* The Cost of Abortion
MESSAGE #2630 from the Blessed Mother May 18, 2004 I say to my children , those who support, endorse or practice abortion will suffer, suffer tremendously. ... choosing death instead of life. Abortion is a horrible sin and ... he is full of lies. Abortion and contraception is truly destroying ... scorch this earth and each abortion site will be destroyed. Many ... those leaders who are promoting abortion. | MESSAGE #2619 from the Blessed Mother April 26, 2004 It is not man’s choice, who should live and who should die. Abortion is on the rise due ... must let the world know that abortion is murder. They must defend life ... pray, pray for an end to abortion. Make the word repent known, for ... There cannot be world peace when abortion is on the rise. There cannot ... greatest sin in this world is abortion, so please do not be silent |
MESSAGE #2691 from the Blessed Mother October 29, 2004 Each time an abortion is performed, Satan rejoices. Satan rejoices because abortion is the greatest sin in this world. Very few realize how many abortions are taking place around this world. Bishops ... job to make the Commandments known. Abortion breaks every Commandment, so why, why ... you must pray for an end to abortion. Every day you must shepherd your flock | MESSAGE #2685 from the Blessed Mother October 13, 2004 Those who believe in abortion are being fooled by Satan. Satan loves death and ... obey. One cannot decide who should live and who should die. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world. Abortion is murder and is not acceptable in God’s eyes. Please ... life. All must join hands and pray for an end to abortion. All must live God’s laws and be loving |
MESSAGE #2853 from the Blessed Mother January 26, 2006 Today, I have great sorrow for the many babies that are aborted each day. I weep each time an abortion is performed. Many, many aborted babies were chosen to do great work ... truly suffer because sin has become widespread. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world ... tears of blood. Mankind must wake up. Abortion and pornography must stop | MESSAGE #2821 from the Blessed Mother October 12, 2005 Pray, pray for an end to abortion. Pray and then do what you can to stop the many abortions that are taking place all around the world. Each time an abortion is performed, the earth trembles more. Please, please dear children, use your hands and voice for Christ. Witness to those who are on the wrong path. Witness in love and pray for those who are choosing |
MESSAGE #2729 from the Blessed Mother January 26, 2005 Tell the world abortion is wrong and that it destroys lives. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world and it truly adds wounds to ... prayer, so pray for the souls in Purgatory. Pray for the unborn, for abortion is taking place all around this world. Without more prayer, abortion will increase among the youth. This will cause much destruction to society and | MESSAGE #2318 from the Blessed Mother May 16, 2002 Increase your prayers for an end to abortion, for abortion is the greatest sin in this world. Each abortion that is done adds many wounds to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. Abortion is an evil that must be stopped! Can you not understand; you are destroying yourselves? There cannot be peace in this world, if you do not take a stand for life. Please cherish |
MESSAGE #1835 from Jesus September 24, 1999 If you don’t do your part, abortion will not stop. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world, so why aren’t ... silent? Why aren’t you praying everyday for an end to abortion? Why aren’t you helping those who are so deceived? I ... outcome if you do not love or give with your heart. Abortion is murder and there will be consequence for sin. | MESSAGE #2692 from the Blessed Mother November 1, 2004 Son each time an abortion is performed. It is not your choice who should live and who should die. Each abortion draws you closer to a terrible punishment upon this world. The wrath of God is at ... must be made known, for many deny that life begins at conception. Many deny that abortion is the greatest sin in this world. Today, is a day of prayer, so please |
MESSAGE #2784 from the Blessed Mother June 1, 2005 Abortion is on the rise because so many do not respect life. Each abortion adds many wounds to Jesus’ Most Precious Body. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world. Sin is what will destroy humanity. Many prayers and sacrifices are needed because evil has become widespread. Many Rosaries are needed in order to lessen what is coming your way, so please | MESSAGE #2501 from the Blessed Mother July 11, 2003 Prayers are truly needed, for many abortions are taking place all around this world. All must be willing ... my children, join hands now and pray for an end to abortion. Pray for those who are living in darkness and who are ... for the salvation of souls. I am asking for your assistance, for abortion is on the rise, so please protect the unborn through prayer, unity |
MESSAGE #3020 from the Blessed Mother September 20, 2007 Abortion is on the rise because my children are not taking a stand for life. Please work together and assist those ... These mothers need to see Christ in you. Please be loving, caring children so more turn to God instead of having an abortion. Through prayer and sacrifice on your part, each of you can make a difference in this world. | MESSAGE #2314 from the Blessed Mother May 8, 2002 Do not give up praying for an end to abortion. Pray more and pray the Rosary wherever lives are being destroyed. Join hands and witness to those who ... more come to know the truth before it’s too late. Satan desires to destroy life through hatred and abortion. Satan is viscous, but what you must remember is your prayers and your love for Jesus will make him |
MESSAGE #2596 from the Blessed Mother March 1, 2004 Abortion is the greatest sin in this world. All of Heaven weeps each time an abortion is performed. Please, dear children, weep with me today. Examine your conscience and be truly sorry for your sins. Repent and do penance for your sins before it’s too late. Get down on your knees and pray, pray from your heart. Take part in healing Jesus’ wounds. | MESSAGE #2403 from the Blessed Mother November 6, 2002 If you take a stand for life with love in your hearts, more will come to know the truth. Abortion will end if people truly come to know God’s love for them. You must begin now ... listen as He speaks to you. Do what God is asking of you and live, live your faith. Abortion is the greatest sin in this world, so please join hands and do your part so more come |
Abortion doctor converted through Virgin Mary in Medjugorje
Visits to Guadalupe and Medjugorje were instrumental in John Bruchalski’s conversion. The medical doctor went from routinely performing abortions to founding one of the largest pro-life medical practices in the United States and employing the teachings of Blessed Pope John Paul II in a new, wholesome approach to health care.

For American medical doctor John Bruchalski, a 50 years old native of Virginia, it meant moving from routinely performing abortions to obtaining a whole new view of medicine and founding what is now a blossoming pro-life medical practice.
“I was doing the abortions because I believed it was the lesser of two evils – yet I realized that people were just more broken after the procedure. There might have been a brief respite from the stress and strain, but most relationships broke up after the abortion”, John Bruchalski recounts.
Messages in Guadalupe and Medjugorje
Right before beginning his residency, John Bruchalski was convinced by a friend to go to Guadalupe in Mexico City where the Virgin Mary appeared in a Church-approved apparition in 1531. Bruchalski says there he heard Our Lady of Guadalupe – whom Catholics revere as the patroness of the unborn – ask him, “Why are you hurting me?”
Yet he wasn’t ready to respond.
“I kind of put that in the back of my mind,” he said.
Then two years later, between his second and third year of residency, John Bruchalski’s mother took him on a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. It reawakened the great love for Christ and Mary that his parents had nurtured in him during his childhood.
“It was the simplicity of the messages of getting back to conversion. And then I had an experience there with a young woman from Belgium who was there praying for the pro-life cause. She told me she had a message for me about Our Lady and began telling me things about my life” John Bruchalski recounts.
“It was life changing for me.”
New view of health care, no more abortions
Back in the United States, John Bruchalski started searching for a way to integrate his rediscovered faith into his chosen field of profession. First he had another major experience:
“When I came home, I was given the grace not only to see myself as I really was – you know, my whole life passed before me – but I actually saw that there was a better way to practice medicine,” John Bruchalski tells LifeSiteNews. “The approach to reproductive health was the polar opposite to what Planned Parenthood was saying. That’s what Our Lady told me my role was going to be.”
He told his professor that he could no longer commit abortions or sterilizations, though it would take him a year to fully extricate himself from the procedures. After some years of study of “The Theology of The Body” by Blessed Pope John Paul II, John Bruchalski put his new view of medicine into practice in 1994 when he founded the Tepeyac Family Center with his wife in the basement of his house. The obstetric and gynecological medical facility now employs six pro-life physicians and one nurse practitioner, making it one of the largest free-standing pro-life medical practices in the United States.
Based on a Catholic vision of health care, the Center promotes health practices that respect the natural rhythm of the woman’s cycle and the sanctity of human life. They advocate natural family planning as opposed to contraceptives, and in cases of infertility they focus on treating the underlying causes rather than using assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization.
John Paul II’s teachings “revolutionary”, also for medicine

“The Theology of the Body in medicine means that you cooperate with the body, you don’t repress it, You focus on health, not disease. You don’t treat desires, you treat the disease. You don’t treat people like products. You don’t try to go to the best doctor who creates the healthiest babies with the best techniques. Because we’re more than products, we’re people” Dr. John Bruchalski says.
“We are just now developing the wording and the language of translating [the theology of the body] from the religious and the anthropological to the medical and the scientific”.
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