eternal Father wishes, My children. But it is those who are good that must not slacken in their pace to save their brothers and sisters.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - My child and My children, I do not have to go into a long discourse to tell you of the evils of Communism. The world, and its condition, speaks for itself...........You understand, My child, that in countless earth-years, My Mother has wandered, and never has She come upon the evil that is taking place now throughout the world. It has accelerated since She first came to you, My child, in 1970. That is why it was most urgent that you be here this evening, even with your illness................It is not only here in New York, My child, that My Mother has appeared. She has tried to make Her presence known in other places, but has been rejected. I cannot say how this hurts My heart; for I love My Mother as the Queen of Heaven; that She is, and also the Queen of all hearts. And most of all, She wishes to have the hearts of Her children upon earth, each and every one of them. For all that is lost, She cries constantly. Were it not for My Mother, and your Mother, you would have received the Ball of Redemption much sooner that you expected. But My Mother held My heavy hand back, as the Eternal Father listened to the saints crying out from Heaven: When, O when, My Lord, shall a just punishment come upon the evil ones upon earth, who are sacrificing the saints?
I say families must be strong in this age of sorrow, this age of darkness. It is the family, within the family, that the children must be taught. Do not depend upon your schools, for they have been infiltrated with evil. Do not depend upon your neighbors, for they are often caught up in the world of satan.............Keep a constant vigilance of prayer, I beg of you, My children; for you have now an escalating evil upon earth, and without it, without the grace that My Mother gives to you, through Her Appearances here upon your earth, you will not be able to keep from the churches of satan, I assure you. Wear your sacramentals. Do not go out without them, or you will fall.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - Yes, My child and My children, there is an evil force loosed in the world today. Satan knows that his time is growing short; therefore, he will do all he can to capture each and every soul. His bait is very appetizing to some, but they find later on that they throw up at the results. This may be a puzzle to you, My children, but think it over, and you'll understand what I mean.
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - Do not accept strangers into your homes at this time, for the souls who knock upon your doors will be found to be evil and they can also destroy the souls of the young.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - Mothers must now take full precedence for their children. In other words, My child, they must be the teachers now; for those who were teachers have given themselves over now to all forms of Modernism, and pacifying those that are evil in their teachings. They do not stand on their two feet solidly before their bishops, who are doing wrong in the teaching of their children. It will be up to the parents at this time to go forward and be a true parent in the eyes of God by teaching their children at home. ...........My child and My children, I repeat as My Son has just said to you, that you must keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout the world and your nation. Your nation - all the eyes of the world are upon your nation - but We also watch as they try to fly high into the heavens. Were as much effort put into bringing God the Father to the world, I am sure, My children, much of the evil of the world would disappear. This, of course, is beyond doing, for man has now a proud status - one in which he finds himself king of the world. And for honor, and glory, and money, man will sell his soul. Many have sold their souls to get to the head.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have a most desperate message for you tonight, one which will affect most of the world. But I say now, as your Mother of light, that there is great darkness upon the world. And as this has been allowed to continue, regardless of all the messages from Heaven through various seers throughout the world from the beginning of time, you constantly ignored Our counsel to you, and now the fruits of your evil ways have come to pass. Already you have been found wanting of all the graces necessary to prevent what I am to tell you will happen now in the near future. ............My child, as I told you this morning, there will be a great earthquake in the area of New York. When I give you the dates, you will not venture from the island, or you, too, will be caught up in the chaos. There will be much flooding of the highways, so do not try to make your way forth into the areas. Your son, in his work, My child, shall escape the carnage. There will be great fear in the hearts of men, but it will be too late to do anything about this, for the Eternal Father has waited many years.
We do not sleep in Heaven. We must go forth now to plead with Our children upon earth to forsake their evil ways. They now are being guided by satan throughout the world. This cannot be accepted by Heaven. There is only one thing that you can do with an errant child when they do not listen, and that is to shake them up, My child. I realize this is not something for jest; it is but a reality that is coming upon mankind. .................Already there is much discord in My Church upon earth. It saddens everyone in Heaven. And We are out in force now, going throughout the world seeking to set up armies of good children who will fight, to the bitter end if necessary, to save My Church upon earth. It is being destroyed. Just as rodents will burrow into a house, those who have evil natures are burrowing into My Church. We find it almost unrecognizable, My children. However, I will say this: I asked you to remain in your parish churches, not to judge by the actions of man.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - My dear child, Veronica, it was most urgent that you be here this evening because the evil in your world has accelerated greatly since you were here some time ago.
My child and My children of the world, I want you to know this; for the perseverance in the fight ahead to stop the satanists in their quest to take your children from your homes. I ask all parents at this time to be a steady guardian of their children and not to become obsessed with the things of this world, the pleasures and the monetary gain.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - However, I acknowledge the fact that, My child, I have taken you from your home in a weak state; but you know how urgent it was from Our discourse with you all day today, My child, that you get here this evening For the evil is accelerating in the world. We cannot hold back the Chastisement much longer. The Father has at the foot of His throne the Ball of Redemption..........We also are distressed because of Theresa. She has been watching the carnage in the convents. And as such, she finds that her mission upon earth was not fulfilled to the fullest, that so much evil can now be corrupting the convents.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have very little to say that could solace Me for the evil I see prevalent upon the earth. Your generation have become perverse and indoctrinated by satan, until the cults of satan now are well stacked in your country. Your children will be the victims. ...............Yes, My child and My children, I know it is difficult for you to understand, without having an actual meeting with these satanists, to see how vile they are, how they desecrate everything, and how they torment the souls of the children and those they have in their grasp.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - The biggest threshold for the United States and other countries of the world is if they are willing to go forth and overcome the evil within their own countries. The morality has fallen in most nations of the world now, and this cries to Heaven for either repentance of punishment. ................Many pastors have fallen away from the truth, and they are like black sheep now among the white sheep. However, I say to you, prayer can overrule all evil. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout you country and the world. It is the only resort now that you have against the evil.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 - So now, My children, you will go forth as soldiers for Christ, My Son. If you swerve in your course of dedication, you can lose your eternal soul. Is this not worth fighting for, My children? Go out as soldiers of Christ! Carry the banner called Faithful and True!.......And do not be swerved by the works of mankind. Because what is coming out in your press is controlled, My children, throughout your country and the world. You must pray to be enlightened, so that you will not be deluded by the forces of evil loosed in your country and other nations of the world.
MARCH 18, 1974 - Strength in the Holy See! Man wearing the robes of a cleric must be excommunicated so that he may not contaminate the world with errors of modernism. You shall not remain with a soul when there are millions and thousands of souls to be saved. (vol I page 174)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - The discipline and rules as set down by My Son and those He chose to write the Book of Life and Love, must be adhered to! We direct, in the name of the Trinity, that you Bishops and Cardinals of the world must use your full powers as hierarchy to Excommunicate and defrock all who seek to dethrone My Son and destroy the Faith! (vol I page 246)
It will be a command of the Father from Heaven, that all in authority defrock and excommunicate those under their rule who seek to destroy the Faith as given by the Father from Heaven........... Those in rule will excommunicate and defrock all who enter and make pact with the separated brethren and all who will compromise the Faith with the separated brethren. (vol I page 248)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - It is under the pain of sin and demand from the Father in Heaven of excommunication all those who enter into the secret societies of the synagogues of satan; the sons of satan! (vol I page 253)
SEPTEMBER 27, 1975 - The enemies within the Eternal City have opened the doors wide, and allowed the enemies of God to enter. They consort with the devil. You will cleanse your city. You will send out the traitors, excommunicate the wrongdoers who do not repent of their sin. What does it gain a man if he gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul? Your gathering in worldly wealth shall give you no passport to Heaven. Come out of the darkness! (vol I page 416)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - Children of the world, you have been given time to make amends for the sins and abominations committed by both clergy and lay peoples in the Houses of God throughout your world. You will no longer defile the High Host of Heaven. The portals must be cleansed of all sins and abominations. You must excommunicate, as clergy, high clergy in Rome, all who seek to compromise the Faith, all who enter into a compromising agreement with the agents of satan, who seek to control mankind and the world without their God. You shall not compromise your Faith; you will not save souls by compromise. You must now start to clean your House, for if you do not listen to this direction, you shall be cast out of the portals by the Son of God. (vol I page 433,434)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - The power of excommunication must be used! You will cleanse the Eternal City now, or you will accept the sword! (vol I page 459)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - The Eternal City of Rome must now take action by those in rule, the cardinals and the bishops, to restore this city to the light. Those who seek to build a church of man must be removed by the power of excommunication given to those who rule or are representatives in My Houses, Churches, upon your earth. (vol I page 463)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - I, your God, command those who hold rank in My Church to remove the heretics; excommunicate those who accept themselves to join secret societies to demolish My Church. Do not compromise your Faith, My children, for there is only one direction you will proceed, and that is down. (vol I page 534)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - The way back is very simple. O shepherds of Our flock, return to your teachings. Set aside your false pride, for pride will always come before the fall. It is a simple rule and lesson given to you by your prophets, the founding fathers of My Son's Church, chosen by Him. Bring back these rules of discipline. Do not set upon the world this heavy cross of division in My Son's Church. Do not experiment. Cast out the heretics. Cast out the secret societies. Cast out from among you those who have given themselves to satan. Cast out with excommunication the heretics. (vol I page 540)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - You must return Michael to My House! The exorcism must be brought back to My House. Man has replaced the unseen world with his worldly interpretations. He must recognize there is another world, unseen without the grace of the Father to most, but all who are on your earth must pass on into the other world, whether you reach the Light or descend into darkness for eternity will be of your decision. (vol I page 71)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - 666 himself now is loosed from hell; satan. He has great powers and will entice your children in the covens. He has great powers because he will teach them miracles, show them miracles, that will convince them that he is satan. In this manner he will promise them eternal life, until he has their souls, and damned forever they will be. Too late to their knowledge will they know they have sold their souls to satan! ...............Exorcisms can be used, but for many it is too late, My child. The soul has already left the body. Exorcisms can be used, but for many, My child, it is too late. (vol II page 76)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 -.He has many disciples now in human form. I have begged you in the past to recognize the faces of evil about you. You must constantly, when you are out in the world, say the Exorcism given to you by the good Pope, the exorcisms to the greatest defense you have against the evil now walking your earth. You will say: Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray. And do thou, O prince of the heavenly host, by the divine power of God, cast into hell, satan, and all evil spirits who wander throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. (vol II page 79)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - Remember, My children, the Exorcism to Saint Michael must be repeated daily in your homes, in your lives, and in My Son's Church! (vol II page 84)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - You will bring back into My Church, and your country and all of the nations of the world the exorcism to rid a country of the evil one, satan, the prince of darkness, who has now in his possession a pair of boots of destruction.............You will all keep in your hearts this prayer for consolation and direction. If you come upon a questionable soul, you will say inwardly the exorcism, Saint Michael, and your eyes will be opened to the truth. Many shall receive the gift of discernment of spirits. It is a necessity now in the fight, the battle against the unseen forces of the supernatural. (vol II page 92)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - My children, you must use the exorcism of Saint Michael constantly, daily, in your lives, for those who knock upon your door now may be evil. Many are human bodies that are dead, but with live, diabolical spirits within them. (vol II page 93)
EXTERMINATUS - See Angel of Death
JULY 15, 1970 - The light is burning low. Satan will seek to extinguish this light. (vol I page 11)
JUNE 18, 1970 - Right from the first apparition, Our Blessed Mother instructed Her messages to be disseminated throughout the world. Miraculous photos have been taken during the Vigils by various instamatic Polaroid cameras which produce 'tamperproof' photos. Polaroid has no explanations. Rosaries have turned from their natural metallic color to gold during the Vigils, the substance of gold having been verified by jewelers. There have followed cures and conversions and people returning to the faith. Veronica has a file with many testimonials. (vol I page 9)
JULY 1, 1970 - My Rosary will be the light of the world. Prayer only can stop the man of perdition. Half of the world is already in darkness. No man is beyond the reach of satan. Many will perish in the engulfment. There is salvation in prayer. Turn to My Son. Give Him your heart. ...........The strong must carry the weak. Keep His Cross before you always. Prayer and sacrifice will be your guide to the Light. Place not your trust in this world, for it is your exile. Eternity is forever. The children are the innocent victims! Pray for your children. My tears fall on all mothers. Come to Me for I will comfort you! Pray! Pray always, My children. There are many souls to be saved. I know of a mother's broken heart that tears cannot mend. My Son will comfort you. I bless you all, My children. Pray My Rosary daily. (vol I page 10)
JULY 15, 1970 - The light is burning low. Satan will seek to extinguish this light. (vol I page 11)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - The time is short so you must make reparation now and learn to recognize the signs (from Heaven). You must be guided by the Light. The Holy Spirit will always be with you. Remain close to My Son. So many will be lost. ................Stay always within the Light for satan seeks to take the word from their hearts. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 14, 1970 - Joseph has been forgotten. Love him and pray to Joseph. He will guide you on the path. Yes, the enemy is within the Holy Church. Satan will find many to create heresy with loss of the true Faith. Resist the knife that seeks to cut Holy Church asunder. (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - My children carry the truth in your hearts, for My Son never changes. There is no measure of time or change in Heaven. Man seeks to distort and destroy the truth. (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - The medal will build the Shrine, My child, I am the Mother of all Nations, and My heart covers your glorious Land. I do not want to see My children be led slowly to their own destruction. I have chosen this Land, because of the many loving souls who will reach out to gather the sheep. Will everyone be saved? Oh, My heart bleeds to have to tell you I cannot count those who will not seek the light. (vol I page 16)
I have need to warn you, My children, to prepare! Stay within yourself in the light of grace, for I have often told you that these times are in the 'Times of Sorrow'. While you live and battle in your life-time, remember those who have gone before you, who thirst for your prayers to quench the fires of desolation. They suffer in their temporary punishment. (vol I page 17)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Your hear but the mind is closed to the truth. Iniquity abounds in the land and charity has grown weak. Without charity you will not have the light within you! (vol I page 17)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - Let no man take the truth of the invisible word from you! The Chastisement is imminent for man has grown deaf! (vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 24, 1970 - Many sciences, many false religions will try, I say try, to take the place of Truth, personified by your God. Believe Me, My children, when I tell you, they only succeed for the moment, for all this will be evened out in the time of the destruction, for the goats will be separated from the sheep! (vol I page 19)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - Your sacrifice, My children, will be a tower of strength for all who refuse to accept the Light in these dark days. While you reject all body comforts, We look down upon warm hearts. Your example will be the beacon, for they have closed their ears to the Truth and remain blinded by worldly pursuits and pleasures. It is sad to see, My children, that the Light has left many homes. The children are walking in darkness. Must My Son forcefully admonish you with a strong hand? So many of the good will then have to suffer along...I repeat again that the punishment metered out to you for the disobedience and turning away from God will be more than your human minds can conceive possible! (vol I page 19)
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - Observe the near future and open your eyes to the truth, for the Hand of God is ready to strike! Those living in the light have nothing to fear, for all body discomforts or destruction, will only remove the shackles that bind our soul to this darkening earth. ..............The Father now diffuses the Spirit throughout the world. Pray that He will not find the need to remove the Spirit. For then no words will describe the hell that will befall you all, for without the Spirit, man will act as insane to his brother. There will be no law, no order, no charity of heart! Man will be as an animal!!!! ................The hardness of heart I see in man, has already reached out to destroy the unwanted aged and infirmed! Only when this practice becomes a way of life which I warn you is now already in practice, will those of true spirit, shudder in fright!!! ...........O My children, if I could take you on My travels, what sorrow would fill your heart! Already many are imprisoned because of the love of My Son and the upholding of the Truth. Sad to say, the imprisonment is also within your country, that has always been called "The Land of the Free!" (vol I page 20)
How sad to see many dying in the pursuit of revelry and worldly body pleasures! Drunkenness has always been an abomination in the eyes of the Heavenly Father, and time will never distort the Word of God! Time and custom never change in the Eyes of the Father. I would have you know of all the abominations taking place. We see consorts in sin destroying the sacredness of the marriage bond with drink and mixed brain medication! What horror....What constructive pursuit is there that seeks to destroy the total personality of man, reducing him to the animal level in emotions and actions!!! The heavy Hand of God will not fall lightly on these offenders! Always remember, excesses weaken the soul. Gluttons of worldly pleasures! Can you not see the sorrows, the miseries of starving nations and the souls leaving the earth untimely? Is this not time for full prayer? Have you so little faith that you believe that your time is not limited? Cast not your lot with satan now, for in His Mercy, Our Lord, the Eternal Father must often look the other way when He calls many souls into judgment! (vol I page 21)
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 -You will not receive a kind ear from the clergy, for man can be wise but stupid. Man has grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life. Man no longer seeks the Revelation in the Bible. I want you, My child, to repeat the words of My Son, given to your young son in his innocence of heart. I repeat the words of Jesus: My heart is sobbing. My hands are bleeding. I long to see My creation and be filled with Joy! The monuments, your statues, they MUST be kept in your homes, for all who keep them in their homes will be saved. The broken cross, the sign of the man of perdition, the sign of the anti-Christ, so-called peace symbol, all who wear this ARE DOOMED! The Rosary is broken, people do not take this seriously, My children, how many signs must be given to you? The man of perdition has spread his folly wide! The Light has not passed through the Papal Village. He has kept it in darkness. (vol I page 22)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - Unless you all remain in the state of grace, you will not walk through these days of sorrow without being affected by the evil one. All power of salvation will be given to those who believe! ............This man of perdition, this man out of hell, will spread his darkness through Holy Church! Hold the Truth always in your heart! Pray for your priests, your hierarchy, for the Faith has grown weak! They will be victimized by the evil one who is now loose in your Land. He will only possess a soul that has grown weak! Strengthen your souls by staying with My Son, near the Tabernacles of the world. Accept the gift of My Son often, His Physical Body, present in your Eucharist, given to you only by consecrated hands blessed by My Son and Ordained to do His Work and represent Him! Turn you face from those who wish to profane the Body of My Son. The Light of the Holy Spirit will guide you in this respect! The indignities to My Son, the Eternal Father and all Heaven are increasing with the increased destruction of the man of sin! His goal is the possession of all spirits destined for My Son's Kingdom. (vol I page 23)
MARCH 24, 1971 - It surely rains teardrops from Heaven! Remember, My children, I am your Mother! I carry the Light! Tonight a star has fallen from the sky! Two more will fall before the Great Darkness! Fatima ....1917 America ...1971. (vol I page 25)
APRIL 3, 1971 - My Son has seen the defilement that evil man has created. The penance will be severe. Few have heeded My cries. I have wandered the world in tears. Who has sought to ease My anguished Heart? Now you may look into your own heart and find the answer of the days ahead, for you have made your choice. My Son and I have begged you for atonement, for sacrifice, to deny yourself these temporary pleasures of your earthly life. In many places in many ways We have been cast aside. The burden of saving all souls has fallen on those of true faith. (vol I page 25)
MAY 19, 1971 - I love you all, My children. help Us. We are with you always and will direct you through the future. Believe and you will be saved! .................We don't wish to see one of Our children lost to Lucifer. He now gives all God's children battle. There is such turmoil in the world that We cannot come to you as often, Veronica, for We are needed very badly in the battle of the spirits. We listen to all who call Us. We will answer all who come to Us in belief, come to Us, believe in Us, and you will be saved! (vol I page 28)
JULY 1, 1971 - Remember in your hearts the teaching of the Holy Spirit given to you, keep them in your heart. The enemy will come and try to take them from your heart. He (satan) continues on his road of destruction. There will be little left to recognize. The children are entering a spiritual void. We will not wait until they are lost to Us. The Rabat is the Teacher of Light and Life but don't be fooled by those who foul their garments! You will receive much antagonism from the clergy. Prepare yourself! We are at your side always. There is nothing to fear for you will carry the Truth for Us to the peoples. (vol I page 29)
JULY 25, 1971 - You will continue to disperse the message that We have given you in the past times. We are approaching the final gathering of the souls. You will send out the messages of the last days to all cardinals and bishops as directed, for when My Hand comes upon you, My Warning will have been sent throughout the world. When this Chastisement comes upon you there will be no excuse for ignorance for in the truth it will be that you have remained in the darkness and rejected the Light. (vol I page 31)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - My child, you must make it known that in order to receive the way, the light, you must believe. Your country proceeds farther into the darkness. Blindly they stumble not recognizing the dangers they are calling down upon themselves. ...............Think, hasten, hearken and listen for I do not intend to warn you much further..................The ball grows nearer. You will all remove yourselves from these bodily pleasures satan has given you. Turn your eyes to the light. We send it to you. Look for it. If you turn your back on Us, you will be lost. (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - The Chastisement will be from your God. Do not be misled by those who defame the habits! Do not be led like sheep to the slaughter. My Mother carries the Light in the darkness, the spiritual darkness that now engulfs you all. (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - There will be every chance given to every soul. It will be their own choosing, should they continue in darkness and be visited with the ultimate destruction. The darkness now covers the whole earth. No Land is free from the infiltration of anti-Christ, My child. Already there is a plan against your Country.......... We will never abandon you in the darkness. We will not hold all children responsible for their acts against God. We will hold all the parents responsible for the destruction of their children's souls! When a soul falls, it is only because there are too few prayers offered for them, too few who cared enough. There will be much suffering, so many martyrs in the conflagration ahead, but remember, My children, Life will go on for there is life forever for those who carry the Light; you just pass over, My children, into the Kingdom. (vol I page 33)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - Yes, many miracles and manifestations are being given in these latter days only because you ask for physical proof. The faith is weak. Oh, will there be any faith left when My Son returns................For your prayers, My children, are being therefore gathered for souls. For each prayer can help to ease the suffering of those souls who will truly know suffering in the near future. I can only promise peace to the hearts of those who come to Me and My Son, for when the devastation comes upon you, it will be your faith that will make you strong......These words are placed in the Book of love and Life. Believe in My Son and you will be given the Way. Turn from Him and you will be left in the darkness. The enemy, anti-Christ, has removed everything that will bring to mind the Truth of Heaven. (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - Beware, My children, of those about you who are enemies of light and life. You must flee from them. I repeat: You must flee from false pastors, not to give disrespect to My Son's House (Church) but to prevent the souls of your children being contaminated by the evil. He (anti-Christ) is working hard in My Son's House (Church). But this you will remember in the days ahead, they will not be triumphant.............Unless you are able to penetrate the darkness with the light of truth, many will carry the cross with My Son! I tell you now: Count not on the extension of this Chastisement. As I repeat to you: The last grain is approaching, ere but for the merciful heart of My Son in the Father you would receive much worse than is planned to be metered to you! (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - He (anti-Christ) the evil one will not destroy My Son's House. Yes, there will be many martyrs in the days ahead. All parents must rescue their children from the evils of error! We advocate the instructions of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not recognize the truth. You must know this truth of the evil that is about you, and must fight this evil with prayer and sacrifice of your worldly desires! Or you will not escape the Chastisement planned by the Father! Unless you heed My words and guide My Church, unless you erase the evidence of error in My Son's House, you will be destroyed! Repeat: A house in darkness wears a band of death about it. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it..............Weep not for Me, My child, but cry for your children. But mothers cry for your children for they are the true victims! I have begged you to remove the corruption in your country and now covers like the darkness of the abyss your government, your schools and My Son's House. But you were apathetic to My warnings. What will you do now? The hour grows late! Atonement, prayer, sacrifice. We beg your prayers! Those of well spirit will bear this with greater heart and courage, My child, but pity those who have descended into darkness. Pity the shock of realization they will receive, too late, too late. (vol I page 36)
OCTOBER 2, 1971 - Call on Michael more often. He will enter My House without even being acknowledged within My House! Anti-Christ covers the earth now. Those who choose him surround their lives with materialism's and this new creation of humanism will find they have only been prey of satan, and when they have rejected the light that We have given them they will have willfully cast Us aside! They have done so willfully! All past messages must be dispersed at this time for the "future" is now here! I give you, Veronica, peace of spirit from the heart of the Father. Continue to gather the souls. Make is known that the Faith in My Mass, in My House, shall not be discarded. You will NOT lose faith in My Mass. I am present in physical and spirit in My House and in My Mass and anti-Christ shall not destroy this truth! ...........Agents of satan are everywhere. You will learn to recognize the face of evil. Pray for the Light! (vol I page 37)
OCTOBER 7, 1971 - All who are well in spirit need not fear in the spectacle that is before you. Should Our warnings not be heeded, many will then fall into the great catastrophe which We will be forced to send upon you. Believe what you will see in this great spectacle that My Son will give you in His mercy of heart. Believe what you see. Many will see and yet not believe for already they have received the mark of the beast. They have been claimed by satan...........You will all absorb what has been given to you in the past months of your earth time, and you will read these well, and you will prepare yourself now for what lies ahead of you, the severity of which will depend on your atonement and you penance. The battle is on now My children. You will find yourself divided soon. Those who remain true to My Son will be given the light in the dark days. We will not abandon any to Lucifer for all who call for your help and assistance will receive the graces to carry them through. (vol I page 38)
NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - My children, you are now on the edge of a great disaster, pray as you have never prayed before! I need not relate again that I have cried throughout the world, that I came with a plan of salvation. How many have listened to My pleas. How many have understood that We do not bring willful disaster upon you, We would allow you to have your own balance, in measure of what you have sown. America, you have grown fat on your luxury and starved your souls! For this you will not escape the trials given in the past to your fellow man; you will not be free of Chastisement! Woe, I say to you, you have turned your back on My Son to worship evil, and thus you have been allowed to set demons on your earth from the abyss! Those who have remained with Us, and do so till the end, will have no fear. We will protect them as all will be turned to good for those of well spirit. We look upon the most despicable of sins being committed in the disguise and name of humanism, modernism, all true satanism! You build your ladder to hell! Yes, We promise you the ultimate victory, for I shall carry the Light to the world despite the plan of satan.(vol I page 38)
Prayer, sacrifice, atonement. We ask little of you. All can be summed up in one word: Love. All parents will guard their children's souls. All parents will be held responsible for their children's souls. Pray for the Light that you may not be led into the darkness. I have stressed the plan for your salvation many times. You will act upon it now or fail! You cry peace, peace, when there is no peace! You cry security when there is no security! You open you country's door to add to the brood of Vipers (U.N.) You have left the narrow road and your road grows wider! For those who receive in abundance much will be expected, and woe to those who have received the Light, to turn it into blackness! Stay with Us! Flee from the evil of the serpent that now runs across your land! Accept not a drop of his venom because you are not strong enough without the Light to reject it! (vol I page 38,39)
NOVEMBER 20, 1971 - Pray for the light and you will receive the understanding. Look for My Son, and you will be given the way. You ask the future; the pages must turn but you can lessen the suffering as you walk through the web of Our adversary, satan, if you would but care, if you would set aside your luxuries and body pleasures to pray and sacrifice in the days ahead, when you will be forced to your knees!..............Your country will go into great darkness, but We will carry the light. Many will light their candles with Me, to carry the light in the darkness. Perseverance, confidence, My children, in the days ahead. We will not abandon you. There will be many trials. Do not be apathetic to the situation in your land, My children, if you sit back you will be removed from your homes and your land. You must organize a solid front, yes, link to link, soul to soul, across your land. (vol I page 39)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - Many who have been given the grace to carry the Light to others have chosen to use this power to destroy! Blinded until you cannot distinguish the work of Lucifer, satan, among you! What do you teach the children, the young souls? Blasphemy! Heresy! Oh, evil man, you will not escape the flames! Delusions, delusions, can you not recognize the faces of evil among you? ................As the cripple shall walk, as the blind shall see, so should the unbeliever believe again, but to all those who do not follow as they should, believe and you will be given the way. (vol I page 40)
DECEMBER 24, 1971 - A merciful God, Who asks for repentance, Who asks you to mend your ways now for your future is limited. Recognize the signs of the times. Your country, your world, your church, are being destroyed from within! The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Son's Church, but Oh, the souls that are being lost to Us now. The advance of the darkness will all be on your decision! Those of grace must carry the Light! (vol I page 40,41)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - Recognize the evil in your land that is reaching into every family. Parents will be held responsible for the guarding of the children's souls. Pray for the Light to come to all your members. Yes, pray for your children who are the true victims of the web of evil that enshrouds the whole earth now. (vol I page 41)
Feed the soul, so many souls are thirsting; so many souls are starving, for the Light. Bring them the Light. They must not allow this to be clouded by modernism and humanism which is all satanism. (vol I page 42)
MARCH 24, 1972 - St. Michael: Oh ye of little faith, who have turned from the Creator and sought the pleasures of your world, oh, ye of little faith, who have desecrated the Temple within you! Oh, ye of little faith, renounce the black souls (the damned) who are taking in capture the innocent souls of earth. (vol I page 44)
All cardinals and bishops are being held accountable for defilement of My Son. Those who have led many astray will now turn back and return to the Light of Truth. You have traded within My Son's House, man has traded within My Son's House; bargained His Body for gain and power, while souls are numberless that are being starved, and thirst for the pure Waters (people are like flowers; souls are flowers in God's Garden on earth, who are now in black soil; nourishing waters poisoned, so the fair lilies have wilted and many die) (St. Theresa, 1969, to Veronica: "Their flowers faces can no longer face up to the light.) .............The pictures you have been given (miraculous photos) were given because the faith has grown very weak. Man needs now physical proof. We are desperate for your acceptance of Our gifts to save each and every soul! We do not want the final count to be in the few! There will be the gathering of the souls when My Son sets His House to right! (vol I page 45)
MARCH 25, 1972 - My child, I am not here to fill you with fright; all will be good for those of well spirit. I am not here to rescue the good, but to awaken those who have turned their backs and are following Lucifer! Your world is in darkness! Our House is in darkness! I roam, My children, throughout the world carrying the Light; My steps grow heavy. The Light is flickering. Won't you light your candle with Me and help Us in this war of the spirits? (vol I page 45)
APRIL 1, 1972 - Your city calls for a sign. Those who are with Us in the light receive many signs, but the wicked of heart shall be scourged! This is a perverse city. They ask for a sign which will not be received! Their sign shall be the destruction, and when this destruction comes upon you, there will be no doubt in your mind that it comes from God! (vol I page 48)
My children, make your home a fortress against the evil that enshrouds your earth. Gather the words of Truth into your homes, even if you have to search the world. You will find little trace of truth in these times. Find the old books, My children, and keep them as Treasures of Truth. .........
You must reject the plan of satan and not succumb to his lures! The world about you has become the playground of satan and his agents. Your world is in darkness. Our Church is in darkness; but We still carry the light. All who follow Me, My children, will be led out of the darkness. The punishment would be upon you this day but for the numbers of souls that satan would capture now. (vol I page 49)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Blessed are they who seek the Light in this darkness, for their hearts will be opened to the Truth. My children, unless you listen now, you will be herded as cattle! You will live lives of servitude, under a master of hell! We do not wish to see this evil upon you, but you have a free will! A country that turns its back on its God, turns away from their God, will be divided! ............How many tears We shed, My children, seeing the numberless souls that are being lost to Us! Please, won't you light your candles with Me, and search through the darkness and ransom your wandering brothers and sisters? (vol I page 50)
MAY 30, 1972 - I have not come to fill you with fear, but to save your from yourself. You have shut out the Light. My heart is heavy. (vol I page 52)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Forged documents are coming out of Rome. The enemies within Holy Church seek to place the papacy and Pope Paul into bad light, to place the blame on him, in an attempt to tear down the papacy and set up an international religion and not of Jesus Christ. Many are accepting as sheep going to the slaughter. They neither pray nor try to patch the cracks. Many are in need of awakening to the truth. Rank in the Church is no guarantee of salvation. The Light is dim now: Jesus will be recrucified by members of His own House (Church)..........Parents, watch you children, guard them well, the enemy is always at your door. Your country has turned to pagan practices. My Son would wish to place the ball of punishment upon you now. All those who remain with Us in the light shall have no fear. All will be well for those of true spirit. I have promised to cover all who come to Me with My Mantle. ..........You are not directed to the Light! The example by your teachers is not of the Light! Weep not for Me, My child, but for the children of the earth. You and your country were placed under My protection. I will not abandon you. My Son will not abandon you, but the choice must be made by you. We cannot force you to come to Us; for the Rather has given you a free will. (vol I page 53)
There is nothing the Father would not do to rescue you, My children. Do not turn away from Us! Do not close your ears to Our pleas! Close your eyes to the world! Listen with your heart and you will receive the Light. (vol I page 54)
JULY 15, 1972 - The world is now in deep darkness, I see the candles burning now; they will lead the sheep out of the darkness. You will pray and make many sacrifices for the recovery of My Son's representatives (priests). Many have succumbed to the evils of the flesh. Many will go down the road of damnation and take others with them. (vol I page 56)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - I ask you as a Mother, Who knows the sorrow of a loss; prepare your children for the entrance. Guard the souls of those you love. I cannot promise that all will be spared anguish in the days ahead, but I can promise that those who have lighted their candles with Me, and carried the Light to their families, their brothers and sisters, will join Us in the ultimate victory, which will be with God and all the personages of Heaven. (vol I page 59)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1972 - Prayers, prayers! Many prayers are needed for your Vicar! My Son's House is being subverted from within! The forces of evil are gathering! There are many groups in secret who make plans to enter upon the seat of Peter! They have laid the groundwork of this entrance in well planned secret, but they do not know that they are only allowed this for the ultimate reversal to good! Man of his free will, will bring many trials upon himself. This will be allowed by the Father. All who have received the Light will not enter upon the wide road. All who have received the Light will pray and do penance for those who are upon the wide road! (vol I page 65,66)
MARCH 18, 1973 - There will come over the earth a great darkness. The air; stagnant, lacking oxygen. There will be no light; the candles will be few. Then the heat will become intense. (vol I page 85)
The greatest test of heart is how much you shall give, not how much you will receive. It is only in giving that you shall truly receive the light. Each man must armor himself with every means of obtaining graces to strengthen his immortal soul. (vol I page 86)
MARCH 24, 1973 - There will be small lights in the world, candles to hold back the darkness. (vol I page 89)
JUNE 16, 1973 - Man has the choice of his destruction or his reprieve. All who follow the light will carry heavy crosses. ...............You must now gather in the light. For whenever two or more are gathered in My Son's name, know that He will be among you to guide you. (vol I page 109)
JULY 25, 1973 - Those who have remained in the light, and accepted the graces given to strengthen them in these dark days, will be saved. This I promise you as your Mother. My Son in the Father does not wish that any be lost. Every opportunity will be given to man to prepare himself and be made ready for the trial. (vol I page 117)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - Man must guide his life in faith and trust of God. His doubts, his confusion will lead him into the web of the enemy, the enemies of God. Many now roam your world. They parade as angels of light. Their words are honeyed, but they speak with the tongues of the demons. (vol I page 119)
NOVEMBER 1, 1973 - The world will go into deep darkness. Prayer will be your only recourse. The light will flicker throughout the world, and man will be plunged into heavy darkness. My Mother will be here on these sacred grounds. ................All who have remained in the light will pass through this great cataclysm without fear, knowing that it is in the plan of the Father to shake from the trees all the rotten fruit. Amen, amen, I say to you: This generation shall not pass without Chastisement. (vol I page 143)
NOVEMBER 24, 1973 - Every soul of the light must now go forth as an apostle of the Father. If you were engaged in mortal combat of the body with another, you would expend great effort to win your cause. Therefore, My children why have you not used your energies for the salvation of your eternal soul?............No, you have fallen into the web of evil. You have given yourselves to lustful pleasures and worldly pursuits. Many of you will not have the time or opportunity to mend your ways and return to the light before the great Chastisement. (vol I page 144)
DECEMBER 7, 1973 - Veronica: Now it's growing very dark, very dark. Now I see a very large globe; it looks like the world. And the world now, it's all dark; and it seems that there are candles, little flickers of light, and only one, two three, the numbers are so few. And now as I watch the candles are going out, until it seems that there are only, maybe, one, seven, eight, fourteen candles left. Fourteen candles left. Now Our Lady is coming forward, and She is saying: Yes, My child, only fourteen candles are left. (vol I page 148)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - All who have remained in well spirit shall have no fear, for the Father has plan for bringing man back to Him. Your man of science is always seeking, but never finding the truth. He has climbed the ladder to the pinnacle of knowledge, but never reaching the truth. (vol I page 151)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - There has been, My child, great question on the place in your world of evil created by satan. Yes, satan rules, now, upon your world but his time grows short. He will accomplish no more than the Father allows. This world of darkness will soon give way to the light. However, My child, much conflict, much confusion and the loss of many lives will take place before the final cleansing. (vol I page 159)
You must, My child, go forward with all My children of grace, and persevere. Many will fall, for they cannot stand under the trial. However, the Kingdom of the Father waits all who stand forth, and keep the faith..........Retire from you world which has been given to satan. Look for the light and you will find it. There is not one soul who will be given to satan without having given of his own will. Satan can only claim you through your will. (vol I page 161)
MARCH 24, 1974 - My child, you see man's inhumanity to man. This is what results from the loss of the light. The Father chastises those He loves, permitting the separation of the sheep from the goats. Those who have been called into the light have great obligation to go forward and gather the straying sheep for brothers and sisters who have fallen into the darkness. Great rejoicing there will be if you bring one back, just one back to Us. (vol I page 180)
APRIL 6, 1974 - You will find that many will be placed upon the cross as victims for their faith. All who follow My Son will carry a very heavy cross. The time of the persecution is now accelerating; prepare yourselves, retire from your world which has been given to satan. Guard the Faith in your homes, in the hearts of those you love. (vol I page 183)
Compromise, My children, what have you to gain when you compromise your Faith? You divide yourselves so that the enemies of God will conquer you! All who do not recognize My Son as the Christ in the Father, in the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, they are not of My Son and they are not worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, and they shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven! This is from the Father (vol I page 185)
The Father is always the final judge, but We do not condone evil, and you must speak out in defense of the truth. If you are silent in the face of destruction, you hold great responsibility for the loss of souls. If you cannot stand and fight for My Son, can you expect Him to recognize you and stand before the Father in your defense when you come over the veil? All who deny My Son shall be denied! (vol I page 186)
APRIL 13, 1974 - You wonder how you will know those who are in the light and those who have given themselves to satan and act as his agents. I assure you, My children, by their fruits they will be known in time. (vol I page 189)
You are looking, My child, upon the many martyrs who will come from your earth before this battle has ended. The battle that rages now, My child, upon earth, is not one of the body but of the spirits. The spirits of wickedness and darkness now fight the light. When the peak of iniquity has gained its fullness, know that the end is at hand. The Father will allow this as a chastisement to his children. (vol I page 193)
Yes, My child, the statues. Keep pure and holy thoughts in your mind for all others are the creation of satan. As long as you remain in your earthly body, you will have a strong battle against the forces of darkness. Come victorious through this darkness carrying the light. My Son has given you the Light and you will go forward as candles through the darkness. (vol I page 194)
MAY 30, 1974 - My child, you will make it known to the Bishops of My Son's House, those in authority, that they must not compromise. They do not gather souls by compromising their Faith. They must stand forth as symbols of chastity, piety and humbleness. What has become of these virtues in mankind! ...........Priests in the House of God, have your forgotten your dedication? Can you not stand forward and fight for My Son? Your errors, your laxity and your carelessness have destroyed the Faith in the hearts of the young. Parents, where are you while your children are on the road to hell? Can you not close your doors from your world and teach your children? Have you also given yourselves to the world and satan? (vol I page 205)
My child, at this time there is not much that I can think of that will explain to you in your human language the despair that fills Our hearts in Heaven. The number of souls falling daily into hell is, are increasing because of the lack of discipline and faults of leadership in My House. You will not follow the way of man but you will bring man onto My road. When you have joined My House with the world and it has become one, know that the end of your era has come. You are going to receive the test of trial; in this manner shall We separate the sheep from the goats and those that will be left shall set up the renewed Kingdom upon your earth. (vol I page 208)
JUNE 8, 1974 - Do not be led away from the truth. You have only one obligation, and this is to your God, not man. You will lead your soul on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a narrow road and you cannot bargain with satan. (vol I page 209)
JUNE 15, 1974 - We are raising up at this time many disciples, many apostles of the latter days. They will stand in great trial upon earth, but like the voices in the wilderness, in the darkness, they will go forward carrying the light, searching with their candles through the darkness for the recovery of their brothers and sisters. From these hallowed grounds chosen by the Father, there will be given for the edification of mankind and the propagation of the mission of recovery of souls, many cures and conversions. (vol I page 216)
JUNE 18, 1974 - Generation through generation, man carries the same stigma of blindness and hardness of heart. Many have hardened their hearts and closed their eyes to the truth. Why, My child, you ask Me why? Because, My child, it is sad to say that should they open their eyes and their hearts should melt and they should look with their hearts, they would have to give up their sin which they love. They care more for the pleasures of the world than for the things of Heaven. In a land, in a home where there is abundance, much is expected. (vol I page 223)
JULY 15, 1974 - The Father has deemed it necessary, My child, to increase the numbers of photographs miraculous. They will be of great consolation to many. They will be a means for the human eye to see. They will verify and make known the truth, for the Faith has become so weak that man will not believe unless he sees. And this We are giving to you, My children. The Father sends you graces in abundance, graces for cure and graces for conversion. Gather them while there is time, for the time is growing short. (vol I page 232)
JULY 25, 1974 - Stand fast in your Faith, keep the Truth in your heart and remain on the narrow path. Cast aside all your human inclinations for worldly gain or recognition. (vol I page 237)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - Those in the light will fear that they have entered into a world of insanity, so great will be the sin of mankind! Persevere and you will be saved. Do not fall prey to the creations of satan............Your homes must be a refuge for your children. Keep the monuments, the statues, in your homes and teach your children, as parents, the basic foundation of their faith and they will not be caught in the web of satan that is slowly, like an octopus reaching out in all directions and devouring the young and the old. (vol I page 239)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - The discipline and rules as set down by My Son and those He chose to write the Book of life and love, must be adhered to! We direst, in the name of the Trinity, that you Bishops and Cardinals of the world must use your full powers as hierarchy to Excommunicate and defrock all who seek to dethrone My Son and destroy the Faith! (vol I page 246)
It will be a command of the Father from Heaven, that all in authority defrock and excommunicate those under their rule who seek to destroy the Faith as given by the Father from Heaven........... Those in rule will excommunicate and defrock all who enter and make pact with the separated brethren and all who will compromise the Faith with the separated brethren. (vol I page 248)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - The enemies of the Father have worked well to remove Me, My children, from among you. Keep the monuments, the statues in your homes. Recover the Old Testaments and books that are being cast into the fires and destroyed and replaced with the works of satan. Read these good books of old to your children, Keep the Faith in the hearts of those you love, for you will find satan sending his agents to your doors. Guard your families with the sacramentals given to you. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. I cannot caution you enough. My voice grows weak. My years on earth time grow short. I come to you, My arms filled with graces, graces for the asking, graces in abundance, graces for cure and conversion. (vol I page 255)
The agents of satan have gained control in the major media of your country. The great eagle has been plucked. It will not rise again unless a major miracle of return to the Father, return to the Faith, is accomplished. (vol I page 257)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - I shall not, My child, be repetitious in My speech of the many abominations and atrocities that condemn the souls of mankind to hell! In purity of heart, in purity of spirit, redeem yourselves by coming to My Son in belief. Believe and you will be given the way. .............Much of your Faith in graces and indulgences, My child, they have been removed. Gather the books given to you in the past. Though mankind has set himself above his God to remove these from among you, know that in the will of the Father, they have not been removed. You will receive all the numerous graces of indulgences as directed by your good leaders of old. (vol I page 262)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - When you speak of Faith, My child, make it known to the world that Faith is also Tradition. The deposit of Faith lies with Holy Church. We see many who are using their rank to destroy the Faith. Know that the Father is watching them, permitting them to go their way as they sow the seeds for their own destruction. It is sad, My child, that I should wander and see such a dimness of Faith in the hearts of Our dedicated. ................In the deposit of Faith there is also the supernatural. This, too, is being cast aside as superstition! What a sad awakening they will find when the Father sets down a heavy hand upon them! (vol I page 278)
I accept the torments which are heaped upon Me by an ungrateful generation! You will not cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural! You will not cast aside the truth of Faith and set up a faith based on the immorality of man! No! You will retain the Faith and Tradition as given to you, not making changes that cater to the basic carnal nature of mankind! You are misleading Our sheep! Pray! Get down on your knees and pray! You will gain nothing by socializing. You have idolized money and become money changers in My Son's House! (vol I page 280)
NOVEMBER 20, 1974 - The guardian of the Faith is Michael. You will re-enter him into My Son's Houses. We ask that all who have been given the light, reach out with the Message from Heaven. Bring this light, light your candles, My children, with Me and search through the darkness for your lost brothers and sisters. (vol I page 294)
The words of truth will go throughout the world and then, My child, will come the end of your era as you know it. You will unite with all who have been given the light to join the forces from Heaven in fighting this final battle upon your earth, the duration of which will depend, My children, on the balance which leans far to the left at the present time. The Father is most patient, but the Warning approaches. (vol I page 295,296)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - If you, My child, find your road filled with thorns, know that you are truly traveling the way of the cross. You cannot expect any less a lot than My Son received when He brought the Message to the world. For if you were bringing a message known to the world you would be accepted. But since you bring a message of the spirit, those not of the spirit will reject you, My child. Pray for them, for the power of prayer is great. Pray much for your rulers, your government, your schools and My Son's houses throughout the world. A House, a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Many will close their doors when they succumb to the darkness. Pray, My child, a constant vigilance of prayer. Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice, My voice cries, for the time grows short. The sands are running out, My child. (vol I page 300)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - You, My child, must give more effort to spreading the Gospel Truth. The book of Life and Love, the Bible, is being re-written! It is done, My child, with great cunning and conception. Only those in the Light, made knowledgeable by the Light, will recognize this deception. Little by little, the errors are being spread. Read, My child, read! (vol I page 302)
DECEMBER 24, 1974 - You, My child, must give more effort to spreading the Gospel truth. The Book of Life and Love, the Bible, is being rewritten! It is done, My child, with great cunning and deception. Only those in the light, made knowledgeable by the Light, will recognize this deception. Little by little, the errors are being spread. Read, My child, read! ...........Listen, My child, to the direction. It will not be long before My Mother will use few words. The Message will be given in its entirety to the world. This Message will be spread throughout the world, joined by many seers in many places. When the world has been covered, all will be placed to the test. Know that there will be sent upon mankind a Warning of great proportion, and then should this go unheeded you will receive a great Chastisement. All who are of well spirit will have no need to fear, for all will be good for those of well spirit. Do not cast aside the graces needed for your redemption. My Mother will remain at your side during the days of trial. All will be given in judgment according to their merit. None will fall into the abyss unless of his free will. It is the will of the Father that none be lost to satan. Wear your sacramentals and keep in mind the direction of My Mother, for She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix. Do not take Her words idly, for She has given you the light of truth. (vol I page 308)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - The Spirit of Truth has not been extinguished in your world. Seek and you shall be given the way. Believe and you will be given the way. (vol I page 330)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - Do not be fearful My child, of the days ahead. The Spirit of Truth shall never be removed from among you. You will all gather as the armies of Heaven. As birds of a feather you will flock together. (vol I page 336)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - I must urge you at this time, to prepare yourselves for the days ahead. Do not concern yourselves with the opinion of others. You will pray for them and they will be given the light..(vol I page 337)
APRIL 5, 1975 - I have wandered throughout the world bringing this Message from Heaven to mankind. The Father has counted and found you lacking. Know that a great Warning will be sent upon mankind. All who remain in the light of grace will have no fear. They will pass through this great Warning without suffering. I cannot promise you that none will die in this great Warning, My child, for there will be death. Prepare now for this is just a small measure, My children, of what you will have soon. (vol I page 355)
MAY 17, 1975 - You will find your comfort, My child, in the many who We will send to you to be your arms in this battle. There are lights, candles of truth, throughout the world. In various places, in various nations of your world, you will find the candles of light. Join them, My children, for united you will stand, and divided you will fall to the enemies of God. Unite in a constant vigil of prayer, knowing that the eventual victory is with the light and the truth. Though hell and satan will fight against the Kingdom of the Father, he will fall and be cast with his agents into the pit of damnation and, fire and chained to never more tempt Our children and take them into the abyss with him! (vol I page 363)
In matters of faith, in matters of morals, and in matters of doctrine, you must not stray from the truth! (vol I page 366)
JUNE 5, 1975 - Yes, My child, I spoke to you of the evil ones who have infiltrated into the clergy. They are not entering with dedication and spirits of light but they are bringing in the spirit of darkness. By their fruits will you know them, My child. I have asked you to be not fooled by those who wear the garments of the dedicated but have soiled their garments. You must pray more for the light and recognize the faces of evil about you, My child. (vol I page 374)
By their manner of confusion and disillusionment, many have fallen away and lost the Faith, My child. If this continues, shall there be even a flicker of Faith left when I return to your earth? (vol I page 375)
JULY 15, 1975 - Mankind has accepted all manner of aberrations and evil created by satan to corrupt and destroy his chance for eternal salvation! All who wish to be saved must believe and in believing must follow the rules! (vol I page 382)
Michael: The attempts by many of our dedicated is poor, therefore, the heads of families must now take it upon themselves to be guardians of the faith in their household! The children are the victims of their elders, therefore, the parents shall teach their children in truth. ..........You can observe, My child, that is heavily balanced to the left. Iniquity is reaching its peak. As you have been directed in the past, by the Queen of Heaven and Earth, as the peak of iniquity is reached; then shall man feel the final scourge. The world, your world, shall pass through a crucible of suffering. All who are of well spirit have nothing to fear. Hope and trust in your God, shall take you through this trial. (vol I page 383)
Believe, My children, and you shall be given the way. Ask and you will receive the light. None shall enter into the abyss unless of his own free will. You have the balance within your heart for your salvation. (vol I page 384)
JULY 25, 1975 - Learn a simple lesson, My child. You will meet with rejection by many for by rejecting My Message they can place it as far from mind as possible. When one does not wish to accept a truth they try to disprove and sully this truth. (vol I page 386)
You must not compromise your Faith. You will not win souls for Heaven by lowering your standards, My child, and My children, and joining the enemies of your God. (vol I page 387)
You must remain united with your Holy Father in Rome. Your country, America, the United States, will soon face a splitting up in their Faith. This will accomplish nothing, My children; for: United you will stand and divided you will fall. ...........It is time now, My child, that those of true knowledge and Faith must work, do penance, make atonement so that you may convert the unbeliever.(vol I page 389)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - You must warn Our clergy that many are being deceived. They must merit the respect of their flock by their example and holiness. The more they enter into the world, the less they will be of the spirit of light. Man must live in the world but not be of the world. (vol I page 393)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - You have been given a time to change. The time is running out! Those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear, My child. For they will go through this crucible of suffering with more hope and courage, knowing that the eventual victory is over the veil with the Eternal Father. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration that lies ahead! It will truly be the cross! (vol I page 400)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Awaken! You are blind to the Truth! My pastors! Are you to follow the crowd of the siren; the serpent, or are you going to listen to the words of Truth and the Light? You are following like sheep to the slaughter! Come out of your darkness of spirit. Through the Merciful Heart of the Eternal Father, you are being warned. Search your heart, allow the Light to come in. For the Light is dim in the hearts of many. (vol I page 405)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - My children, We hear voices of discord crying to Heaven. It is the voice of the unbeliever. The Faith has grown weak in mankind. The pastors are scattering the sheep. Oh, when will they awaken from their slumber? Too late to save Our wandering sheep?.........We ask of all who have been given the grace of knowledge of what is to be, send this message from Heaven throughout the world in great haste! The abominations of desolation center throughout mankind and in the House of My Son.. (vol I page 407)
No man is above the Eternal Father! Every man shall stand before Him. He must give a good account in merits of his conduct upon earth. The veil is before all. All must enter and be counted. In your world, My children, the sheep are being separated from the goats. The forces of evil are fighting the light. We watch while the saints cry out for vengeance. How much blood shall be shed to wash your world! Blood shall flow in the streets. Madness shall take hold of mankind until there will be no trust, no love, in the hearts of those who have not turned to the light and the Eternal Father. Murder shall become a way of life! How much shall man set upon himself and evil before he awakens to the fact that he has set about his own destruction? Many have been baptized, washed clean in the faith and now have chosen to destroy! (vol I page 407,408)
I bless you all, My children, I place My mantle of protection about you. In the future which is now, My children, those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear. I have given many words to you in the past to prepare yourselves for the moment. Now, My children, you will continue to pray a constant vigilance of prayer and you will understand why I have spent so much time with you. (vol I page 408)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - In the light of the Spirit descending from Heaven, you shall be given the knowledge of truth, My children. Accept it and take it as your candle for you must now go throughout your world saving your brothers, preparing them for what lies ahead. (vol I page 411)
OCTOBER 2, 1975 - Those who remain good and in the light will carry a heavy cross, My children. However, it will be a badge of honor, for it is your key to the Kingdom. It is a test allowed by the Eternal Father to mankind. All that is rotten will fall away, but those of true spirit, of well spirit, My children, shall survive all trials. (vol I page 426)
OCTOBER 6, 1975 - Those who have the highest places in My Son's Church are now using their rank to destroy the truth! You cannot build on the carnal nature of mankind; the fallen nature of mankind!! (vol I page 429)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - In your misguided foolish way of finding the light, My pastors, you have given yourselves to delusion. Abominations are being committed now in My Son's House, churches, throughout the world. This brings much sorrow to the people of Heaven. This brings much sorrow to the Eternal Father and, in turn, this will bring much sorrow to the hearts of those who will struggle to retain the truth. Faith and tradition shall not be separated. Novelty is the creation of satan. (vol I page 432)
I beg you, as your Mother, as a Mediatrix between God, your Father, and earth, to listen to My words of direction, given to you in many places by many seers throughout your world. You are fast approaching a major calamity. All who have remained in the light, seeking to rid their souls of all contamination of the outside world, will have nothing to fear. I bring you this Message of warning, My children, not to place in your hearts a feeling of fear, but to make you ready. Those who have been striving to keep the balance even have been recognized, and their names written in Heaven, My child. The Eternal Father is the final Judge of all. (vol I page 432,433)
Children of the world, you have been given time to make amends for the sins and abominations committed by both clergy and lay peoples in the Houses of God throughout your world. You will no longer defile the High Host of Heaven. The portals must be cleansed of all sins and abominations. You must excommunicate, as clergy, high clergy in Rome, all who enter into a compromising agreement with the agents of satan, who seek to control mankind and the world without their God. You shall not compromise your Faith, you will not save souls by compromise. You must now start to clean your House, for if you do not listen to this direction, you shall be cast out of the portals by the Son of God. (vol I page 433,434)
I repeat there will come a time upon your earth when those who carry the light of truth will go in hiding. So few will remain in the light. So few because, in their human nature, they cared more for the riches of the world and earth, than to wait with perseverance and confidence for the intercession of the Eternal Father for their salvation. ............Peace! The world cries peace when there is no peace, love, when there is no love. Why have you cast aside the words given in the Book of Life, your Bible? The Eternal Father gave you the plan for your future in the Book. Why do you change it? Because you do not agree with the word of your God! You must change it to suit your carnal natures! You are setting yourselves fast to build a Church of man and not a Church of God. What will you gain, for your Church of man shall be given to satan, eternal damnation. Those who are misled shall be given the road back to the light. Prayer and penance are much needed at this time. The leaders are scattering the flock. Do not think your heart is not known, Our clergy, in Heaven. The Eternal Father watches your actions, your behavior, you misguidance, and your selling your souls for silver! (vol I page 434)
I bless you all, My children, as the Father and the Son and the Spirit shall bless you in the days to come. Though the lights are dim, you will never be lost in the darkness. I give you this grace of knowledge, for the children of God shall gather for the battle ahead. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Extend, My child, the crucifix that you recovered in the Church of St. Robert's. (vol I page 435)
My Mother has now traveled throughout your world with the Message from Heaven. You will all heed this Message and act upon it, or you shall be forced back onto the road to the Kingdom. Those who return will return because they have a measure of light still with them. Others, sadly, will hear but not recognize the voice from Heaven, so deep into darkness of spirit have they traveled. We continue the time of trial, going forward with penance upon your world. The measures of chastisement from the Eternal Father is given to compensate for the abominations being committed in the House of God; in the Houses of God throughout your world. Heresy, O mournful heresy! Whatever shall become of you? (vol I page 436)
You shall not follow a man who leads you on a wide road away from truth and your Faith and into the abyss. No man is above the Eternal Father and no man shall commit his eternal soul into the care of another who has the rank in obedience to destroy this soul. Nooo! No man is a keeper for another soul; each individual shall stand before the Eternal Father and give an account on his own. The destroyer of souls shall not be there to support him. He had already done his work for satan. Awaken now each individual soul, man, woman, and child of age of reason. You must think for yourself in the light; you must seek the truth and not give yourself to the doctrines and creations of demons. (vol I page 437)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - You must not compromise your Faith, My children, by bringing in those who have separated themselves from your true Church. This Church was founded by My Son and He set a leader, a Pope, among you. (vol I page 439)
You have been given in time eternal the Truth of your Faith. You shall not change this, making a religion upon earth that is based on the fallen nature of mankind. (vol I page 440)
The gates of hell are opened wide! The pressures of hell force themselves upon the world. They have reached the walls of My Church's! But: Woe to the man who will sell out his faith! (vol I page 441)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - The children must be guided by the family. The Truth, the Faith, the Tradition, must be instilled in their hearts by the mothers and fathers of a family. Do not expect your children to go beyond your doors and be instructed in truth, for the world has been given to satan. Many who should be showing a firm example, have gone the easy way of the flesh, for they care more for the treasures and glory of this world-earth, than what the future has for them. Hell is open wide, the abyss is filling continuously with souls that have fallen into darkness. Will you not rescue them, My children, with your acts of sacrifice and prayer? (vol I page 450)
You must not take the knowledge of hell from the minds of the children and your sheep, pastors. There is a hell, the abyss of satan, and there is a place of purging. All must be purified through trial, if necessary, before they can enter the Eternal Kingdom. Heaven was made, My children, for all, but all do not enter. The faith must be accepted. Many shall enter but in this present trial and the trials and chastisements which will soon come upon you, only a few will be saved. (vol I page 451)
APRIL 10, 1976 - It is sad, My child, that We see much confusion among mankind, seeking in all directions for the truth and having few leaders to give them the direction of light. Therefore, We ask that all who have been given the light in knowledge of truth, that they will go forth as disciples of My Son and Eternal Father. Go forward in perseverance; go forward in confidence; and go forward, knowing that you have been given the true faith. And all who seek to destroy this faith, sadly, My child, destroy themselves. Weep for them, My child and My children, those who do not believe. I cry to you. Come, come to Me, your Mother. Believe and you will be given the way. (vol I page 480)
Remember: All who are of well spirit will understand and prepare for the days ahead by following the directions given in the past by My Mother. We have not abandoned you to yourselves, for We support you under the mantle of My Mother, and over My Sacred Heart I place the drops of My Blood. I shed this Blood anew. I am, as your Savior, recrucified by My own. (vol I page 481)
Your photograph, My child, shows the priesthood on the wide road to destruction and damnation. The narrow road to Heaven is not an easy road, for it requires discipline and sacrifice, but above all, a steadfast determination to retain the Faith. (vol I page 484)
APRIL 17, 1976 - My child, for those who have gone into darkness of spirit or fallen into the errors of your day, know that they will not understand much of Our Message to the world. It is because they have been allowed to be blinded by the Eternal Father. They have ears that do not hear, they have hearts that have hardened because of sin they have eyes that will not see. But to those who have even a small measure of faith, like a seed a small water of life, it will grow and grow and bear great beauty and fruit. (vol I page 483)
I have set the angel Exterminatus upon you. All who are of well spirit shall go through these trials knowing the reason for this test. (vol I page 484)
MAY 26, 1976 - My children, could I come among you and deceive you by bringing you a Message of hope, perseverance, without faith? For if you have but a small measure of faith it will grow. Do not extinguish your faith; do not accept the workings of satan. You have been given the truth; do not tarnish it by listening to man, man who has given himself to satan. (vol I page 492)
MAY 29, 1976 - You will, My children, pray for your bishops and your clergy. Pray for those who have still a small flicker of faith in their hearts that they may rekindle their faith and stand up and be counted. (vol I page 494)
JUNE 5, 1976 - I give fair warning, as your Mother, that the world has set itself upon a course for its own destruction. In My Son's House it shall be bishop against bishop and cardinal against cardinal, for satan has set himself in their midst. It shall be mother against daughter, father against son. There shall be discord in the homes as the family heads struggle to maintain the Faith. (vol I page 498)
JULY 15, 1976 - It is only when you stay within Our circle of light, My children, that you will understand your times, you will understand the meaning of the signs given to you. Once you cast yourself from inside, outside of the circle of light, you will find, My children, it is very difficult to return. Graces are given in abundance, and much is expected of those who have received these graces. (vol I page 516)
JULY 24, 1976 - The Ball of Redemption, the direction for the Chastisement, is with the Eternal Father. Be prepared at all times for the approaching Warning. All who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear; they will go through these times with great fortitude in the knowledge that the eventual victory is with Heaven.............All parents hold the measure of responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. Do not expect others to save your children. You must retain the Faith in their hearts through your homes and your family unity. Satan has sown discord within the family circles. It will be a struggle in the days ahead to keep your children from falling into the web of evil that is slowly ensnaring the world. Satan is weaving his web of evil like the black widow. (vol I page 514)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - You must continue to pray much for your priests. You must continue to pray for your leaders of government. Pray that they bring into your homes the knowledge of their God, for many are now fast pursuing a course of destruction, not only of the body but of the soul. ........
666, My children, the agents of hell, have entered upon the world. 666, the agents of hell, have taken major positions now in the Eternal City of Rome. And what must you do now? Good words is a closed mouth is like placing dead beef on a dead man's grave. Take yourselves away from those who are destroyers of the soul, for you have nothing in common with them. What is there between or commensurate between the light and the darkness? Do you have, you who have gained the knowledge and retained your faith and remained pure of spirit, what do you have in common with the forces of evil? Avoid all occasions of sin. Do not be partakers of their sin, for birds of a feather shall surely flock together. (vol I page 519)
My child, you and those who have gathered throughout your world as candles to carry the light through the darkness will accept much suffering as they watch the forces of evil gather. My Son is being recrucified by His very own. Do not lose faith or hope; do not abandon My Son's churches throughout your world, My children. The Mass, the Holy Sacrifice, is still valid...........Each soul that has reached, who has reached the age of reasoning must give a good example of faith, modesty, purity of purpose, and dedication to his God. There shall be no compromise of the Faith in My Church. There shall be no compromise with the world, for My Kingdom is not of your world. My Kingdom is eternal, My ways are not the ways of the world. (vol I page 520)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - All who wish to be saved must remain with My Son in the Eucharist, for it is truly the Bread of life. You cannot have the light within you without partaking of this Bread of life. You must not reject the Real Presence of My Son. You must not make this Sacrifice a mere meal, for you have then brought the greatest of desecration and abominations before mankind. My Son, your God, is, was, and always will be. (vol I page 523)
I left with you a true foundation of faith. This faith is slowly being taken from your world. There are only small flickers of light throughout your world; the darkness is heavily closing in upon you. Know, My children, that you must hasten to follow the direction of My Mother. (vol I page 524)
CHRISTIAN PERFECTION: Christian Perfection consists in the love of God above all things, and in the love of neighbor as ourselves. Have before all things Charity, which is the bond of perfection. Col. 3:14. ..........The best way to practice Christian Perfection is to imitate Jesus Christ..........If thou wilt be perfect, go sell what thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in Heaven; and come follow me. Matt. 19:21.......The three great means for attaining Christian perfection are: Voluntary Poverty, Perpetual Chastity, and Voluntary Obedience...........They are also called the Evangelical Counsels.......The main purpose of the Religious Life is to practice these Evangelical Counsels in a high degree.........The practice of Christian Perfection is open to all Christians............Be ye therefore perfect, as also your Eternal Father is perfect. Matt. 5:48. (vol I page 524)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - Those who have been given the grace to know the truth, to retain the truth, must go forward as apostles of the latter days. Bring to your brothers and sisters the knowledge, with hope, of My Son's return (vol I page 529)
Turn back, My child, My sleeping pastors, turn back and recover My sheep, for you have scattered My flock. You who have been given the grace in vocation to guide and be leaders to Our sheep have scattered them, because you no longer know the true meaning of dedication, purpose, and faith. The Faith, My children, has been dimmed, and much of the responsibility for this loss of faith I place, as your God, upon Our pastors............O My children, your earth, your world now is a cesspool of sin, error, and corruption. Take yourselves and your children away from these errors; seek and remain with the truth and the light. And what is truth, My children? It is a simple rule of learning. The way was given to you and you have left it. (vol I page 531)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - I, your God, commend those who hold rank in My Church to remove the heretics; excommunicate those who accept themselves to join secret societies to demolish My Church. Do not compromise your Faith, My children, for there is only one direction you will proceed, and that is down. (vol I page 534)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - The truth in Faith and Tradition has been given to mankind. Change shall bring nothing but error, confusion, and the destruction of souls. If you My pastors continue upon your present course, you will bring the bark of Peter through rough seas. You are now setting it afloat, and in your plan known to Heaven, you prefer to send the captain away, and allow the bark of Peter to flounder. However, you, I say unto you, O ye of little faith, I know I remain within you regardless of your rejection of Me. When I chose you from among men to represent Me upon earth, you were a special one; and regardless of your rejection of the light. I shall use you, My pastors, for no evil shall ever be triumphant. (vol I page 538)
Awaken from your slumber, My pastors. You are misleading My sheep. The truth lies hidden deep in your heart. Open your hearts to the light. Do not reject this light and bring darkness upon your world, darkness of spirit. (vol I page 538,539)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - I give you this great encouragement and hope in the days ahead, My children: That all who believe, that all who will hold their candles of light and search through the darkness to bring the knowledge from the Eternal Father in Heaven to the straying sheep, they will be saved. (vol I page 544)
The knowledge of the world beyond the veil, this knowledge is being lost to your children. Bring prayer into your homes! Teach your children the basic foundation of their Faith, the commandments of your God! Do not water them down. Do not rationalize sin, for without your guidance, parents, your children shall be lost!............O My children, clothe yourselves, with modesty and piety. Seek food for your souls. Search for the light, and keep your candles burning with My Mother, for in the days ahead, if you extinguish your candle, My children, you will be lost in the darkness............You must remain united with your Holy Father in Rome. Your country, America, the United States, will soon face a splitting-up in their Faith. This will accomplish nothing, My children, for: United you will stand and divided you will fall. (vol I page 546)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - O My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Keep the truth in knowledge of your Faith within your heart. Expound it widely; do not close your mouth when you may bring the truth to others. Good words kept in a closed mouth is like putting messes of meat on a dead man's grave. Good words kept in a closed mouth is truly, My children, a waste. It is like placing meat on a dead man's grave. .............There will be many signs given upon earth. We promise you, My children, that these trials and signs and disturbances of nature shall come upon you, but not those who are in the light, they shall not become unaware of the meaning. Many who will go through the great crucible of suffering will go through this time with hope and perseverance, knowing that they have been given the direction and the plan of Heaven aforehand. .............O My children, persevere in your present days and the few days left in earth's time. I assure you, My children, if you carry your cross with resignation and maintain a truth, maintain the Father, be faithful to your Vicar, Pope Paul in Rome, but learn to recognize the faces of evil that surround him. Much, most now, My children, of your medias are controlled by the evil ones. It will take man of great knowledge and light to fully be able to understand what is true, truth, what is fact, or what has been made fiction by the enemies of your God. It is a known fact that now, My children, your newspapers are controlled. Your television is an agent of satan, an abominable agent of satan, corrupters of souls. (vol I page 548)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - Each individual soul has a true spirit of light within him. However, through his own free will, he can extinguish this light and accept a spirit of darkness. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer within your homes. And pray that before your pilgrimage is over, that you do not fall into the diabolical deceit that satan now spreads like a web of evil throughout your world. No man, woman, or child shall escape, without effort, this diabolical ensnarement of satan. (vol I page 554)
.O men of the cross, you have fallen in with satan. Awaken from your slumber. Recognize that you are being deceived. This delusion has been set upon you, allowed by the Eternal Father. In this manner shall you be separated, for what is there in common between the light and the darkness? You will remain with those is darkness of spirit, or you will take yourselves away and suffer all to remain in the light, and follow this light to the Eternal Kingdom. If you choose of your free will to remain in this darkness, shall you be given the time to be recovered? Nay, I say unto you. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 554,555)
Do not be misguided by those who, in the spirit of darkness, take the knowledge of the supernatural from you. Yes, in order, My children, to stay in the light, you will be rejected by many; you will be scorned; you will be called insane; because, I repeat; there is nothing in common between the light and the darkness. As they rejected Me upon your earth, you, too, must go the way of the cross. But carry your cross, My children, with purpose and fortitude. And I assure you, as your God, that the road you follow in the light will be well worth your perseverance. The joys of Heaven are for all, but all do not attain this height, My children, for they are not willing to sacrifice and do penance and to follow the way of the cross. (vol I page 555)
NOVEMBER 22, 1976 - Protect your children from all of the evil that abounds. When they leave your homes, protect them with their sacramentals. Keep a daily constant reminder of their faith within their hearts, and this you can be helped to attain by keeping the statues, the visual affects that will retain in our children's hearts the knowledge of the truth of their faith. (vol I page 561)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - The lessons of your Faith have been given to you for all time without change. My Son is forever, for God is, God was, and God always will be. My Son is your God in the Father and the Holy Ghost. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of the Trinity. Do not cast aside your knowledge in faith of My Son's Divinity. Do not recrucify My Son upon your earth and in His Church, His House. You call upon you a heavy hand of punishment from the Eternal Father. (vol I page 570)
Man of science ever seeking but never coming to the truth, for it is only the simple of heart, the little ones, who shall receive the light. The numbers that shall be saved shall be counted in the few, My children. No man, woman, and child of knowledgeable age shall be destroyed except by his own desire. Restore the discipline in your personal lives. Restore the discipline in My Son's Church while there is time! O My children, I stand before you pleading for your cause to the Eternal Father. A heavy hand of chastisement shall be set upon mankind! Many of Our children of the light shall be asked to do much penance and sacrifice to save those who are lukewarm. (vol I page 571)
I repeat: Wars are a punishment for man's sins. And the wages of sin is death. I look upon you, man of earth, and find that many of you are already dead. You are dead souls in a living body. You have all but a short time to rekindle your spirit with the light. You cannot bargain your soul, for you will discard the light. You cannot sell your soul to satan for gain in your few years of pilgrimage upon your earth. You shall not kill your soul to get to the head. (vol I page 572)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - O My children, you cannot stray from the light and reach happiness of mind or spirit. When a man accepts blindness of heart, he will be searching for the light, but without the special grace from Heaven he will go farther into the darkness. Seek, ask and you shall be given the way. (vol I page 574)
You have been given by My Son a firm foundation of Faith. He has sent among you through past centuries prophets of the light. My Son left with you your Bible. You must not change it. The rules cannot be compromised! Tradition is Faith! My children, you are building a church of darkness! The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled! (vol I page 575)
My children, you must well understand the plan of the enemy. If he can take from your minds the knowledge and the realization of the existence of hell and purgatory, he will condone sin in your society, and sin has become a way of life for many of you. Awaken from your blindness and search for the light. I have set many candles about in your world. You will not remain in darkness if you will seek the light. My Son is the Way; ask, send your voices in supplication to the Eternal Father and you will be guided out of your darkness. ...........Remain with My Son in the Eucharist; nourish your souls with the Bread of Life. You cannot have the light within you unless you partake of this Bread of Life. (vol I page 576)
All who remain in the light of well spirit will have nothing to fear, My children. You will go forward in the days ahead with perseverance, for all who persevere to the end will be saved. ......
Keep your sacramentals about you. Retain the Faith in your homes. The candles are few now, but they are lighting throughout the world, My children.............When one does not wish to accept the truth they try to disprove and sully this truth. (vol I page 578)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - My children, there is a war now going on far worse than any physical war that man can experience, for it is a war of the spirits. Many saints of the latter days shall come forward from this era. My children, do not compromise your Faith but defend it against the forces of evil. Protect with love, with prayer, with sacrifice, the Eternal City of Rome and the papacy. (vol I page 581)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - I give you, My children, the simple solution to your problems. It is Faith, My children, truth in Faith. Believe and you shall be given the way. (vol II page 19)
The little candles of light are not numerous in your country. The candles are being extinguished in other countries throughout your world, but I say unto you in this battle, the gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church, for I am your foundation! You shall not build of man into a church. You shall build a church of man rejecting the cross of your Christ! (vol I page 21)
Naturally, My child, in this battle against satan, his agents will multiply and attack. Recognize the faces of evil about you, My child. For those who have faith, no explanation is necessary, for those without faith, My child, there is no explanation. (vol II page 21)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - Why, My children, has it always been known as human nature to turn away from the truth until you are forced back upon your knees through suffering? (vol II page 23)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - Do not compromise your Faith, do not sell your soul to get to the head, for you gain nothing. Your life upon your earth is but a temporary pilgrimage. You have been placed on your earth to do honor to your God. You must live your life for your God and not for man..............My children, retain your Faith; do not take the light from within your homes. There are many candles of light now burning throughout your world. These candles shall not be extinguished by the darkness. The gates of hell shall not prevail against My Church. ..............My children, these will be glorious days for you. There will be a battle ahead, but My own shall know Me. And the Faith shall be kept within the hearts of mankind, even in the terrible days of battle. ............ The enemies of your God wish to remove the supernatural from among you. The enemies of your God seek to take the knowledge of immortality from you, but know, My children, you will retain your Faith and defend it, and defend My Vicar.................Your news medias are corrupted, as are many other medias in your country and the world. Man who has been given the Faith, the true Faith, shall recognize the fallacies, the errors, and the lies that come out of these medias. Know, My children, that in a world of deep darkness of spirit, your Faith is the only truth. No man can build another for you. (vol II page 25)
MARCH 18, 1977 - No man can enter into the Eternal Kingdom of the Father unless he comes in the light, even if he must wash his robes clean with suffering. And better that he spend this time in penance and suffering upon your earth than over the veil in the place of purging. (vol II page 29)
APRIL 2, 1977 - I repeat, My children, retain, nourish, safeguard, promote the knowledge in true faith of My Son and His Church. If you compromise your Faith, you are lost! A House in darkness is a House, a Church, that has lost the Faith, that has betrayed the Faith and that has recrucified My Son again. (vol II page 32)
Remain simple of heart, trusting as little children in your Faith, for if you seek the answers from scientists, you will find nothing but destruction and despair; for scientists and men of great knowledge are ever seeking but never coming to the truth. They will not recognize the supernatural, because in their darkness of spirit, they no longer know the difference between the physical body and the spiritual soul. And, My children, since they do not know the difference any longer, they choose to say it is not. But God is, God was, and God always will be! There is a Heaven, the eternal abode of the good; there is a hell, the eternal abode of the damned; and there is a place of purging for those who have not accepted penance and atonement or made a true repentance of their sins upon earth. They must then wait and purge, cleanse themselves in this place of waiting, purgatory. (vol II page 33)
APRIL 9, 1977 - Your country and many countries of your world have allowed themselves to be taken over by consorts of evil. Communism now is gaining fast into all of the countries of your earth. Leaders are capitulating, leaders are falling away from the Faith and giving themselves to worldly living, domination of the human being, and casting aside the God-given rights of the human being. (vol II page 34)
My children, pray for your Bishops. Pray for your Cardinals. Rome is under great siege. Persecution is heavy for your Vicar, Pope Paul VI. He accepts his cross. And how many of you are following his direction? Do not be deceived, My children, by directives that bring you evil into your hearts deception from satan. The way of My Son is a simple way. You must follow it with purity of heart and faith, faith of a child, and not faith that a scientist develops! In what? In his own human capacity of knowledge and learning! Man of science, even searching but never coming to the truth...............Many of you have used your God-given sense to turn away from the light because you do not pray, you cast aside God-given knowledge to you, willing in your human nature, to close your hearts and your ears.............My children, believe, just believe and you will be given the way. Even if your faith is only a flicker, don't let it go out! It must be nourished, My children, or it will die, and you will die eternally. (vol II page 35)
My children, come out of the darkness now! You are plunging to your own destruction. For rejecting the light, for turning aside from the truth, for destroying the Faith in the hearts of the young, you shall receive a Chastisement far greater than man has ever known from the beginning of your world. Your world, many nations shall be consumed by fire. (vol II page 37)
MAY 14, 1977 - I give you, My children, great heart in the knowledge that you are being tested. All who remain in the light will have nothing to fear, for fear is actually a part of satan's plan. I give you counsel of what is to be, not to place fear in your hearts, but to prepare you for what lies ahead. (vol II page 39)
Have you prepared your household? Are you ready, My children? Has My Mother come upon you and among you to have you turn and toss off Her warnings and counsel? I say to you; the day is near at hand! All who are of well spirit at that time will go through this tribulation with confidence, but woe to the man who has sold his soul to satan. (vol II page 41)
MAY 18, 1977 - There are lights My child, lights from the circle of light in every nation throughout earth. Though they be few, they have the strength of quality...........All who have been called to the circle of light must go forward as apostles of the latter days; all who have been called to the circle of light must accept and pledge their full support of all who have taken up the Message from Heaven and disperse it throughout the world. (vol II page 43)
MAY 30, 1977 - Man cries for peace and brotherhood, but these come from his lips; these words do not come from his heart. And how can he have true love in his heart of his brother if he does not accept the father of all love, his God in Heaven? What can a man teach to others if he does no longer have the light in his heart to teach? He can only send forth the darkness and the evil that comes from the hidden corners of his heart to others. (vol II page 50)
MAY 30, 1977 - O My children, come to Me, your Mother, with purity of heart and purpose. I will guide you in the confusion ahead. Do not gather the trifles and irritations about you, but cast off what is not important to go forward and build towards the light. (vol II page 51)
JUNE 16, 1977 - Parents will assume the greatest responsibility for keeping Tradition and Faith, the firm foundation of Faith in the hearts of their children. There will be much woe set upon the earth by the evil one. 666, the forces of hell, are now doing full battle against the children of God. (vol II page 57)
My children, you must not cast aside the doctrines of your Faith; you must not cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural and the existence of supernatural beings. You cannot cast aside the knowledge of there being a hell, a Heaven and a purgatory. I assure you, My children, if you make the choice in error and do cast them aside, only too soon will you know the truth upon your own when you come over the veil. ..............My children, guard the youth; protect your family now, and you will not have your heart torn in the near future. There is much discord now, My children; We observe in family life a disunity which is not good. There must be discipline by the father and the mother. Faith shall be your beacon. Faith shall make you victorious. Believe and you will be given the way. (vol II page 59)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - I shall, My children, counsel you, as the war of the spirits increases, as death becomes prominent on your streets, know that you are guarded by My Heart, My Mother's Heart. Only those who have rejected the light shall meet death............Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. All who are in the pure spirit of the light will have nothing to fear. If you fall victim to satan, you must immediately run to receive a new store of grace from your pastor in confession and the receiving of My Son's Body. My children, you must concentrate now all on saving the souls of your children and those you love. There is not much time left. (vol II page 77)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - My children, Keep a fortress of faith in your hearts and the hearts of your children. Guard them well and you will go through this crucible of suffering. It is only because man has turned from the Eternal Father that this has been allowed to come upon him. Now the test will be like placing mettles in the fires. All will be tested. (vol II page 85)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - Lucifer, satan, Luciel, cast from the heavens, he rebelled against his God, as you, children of God, once children of the light, are rebelling against your God. If you are abandoned and left to your own resources, you will destroy each other! ...........My children, My Son has been abandoned in His House, His Body, His beautiful Body is being desecrated by many. And the evil forces of darkness in human bodies, in the form of satanism and worship of the prince of darkness at black mass, they are desecrating My Son's Body, and why? You permit this because you have lost heart! You have lost faith! There is only a flicker of true faith left in your world, My children. When it is extinguished, man, those who are living, will envy the dead...........My children, I know that you have retained the truth in your hearts. You must nourish it. For the time will pass quickly, and you will have upon you the great Chastisement. All who come out of this, My children, will be few, but My Son shall be victorious over the forces of darkness.
All who hear My voice, who accept My counsel, will be saved............My children, do not cast out the monuments, the statues, from your homes. They are not relics to be adored. We hear all of the complaints and disparencies coming in relation to those momentos that you have, My children. You must understand, ignorance is often the reason for these accusations of worshipping idols and statues. ...............My children, it is only because they do not have the Faith, or they have lost the Faith, and they cannot understand. Pray for them, My children. You cannot accuse or punish a blind man, but you must try to help him so that he will understand and live a life approaching the light. If you cast him off, he is lost. (vol II page 88)
There are armies now rising throughout the world, armies that My Mother has gathered in My name. I assure you, My children, it will be a glorious battle ahead. All who enter it with good spirit will be given the strength to persevere in the battle of the spirits. .............The strength of faith, My children, shall be your beacon in a darkened world. Your world, the earth, is fast plunging into deep darkness of spirit. Soon the elements shall be set upon mankind, a form of minor cleansing before the great Chastisement.............Prepare, My children, and go forward as light bearers, carriers of the Faith and truth. My children, before the final capitulation of mankind to the evil forces of destruction, all will have washed their robes clean in the blood of the Lamb. Console yourselves in your hearts, My children, in the knowledge that what is happening has been deemed by the Eternal Father as a necessary chastisement. For whom the Father loves He finds need to chastise. (vol II page 89)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - My children, I have traveled to and fro, back and forth, across your earth, pleading with you as your Mother to do penance, make sacrifices and pray. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your countries, in your homes. You must not allow the Faith to be extinguished in the hearts of your children, for without the light they will fall fast into darkness, and in the darkness they no longer will be recognized as humans but shall be reduced to an animal state. (vol II page 93)
The light of faith is flickering. Shall I find even a small flicker of faith left in the hearts of man when I return? My children, in your sin and insanity, it will be a day when man wishes and envies the dead. He will wish that he could be dead, and yet he will go through a crucible of suffering that he has brought upon himself. The living will truly envy the dead. (vol II page 95)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My children, you will keep a constant vigil of prayer going throughout your country and the world. I ask you to go forward as bearers of the light. The world now is in deep darkness. The light shall not be extinguished. However, many shall fall away, as they do not have the strength of spirit to continue on the road to the Kingdom of Heaven. ...............We will ask in the days ahead many sacrifices from Our children. Each and every bearer of the light will be given the test. ...............Veronica: Our Lady said that each and every person who bears the light must now go forward willing to suffer for Christ, Her Son. Each and every person who is carrying the light must go willing to sacrifice all, whether it be human emotions, safety or comfort. It is the true way of the cross. Sacrifice, penance, atonement. (vol II page 102)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - You will line up in groups. One will be the scoffers, those who neither care to nor wish to, nor desire to know the truth or seek the truth. The other group, you will have the lukewarm, who neither care nor believe nor wish to act upon any counsel. And My children, then you will have the legions of good souls, those in the light who will go forward and with every ounce of their energy of their human bodies, with every prayer that they can wrest from tired lips and bodies, they will go forward and fight this evil. (vol II page 104,105)
My children, We are not stern in Our discipline, but We are factual. There is a measure of discipline that must be used to train the young, and it is habit that they learn. Over and over must you retain the Faith by repetition..............One day, My Church shall be restored to its former glory. The light of truth shall return. But, My children, it will be a great battle before that day. We are lining up now the armies of light, and satan has gathered his agents, the army of darkness. You will all be given the opportunity to choose your side. (vol II page 107)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - My children, habit is the way for guiding your children in the Faith, repetition of the truth. (vol II page 108)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - You must use everything given to you in the past; the sacramentals, the monuments, the statues. My children, while you remain in your human nature you will be tempted and tried. Many shall fall away from the Faith. Many shall sell their souls to get to the head. (vol II page 117)
My Mother shall continue to guide you in the days ahead. She has made a promise to you and it will be kept. The battle will accelerate and many shall fall away from their Faith, for they do not have the strength in the battle. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Be charitable even to those who persecute you. You must all pray, but you must all work, My children, for there is no strength in prayer without works. (vol II page 119)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - My children, parents, I beg you, for your salvation and the salvation of your families, to retain the truth of faith, the light of faith in your homes. Teach your children. Give them a firm foundation of their Faith, the knowledge in truth. Do not allow false teachers to destroy the souls of your children. Your homes must be made a fortress against the evil. Darkness enshrouds the world. Evil has accelerated. Protect your children, the young, for they are the major ones to face attacks by the agents of satan. (vol II page 124)
MARCH 15, 1978 - The commandments of God will not be changed to satisfy the carnal nature of mankind, a major Warning that will bring many back to the Faith. But many shall still see and not believe. (vol II page 127)
My children, because too few have cared to seek out the truth, too few have asked for the light. For I say unto you, if you believe you will be given the way. But even those who give all protestations of belief, who cover themselves with righteousness, in their hearts they are unbelievers. That is why, My child, I have said that many are called but few are chosen. And he who calls 'Lord, Lord' the loudest does not always enter the portals of Heaven. For I look into the heart, and judgment comes from the heart. (vol II page 129)
MARCH 18, 1978 - The enemies of your God have infiltrated into the systems of the world, the political systems, and also the lives, the homes of mankind. You now, with the knowledge given to you through your Baptism in the light must retain the Faith. Be defenders of your Faith in the days ahead. (vol II page 130)
We will not tolerate division in My Church. Satan knows to divide is to conquer. The captains always remain upon the ship even when it is sinking. The strong, those with faith shall bail it out, the ship, keep it afloat until help arrives from Heaven.............All manner of heretics and unbelievers seek to enter My House, My Church upon earth. You must not compromise the Faith, for you will not win souls by lowering the standards. I gave you through the prophets the rule, the way, for I am the way, the truth and the light! (vol II page 132)
MARCH 25, 1978 - My child, you persistently seek the knowledge that the Father wishes you to wait upon. No dates shall be given to mankind for reason, My child. You must exercise great care that My words are not misinterpreted. Satan and his armies are seeking to confuse and confound the children of light. That is why My Mother counsels you to keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your personal lives and also in the lives you lead now as human beings upon earth. (vol II page 136)
My children, you will have a great heart in the knowledge that all that happens now shall be allowed by the Eternal Father in His plan for the separation of the sheep from the goats. The light shall fight the darkness. It will be a manner of separation and testing. Recognize the signs of your times, My children. Read the revelations given to you by John, and you will not become puzzled by the events taking place. (vol II page 136,137)
MAY 3, 1978 - You must recognize the supernatural now loosed upon earth. The scientist will reject the supernatural; the scientist will reject faith, and in this manner shall mankind be led fast onto the road to perdition. Scientists are ever seeking but never coming to the truth. (vol II page 143)
My children of the world, listen and learn by the Message from Heaven. The time is growing very short. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world. The power of prayer is great. Bring the knowledge of the truth of faith and tradition to your brothers and sisters. Plant the seed, nourish it with truth and it will grow! (vol II page 144)
MAY 13, 1978 - I have warned you in the past and I warn you again, you cannot compromise your Faith with the enemies of your God. In many countries throughout your world it appears, My children, and I say, appears, that the communist country leaders are permitting religion within their rule. This is a sham, My children, a cover-up for the fact that it is state-controlled. The propaganda machines send out much propaganda that deceives the public and those who are willing to believe all given out in the medias. (vol II page 145)
My children, parents of families, you must now accept the great responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. When My Son returns, He will cry and cry again; Where shall I find the Faith? Shall there be a flicker of faith left when He returns? The way you are proceeding, the world's people have become pagans, worshippers of false idols, engrossed in materialism, modernism, humanism, socialism; every manner of creation from satan. .......You will retain your Faith, for you will have only to stand before the Eternal Father, over the veil, to account for your works and prayers upon earth. Remember, My children, when you pass over the veil, you can only take love and prayers with you. (vol II page 146)
The world, earth, shall pass through a great crucible of suffering. Many minor warnings have been given in the past, and too few recognized them as such. Death will become prevalent in your country. Murders, robberies, fornication, idleness through famine and drought. My children, all who are of well spirit shall pass through these times with perseverance. You must all follow the counsel of My Mother. She has been permitted by the Eternal Father to come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Her counsel is true. She will remain with you, steadfast in Her promise. It is the will of the Father that She shall direct the children of earth in crushing the rule of satan. (vol II page 147)
MAY 20, 1978 - A war far greater than any war fought in the history of creation shall come upon mankind soon. Flames shall engulf many nations, burning the skin from the bones, and the skin shall dry up and blow away as it had never been! Eyes will see and still not believe that these are the fruits of their evil corruptive ways and loss of a belief in the creator. (vol II page 149)
MAY 27, 1978 - Parents, save yourselves the anguish of heart; teach your children now, give them a firm foundation of their Faith. Many young people are taking their lives because they have no faith. And the way the world progresses, My children, when I return to earth shall I find even a flicker of the true faith left? (vol II page 154)
MAY 30, 1978 - Because as a generation you have given yourselves over to sin and abominations even reaching into the House, the Church of My Son, you bring upon yourselves a just judgment. All who remain of well spirit will have nothing to fear. They will go through the approaching trials with great confidence and love for My Son. (vol II page 155)
My children, you will pray and pray again, making your life a constant time of prayer. There is no time to seek worldly pursuits and glory and power and riches. They will all be nothing soon. Your greatest strength shall be your Faith. For many shall face a great test wishing for death in the turmoil ahead. (vol II page 158)
JUNE 10, 1978 - Do not listen to the scoffers, those who are derisive in their criticism, My children, I assure you; man will always reject what he does not believe in or understand. Faith, My children, is a gift from your God! .............My Mother has directed you well, My children. Much may not be understandable to you now, but I assure you all will be known to you in the near future. You must accept much in faith. If you pray more, My children, you will not have to suffer many of the physical and spiritual defeats that you have experienced. (vol II page 164)
My Mother will continue to guide and counsel you in the days remaining. Assist Her, I ask you, as children of light. Follow Her direction. Many graces shall be given for the promotion of Her mission. .............My Mother shall continue to guide you in the days ahead. She has made a promise to you and it will be kept. The battle will accelerate and many shall fall away from the Faith, for they do not have the strength in the battle. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Be charitable even to those who persecute you. You must all pray, but must all work, My children, for there is no strength in prayer without works. (vol II page 165)
JUNE 18, 1978 - The Great Warning promised from Heaven is approaching and will be instrumental in bringing many back to the Faith. Our Lady will not give at this time a date for the Warning. This is unnecessary and useless, Our Lady has stressed many times, due to the fact that it is better tat man makes a gradual but permanent change for good. Otherwise it will be a matter of a short time, should he be given dates, only a matter of a short time before he will return to his sin. All Heaven wants a heartfelt, permanent change in mankind a ways not that are offending the Father. America the beautiful has become paganized by sin and must be cleansed. (vol II page 167,168)
JULY 15, 1978 - My children, your country, the United States, the civil authorities and civil leaders hold a great measure of responsibility for having your country fall into a pagan way of life, a life without the light. This can only bring death and destruction to your country. Morally you have fallen; spiritually your are blind. (vol II page 172)
JULY 25, 1978 - In your well meaning actions of opening My Son's Church to all without conversion, you have allowed yourself to associate with heretics and unbelievers. In this manner you are compromising your Faith. My children, recognize what is happening now in My Son's Church. (vol II page 173)
My Mother is rising up many armies throughout the world, candles in a dark world. Continue to unite all for the salvation and redemption of mankind. Pray now. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Be the soul of charity to all. (vol II page 176)
AUGUST 5. 1978 - I counsel you, and even admonish you as your Mother, to retain the Faith as given from My Son to His apostles in the Book of Life, your Bible. This Book must not be changed in wording to please man, but man must change his way, the ways that offend His God, to please the Eternal Father in Heaven in the Trinity. (vol II page 177)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - The world, the earth, the abode of the prince of darkness, has become a cesspool of sin reaching into each and every nation. No nation on earth now is free of this corruption. There are little pockets, sections of each nation, that is trying with diligence and prayer to restore the nation, My children. These little lights from Heaven shall keep the flicker of faith in the hearts of the few. I say 'the few,' because I cry out often 'When I return in the final battle, shall I find even a flicker of faith burning in the hearts or man? My pastors, shall I tearfully and with regret have to gather the faithful and true ones in one small section, and shall I have to banish others into the abyss of damnation. The final outcome for mankind lies within you domain! (vol II page 185)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - You must stand forth as bearers of the light, carriers of the truth. You have been given by your baptism entrance into the only true Religion upon earth, the Roman Catholic Church under My Son Jesus. Though man in his arrogance and pride has forgotten His role and His rule, you must carry it forward. Retain the Faith and the truth in the hearts of mankind. (vol II page 186)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - My children, guard the youth, protect your family now, and you will not have your heart torn in the near future. There is much discord now, My children, We observe in family life a disunity which is not good. There must be discipline by the father and the mother. Faith shall be your beacon. Faith shall make you victorious. Believe, and you will be given the way. (vol II page 189)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - I understand as your Mother how little the faith, the light of faith is upon earth now in the hearts of My children. Therefore, We ask the little ones, those not of great knowledge, not great scientific mind, but of pure heart and reasoning guided by the holy light from Heaven, to go forth now as disciples of your God, My Son. Bring this light with you to all mankind. (vol II page 193)
Do not forget that St, Michael has been removed for your churches for reason. Michael is the guardian of the Faith. He must be returned to My Son's Church for protection. (vol II page 194)
My children, you must be very careful now what you read in your medias because your country is controlled. Most nations of your earth now are controlled by the forces of evil. Before you make any judgments, My children, in matters of faith and morals, you will read your good Bible. And do not accept any changes in the Book of Life and Love. (vol II page 196)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - My children, Lucifer has set much woe upon the earth and in Rome, but I want you, My children, to understand that all will be good for those of well spirit. These days that are upon you were looked forward for in the hearts of many past saints now in Heaven with Us. But from this era many latter-day saints shall come forth. (vol II page 199)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - My children, are there so few who will suffer for the Faith? Are My children lost to the need for suffering and martyrdom for the Faith? Do you not understand, My children, that martyrdom means immediate entrance into Heaven. Is this not worth fighting for? (vol II page 200)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - How many tears, My child and My children, have I shed as I wander to and fro upon your earth, warning you to prepare. For little warnings given through little of heart, little of natural gatherings; but however, they are big of heart in Heaven's eyes, and upon these little ones do We choose to send them forth. They enter into a den of wolves, many to be sacrificed in the battle. However, no greater glory can be given to man than to die for his Faith. (vol II page 208)
It has always been from the merciful heart of the Eternal Father that man is given warnings, rising in crescendo until a final warning is given before a great chastisement. Will you continue upon earth neither recognizing nor caring for your Faith? (vol II page 209)
My children, you must gather with your brothers and sisters to retain the Faith even though it will become just a flicker in the darkness. Better that there are few with quality than quantity and nothingness............My children, persevere in the light. Retain the Faith in the hearts of your children, for there will be many tears shed, gnashing of teeth and woe upon the earth soon. And how great a comfort it will be if you have retained the light in your hearts and in the hearts of your children when these hours of darkness approach and there is great misery and anguish set upon the earth............You will pray a constant vigilance of prayer, a constant vigilance of prayer in your country and all of the countries upon he earth. You are approaching the time of the great cataclysm. Fear shall enter into the hearts of many and cause them to die. But, My children of light, remember fear can be a tool of the devil, so you must understand all who are of well spirit shall have nothing to fear. The Eternal Father is at the helm. He will guide you, My children, through turbulent seas. Trust and confidence in the Eternal Father. (vol II page 211)
JUNE 2, 1979 - My children, your nation has become paganized because a delusion has been allowed upon mankind. A firm foundation of faith must be in the hearts of your children. As parents, you must give this foundation to your children. It is too late now to expect this knowledge to come from your pastors. (vol II page 222)
JUNE 9, 1979 - Unless you all return to your Faith with the hearts of children, you will be destroyed. This destruction you will answer to yourself for, My children. Remember, as you sow so shall you reap. And a church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol II page 225)
JUNE 18, 1979 - I am with you; as your Mother I will guide you through this battle. The final victory will be with My Son, but you will go forward in this battle of the spirits. It is your test of perseverance, sanctity, valor, and if you succeed in passing through this crisis without discarding your faith, and in the test many may or will, you will then receive a well-earned and deserved crown in Heaven. (vol II page 227)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - I ask all to become apostles of these last days because it will be necessary now for man to understand and acknowledge the supremacy of his God in Heaven. I ask that all who have been born into and baptized into the true Faith to go forward as apostles of light, disciples for Heaven in these latter days. The knowledge must be given to those who cannot comprehend, who have hardened their hearts and closed their ears, the knowledge must be given to them, that My Son is the Messiah; My Son has been upon earth, and He shall return again as He ascended. (vol II page 236)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1979 - Each and every man, woman, child upon earth has now the hour, the day and the month counted to leave the earth. Prepare your passage, My children, for the time is growing short for many. You, My child, will have to defend the Faith, neither caring for the opinion of mankind, nor the objections or consolation of any man or friend upon earth. The mission from Heaven will always be first, and the Faith as given you through the countless years of earth's time must be not watered down nor changed to meet the needs of your so-called modern age of scientific advancement. (vol II page 246)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - We do not seek to place fear in your heart, but to bring to you a message of warning and counsel, My Mother shall not reject you, even in your debasement. I shall not reject you, My children. The Eternal Father, in the Spirit of Light, shall not reject you. But will you reject Us in Heaven now? You will be the loser. Reject the light, accept the darkness of sin, and you lose eternal life in Heaven. (vol II page 252)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - Truth, you must understand, is the guiding Light; and the Truth is My Son, in the Eternal Father and the Spirit of Light. You accept false gods that satisfy your fleshly desires. Pleasures of the flesh have condemned many to hell. (vol II page 254)
The Eternal Father shall chastise those He loves. Shall you be counted among the sheep or the goats, Bishops? Strip yourselves of your pride and your arrogance! For pride is a more formidable barrier against sanctity than even outright licentiousness! Pride comes before the fall, and all that is rotten shall fall! (vol II page 255)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Your children must be taught at home, given a firm foundation of the truth, the knowledge of their Faith. You must instill in their heads the love of God before the love of any man. You must instill in their hearts the knowledge, that they must work now to Father; as written and espoused through many prophets through countless earth-years of time; written in the Bible, your Book of Life and Love. (vol II page 258)
My child and My children, I will not give you a further discourse upon the state of the souls of mankind. Be it known to you at this time that all of Heaven has watched with eager hearts to see, perhaps if but for a short time the rise of the flickering of candles of faith throughout your world. It is not unknown to Us that this great display will soon be abated, and replaced by cynicism, doubts, confusion and disobedience to Our Vicar. (vol II page 259)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - You must not compromise the Faith, My children. You are not upon earth to please man, but to please the Eternal Father, and bring to earth the knowledge of the existence of the supernatural, and the Kingdom of the Eternal Father, your future home, that is, if you will accept the grace and light given to you, to follow the road upon earth that leads to the eternal Kingdom of your God in Heaven. (vol II page 260)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - The struggle to vanquish the evil one will be a battle of faith. Human wits can not be victorious in this battle. Only a supernatural form of manifestation shall remove him. (vol II page 263)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - I ask you not to judge your brothers and sisters, but I also counsel you in all warmth of heart as your Mother, that not to abandon them in their sin, but to offer charitable consolation in the knowledge of their Faith. A religious foundation must be given to all of the children, the young of the world. Without this foundation of religion, paganism takes over, and soon you will see a major increase in murders and all forms of abomination. I shall not, My child, in your weakened state this evening, give you a long discourse in the major sins of the world; the sin that shall be held in abeyance, the sins that shall send mankind into a world war, a war far greater in destructive nature that mankind has ever experienced. (vol II page 264)
Oh My children, My Mother has cried bitter tears of anguish, for She has been given full knowledge of what is to be. She has tried to prepare you, to guide you through countless earth-years of time, to counsel you upon the direction to Heaven, but you have chosen in your arrogance and pride to build new religions even belonging in hedonistic teachings and false gods. For this, My children, you are abandoned to your folly, and, as such, you will find that you will be brought to your knees, forced to turn back from the wide road that you have chosen of your own free will.............My children of light, do not be distressed, for I shall be with you, and your confidence shall be in the words given to you through My Mother, in all the messages from Heaven that will guide you when the road becomes filled with thorns and the cross grows heavy. (vol II page 265)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - As a nation your country, the United States, had been a beacon of light for the world, a guide for Christendom. However, you country, because of materialism, has cast aside the armor of light, the protection from Heaven; your country has given itself over to all manners of paganistic practices, pursuits and debasement. Therefore, great trial shall be set upon your nation. (vol II page 267)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - My child, We have allowed you the test of great suffering. You cannot understand at this time the countless numbers of souls who have returned to the Faith. You cannot realize at this time the numbers of souls that will not fall into the abyss because of the legions of light that the Eternal Father has gathered upon earth, in His heartfelt efforts, accounting with the free will of mankind, to restore the earth and mankind as it was in the beginning. (vol II page 274)
MAY 30, 1981 - Times, the time is here. The sand is running out. And what are you going to do now? Shall you all burn? My child and My children, those who remain in the light, those who pray a constant vigilance of prayer, and remain free from the contamination of the world, protecting their homes which will be their fortress in the days ahead, this is no time to seek change or to go out into new pursuits. You will now spend your time being ready for what is to come upon you. .............Understand; there is a Heaven, there is a purgatory, and, sadly, Lucifer's kingdom of hell. Man will take this from your minds. In that manner will you fall faster. Therefore, you will continue reading and rereading the counsel of My Mother in the many visits to you upon earth. For soon you will be reduced to praying, and prayers alone; and then your test of faith will come. (vol II page 283)
JUNE 18, 1982 - There will be many Christ's upon earth; those who call themselves Christ, but beware; do not listen to them. How often have I warned you in the past to beware of false prophets and those who will claim to be Christ. Only those who are ignorant and have no basic foundation of the Faith could fall prey to their beguilness. (vol II page 305)
JUNE 18, 1982 - Remember, My children, I will always be with you, My Son will always be with you. The days ahead will be a great trial for you. But you will suffer much for your Faith..............
Are there not any who care to come forward and dedicate their lives to save Our young children? Please, My children, surely among you, those who hear My voice or will read this written word, can you not give your life to win your reward forever in Heaven, and perhaps also those you love you can bring with you? So many little souls are crying. They thirst for the knowledge of Jesus and all of Heaven. Will you not solace them and comfort them in their loneliness? They are like sheep out in the wilderness, astray with no leaders. They are wandering. And what do they feast upon but weeds. No good nourishment is being given them. Will you not, My children, you who are children of the light, come forward, and become nuns, nuns with good hearts, with a good foundation of the Faith and the truth, and nourish Our sheep?...........Remember, My children, I will always be with you, My Son will always be with you. The days ahead will be a great trial for you. But you will suffer much for your Faith. (vol II page 306)
MARCH 18, 1983 - My Son's teachings have been removed from the schools. Only those that call themselves Catholic shall receive if but a glimmer of light of the true Faith. (vol II page 378)
MAY 28, 1983 - The Third World War will leave no earth upon the land. There will be no earth, there will be no human beings; but a grouping would have been taken up into Heaven, My child and My children, to await the terrible devastation that falls upon mankind. ................Yes, My child, numerous earth-years ago I told you that some will be removed before the great catalyst. All who are of well spirit need not give their lives to the Father in fear, but all who are of good spirit will receive many graces to save their families and themselves. (vol II page 390)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - I have promised you peace, My children, if you will go forth with your Rosary in one hand and the Brown Scapular about your neck. How many have cast aside their armor because they fear or they are afraid of the mockery of those who have already hardened their hearts to the truth. And their eyes and hearts are eternally blinded, for many of them shall fall into hell, and many of them shall be wearing their red birettas. ..........My child, I wish at this time that you will take three pictures. They are very important, because as I have made known to you before, and you will repeat again; satan has entered into the highest realms of the Hierarchy. A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. Better that there be a few with quality than nothingness. For without the light of God truly shining within My Son's churches on earth, they will become darkened, as they take with them onto the road to perdition many souls. Do not judge them, My children, when you come upon these lost souls, but pray for their salvation, for many have been misled.
My child and my children, you must do your utmost to bring back into My House, My Church upon earth, the Faith. I often cried through My Mother's tears, Her tears and Mine abounded over the earth, because through the Eternal Father, man was given a conscience and a free will, to either accept Heaven by sacrifice and penance, and having to face the rebuke of a darkened world. .................Now, My child, because of the long term of rest and illness, you will take three more photographs. They will stress what I have just given you in words, that sometimes, My child, one photograph can convert many, because seeing to some is believing. Blessed are they who do not have to see to believe. But if they must believe by some physical sign, We send all of this to you, My children; conversions, cures, photographs. Surely you cannot turn away from the pleas of My Mother.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, this could be an occasion of great joy, My coming to you. But the fate of humanity and the world lies in the hands and the hearts of the faithful. Without your prayers and your acts of penance, you cannot save your Pope, and Our son, your Vicar. I will say, in My Mother's heart, from My Mother's heart to you, that your Vicar will soon meet with an enemy, who comes as an angel of light to him, but is an enemy of My Son's Church, and all of My Son's churches throughout the world. We choose, My child, to call them the House of God, because it is a home, a refuge, for all of Our children who suffer, and are brought to naught by modern science. In this way We hope that modern science will accept the supernatural, but they rather would cast it aside, My child and My children.
My child, I know you are affrighted at this word 'war'; 'death', 'turmoil', 'depression', but what can I do but tell you the truth. I cannot smooth over it, for I would be accepted like those upon earth who like ostriches, they walk about, proud in their scientific knowledge. However, they are fooled by satan, for satan has made it known, and We here, My children, as defenders of the Faith, defenders of My Son's House upon earth, We, also, know the truth, that satan is loosed upon earth. All hell is opened up wide. Every major and minor demon, called the devils by others, only they remain upon earth now. Those who perish now in the name of their Faith shall be held in abeyance to meet with My Son, in His second descent onto the earth. ...........Do not follow the scoffers who continue to say, 'His promise has not and will not come true, to return in the Second Coming.' I assure you I shall come to you all as a thief in the night. Little will you be prepared unless you listen to My Mother's counsel and keep your heart open for the truth. The more you seek riches in this life, the less you will have in Heaven, for they do not coincide, my child and My children. You cannot have a god, symbolized by money, before you, for you will love one and hate the other. And whom will you hate, My children, but Me?
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - To understand this better, My child, I will converse further with you. Now this be it known: That the Scapular cannot keep you from purgatory. I purposely gave this knowledge to St. Simon Stock, the knowledge of the existence of a sacramental so powerful that a man who would fall fast into hell shall escape, through the mercy of his God, and the existence of a shadow of faith that he may have. ............My child and My children, We cannot accept the political and the rational views - I say 'rational,' because they do not use the supernatural, but they curry - c-u-r-r-y, My children - they curry on those who do not have the Faith to understand their so-called 'enlightened' messages to the world. This I speak of, My children, for I know the influence of the clerics over the laity. ..........My child and My children, I have come to you under many names in the past, but I want you to acknowledge Me as the Mother of Grace. Because that is why I come to you now, My children; to give you the graces necessary to remain upon earth in a state of purity and perseverance, and knowledgeable to the truth, that will lead you and keep you on the narrow road to Heaven.
Veronica: And Jesus has replied - I see the sky opening. I see hundreds, maybe thousands of people. They have, though, one thing in common, they all look like clerics, and they have on their habits. Some are brown, some look black, and others are all pure white. The ladies - they're nuns - are dressed in the all pure whites, and the others are men. ............Our Lady: My children, you see before you the saints who have gone by, having sacrificed their lives upon earth for the courage that they needed to go forth and bring to the world the truth of the living God.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Veronica: Now Our Lady is looking up, and I can see - I can see missiles, I know they're missiles. They're frightening! I see part of the world now beginning to light up again. Our Lady is motioning, and the ball is floating close to Her, as She points, and; and She is pointing at the United States and Canada.................My child, I point for this reason; though, My child, it is a most difficult message to bring to the world, you must not be afeared; but you must shout it from the rooftops: Russia has the upper hand now at this time in world peace or world destruction. You must understand, the heart of the atheist is closed to mercy and goodness; a darkened soul has shut out the light. And they seek nothing but the destruction of any man, woman, or child who stands in their way, to assume and gain through hatred and deception among families, and also, the ruination of the lives of the children of all families. .........My child and My children, it has come to Us in Heaven that so few are reading their Bible. How, My children, if you do not seek the truth, shall you find it? From others? No, this cannot be. We have left with you all a testimony of truth, the Bible of life and love. Mankind must read his Bible, or he shall be lost in the world. He shall go to and fro, hinder and yon, seeking peace and tranquillity, but never finding it. ................I could bring to you a truth, My children, a truth that goes by unnoticed. That you cannot have Heaven on earth, or you could not share in Heaven; in Heaven, My child. I offer you a key to the Kingdom, My child and My children. All you have to do is seek and you shall find the truth. I ask that all who hear My voice will take their Bibles, and if they do not have one, search, but find the right Bible, those printed not after 1965, My children. There is reason for that, which I shall not go into this evening.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - Now, My child, you have been much concerned about My appearance in another country, Egypt. Yes, My child, you do not understand all. Saint Demayana is a Coptic Orthodox Church, My child, and I must say; though My heart grieves because they are not with Rome at this time, they will join in the future. But at this time the only thing that eases, My heart is the knowledge that they have kept the Faith, as they know it. In that Church, My child, the Coptics, which are few in Egypt, they are devout. They do not rush through the service of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where My Son, daily, gives Himself to you. They are few in number but devout. . ..........You see, My children, satan always says; to divide is to conquer. But I do not want to see the world in chaos, and a Third World War. That is why, My child, I brought you here this evening, though I knew that your strength was waning by this afternoon. There is only one recourse for mankind now to avoid a Third World War, that is more prayer, more penance, and more sacrifice for sinners. Those who are keeping the laws of the Eternal Father must remember that they have been given a special grace from the Father, and have an obligation to seek out the souls who have not received this grace. Bring them the light; show them the way. For they are wandering, and they can be seduced in nature by others who are not in the light. Your example, My children, is very important.
This I can tell you; because We are much grieved as We look into the hearts of the mothers and fathers throughout the world, not many are in the light. Families are disintegrating; the state of marriage is becoming nullified. Now it is fashionable in the United States, and many nations of the world, to discard the Sacrament of Marriage and to live together in sin. This, My child and My children, cannot be tolerated. Man must come back to the laws of ................You see, My child and My children, We allowed the disaster in Russia. It was to try to awaken Russia into coming back to the fold. They are creating much chaos throughout the world, and for this reason We must bring them to their knees. ...........Yes, My child, I want you to let the world know that Our seminaries were not pure. Many had entered for this very day to try to destroy the Faith and the Church of My Son. You must know that the Eternal Father will not permit this.
The world is fast hurtling to a baptism of fire, My child and My children, can you not go back and read, and reread, the Messages from Heaven given to you throughout the years. I, as your Mother, have traveled to and fro, hinder and yon, seeking to bring My children back to the fold. For every soul that is lost I pine, and I sigh and I cry, and My tears fall upon you, My children; My tears fall upon you. ............You see, My child, if you give dates, others will run to come back to the fold, but as soon as the danger passes they will go back to their old ways. We must have a complete redemption, not just a temporary state of goodness. For it is a selfish reason that does not reach out and give to the Eternal Father what He asks; your love, your compassion, and your willingness to help Him in this crisis.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - And now, My child, it has not been My policy to put down in strict perfect order those who are going throughout the world as deceivers, but I warn you now to beware and protect your children from the groups that are forming that are false prophets and will take you from the true religions. One must be named now and it is called the Jehovah Witnesses. My children, they are not a church. They were not founded in the time of My Son's placement upon earth. They were founded approximately fifty-five years ago by a group of so-called learned seminarians, not of the true Christian Faith, but seeking to rewrite the Bible of God to suit their own human frailties and needs. It took a great deal of courage to come away from the true Faith and establish themselves, but this courage will be brought to naught. Except, My children, that there are many now souls that come also from the fold of the Eternal Father, the Roman Catholics, that are being taken in by this group of false prophets............I do not wish to seek merriment on this, My child, but We, too, in Heaven must smile as they go about the world saying, that Jesus was not upon earth as a Savior, nor is He the Son of God; no, He is Saint Michael the Archangel! My child, I see this brings a smile to your lips............Yes, My child, to the ordinary human being, or those at least that have a little light of the Holy Spirit with them, they could not actually fall into the web of this organization. So you must do what you can, My child, to enlighten these poor souls. They are gathering the Roman Catholics who have not been attending Mass, or getting the light from Heaven by receiving Holy Communion daily, or at least, My child, on Sunday.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - Our Lady: My child, do you wish to repeat what We had between Us of your mission? Veronica: If it will save souls, I will. Our Lady: Well then, My child, repeat what I have asked you..................Veronica: I must accept my sufferings and offer it for the priesthood. There are not many prayers rising to Heaven for the priesthood, for many believe that the priesthood has a special passport to Heaven. ................Our Lady: My child, I have to tell you in all truth, that there are many priests who have gone to hell because too few prayed for them, and they did not accept the road to penance, dedication and truth. ...........Cannot you do a slight penance for your God, for your neighbors? Love your neighbors, even if they malign you, even if they make fun of you. Remember, you hold the truth in your hearts and in your hands; for you carry the Rosary, you carry your Scapular about your necks, and you also wear the St. Benedict medal. Satan must run at the sight of the St. Benedict medal, as well as he will when you cast the waters of truth upon him, your holy waters, gathered from the many holy churches left upon earth. Use them all, My children. All! Your armor cannot be strong enough; that is how strong the enemy has become in your country and many nations of the world.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - Now, My children, My Mother has given you the way to peace. It is a way of prayer, atonement and sacrifice. You must love your brothers. It is a faction to say that you must hate the sin, but love the sinner. I have heard that, My children, from many lips upon earth, but they really don't understand the meaning of love. We hear the word 'love,' 'love' being expounded throughout the world, and as they cry for love and peace and happiness, it evades them. And why? Because they have taken a wide road, and made it wider, as they ran from the truth, as expressed by My Mother to them.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - My child and My children, do you not know that death is very close upon many. You are all afraid of going across the veil if you do not have the Faith. However, I am telling you this now as your Mother; you must listen to Me. There is another force rampant in your country, the United States of America; it is a satanic cult that has taken precedence over all cults in the world. The major institution for satan is right here in the United States, with its subsidiary in Canada.................You do not know, My poor children, what Our eyes have seen as We looked into the dungeons of the communist organizations; the beatings, the scalding, the torturing. It is beyond all human reasoning that a human being could try to destroy the whole faith of an individual by beatings, by torturing, even by cutting out the tongues of those who had dared to speak against them. And who are these people, My children, who are doing these vile things? In those days when communism enters your country, it will be your own family and your neighbors. ..........My child and My children, do not be affrighted by this, for there is still time to stop them. But you must do that now! You must get first in touch with the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. Now this will be most difficult, because he has many agents who work with him that are not in the light. They are in his Secretarial Department-the Secretariat. They do not tell him of his messages. It is difficult-unless you can place it straight into the hands of the Holy Father-it is difficult for him to receive a message. But he must, I repeat again, receive this message.
My child and My children, I do not have to go through the long list of carnage that is taking place in My Church upon earth. It will suffer a great Chastisement soon, very soon, for the communism that is spreading throughout your country, the United States, is entering upon the churches. You can see what they already did, My child, to your church, and understand why We are so desperately in need of those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the hereafter. I say the hereafter, for the reward in Heaven shall be great for those who will be willing to stand up and fight for the truth, for their God, to keep the Church as I asked it to be: One, Holy and Apostolic. ............I cannot say that in My visits upon earth, I cannot say that I find much holiness left within the portals of My Churches, My children. This has to be regained. There is a force restraining you in these efforts. That is satan. He does not wish to see My Church come back to its true standards. He wishes to demolish it, and to stand and stomp on it with his feet.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - I come to you as your God, and I also want to make this clear: I did not have any brothers or sisters in My family. My Mother was Mary ever Virgin. This was a supernatural manifestation from Heaven; and only those who are in the light, they fully understand the existence of My Mother and the role She played in establishing the One, True Church upon earth.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about consoling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers, and they are mothers who will murder their own children.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My children, I beg of you, as your Mother, do not leave My Son's Church. Do not allow the rodents to come in and burrow and underground My Son's Church. You can save it if you will only pray more. Pray for sinners, that they will seek the light and be given the knowledge of the errors of their ways, so that they can turn back before it is too late.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - There are so many errors now abounding that it seems almost hopeless to recover those who have lost their faith. Many have left My Church upon earth, and this disagrees with the heavenly plan to save all mankind.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - My child and my children, We have looked upon the world now and find that We are fast approaching the latter days. This will be a time of toil for all. Those who will work with Me shall be called now disciples of the latter days. Already, My children, you have gathered for some time. You all know who I am speaking to at this time. I say again, all those who have been picked from among Our vineyard of souls upon earth to come forward as disciples in the latter days to defend the Faith, to remain faithful and true under siege, shall gain Heaven and immortal life. You will find life everlasting with the Father.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - The way to Heaven is really led by a scene of love. The Eternal Father is not One to punish you, for He wishes to save all mankind. He has created you. Even that, My child, is being discarded. I hear the voices that cry out that you were not created by the Holy Spirit. But I say unto you, men of the cloth, too, that you do not follow your religious beliefs. You've given them up, and your work among precepts for man.
JUNE 18, 1992 - For We have great hope that if the peoples of the world and the United States will say the Rosary in their homes, and also to reach out to their brothers and bring them the light in truth of the nature of God the Father in the Trinity, that is, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost...........So I ask you, My children, to keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world and through your churches, and even if you have to approach your pastors. ............Many pastors have fallen away from the truth, and they are like black sheep now among the white sheep. However, I say to you, prayer can overrule all evil. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. It is the only resort now that you have against the evil.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - Your word of homosexuality can be explained by the story of Sodom and Gomorrah. Read in your Bibles or consult your clergy. Find yourselves, My children a humble, pious clergy. Many have fallen away from the Faith. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. And this, My children, I say of all denominations. ..............You will pray a vigil of prayer for the clergy of the world. Darkness has descended upon My Son's churches upon earth. Whatever shall become of you all in the chaos that is fast coming to your country and other nations of the world! There will soon enter upon your world a despot. Number two, I call him. But many have named, and the Book of life refers to him as the Antichrist.........Yes, My children, you will recognize him by his deeds. Many will sell their souls to him to get to the head, but all that is rotten will fall eventually. No matter what the struggles to keep the light in your country and the world, you will go forward as soldiers of light, carrying your banner Faithful and True, in the face of adversity.
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - I accept the torments which are heaped upon Me by an ungrateful generation! You will not cast aside the knowledge of the supernatural! You will not cast aside the truth of Faith and set up a faith based on the immorality of man! No! You will retain the Faith and Tradition as given to you, not making changes that cater to the basic carnal nature of mankind! You are misleading Our sheep! Pray! Get down on your knees and pray! You will gain nothing by socializing. You have idolized money and become money changers in My Son's House! (vol I page 280)
NOVEMBER 20, 1974 - Awaken, My clergy, those entrusted with the Faith. Turn back, turn back; you are on the wrong road! Restore My Son's House; patch the cracks. Tradition, My children! You cannot separate Tradition with the Faith. You cannot separate tradition, from the Faith! (vol I page 294)
Many arms will be sent in the battle ahead. You ask, My child, about the establishment of another community. You will be directed properly in the future. Have patience, My child. It will appear before your very eyes. One step at a time..........Veronica: Our Lady refers to the establishment of an Order..........Our Lady: This Order will be founded on basic Tradition. This Order will gather those of true spirit. This Order will be composed of both men and women, and a cloistered convent. The means will be sent to you all by the Father. It will be a refuge in the time of trial for many. This refuge will be located, My child, in your country, the United States. (vol I page 296)
JULY 15, 1975 - Leaders in the Houses of God, throughout your world, you must teach honorably! You must teach in faith with firm foundation! Tradition must not be separated from the truth! Man shall not build upon earth a church of man! The foundation is Jesus, the Christ in the Father and in the Spirit! (vol I page 382)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - Tradition must be maintained. You shall not bring in doctrines of devils!! Nooo! You shall not seek change, as you are given this by satan!...........My Son does not want change that sends you into darkness. (vol I page 412)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - In your misguided foolish way of finding the light, My pastors, you have given yourselves to delusion. Abominations are being committed now in My Son's House, churches, throughout the world. This brings much sorrow to the people of Heaven. This brings much sorrow to the Eternal Father and, in turn, this will bring much sorrow to the hearts of those who will struggle to retain the truth. Faith and tradition shall not be separated. Novelty is the creation of satan. (vol I page 432)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - There must be change, My children, but a change back to reality and tradition. My Son has given you a true foundation but many come now with axes and they chop away. They seek to build a church without spirit, a church of man. The walls will crumble, the earth will shake. The Eternal Father will send His wrath upon mankind. (vol I page 442)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites. You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroy, NOW! (vol I page 446)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - There must be change, My children, but a change back to reality and tradition. My Son has given you a true foundation but many come now with axes and they chop away. They seek to build a Church without spirit, a Church of man. The walls will crumble, the earth will shake. The Eternal Father will send His Wrath upon mankind. (vol I page 450)
MARCH 18, 1976 - How many earth-years have I come down from Heaven to reach you with these words of warning and direction? I have pleaded with the pastors within My Son's Church to return to their tradition. I have pleaded for recognition of fact and truth and the destruction that is now being perpetrated by a conspiracy of the Red Hats in My Son's Church. O My children, the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled! (vol I page 477)
APRIL 10, 1976 - You must not, O pastors, you must not compromise your faith; do not be misled. O pastors, you have forgotten your teachings. You must renew in a manner that is not new. You must go back, I say, go back and start anew with Tradition! You cannot separate Tradition, for you held the truth. You were given the grace, the greatest of gifts to mankind, to be born into or come into by conversion, My Son's Church. And now you go about, O you of little faith, to chip away and chop at the walls until it crumbles. But you shall not remove the foundation, for the foundation is My Son. You are re crucifying Him in His own House. (vol I page 480)
MAY 15, 1976 - The plan for your salvation was given. It was a simple plan of faith, faith in what has been given to you in the past! You mock the past in Tradition! You set yourselves to build a new church. The gates of hell shall never prevail against My Church! (vol I page 488)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - You were given a foundation of Faith based on Tradition and knowledge of the prophets. You cannot start this new legion, for it will lead to one religion that is not of My Son that will not have His true foundation, and you will take My Son's Body and defame it, no longer giving the knowledge of His Divinity. What manner of foul escapades are you planning. O you of little faith? Whatever shall be come of you? The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth! (vol I page 518,519)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - And what solution, My children, do you have now to your problems of discord, disillusionment, and the turning away from My Son's House, His Church? You must return; you must accept the simple truth which has been given to you. Tradition is part of this firm foundation. The modes of modernism and humanism shall destroy the world. (vol I page 522)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - The truth in Faith and Tradition has been given to mankind. Change shall bring nothing but error, confusion, and the destruction of souls. If you, My pastors, continue upon your present course, you will bring the bark of Peter through seas. You are now setting it afloat, and in your plan known to Heaven, you prefer to send the captain away, and allow the bark of Peter to flounder. (vol I page 538)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - There shall be no peace, or love, or brotherhood without Faith and Tradition and Truth! And you seek to separate Faith from Tradition. And what have you but lukewarm souls and apostates! (vol I page 543)
And why, My children, will this great war come about, the war to end all wars? Because of man's sin! In your country, My children, in your seminaries in the United States and Canada, My children, and the world, you have professors now so steeped in sin, they who call themselves My Son's chosen priests, they are vile sons of satan who are now rationalizing sin! There shall be no rationalization placed upon sin. The commandments shall not be looked at objectively and given to excuses, to reasoning to condone sin! No, My children, it is the minds poisoned by satan that spread this filth and error, this distortion of doctrine, this distortion of Tradition, and distortion of your Faith! (vol I page 544)
Do not cast aside Tradition for modernism and humanism, for these are the creations of satan! You cannot separate Faith and Tradition, for one stands together with the other to unify My Church. It is the foundation of My House. I gave you the direction that has withstood the test of time, and you, in your arrogance and fallen nature of mankind, have now taken it upon yourselves to change My Church. (vol I page 546)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - O My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and all of the countries of your world. I have warned you that unless you turn back and restore My Son's House to its former prominence and in its true purpose of the salvation of souls; unless you restore the basic traditions and truth of My Son's House, you will receive a just and fitting penance; you will receive the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 556)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - You have been given by My Son a firm foundation of Faith. He has sent among you through past centuries prophets of the light. My Son left with you your Bible. You must not change it. The rules cannot be compromised! Tradition is Faith! My children, you are guiding a church of darkness! The Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. (vol I page 575)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Many clergy have given themselves over to pleasures of the flesh. Many have fallen into sin and heresy, and have cast aside the truth of their vocations. Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar. In matters of Faith and Morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the Seat of Peter, and established through Tradition upon earth through My Son's Church. (vol II page 258)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - My children, all that was given in the foundation of faith, all that was indoctrinated into the true priesthood was for reason. And now you see the results of casting aside the traditions of your Faith. (vol II page 98)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - The books are being changed to cover the evil being perpetrated now. The young are being indoctrinated to accept changes which will take away tradition and even doctrine. Our Lady said we must all pray a constant vigilance of prayer. It has a great power over the demons. (vol II page 102)
Only the truth and tradition shall keep you free from enslavement. There are the forces of evil now loosed upon earth, and the master of deception walks now upon your earth. Satan, Lucifer, is now out of the abyss and walking upon earth. Prepare your homes now as a fortress and safeguard the children's souls.................My children, you must retain tradition; you must retain a firm foundation of your faith by keeping all of the good publications. Do not accept the changes that have been made by satan to seduce your souls. (vol II page 103)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - The vocations are nil, and why? Because the example is rotten! Tradition has been cast aside for modernism and humanism. (vol II page 113)
MAY 3, 1978 - Slowly but surely man is erasing the true values and traditions. In this manner satan has dulled the reasoning, and sin has become a way of life, leading to murders in abundance, fornication, robberies, immorality, sodomy and all manner of perversions, reaching even into the hearts of the young and the children. (vol II page 143)
JUNE 18, 1978 - Doctrines and traditions are being cast aside in the name of modernism and humanism! The present council and the Hierarchy of Rome must remove their hardness from their hearts and realize that the armies of hell, satan, Lucifer, is loosed now upon earth as 666 now, his major attack shall upon Rome and the Vatican. (vol II page 166)
I gave you a simple way, the rule to follow. You were set with doctrines and tradition, and in your arrogance you rise above the founding Fathers of My Church and seek to build another religion and a new church, and you are putting it together without any help from the angels of light, for you have employed denizens of darkness. (vol II page 168)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - I beg you, pastors in My Son's House, to wash your garments in suffering and prayer, for you have sullied them in your quest for worldly power and riches. You must divest yourself of all self-seeking, and return My Son's House and gather the sheep into one fold, but not gather them at the expense of Tradition...............You cannot separate Tradition from your Faith, My children. The past leaders of My Son's Church, His House, the popes, had given you counsel to strengthen this House. You cannot cast this counsel aside for modernistic tendencies and modes. A church in darkness wears a band of death about it! (vol II page 184)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - My child and My children, I need not repeat to you the necessity to retain tradition. It was like a valve, a safeguard from the eruption of My Son's Church, a schism, a division within My Son's House upon earth. I cry unto you, your Mother, as I hasten back and forth bringing you the Message, the counsel from Heaven. You must recognize, bishops, cardinals and pastors, you must recognize what is happening now in My Son's House. There is being rebuilt before your very eyes another religion, another church of man. No angels are helping in this building. (vol II page 186)
I gave you a simple plan with the construction of My House, My Church, upon earth. But now you want to reform it, until you will split My House asunder with many denominations, many new denominations. I ask that My Church be universal, apostolic, and the saver of souls. However, there are rules to be followed, doctrines to remain unchanged. Tradition to be withheld? .............My children, you must now stop these innovations. You have become purveyors of error. You are not bringing the gospels and the truth to My children, My sheep. Tradition must be held! It is the strongest factor within the building of My Church. I am the foundation, but Tradition must be continued. The rules, the Tradition, were given for reason. You were given a plan to follow. You know the truth; you are withholding the truth from My sheep. You are changing the truth for your own reasons, and this reasoning is not guided by the light but by the spirit of darkness. (vol II page 188)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - My children, pastors in My Son's Church upon earth, I implore you, I beg of you as your Mother, to return My Son's House, to return Our children to the fold, but not by humanism or modernism. Return now to tradition or you will fall! Rome will fall! You will give yourselves over to the enemy. (vol II page 201)
JULY 25, 1979 - My child and My children, I don't think it necessary for Me to go into a long discourse on the state of your world, the spiritual state. Needless to say, man now through his own volition has covered the whole world in deep spiritual darkness. In the plan of the Eternal Father there are candles of light, pockets of knowledge in the hearts of those chosen by the Eternal Father to maintain the truth of the Faith. This knowledge must include Tradition. (vol II page 233)
JULY 15, 1972 - Veronica envisioned the banner to be raised to Pope Paul; deep blue pennant-like banner on pole, white, large cross on banner. Gold keys crossed over white cross. Papal tiara on top of vertical end of cross. Words: "Faithful and True," placed under the white cross. The letters in gold or yellow. Keys and tiara in gold or yellow. (vol I page 56)
AUGUST 21, 1972 - I bless you My children! I admire your great show of heart. We are pleased with the speed in which you have brought forth the honor to Our Vicar. (The banner 'Faithful and True' was completed and unveiled) Therefore know you will carry for him the banner called Faithful and True! In this way you will hold back the darkness that will now engulf Our Holy City of Rome! (vol I page 62)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - The children of God will face enslavement by the enemies of God, known as your world Christianity, unless you pray and carry the banner of Faithful and True to God the Father. (vol I page 253)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - I have said before, My child, and I will repeat again: You will find the world engrossed in not only a worldly war of the flesh, but one of the spirit; a war of religion. You will all carry the banner, 'Faithful and True', knowing that the ultimate victory will be with My Son. How foolish are those who think that they shall set themselves above the Father, their Creator! Have they not learned their lesson from the past? Lucifer, and his agents, they were cast out of the Kingdom! Do you think that you will enter when you deny the Father upon earth? No! You will claim your just reward with satan in his kingdom! Hell, an eternity of hell awaits all who desecrate and deny the existence of the Father in My Son and in the Holy Spirit. (vol I page 255,256)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - The Father has chosen the words "Faithful and True" for reason. It will be the banner for all children of God who remain in the light. (vol I page 278)
JUNE 18, 1976 - .........opportunity, My child, you will send a note to My dear child who made the banner. It pleases Our hearts very much to accept this beautiful symbol of love. It will stand with all the banners gathered for My special sacred place upon the Shrine grounds. (vol I page 506)
JUNE 24, 1976 - Go forward, My children, with the banner of Faithful and True. Protect Our Vicar, Pope Paul VI. Spread the message fast. Send it to all corners of your earth. Shout it from the rooftops, and do not slacken your pace, for you must go forward now in the time the Eternal Father has allotted to mankind. (vol I page 510)
APRIL 9, 1977 - As you see, My child and My children, the division is among you. You will all carry the banner, "Faithful and True." Many martyrs will be found among you, My children. (vol II page 36)
MAY 14, 1977 - Do not be deluded, My children, by the agents of satan among you in human form who preach doctrines of devils. The truth has been given to mankind through the ages. The Holy Roman Catholic Church of My Son will stand. The members shall be reduced to few. Only a remnant, My child, shall carry the banner Faithful and True. But the gates of hell shall fight a heavy battle against My Son's Church, but they shall not succeed. (vol II page 39)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, there are many armies now rising out of this chaos in My Son's House. They are little armies now, but given great strength by the Spirit of God. .......My children, you will all be unified under the banner of Faithful and True to the Eternal Father. To be faithful and true, My children, you must be of the cross, and follow the cross, and not one that has been made by man. You must remain true and faithful to the teachings as given to you by the founders of My Son's Church. (vol II page 69)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - The medias now have taken up the call to arms for Heaven. There are many armies rising throughout your earth, My child and My children, you are not alone. Unite under a banner of Faithful and True to the Eternal Father in Heaven. (vol II page 88)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - You will proceed onward, My children, under the banner of Faithful and True, guided by the great Warrior of Heaven, Saint Michael the Archangel. (vol II page 92)
MAY 27, 1978 - My children, you will all go forward as bearers of the light with My Son. You will all carry the banner Faithful and True. Do not be dismayed if you cannot understand the Apocalypse at the first reading. You will pray for the Holy Spirit to enlighten you, and your eyes and your hearts will be opened to the knowledge. (vol II page 153)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - My child, you have been given explicit instructions for the procedures. The world will understand in time the Mission from Heaven. To all who follow Our legions throughout the world, the legions of light, you will unite under a common banner called "Faithful and True" and you'll then prove to the world what a true soul can do! (vol II page 274)
JUNE 18, 1984 - Also, My children, I have tried to warn you through My Mother and countless other personages from Heaven to prepare, for you are heading for a war; the Third World War, the War that shall make mankind extinct but for the few who are chosen to keep up the Faithful and True Banner that states; This is my Jesus. (vol II page 405)
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - I repeat again: When I return to earth, I shall return the way I left. I ascended, and I shall then descend, with the armies of Heaven. You will see a banner that shall be raised at that time called "Faithful and True," and in that way you will know Me. My Mother will, also, descend during the time of tribulation. Now do not become confused; that does not mean that My Mother has left you, or is leaving you. My Mother has promised that She shall be with you until the end of time; and She will.
OCTOBER 3, 1991 (MSG) - LOCUTION - October 8, 1991 3:10 PM - You have received now the facts in truth. Give this message to the world. It is already late for the redemption of mankind. Only those who carry the Banner of Faithful and True shall be saved! Will you be counted in the few?! Prayer, penance, and atonement We ask of you!
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - You will continue to pray a vigil of prayer for the clergy of the world. Darkness has descended upon My Son's churches upon earth. Whatever shall become of you all in the chaos that is fast coming to your country and other nations of the world! There will soon enter upon your world a despot. Number two, I call him. But many have named him, and the Book of life refers to him as the antichrist.................Yes, My children, you will recognize him by his deeds. Many will sell their souls to him to get to the head but all that is rotten will fall eventually. No matter what the struggles to keep the light in your country and the world, you will go forward as soldiers of light, carrying your banner Faithful and True, in the face of adversity..........So now, My children, you will go forth as soldiers for Christ, My Son. If you swerve in your course of dedication, you can lose your eternal soul. Is that not worth fighting for, My children? Go out as soldiers of Christ? Carry the banner called Faithful and True!
FALSE CHRIST'S - See Prophets, False
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - My children, in the United States of America, must you go hungry? Many parts of your country shall suffer from want of food, for the winter will be cold. Many shall die in the coming year, My children. There will be accidents that are not accidents. Hunger shall be in the homes of many. (vol II page 209)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - My children, do not be concerned of any worldly possession for soon many shall know hunger. There is a spiritual hunger now in your world and in your hearts, but soon your country, the United States, will join other nations in knowing physical hunger and want.............My children, can this be avoided? What price must you pay before you will listen and realize what has been happening to your country and many countries of the world, as you go along like ducks upon the waters following leaders who have become paganized in their lust for power. (vol II page 264)
MAY 30, 1981 - Earthquakes in your country, the United States, extending up through Canada, earthquakes in places never before known to exist, or the possibility of. And they will know it comes but from the hand of God. Famine, starvation, your crops will rot. The heat will burn, the cattle will starve. And why? Because you refuse to turn back, complacent in your arrogance. (vol II page 282)
JUNE 13, 1981 - If you proceed ignoring My counsel, and My direction, you will see many nations disappear from your world within moments. Hunger and starvation, famine, disease, pestilence. (vol II page 286)
MAY 21, 1983 - All Heaven is joining in a major force to try to avoid in your generation the terrible floods, the great heat, and the plague. Yes, My child and My children, the crops will rot; babies shall cry, as there will be no food to feed the hungry mouths. (vol II page 385)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, the days will grow darker, and there will be hunger in your land. Yes, My child, what I brought you here for this evening is to tell the world, that there will be a crash in the monetary doings of your government, an absolute crash that will affect every man, woman, and child in the United States and Canada, and then, like a serpent, creep all over Europe, until the world sees one big, massive depression. I can illustrate to you, My children, what I mean by this monetary depression.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - And there will be, also great warfare in Africa, famine, and warfare, droughts. O My children, all of these, with wars included, are allowed to come upon you so that you may understand and learn the hard way that there is a God; One who could stop the massacres; One who could stop all the suffering upon earth. However, it is a test for all mankind; for by this test, many shall be cleansed. O My children, My desperate children, I hear your voices coming up to Us, and My Mother sheds tears of pity for you.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - There will be pestilence anew. There will be earthquakes in many places. The present ones have been nothing compared to what will happen next. There will be a great earthquake in the Los Angeles area, and also New York. I told you this before, My children and My child, but I must repeat to you: Many prayers are needed now, for the balance is most uneasy.
MARCH 25, 1973 - St. Robert Bellarmine: Fasting! While you bloat your bellies and starve your souls! Why do you not fast and do penance? (vol I page 91)
AUGUST 14, 1973 - Prayer, atonement, and sacrifice; is this too much to ask of you in the face of the reality of what lies ahead for your country and the world? Shall you be forced to fast and starve your bodies? Shall you be forced to your knees with disaster? (vol I page 122)
DECEMBER 31, 1973 - You will learn, My child, in due time that the Bread of Life will sustain you without earthly food. Man must return to fast and penance. Many demons can only be dispelled by much fast and penance, the greatest source being prayer. (vol I page 155)
MARCH 24, 1974 - My child, it is with great sorrow that We must look into the hearts of Our dedicated. They do not know the light is dim. Many of these demons cannot be cast out without fasting and much prayer. Prayer and fasting; substituted, My child, by the ways of the world. (vol I page 178)
APRIL 6, 1974 - Accept fast and atonement. I have asked in the past, many times, that the leaders and the teachers in the house of God, the Church of My Son, that they fast and do great penance, pray more, for they have allowed the demons to enter upon them. The Father finds their leadership very poor and He will judge accordingly, and all shall receive the fruits and merits of their actions and their leadership. (vol I page 185)
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - I, as your Mother, I am terribly depressed in knowing what is fast coming upon mankind. I see beyond Me a ball, a large ball. Were it placed next to the sun, this ball would be like two suns in the sky. But it is a ball of destruction, and I tell you, My children, We have been attempting to hold this back with all manner of graces and fasting and suffering. But the Eternal Father says, "Look up, My child"; He said to look far up into the sky. Your human eyes cannot perceive yet what is up there, but there is a ball to mankind known as "unknown origin." But it is not unknown: It is the Ball of Redemption.
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