mothermary Headline Animator
The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje's October 25, 2012 Monthly Message :
“Dear children! Today I call you to pray for my intentions. Renew fasting and prayer because satan is cunning and attracts many hearts to sin and perdition. I call you, little children, to holiness and to live in grace. Adore my Son so that He may fill you with His peace and love for which you yearn. Thank you for having responded to my call.”
The following is Our Lady of Medjugorje's October 2, 2012 monthly message on the day for nonbelievers through Mirjana:
“Dear children; I am calling you and am coming among you because I need you. I need apostles with a pure heart. I am praying, and you should also pray, that the Holy Spirit may enable and lead you, that He may illuminate you and fill you with love and humility. Pray that He may fill you with grace and mercy. Only then will you understand me, my children. Only then will you understand my pain because of those who have not come to know the love of God. Then you will be able to help me. You will be my light-bearers of God’s love. You will illuminate the way for those who have been given eyes but do not want to see. I desire for all of my children to see my Son. I desire for all of my children to experience His Kingdom. Again I call you and implore you to pray for those whom my Son has called. Thank you.”
Mirjana said that Our Lady blessed all those present and the religious articles brought for blessing.
March 25, 2012 Message to Marija
"Dear children! Also today, with joy, I desire to give you my motherly blessing and to call you to prayer. May prayer become a need for you to grow more in holiness every day. Work more on your conversion because you are far away, little children. Thank you for having responded to my call." 03/2012
Annual Apparition To Mirjana - March 18, 2012
The visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo had daily apparitions from June 24th 1981 to December 25th 1982. During the last daily apparition, Our Lady gave her the 10th secret, and told her that she would appear to her once a year, on the 18th of March. It has been this way through the years. Several thousand pilgrims gathered in prayer of the Rosary at the 'Blue Cross'. The apparition lasted from 14:00 to 14:05.
"Dear children! I am coming among you because I desire to be your mother - your intercessor. I desire to be the bond between you and the Heavenly Father - your mediatrix. I desire to take you by the hand and to walk with you in the battle against the impure spirit. My children, consecrate yourselves to me completely. I will take your lives into my motherly hands and I will teach them peace and love, and then I will give them over to my Son. I am asking of you to pray and fast because only in this way will you know how to witness my Son in the right way through my motherly heart. Pray for your shepherds that, united in my Son, they can always joyfully proclaim the Word of God. Thank you."
Message of March 02, 2012
"Dear children; Through the immeasurable love of God I am coming among you and I am persistently calling you into the arms of my Son. With a motherly heart I am imploring you, my children, but I am also repeatedly warning you, that concern for those who have not come to know my Son be in the first place for you. Do not permit that by looking at you and your life, they are not overcome by a desire to come to know Him. Pray to the Holy Spirit for my Son to be impressed within you. Pray that you can be apostles of the divine light in this time of darkness and hopelessness. This is a time of your trial. With a rosary in hand and love in the heart set out with me. I am leading you towards Easter in my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen that they can always live through Him and in Him - the High Priest. Thank you." 03/02/2012
Message of February 25, 2012
"Dear children! At this time, in a special way I call you: 'pray with the heart'. Little children, you speak much and pray little. Read and meditate on Sacred Scripture, and may the words written in it be life for you. I encourage and love you, so that in God you may find your peace and the joy of living. Thank you for having responded to my call."
February 02, 2012 Message to Mirjana
"Dear children; I am with you for so much time and already for so long I have been pointing you to God's presence and His infinite love, which I desire for all of you to come to know. And you, my children? You continue to be deaf and blind as you look at the world around you and do not want to see where it is going without my Son. You are renouncing Him - and He is the source of all graces. You listen to me while I am speaking to you, but your hearts are closed and you are not hearing me. You are not praying to the Holy Spirit to illuminate you. My children, pride has come to rule. I am pointing out humility to you. My children, remember that only a humble soul shines with purity and beauty because it has come to know the love of God. Only a humble soul becomes heaven, because my Son is in it. Thank you. Again I implore you to pray for those whom my Son has chosen - those are your shepherds."
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
part 4 Bayside Message
JULY 1, 1970 - The strong must carry the weak. Keep His Cross before you always. Prayer and sacrifice will be your guide to the Light. Place not your trust in this world, for it is your exile. Eternity is forever. The children are the innocent victims! Pray for your children. My tears fall on all mothers. Come to Me for I will comfort you! Pray! Pray always, My children. There are many souls to be saved. I know of a mother's broken heart that tears cannot mend. My Son will comfort you. I bless you all, My children. Pray My Rosary daily. ..............The children are the innocent victims, misguided by the dedicated who feed half-truths and black abominations to starve young souls! Woe to defiled man! Why do you deny My angels? The beauties of Heaven are in their arms. Remember, My children, Heaven and earth will pass away, all will be as white, but I hold the Key to the Kingdom given by My Son. No one will come to the Father but through My Son. Stay under My mantle, My children, and you will find peace. Reject Me or My Son, and the end of life as you know it will be hastened. (vol I page 10)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - Man has lost his purity. All parents must guard their children's souls. Be firm with your children. The fashions grieve all Heaven. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Father against son, son against father, daughter against mother! Woe to the man who refused to repent! The brightest star in Heaven will be dimmed on that day! Mothers, stand together to outwit the enemy that seeks to ravage your children! (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 - Many mothers hearts will be saddened. Luciel takes the words from their hearts. We cast them down, but they (devils) work their vengeance. Save your children. Guard them constantly. They are in grave danger, I bring you mothers together, for only you can save your children, for only you care. (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - I cannot admonish you enough to heed the signs, I give you the Hourglass. The sand is going down! Pray! Pray! My children, for your priests and all those of high positions in My Son's Holy Church, for the greatest attacks from satan will come to them! Turn not away from them, but pray, and show the example of a Living Christ! This example must be brought to the children by their parents. (vol page 16)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Sin has now become a way of life in your Country! Mothers, what will happen to your children outside your home? Protect your children for there is no salvation outside your home, the anchor of a good home dedicated to Christ the King! ..........Mothers clean out your daughters' closets! Better you burn their clothes than to have their souls forever burning in Hell! How sad to find the children who can no longer recognize sin! (vol I page 17)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - Woe to those parents in their lethargy who refuse to avert the dark path, refuse to see the children on the path to destruction! Like sheep they follow the leader of evil! Those who know better, are pushing these souls, closer to hell! They are using 'leadership' to destroy souls!(vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 24, 1970 - My poor children, you desire so much in material things and so little in the spiritual! We look down upon so many homes that are becoming the reason for the destruction of children's souls. The memory of the Truth of My Son's existence must be kept in the homes. (vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - My child, My heart is saddened. I look into homes and see the darkness within, for the children no longer feel love or respect for their parents and others. It is already a way of life. The blackest of sins has entered the homes. Mothers! How dare you fall down in your duty as parents! Take your children to be slaughtered! How dare you fall down in your duty as a parent, and when you fall in your duty as a parent you will remain in hell forever! (vol I page 19)
MAY 19, 1971 - Yes, My children, I am here with My Son tonight. Our Hearts should be joyous but We have looked beyond your state into the hearts of your countrymen. We see evil spreading west. Already your children are having their souls desecrated. ..............Oh, My Jesus, how well the darkness covers the land. We look upon hate, greed, paganism and murder. The darkest of sins are being committed! Guard your children from the unholy ray. Keep the monuments (statues) in your home, keep the Rosary about your neck. These were not given for decoration. We cannot bear the blasphemies against Us much longer. We admonish you to save your soul and the souls of your loved ones. We are always with you, just raise your hearts in prayer to Us. Your prayers and sacrifices will be needed for your priests. (vol I page 27)
JULY 1, 1971 - You will teach children that We are truly living people. That We live in the Heavens, just a short distance from the farthest star. You will speak to children of the angels and the many children who are here with Us. They also sorrow for the condition of the Earth, for they also, My children, know how very much Jesus is suffering. (vol I page 30)
JULY 15, 1971 - The children are truly victims of their elders. We hold all parents responsible for the fall of their children's souls. (vol I page 30)
JULY 25, 1971 - Oh, you blind, foolish parents who do not recognize the products of your laxity!! The blow, it will be visited upon you, for as you sow so shall you reap. Yes, you parents are filling the bodies and minds with luxuries, but you have chosen to starve the souls of your children. Your children are being led farther into the darkness. We do not see the light ahead for them. Oh, mournful sight, to see the destruction that is imminent upon you. Oh, mournful heart for you who do not listen. When this comes upon you, you will still not believe what you see with your eyes. Oh, My children, will you be counted among the few or will you be lost forever to Us?
...............The children are the victims of their elders. All parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls. You parents must well remember that satan seeks to claim the souls of all those destined for Our Kingdom but you parents must now struggle to save them from the reach of satan for you did not prepare yourselves when you were warned of the dangers that were lying ahead of you. (vol I page 31)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - You must bring the angels into your homes. Every child has been given a guardian. Have you made your children aware of this fact? Yes, I could name the angels, guardian of every one this evening but there are many things that We would prefer to keep sacred rather than to expose them to unworthy souls. We will not give graces to be cast off in mockery. Therefore you parents will carry the greatest part of the load for you parents will be responsible for your children's souls. (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - We will not hold all children responsible for their acts against God. We will hold all the parents responsible for the destruction of their children's souls! When a soul falls, it is only because there are too few prayers offered for them, too few who cared enough. (vol I page 33)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - My Heart bleeds for what I look upon! These poor children, their souls and bodies destroyed by the enemy that you have allowed to enter into your country. These children suffer at the hands of their elders. Poison has been placed into their bodies to destroy them! The destruction of the bodies is as nothing for when this destruction comes into the soul, then, My children, the tears may fall for the anguish of knowing the loss for all eternity. There is no love left in the hearts of your children. They are being conditioned to hate! To destroy! All parents must look now, into the days that lie before you. You will see how your children will turn upon you. Yes, you will receive and reap the products of your laxity. Your city is as a cesspool! All the evils come as a nucleus here and fan out. When the hand comes upon you, you will be leveled for your licentiousness, your greed, you immorality! The children must be saved for they are the innocent victims of their elders! Parents who have grown lax as they seek the pleasures of the world before, the spiritual welfare of their children, their children's souls! (You will flee from all false pastors! You will not be led into false obedience, for in this way you will be led as sheep to the slaughter). (vol I page 34)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - All parents must rescue their children from the evils of error! We advocate the instructions of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not recognize the truth. .......Weep not for Me, My child, but cry for your children. But mothers cry for your children for they are the true victims! (vol I page 36)
DECEMBER 24, 1971 - I wish to bring you tidings of great joy, but, My children, tonight there is great sorrow in Our Hearts. We look upon a full conspiracy. The evil is widespread throughout your country. Many have fallen because of their love of money and power over the peoples. It is those who do not recognize their God as being the Eternal Master, it is they who have developed the plan of destruction of your children and your country. An evil power enshrouds your world now, a power strengthened by the demons now loosed from the abyss. We see the earth covered in darkness. The victims of your decadent society are your children, the innocent victims of their elders. Have you not recognized the advent of anti-Christ into your land! Into your government, your schools, your news medias, and yes, now into My Son's House (Church)! (vol I page 40)
MARCH 24, 1972 -We place the greatest responsibility upon parents at this time; to guard and armor their children's souls, from the evil which will increase! Oh, My children, if only you could look into the few days in earthly years and see what is to come upon you! You will prepare yourself well for this day! (vol I page 44,45)
MARCH 25, 1972 - Be knowledgeable, My children, and understand that he (satan) will not come to you as himself; he can possess the body of any unclean soul, be it man, woman, or child! I repeat to you, now, that all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls! Give them a good foundation and when they are subject to the storms of evil they will not crumble under the onslaught (or surrender). (vol I page 45)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Your young people are being seduced! We place the greatest responsibility for their falling on the parents and the teachers. ............Many of Our images are being removed from among you. Poor misguided children, and teachers! Do you not recognize the hand of satan! Do you not know that out of sight, out of mind is a proven fact? The young minds must have images, or they will cast their eyes on creations of darkness. The conditions in My Son's House, and in your world, is long in developing. Satan and his agents have worked their plan well among you. (vol I page 50)
MAY 10, 1972 - Many young souls are coming to Us unprepared! Whatever shall We do with them? Many young souls must be purified in long years of purgatory. ..............There are parents who are not practicing true discipline with their children. Permissive attitudes, while parents grow lax; parents who do not watch the forms of entertainment of their children; many young souls are losing their purity, learning to accept sin as a way of life. Woe to these parents! What are you doing? Have you tried to eliminate this evil from your world from your lives? Do you not know that this is all the evil plan to destroy you and your children? What are you doing to change this? (vol I page 51)
MAY 30, 1972 - I want you to recognize Joan of Lorraine. Your children will be guided by the spirit of Joan. Your children follow idols of darkness. Make Joan known to them! (vol I page 52)
Send a chain of Rosaries throughout your land. All We have given through the ages to protect you, satan is working to take away from you, so you will be defenseless. Open your hearts and come to Us in belief. Do not let satan take the protection of Our angels from you. Your children do not recognize the angels. Tell them of the angels! (vol I page 52,53)
JULY 25, 1972 - St. Joseph pointed to the children and said, "The example of the parents is poor. I give great heart; the children will not be lost when they have been the victims of their elders. Heaven does not close the door on the innocent. ..............(Our Lady) All mothers will now see that their children remain close to the sacraments. Many children will be taken out of the world in the plague. Many parents will shed bitter tears, but it will be too late! (vol I page 57)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - Veronica: Our Lady pointed to a map over the waters: Chinese people, black people, floods, plague. Our Lady said: This is in small measure what is in store for your country. Many children will be taken from your country. It is the only recourse to save them from a bad parenthood, a misguiding society; from a land that has turned its back on its God! (vol I page 59)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1972 -Your children are the misled victims of bad example; bad example of your teachers, bad example of many men in the House of God, bad example by your government and your schools. Satan rules your acts now, but he shall not capture you all, for I have given you the plan for your salvation numerous times. Before these trials are over you will all have had the chance to make your choice, and if you fall, it will be of your own will! Stand forth, My children! Defend the Cross of My Son! Stand forth in Truth! Do not succumb for your temporary pleasures and riches of the world. (vol I page 65)
FEBRUARY 1, 1973 - There will be visited upon your country a plague. Many children will be taken from your world. It will be an act of mercy from the Father. Many young souls will be destined for the kingdom of hell, claimed by Lucifer, were they to remain upon earth. (vol I page 79)
MARCH 25, 1973 - Do not depend on the world to bring the truth to your children. This truth you, as parents have been instructed in and it is you who will have to take over the instruction of your children at the present time. (vol I page 91)
MAY 10, 1973 - Your children must be protected against the world, your world of evil. Better that they starve their bodies than to starve their souls. The seeking of worldly gain has sent many souls into hell. The example being shown in many homes is abominable. Many parents will pay a high price in the loss of the Kingdom for their lack of discipline and proper direction of the souls entrusted to them. (vol I page 101)
JUNE 16, 1973 - Instruct your children well in the salvation of their souls. Know that when they leave beyond the doors of your home, they will be subject to satan. Teach them, My children, parents, the value of prayer. Prayer must be returned to you homes. Your example must be one of purity. Your example must be one of fortitude. And most of all, My children, remember: You must show and practice love for the Father. (vol I page 110)
AUGUST 21, 1973 - I repeat: Your country will not escape the great Chastisement. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. Have you prepared yourselves, My children? Have you prepared your children and other members of your family? Have you brought them back into the grace and light of the Father before this great Chastisement? No-o-o! Many of you have laughed and scorned My warning. (vol I page 125)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - My children, know the value of these sacramentals. Guard your children well. You must awaken to the knowledge that you will not be protected without the sacramentals. Guard your children's souls. They must be surrounded with an aura of purity. Remove them if necessary from the sources of contamination, be it your schools or even false pastors. Is not the destruction of one small soul heartbreaking to the Father? The value of one small soul recovered far surpasses all the saints ascending to Heaven. Therefore, be cautious with your children, My children, for it is you who will suffer when their souls go to satan. (vol I page 164)
MARCH 18, 1974 - We place the greatest responsibility to salvation of the young souls upon the parents. Do not expect those without your household, to bring the knowledge of the Kingdom to your children, for their knowledge is not of Heaven, but their knowledge is of the prince of darkness. Satan, Lucifer, most despicable of creatures. (vol I page 170)
MARCH 24, 1974 - Satan has set upon earth modes of life for your children that are soul distracters. Looking for My Son, they go aimlessly in every direction and leave the narrow road, wandering onto the path that will lead them to satan. (vol I page 178)
APRIL 13, 1974 - Satan has entered into the highest places in your civil life, My child and in the Houses of My Son throughout your world. His reign will be short in earth-years. I have not come to your earth to fill you with fear. I have come to prepare you for the days of trial. For countless earth-years I have chosen to give you the plan for your salvation. Should you cast this plan aside, you will enter unto the wide road which leads to your destruction. It is of your free will that you will give your soul to satan or you will lead it unto the path of light. The road to satan is easy in your human nature, but Heaven is earned very hard. Many are called but so few are chosen. It will not be an easy road, My children, to follow My Son. (vol I page 188,189)
I cannot bring My voice forth, for the sorrow in My heart stills My voice. The Father plans great punishment upon your earth. It is not out of malice, but out of love for you that He will allow this cleansing. The Father will chastise those He loves........Since you have chosen to give this to mankind; I have expected this of you, My child; you will learn another simple lesson of the Father. Do not expect to be recognized by mankind, for its reward is not worth, My child, your efforts. Do your work as given, expecting no reward or recognition from mankind, for the Father has a special plan for all He chooses to do His work. You see, My child, it is well worth waiting for, for when you receive glorification from mankind, you have already received your reward. (vol I page 192,193)
JUNE 18, 1974 - There is great error, My children, in the world today. Satan has poisoned many minds, even among those who were given great grace of knowledge and the power to direct the young souls. They are using this power to destroy. Know now that nothing is hidden from the Father. All will be held accountable for their part in the destruction of a young soul. We do not set you up to judge your brothers and sisters, My children, but your example must be one that is constructive. .....There are many symptoms of the basic illness of mankind. Godlessness, My child. They have forgotten their Father in Heaven. The Father will chastise, My child, those He loves. (vol I page 221)
I cannot take away the plan that will be put in motion by the Father soon. Gradually many children will be removed from the earth to save their souls. Parents, heed this admonition now that you will save yourselves great sorrow if you now prepare your children. I cannot, My child, at this time give you added knowledge of what is to come. I can only as a Mother direct you, My children, to listen and heed My warnings. Prepare your children, for many will be taken from your world. You do not understand; you cannot understand the great sorrow of loss. It will be great comfort to know that you have prepared your children. (vol I page 222)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - Your homes must be a refuge for your children. Keep the monuments, the statues, in your homes and teach your children, as parents, the basic foundation of their faith and they will not be caught in the web of satan that is slowly, like an octopus, reaching out in all directions and devouring the young and the old. (vol I page 239)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - Death will be commonplace in your world. Many children will be removed from among you. The agents of hell will multiply. Pray, for prayer is the greatest weapon given to you now to remove this evil from among you. (vol I page 253)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - Many children shall be taken into the Kingdom. Tears will fall from the eyes of parents but those who are in the light will understand the plan of the Father. (vol I page 324)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - The teaching is poor, to say the least. You must restore to your homes; the pictures, the objects of worship, the statues, so that your children will receive a small knowledge of the existence of the Eternal Kingdom and those inhabitants of the spirit. Unless you do this, My children, your children in turn, will be lost to you, and to the Kingdom of the Father. (vol I page 399)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - Your children shall seek and not find the light unless, as a parent, you bring discipline and the knowledge of your God within your homes to your children. Do not expect others to nurture, to feed the souls of your children. You will not judge the pastors in the churches of the world. You will pray for them. However, evil is never condoned. Your allegiance is to the Eternal Father in Heaven; offend Him not! Not for a mere man shall you offend the Eternal Father! (vol I page 408)
OCTOBER 2, 1975 - Your children are being raised to know no sin! They conduct themselves as pagans worshipping false idols, giving themselves to mind destructive drugs, seeking pleasures that are abominations to the human flesh. Parents, are you blind? Do you not see your children, what is happening to them? What have you done to save their souls? You are too busy in your worldly lives! You pile silver upon gold but have you prepared your children's souls with merit to enter the Kingdom of the Eternal Father, or are you passing these tender souls into darkness and the realm of the prince of darkness, satan? There shall be much woe and gnashing of teeth, and sorrow, in the hearts of many parents, tears that will flow. Too late, too late! (vol I page 422)
As parents, your duty is manifold. You must teach your children within your homes. You must safeguard their purity, modesty! Mothers, your daughters, do you permit them to expose their flesh to lustful eyes? Are you stripping from their young souls modesty and purity of purpose and spirit? What kind of example are you giving as parents in your homes? (vol I page 423)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - The parents of earth must make a firm effort to safeguard their children by giving stern direction, if necessary, and not be permissive in the rearing of their children. Do not allow you children to rule you, but set a good example and use a firm discipline. ...........The young children must be taken by their parents to the temples, the Houses of My Son, throughout your world. They must learn by habit a good example of cleansing of their soul by CONFESSION. The good priests of earth, those who have been dedicated and received this consecration from My Son, must take these tender souls and nurture them in their Faith. (vol I page 438)
The Eternal City shall face soon, My child, a blood bath. The world shall be bathed in fire!...Many will be taken before this great catastrophe! Do not weep for the children who are removed from your earth, for it is in the Merciful Heart of the Father that will gather them before the baptism of fire. (vol I page 442)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - The children must be guided by the family. The Truth, the Faith, the Tradition, must be instilled in their hearts by the mothers and fathers of a family. Do not expect your children to go beyond your doors and be instructed in truth, for the world has been given to satan. Many who should be showing a firm example, have gone the easy way of the flesh, for they care more for the treasures and glory of this world-earth, that what the future has for them. Hell is open wide, the abyss is filling continuously with souls that have fallen into darkness. Will you not rescue them, My children, with your acts of sacrifice and prayer? (vol I page 450)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - My child, all throughout earth, there is mass slaughter now of the innocent children, the unborn, and this has extended now past the unborn. Many children brought into the world are being killed, My child, at their birth. Shout this to all. Your hospitals have given themselves to depravity. They are taking needlessly lives, My child............Yes, My child, it is at the knowledge of the parents. Shall you build a master race? Shall you create only a perfect individual? What shall you do to accomplish this? Shall you eradicate by murder all who are not perfect? Man has no right to place judgment on who is to live or die, My children. (vol I page 460)
MARCH 18, 1976 - St. Joseph: We look into many homes and we find no close bond of unity. And why? Because you prefer to keep a diabolical machine in your homes, those televisions! These, my children, are all creations of satan. The family does not pray together. The mother does not bring the knowledge of God to her children. The father seeks his way in the world, gathering money and material things that are all passing. Cleanse your homes! Start anew! Work together for your reward in the eternal Kingdom. Your homes must be now a fortress against the evil that surrounds you. (vol I page 477)
JUNE 24, 1976 - Parents, protect the souls of your children. Teach them modesty and piety. Keep them pure of spirit, for they will soon reach the darkness. Once your children leave the safety of your homes, they must have armor about them, sacramentals, and graces based on faith, My children. This will take them through the darkness, the maze of destruction that satan has set all about them. (vol I page 508)
JULY 15, 1976 - O My children, if you could only recover the peace and quiet of spirit that was once much evident in your homes and now has been replaced by all manner of creations of satan, creations that distract the minds of the innocent, creations that have taken the knowledge of their God from the children, while fathers and mothers are lost as they run to and fro gathering all the material wealth upon earth, seeking pleasures that are soul destroyers, and setting an example that can be and lead to an abomination within the family circle.............The parents, the mother and the father, My children, must set a firm example to their children. When these children leave the family's home, they are subjected to all trials of error, deception, delusion, and lies...........The parents of many have fallen into the error of feeding the body and starving the young souls. These souls, in the eyes of the Eternal Father, are young flowers that must be nourished with pure waters of truth, purpose, dedication to the road; place them on the road that will lead to the Eternal Kingdom of God your Father in Heaven. (vol I page 515)
But where are your children? They are fast approaching their destruction. Many of your children have gone now beyond the point of no return. Many parents must accept a penance, a severe penance, for the recovery of their children's souls. (vol I page 516)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - Your children, their hearts, their souls are empty. They no longer have knowledge of the supernatural. They are fast heading into a world of reasoning that permits sin as a way of life. And why? Because you, as leaders have destroyed the trust placed in you; you have betrayed Me and your Faith, and as such, you command from Heaven your own destruction! Shall you stand before Me, O Red Hat and Purple Hat, shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I say unto you: I will spit you out, as the vermin you are, into the flames of eternal damnation............All that is rotten will fall. Seeds that must grow into flowering plants must receive pure waters. Many of these flowers must be removed from God's garden upon earth to save their souls, My children. It is better now that you all weep for your children, for many are called, but few are chosen. (vol I page 550)
NOVEMBER 26, 1976 - The young children must now be given a firm solid foundation of their faith by their parents, My children. Do not expect others to take over your responsibility as leaders, as parents, as guardians of the souls of your children. I assure you, O parents, that if you neglect this duty you will cry bitter tears of remorse. There will be great woe set upon your world by the evil forces of the man of perdition 666, and O parents, in this knowledge think now and prepare now the souls of your children, that you shall not in the future cry bitter tears of regret and doubt and uncertainty as you question whether your children have been saved; whether your children have entered into the Kingdom of the Father in Heaven. (vol I page 560)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - My Mother's Message is coming to mankind in its final stage. Her tears fall upon a degenerate generation. My Mother has been received by many with dishonor and disloyalty. You, O man of little faith, you who walk in darkness, you are not hidden from the all-knowing eyes of the Eternal Father. I send upon you a final warning, a cry for penance, atonement, and sacrifice. I shall not wait until the young have lost all knowledge of their God by atheistic teachers. (vol I page 568,569)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - Prepare your children well, and they shall not bring sorrow to your hearts. Children must return to the fold. Children must have respect for their parents; respect for their elders; and children must remain pure of heart and pure of spirit. This We find lacking now in your world. The purity of your children has been destroyed! ...........Parents must struggle now to retain the Faith in the lives of their children. You must accept the responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. Teach them, prepare them, fortify them against the rigors of the attacks of satan when they leave the comfort and the safety of their homes. Do not expect your pastors to guide you now. Many have fast fallen into darkness, and must be brought out themselves. (vol I page 576)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - My children, parents, you must guard, safeguard your children's souls. You cannot expect others to do this for you. As parents, you have been given a God given trust to instruct your children. In your world and a polluted mankind, a fallen generation, little children cannot retain their innocence of heart; little children cannot retain their modesty and purity of intention; little children are being educated in filth, corruption, and the breaking of the Commandments of your God. Woe, woe, woe to a man who defiles the young! Better that he had died in his mother's womb! (vol II page 24)
MAY 18, 1977 - Parents, I caution you, I warn you to train your children at home; keep the light of Faith in their hearts. Without this light, O parents, your children will turn upon you and many shall kill! (vol II page 43)
MAY 28, 1977 - Little children, victims of their elders! Defilement among children by adults! Woe to the man who scandalizes the young! Better that he had dies in his mother's womb! Suffer all little children to come to Me. The Kingdom of Heaven, the children should symbolize the spirit of innocence and purity and faith; but We see the most vilest of acts being committed against the purity of children. And I say unto you: Better that a man receives a millstone about his head and is cast into the sea than to defile the young!.............Reams of pornography! Abuses to children! Ages almost from the cradle! I say unto you: You have called down upon yourselves a just punishment from your God! (vol II page 49)
JUNE 4, 1977 - My children, all who are of conscionable age shall be held accountable for the salvation of their soul! You cannot place the lives of your children, their spiritual lives, into the hands of others for these hands have been despoiled. Many children just beyond the cradle are being now degraded and de sanctified and destroyed morally by their elders for profit and gain. (vol II page 55)
JUNE 16, 1977 - I have cautioned you, parents, to protect your children. They must not be without a sacramental upon them! We are now at war, My children, a war of the spirits, far greater a war than man has ever experienced in the history of his creation. It is a war to a final battle. The sheep are being separated from the goats, the wheat from the chaff. My children, have you prepared your household for the test? (vol II page 57)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - Protect your children and your families with sacramentals. Do not go out without your sacramentals. All are marked for death who are not in the state of grace! All are marked for death who are not in the state of grace!..............He is here. He has entered upon your country in 1975. Your children have been victims to him. The spread of drugs was for reason, to break down the morale and to give your children over to satan. Your children have been desecrated in black mass. Your children have been desecrated in the schools and the governments by the government leaders who do not care. (vol II page 75)
Mothers, protect your daughters purity. Allow them no rein to be free in choice. Guard them well, for they will be the victims of black mass which shall rage throughout your country............My children, bring your children back before it is too late. Satan has a plan to take them in. They will be his agents in sin. They will be sent throughout the country to kill. And they will kill within the homes. It will be mother against father, daughter against mother, father against son. It is because of sin. Sin is insanity..........666 himself now is loosed from hell, satan. He has great powers because he will teach them miracles, show them miracles, that will convince them that he is satan. In this manner he will promise them eternal life, until he has their souls, and damned forever they will be. Too late to their knowledge will they know they have sold their souls to satan!............Children shall disappear from the streets, never more to be seen, taken into covens and buried in their burial grounds. Know it now; don't cast it aside and say that this is a reign of terror. Do not cast it aside, for your child may be next..............Only a child of conscionable age, who is in the state of sin mortal, shall be attacked. The attacks shall become more frequent unless you pray. Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer now. Keep it going throughout your country. Pray that those who are working and praying shall remove this demon from among you. (vol II page 76)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - O My children, the parents of your nation, the parents of the world, must now assume a full responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. You cannot depend upon your school systems, your entertainment medias, your avenues of knowledge to the young, for they have become polluted and are cesspools of error and degradation. In the plan of the Eternal Father, My children, it has now become necessary to remove many of the young from the world. (vol II page 93)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - Your country and many countries upon earth have given themselves over to paganism, and pursuing this course has taken the young down the path to abominations. Your children are now victims for they have entered into a form of idol worship. Your children are victims now, because they have not been given a foundation of their Faith. The laxity falls upon the parents, because through countless years of My wandering upon earth I counseled you, I directed you, I warned you to watch your children, to safeguard their souls from the evil that has entered now into all of the medias of your world. ...........While man has cast aside the knowledge and the belief of the supernatural, satan and his agents have had the time now to take a firm hold upon your children. O My children, all manner of foul and debased acts shall be committed by your children. The teachers now are agents of hell. (vol II page 101)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - Your children, are the principal victims of the demons now that are loosed upon earth. O parents, I have begged you and counseled you in the past to guard your children's souls and watch them well, for when they leave your homes they are exposed to the agents of hell in human form. There is now a legion of devils, demons upon earth. They can exist without being seen, and that makes the position of your children and others precarious in the struggle to save their souls. ...........Satan is developing armies throughout your country and the countries of the world. He will corrupt their minds and bodies, using drugs. They will enter your children into all habits of perversion. Homosexual bands will roam your streets killing and perverting the young. No child shall be free from the attacks if you as parents do not stand your guard..............Already Our hearts are torn because of the grief of many parents who have lost their young to this monstrous machine now that is gaining momentum throughout your country and the world. My children, recognize now the evil. Do something about it! Don't sit back and say, My neighbor will act, or, this does not concern me. I assure you, My children, if you do not act, you will be forced to act when it enters upon your home.
My children, satanism, murder, corruption, perversion now is a way of life among your young. Satan very cunningly and with purpose entered into your colleges. He used the sinful minds of men to bring his methods into your schools, and in many of My Son's Churches now they are preparing for his entrance..............You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. I admonish all parents now to spend at least fifteen minutes of your day reading the Bible to your children and your family. It is now a command from the Eternal Father! For the little children no longer know or recognize the angel guardians. The little children have no conception of the truth of the Divinity or the existence of My Son. The little children are now being taught the ways of satan. (vol II page 105)
The Eternal Father watches and waits for your penance and atonement. His Heart, and the hearts of all personages of Heaven are saddened by the lack of charity in the hearts of mankind. Your children are being programmed to kill. You children are turning now to false idols to worship. Your country has become now paganized. .............Woe, woe, woe to the man who is responsible for the destruction of a young soul! My children, it would be better if that man had not emerged from his mother's womb, or a millstone had been tied about his neck and cast into the sea, before he committed his foul deeds.............My children, do not scoff and turn your backs upon what is happening about you because it has not touched your life. If you do not act now, every life shall be touched by the agents of hell. (vol II page 106)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - My children, habit is the way for guiding your children in the Faith, repetition of the truth. (vol II page 108)
Veronica: Jesus said He is very concerned about the youth, the young people of our country and the world. He is very concerned also about the parents, for when the young children become victimized by the satanic forces of the world, it will surely affect the rest of the family, with great sorrow and distress brought to the hearts of the parents. (vol II page 111)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - My children, you are fast approaching a great Warning and Chastisement. Prepare your homes well. Prepare the souls of your children; many shall be removed to save them. (vol II page 114)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - Protect your children, O parents; protect your families. Guide your children to Me in the Eucharist. I am still there for a short time. For the enemies of your God plan to take Me from your country. The Eternal Father would stop you now but for the victim souls that plead for a reprieve. Their prayers do not go unanswered, for the Eternal Father waits with great patience, not wishing one be given to satan. (vol II page 118)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - My children, as I warned you in many earth visitations, I warned you over and over that your children shall be your scourge. It will be father against son, mother against daughter. Murders will be rampant. Cannibalism! Children murdering parents! For sin is insanity! (vol II page 121)
My children, parents, I beg you, for your salvation and the salvation of your families, to retain the truth of faith, the light of faith in your homes. Teach your children. Give them a firm foundation of their Faith, the knowledge in truth. Do no allow false teachers to destroy the souls of your children. Your homes must be made a fortress against the evil. Darkness enshrouds the world. Evil has accelerated. Protect your children, the young, for they are the major ones to face attack by the agents of satan. (vol II page 124)
MARCH 15, 1978 - Man has made sin a way of life and sin is insanity. The young, the children, are the major victims now of their elders, but woe to the parents for their lack of discipline. Woe to the parents who have not guarded well the souls of their children; for I say unto you, these very children shall turn upon you. For it will be father against son and mother against daughter, discord within the homes. (vol II page 128)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, you must exercise your God given sense and knowledge. I warned you in the past that all medias are now controlled. Your children, by manner of the infernal boxes in your homes, the televisions, are being now schooled to kill, to sin. And many parents shall be murdered by their own children! And why? Because you all failed to recognize what is happening before your very eyes; your children are being programmed to kill. A steady diet of violence will lead to the spirit being dulled and the sensitivity being dulled until even murder is condoned, with all manner of rationalizing for the commission of this sin against your God and all mankind. (vol II page 145)
JUNE 10, 1978 - Your world has become a cesspool of errors, giving itself over to fornication, immorality, idolatry and all manner of foul pursuits. The major crisis is among the young. How shall you rescue them but by your example and prayer.............You will all make your homes a fortress of sanctity. Retain the Faith in your homes and in the hearts of your children. We place a heavy burden upon parents now, but by far, My children, this burden shall be lightened for many, to their joy. But many shall receive a far sadder burden in the near future! (vol II page 164)
JUNE 18, 1978 - My heart, as a Mother, is torn asunder because of the permissive attitudes that are allowed by the teaching fathers of My Son's Church. I hear little children of a tender age of three and four being taught immorality of word and actions. O My children, the sin upon your earth is far greater than any sin in the past! Surely you will remember Sodom and the punishment that fell upon that city.............My children, the cities of earth are polluted with sin and are cesspools of error in teaching, especially in the rearing of the young. O My children, many young children shall be taken from the earth in order to protect them from the pollution. (vol II page 166)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - Investigate, parents, what your children are wearing upon the temples of satan, and there are hundreds of them now, My children, in your country and in other nations. Secretly they work to destroy your country, to destroy your children. Openly they work under the names of socialism and communism, but secretly their members labor for Lucifer, for the destruction of souls, under the pain of death. Lucifer is the father of all liars. He was a murderer from the beginning and he brings death, only death to those who foolishly follow him. (vol II page 205)
MAY 23, 1979 - My children, remove from your households all secular writings; read only your Bible, the Book of love and life. Your children are being exposed to mind control. Your children are being taught to sin, to hate, to murder, the elderly and aged. Father against son, mother against daughter; strife within the household, as satan seeks to claim the souls of the young. (vol II page 213)
JUNE 18, 1979 - Your children, must be protected from the evils that abound in your school systems in your country and most nations throughout the world. They are being taught immorality and a loss of faith in the supernatural the knowledge of their God. All manner of heresy has been indoctrinated into their youthful minds. It is a diabolical plan of Lucifer. (vol II page 227)
Many homes shall be torn asunder by the fall of the children. Parents shall shed tears of anguish. Therefore, prevent this now while your children are at a young age. Give them a firm foundation of their faith. Be not afraid to speak out against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy, for many now have fallen in with the modernists, the socialists, the communists, and some the satanists. Therefore, My children, I make known to you the crisis that lies ahead. (vol II page 228)
JULY 14, 1979 - O My children and parents, I counsel you as your Mother, I come to you with dire foreboding for your children in My Heart because many are now into the web created by Lucifer of false religions and the occult. (vol II page 230)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - Parents must guard their children, for their purity, their spirituality, is being taken from them at a tender, young age. Childhood, in the manner now of the evil despots and the leaders of the governments of many nations, children no longer are children but are to be led like robots and slaves. ...........Parents must exercise full discipline over their children and bring a firm foundation of faith to their children. You cannot now expect this in your schools or even My Son's Houses, His Church upon earth. The agents of hell have a firm foot now in the door. My children, are you going to fight for My Son? Are you going to allow your country to fall? (vol II page 241)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - Yes, you are all now being tested. Sadly the young, the children, the youth of your world are the major victims now because of the greed of many who have given themselves over to humanistic seeking joining with all manner of evil under the guise of humanism, communism, socialism and satanism. As I warned you in the past, Lucifer and his agents must enter into the body of a fallen soul to work his will. .........My children and parents, listen to me well. You must not allow your children to listen to recordings known as "rock and roll." They have been specifically created by Lucifer and his agents to seduce your children. They are the major instrument for leading your children into the plague, the country-wide plague of drugs, the country-wide plague of atheism, the country-wide and world-wide plague of casting aside your God and substituting false gods and religions...............You must remove from your homes these diabolical agents of hell; the recordings of Lucifer, that will put into your child a spell, a hypnotism leading to promiscuity, deviant sex, homosexuality, drugs, murders, abortions and all manner of foul deeds that could only be conceived in the mind of the prince of darkness, Lucifer himself. He knows his time grows short, and he now goes about the world deceiving even the elect. (vol II page 247)
I have given you your armor through the direction of Heaven. You must wear your sacramentals. You must be sure that your children wear their sacramentals, for when they leave your homes, the safety and armament of your own home, they then set forth into the world that has been given now to satan. (vol II page 248)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Your children must be taught at home, given a firm foundation of the truth, the knowledge of their Faith. You must instill in their heads the love of God before the love of any man. You must instill in their hearts the knowledge, that they must work now to Father; as written and espoused through many prophets through countless earth-years of time; written in the Bible, your Book of Life and Love. ............My children, your homes are not prepared well for your children, for you fill them with mind destroyers. Your children are being enticed and seduced through their mediums of entertainment. I have warned you over and over to clean your house out; cleanse your home before you weep! Many children shall turn against their parents, for their minds shall be poisoned by satan. Murders shall abound; there will be accidents that are not accidents. Sin is truly insanity. (vol II page 258)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - My Mother has counseled you well to prepare and protect your households. The hourglass has been turned over several times to give you more time to do penance and take the stigma of sin from your homes, and mankind in general. However, man has sought success, and riches, and science to console him, and instead, has found a void. And the children of these parents, who have lived without faith and morals, are the major victims. For as they wandered in a life that has been a void to them, they have sought what they did not know in their human reasoning! But the heart and the inborn conscience of God has sent them seeking, but without firm direction, and this direction not coming from not only the parents but the clergy in My House, they have found instead, these poor misguided, misled children, they have found death; death of the body, and death of the soul; death with drugs, death of the souls with pornography, immorality, and the worship of false idols and gods, even consorting with new religions based on humanism and satanism. (vol II page 262,263)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - Do not allow your children to be taken from you in spirit. The forces of evil, of darkness, are increasing in their intensity. You will find now that there has been developed in your scientific world a manner of mind-control through scientific machinery and human mind-manipulation. In this manner will the governing bodies of many nations seek to control your children, and in that manner control the parent. (vol II page 268)
Now you have the human mind trying to probe into the realm of the supernatural. How, My child and My children, can they enter into the supernatural without becoming ensnared? No, My children, you must avoid the occasions of sin. And I say this for one reason; many of the young are accepting a religion so dangerous to their human natures and capabilities of understanding that the parents must alert their children to remain far from witchcraft and all manner of supernatural probing. The eventual attachment and association in occult-seeking is death; death of the soul and death of the body. Why do I stress this to you, My children? You will understand shortly. (vol II page 268,269)
MAY 30, 1981 - Pray always a constant vigilance of prayer. Protect your children. Tears shall be shed, for many children shall die in an epidemic uncontrollable by science. (vol II page 282)
JUNE 18, 1981 - Man upon earth has given himself over to perversion, for sin has become a way of life. And the children, O My child and My children, how I cry for your children. For would not it be better at this time, My child, for the second part of the secret to become a reality for the salvation of the young souls? .............O My children, years upon earth, and what has happened? What has happened among My children? Purgatory is overflowing. Satan, the adversary, the prince of darkness, has many now forever lost in hell. And who brings the children to the knowledge of hell, of its existence?............But I tell you now, as your Mother, that woe to the man who commits scandal and chooses of his own free will, to cause the fall of a young soul. For better that he had died in his mother's womb or a millstone be put upon his head, about his neck, and cast into the sea, before he brought scandal to the little ones. (vol II page 290)
My child and My children, I have counseled you on the approaching plague among the children. Because of the sin of man, this cannot be averted, this cannot be held back, My child. (vol II page 291)
MARCH 18, 1983 - O My child and My children, if I could take you step by step, you would die of fear and of horror if you could look behind the closed doors and see what is happening to your children. Many now are being trained as adults with a knowledge that cannot be absorbed into their young minds. Therefore they become victims of their elders. (vol II page 278)
MAY 28, 1983 - Fathers will be attacked by their sons, mothers shall find death at the hands of their children. This has been told to you many years ago, but too few listen until the evil comes into their homes. Then it is too late. Protect your children from the evil that is fast accelerating throughout the world. Your country, the United States of America, and Canada shall not be free from invasion. That is why you must pray a constant vigil of prayer going throughout the whole world, and you must turn back from your sin or you will die!. (vol II page 388)
APRIL 14, 1984 - ........Children! The dear children, what will become of them? What kind of an example is being set in their homes? Parents who lack the light, how can they guide your children? Send them to schools? That will be no escape, for the children will be ensnared with evil........Oh, My Mother told you many years ago, you were to bar your doors, for when your children left their homes they would enter into a world that is now being guided by satan to destroy your children. The only reason that this is taking place is because you could not understand, as a human being, the ways of Heaven. They are not the earth's ways or human ways. ...........Oh, My Mother told you many years ago you were to bar your doors, for when your children left their homes they would enter into a world that is now being guided by satan to destroy your children. The only reason that this is taking place is because you could not understand, as a human being, the ways of Heaven. They are not the earth's ways or human ways. (vol II page 402)
JUNE 30, 1984 - Your children have become innocent victims of their elders. Many parents are crying because their children have been taken from them, never to be seen again. I want you to know at this time, My child and My children, that there is a great cult, a cult in your country now, that is taking children from their homes to be grown up in an atmosphere of debauchery. Oh My children, whatever shall become of you? (vol II page 408)
The children, the innocent children are victims of debauchery. The children, many of them shall die. We shall set upon your nation, and other nations of the world, a mysterious disease. But be it known now: It will not be a mysterious disease but the hand of the Eternal Father placed down to remove these innocent souls before they are sent into debauchery. O My children, the missing children in your countries are not just missing because they want to be adopted, or others wished to take them into their homes as children to be loved. They are being taken to be used in all foul manners. (vol II page 409)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - Your children, I cry for you, poor mothers. Know that My Mother's heart is solaced only by the knowledge that these children shall not be lost to Heaven. But your young children have been disappearing from your homes. And where are they, as you go to and fro, looking for your children, and My Mother's tears fall upon you? Many shall be found dead, but others shall never be found, for they are disposed of in a most despicable way by a group known as the satanist............These groups, My child and My children, are increasing, even on your island of Long Island. There are at least twelve major covens, and they are using human sacrifice. These bodies, My children, cannot be found by the police, or other authorities who seek to help and to solace the hearts of the family members of the lost child.............But I tell you this now, why we have the abomination of murders of children, for they are possessed by satan, those who will set into motion laws, laws that are against God. Your country, My child, the United States, shall feel war as never have they conceived in their minds, that this could enter upon the glorious nation of the United States and Canada. No, My children, you cannot escape this. Your time is running out.
My child and My children, pray for those poor mothers who had the missing children. There will be great punishments before this major Chastisement, My child. There will be many punishments; many tears shall flow from the mothers eyes, and their hearts shall be opened for mercy, begging for mercy. ...........My child and My children, the murders of the unborn will bring great Chastisement upon the United States, Canada, and the nations of the world, that are now contributing not only to the delinquency of your children and the world's children, but are condoning murder and euthanasia. Euthanasia, My child and My children, is murder!.........And I must repeat again, My child, for the consolation of mothers. They must watch over their children carefully, for there will be thousands upon thousands that will vanish without a trace. The satanist cults are turning into a armies, My child. They have already tried to attack you through the powers that they retain from satan. Do not be affrighted, but you must be more careful, My child, whom you let into your house. For the souls of those who knock upon your door are knowingly, or unknowingly to themselves, sinful and on he road to destruction, and trying to take others with them.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have cried great tears, My child, since I last saw you, for the fathers and mothers, the poor mothers, they do not know what lies ahead for their children, their children of all ages. Satan and his legion of demons and devils are loosed now upon earth in full force. They are doing very well, My children. ..................Oh, My child, I am crying tears; My heart is torn when I think of the children of earth. The parents, they look away as they are in pursuit of riches and material things of the world. None of this can be brought into Heaven to buy your salvation. No, My children, My Son has often said that it will be easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than a rich man to enter Heaven.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, there is an evil plan now in your country, the United States of America, and, also, the boughs are reaching like an evil tree into the land of Canada. Children are disappearing from the earth. My child and My children, I feel it necessary that I repeat to you again, that you do not be bored at the repetition of the Message, for it is urgent. Will your child be next? Many mother's hearts are torn asunder, but they have found not the whereabouts of their children; but many have found the possibility of the whereabouts of their children, held as captives, for the whim and humor of the satanist. They are increasing in your country, My child, and all of the countries of the world. It is satan and his armies now, knowing the time is short to battle with the children of God. ..............The enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again. Tears shall be banished, and mothers shall not sorrow until they die of grief for the loss of their children and their sons.
I, also, must give to you at this time another fact of your lives upon earth. You as parents, mothers, fathers, must guard your doors well and rule; take discipline in the lives of your children, for they will bring much sorrow to your hearts as they grow; they grow in a world that has been given to satan. When your child opens his home, the door, he will face the agents of hell loosed upon earth to reclaim his soul. Protect your children, My children; be sure that as a parent you do not fall down in your duties to teach your children, for many are now receiving schooling that is based on atheism. Their books and manuals you do not read, My children. You must as parents be a safeguard, a home of holiness for your children, or they will perish; and your parent's tears shall flow upon the world, crying, too late, too late.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - I have warned you all to protect your children. I come to you as a Mother. So few can understand My role throughout life on earth. I, too, know, My children, all of your hardships, your sorrow, and the temptations from satan. For I, too, was upon your earth, My children; this you have forgotten. I am not unapproachable, as some think, because I was as one of you, until the Eternal Father lifted Me up into Heaven. ..............Yes, My children and My child, you cannot look back and say, 'Well, this may be happening to my neighbors in Africa, in Europe, but why should we care? For we can go on marrying, and singing, and being materialistic in our modes.' But where is your soul, My children and My child? I ask you this because if one parent refuses, and has conscionable knowledge of his refusal being offensive to his God, if one parent cast aside his child, no matter what age that child is, and even into womanhood and manhood...That parent has a responsibility to the children, his and her children, to see that they learn fast of the knowledge of God and what is coming upon them.
Since the world has given itself over to murders, murders of the unborn, father against son, daughters against mothers, all manner of carnage; also, being perpetrated in My House, My Church upon earth. How long do you think I shall stand by and watch the destruction of the young, because of parents who should not accept the role or the name of parents, for they are destroying their children's souls by their example. ...............Do not be sorrowful, My child and My children; there will be times of great joy for all of us. This will not be a permanent state upon earth; earth that is covered with sin and defilement, children against their parents, murders in every street, killing of the unborn, and much more; much more that, My child, that I would wish you to know, but I cannot, for the purity of heart, instruct you on the vile deeds of the satanist.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I speak with you this evening to caution you, and not, to not fall into despair because there is a conflict over My Brown Scapular. ...........You will know, My children, that there are always rules and regulations for everything that man holds sacred. Therefore, because so few priests in My Son's Church are willing to intercede with the Scapular, and enthrone those who wish it, it has become necessary to give a Scapular to every child upon earth; and he or she of reasonable age shall go forth and find a kind-hearted and true, holy priest to enroll them. It will take, My children, much doing to find these priests; there are not many left...........The Rosary must be recited daily, and twice a day, if possible. All others We leave to you to say for added graces. In your world of corruption and evil, My children, you cannot gather enough graces. For those that you will not need when you come over the veil to eternity will be given to those whom you love, or those who you have fought to save, and, yet, you felt unsuccessful. All the children of the world shall be counted in those who will see the ultimate Chastisement. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption..................My child and My children, you may ask your priests for knowledge of the stories coming from the old, elderly fathers of My Son's Church, but can they tell you the truth now that their seminaries have become polluted with errors? Mothers cry to Me; I hear all of their prayers, prayers to Heaven to save their children. And where can they find the knowledge of the truth to teach them? That will depend now upon an earnest mother and father, and discipline. Children are like soft flowers that must be nourished so that their stalks will grow; and their faces, the purity of their faces, shall rise toward Heaven and be nourished with the fruits of life.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My children, understand Us; We do not come with messages to upset you or to make you afeared of Us; that is not necessary. All you have to do is think, and use your hearts, not just your head; I say, not just your head, for the scientist and those who are in charge of the souls of your children are implanting in these souls dark seeds of hate, and envy, and the need for materialism. O My children, I could repeat over and over again the sins that make it a world of destruction for those who are trying to stay on the narrow road to Heaven, while all obstacles are placed in his way. ..........My child, I point for this reason; though, My child, it is a most difficult message to bring to the world, you must not be afeared; but you must shout it from the rooftops: Russia has the upper hand now at this time in world peace or world destruction. You must understand, the heart of the atheist is closed to mercy and goodness; a darkened soul has shut out the light. And they seek nothing but the destruction of any man, woman, or child who stands in their way, to assume and gain through hatred and deception among families, and also, the ruination of the lives of the children of all families.
My child, you must comfort those who cry and weep for their lost children. There will be many other mothers who shall suffer the horrible crimes against their children. All is coming to pass because of the sins of the older generation. Those who should know better are so enshrined in their own love of the material that they cannot even visualize what they are doing to their children. In order for your children to be saved, My parents, you must keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your home, and those homes of your immediate families. One good example can save a dozen, My children. ..........I hold all parents responsible for the fall of their children's souls. Remember, My child and My children, I have warned you often that once you open your door and you go out into the world, you will enter into the kingdom of satan. You ask, My child and My children, why is this allowed? That you must trust to the goodness and in the goodness of the heart of the Eternal Father. You cannot, as a human being, understand the ways. But know this, My children, that no evil can come upon mankind if he watches and waits. And We offer you three sacramentals in you wait for the future. ...................I have but one more discourse with you, My child; that is that you must go forward and demand that the prayers be returned to the schools. In that manner, We can approach the children, and return them to their rightful place in the reign of God.
My child, I want you to do all you can to foster the return of morality and morality to the medias; and, also, to those you love; your neighbors, your children. And do not be affrighted or flee from the sinner, for he, too, can be saved by your effort and your prayers. As this child was born, so he must return; a simple child, to the Eternal Father. If you remember, My child, the lessons from Theresa; yes, St. Theresa, you will remember that it is a simple way to Heaven; if you accept the Eternal Father into your heart, you will always be His children of love. .................Veronica: Oh, Our Lady is mentioning here, and I think I will repeat it, that the children must be explained in a simple manner as possible, to the children, the meaning of the Trinity, because, Our Lady says, it is most misunderstood. However, if a parent will take the time they can make it known to their children. They shall not be taught the truth in the schools.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - I know this makes you affrighted, My child, that there is so little value for life, but did not I tell you many years ago that if they started to murder the unborn, they will murder the living, even the adults. They may murder the children, but then they will also murder the elderly. .................My child and My children, need I repeat to you all of the abominations being committed upon the earth now? I can also repeat to you that in some of these horrible, excruciatingly painful cults that are growing up fast in your country and other countries about the world, they have even gone so far as to dab now in cannibalism, the eating of human flesh as a sacrifice to satan. That is why, My children, so many cannot be found who are missing; mostly, My children, young children. Mothers have cried; their hearts torn with anguish when their children disappear from the streets. Your police do not investigate fully. Sending out photographs of the missing children, this is of little help when they fall into the clutches of the satanists, for they do not remain about long. Their bodies are often cremated on pyres to satan.
Now I speak to the parents. Parents of all young children, are you earnestly making an effort to protect your children from a world that has been given over to satan? What do you do when the teachers in your schools teach your children sexual conduct, taking from your young children the purity of heart and the innocence of the youth? What do you do? Just let them take over? Parents, you say it will not affect your child? Look what is happening to the children of the world, young of age, three years old and upward even younger than three. I cannot upon these holy grounds use the words given in print for all of these abominations being committed to the young child. But, My children, I tell you; it is happening to those who do have good heart and a right mind. They feel as though the world has gone, shall I use the word, My child, 'crazy?' Yes, I will use the word 'crazy,' My child, insanity, too. My Mother has always told you that sin is insanity.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - I wish that all homes have a Bible within their doors. I say within their doors, because these children that they are raising must go out into a world that has been given over to satan. The Bible must be ever before them, for it is their true guide to redemption.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - O My children, if you knew what was in store for you in the near future, and that means, My child and My children, this year, you would understand why I feel, and why I cry tears that fall upon you. If I could, I would as your Mother, make all atonement for you, but it is the will of the Eternal Father that you come forward now and stand up to protect your own souls, and, also the souls of your children and your families.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - And now, My child, it has not been My policy to put down in strict perfect order those who are going throughout the world as deceivers, but I warn you now to beware and protect your children from the groups that are forming that are false prophets and will take you from the true religions. One must be named now and it is called the Jehovah Witnesses. My children, they are not a church. They were not founded in the time of My Son's placement upon earth. They were founded approximately fifty-five years ago by a group of so-called learned seminarians, not of the true Christian Faith, but seeking to rewrite the Bible of God to suit their own human frailties and needs. It took a great deal of courage to come away from the true Faith and establish themselves, but this courage will be brought to naught. Except, My children, that there are many now souls that come also from the fold of the Eternal Father, the Roman Catholics, that are being taken in by this group of false prophets.
My child, Veronica, it does Our hearts well, and We feel very comforted to know that has not been lost upon earth. We have watched now the teachings of the children in most of the houses upon earth of My Son, and I must say: I shed tears of pity for the parents, for it is best now if the parents look well into the teaching of their children in the schools, the Catholic schools of the world. Because they will find that the theologians have crept in now with modernism and humanism. And your children must be protected. ...................A foul situation has come about in the schools, both public and private. They are now teaching sex education, My chidden. And this is a debauchery of your young souls. Parents, are you so blind that you do not investigate, or ask your children what has happened in their classes today at school? Show you no interest as you go about the world gathering materialism, and seeking to break your home apart by husband and wife going in both directions; neither do they work together to hold the home together, but they work apart, many leaving the children astray by not having counsel over them.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - My child, I know much of this discourse distresses your heart, but you can imagine well, and I know you do, My child, Veronica, the sorrow My Mother feels now that sex education has entered upon the school system. We say unto you, and I say to you, as your God, My children: Mothers and fathers of the world, you will not give over your children to be taught by demons! Satan has many loosed upon earth now. They enter into the bodies of any man, woman or child who has fallen out of grace; and they enter into the bodies of those who teach your children error. ...............It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls, the mother, the father. But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on upon earth, living together without union under God. No, My children, that shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it will also be by sickness and death of the soul.
My child, there is also one thing I wish to discuss with you for the world, for all of the world's children to know, how Heaven feels about their diabolical search for life in a test tube. Yes, My child, I know this shocks you, but you are fully aware of what is going on. Your news medias seem to enjoy putting these evils before your eyes and your ears and your readings. Yes, We frown upon surrogate mothers. We shall not tolerate the making of children from one to the other.............These children are not conceived by the Holy Ghost, the spirit within them at the moment of conception, because their conception is from a test tube, and an instrument of so-called doctor upon earth. He is a doctor, not of divinity but of sin. ...........Doctors now are profaning their profession; those who have given themselves over to destroying human life in abortions. Doctors also pretend, or hope to seek far above the Eternal Father. Just as the angels did many years ago. they sought to out-shine the Eternal Father, and they were cast forever out of Heaven. But they took many with them.................Therefore, My children, I must tell you this, there will be a major war between the right and the wrong side, the left and the right, over this issue. We will not have test tube babies, for they are not born with a soul. They can only, then, be called a 'thing,' a 'creature' unknown. Is this what you want, My children? Is this what you want of these children you bear for another? To give them as though your were machines, manufacturing them for another?
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - Now, My child, I have one more thing to tell you. There has been much publicity afoot in your country and the world about the existence of satanic cults. I must tell you they do exist. They worship satan, and they are the opposite of all Christianity. They will do the opposite of what is asked in the Bible. Therefore, they kill with no remorse. They steal your children and brutalize them. ................How can they do this, My child, you ask Me? How can they be so hard, so cruel, so merciless? Well, My child, the enemies of your country and the world have done their work good. They are using an infiltration with drugs. Your children are being educated for the use of these drugs. ..........My children, I do not come this evening to be a bearer of ill tidings, but I must caution you because each day the carnage grows worse. If it continues, My children, you will see your children disappearing from the streets again. .............There is now a plan in the national and international seat of satan....It is a group, My child, that is united with other groups throughout the world. They have one plan in mind, to bring about the fall of all nations and the introduction of communism to all nations, by destroying the young with drugs and all manners of debasity.
All the holiness of Marriage has been cast aside. We see now children growing up into sin, as they go forth into life unprepared by their parents. ..........My child and My children, We ask all of you, prayer, atonement and sacrifice. Is this too much to ask for the salvation of your soul, and of all the souls in your family?...............I say families must be strong in this age of sorrow, this age of darkness. It is the family, within the family, that the children must be taught. Do not depend upon your schools, for they have been infiltrated with evil. Do not depend upon your neighbors, for they are often caught up in the world of satan.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - My child and My children, can you not understand what I am trying to tell you as your Mother; you must guard your children. Warn them against strangers. Don't be taken up with things of the world, so that your children must go and find their pleasures elsewhere; for they will fall into the hands of the walking demons. They prowl the highways. They go through the streets of the cities, looking for the young and the gullible, and those who have no homes. Your country, the United States, has been graced with much prosperity, My children. Therefore, you must take it upon yourselves to guard your children by having proper education for them, and also homes for those without a proper home. There is much money in your country and Canada that can be usefully used for the salvation of these children. ..........My child and My children, listen to Me carefully. Guard your children and those in your family with your sacramentals; the Rosary, if you have no other sacramental; until you receive a brown scapular and a crucifix, place a Rosary about your children's necks. They must be guarded in these dire times. How urgent is it? All you have to do, My children, is hear the daily news and you know of the murders of the young and innocent that are being perpetrated by the agents of satan.
We know what is right under your God. The Eternal Father has given you the way to Heaven. It is not an easy road, it is a narrow road, long and narrow for many. Others have reached it early through the grace of their God. I know the removal of children from the earth at early ages brings great sorrow to a parent's heart; however, when they are removed, they go into Heaven. ........My child, I do not wish to burden you any longer with the miseries upon earth. I wish to talk only a while, a little bit, about the children of earth, the young children. The parents must be very careful, My children, who you send your children to be taught from. Much evil is being developed in the schools in the name of sexuality. Why cannot We have Our children pure of thought and mind? How can We, My children, when the teachers there are being taught to bring in sex education to your children? This belongs not in the schools, but in the homes. This is an obligation of the parents. It will only lead to much greater disaster by having this sex education in the school system.
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - Also, they are also lacking in interest in many places. Children are disappearing by the thousands, and where do they go? They go straight to the pits of hell, as they become pawns in the hands of the satanists.............Do not accept strangers into your homes at this time, for the souls who knock upon your doors will be found to be evil, and they can also destroy the souls of the young.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about consoling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers and they are mothers who will murder their own children. ............The Eternal Father set up women not to be priests and not to be murderers, but to be with the head of the household a guiding light for their children. Each child to the Eternal Father is a pure blessing upon mankind, but all this has been lost in the name of modernism. Immodesty reigns in your country. There are many reasons why the Eternal Father feels that it is now time to do something about all of these abnormalities. ..............You, My child Veronica, will continue to gain strength, and you will be here at the next Vigil, because at that time you are going to have many fleeing from their homes*. The Eternal Father feels that it is only in this way that He can save the souls of the children and the unborn. ...........(October 6, 1988) Our Lady appeared to Veronica in her home on Monday, October 24, 1988, and informed her that the prophecy in the October 1, 1988 message concerning people fleeing their homes referred to Algeria. In fact, the "New York Times" reported in an article dated October 7, 1988 that four days of demonstrations and rioting by youths in the streets of Algiers had resulted in the deaths of dozens of people with more than 900 wounded. Days later the toll rose to anywhere between 200 and 500 dead.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - Mothers must now take full precedence for their children. In other words, My child, they must be the teachers now, for those who were teachers have given themselves over now to all forms of Modernism, and pacifying those that are evil in their teachings. They do not stand on their two feet solidly before their bishops, who are going wrong in the teaching of their children. It will be up to the parents at this time to go forward and be a true parent in the eyes of God by teaching their children at home. ............(The Act of Contrition: Jesus says will be cast from the books) You see, My child, that also will be cast from the books this coming year. The children are being taught unity, but world unity. The world is striving and fast heading for a one-world religion, and also a one-world government. But this will not be a godly government; it will one of communistic nature. .............Remember, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Use no excuses to relieve your family of this obligation to the Eternal Father. And remember again, My children, the two prayers that makes the heart rise to Heaven. Teach your children, for they will not be taught any longer in the schools.
Do not be affrighted, My child, I realize that this has given you a feeling of terror, for the AIDS plague has hit many; all the known and unknown, and children as well. I would suggest, My children, that you guard yourselves well against this plague. If you must have a form of operation requiring transfusions, I would suggest that you have a member of your family donate this blood; for the other has been grossly, I say grossly, contaminated and will cause many deaths. ......My child and My children, listen to this well; guard your children. Do not let them be influenced by their teachers today, for modernism has set in, and also immodesty. there are many teachers whose example are poor to the children; therefore, it is now the duty of each parent to guard their children's souls. Otherwise, the day will come when they will shed great tears of sorrow, not knowing in what realm their children lie, now that they have passed over the veil.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - Now, My children, I speak to the mothers of the world. You must make a firm effort to be a righteous mother and a godly mother, following the rules from Heaven. For eventually every one of you will come over the veil, and you must make an accounting for your actions upon earth. We find that you are all lacking at this time, because as parents, you have been caught up in the wheel of misfortune for your children. They are being ignored, and also, their religious upbringing is nil. ..............My parents of the world, I say unto you, as your God. This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My children, they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for the parents. They laugh at you when you are not watching. That, My children of the world, parents, your children are to be lost.
Veronica: Now I see a picture forming in the sky. It shows a terrible scene on a television. It shows a young child butchering a cat. The child watching this goes to the kitchen, takes out a large bread knife, and, oh, my God! He's plunging it into the back of his mother! Now the scene is becoming very dark; I don't see anything else. It's ghastly!...............That, My child, is what is happening now throughout the world. The children are taken over by satan through this instrument of satan. Much good could be gained if many will monitor their television sets, for their children's minds are being seduced by satan. I repeat again: Your own children will rise up against you and destroy your household. Murders are abounding.
JUNE 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children of the world, I want you to know this: For the ;perseverance in the fight ahead to stop the satanists in their quest to take your children from your homes, I ask all parents at this time to be a steady guardian of their children and not to become obsessed with the things of this world, the pleasures and the monetary gain. ...............I wish that all parents who hear My voice tonight to be alerted to the fact that there are over 10,000, now cults in the United States and Canada alone. Many children have been slain by them in sacrifice to satan. Is this what you want, My children? Parents, keep a close watch on your children. Be sure that they do not leave your home without your knowing where they are going, for many will not return. ..................This adulation of satanism shall not be prevalent when the Eternal Father gives Us the means to reach all humanity with this plea from Heaven to save your children from the satanists.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - You have to understand, the Eternal Father is not a punishing God. However, He is most interested in the children, and it appears now that the sins of the parents are being placed upon the shoulders of the children. And O My children, if I could only show you the list that the Eternal Father has for Him to go through the world and bring these souls back. The sins of the parents shall be visited upon the children.................My child and My children, I have very little to say that could solace Me for the evil I see prevalent upon the earth. Your generation have become perverse and indoctrinated by satan, until the cults of satan now are well stacked in your country. Your children will be the victims. ...............Yes, My child and My children, I know it is difficult to you to understand, without having an actual meeting with these satanists, to see how vile they are, how they desecrate every thing, and how they torment the souls of the children and those they have in their grasp. ..............Protect your children! All the mothers and fathers of the world, protect your children, or they will disappear from your homes forever. Even human sacrifice is taking place at this very hour that I am here with you. How can We do anything but beg with you to listen now, before it is too late!
OCTOBER 2, 1990 (MSG) - I, your Mother, and Protectress of the world's children do beg you now to repent of your sins against the teachings of the eternal Father, sins of the flesh and the intellect. ...............A great war will erupt suddenly; such as has not been seen from the beginning of creation. Countries shall disappear in moments from the face of the earth. Will you not listen to Me before it is too late? You all do not have much time left. ............I come to you as a Protectress of Peace. Unless you repent of your abortions, the murders of the unborn, and return to lives of prayer and contemplation of the mysteries of the Eternal Father, given by writings, the Bible, the Book of life and love, I cannot save you from the conflagration that lies ahead.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - Parents, I ask you now to get rid of the infernal machines in your homes! I warned you through many earth years that this will be a point of destruction for your children. If you are least, I ask at least, which is the least you can do, is to monitor what your children are seeing. Satan has created the infernal tube. Heaven did not deem it to be in the homes of the just. ............Guard your children, mothers of the world, guard them against the forces that are loosed upon earth. It is truly the final battle raging with Lucifer. ........St. Theresa: Parents must guard their children, even from their teachers. Many are now direct agents of hell, though they walk in human bodies. Protect your children with their sacramentals. Teach them!...............Please, I ask you mothers monitor your children's lives. Do not be an escapist, running from home and finding pleasures of the world. Bring a prayer life back to your children before it is too late. You will be held accountable for the fall of the souls of the children. Therefore, I ask parents throughout the world, with love, and good leadership in the household, your children will not fall as prey to satan.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - Mothers and fathers, how often have I counseled you to protect your children in these days. You will find that many of those that you entrust to teach your children are bringing them into a world of unrealistic atheism. Already, My child, it saddens My heart to know that you are not, as a nation, allowed any longer to pray in your schools. .............And as for your children, I say this as your God: Every parent that does not take the responsibility of teaching and raising his children, and giving them to others who are possessed by these demons that are loosed now upon your earth, I say possessed, and that is only a kind word. I could discourse with you much farther, but I'm afraid, My child, your heart would not be able to accept this. ..........However, I say at this time that all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls. Do not expect them to leave your homes and to be taught in light and truth, for the demons are raging now all about you. All hell is opened wide now, and you know that means that the onslaught is at hand. ..............Therefore, We ask all parents to keep a steady hand on their children. Bar them from all the insensitive acts being committed on the diabolical tube of satan, your television. I ask if you cannot monitor your set, to remove it immediately from your home, for your children will even resort to murder if they continue to watch the programming.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - My child and My children, your children are leading lives without direction or knowledge of eternal life in Heaven. Sin has become a way of life in your country and many countries of the world, little children led astray by their elders. ...............And My children of the earth and the once-beautiful United States of America, do not sell your souls to get to the head! Money has been called the root of all evil. Already the young are being tarnished, their souls corrupted by their elders.
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have often admonished you to guard your children in this world of darkness. You are responsible for your children's souls. As such, if you neglect them in this lifetime you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but could spend an eternity hell or a long season in the other place of banishment, purgatory.
JULY 15, 1970 - Mothers, watch....and guard your children....with prayer, for they are the victims of evil. (vol I page 11)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - Man has lost his purity. All parents must guard their children's souls. Be firm with your children. The fashions grieve all Heaven. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Father against son, son against father, daughter against mother! Woe to the man who refused to repent! The brightest star in Heaven will be dimmed on that day! Mothers, stand together to outwit the enemy that seeks to ravage your children! (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1970 - Many mothers hearts will be saddened. Luciel takes the words from their hearts. We cast them down, but they (devils) work their vengeance. Save your children. Guard them constantly. They are in grave danger, I bring you mothers together, for only you can save your children, for only you care. (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - I cannot admonish you enough to heed the signs, I give you the Hourglass. The sand is going down! Pray! Pray! My children, for your priests and all those of high positions in My Son's Holy Church, for the greatest attacks from satan will come to them! Turn not away from them, but pray, and show the example of a Living Christ! This example must be brought to the children by their parents. (vol page 16)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Mothers clean out your daughters' closets! Better you burn their clothes than to have their souls forever burning in Hell! How sad to find the children who can no longer recognize sin! (vol I page 17)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Sin has now become a way of life in your Country! Mothers, what will happen to your children outside your home? Protect your children for there is no salvation outside your home, the anchor of a good home dedicated to Christ the King! (vol I page 17)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - Woe to those parents in their lethargy who refuse to avert the dark path, refuse to see the children on the path to destruction! Like sheep they follow the leader of evil! Those who know better, are pushing these souls, closer to hell! They are using 'leadership' to destroy souls!(vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 24, 1970 - My poor children, you desire so much in material things and so little in the spiritual! We look down upon so many homes that are becoming the reason for the destruction of children's souls. The memory of the Truth of My Son's existence must be kept in the homes. (vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - My child, My heart is saddened. I look into homes and see the darkness within, for the children no longer feel love or repent for their parents and others. It is already a way of life. The blackest of sins has entered the homes. Mothers how dare you fall down in your duty as parents! Take your children to be slaughtered! How dare you fall down in your duty as a parent, and when you fall in your duty as a parent you will remain in hell forever! (vol I page 19)
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - You will not receive a kind ear from the clergy, for man can be wise but stupid. Man has grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life. Man no longer seeks the Revelation in the Bible. I want you, My child, to repeat the words of My Son, given to your young son in his innocence of heart. I repeat the words of Jesus: My heart is sobbing. My hands are bleeding. I long to see My creation and be filled with Joy! The monuments, your statues, they MUST be kept in your homes, for all who keep them in their homes will be saved. The broken cross, the sign of the man of perdition, the sign of the anti-Christ, so-called peace symbol, all who wear this ARE DOOMED! The Rosary is broken, people do not take this seriously, My children, how many signs
must be given to you? The man of perdition has spread his folly wide! The Light has not passed through the Papal Village. He has kept it in darkness.
Mothers, I must warn you! Be sure that your children are well guarded, for this man of perdition, when he cannot reach you, will try to hurt you through your children. Guard them carefully, be sure that they have the cross about their necks. Do not let these innocent souls be fooled by the ways of satan. Do not let them bring into your homes this evil broken cross, or it will doom your household! It is the mark of the man of perdition! He will remain an extra week, My child, your trials are not over. ..............Satan has opened the abyss many of his henchmen are among you, for every knock on your door, evil knocks on your door. Guard your homes well, let not those enter, if you value the salvation of your souls. Guard your children well! Teach them the laws of God. Live a life with Christ and you will be saved. Pray for those who reap what they have sown! (vol I page 22)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - I admonish you again! Parents, remove that diabolical sign of satan from your children's throats, for it will strangle their souls! This mark of the anti-Christ, the cross that is broken, used as a disguise; the peace symbol. Destroy them before they destroy your children! Place the Cross upon their necks for, that will be all that will save them! Do not fall down in your job as a parent, for you will also be held responsible for the condition of your children's souls when they are brought to Us. .........Remember, as ye sow, so shall ye reap! Plant good seed now, while there is still time! (vol I page 24)
APRIL 1, 1972 - Keep your monuments (statues, etc.) in your homes. Pray that the devil remain (away) from your home, and you will be saved. Your country will be cleansed by trial, and should this not bring you back, you will be led to your own baptism of fire! I beg of you now, atonement and sacrifice. I have little time to wander further throughout earth now. I have come here; an oasis in a barren land, to this seat of evil, Babylon. But, My children, I know within this city of evil there are many who can rise above it and reach out and save their brothers! (vol I page 49)
MAY 19, 1971 - Confusion! Confusion. It is satan's method. Fear and confusion. You must recognize the face of evil, you must not be led as sheep to the slaughter! We gave you all an inborn conscience. These evils must be stopped because of the children. The heavy burden will be upon the parents. They must keep the Faith in their hearts. It will not be an easy task, your only refuge will be your home. You will have to bar your door against evil. Yes, you can be deluded and misled and not see the evil about you! It could be, My child, like mass hypnotism! Satan has gained much ground throughout your earth. The numbers of conquests increase every day and not enough forces to stop them. We place a heavy burden upon you who have the heart and the faith. You must save your brothers and sisters from this evil! (vol I page 28)
JULY 15, 1971 - The children are truly victims of their elders. We hold all parents responsible for the fall of their children's souls. (vol I page 30)
JULY 25, 1971 - The children are the victims of their elders. All parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls. You parents must well remember that satan seeks to claim the souls of all those destined for Our Kingdom but you parents must now struggle to save them from the reach of satan for you did not prepare yourselves when you were warned of the dangers that were lying ahead of you. Yes you turned a deaf ear. I had warned you for many years you deafened your ears and hardened your hearts. ................Oh, you blind, foolish parents who do not recognize the products of your laxity!! The blow, it will be visited upon you, for as you sow so shall you reap. Yes, you parents are filling the bodies and minds with luxuries, but you have chosen to starve the souls of your children. Your children are being led farther into the darkness. We do not see the light ahead for them. Oh, mournful sight, to see the destruction that is imminent upon you. Oh, mournful heart for you who do not listen. When this comes upon you, you will still not believe what you see with your eyes. Oh, My children, will you be counted among the few or will you be lost forever to Us? (vol I page 31)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - You must bring the angels into your homes. Every child has been given a guardian. Have you made your children aware of this fact? Yes, I could name the angels, guardian of every one this evening but there are many things that We would prefer to keep sacred rather than to expose them to unworthy souls. We will not give graces to be cast off in mockery. Therefore you parents will carry the greatest part of the load for you parents will be responsible for your children's souls......................I have brought you the plan for your salvation. It will now be your decision. You must eliminate the evil one in your schools, your churches, your houses and your entire way of life which has turned to satan. You must bring your children out of the darkness, that their elders have cast them into. It will be the duty of all parents to bring the truth to their children. It will not be easy. Satan has it well planned that it will not be easy. You will have to fight the world and society but how long will you be living in this society? Do you think of who will be ahead of you? Have you forgotten the Kingdom? Have you given your bodies and your souls for the pleasures of this world which will soon be ended for you? (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - We will not hold all children responsible for their acts against God. We will hold all the parents responsible for the destruction of their children's souls! When a soul falls, it is only because there are too few prayers offered for them, too few who cared enough. There will be much suffering, so many martyrs in the conflagration ahead, but remember, My children, Life will go on for there is life forever for those who carry the Light; you just pass over, My children, into the Kingdom. (vol I page 33)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - My Heart bleeds for what I look upon! These poor children, their souls and bodies destroyed by the enemy that you have allowed to enter into your country. These children suffer at the hands of their elders. Poison has been placed into their bodies to destroy them! The destruction of the bodies is as nothing for when this destruction comes into the soul, then, My children, the tears may fall for the anguish of knowing the loss for all eternity. There is no love left in the hearts of your children. They are being conditioned to hate! To destroy! All parents must look now, into the days that lie before you. You will see how your children will turn upon you. Yes, you will receive and reap the products of your laxity. Your city is as a cesspool! All the evils come as a nucleus here and fan out. When the hand comes upon you, you will be leveled for your licentiousness, your greed, you immorality! The children must be saved for they are the innocent victims of their elders! Parents who have grown lax as they seek the pleasures of the world before, the spiritual welfare of their children, their children's souls! (You will flee from all false pastors! You will not be led into false obedience, for in this way you will be led as sheep to the slaughter). (vol I page 34)
You parents must keep the faith in your children! The conditions in your country, the conditions in the world, are far worse than in the time of Noah and Sodom! (vol I page 35)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - All parents must rescue their children from the evils of error! We advocate the instructions of your children in the Faith. We do not want their teachers to be the adversary's helpers, the followers of the agents of hell who do not recognize the truth. You must know this truth of the evil that is about you, and must fight this evil with prayer and sacrifice of your worldly desires! (vol I page 36)
NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - Prayer, sacrifice, atonement. We ask little of you. All can be summed up in one word: Love. All parents will guard their children's souls. All parents will be held responsible for their children's souls. Pray for the Light that you may not be led into the darkness. I have stressed the plan for your salvation many times. You will act upon it now or fail! (vol I page 38)
NOVEMBER 20, 1971 - Every parent, every leader, every kingdom and provincial will make an account to his God! Those of well spirit, fear not, but yea, I say to you, the destruction of a soul has far more dire consequences than any body destruction suffered on your earth! Many graces will be given to you on this hallowed ground of My Shrine. (vol I page 39)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - My children, your homes must be a fortress. Your homes must be a stronghold of Godly unification. We look sadly upon much division in the families. Mother against daughter, father against son, all the maturing plan of the evil one. To divide is to conquer; united you will stand as a family. Recognize the evil in your land that is reaching into every family. Parents will be held responsible for the guarding of the children's souls. Pray for the Light to come to all your members. Yes, pray for your children who are the true victims of the web of evil that enshrouds the whole earth now. The example given in many homes is foul! We have asked you to keep the statues to be a focal point for the mirror of the soul. The impression upon young minds of Our true existence, that many choose to call legends! Keep the pictures, the sacramentals in your homes. Pray together as a loving family. Prepare the young souls well, for as they go without the family door, it will stand them well in the onslaughts of satan, so evident in excess about them; this darkness that covers the world. Be you not ignorant of the fact that there are loosed on your earth inhabitants of the abyss, demons of the latter days struggle, who will gather as agents of hell, bent on soul destruction and searching up new inhabitants for the kingdom of Lucifer. Your children of tender years are led very easily, the world is now a giant web! I would spare you, My children, from this terrible fact, but you must be alerted to these agents. Do not be misled also by those who parade as angels of Light, but are truly ravenous wolves carrying the venom of satan. Do not be conditioned to accept evil. Your first allegiance is to your God.
Confusion, confusion! All about Us We see confusion and the conditioning of errors. Family prayer must be instituted in the home. Without prayer you will walk the road of error! Many prayers of reparation are needed for Our Vicar. There is, My child, a plan to eliminate him. It is being developed to remove him from Our House for one who is known as anti-Christ, to reign, yes, this black leader is not black of color, but of heart. He will bring much evil into My Son's House. (vol I page 41)
MARCH 24, 1972 - Oh, My children, how I have beseeched the Father for the grace that the Eternal permit you to see what will lie ahead. Repent now, while there is time! You cannot escape the fact that there is around you an unseen world, the armies are heavy of satan! In this war, We will be victorious in the final outcome, but many tears will be shed before that day! Many mother's hearts will be torn in sorrow. Many will leave your earth unprepared! Pray that this darkness will not enter upon your house! We place the greatest responsibility upon parents at this time; to guard and armor their children's souls, from the evil which will increase! Oh, My children, if only you could look into the few days in earthly years and see what is to come upon you! You will prepare yourself well for this day! (vol I page 44,45)
MARCH 25, 1972 - Be knowledgeable, My children, and understand that he (satan) will not come to you as himself; he can possess the body of any unclean soul, be it man, woman, or child! I repeat to you, now, that all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls! Give them a good foundation and when they are subject to the storms of evil they will not crumble under the onslaught (or surrender). ...........Permissiveness, My children, is destroying you. Laxity of discipline and parents involving themselves in excessive worldly pursuits. What has become of the dedication? What has become of the laws given to you by Our prophets? (vol I page 45)
Nakedness! Abomination! Aberrations! have become a way of life! Nakedness, have you no shame! To expose your body and cause another to also fall! You are double sinning! Mothers, in your permissive attitude you condone your daughter to sin! Have you no protective instinct for your child? Why do your subject her to the ravages of satanic agents? ..........You have broken the laws of your God! We see despicable women who desecrate their homes! What has your love of the flesh, your sins of the flesh, gained you, but hell! The laws of your God were given you for a reason. What example do you give your children? Do not call yourself 'mother', call them harlots of the world! You are as dung in the streets! (vol I page 46)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Your young people are being seduced! We place the greatest responsibility for their falling on the parents and the teachers. (vol I page 50)
Are your children visiting temples of satan? Parents have become pleasure seeking, filling their stomachs, pampering the body, to what avail? Unless you become disciplined, seeking only the way of God, you will be destroyed, physically and spiritually! (vol I page 51)
MAY 10, 1972 - There are parents who are not practicing true discipline with their children. Permissive attitudes, while parents grow lax; parents who do not watch the forms of entertainment of their children; many young souls are losing their purity, learning to accept sin as a way of life. Woe to these parents! What are you doing? Have you tried to eliminate this evil from your world from your lives? Do you not know that this is all the evil plan to destroy you and your children? What are you doing to change this? You look toward the wrong road when you accept and close your eyes, and deny the dangers to your soul. Only We can save you, the evil in man is great, only We can save you! (vol I page 51)
MAY 30, 1972 - Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans? .........Guard your children's souls. Your country and peoples have taken up with pagan practices. Star gazing and fortune telling has a rock heart. Only your God controls your destiny. He is not a feelingless being, but a living Entity! (vol I page 52)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Man has left the road to Heaven. He has made his way from the straight path onto the dark one. The responsibility for the fall of souls will be balanced heavily upon those responsible for the destruction of young souls. Parents, why do you go down the road of satan? Has My Son suffered in vain? (vol I page 53)
Mothers, why are you permissive with your children? Do you not recognize the plan of satan? Do you wish lustful eyes cast upon the innocence of your young child? Do not lead your child into danger! I have watched with torn heart the parent who leads her daughter to the butchers! How dare you! Do you think you will go unpunished? No! Acts of violence, impurity of heart, murders without conscience, offenses of every nature to your God, are being committed in your country! Your city is a cesspool of sin! Many cities in your country have become dark with sin! Will you continue to seek the way in darkness? Understand, My children, that you are in a hard battle. The abyss is open and when you are in Our Light the forces of evil are doubled against you. Therefore, be watchful! (vol I page 53,54)
JULY 15, 1972 - Each family that wishes to be saved, must now retire as a family from the world that has now been given to satan. Guard the souls of the ones you love. Satan sends his agents among you with cunning. You must always watch. Many parents are leading their children on the road to damnation by their example, by their permissiveness and by their laxity. What has happened to the shame among you? Pagans! (vol I page 56)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - Veronica: Our Lady pointed to a map over the waters: Chinese people, black people, floods, plague. Our Lady said: This is in small measure what is in store for your country. Many children will be taken from your country. It is the only recourse to save them from a bad parenthood, a misguiding society; from a land that has turned its back on its God! (vol I page 59)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 - I admonish all parents to prepare their children's souls now for the Chastisement which is not long in coming. Better that all parents make plans for this, for they will shed many tears of regret if they do not! (vol I page 63)
MARCH 18, 1973 - I wish that all fathers of households stand forth and practice their role. They will use the rod and not permit their children to go astray. Firmness is needed in your world that is filled with laxity, permissiveness and degradation...........The greatest detrimental factor in the family and home is the desire for the material. Better that you live in the gardens and fields with the nourishment of manna from Heaven, than to be filled with the abominations of the world. ........Man has lost his way. Man has set himself from the road to the Kingdom. He has not much time to return to the road. He will gather his family about him and save those he loves, and in the charity of his heart seek to set an example for his neighbor. (vol I page 87)
MAY 10, 1973 - The more, My children, you choose to go and live among men, the less you will feel yourself in union with the Father. You must retire within yourself. Gather your families about you in prayer. .........Your children must be protected against the world, your world of evil. Better that they starve their bodies than to starve their souls. The seeking of worldly gain has sent many souls into hell. The example being shown in many homes is abominable. Many parents will pay a high price in the loss of the Kingdom for their lack of discipline and proper direction of the souls entrusted to them. (vol I page 101)
JUNE 16, 1973 - All who remain in the light will have no fear in the days ahead. They will find solace and refuge in My Son's Sacred Heart. Bring My Son into your homes and monuments and daily remembrance. You will find this a great rock in a world that will go into darkness. Your homes must become a fortress in the battle ahead. ........Instruct your children well in the salvation of their souls. Know that when they leave beyond the doors of your home, they will be subject to satan. Teach them, My children, parents, the value of prayer. Prayer must be returned to you homes. Your example must be one of purity. Your example must be one of fortitude. And most of all, My children, remember: You must show and practice love for the Father. (vol I page 110)
JULY 25, 1973 - St. Anne: Oh, how sad to look upon the homes of earth! Whatever has become of motherhood? Bad example, such poor example I see in many homes. You must return to the simple life. The love of riches will destroy your souls. ........Involvement of the parents in worldly pursuits and living take them farther from the graces of Heaven. The greatest offenses to the Father is the lack of discipline and true direction of many parents of earth today, My children. ......
You still have time to make restitution and atonement, and to save your children. You must bring them back to the Sacraments. You must be an example of modesty and true faith to them. Children will learn much by your example. (vol I page 117)
Where is the place of the man and father? Where has he gone from the homes? Why has woman sought to take his place? Satan has created this delusion. The place for woman is in the home and the rearmament of the child. The man will be the breadwinner and safeguard his home. .....Women, mothers of the world, why do you expose your bodies? Why do you create lust in the eyes of others, and in their hearts? What example are you as mothers? Animals! Many homes now are infested with human animals!......Your homes will be homes of prayer and good example. You may have to be an object of scorn and derision among your neighbors, but O my children, if they knew what awaits them, they would come and join you on their knees. (vol I page 118)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - I ask you, My children, to retire from your world which has been given to satan. Keep pure and holy thoughts in your minds and hearts. Set an example of godliness for your children, for many shall be gathered in the days ahead. Many will be taken unprepared to enter the Kingdom. (vol I page 139)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - I dispense upon all many graces; graces in abundance, graces for the asking. Come to Me, My children, all who are burdened with sorrows, mothers forsaken by their children. There is great discord in family life. I have given you the sacramentals, and the plan to restore peace within your homes. You must bring My Son back into the hearts of your children. You must restore prayer to your home. ...............The example being shown by many parents is poor. How can you expect your children to follow the road to the Kingdom, when you have lost the road yourselves, and by your example you have set your children onto the road to perdition. A great responsibility has been placed upon the parents of the world, for they will stand in judgment before the Father for the fall of their children's souls. (vol I page 151)
DECEMBER 29, 1973 - Better, My children, that you have a small circle of blessed friends than to socialize among the wicked. Make your home a fortress of godliness. Remove your children from a world that has become, and given to satan. The greatest responsibility for the young soul will be given to the parents. Keep the Faith in the heart of those you love. (vol I page 153)
DECEMBER 31, 1973 - Parents must bring into their homes reading matter that brings the knowledge of God to their children. The Father is much grieved that satan has entered into many homes and the souls of many children in this manner; by the placement of books of degradation within the homes, many by their parents. ........The Father directs all in a family unit to lead the simple life. This will mean the eradication from their way of life the sophisticated, new rationalization of sin. (vol I page 156)
MARCH 18, 1974 - St. Joseph: My child, Veronica, it is not often I speak, preferring to remain behind as consolation to my dear family. However, my heart is town as I watch the abominations and the destruction of young souls. Would I offer myself as sacrifice for the salvation of these young souls I would present myself to the Father. Many young souls will be taken from your world that they may enter the Kingdom and not fall to satan. (vol I page 171)
St. Joseph: Repeat, my child, my words. Families do honor to your homes. Fathers, be a father, discipline your children. Mothers, do not discard your role as the mother; why have you sought to stand side by side with your husband, without being subservient to him? You have lost your honor. The example you give to your children can lead them nowhere but into the darkness. A strong tree will bear good fruit, a tree that is fed with impure waters will not grow to maturity, but will die and wither on the vine. Prayer must be entered into the lives of your children. Prayer must be a way of life now, for you have chosen of your will to cast aside the words of the Father. (vol I page 171,172)
I have asked My beloved children, to read the Book of Life so that they may become knowledgeable, for it is in the knowledge of your God that you will be able to stand forth as true disciples of a Father. The Book of Life and Love, the Bible, shall have been taken from you, and the words once read will remain in your heart. Fathers of families and mothers, to be an example of this knowledge to your children, take them with you to a quiet corner and read, for in this manner will they learn the truth and be given the light. Outside your doors, My children, We do not see many good examples. (vol I page 173)
APRIL 6, 1974 - The Father set you upon earth to do battle with satan, and to return in triumph and glory to the Kingdom. Instead, We find that many of you have made your choice and gone into the darkness. You have been deceived, you have accepted delusion. You will now recover yourselves in the Heart of My Son, you call the Eucharist. You will read your Book of Life, so that the truth will enter your mind. And cast off the books of satan that now enter your homes and the hearts of your children. Parents, you will be true parents in the light of God, for the day will come when there will be great anguish in the hearts of parents who have fallen, and failed to bring discipline and the knowledge of God to their homes. (vol I page 187)
APRIL 13, 1974 - The example in the home is very, very poor. So husbands now, you will act with love to your wives, but you will keep them in discipline. Many of them have lost their way. Discipline! And wives, honor your husbands, and do your role as mothers in honor to your God. We see the example of the homes is very poor. It is not without meaning that We have chosen these colors. Womanhood must be returned to the state in which the Father created it. Right at this moment, a great Chastisement is coming upon you, for you have cast aside your role as women. This you will not do without receiving great Chastisement. There will be division in homes unless the fathers stand forth as examples to their sons and daughters, and the mothers return to their roles as mothers in the light of God the Father. That is all, My child. (vol I page 195)
MAY 22, 1974 - Mothers, whatever shall B-E-C-O-M-E of your children? Only You Can Save now your children. The leaders have gone astray. They have scattered the sheep. Gather your little ones before they, too, become lost. Fortify their souls against the evil about them by placing the sacramentals upon their bodies. For the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit within. (vol I page 197)
JUNE 18, 1974 - Parents, I cannot direct you with more urgency than I can now to call your aid in governing the lives of your children with great care. The foundation of their Faith must start in the homes. The young years, the tender years of their childhood must be given to the knowledge of the Father and the role they must play upon earth as pilgrims, as disciples for the Father in Heaven. (vol I page 221)
JULY 15, 1974 - The example We see of many parents is poor. Mothers, where is the word mother on your earth? So few true mothers remain. They compete with their daughters, My children. Vanity, lust, fornication, adultery, all in the homes! All vile manners of fornication, tearing down the sanctity of the home. Parents, mothers, you are responsible as a parent for the souls of your children. If you permit them to expose their bodies to the public eye, you are guilty of a sin! You are guilty and shall receive your recompense! Discipline your children, you will remain in the light. Discipline them, or you shall cry bitter tears of anguish. You will have to be an outcast. You will be laughed at and scorned. Yes, My Son was laughed at and scorned. Do not expect your cross to be any lighter. You will have to pick up your cross and follow My Son, the same road. (vol I page 231,232)
JULY 25, 1974 - All parents must prepare themselves to do great battle with satan. He will pit father against son, mother against daughter, and there will be much dissension within the family. Pray, pray within your homes and you will go through this period of sorrow with hope, confidence in the victory over the evil, the evil that has entered into many homes. ........The time will come, parents, listen well! The time will come when your children shall turn you over to be executed so great will be the power of satan. (vol I page 236)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - The enemies of the Father have worked well to remove Me, My children, from among you. Keep the monuments, the statues in your homes. Recover the Old Testaments and books that are being cast into the fires and destroyed and replaced with the works of satan. Read these good books of old to your children, Keep the Faith in the hearts of those you love, for you will find satan sending his agents to your doors. Guard your families with the sacramentals given to you. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, My children. I cannot caution you enough. My voice grows weak. My years on earth time grow short. I come to you, My arms filled with graces, graces for the asking, graces in abundance, graces for cure and conversion. (vol I page 255)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - Many homes are defiled by the example of the parents. The children, innocent victims of their elders, whatever shall become of them? Pray, pray for the children! Parents, you who have heard My words of caution, protect your children for satan has seated himself beside your door! He awaits to devour your child when he leaves your home, setting agents among you. (vol I page 264)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - Immoral practices are being condoned in the homes! We see the home life of the children being destroyed! What example as parents do you give to your children! As you sow, so shall you reap! The sins of the parents shall be visited upon the children! Many parents will shed bitter tears, but too late! T-O-O L-A-T-E! ............My child, it is not passing by the Father. Nothing is unseen to the Father! He knows your past, your future and the present. Many parents have set their children against the mission from Heaven! They will receive a just recompense for this offense. (vol I page 272)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - We are much grieved in Heaven to view the abominations being committed in many homes! The darkness has set into many homes! All parents must open their hearts and look into their homes objectively. Have you set your house in order? Have you brought the knowledge of your God to your children? Have you cast out of your home the abominations placed there by satan? The box of evil, your televisions, the books of degradation and perversion, pornography! Yes, My child, do not be startled! Many parents read these abominable books and set a bad example to their children!............Many parents have lost the way and in this manner shall lead their children astray. Awaken from your slumber, parents! Whatever shall become of your children? Many parents shall gnash their teeth and shed bitter tears of sorrow! Too late! Too late So great is the darkness of your world!...............There is much lacking in the homes on your earth, My children. Piety, sanctity, words that are lost among you. You have chosen to accept the ways of the world and bring them into your homes. You have cast out the images of piety We have given you, the statues and the founts of pious waters. (vol I page 315)
Know, My children, that you as parents must guard the souls of your children. You must monitor your children's lives! Set an example of piety! We find many mothers an abomination in the eyes of their fathers! They disport their bodies like pagans! They permit their daughters to dress shamefully, until these mislead children no longer recognize sin and it has become a way of life for them.............The example of many parents in their homes is poor! Awaken! Awaken now from your darkness! Your children are without shepherds! Your children are without guidance. Parents, you will stand before the Father in judgment for the loss of your children's souls! (vol I page 316)
MARCH 18, 1975 - The foundation for a young life is found in the family. We find much lacking in the example of many parents. They have forgotten their role as parents and they are feeding their children well with the contaminating abundance of your nation and the world, however, their souls are being starved for the light. (vol I page 338)
Mothers must teach their children the true Faith. Fathers must fulfill their mission as fathers to their children. The example in many homes is poor and will not be tolerated by the Eternal Father. Measure for measure, you shall reap what you have sown............Parents must give to their children the knowledge of the Commandments of the Father. No excuse is accepted for casting aside these commandments. (vol I page 342)
MARCH 29, 1975 - St. Michael: Children of God, stand fast in your Faith. Be a good example to your children for when they will leave you, you will not wonder what fate they have received beyond the veil. Prepare your children's souls well! Do not expect the teachers of your schools, your government and institutions to give the truth to your children. This as parents you must do. (vol I page 352)
MAY 28, 1975 - There will be discord in homes, and the parents who have set their children onto the road of spiritual darkness, My child, shall reap the reward of their evil; lacking discipline, and setting their children's hearts without mercy, without, love, and without knowledge of their God. (vol I page 369)
JUNE 18, 1975 - The heads of all households, mothers, fathers, will bend your knee now in prayer with your children. You must now appear to your God with a humble heart, do penance, make atonement and many sacrifices. (vol I page 378)
JULY 15, 1975 - St. Joseph: My child, you will make it known to mankind that the head of an earthly family is the father. The Father Eternal will guide the father, the head of the household. A woman of earth shall not cast aside her role as mother and housekeeper. In her role as mother, she shall be the guardian of her children's souls and a helpmate of her husband and a guardian also of his earthly soul and the soul eternal. By her example in her household, she has the power, as woman, for good or evil. She shall stay in her home and guide her children. (vol I page 381)
The example by many of our dedicated is poor, therefore, the heads of families must now take it upon themselves to be guardians of the faith in their household! The children are the victims of their elders, therefore, the parents shall teach their children in truth. (vol I page 383)
JULY 25, 1975 - Parents, as guardian of your children's souls, you must have the courage to come forward and act upon this for it will be you as parents who shall cry tears of bitter remorse when you know that these children have been lost forever to the Eternal Kingdom for many shall fall into the abyss. The prince of darkness, satan, shall claim many young souls. (vol I page 387)
My children, follow the example in family of My mother and dear father. Children must respect their elders. There is no unity in the homes upon earth for they have forgotten the example given to them.......Parents, you must teach your children. Do not send them out into your world to be instructed by the father of liars who has done his work well in your schools. .......Your home must be a refuge for your children. Place about them the things of your God. Remove from your homes the trappings of the world, soul destructors. Soul destructors, My children, that have been created by satan to capture the souls of your children............Sin has become a way of life. Awaken now from your blindness, My children, upon earth. You are sending your children onto the road to destruction! (vol I page 388)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - Have you, as parents, prepared your family? Have you set your household in order? I have asked you to place in your homes the Book of Life and Love, your Bible. Parents, you must read this to your children for they shall not receive the knowledge of their God outside of your door. The teachers have given themselves to the world, blinded of spirit, hardened of heart, and deafened of ear have they become. Too late they will awaken, in shock, knowing that the time has run out for their repatriation! The Ball of Redemption is out there, My children. The Eternal Father has the day and the hour! (vol I page 398)
We are displeased, discouraged, and disheartened, My children, at watching inside the homes of many; the many have become multitudinous, My children. We find much lacking in the homes, the family has deteriorated and corroded! Little by little, We see the structure of the family life disintegrating. There is little discipline and not holiness, by far, in many of these homes, My children. (vol I page 399)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - I have asked you to retire from this world of yours that has been given to satan. Homes shall be a fortress against the evil. You will nourish the souls of your children within your home. Strong fathers of strong will, disciples! Mother of good example; examples of purity and piety, and chastity! It is a sorrow to My Heart to observe that the nature of mankind has become as animal!! (vol I page 412,413)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - The parents of earth must make a firm effort to safeguard their children by giving stern direction, if necessary, and not be permissive in the rearing of their children. Do not allow you children to rule you, but set a good example and use a firm discipline. (vol I page 438)
My children, My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Earth years have passed; souls continue to descend into the abyss! Your children go fast into spiritual darkness! And as parents, what are you doing to save your children's souls? Are you also joining those who have lost the way? Are you giving yourselves to all manners and pleasures of the flesh, while your souls are starving? The Spirit of Truth is growing dim upon your earth! (vol I page 441)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - The children must be guided by the family. The Truth, the Faith, the Tradition, must be instilled in their hearts by the mothers and fathers of a family. Do not expect your children to go beyond your doors and be instructed in truth, for the world has been given to satan. Many who should be showing a firm example, have gone the easy way of the flesh, for they care more for the treasures and glory of this world-earth, that what the future has for them. Hell is open wide, the abyss is filling continuously with souls that have fallen into darkness. Will you not rescue them, My children, with your acts of sacrifice and prayer?.(vol I page 450)
MARCH 18, 1976 - St. Joseph: The father shall be the head of the household. A woman shall remain a companion to her husband. What manner of foul evils are now entering upon your homes and the lives of your children? What examples as parents have you given to your children? Many tears of sorrow shall be shed by parents, too late! The abyss, hell, is open wide, and we stand and watch, helpless to recover these souls. ..............We look into many homes, my children, and find discord, disunity, and sorrow, confusion and despair, manners of aberration, the matrimonial bond broken, sin becoming a way of life. The family that will pray together shall stay together. (vol I page 476)
APRIL 10, 1976 - Parents are responsible for the guidance and the salvation now of their children's souls. Discipline must be returned to the homes, and parents must set an example of purity and godliness in their homes. Do not expect others to replace you in guiding your children. It is your duty, it is your purpose, it is your station in life; and you will not reject your responsibility, for then you reject your children and will cast them onto the road to hell. (vol I page 481)
MAY 15, 1976 - Bring the children to Us, but do not take them down the wrong road. Parents, give them the light while there is time. Save your children, for your hearts will be torn with anguish. What greater joy, My children, in the heart of a parent, when a child must come to Us over the veil and this parent has the comfort of heart to know that child has been saved. And what sadness to a parent to wonder and plead for an eternity upon earth for the redemption of a soul that the parent, through negligence, through blindness, through a dimness of faith, allowed, permitted his child to go onto the wrong road, a road leading to ultimate damnation. (vol I page 488)
JUNE 12, 1976 - Parents, have you no discipline to give your children? As parents, you shall be responsible before the Eternal Father for the fall of your children's souls. Take yourselves, parents, from the world. Open your eyes and look into the lives of your children. You have become engrossed, as parents, with worldly cavorting and pleasures. You pamper the bodies, the temporal bodies of your children, while you starve their souls, the eternal soul of your children. .........What are you teaching your children in your homes? Parents, you bring depravity in your reading matters, books of filth! You call yourselves sophisticated and worldly? For what? To impress a mankind? When you come over the veil no man shall stand forward and be able to plead your cause; you will come stripped before the Eternal Father Who will look into your heart, and what measure of merit have you brought with you? (vol I page 501)
JULY 24, 1976 - All parents hold the measure of responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. Do not expect others to save your children. You must retain the Faith in their hearts through your homes and your family unity. Satan has sown discord within the family circles. It will be a struggle in the days ahead to keep your children from falling into the web of evil that is slowly ensnaring the world. Satan is weaving his web of evil like the black widow. (vol I page 514)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - Parents, guide your children, for you will suffer much if you neglect this duty. Guide them not in the ways of the world, but the ways of your God. (vol I page 520)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - My children, if you love as you profess with your mouth, act upon this. Show by example, a good example to your children. They must receive this knowledge of the way from their parents and the example in their homes. O My children, the reward to you in the end will be far greater than you can ever imagine, for you will be looking for the salvation of your loved ones. And how sorrowful and dejected a state for a mother or father to realize too late that they did not do enough, they did not care enough, to lead their children onto the road to Heaven. ..........There must be a constant vigilance within the homes. Parents must not be caught up in the cares of their worldly living, in their pursuit of pleasure and entertainment, and leave their children to wander, undisciplined, unguided, and falling into sin and the loss of their souls. (vol I page 530)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Parents have a grave responsibility in these hours of trial ahead to gather their children in their households and instill in them the truth and the knowledge of their Faith. Do not open your doors and shove your children out of your thresholds to be guided into the darkness and to meet with the ravenous wolves outside your doors! Accept your duty and responsibility as a parent for the salvation of your children's souls. (vol I page 546)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - O My children, We call upon all parents to bring discipline into the hearts of their children. They are wandering without purpose and knowledge of their religion. They are wandering without leadership. You, as parents, have the greatest responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. (vol I page 548)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - You will wear your sacramentals and guard the doors of your homes. Prepare your children so that when they go outside of your home they will not fall into the conspiracy of evil. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. The power of prayer is great to the ears of the Eternal Father. Ask and you shall receive. (vol I page 559)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - Keep pure and holy thoughts in your minds, for the eyes are the mirror for your soul. Your example as parents must be one of discipline, of faith, and of purity. As you sow, so shall ye reap. (vol I page 578)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - I caution you all to remain within your family circles. Bar your doors to all but your immediate families and close friendships. The forces of evil are gathered to destroy the children of God. (vol I page 566)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - Parents, you are becoming degenerate in the raising of your children. You have fallen in line with the agents of hell. Do you consider yourselves adult? Do you consider yourselves responsible? Do you consider yourselves sophisticated because you join the world? And what knowledge do your children have of their future life? What knowledge do you impart to them of their God? I say unto you, there will be many tears shed and much gnashing of teeth very soon, My children. (vol I page 580)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - My children, parents of the young, you must keep the Faith in your homes. Your example must be one of godliness. You must keep your children upon the right road, the narrow road. Do not foster in them a love of the material; do not foster in them by your example the love of pleasure, the love of pleasure that exceeds, far exceeds the love of their God. (vol II page 24)
MARCH 18, 1977 - Your children, what will become of your children? What manner of example are you permitting to be given to your children?.........Mothers and fathers, you must now bring rigid discipline into your household. As parents, you have an obligation to protect your children's souls. Do not depend upon or expect your pastors or your teachers in your schools to protect and build up the defenses for your children against the onslaught of evil. As parents, the full responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls will fall upon you. (vol II page 26)
MAY 18, 1977 - Oh, My children, My heart is torn, as a Mother's heart is torn, when I see all of the crimes and violations of the little children being committed by parents, not only strangers, but parents of innocent children subjecting these innocents to all manner of debasement and violation! Woe to the parent that has given his child to satan for worldly gain. ...........Woe to the parent who sells the soul of his child for human gain! It is better that he as a child had died in his mother's womb! (vol I page 43)
Do not fall for the evil that man has created of taking the knowledge from the minds of the young of the existence of hell and purgatory, and even the Eternal Kingdom of the Father in Heaven. You must, as parents, now retain this truth in your children's hearts, for I assure you many bitter tears of regret shall soon come upon men. They will cry, but too late. (vol II page 45)
JUNE 4, 1977 - You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes. Guard your doors well against evil. Gather the graces for your children and keep their armor upon them at all times. You will meet with much rebuttal from the world, for people of the world accept only the world, and people of the spirit are known only to those of the spirit, My children. This is a riddle that you
will understand in due time. Do not become unevenly yoked. Do not subject yourselves or your children to sources of temptation and evil. Birds of a feather will always flock together. Learn by this lesson, My children. (vol II page 55)
JUNE 16, 1977 - Parents, be an example of purity and goodness and disciplinarians in your homes. Your children enter outside your doors into a world of ravenous wolves ready to devour their spirit and crush them, until they cannot rise above the darkness without your help and guidance. You cannot, at this time, turn them over to others to teach the way; you must do this now yourselves! Take yourselves away from your daily pursuits, your seeking of worldly gain and materialism, pleasures of the flesh! For what? You cast aside the true way and you go farther into the darkness and meet satan and his consorts. .................My children, guard the youth, protect your family now, and you will not have your heart torn in the near future. there is much discord now, My children; We observe in family life a disunity which is not good. There must be discipline by the father and the mother. Faith shall be your beacon. Faith shall make you victorious. Believe and you will be given the way..............All must persevere in the days ahead. You have no one but yourselves now to save and your children. And if you have charity of heart and additional graces to offer to the world, go seek your brothers and sisters who otherwise would be lost without your help. Guard your children well and you shall not cry for them; for, My children, all knowledge is given to you when you come over the veil, and how bitter the heart will be torn with anguish of a mother who sees her child cast out of the light. (vol II page 59)
JULY 15, 1977 - Homes must now become a stronghold of godliness! Homes must be a refuge for the children against the onslaught of satan now loosed in your world. Parents must give a good example of godliness and piety. Woe to the parent who discards or goes along with apathy in his role as a parent. There will be much gnashing of teeth and woe set upon the earth by the evil ones now loosed from the abyss. The forces of 666 are now raging like ravenous demons throughout your world. They have entered into the governments of the nations; they have entered into all medias of communication, and they have entered into My Son's Church! (vol II page 64)
AUGUST 5, 1977 - My children, can I bring you a message of joy when My heart is torn by the murders and the loss of respect for your elders? Children against parents, parents going about, running to and fro, marrying and giving in marriage, living adulterously, consorting with evil, with homosexuals and lesbians! What manner of life do you show for your children to make example of? Woe to the parent that scandalizes his child. It is better if that parent had died in his mother's womb! Woe to the pastors that scandalize the children! They shall burn in an eternity of hell for their deception! (vol II page 72)
Your children are the innocent victims of their elders. The example in homes is poor, until the house shall be divided. It will be father against son, mother against daughter, as satan sets himself in their midst. Love shall become cool, love for neighbor shall become cool because of fear of neighbor, so great will be the evil of the world...........My children, you will all link your hands for a solid wall of unity against this evil. Your links shall be prayer and sacrifice, penance! You will use all of the sacramentals given to you from the establishment of My Church upon earth. Let the scoffers laugh at you; accept their condemnation even, for in the end you will receive your crown. (vol II page 73)
The eyes are the mirror of the soul! And what do your children look at but filth and pornography! And who has brought this before their eyes but their parents by their permissiveness and their lack of organization! I say organization', because they run to and fro, buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage, coveting the neighbor's wife and husband! All manner of abomination in the eyes of your God! Even now sin is being condoned until it becomes a way of life. And for what? For the ultimate damnation of a generation! (vol II page 74)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - Murder, raping, distortions of all manner of godly inclinations, shall prevail upon your earth. Your children are the major victims of their elders now. As parents, you have now a special mission; to protect your children against satan and his agents. (vol II page 77)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1977 - You must, as parents, I repeat My Mother's counsel to you, you must as parents now, be guardians of the souls of your children for you cannot hand them over to anyone outside of your home, for the souls of whom knock upon your door are evil. Many will be lost in the coming tribulation in the days ahead. (vol II page 81)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - Parents, you have now the chance and the time to right the wrong that has been done to your children. Can you in all sincerity and honesty say that you have been guiltless in the fall of your children? O parents, great suffering has been given to man, and much suffering will still be experienced in your world. (vol II page 87)
I warned you in the past, My children, that as you become murderers in heart, your children shall become murderers in heart. And it shall be parents and children, division in the home; parents and children fighting. Children rising up and putting to death the parents! And why? Because they have no light in the home, no light of faith. Souls are in darkness, and the prince of darkness is satan. (vol II page 88)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - You have sown in the hearts of your children, corruption, greed, avarice, vanity, materialism, humanism, modernism. loss of morals, and now what will you get but murder within the home! Sin has become a way of life. Life will have no value. Charity has grown cold in the hearts of most. My children, I repeat again: Only a few will be saved in the final count. The rapture is approaching. ..........My children, sin has become a way of life, and your children shall turn upon you. It will be father against son, mother against daughter, division in the household. All because you did not prepare your house for these times. Recognize now the signs of your times! ..............Satan walks the earth, entering into the body of any man, woman or child to work his will in the world. You will see murders; you will see acts committed by your children so despicable that you will say that only satan, from the abyss, the depths of hell, could create and conceive of such evil! (vol I page 91)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - O My children, My child, listen to me well and shout it to the world that satan is now upon earth in a human form. As in the past, I counseled you, My children, to prepare your families, your homes, your children, for the onslaught of satan when he walks the earth. Now he is here upon your earth, and you must do battle with him. You have been given your armor in sacramentals..........You must not abandon My Son. You must go to the tabernacles of the world and eat of His Body and His Blood, the Bread of life..(vol II page 96)
My children, your children, parents are the victims now of your laxity. They are the victims of their elders. All foul manner of acts are being taught them in their schools, in their secret societies. And why? Because you as parents are too lax in your duty. You flutter to and fro looking for pleasures and gathering the materials of your world. And for what? For I shall soon make them as naught, nothing. (vol II page 96)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - Sin has become a way of life in your country and many countries throughout your world. In your insanity you will bring about your own destruction. My Son's creation, in the Father and the Holy Spirit, the good Book of Life and Love, the Bible, is being replaced by the book of satan. Parents, you look upon this with a smile? Are you too insane? Do you not recognize the infiltration of your home life by satan? Your children shall turn upon you, and put you to death! There will be division within the home; father against son, mother against daughter, as parents will struggle to retain the truth and the light within the homes. (vol II page 108)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - Parents, you cannot now expect your leaders in government, city, state or national, to protect your children, for the forces of evil are solidly entrenched now in your government. Your medias of communication are controlled. Each and every parent must assume now full responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. (vol II page 116)
MARCH 15, 1978 - Evil creations from hell, all manner of abominations are entering into the homes of your nation and the countries throughout the world. It will be an absolute necessity now for all parents to act as a director, a leader in the homes. The greatest attack from satan shall be upon family life. If you break down the family, you will break down the nation. (vol II page 126)
MARCH 25, 1978 - Weep with Me, My child, and pray; pray a constant vigilance. Many mothers shall join Me beneath the cross. Many mothers shall cry as they see their children being lost to them...........My children, you must protect your families now, 666 is not a myth, My children. It is a fact that satan, Lucifer, is walking the earth now. The pages of the Book of Life must turn. What was to happen in the future shall be now. Hasten, hearken and listen to the words from Heaven. A due Chastisement shall be set upon mankind soon. You will be given a Warning, a warning of major proportion. Learn by it! (vol II page 135)
You as children of your God must make a firm effort now to prepare yourselves and your families, your brothers and your sisters of the world. Prepare them for the great Chastisement that will come upon mankind. In your blindness, in your searching for power and treasures of the world, you have cast aside all knowledge given to you by your God, your inborn nature. You have cast it aside, but you will meet with a day of reckoning, and very soon! (vol II page 136)
APRIL 1, 1978 - My children, you will keep a firm foundation of faith in the hearts of your children. You cannot expect others to do this fatherly and motherly obligation. You as mothers and fathers are the keepers for the souls of your children, and as such you are held accountable in the eyes of all Heaven for the fall of your children's souls. You will also as parents battle satan as he seeks to destroy your families. It will be father against son and mother against daughters, division in the homes, as satan becomes stronger in his conquest. (vol II page 138)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, parents of families, you must now accept the great responsibility for the salvation of your children's souls. When My Son returns. He will cry and cry again; Where shall I find the Faith? Shall there be a flicker of faith left when He returns? The way you are proceeding, the world's people have become pagans, worshippers of false idols, engrossed in materialism, modernism, humanism, socialism; every manner of creation from satan..(vol II page 146)
MAY 27, 1978 - Parents, save yourselves the anguish of heart, teach your children now. Give them a firm foundation of their Faith. Many young people are taking their lives because they have no Faith. And the way the world progresses, My children, when I return to earth shall I find even a flicker of the true faith left? (vol II page 154)
JUNE 1, 1978 - Parents, please, I beg of you as your Mother, to bar your doors to all but you immediate family and workers in the light. Satan has many faces, My children. He will come to you even as an angel of light. If you pray, if you stay in the spirit of light, My children, he will not delude you. (vol II page 160)
JULY 25, 1978 - Parents must protect their children now. Do not depend even upon your clergy to safeguard your children's souls. Satan now is doing great battle in My Son's House upon earth. He shall not be victorious; however, it is a test now for all mankind. You will be guided by reading the Bible, the Book of Life. And I repeat again for all mankind to hear: Conform to the world and its sin and you will die on the vine! (vol II page 174)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - I have counseled parents to guard their doors of their homes and make them strongholds for the children! It is the young now who have become the major source for the onslaught of satan to destroy the future of your country and many countries throughout the world. I say 'many' My children, because, as the days go on, the major disaster of the world war and the chastising celestial comet set upon mankind shall leave in its wake too few souls upon earth. (vol II page 180)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - My child and My children, Lucifer knows how to reach mankind, for man has given himself over to pride and arrogance. You must all pray constantly that you do not fall into error. My children, as parents now you have full responsibility for the salvation of your household. Your children are now at the mercy of those who are outside the doors of your home. Many demons are loosed upon earth now with Lucifer, and they shall enter into the bodies of mankind and work their will. (vol II page 183)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - My children, guard the youth; protect your family now, and you will not have your heart torn in the near future. There is much discord now, My children; We observe in family life a disunity which is not good. There must be discipline by the father and the mother. Faith shall be your beacon. Faith shall make you victorious. Believe, and you will be given the way. (vol II page 189)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - My children, you must guard your families. Watch your children. Because of the laxity of many of the men of God in My Son's Church, because of their laxity, because they have given themselves into all manners of sin, sins of the flesh, Our sheep have been left to stray, and the wolves have approached them. And many have already been lost to Us, lured away by promises of peace and joy and eternal happiness. There shall be no peace, there shall be no joy without the cross.(vol II page 200)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - Parents, I ask you now to remove from your home all agents or signification's relating to the agents and forces of hell, Lucifer and his demons now loosed upon earth. Because you are not accepting the graces given to you from Heaven; parents you are not aware that your children are being brainwashed by Lucifer. He sends into your homes music. You accept these to make your children happy; but there is a power called witchcraft. Do not laugh as I tell you this. It is here, it is now, and it is powerful, even unto the death of a human being. It is a group that is using religion as a front, My children. There is only one religion that can save your country and all of the countries of the world; the religion of the cross and My Son's sacrifice upon the cross. (vol II page 205)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - And My children, listen to Me well, as I warn all parents that you will shout soon, "I beware of My children, for they seek to kill me." Lucifer plans to turn father against son, mother against daughter, and shall direct them to kill within the home. You have not seen bloodshed; a little bit here, and a little bit there, but rivers of blood shall flow in your streets as children will turn against their parents. .............My children, do not allow the enemies to give you a vision of utopia without suffering. My children, do not allow the enemies to take from you the knowledge of the existence of Heaven, hell and purgatory. Your children are the major, now, the major martyrs, and I say martyrs. Be it not the laxity of the parents, the schools, and many in My Son's Church, many of the parents would not be shedding this evening tears of remorse and grief at the loss of your children, knowing not whether they have been saved or lost forever. I say unto you, from the merciful heart of your Mother: Cry not, mother, the Eternal Father is most merciful upon you. He has opened His Heart to many of your children, not judging them by false leaders. (vol II page 206)
MAY 26, 1979 - I counsel all parents to protect the souls of their children by giving them a firm foundation of faith. You cannot now expect with confidence, as you did in the past, this knowledge to be given to your children through your schools, and even your churches upon earth. And I say unto you, that this blight upon mankind has entered upon all of the religions of the earth. (vol II page 219)
JUNE 9, 1979 - O My children, as I repeat myself to you over and over again, I have gone constantly as your Mother walking upon your earth, guiding you out of the darkness. How often have I cried out to you to prepare your household, to safeguard your children, and to maintain the true knowledge of your Faith and My Son's Church in your homes and in the hearts of the young.. (vol II page 223)
JUNE 18, 1979 - Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes. A family that prays together will stay together! Without God in your home there will be a separation and discord. A home in this fight with Lucifer cannot survive without prayer and dedication to your God. Many homes shall be torn asunder by the fall of the children. Parents shall shed tears of anguish. therefore, prevent this now while your children are at a young age. Give them a firm foundation of their faith. Be not afraid to speak out against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy, for many now have fallen in with the modernists, the socialists, the communists, and some the satanists. Therefore, My children, I make known to you the crisis that lies ahead. (vol II page 227,228)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - I ask all parents to retain the monuments, the statues in their homes. A ask all parent and counsel you with knowledge of what is to take place soon, that you retain upon your children a sacramental of protection. Do not be swayed by those, even in the clergy, who scoff at the knowledge or the existence of the supernatural. Pray for them for they are truly a sad sight in the eyes, before the Eternal Father.. (vol II page 237)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - Penance, atonement and sacrifice, My children, I beg of you! The family is disintegrating; there is no discipline. I hear the word 'love' expounded throughout your earth in all medias. But love has been lost! (vol II page 240)
I come to you as your Mother, a Mediatrix from God to man. I come to you to console you, all parents who weep, all parents under trial. Come to Me, and above all, before Me. I say: Come to My Son Who you neglect. You no longer visit Him at the tabernacles of the world. You do not strengthen your bodies or your souls, for you do not nourish your souls with His Body. (vol II page 241)
Pray for your children. Parents, do you really know your children? Have you taught them to pray? Have you given them the knowledge of their faith? No-o-o, I say unto you as your God! Your actions, your heart is not unknown to Me! The Eternal Father looks into your heart; you cannot hide your sin! It will be exposed; no evil is ever triumphant! The Eternal Father will turn all evil to good, so desperate is He that not even one soul be lost to Him. (vol II page 242)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - Parents will suffer greatly for any laxity in the rule of their children. As I warned you in the past, I repeat anew, to counsel you, that Lucifer and his agents from hell, Lucifer walks the earth now seeking to take command of all governments of the world, to destroy the world. Lucifer seeks to take Our children's souls, the spirit of light from them, and take all with him into the abyss. (vol II page 247)
As parents, as human beings created by your God, you have become as a nation degenerate in your seeking and godless in your rule until the saints in Heaven cry out for all Heaven to stop the abominations being committed now upon earth. (vol II page 248)
Watch, My children, and pray always. Keep your homes a fortress for your family and your children. I tell you this to counsel you as My Mother counsels you. I do not intend for you to be filled with fear, for fear can be a tool of the devil, of satan himself. But I counsel you that you may learn wisdom, and I pray that as the Eternal Father directs you from Heaven in the light that you do not have to gather and learn your wisdom from sorrowful experiences. (vol II page 249)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - Have you all made a firm effort to prepare your households and protect your children? There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth and woe set upon the earth by Lucifer and the forces of darkness, his agents from hell loosed upon the earth now in full under the title of 666. (vol II page 263)
JUNE 18, 1980 - Pray constantly your Rosary, your beads of prayer to Heaven. Remain unified in your family lives. The institution of your country, the great foundation is based on family life. Destroy the family and you destroy your country. The enemies, the enemy is already within your country. Watch and pray well, My children. (vol II page 272)
MAY 30, 1981 - Your homes will now be your fortress against evil. For once you go without your door, can you say that you'll live forevermore? Or shall you return to that door? (vol II page 283)
OCTOBER 1, 1983 - There is only one recourse to hold back the flames, My child, that you have viewed, that is an outpouring to Heaven of penance and prayer, and sacrifice. Your world is heading towards a cataclysm of massive proportion. Many parents shall lose their sons and shall cry to Heaven. Why, oh why, has this come upon our world? (vol II page 395)
APRIL 14, 1984 - O My children, I hear the pleas of mothers with children that have vanished, it seems, from the face of your earth. So big and so numerous are the catastrophes to a home that you would think, My child and My children, that they would understand and accept the truth that satan is loosed upon your earth, satan and his whole legion of devils. Satan and his legion are known to you as 666. (vol II page 401)
JUNE 30, 1984 - My children, you must wear your armor and protect your beings. I have asked you many times to bar your homes to all but your immediate family and close Shrine workers, for those who knock upon your doors will be evil, and will be sent there to invade you. (vol II page 409)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My children, not only with the canned foods will you store just food, but you must also make known to your families and your friends that they had best keep blankets and water in tight containers; for there will be on the onset of the Chastisement, there will be nothing that you can buy due to contamination. ............Your homes are protected by a supernatural being, with St. Michael, the head of the armies from Heaven. Just as in the days of old, so will it be, My children, that there will be sent to you an angel of death, but in human form............Your children, I cry for you, poor mothers. Know that My Mother's heart is solaced only by the knowledge that these children shall not be lost to Heaven. But your young children have been disappearing from your homes. And where are they, as you go to and fro, looking for your children, and My Mother's tears fall upon you? Many shall be found dead, but others shall never be found, for they are disposed of in a most despicable way by a group known as the satanist...........These groups, My child and My children, are increasing, even on your island of Long Island. There are at least twelve major covens, and they are using human sacrifice. These bodies, My children, cannot be found by the police, or other authorities who seek to help and to solace the hearts of the family members of the lost child.
My child, I wish that you boil the water in your home. I will tell you now, My children, if you are receiving waters for your use in your homes, it must be boiled, because the contamination of chemicals and waste matter, nuclear waste matter, is driving down into the soils of the nation and polluting these waters, which will bring imminent death to many.................My child and My children, pray for those poor mothers who had the missing children. There will be great punishments before this major Chastisement, My child. There will be many punishments; many tears shall flow from the mothers eyes, and their hearts shall be opened for mercy, begging for mercy. ..........And I must repeat again, My child, for the consolation of mothers. They must watch over their children carefully, for there will be thousands upon thousands that will vanish without a trace. The satanist cults are turning into a armies, My child. They have already tried to attack you through the powers that they retain from satan. Do not be affrighted, but you must be more careful, My child, whom you let into your house. For the souls of those who knock upon your door are knowingly, or unknowingly to themselves, sinful and on he road to destruction, and trying to take others with them.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have cried great tears, My child, since I last saw you, for the fathers and mothers, the poor mothers, they do not know what lies ahead for their children, their children of all ages. Satan and his legion of demons and devils are loosed now upon earth in full force. They are doing very well, My children. ...............Oh, My child, I am crying tears; My heart is torn when I think of the children of earth. The parents, they look away as they are in pursuit of riches and material things of the world. None of this can be brought into Heaven to buy your salvation. No, My children, My Son has often said that it will be easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than a rich man to enter Heaven.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My child, you must know in your own area and throughout the world about Catholic nations; they have forfeited another key to Heaven when they discard the prayers that Heaven has given to them to guard their souls and the souls of their families and their children. These are all parts of the armor of Heaven in the fight with the antichrist forces. My child and My children, I must constantly warn you and repeat over and over the necessity for wearing the Brown Scapular and also praying My beads of prayer, the Rosary. You must keep the Rosary going link to link, prayer to prayer, throughout your country, Canada, and the world, My child. ..........My child and My children, there is an evil plan now in your country, the United States of America, and also, the boughs are reaching like an evil tree into the land of Canada. Children are disappearing from the earth. My child and My children, I feel it necessary that I repeat to you again, that you do not be bored at the repetition of the Messages, for it is urgent. Will your child be next? Many mother's hearts are torn asunder, but they have found not the whereabouts of their children, but many have found the possibility of the whereabouts of their children, held as captives, for the whim and humor of the satanist. They are increasing in your country, My child, and all of the countries of the world. It is satan and his armies now, knowing the time is short to battle with the children of God.
The enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again. Tears shall be banished, and mothers shall not sorrow until they die of grief for the loss of their children and their sons. ...............I, also, must give to you at this time another fact of your lives upon earth. You as parents, mothers, fathers, must guard your doors well and rule; take discipline in the lives of your children, for they will bring much sorrow to your hearts as they grow; they grow in a world that has been given to satan. When your child opens his home, the door, he will face the agents of hell loosed upon earth to reclaim his soul. Protect your children, My children; be sure that as a parent you do not fall down in your duties to teach your children, for many are now receiving schooling that is based on atheism. Their books and manuals you do not read, My children. You must as parents be a safeguard, a home of holiness for your children, or they will perish; and your parent's tears shall flow upon the world, crying, too late, too late.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - Yes, My children and My child, you cannot look back and say, 'Well, this may be happening to my neighbors in Africa, in Europe, but why should we care? For we can go on marrying, and singing, and being materialistic in our modes.' But where is your soul, My children and My child? I ask you this because if one parent refuses, and has conscionable knowledge of his refusal being offensive to his God, if one parent cast aside his child, no matter what age that child is, and even into womanhood and manhood...That parent has a responsibility to the children, his and her children, to see that they learn fast of the knowledge of God and what is coming upon them. ...........Since the world has given itself over to murders, murders of the unborn, father against son, daughters against mothers, all manner of carnage; also, being perpetrated in My House, My Church upon earth. How long do you think I shall stand by and watch the destruction of the young, because of parents who should not accept the role or the name of parents, for they are destroying their children's souls by their example.
Too few now even carry in their home a visage of Mine, My children. I ask that visage of the Sacred Heart be placed in all homes as protection against satan. Already, they are being discarded and thrown in the wastebaskets, My children, so little is the Faith. .................Do not be sorrowful, My child and My children; there will be times of great joy for all of us. This will not be a permanent state upon earth; earth that is covered with sin and defilement, children against their parents, murders in every street, killing of the unborn, and much more; much more that, My child, that I would wish you to know, but I cannot, for the purity of heart, instruct you on the vile deeds of the satanist.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, you may ask your priests for knowledge of the stories coming from the old, elderly fathers of My Son's Church, but can they tell you the truth now that their seminaries have become polluted with errors? Mothers cry to Me; I hear all of their prayers, prayers to Heaven to save their children. And where can they find the knowledge of the truth to teach them? That will depend now upon an earnest mother and father, and discipline. Children are like soft flowers that must be nourished so that their stalks will grow; and their faces, the purity of their faces, shall rise toward Heaven and be nourished with the fruits of life.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Veronica: Now Our Lady is looking up, and I can see - I can see missiles, I know they're missiles. They're frightening! I see part of the world now beginning to light up again. Our Lady is motioning, and the ball is floating close to Her, as She points, and; and She is pointing at the United States and Canada...............My child, I point for this reason; though, My child, it is a most difficult message to bring to the world, you must not be afeared; but you must shout it from the rooftops: Russia has the upper hand now at this time in world peace or world destruction. You must understand, the heart of the atheist is closed to mercy and goodness; a darkened soul has shut out the light. And they seek nothing but the destruction of any man, woman, or child who stands in their way, to assume and gain through hatred and deception among families, and also, the ruination of the lives of the children of all families.
My child, you must comfort those who cry and weep for their lost children. There will be many other mothers who shall suffer the horrible crimes against their children. All is coming to pass because of the sins of the older generation. Those who should know better are so enshrouded in their own love of the material that they cannot even visualize what they are doing to their children. In order for your children to be saved, My parents, you must keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your home, and those homes of your immediate families. One good example can save a dozen, My children.
I hold all parents responsible for the fall of their children's souls. Remember, My child and My children, I have warned you often that once you open your door and you go out into the world, you will enter into the kingdom of satan. You ask, My child and My children, why is this allowed? That you must trust to the goodness and in the goodness of the heart of the Eternal Father. You cannot, as a human being, understand the ways. But know this, My children, that no evil can come upon mankind if he watches and waits. And We offer you three sacramentals in you wait for the future. ..................I ask that the world continues to make Rosaries, and send the prayers, link to link, throughout the world. For I still promise, that if you will listen to My directions, given through My Son, in the Father and the Holy Spirit; I promise to do all that I can, My children, to save your lives upon earth; and, also, if you must come across the veil, to save you from eternal damnation through the Scapular and the Rosary. Pray, My children, all a constant vigilance of prayer; that is all you have now, for the enemy has been allowed to come into your homes.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - You will pray constantly, My children. The prayers can reach Heaven in short time, and perhaps can stop the next tribulation. This is called a tribulation what will come upon you next. It will be of an earth force again. However, with your prayers, and your guarding of your homes, as We have always told you to, with the crucifixes, you can escape with little damage, or none at all. It will be as though the angel of death has passed by your home. To some it will seem like a miracle, but to others it's just an accepted part of life. For they will repeat: We are doing as the Eternal Father has told us, and we are following the directions of Our Blessed Mother, as She stood before us so many times, and said, 'I am Mary, Help of Mothers. I love all My children, and as such I will stand beside them, not wishing that one shall fall into hell.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - This I can tell you; because We are much grieved as We look into the hearts of the mothers and fathers throughout the world, not many are in the light. Families are disintegrating; the state of marriage is becoming nullified. Now it is fashionable in the United States, and many nations of the world, to discard the Sacrament of Marriage and to live together in sin. This, My child and My children, cannot be tolerated. ...............I wish that all homes have a Bible within their doors. I say within their doors, because these children that they are raising must go out into a world that has been given over to satan. The Bible must be ever before them, for it is their true guide to redemption.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - O My children, if you knew what was in store for you in the near future, and that means, My child and My children, this year, you would understand why I feel, and why I cry tears that fall upon you. If I could, I would as your Mother, make all atonement for you, but it is the will of the Eternal Father that you come forward now and stand up to protect your own souls, and, also the souls of your children and your families. ..............Mothers, and fathers too, have gone astray in these dark days. Materialism has replaced spiritualism, and that is why the many catastrophes are being allowed upon your earth. There will be more floods with death; more volcano eruptions with death; more accidents that are not accidents; until you will surely come to your senses and realize that there is a higher power working at this time to bring you to your knees. ............My child and My children, do not take My words lightly. I do not speak to frighten you but to try to jar you from your complacency. There will be many minor warnings given to the world; more floods, accidents that are not accidents. There will be more murders upon earth; father against son, mother against daughter, homes torn asunder, for satan is loosed upon the earth. He has been given a time, a short time now for him to gather his souls.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - Each and every soul shall be held accountable for his soul and the souls of those about him. Families are disintegrating. I must tell you now, My children, the family must be returned to the holy state it was constructed for. We shall never approve nor accept marriage and cohabitation without marriage. We shall not accept the annulments that are being given now to so many without due cause................My child, Veronica, it does Our hearts well, and We feel very comforted to know that has not been lost upon earth. We have watched now the teachings of the children in most of the houses upon earth of My Son, and I must say: I shed tears of pity for the parents, for it is best now if the parents look well into the teaching of their children in the schools, the Catholic schools of the world. Because they will find that the theologians have crept in now with modernism and humanism. And your children must be protected. .........A foul situation has come about in the schools, both public and private. They are now teaching sex education, My chidden. And this is a debauchery of your young souls. Parents, are you so blind that you do not investigate, or ask your children what has happened in their classes today at school? Show you no interest as you go about the world gathering materialism, and seeking to break your home apart by husband and wife going in both directions; neither do they work together to hold the home together, but they work apart, many leaving the children astray by not having counsel over them.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - My child, I know much of this discourse distresses your heart, but you can imagine well, and I know you do, My child, Veronica, the sorrow My Mother feels now that sex education has entered upon the school system. We say unto you, and I say to you, as your God, My children: Mothers and fathers of the world, you will not give over your children to be taught by demons! Satan has many loosed upon earth now. They enter into the bodies of any man, woman or child who has fallen out of grace; and they enter into the bodies of those who teach your children error. ...............It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls, the mother, the father. But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on upon earth, living together without union under God. No, My children, that shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it will also be by sickness and death of the soul..........My children, it was never deemed by Heaven, nor the Eternal Father, as written in the good Book of life and love, your Bible, that man shall not cohabit with man; man shall not cohabit with man; and man shall not seek diversion from his home by setting out to seduce another. ...........My child and My children, are there many strong homes left in the United States, Canada, and many homes of the world? No, My children, the standards have been lowered. And when the standards are lowered, satan takes over.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - My dear parents, please, listen to your Mother! Listen to what I have to say to you, for I tell you the truth. The Eternal Father sees all, and makes Us knowledgeable as to what is happening upon earth that will bring its eventual destruction. Your children are being educated in the schools to take all Christianity from their lives, and believe not in the supernatural things of God, but the diabolical process of satan, in cults.........All the holiness of Marriage has been cast aside. We see now children growing up into sin, as they go forth into life unprepared by their parents. ........My child and My children, We ask of all of you, prayer, atonement and sacrifice. Is this too much to ask for the salvation of your soul, and of all the souls in your family?..............I say families must be strong in this age of sorrow, this age of darkness. It is the family, within the family, that the children must be taught. Do not depend upon your schools, for they have been infiltrated with evil. Do not depend upon your neighbors, for they are often caught up in the world of satan.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - We know what is right under your God. The Eternal father has given you the way to Heaven. It is not an easy road; it is a narrow road, long and narrow for many. Others have reached it early through the grace of their God. I know the removal of children from the earth at early ages brings great sorrow to a parent's heart; however, when they are removed, they go into Heaven. ...........My child, I do not wish to burden you any longer with the miseries upon earth. I wish to talk only a while, a little bit, about the children of earth, the young children. The parents must be very careful, My children, who you send your children to be taught from. Much evil is being developed in the schools in the name of sexuality. Why cannot We have Our children pure of thought and mind? How can We, My children, when the teachers there are being taught to bring in sex education to your children? This belongs not in the schools, but in the homes. This is an obligation of the parents. It will only lead to much greater disaster by having this sex education in the school system.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about consoling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers, and they are mothers who will murder their own children.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - Mothers must now take full precedence for their children. In other words, My child, they must be the teachers now, for those who were teachers have given themselves over now to all forms of Modernism, and pacifying those that are evil in their teachings. They do not stand on their two feet solidly before their bishops, who are doing wrong in the teaching of their children. It will be up to the parents at this time to go forward and be a true parent in the eyes of God by teaching their children at home. ................Remember, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Use no excuses to relieve your family of this obligation to the Eternal Father. And remember again, My children, the two prayers that makes the heart rise to Heaven. Teach your children, for they will not be taught any longer in the schools. ..........My child and My children, listen to this well; guard your children. Do not let them be influenced by their teachers today, for modernism has set in, and also immodesty. There are many teachers whose example are poor to the children; therefore, it is now the duty of each parent to guard their children's souls. Otherwise, the day will come when they will shed great tears of sorrow, not knowing in what realm their children lie, now that they have passed over the veil.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - Now, My children, I speak to the mothers of the world. You must make a firm effort to be a righteous mother and a godly mother, following the rules from Heaven. For eventually every one of you will come over the veil, and you must make an account for your actions upon earth. We find that you are all lacking at this time, because as parents, you have been caught up in the wheel of misfortune for your children. They are being ignored, and also their religious upbringing is nil. ............My parents of the world, I say unto you, as your God: This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My children, they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for the parents. They laugh at you when you are not watching. That, My children of the world, parents, your children are to be lost....
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children of the world, I want you to know this: For the perseverance in the light ahead to stop the satanists in their quest to take your children from your homes, I ask all parents at this time to be a steady guardian of their children and not to become obsessed with things of this world, the pleasures and the monetary gain. ..............I wish that all parents who hear My voice tonight be alerted to the fact that there are over 10,000, now, cults in the United States and Canada alone. Many children have been slain by them in sacrifice to satan. Is this what you want, My children? ..................Parents, keep a close watch on your children. Be sure that they do not leave your home without your knowing where they are going, for many will not return............This adulation of satanism shall not be prevalent when the Eternal Father gives Us the means to reach all humanity with this plan from Heaven to save your children from the satanists.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - Parents, I ask you now to get rid of the infernal machines in your homes! I warned you through many earth years that this will be a point of destruction for your children. If you are least, I ask at least, which is the least you can do, is to monitor what your children are seeing. Satan has created the infernal tube. Heaven did not deem it to be in the homes of the just. ..............Guard your children, mothers of the world, guard them against the forces that are loosed upon earth. It is truly the final battle raging with Lucifer. ...........Mothers must exercise great care over those placed in their trust by the Eternal Father. The abomination that hits the very Heart of the Eternal Father committed on the earth is the murders of the unborn. At the time of conception, the Holy Spirit makes the child, and the breath of the almighty gives it life. Therefore, you shall not create a monstrous machine throughout your world! That is what its become, a machine! No human could conceive, but satan, of this act of the sacrifice of the unborn! Murder in the eyes of the Eternal Father. ...............St. Theresa: Parents must guard their children, even from their teachers. Many are now direct agents of hell, though they walk in human bodies. Protect your children with their sacramentals. Teach them!.....Please, I ask you mothers, monitor your children's lives. Do not be an escapist, running from home and finding pleasures of the world. Bring a prayer life back to your children before it is too late. You will be held accountable for the fall of the souls of the children. Therefore, I ask parents throughout the world, with love, and good leadership in the household, your children will not fall as prey to satan.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - Mothers and fathers, how often have I counseled you to protect your children in these days. You will find that many of those that you entrust to teach your children are bringing them into a world of unrealistic atheism. Already, My child, it saddens My Heart to know that you are not, as a nation, allowed any longer to pray in your schools. ...........And as for your children, I say this as your God: Every parent that does not take the responsibility of teaching and raising his children, and giving them to others who are possessed by these demons that are loosed now upon your earth, I say possessed, and that is only a kind word. I could discourse with you much farther, but I'm afraid, My child, your heart would not be able to accept this. ..........However, I say at this time that all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls. Do not expect them to leave your homes and to be taught in light and truth, for the demons are raging now all about you. All hell is opened wide now, and you know that means that the onslaught is at hand. ..............Therefore, We ask all parents to keep a steady hand on their children. Bar them from all the insensitive acts being committed on the diabolical tube of satan, your television. I ask if you cannot monitor your set, to remove it immediately from your home, for your children will even resort to murder if they continue to watch the programming. .......For We have great hope that if the peoples of the world and the United States will say the Rosary in their homes, and also to reach out to their brothers and bring them the light in truth of the nature of God the Father in the Trinity, that is, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, also known as the Holy Ghost.
FEBRUARY 28, 1971 - I refuse any soul the privilege of being with My Mother unless properly attired. Women will not dress as men in Her presence; nor will women condone the attire during their earthly existence! Can you not sacrifice for Me? Better the abuse of the flesh than the fire to the soul..........(vol I page 24)
JULY 25, 1971 - You women who profane your bodies have been led by satan to soul destruction. You expose your bodies and knowing the evil that comes into the minds of the beholder. Therefore, your sin is twofold for you have led another to fall into sin!!! The parts that you expose shall be burned from your limbs when I send the Ball of Redemption upon you. To remain with Us will call for perseverance, sacrifice and prayer!! It will not be easy! The way to Heaven has never been easy. (vol I page 31,32)
MAY 10, 1972 - The mystery in woman is her greatest asset. Satan seeks to take away women's identity. The Holy Bible has in prophecy; the time will become in the end that woman will seek to be as men. They will wear his clothes and want to 'eat his bread, (be as a man in the fields). So Our fair flowers are being plucked from the garden on earth. The reality of disintegration of the strong standards of morality and living with constructive purpose are all about you. Darkness covers the earth. We carry the Light. Light your candles with Us. Sacrifice, prayers, atonement, works! (vol I page 52)
JULY 25, 1973 - Where is the place of the man and father? Where has he gone from the homes? Why has woman sought to take his place? Satan has created this delusion. The place of woman is in the home and the rearment of the child. The man will be the breadwinner and safeguard his home..........Women, mothers of the world, why do you expose your bodies? Why do you create lust in the eyes of others, and in their hearts? What example are you as mother? Animals! Many homes now are infested with human animals! (vol I page 118)
MARCH 24, 1974 - As a Mother, My Heart is torn, for the example of many mothers on earth is poor. Woman who has come from Adam would regain her glory by childbearing. This, too, she has cast aside for the ways of darkness. No longer does she seek to purge her soul and to enter the Kingdom of the Father. Her sins multiply, for no longer does she not only miss the opportunity of purging, but she has committed murder! All the evils of the flesh. ............Women of the world reject their places as helpmates to their husbands. What manner of creature have they become? The Day of the Lord approaches fast upon you, for what has been foretold is coming to pass.....St. Paul: Repeat what you hear, my child, and shout it from the rooftops. No woman shall be on the altars of God! Disobedience, lack of respect for the Holy Father, what will this bring you to but your own destruction! A Church that falls into darkness will fall.............St. Paul: Repeat what you hear, my child, and shout it from the rooftops. No woman shall be on the altars of God! Disobedience, lack of respect for the Holy Father; what will this bring you to but your own destruction! A church that falls into darkness will fall. The foundation will rock, but the foundation shall not be destroyed. For it will be renewed and built as it was ordained by the Father. (vol I page 177)
My child, make it known to the world that woman must return to her place as woman, for she has been misled. Was it not woman who fell to satan in the beginning? ..............Her disobedience to the will of God brings much sorrow upon her and her children. It would be better now, My children, if woman would be silent, for she does not know the road she is traveling. It is only satan who has set her to rebel against her destiny. (vol I page 179)
APRIL 13, 1974 - And wives, honor your husbands, and do your role as mothers in honor to your God. We see the example of the homes is very poor. It is not without meaning that We have chosen these colors. Womanhood must be returned to the state in which the Father created it. Right at this moment, a great Chastisement is coming upon you, for you have cast aside your role as women. This you will not do without receiving great Chastisement. There will be division in homes unless the fathers stand forth as examples to their sons and daughters, and the mothers return to their roles as mothers in the light of God the Father. That is all, My child. (vol I page 195)
JULY 15, 1974 - Women must not expose their flesh. It is an abomination for women to speak in the House of God! I hear a word, defilement of man, liberation? My child, what is this liberation women ask for? Satan has created the plan for their destruction. Take your Bible, take the Book of Life and study it and learn! You have given off a wretched stink of the devil! Woman, you were created by the Father as a helper for your husband! Now you are in competition to be as your husband! All manner of vile creatures now run upon your earth! They are now no longer human creations of the Father; they are animals. Fornication! Adultery! Filth! (vol I page 231)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - Women, you will not disport yourself in nakedness in My Son's House! You will cover your heads! Not because you come in vanity thinking that your hair is a beauty or the crowning glory of your being! Look to your souls to be your crowning glory! Your hair will be covered with the worms just as your body will enter into the dust. Better that you spend your time shining your soul than glorifying your body. .................Cover your bodies before My Son! Do not defame and disgust Him by your presence and your acceptance of His Divinity! Why, you are naked like pagans! Cover your heads! You do not follow the modernism and modes of an evil generation! No! The angels demand that all respect be given to the Divinity of the Son of God in the Houses throughout the world! (vol I page 243)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - Since women have exchanged their roles as women, preferring to be as men, and have abandoned their true, true value of life; have abandoned their role as a mother to carry the creation of their God within their wombs, they, therefore, will also find that their husbands and sons will find rejection of women, and men will seek lustfully pleasures with men, known, My child, as homosexuality. And they will be given and abandoned to their lust, until all creatures upon earth would live in fear. Women then will find themselves turning lustful eyes to women, lesbianism, My child. And then will set in all manners of iniquity; murders, corruptness, idolatry, adultery; oh, My child, the evil abounds upon earth! (vol I page 267)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - I ask you as your Mother, to turn back now from the ways that offend the Father! You are re crucifying My Son! You desecrate His Body! We do not want the women standing upon the altars of the Houses of My Son! Why do you not listen, My children? We gave you the plan for setting up the House of God. My Son set the plan. He sent Paul to you with the plan. Read, My children, the book of love and life, your Bible! You are misguided!..........Women, you must be with your husbands as a helper. You will not meet him on even ground, for you are destroying your image before God and man and you have nothing to gain. ................Women, what has become of you? You cast aside your role as a mother! You send your husband off to consort and defile his body with another man! Women consorting with women, shamelessly, without honor! You defile the temples of the Holy Spirit, your bodies! You must keep your bodies clean! They are the receptacle for the Holy Spirit! (vol I page 287)
We hear you clamor for the ordination of women. No woman shall stand in My House to represent Me! How dare you bring in this heresy to My House? I shall go among you and I shall sling you from My Temples! (vol I page 290)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - Women shall not receive My Son dressed as pagans! Naked, and without absolution! Many have made a fad and a meal of My Son! They come to receive Him without penance! What manner of abomination is this, My child! (vol I page 321)
MARCH 18, 1975 - Women must adorn themselves in modesty. Pagan practices of diabolical music is not condoned by the Eternal Father! Nor shall We condone dancing and all manner of worldly entering within the Holy Houses of God!...........Women must cover her head! It is a mark of respect required in the House of God. This, the angels demand!............My child, make it known to the world that women must keep her place in respect to her husband, it was not Adam the man who fell, but he followed the fall of Eve, his wife; for man came from God and Eve was brought forth from man. Therefore, My child, this word I hear 'liberation' is a deception from satan! ...........Do you not recognize, My children, the signs of your times? Read and learn! Women will become unlike women. They shall go forth, and seven women shall take hold of one man and say to him: Make me as you are. I wish to eat your bread. Know, My child, the simple lesson. That in these days of the latter times, women shall seek to cast off their role as mother and a woman. Women will cast it off under the direction of satan, and murder her children! Woe to the woman who does not repent of this vile abomination! She has walked the road to eternal damnation and hell! Repent, O woman, or forever be lost! (vol I page 339)
Women shall not approach the Sacred Body dressed as pagans! Exposing the temples of their spirit to shame! Cover yourselves, My children, or you will burn! ...........I repeat, women shall dress as befits a wife and mother! Clothing themselves with modesty and holiness. Children will follow the example of their parents, therefore, if your example is poor, your children will be your thorns. The sins of the parents are surely visited upon the children. (vol I page 340)
MARCH 22, 1975 - St. Paul: Observe. Women shall be meek in the presence of their husbands! We hear the call of "liberation." Whom shall woman be liberated to but satan!..............A man as a figure of the Christ, My child, shall be the head of his household. So it is from the Lord. ........A woman shall adorn herself not in pearls and braided hair but in goodness and piety and good example to her children. A woman will not expose her body as a pagan! What manner of example has she given to her children! Woe to the parent who brings scandal to her children!.........Women remove your arrogance! You are searching in darkness! As a sign of reverence, you will cover your head! It is not that I call it custom, My children, it is that the Angels demand this!!! in the presence of the Sacrifice, Mass! (vol I page 346)
JULY 15, 1975 St. Joseph: A woman of earth shall not cast aside her role as mother and housekeeper. In her role as mother, who shall be the guardian of her children's souls and a helpmate of her husband and a guardian also of his earthly soul and the soul eternal. By her example in her household she has the power, as woman, for good or evil. She shall stay in her home and guide her children. (vol I page 381)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Women! Children! Whatever shall become of you? The rules of discipline in the Houses of My Son have already been given to you. Only legally ordained representatives of My Son may receive the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit deems that they shall bring the Host to the man and the woman recipient and the children! Only in dire need of death shall a man; I say a man, not a woman or a child; shall a man be given the power of a legally ordained priest to bring in urgency and haste, the Host, to the dying! (vol I page 405)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - We are much distressed in Heaven to see the leader of your land falling prey to satan. The woman shall truly be the downfall of her husband. We have asked the man, your leader, to discipline his wife, his spouse. However, in your world of liberated women, it is obvious, My children, that your women do wear pants. I shall use a comparison, My children, as many have fallen for the modern modes. I repeat the warning from Heaven that man shall not dress as woman and women shall not adopt the attire of a man because the external indications, My children, soon penetrate the heart and expels a darkness of spirit. Many shall judge you by your attire. (vol I page 407)
It is better that young womanhood be placed under the guidance of holy ones that to set forth into the world of satan to be destroyed! We must, My child, build up refuge for the young. (vol I page 408)
There is no need, My child, for women to rush into the Sacred Portals. There are enough throughout the world, men, consecrated and chosen as Minister of the Eternal Father, of the Body and Blood of His Son; to distribute among mankind, His sacred Body. I have cried tears of great sorrows! I am truly the Mother of Sorrows as I watch this constant desecration of My Son's Body! (vol I page 409)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - Veronica reads the following: The conduct of women during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass shall be one of silence. No woman shall speak out during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Women must wear head coverings when they enter the House of God. The House of God is a place of prayer, and not a meeting place or dance hall. No woman shall speak from the pulpit. No woman shall enter the ministry. (vol I page 567)
JULY 15, 1977 - All who have received the Holy Spirit have consecrated hands. And I say unto you none but legally ordained priests in My House shall bring My Body to the multitudes! No woman shall stand in the Holy Place! No woman shall vie or compete for ruler ship in My House. I say unto you, you must go back and read the commandments of the Eternal Father; you must go back and read the rules that Paul gave to you. You cast him aside and you write another book, a bible, a tome, you write it to suit your own basic, carnal, human nature. (vol II page 65)
APRIL 1, 1978 - Now I praise you brethren, because in all things you are mindful of me and hold fast my precepts as I gave them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ. And the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. A man indeed ought not to cover his head because he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man, made from man by God. For man was not created for woman but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head because of the angels. (vol II page 138)
JUNE 1, 1978 - Women of your nation and all of the nations of the world, the Eternal Father shall send a grievous boil upon you, for you have become unchaste, for you have become immodest, and you have cast aside your role as a woman, as a mother, and as a bearer of children for the Eternal Father in Heaven. ..................Woman of the world, you have chosen to become murderers, killing your young. You defy the Eternal Father in your quest for luxury and pleasure. You have cast aside your role as women and have aligned yourselves with homosexuality and lesbianism, and as such you corrupt the young. Woe to a generation that has made sin a way of life. (vol II page 160)
JULY 15, 1978 - My children, We ask that all women during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have their heads covered, it is demanded of all by the angels who assist My Son, who are there at the consecration and the reception of the Eucharist. It is not because of custom that this is asked of you, but because the angels, who demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice, are present and watch the Eucharist. ....................My child, you understand well why this direction is no longer accepted upon earth. You have now a new rebellious group called ERA, equal rights for women. O My children, what a delusion this is among you! Do you not recognize that you will lose more that you shall ever gain because you defy the direction of the Eternal Father. .......Paul the Apostle wrote down the words given to him by My Son Jesus. Adam was created in the image of God as man, and woman was given unto him as his helper. As such, My children, man must always be the head of the household. There shall not be strength in a home divided. (vol II page 171)
It is a defiant act, My children, that women no longer cover their heads at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They will not obey, for they cannot understand that man must not change the wording of the Bible to suit mankind's instincts. No! the Hierarchy must lead the sheep upon the road to Heaven through the plan of the Eternal Father; and this plan has been written in His good Book, the Bible. If you choose to strike out on your own and form a new Bible and a new way, you are doomed to disappointment and destruction. And worst of all, it will be soul destruction! (vol II page 171,172)
JUNE 2, 1979 - Mothers and women of the world, you must no longer offend your God. You must return your country and the world to a disciplined life of modesty in the hearts of women, chastity, and a firm family foundation among mankind. Many of you do not please the Eternal Father, and you have pierced My Mother's Heart with your sins. The sins of the flesh shall have many cast into hell............Men shall not consort with men, women shall not consort with women, for it is an abomination in the eyes of all Heaven. The Eternal Father will destroy you for this! As it was in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, so shall it be upon the cities. Your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, and you must not defile it, for you seek perversion and you defame your human nature..............And I repeat again; all who become part of or condone homosexuality shall be destroyed. All who become part of or condone abortion, the murder of the young, shall be destroyed! All who seek to cast out the discipline given by the Eternal Father in the Commandments, the Ten Commandments from your God, they too, shall be destroyed! All women who disport their bodies in nakedness, the flesh shall burn! (vol II page 222)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - St. Theresa: However, in your world now of confusion, this did not mean we shall join in the revolt of the women against the plan of God. You must tell all of the sisters in the convents, and all the women upon earth, that the Eternal Father has given them their role as children of God. They must not revolt against Him and be liberated from the role, for they have been then deluded by Lucifer. (vol II page 254)
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - I ask this of you as your God: In the Holy Sacrifice that I left with you. I did not ask for women to be upon the altar, nor try to be a high priestess. They carry this on in the churches of satan; therefore, it shall not be carried on in My Church............When I had the Last Supper with the Apostles, My Mother was not present. If I had it in My power from the Eternal Father to make a priestess, I would surely have chosen My Mother; but, no, there were no women present at the first Dedication.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about consoling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers, and they are mothers who will murder their own children. ...........The Eternal Father set up women not to be priests and not to be murderers, but to be with the head of the household a guiding light for their children. Each child to the Eternal Father is a pure blessing upon mankind, but all this has been lost in the name of modernism. Immodesty reigns in your country. There are many reasons why the Eternal Father feels that it is not time to do something about all of these abnormalities.
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - How sad to see many dying in the pursuit of revelry and worldly body pleasures! Drunkenness has always been an abomination in the eyes of the Heavenly Father, and time will never distort the Word of God! Time and custom never change in the Eyes of the Father. I would have you know of all the abominations taking place. We see consorts in sin destroying the sacredness of the marriage bond with drink and mixed brain medication! What horror....What constructive pursuit is there that seeks to destroy the total personality of man, reducing him to the animal level in emotions and actions!!! The heavy Hand of God will not fall lightly on these offenders! Always remember, excesses weaken the soul. Gluttons of worldly pleasures! Can you not see the sorrows, the miseries of starving nations and the souls leaving the earth untimely? Is this not time for full prayer? Have you so little faith that you believe that your time is not limited? Cast not your lot with satan now, for in His Mercy, Our Lord, the Eternal Father must often look the other way when He calls many souls into judgment! (vol I page 21)
OCTOBER 2, 1973 - Jesus wants you to know that many marriages are not approved of by Heaven. The example within the homes have led many children onto the road to hell. There will be no rationalization of adultery. There will be no rationalization of the breaking up of the home in divorce. Marriages, consummated and blessed by God the Father, shall not be dissolved by the whims of man. Know ye now that satan rules throughout your world for a short time. He has the power to turn the husband against his spouse, and the wife against her husband. Know you now that you cannot escape the fires of hell if you dissolve a marriage blessed by God the Father. It is permanent, and in the eyes of God, permanent unto death. (vol I page 138)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - The act of marriage blessed by the Father must not be dissolved to suit mankind in his carnal natures and loss of the knowledge of God. What God has joined together, no man shall place asunder. (vol I page 315)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - The sacredness of marriage and the married life of man and woman must not be destroyed by debased sensuality. It is a private consummation between man and woman in the family. It is not an object of derisive laughter and scornful jokes, My children. Your actions are observed by the Eternal Father who looks into your hearts. Pure thoughts, pure minds, pure spirits! What goes into the heart will come out. The eyes are the mirror of the soul; therefore, you must cast your eyes on objects of godly nature, not soul corrupters. Remove these from your homes, or one day you will weep bitter tears for your children, but too late, too late! (vol I page 405)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - All manner of fornication's and abominations are being committed by mankind! The sanctity of the marriage vows has been dulled and cast aside! You are fornicating like animals!!! (vol I page 413)
MAY 15, 1976 - My child, you have been much concerned about the dissolvement of many marriages now in your country. It is truly a sad happening among mankind, My child, for it is the hand of satan reaching in and capturing the souls of many. What God has joined together in holy Matrimony, let no man place asunder. The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell. (vol I page 487)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - Your world your countries have given themselves to debasement and debauchery. There is eating and drinking, and marrying, and giving into marriage and many marriages are not sacred. Many marriages are frowned upon by your God. (vol I page 574)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - I watch My children running to and fro, marrying and giving in marriage, neither caring nor thinking of what lies ahead, never preparing for their entrance into Heaven. They push aside the knowledge of immortality and substitute all manner of immorality and sin. (vol II page 101)
JUNE 10, 1978 - My children, you will pray for your brothers and sisters. The Message from Heaven is going now throughout the world. The time is growing shorter. Protect your children. Wear your sacramentals, and protect your marriages, that they remain holy. Many marriages have now become debased and defiled. (vol II page 164)
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - Fornication shall never be accepted. There is no excuse for fornication. If you cannot remain celibate, better then that you must then be married. It is better, My child and My children, to be married than to burn in hell.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - My child, there is also one thing I wish to discuss with you for the world, for all of the world's children to know, how Heaven feels about their diabolical search for life in a test tube. Yes, My child, I know this shocks you, but you are fully aware of what is going on. Your news medias seem to enjoy putting these evils before your eyes and your ears and your readings. Yes, We frown upon surrogate mothers. We shall not tolerate the making of children from one to the other.................The sacrament of Marriage was given for the union of man and woman in love and godliness. There is nothing godly about a man who sets himself up to play God and starts revolving innocent, I prefer to call My children innocent, because in that way I do not refuse them even penance for their sins, but they must know that you cannot bring life in a test tube. This will not be accepted by Heaven.................These children are not conceived by the Holy Ghost, the spirit within them at the moment of conception, because their conception is from a test tube, and an instrument of so-called doctor upon earth. He is a doctor, not of divinity but of sin.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - All the holiness of Marriage has been cast aside. We see now children growing up into sin, as they go forth into life unprepared by their parents.
MAY 15, 1976 - My child, you have been much concerned about the dissolvement of many marriages now in your country. It is truly a sad happening among mankind, My child, for it is the hand of satan reaching in and capturing the souls of many. What God has joined together in holy Matrimony, let no man place asunder. The liberal attitudes now prevalent in My Son's House bring many tears to Our hearts, for they will lead many souls onto the road to hell. (vol I page 487)
MAY 3, 1978 - The Eternal Father has given mankind a set of rules, and in discipline they must be obeyed. It behooves Me to say that My heart is torn by the actions, the despicable actions, of My clergy. I unite, as your God, man and woman into the holy state of matrimony. And what I have bound together no man must place asunder. And what do I see but broken homes, marriages dissolved through annulments! It has scandalized your nation, and it is scandalizing the world. Woe to the teachers and leaders who scandalize the sheep! (vol II page 143)
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - Each and every soul shall be held accountable for his soul and the souls of those about him. Families are disintegrating. I must tell you now, My children, the family must be returned to the holy state it was constructed for. We shall never approve nor accept marriage and cohabitation without marriage. We shall not accept the annulments that are being given now to so many without due cause.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - O My child and My children, never have We seen from the beginning of time a world in such chaos. And, also, I shall not speak with words that affright your heart, My child, but I wish it known that this new modern rule of what they call "marriage without marriage," which means living in "common-law," I understand, My children, shall not be tolerated in Heaven. It was never the plan of the Eternal Father that man and woman shall live as animals...
Fornication shall never be accepted. There is no excuse for fornication. If you cannot remain celibate, better then that you must then be married. It is better, My child and My children, to be married than to burn in hell.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - This I can tell you, because We are much grieved as We look into the hearts of the mothers and fathers throughout the world, not many are in the light. Families are disintegrating; the state of marriage is becoming nullified. Now it is fashionable in the United States, and many nations of the world, to discard the Sacrament of Marriage and to live together in sin. This, My child and My children, cannot be tolerated. Man must come back to the laws of His God, or he will be destroyed.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - Each and every soul shall be held accountable for his soul and the souls of those about him. Families are disintegrating. I must tell you now, My children, the family must be returned to the holy state it was constructed for. We shall never approve nor accept marriage and cohabitation without marriage. We shall not accept the annulments that are being given now to so many without cause.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls, the mother, the father. But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on upon earth, living together without union under God. No, My children, that shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it will also be by sickness and death of the soul.
AUGUST 5, 1970 - I weep for the murder of the holy innocents. Man has discovered sophisticated sin governed by body pleasures. Only satan could fashion such diabolical destruction. I wander the earth in tears. My children have forgotten Us. So many will be lost. Why won't you listen to Me? I plead with you as your Mother. Listen to Me before it is too late. The darkness grows deeper. So many souls will be lost. So many will be martyred. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Stand beside My Vicar. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration. Do not abandon the Holy Father for he is your Father on earth. Do not abandon My Son's gift to you in Holy Church, for it is Our home on earth, your Heavenly habitat, sheltering you from the Dark Knights (satan's henchmen), wandering about to drag you to the bottomless pit! Find shelter in Jesus' arms. Remain close to Him! (vol I page 13)
JULY 25, 1971 - To remain with Us will call for perseverance, sacrifice and prayer!! It will not be easy! The way to Heaven has never been easy. More will find themselves martyrs if the darkness grows deeper. You will come to Us as Martyrs.....have given My Mother - I will not keep My Hand from giving you the destruction you so highly deserve. I have watched as My Mother sheds tears for those who deserve no pity. (vol I page 31,32)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - When a soul falls, it is only because there are too few prayers offered for them, too few who cared enough. There will be much suffering, so many martyrs in the conflagration ahead, but remember, My children, Life will go on for there is life forever for those who carry the Light; you just pass over, My children, into the Kingdom. (vol I page 33)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1971 - My child, you will make My message known to the world. We implore all true hearts to spread My message. My words will be few, the darkness is deeper. I have just come through the shadows. I have with Me, My child, three guardian (angels) of My Son's House (Church). He (anti-Christ) the evil one will not destroy My Son's House. Yes, there will be many martyrs in the days ahead. (vol I page 36)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - My children, keep it in your heart that one day My Son will return. He will set right the evil that covers the earth, but many must suffer as victims for Love, to become martyrs before that great day. Should you become engrossed in all worldly pursuits and desire for all of the earth world, you will become blinded. (vol I page 41)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Satan has entered upon your hearts well; you accept him of free will (conscience). All who will stand to defend My Son in these trials, many will be martyred. Your government, your schools, and now My Son's house (Church) has been entered. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. The abyss, the deep pit, is filling fast! (vol I page 50)
JULY 15, 1972 - There is great darkness in My Son's House (Church); many have sold their souls to reach the head. Your Vicar will soon join the increasing list of martyred. (vol I page 56)
AUGUST 1972 - Saint Paul and the Holy Bible prove.....that women must wear a head covering at Holy Service (Mass), and while praying. The angels who assist at the divine Service are interested in having all done properly........Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 11:10 - Have you chosen to ignore the teachings of the fathers of the Church; the chosen ones of God? St. Peter, the first Pope? St Paul, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, St James..... The Holy Bible?
St. Paul's Epistle to Timothy, Chapter 2:9-12: I wish women to be decently dressed, adorning themselves with modesty and dignity, not with braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothing (or nakedness) but with good works such as becomes women professing Godliness, etc.......You come to Church to profess Godliness, to honor God, but dress and act as pagans now..........Man calls down a heavy punishment from God.........Eve tempted Adam to sin. Woman was to be saved by her role as a child-bearing mother and companion of her spouse (husband), but she was to continue in faith and love and holiness with modesty..........Women were not to exercise authority over men. Now they seek to 'wear the pants'. They have chosen to cast aside their place as women, even rejecting the natural plan of childbearing...........In the end days seven women will take hold of one man and say, 'I want to eat your bread.' (Be as you are) Deuteronomy. In other words, seven lusting after another; sexually promiscuous, and demanding equal rights to their eventual identity destruction! ..........Men lust after men; women lust after women; divorce rate: 1 out of 2 marriages; sterilization's; abortions; murder! ........God will soon punish with a heavy hand. (vol I page 58)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - Many will have to sacrifice their human bodies in the turmoil, but think, My children, how many glorious souls there will be to count, when the final count is made! (vol I page 59)
NOVEMBER 1, 1972 - There is coming a general mobilization of forces in Heaven. The saints who have kept their robes clean upon earth shall enter into the spotless glory of eternal salvation. As We go into deep battle with the agents of Lucifer many will accept martyrdom. (vol I page 70)
FEBRUARY 1, 1973 - Before this battle is over, many who remain to stand forth to protect the honor of My Son will be subject to torments from their own. Many martyrs will enter into the Kingdom. The persecution within the House of God will be heavy. (vol I page 80)
MARCH 18, 1973 - There is a light, a great light upon earth. All shall bask in this light as they fight the great battle. Those who are in the light will find themselves scourged; those who are in the light will walk the road of My Son. They will be crucified by their own. (vol I page 86)
MARCH 24, 1973 - You will all go through a heavy crucifixion. Only in this way will you be able to follow My Son into the Kingdom. Before the arrival of My Son, many will have weakened and chosen the easy way. This gives Us great sorrow in the knowledge of what is to come. However you have been made knowledgeable in advance of what lies ahead. Therefore, when you fall, you will have made your own decision. (vol I page 88)
Many will be chosen by the Father to remain in martyrdom, awaiting the coming of My Son. (vol I page 89)
MARCH 18, 1974 - Yes, My child, there are dark days ahead, for the agents of hell roam throughout My Son's Houses. Many will sell their souls to get to the head. However, all who persevere through these days of terrible tribulation, will be saved. There will be many martyrs unto the day of the great abomination. (vol I page 170)
APRIL 13, 1974 - The road to martyrdom, My child, is not one that would be accepted in your human nature. However, all who enter the Kingdom of the Father must carry the Cross. Know, My child, that now, all are being separated. Many are already marked with the sign of the beast or the mark of the Cross. In your perception, you will be given this insight to recognize the enemies of your God. ...........Veronica: Now up above in the sky, I see letters forming D E A T H. death to the body. Now I see over to the right, many crosses, many, many crosses. Standing before these crosses are figures of people but they have on long white gowns, they don't look unhappy, they have on long white gowns. I see hundreds of them. Now Our Lady is coming forward. ........You are looking, My child, upon the many martyrs who will come from your earth before this battle has ended. The battle that rages now, My child, upon earth, is not one of the body but of the spirits. The spirits of wickedness and darkness now fight the light. When the peak of iniquity has gained its fullness, know that the end is at hand. The Father will allow this as a Chastisement to His children. (vol I page 193)
JUNE 15, 1974 - Yes, My child, much blood will be shed upon the earth. Many will be martyred for the cause of My Son before this battle is over. (vol I page 217)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - St. Michael: The Saints and those who were washed clean by the blood of martyrdom, they join all in Heaven crying for vengeance against deceitful mankind and the abominations that offend the Eternal Father, abominations in the House of God! (vol I page 260)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - All who continue in the battle ahead must accept martyrdom. It does not, My child, necessarily mean death of your body, but it will mean persecution. Stand fast in the faith. Keep the faith in the hearts of those you love. Extend your charity of heart to all of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 275)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - Sin, the most of abominable of sins, has become a way of life with your country, and many countries of your world. It is for this reason that mankind, this generation that has become perverse, will have visited upon it trials, such as have never been seen since the beginning of creation! It is in this manner that the sheep shall be separated from the goats. Persevere, My children, in the days ahead. Many shall be martyred for the Kingdom of God. (vol I page 321)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - Before the world comes to its final curtain, My child, there will be many who will wear the robes of martyrdom. (vol I page 337)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - You have been given a time to change. The time is running out! Those who are of well spirit will have nothing to fear, My child. For they will go through this crucible of suffering with more hope and courage; knowing that the eventual victory is over the veil with the Eternal Father. There will be many martyrs in the conflagration that lies ahead! It will truly be the cross! (vol I page 400)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - Veronica: Now behind Her there appears to be millions of little stars crystal diamond-like figures and they are growing larger and they are coming back from the sky, coming forward they are almost like lights now of circular lights. Oh, now in between these stars, I see figures of many people, they are dressed in long white garments. Oh! I don't recognize many of them at this time but I know they are saints. The light is very brilliant. I can't see faces, but their figures are very, very plain and visible. Their feet are bare; everyone of them has nothing but a white gown covering down to their elbows. Now on their heads I can see now their heads, they are wearing green wreaths; they are like crowns. Our Lady now is touching Her lips with Her first finger: My child, you are looking upon the sea of martyrs. All whom you observe now have been tested and found true upon earth. All who wish to join them in their future lives must use their example of piety. (vol I page 432)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - Many martyrs, My child, shall come in the days ahead, and defenders of the Faith. Carry your crosses, My children, for those who will be saved shall be in the few. (vol I page 440)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - There will be many saints coming out of the great Tribulation. They will be called the latter-day saints, My children. There are crowns of joy, stars and lights awaiting many who will come over the veil as martyrs. (vol I page 450)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - The Blood of the Son of Man shall not be shed again for an unrepentant generation. Man shall shed his blood and be slain for the Lamb. Many martyrs shall rise in the conflagration. Woe to the inhabitants of the earth! Woe to mankind that has allowed sin to become a way of life! (vol I page 459)
JANUARY 3, 1976 - I cannot promise in that conflagration that some shall not suffer, that good shall die with the evil anew. But know that no death upon earth shall go by without a just reward when this death is in martyrdom. (vol I page 470)
MAY 26, 1976 - There is now a battle upon earth, the battle spoken of by your prophets in days gone by. You are living those days now. Many saints shall rise from this battle. Many shall be martyred, but then peace shall be restored to mankind. This peace promised by My Mother has now been set ahead, for man did not listen then, as he is not listening now, and you must then accept the Chastisement as deemed necessary to mankind by the Eternal Father. (vol I page 492)
JUNE 5, 1976 - Many martyrs, many saints shall come after the battle. Many martyrs shall come from out of the battle. Pick up your cross, My children, and carry it, for no man is above his Master. As they persecuted My Son, so will they persecute you who follow Him. (vol I page 497)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - My children, My Mother has directed you well. Before the trials are finished upon your earth, before I return to you in triumph with all the personages of Heaven, your earth will be cleansed with great suffering. Many martyrs shall come out of the conflagration. (vol I page 523)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - Do not discard your sacramentals as being outdated or outmoded. Know the insidious plan of satan to remove your armor from you so that you will not have the necessary protection for your spirit, your soul, My children. The world will look upon you and call you with laughter and mockery, fanatics. The world will point their fingers at you and say that you are deranged. But know, My children, that I, too, knew the mockery of My own. But know that the greatest glory of all is a living martyrdom for your God, for great will be your glory in Heaven. (vol I page 532)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - My child, you are observing many who shall wear the white robes in Heaven. Many martyrs shall be made, My child, in the days ahead. Many shall gain their crowns through suffering. It is truly the way of the cross, My child, to Heaven. Do not let a moment go by, My child, without using, without putting your suffering to good cause. (vol I page 534)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - My children, Our Vicar, your Holy Father upon earth, was sacrificed for you. I cannot describe to you with your limited knowledge of the supernatural, the manner of his sacrifice. Be it enough that I say unto you that in the days ahead there will be many martyrs, there will be many latter-day saints coming out of the conflagration. (vol II page 181)
DECEMBER 20, 1978 - My children, are there so few who will suffer for the Faith? Are My children lost to the need for suffering and martyrdom for the Faith? Do you not understand, My children, that martyrdom means immediate entrance into Heaven. Is this not worth fighting for? (vol II page 200)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - Our hearts are torn because many have been misled. We ask a great burden for many to accept, a burden of perseverance. And this is a burden when the opposition is great, a burden filled with eventual graces to accept martyrdom upon earth. (vol II page 211)
MAY 30, 1981 - How long, the voices of those who are persecuted and must die, are saying, the voices rise to Heaven, join with the saints: How long, O Lord, shall you continue to find excuses upon excuses as these generations of degenerates have progressed into a spiritual darkness and depravity far worse that even during the time of Noe or Lot? How long, O Lord, shall many more martyrs shed their blood? (vol II page 283)
MAY 21, 1983 - We will go back, My child, in history, a short history, and remember well what had happened in Rome to John, Pope John whose reign lasted 33 days. O My child, it is history now, but it is placed in the book that lists the disasters to mankind. He received the horror and martyrdom by drinking from a glass. It was a champagne glass given to him by a now deceased member of the clergy and the secretariat of the state. (vol II page 385)
JUNE 18, 1970 - Everyone has to care. Not enough who care. So many will be lost. I love you, My children. I love you, My children! I will come soon. ...........These are the pearls of Heaven, (The Rosary). Pearls of prayer. These are My pearls of prayer to Heaven. I am your Mother of Love. Blessed is he who extends his love to his brothers and gives his heart to Me. I love you all, My children, but you must pray more. I love you all, My children, My arms are filled with roses. (vol I page 8)
JULY 1, 1970 - The children are the innocent victims, misguided by the dedicated who feed half-truths and black abominations to starve young souls! Woe to defiled man! Why do you deny My angels? The beauties of Heaven are in their arms. Remember, My children, Heaven and earth will pass away, all will be as white, but I hold the Key to the Kingdom given by My Son. No one will come to the Father but through My Son. Stay under My mantle, My children, and you will find peace. Reject Me or My Son, and the end of life as you know it will be hastened. ..........I am the advocate of peace, the Mediatrix between God and man, abundant with graces for the asking. I am now the Guardian of the Cross. I stand beneath the Cross. No soiled hands can touch My Son's Body. Only God can purify the hands. (Consecrated hands) (vol I page 10)
AUGUST 5, 1970 -I have wandered far to try to save you but you choose to close your ears to My pleas. I have come to warn you, to save you. I wish to place My Mantle over all My children so that not one will be lost. The hand of the Father grows impatient. I hold back the darkness but His hand grows heavy. (vol I page 12)
AUGUST 14, 1970 - But My Immaculate Heart will triumph over all evil. The present strife is but a symptom of the underlying sickness, the loss of soul. Prayer is your beacon in the dark world. (vol I page 13)
AUGUST 21, 1970 - Pray, pray, My children. Recover all souls from Purgatory. Physical death is but the beginning of spiritual life. I am the Mother of the world, come to Me and I will comfort you. (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1970 - Remember, My children, Heaven and earth will pass away, all will be as white, but I hold the key to the Kingdom, given by My Son. No one will come to the Father but through My Son, and the end of life as you know it will be hastened! I am the Advocate of Peace, the Mediatrix between God and man, abundant with graces for the asking. I am now the guardian of the cross, I stand beneath the cross, I shed My Blood beneath the cross. No soiled hands can touch My Son's Body, only God can purify the hands (consecrated hands). (vol I page 157)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - I offer you salvation, My children, remain with Me under My Mantle. Jesus is sad. Satan attacks Our Hearts by destroying Our children. This is the beginning of sorrows. Pray! Pray! to strengthen the convents and seminaries from the attacks from within. (vol I page 14)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - Why do they now deny Me, My children? Why do they place on Me a cloak of impurity? What sorrow anew to a Son's Heart to see his Mother defamed? (vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - My voice grows weak, cries but grows weak. How long must I shed My tears for an uncaring world? How long must I care for a world who cares for the things of satan? Every person will fear, and the good will suffer, for they will fear the damnation ahead for those who chose to lose the Way. Repent now! While there is time! Make sacrifices and reparation for His abused heart which is already too much shattered by the sins of an uncaring world. The choice has always been yours to make. The kingdom of satan or the Kingdom of My Son! We want you with Us. Turn not from Our pleas into the path of satan, for he is waiting to gather you into his kingdom of fires. (vol I page 20)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - Our arms send forth a shower of Blessings upon you all at this moment of a great joy to My Heart, the reception of the Medal of Our Lady of the Roses. I thank you, My children, for there are many surprises in store for you, that We give with glad hearts, in these dark days. You see, My children, We will show this man of perdition where the true power of God lies, for eventually, My children, I will crush him through the Power of the Eternal Father. (vol I page 23,24)
I will continue with My Son to guide you in these dark days, My children. We shower all blessings of Heaven upon you, so have confidence and remember to keep your Rosary with you always! Keep it about your neck if possible, for that moment will come when you will need it! ( vol I page 24)
MARCH 24, 1971 - There can be ultimate joy when we go beyond the dark days ahead for My Immaculate Heart will triumph over the darkness. .............It surely rains teardrops from Heaven! Remember, My children, I am your Mother! I carry the Light! Tonight a star has fallen from the sky! Two more will fall before the Great Darkness! Fatima ....1917 America ...1971. (vol I page 25)
APRIL 3, 1971 - I am also a Mother! I am the Mother of the World!, and I suffer the heartache of My Son, as a Mother. I too, can no longer stand the swords in My Heart. Therefore, We, too in Heaven, must bow to the Will of the Father, and His Will, Will be done!! (vol I page 26)
JULY 1, 1971 -See My eyes so swollen from the tears I have shed because of the offenses to My Son. But in all the sadness of My heart I will smile for you, My children, won't you smile for Me in the dark days ahead, with confidence of love? Yes, I am truly the Mediatrix of Peace, the Mediatrix between God and Man, I have been given the Light by My Son to hold back the darkness, but this will all be on your decision for you must listen to Our direction. (vol I page 30)
JULY 25, 1971 - I have watched as they defamed Her Name, Her Body, Her Spirit. Shall you watch as I destroy those who have created this monstrosity against My Mother? (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - Your country has been given many benefits and as such was to be a shining star of My Son. But satan knew the devious plan ahead to destroy your country. Yes, he seeks to capture the souls of all of Our children, but, with My Immaculate Heart, there is no fear for those who stay under My Mantle for I will protect those who come to Me and ask with love. I beg you, My children, I give you My Heart, please come to Us, do not let Us lose Our children to satan. (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - The Chastisement will be from your God. Do not be misled by those who defame the habits! Do not be led like sheep to the slaughter. My Mother carries the Light in the darkness, the spiritual darkness that now engulfs you all. (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - My Immaculate Heart will be your shield in the dark days ahead. This disaster is the satanic work of Our adversary, who will be crushed in Our eventual triumph. (vol I page 34)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - I am the Queen of the Universe, the Mediatrix of all Graces, but first and above all I am your Mother! I have come to warn you to protect you for many will be lost to Us. You all in the final decision, will have made your own choice. I bless you all, My children, with a shower of graces from Heaven. Come to Me at this hallowed place. Be with Me in spirit. Save America the Rosary way, a constant vigil of prayer! (vol I page 35)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - I am wandering the earth, coming to many places. My arms are heavy with graces! As numerous as the petals of the roses! Grace for all who ask! I am the Mother of the earth and will be with you until My Son returns with Me to stand with Us in victory. ......The war is on! I will be with you, here on all feast days and ever, and will disperse many graces on these hallowed grounds. Let Me nourish you with graces in the dark days ahead. Always beside you is the evil one, the dark man of sin, pray much that you will not fall into permissive interpretations of law and conduct. Humanism, Modernism, Paganism. Many are selling their souls to get to the head and consorting with devils! Woe to evil man! Recognize, recognize the plan of satan to seduce you. (vol I page 44)
APRIL 1, 1972 - I will be with you always in the day ahead. And as I promised, My child, I will be here to guide you all on the Eve of all Feast days. Many blessings of cures and conversions will come from My hallowed grounds. There is a plan in Heaven for every life placed upon earth by the Eternal Father. As such, each soul is precious to Him! (vol I page 49)
APRIL 10, 1972 - You have been given a choice. My Mother has come to you with a heavy heart. She will remain with you on Her knees! She has promised to cover you all with Her Mantle. Flee not from Our protection. .............Please, My children, gather about Me now. Let Me bestow upon you all graces necessary in the trying days ahead. I want you all to carry forth My plan for your salvation; a string of Rosaries, from one end of your country to the other; you will all, in these trials win your crowns! Do not be misled to leave the narrow path to the Kingdom, when you are place under trial. (vol I page 51)
MAY 30, 1972 - I promise, as the Mother of Jesus, not to abandon you; I will not abandon you; and I shall be with you for your entrance into the Kingdom. Wear your armor! The medals, the scapulars, for many will flee with what is on their body; you will need them all. (vol I page 52)
AUGUST 14, 1972 - Our Lady appeared accompanied by what appeared to be hundreds of angels dressed in pastel garbs of brilliant beauty. As Our Lady came forward the voices of the angels sang out: Hail, Holy Queen, mightiest through the nations! Hail, Holy Queen, the Light of the World, Who shall stand upon the world and crush the head of satan...........When My Son ascended to the Father I spent many years spreading His word, I know the frailties of human nature. I know the heartbreak, the suffering, for I spent many years on earth. Therefore, I always beg for mercy, My children, to the Father, for My errant children on earth. That is why I have been placed here as Mediatrix between God and man. My Son has deemed this necessary. Many places have now been closed to Me. I have expected this for some time, My children. But the work for the Father will continue, as long as there is the light in the world. I ask all who are placing their souls in the keeping of My Son, to light their candles with Me, and search throughout the dark world for their brothers and sisters. In Heaven there will no class distinction; there will be no color distinction, and there will be no rank distinction! You will only enter the Kingdom on the merit of your spirit. (vol I page 61)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - I am the Queen of Heaven, Mother of Earth, Mediatrix of all Graces. I come to you with Graces in abundance. Graces for the asking. I will dispense to all those who join Me in rescuing their brothers; many graces, manifestations, by means of conversion and cure. I place upon these consecrated and sacred grounds the graces to rescue souls in these dark days. (vol I page 71)
DECEMBER 30, 1972 - My Mother has come as a Mediatrix to earth. I have offered Her this opportunity to save the children of earth. Listen to Her words of caution and direction, and you will be saved. I extend to My children My Heart. The Father promises all salvation if you will just follow His direction. (vol I page 74)
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - For your mission on earth, My child, it is necessary that the Father endow you with knowledge. You have stated, I understand, that you have found difference in seeing My Son and I, and viewing all the personages of Heaven. I appear to you, My child, in solid form as does My Son. Because My Son ascended (in Body) and I was assumed (in Body) into Heaven. In Our Body state. But others appear different to you, My child, in their form, because they come in their soul, the spirit state. That is the way they were taken to Heaven, through human means through the veil. ................My Son, in the Father, took Me into the realm of the Kingdom when My work was finished upon earth. I rose by the Power of God into the Kingdom. My life upon earth was lived for the Father, though I lived a life with the knowledge of the human race. That is why My Son allowed Me to champion your cause, My children! As I stated before that Our children on earth are Our champions! Against the adversary, the man of sin! I love you all, My children, and I will guide you through the tribulation. I suffer, as a Mother will suffer, from the loss of each child. (vol I page 75)
MARCH 18, 1973 - I stand upon the head of the serpent. My heel will crush him, but not until man and the world have been cleansed.............I want it known at this time that I dwelt upon earth in human form, but so placed by the Father in His plans from time and eternity. I came upon earth in virginity, and I left earth in virginity. My Life upon earth was planned far in advance of My coming. I was but an instrument of the Father in His plan for the salvation and redemption of mankind. (vol I page 86)
MARCH 24, 1973 - My Mother has been sent to you as a Mediatrix between the Father and man. She has placed Herself in sacrifice for lost souls. ........I have watched as you have degraded Her. You will know now that My Mother will crush the prince of darkness, and he will lie before Her, chained by Michael, and cast into the pit. He rages now upon your world, knowing that his time grows short. ...............Come to Me all mothers who weep for their children. Come to Me and I will solace you. Understanding pours forth from My Mother's Heart. Come, and I will place My mantle about you, and you will find great comfort with Me. (vol I page 89)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - It is only, My children, through the mercy of the Father that I be allowed to come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man, to warn you, to prepare you for what lies ahead. Your future now has been written in Heaven. ............. One day of your earthly week time will be given to the Father in prayer and meditation. It is the day of the Lord. Know now that this is but a small penance and sacrifice for what lies ahead. I promise all who follow My direction to be protected during these days, as I shelter them beneath My blue mantle. (vol I page 120)
AUGUST 14, 1973 - Full dedication will be made to the Sacred Heart of My Son and the Immaculate Heart endowed to Me by the Father. I place My blue mantle of protection over all My children who come to Me. I have come here, and I will remain here upon these sacred grounds and upon many sacred grounds throughout the world until the final victory. (vol I page 123)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - My children, I have no need for a repetition of My words. I have prepared you for what lies ahead. Now you will act upon My direction and you will be saved. Should you cast aside My many warnings and prophecy to you, you will suffer the consequences. Do not take the words given to you idly, in the past, for We have prepared you for your future, which is now. (vol I page 129)
JUNE 13, 1973 - Many graces, many manifestations will be given to those who have assembled here on the grounds chosen by the Father. I come among you as a Mediatrix of graces, graces free for the asking. I am a consoler of mothers, a director of the wandering young, and above all, a light on the road to the Kingdom. Won't you, My children, light your candles with Me and follow Me as I direct you on the road to Heaven. (vol I page 132)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1973 - Our Lady said that I was given the book. It's a very old book, from the time of Saint Louis de Montfort. And I, Our Lady said that I'm to read this passage from It: There are many who call themselves devotees of Our Lady. But, words do not prove what is in the heart, but actions. They can fall, he says, the man. Saint Louis, it's Louis. Oh, he said to call him Saint Louis. Oh, into seven categories. We have much false devotion to Our Lady. They are 1. They are the critical devotees. These are those who call themselves devotees of Our Lady. But they have categories, says Saint Louis de Montfort. They are; the critical devotees, the scrupulous devotees, the external devotees, the presumptuous devotees, the inconstant devotees, the hypocritical devotees, and the really interested devotees. ................Now Saint Louis says, "Those, the critical scholars, those of much learning, with rash and self-sufficient spirit, who have at the bottom of their hearts some devotion to the holy Virgin, but who criticize nearly all the practices of devotion to Her which the simple people must pay simply and holily to their good Mother, because these practices do not fall in with their own humor and fancy.
So those who are of intellectual pride would not approve because it does not fit in with what is in their fancy. They call in doubt all the miracles of Our Faith find the history recorded by authors worthy of our Faith, or drawn from the chronicles of religious orders, they call them down, for the narratives which testify to us the mercies and the power of the most holy Virgin. They cannot see, these who have the intellectual pride, without uneasiness, how simple and humble people are, can be on their knees before an altar or an image of Our Lady, sometimes in the corner of a street, in order to pray to God there, and they even accuse them of idolatry, and as if they adored the wood or the stone. They say that for their part, those who have intellectual pride and do have the rule of governing, they are not fond of these external devotions and that their minds are not so weak as to give faith to such a number of tales and little histories that are in circulation about Our Lady. .........Therefore, Saint Louis says, watch and pray and allow the Holy Spirit to work among you. In other words, Saint Louis says, do not stop the workings of the Holy Spirit, for it is not for man to judge the hand of God among you. (vol I page 134, 135)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - All who remain with Me throughout these dark days will be saved. I promise to spread My mantle wide. Come to Me all who are burdened with sorrows; mothers, hearts filled with grief, fathers, who have sons of affliction. I will comfort you, and I will strengthen you. (vol I page 140)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - My children, I do not come to the proud and the men of knowledge. I come to the little ones, little in worldly knowledge, but filled with the spirit of truth; those with little of worldly possessions, but carrying the keys to the Kingdom. It is these children of God who will remain to greet My Son when He returns. (vol I page 151)
MARCH 24, 1974 - My Son has given Himself to you, for His word became Flesh. I offered Myself as a mother so that the Word would reach the world. Humbly I stand before you as the Mother of God and beg you as a Mother of earth to listen and hasten to take action upon My words, for your time grows short. (vol I page 180)
MAY 30, 1974 - My Mother has been sent on this mission by the Father to warn you, then to prepare you for what lies ahead if you refuse to turn back from the ways that have set you onto the path of darkness. The forces of evil are rampant now within My House and in the hearts of men. Unless you turn back now, make atonement to the Father for the many offenses against Him, you will receive the sword. I cannot caution you enough to heed the Messages of My Mother given to you in the past. Do not take Her words idly. My Mother has come as a Mediatrix by permission of the Father to intercede for an extension of mercy to you. (vol I page 208)
JUNE 15, 1974 - You see, My child, you use the word 'Marylike,' but the word is truly 'chastity,' 'modesty.' It is a word, 'chastity,' the word, 'modesty.' soon forgotten on your earth. (vol I page 215)
My child, We have given the Message from Heaven. It will be accepted or rejected in the will of mankind. The choice for the eternal salvation of his soul still lies with each man. None will be forced into Heaven. Graces will be given in abundance for the recovery of souls but one must want to, My child: One will ask and receive by merit the keys to the Kingdom. ...........I send upon you in the Father and the Holy Spirit graces for the cure and conversion; cure of the bodies and cure of the soul, all for the asking. All who are labored with sorrow, come to My Mother and be solaced. There is no rest in Heaven, there is no time as you measure it upon earth. Know that My Mother is ever present on these grounds. Ask and you shall receive, for She has set Herself with willingness as Mediatrix for you, for She is your Mother and all mothers upon earth will look up to My Mother as an example of purity and sacrifice. (vol I page 218)
JUNE 18, 1974 - My child, it is with great joy that I look upon the loving souls. My Mother has been sent to you as a Mediatrix from the Father. You will listen to Her counsel, for you stand in great trial in the days to come. It is only through the intercession of My beloved Mother that you will be directed out of the darkness. The Father, in the Spirit, deems that all must make atonement for the offenses against the Creator. We send upon you many graces, graces for cure and conversion, graces for the wayward souls. Do not reject these, for you will then be forever lost. (vol I page 224)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - My Mother has been allowed to accept My Cross!! She did this of great heart for Her children! I do not like to watch, I sorrow to watch, the abominations and the disrespect given to My Mother! It is only the enemies of the Father in Heaven that take this truth from you. You will not stop the words of My Mother! She is your Co-Redemptrix and as such, it is She who has been given the mission to bring you back onto the road to the Kingdom! Without Her, you will be lost! (vol I page 240)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - Oh! Seventy-two years of service to the Father. Our Lady is repeating: Seventy-two years of service to the Father. I was honored by the Father in your years of twelve. My young years, My child, were spent in seclusion. I, too, was not without persecution when I carried on the apostle ship of My Son. (vol I page 241,242)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - You will do well, My child, to emphasize the need to hasten the message of My Mother to the world. She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix, knowing that a Mother can always reach the hearts of Her children. Do not cast Her words aside or take them lightly. My Mother has given you the truth in example. We have permitted from the Father the grace to fall upon many of seeing what your human eyes are unable to see. Many receive the graces but they cast them aside. Gather these graces. Store them for your entrance into the Kingdom. You will only come to Us through merit. (vol I page 289)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - I place, My child, your hand in Mine, knowing that I protect you in the days ahead. I place My blue mantle over all My children. What is there to fear but fear? Face fear, My child, and it will soon disappear! (vol I page 299)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - You will understand now, My child, how needless it is to set yourself to worry for you drain your human strength. The Will of the Father, the Most High God in Heaven, will be done. Satan is not above the Father. He will go great battle but I, your Mother will crush his head!..............Make it known, My child, to the world that to give Me honor does not detract or take from the honor of My Son. I say this, My child, to you and My children, in all humility, I, your Mother, I, too, am but an instrument of the Father in Heaven. My Son has chosen to send Me to you as a Mediatrix between your world and the world of a Father. (vol I page 304)
My Mother has shed many tears upon an ungrateful generation, an unworthy generation, that has taken Her sacrifice and cast it back into Her face! Woe to those who share a responsibility in desecrating and offending the Heart of My Mother! Measure for measure shall he receive his just reward! (vol I page 306)
DECEMBER 24, 1974 - Make it known, My child, to the world that to give Me honor does not detract or take from the honor to My Son. I say this, My child, to you and My children in all humility, I, your Mother, I, too, am but an instrument of the Father in Heaven. My Son has chosen to send Me to you as a Mediatrix between your world and the world of a Father. (vol I page 310)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - The words of the Queen of Heaven are given to you for reason! You will hasten, hearken and listen and act upon Her words! The time grows short! The balance is uneven! The punishing hand of the Eternal Father shall descend fast upon mankind! You have received a true warning from the Father! Prepare yourselves now! Make ready for you are in deep darkness and the light shall be forced upon you!..............My Mother has not been sent to set fear in your heart but to warn you of the coming Chastisement and to give you the extension of time for preparation of your souls and the souls of your children. Heed this warning now and act upon it. (vol I page 318)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - You must accept a full consecration of yourself and your families to the Immaculate Heart of My Son, and Myself, My children. It is not that I ask this of you with pride but humility. I, too, My child, am but an instrument of the Father coming to you as your Mother, for I am truly your Mother, and a Mother of great sorrow. ..............The Father, My Son in the Father, has found it necessary to send Me to you as an Emissary from Heaven. A Mediatrix between mankind and the Kingdom of the Father............All who have consecrated their heart with Us, have now received the mark of a Cross upon them. It is a lifetime dedication and consecration. (vol I page 320)
MARCH 29, 1975 - My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix. Her voice has gone throughout your world. Many have rejected Her words and those who accept them will be saved. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. You will keep a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 353)
JUNE 18, 1975 - It grieves My Heart much to watch the manner in which man has rejected My Mother upon earth...................I have sent Her to you as your Mother, as My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and Earth, to direct you in your battle against the forces of evil. Without Her guidance you will not stay on the road to Heaven. (vol I page 378)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - My Mother has been sent to your earth as an Emissary from Heaven, a Mediatrix between you and the Eternal Father. However, it is with much sorrow that We have observed the manner in which She has been rejected by many. (vol I page 395)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - My Mother has spent years here with you warning you and directing you back from your path of darkness..........However, man has hardened his heart and closed his ears. In many places throughout your world, My Mother, Her voice has been silenced through the seers of the world. (vol I page 405)
Continue on your mission of saving souls. Time is not measured by days nor hours for there is no time in Heaven. The end shall come to you as a thief in the night. Be prepared and follow the directions of My Mother carefully. I repeat: She will not abandon you in the days ahead; but follow Her directions and you will not go through this crucible of suffering without hope. (vol I page 406)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - My child, you are observing My dress in the Presentation at the Temple. I was very young, and I was taken to the Temple by My parents to preserve My chastity, and sanctity for the future............Man cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father. Therefore, I in Heaven can understand that man is not knowledgeable in he ways of the Father and has set himself to desecrate My memory. They reject the fact of the power of their God in preserving My chastity in the will of the Father. (vol I page 438)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - You see My Mother, your Queen of Heaven and your Queen of Earth. Better that a man has died in the womb of his mother than to disgrace and to bring discredit to My Mother..........You who seek to take Her from the hearts of the children by your actions and deceits, shall not have but a short time for your deception..........I shall come among you and scatter you to the four corners of your earth. I shall cleanse you in a manner that man has never experienced in the past, nor ever shall in the future. (vol I page 445)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - Do not be concerned, My child, of the world's opinion and mankind's rejection, for My Own will know Me. I am truly the light in a darkened world, My child. I say this not in pride, but in fact and reality. I bring the light, the Message from Heaven, in the will of My Son. I come to you as a Mother, a mother of great heart, with great hope. I come to prepare you as your Mother and to warn you that you must now change from your ways that offend the Eternal Father much. (vol I page 450)
Contemplate, My children, upon all the Messages given to you through My Mother. She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. If you reject Her counsel, you will be lost. She has promised to gather you all under Her mantle of protection and guidance. My Mother shall be with you and among you until I arrive after the great Chastisement. I will come soon because if I do not, there will be no flesh left upon your earth. Your countrymen and the leaders of your world now, is their greed and avarice, made instruments of destruction! Satan inspired destruction of the human body! The value for life, the human life, is gone! (vol I page 452)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - Your Holy Father, Paul, suffers much from the enemies that surround him. He will accept a martyr's end. Do not feel sad of heart, My child. The Father has a plan for all. It is a great grace to accept a martyr's death. (vol I page 460)
All who remain close to My Mother will not be caught unprepared, My child. This is a great grace for many. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes and in your country and throughout your world. The beads of prayer, My Mother's Rosary to mankind is very powerful. Do not discard your sacramentals, for they have the power over the supernatural demons. Do not listen with itching ears to those who try to discard the knowledge of the supernatural, the demons and the existence of your angels. I would advise you to call upon them often for you shall not survive the coming battle without them. (vol I page 462)
FEBRUARY 10, 1976 - As My Mother has directed you, you will find in time to come that the world shall know the full meaning of Her words. All who have listened and acted upon Her direction shall go through the crucible of suffering that is fast coming upon your world. (vol I page 473)
APRIL 10, 1976 - My child, you are approaching a desperate time of your mission. My Mother has directed you in the past to proceed in haste with great purpose and not being obstructed in your work by public opinion. It is through the mercy of the Eternal Father that My Mother was given to mankind as a Mediatrix to bring peace to your earth. This peace cannot be obtained unless mankind follows the direction given by My Mother. (vol I page 481)
MAY 26, 1976 - How much more punishment shall the severity increase to awaken you from your slumber? We have asked Our pastors to put into action the direction given by My Mother to recover My sheep. Instead, My Mother has been received with doubt, laxity, apathy, and an absolute rejection by many. How many voice boxes must We send among you to awaken you before it too late?...........I accept, as your God, your rejection, but I will not accept the rejection of My Mother. You shall not cover Her with filth, filth in your printed periodicals. You shall not desecrate Her name with lies. (vol I page 491)
JUNE 12, 1976 - My child, My Mother has given the warning to mankind. She has wandered throughout your world as a trumpet from Heaven, a trumpet that will sound a warning that shall reach every man, woman, and child. (vol I page 502)
JUNE 18, 1976 - Veronica: Our Lady now is rising higher into the sky. The wind is blowing. Our Lady looks very beautiful. The graces are still cascading down like slivers of tiny rivulets of glass. They're coming out from Our Lady's hands now. There are streams of light coming out of Our Lady's hands, just like they're, they're just coming from Her fingers. They're tremendous lights, there's no way I can explain them in my human words. They're a powerful light, and they're cutting right through the air onto the grounds and the peoples. Oh, they're just beautiful! (vol I page 505,506)
Our Lady now is placing both of Her hands out at Her side, but in an arc. She's moving Her hands now in an arc, like this, and the lights are pouring from Our Lady's fingers, down upon the grounds. They have a great warmth. I feel a warmth that's beyond expressing in human words. It goes far beyond earthly existence.............The time, time and a half is upon mankind and coming to its close. Have you listened and acted upon the warnings of My Mother? There will be gnashing of teeth and much woe set upon the earth by the dark forces of 666. My children, you will continue with the direction of My Mother in the days ahead. She has been sent to you as a Mediatrix between your God and man. Listen with an open mind and an open heart. Seek, and you will be given the way to the light. (vol I page 506)
JUNE 24, 1976 - The forces of evil are gathering about the city of Jerusalem. I walked there, My children, My home will be destroyed. There shall be much blood shed upon My home. (vol I page 508)
JULY 15, 1976 - How many of you have even listened with small measure to the directions of My
Mother. How many of you share the responsibility for turning away from Her and even to destroy Her in the minds and hearts of your countrymen? All evil will eventually be turned to good. The forces of evil, in the almighty knowledge of the Eternal Father, are given their time for the separation of the sheep from the goats. (vol I page 517)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - My children, I bring to you now a little known story of the Assumption of My Mother. Yes, there were present two small children, standing outside the crypt as I brought My Mother forward. She lay but a short time in Her burial shroud, and I came with Michael and Gabriel to take My Mother to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father to receive Her much awarded crown. ............My Mother received Her crown through suffering and perseverance. She walked among men for many years after I ascended to the Father. She waited and prayed and directed those about Her with care and patience. She strengthened the foundation of My House upon earth, and was awarded the crown gained by Her efforts. My children, know that My Mother left your earth in both body and spirit. She joined Me with the Eternal Father. (vol I page 523)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - Remember, My child, I, as your Mother, fully understand the great sorrow in your heart, for did I not give My Son to the Eternal Father! Did I not have My Heart torn asunder by this loss? Yes, My child, I also had a human nature. I could cry; I could be sorrowful. I felt a great sadness, My child. I feel, and I give you the simple lesson! It is only through experience, My child, that can We have true compassion for the sufferer. (vol I page 534)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - My Mother cries constantly daily tears for your mercy. My Mother shall no longer be betrayed by those She loves, betrayed, I say, for you desecrate Her memory. You remove Her from among you in every manner possible to take the knowledge of Her being from among your children. (vol I page 550)
NOVEMBER 22, 1976 - My Mother as a Mediatrix between God and man, has held in abeyance the heavy hand of your God that must soon be set upon you in order to save your generation, for I assure you, My children, in the destruction you are fast heading into, there will be little flesh left unless We rescue you from your own made destruction. (vol I page 563)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - My Mother's Message is coming to mankind in its final stage. Her tears fall upon a degenerate generation. My Mother has been received by many with dishonor and disloyalty. You, O man of little faith, you who walk in darkness, you are not hidden from the all knowing eyes of the Eternal Father. I send upon you a final warning, a cry for penance, atonement, and sacrifice. I shall not wait until the young have lost all knowledge of their God by atheistic teachers. (vol I page 568,569)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, I repeat My promise to mankind that I shall be with you here upon your earth unto the arrival, the second Coming of My Son. What was to happen in your future shall be now. Because of man's stubbornness and sinful life, what was to happen in man's future shall be now.(vol I page 576)
My children, My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. My Mother has directed you well. You will now act upon Her counsel or you will fall! )vol I page 577)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - My Mother has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Reject Her direction, reject Her counsel, and you shall be rejected before the Father. (vol II page 21)
APRIL 9, 1977 - America, My mantle has been spread over you in protection, but you whom I've protected in the past, you also cast Me aside, for when you dishonor My Son, you dishonor His Mother and you dishonor all of the saints in Heaven. (vol II page 34)
MAY 14, 1977 - My children, I accept in suffering, in patience, and with a consolable heart the abominations against My nature and My Divinity in the Father and in the Spirit but I will not tolerate the abuses to My Mother! You who have cast aside the knowledge of My birth, accepting to degrade My Mother in your hypocrisy and rejection of truth!..............The Eternal Father chose My Mother before Her beginning on earth to be the receptacle for My entrance onto your earth. My Mother was conceived without sin; She knew not the stigma of sin, the original sin of mankind from the first parents. She was destined from the beginning of time, in the knowledge of the Eternal Father, to be a spotless receptacle for My entrance into your world.
My Mother is not and was not an ordinary woman. My Mother was ever-virgin. My Mother bore Me forth without pain and knowledge of My entrance until the sound of the babe awakened Her and Her spouse, Her pure spouse, Joseph. My Mother knew not man before or after My birth. My Mother, as was written in the Book of old, was ever-virgin. How dare you degrade Her, O man of little faith! And where are you, loose shepherds, despoilers of My fold? I say unto you: You shall receive measure for measure a just judgment! (vol II page 40)
MAY 28, 1977 - You have been given a great grace from Heaven to hear the counsel of My Mother, and you will in your free will accept it or reject it; and woe to the man who will close his heart and his ears to this counsel. (vol II page 49)
MAY 30, 1977 - I do not contradict My Message My children. You must understand; My words are true, My counsel true, and I must be followed exactly in this counsel. Man cannot change My words to suit his own desires. (vol II page 50)
My children, My Mother will be with you through the tribulation. Come to Her with your hearts. She will console and counsel you all. Her heart is open, Her mantle is open wide to protect you. You will receive on asking many graces of cures and conversions. They will be given to you as numerously as the petals that come from the heavens. (vol II page 52)
JUNE 18, 1977 - My children, My Mother did not come to you to bring fear into your hearts; She came to counsel you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Do not question Her Message. You cannot cast aside any of Her words of counsel to suit yourselves. No changes shall be made in My Mother's Messages, for no man shall set himself above My Mother, the Queen of Heaven and earth. She is your Mother also, and that is the reason She persists in begging for you repatriation.
My children, console the bleeding heart of My Mother; console Her by accepting Her words of counsel and acting upon them. Prayer is the greatest weapon now you have against the forces of evil loosed upon your world. It is the battle of all battles; satan against the Spirit of life and light. Satan has now mobilized the full forces and fury of hell against you! My Mother has prepared you well if you accepted Her counsel. ..............My children, I come to you as your Mother, as a Mediatrix from God to man, chosen by the Eternal Father, with this plan to save you. Will you not listen to Me now? There is so little time left. (vol II page 62)
JULY 25, 1977 - Many of My clergy are on the road to perdition and taking many trusting souls with them. It is a knife in My Heart that satan has been allowed to enter into My Church, but now My Mother has been given, as a Mediatrix between God and man, the knowledge and power from Heaven to gather Our armies of little saints upon earth. And it will be these people, humble, of little means, but with full hearts, who will go forward and restore My Church. (vol II page 70)
AUGUST 5, 1977 - My children, if you do not listen to My counsel, you will live in a world in which the living will envy the dead, so great will become the corruption, the murders, the evil even reaching into the highest places in My Son's Church. Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer, I beg you as your Mother. (vol II page 71)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - My children, I could go through a long discourse with you, repeating over and over the pleas of My Mother. She has been truly a guardian of Her children upon earth. She has set Herself to plead your cause before Heaven. For I assure you, My children, if it were not for My Mother, you would have received a just chastisement years before this. (vol II page 95)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - My child, My heart is torn. It feels as though a thousand knives have pierced My heart. Every day another enters. How many shall console Me in My sorrow? I am truly the Mother of Sorrows. And why? Because My eyes look and watch the multitudes of My children entering into hell day by day! I cannot stem the tide now. I ask, I beseech, I plead with you as your Mother to hold back the darkness. Fight the forces of darkness and evil that have entered upon your world. (vol II page 97)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My child and My children, at this time I do not intend to enlarge upon My Mother's counsel. Need it be said that a fair warning has been given to all mankind. My Mother has set Herself as a victim for you, a victim because of the sins of mankind. (vol II page 103)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - My children, through countless visitations to your earth, I have prepared you for My Son. I have been a Mediatrix between God and man at the direction of the Eternal Father in the Trinity. I open My mantle above you, My children; and know now that I will protect you in the light. All who believe shall be given the way. But, My children, I repeat the words of My Son: This, My children, is what will be, in darkness will they seek the way? This, My child, is what will be; in darkness will they seek the way? (vol II page 109)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - My Mother shall continue to guide you in the days ahead. She has made a promise to you and it will be kept. The battle will accelerate and many shall fall away from the Faith, for they do not have the strength in the battle. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Be charitable even to those who persecute you. You must all pray, but you must all work, My children, for there is no strength in prayer without works. (vol II page 119)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - How long, My children, can I hold back My Son's hand from descending upon mankind? I have been allowed to come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. I shed tears of pity for you, for I have been given by the Eternal Father the knowledge of seeing what is to come upon mankind very soon. Only a few will be left in the final count. (vol II page 121)
MARCH 18, 1978 - My children, I have come to earth from the beautiful realms of Heaven to warn you as a Mother. The Eternal Father has sent Me as a Mediatrix between God and man. Neither seeking to take the glory from My Son, as man make accusations of, no, My children, I come in support of My sacrificed Son, for He is being re sacrificed by mankind. My children, I have been through this whole ordeal in the past, and I watch now as you recrucify My Son. Is this how you have set yourselves about to repay Him for His sacrifice, by blaspheming His name, destroying His divinity, destroying the sheep? (vol II page 130)
MARCH 25, 1978 - With all of the counsel given in the past by My Mother, counsel also brought to earth through various personages from Heaven, has this all been to no avail? My Mother has set Herself as a Mediatrix between God and man for your salvation. In return She has received thorns from many. My Mother, She shall not be blemished by the mouths or action of man in his fallen nature. I do not ask that My Mother be a victim for the salvation of man's soul. (vol II page 136)
MAY 13, 1978 - The world, earth, shall pass through a great crucible of suffering. Many minor warnings have been given in the past, and too few recognized them as such. Death will become prevalent in your country. Murders, robberies, fornication, idleness through famine and drought. My children, all who are of well spirit shall pass through these times with perseverance. You must all follow the counsel of My Mother. She has been permitted by the Eternal Father to come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Her counsel is true. She will remain with you, steadfast in Her promise. It is the will of the Father that She shall direct the children of earth in crushing the rule of satan. (vol II page 147)
MAY 30, 1978 - My children, as in the past, you are deaf to My calling to you for penance. My Mother has accepted a heavy penalty to rescue you, for She is doing the mission at Her expense, as She listens to all of the blasphemy against Her and Her nature of purity and holiness................ Graces are given in abundance for the asking, but you must seek it, or some charitable brother or sister upon earth must seek it for you. Graces are given in abundance through My Mother's intercession for you. You will listen to Her counsel. Her words are not given to you in idleness but in preparation for what lies ahead in your near future. (vol II page 157)
JUNE 1, 1978 - My children, I have not been unaffected by the slanderous approaches to My Mother through Her children who have gone astray. But know that for every slight to the beauty of My Mother, every thorn in Her heart, shall be given double to the perpetrator of such evil. (vol II page 161)
JULY 15, 1978 - My child and My children, you are now approaching grave days. My Mother has prepared all of you for the trials ahead. Needless to say, I shall not repeat again the counsel given to you by My Mother. This counsel has been rejected by many, and for all of Her heart that My Mother has extended to you, many have returned this gift with bitterness, mockery and derision, and blasphemy. (vol II page 172)
AUGUST 5, 1978 - I beg you as your Mother to listen to My words of counsel, for this counsel comes directly from the Eternal Father in Heaven. The hand of punishment is extended for mankind. It grows very heavy, My children. How long can I hold it from upon you? (vol II page 178)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - Veronica: Now Jesus has touched Our Lady on the shoulder. Oh, He has His arm around Our Lady, like this, and He's leading Her over to Michael. And Our Lady now; Our Lady, is going on Her knees before Jesus. She's kneeling like this with Her arms crossed. And now Michael has handed the crown to Jesus, and He's placing the crown upon Her head! Oh, it's so beautiful! (vol II page 182)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - Do not become complacent or lethargic, My children. There is no time to cast aside the truth, covering it with all optimism. My Mother did not come to you as a prophet of doom, but She came to you from Heaven with a message of realty and what is to take place upon the earth. You will listen to Her, for I assure you, My children, very soon there will be much gnashing of teeth and woe set upon the earth. (vol II page 188)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - My child and My children, I have wandered with great speed to an fro across your earth gathering My children who will listen to Me in the last stages, because you are fast approaching the close of your era. ................O My children, if you only realized and acted upon My counsel! If you only realized what is coming fast upon you! Be it known to you in the past that there will be many eruptions of nature resulting in hurricanes, whirlwinds, floods, great heat and plagues upon mankind. ...........All of this I have repeated to you over and over, because My Mother's heart is torn for you. My children, many of you have become blinded by sin. Many have closed their ears to My pleadings. Many go about as scoffers and look upon My mission as a subject for ridicule and derision. O My children, and to say it has been written in the Book of Life and has been said again and again, that many are called but few are chosen. (vol II page 191)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - I have asked through My Mother, My Mother Who has pleaded through countless earth-years, for an extension of time for mankind to come back to the fold. But for My Mother mankind would have been given a great Chastisement already. I say this, My children, that you may understand that the evil has accelerated upon earth. The Eternal Father has a plan to bring about the separation of the sheep from the goats. The war is on now, good and evil now, a war of the spirits.. (vol II page 195)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - There is hope for mankind. My Mother brings you this hope. The warning She gives, She gives to you in love and charity, as only a Mother could express Her love in Her heart to you. Do not cast Her away. Do not turn from Her, but seek and you will be given the way. Believe, and you will understand what My Mother is saying. (vol II page 199)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - My child, as a Mother you will understand. I have a world of children, whom I am losing every day upon earth. I warn and I caution, and I cannot seem to save all. I shall wander to and fro, My child and My children, hoping that, as My voice goes through the voice-boxes upon earth, you will listen to Me. Even if I recover one of My children, My heart shall be eased. Pray with Me, weep with Me, My children. Extend charity to all. (vol II page 209)
JULY 25, 1979 - In the past many saints were sent to you to prepare you and warn you of these present days that you live in. But who took heed of their counsel? And now My Mother wanders upon earth, and who takes heed of Her counsel? How long do you think I shall stand by and allow you to defame Her? I shall not much longer allow My Mother to be victimized by you. (vol II page 235)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - I give you My Heart, torn anew by My own. I give you My Mother, the gentlest of creatures, human and sublime. I give you My Mother who will be with you through the battle until I return as I ascended into Heaven. ..............Remember, My children, come to My Mother, for in Her memory of Her human days upon earth, She above all humans created, sinless, without the stigma of sin, a perfect life upon earth without sin, and assumed into Heaven, body and spirit, She above all can direct you because She is your Mother; She is the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of every human being upon earth. (vol II page 243)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - Parents, Our hearts are extended to you in pity, for your children shall bring great sorrow to your hearts. My Mother has come to mankind as a Mediatrix between God and man, and She alone is truly the Mother of great sorrows, knowing that through all of earth years in Her travel, Her voice has cried out to you through numerous seers, through countless earth years, to turn back and cast aside the evil way that you have adopted, that will lead mankind to a major disaster, world-wide disaster, and the eventual Chastisement from Heaven. (vol II page 248)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - O My children, what can I do now? If I could take My heart and offer it to the Eternal Father to save you, I would. My Son gave everything for you upon earth, and how soon have you forgotten! Even now, as I wander across your earth, visiting My children, I find that you are re crucifying My Son. For all the Blood He shed for you, you defame His name. For the heart that bled for you, you despise Him anew. O My children, heap all upon Me the abuse that satisfies your addiction to sin, but do not defame the name of My Son. I ask you as your Mother to listen to Me, for I have come o try to save you, to save you even from yourselves; for you are blinded by sin. (vol II page 253)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Your country and all of the countries upon earth are in great crisis. As I have counseled you in the past, I warn you now, as your Mother. Being sent to you as a Mediatrix between God and man, I do not overshadow the Eternal Father of My Son. But I come to you as your Mother, pleading with the Eternal Father for your salvation, your redemption, pleading for your cause before Heaven, that you may be granted an extension of time to recover your senses; for you are blinded by sin! ...........My children, as a Mother, My heart is torn for you. O mothers who come to Me, hearts bleeding in sorrow, I will comfort you; for I too, know the suffering of loss. Come to Me, all you who sorrow and weep for your children; for I will place My mantle of love and comfort upon you. Come to Me, and I will lighten your burden. (vol II page 258)
My children, you have been given every opportunity to act upon the warnings from Heaven, and the counsel of My Mother. In Her mission to Her children, She has met with rejection, defamation, blasphemy, and every abuse that Lucifer could implant into the hearts and minds of man. As a great Mother of great sorrows, She has opened Her heart to all mankind, choosing of Her own free will to act as your Mother, the Mother of all nations, the Mother of all children of earth, to guide you back to the road to Heaven. (vol II page 259)
You will, My children, review the counsel from Heaven, given by My Mother through Her earth-years with you. She will guide you and be with you, until the end of your era and the end of time. She has chosen of Her free will to accept Her place among you as your Mother, as the Mother of the world. (vol II page 260)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - My child and My children, I am truly a Mother of great sorrows. For I have wandered to and fro, calling to you as your Mother, allowed to come to you, acting as a Mediatrix between God and man at the command of the Eternal Father, to give you every opportunity to save yourself and your families from extinction. (vol II page 261)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - My child, Veronica, and My children of the earth, I have come to you with My Mother to bring you a message of great urgency. In the battle of the spirits, now progressing upon earth, you must be guided by prayer and the direction of My Mother. (vol II page 267)
MAY 30, 1981 - Many years My Mother has traveled in diverse places, among many tongues and nations, to caution you and counsel you. Her heart, the purest heart in all the women of the world, Our star of Heaven, your Mother, has tirelessly pursued Her urgent pleadings with mankind to turn back, as they slowly go forward, faster and faster, to their own destruction. (vol II page 283)
Count not upon the frailties of human relationship, because they die and wither away. Whereas My Mother, in Her Immaculate Heart, will always be there to counsel you, to guide you; because no purer a love has even been given to mankind, that expressed when She submitted to My persecution upon earth, and saw that I was to leave. Knowing the will of the Father, She accepted this, and in that way became truly the Mother of the world. (vol II page 284)
JUNE 18, 1982 - I have come to you as your Mother; a Mother who loves you, a Mother who cares, a Mother who cries tears of pity for you, for you do not know what you are doing. I ask you, as your Mother, I appeal to you: I have wandered throughout your world, through countless earth-years begging you to listen, even to a small measure of My Message to the world, to turn now from the ways that are offensive to your God, the Eternal Father in Heaven, for you bring yourself a just punishment if you do not mend your ways now and turn from your sin. (vol II page 303)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My children, I have great compassion for all of My children of the earth. But I say unto you, you have a free will. My Mother has accepted Her role as a Mediatrix between God and man. If you listen to My Mother's counsel you will be saved, and you will also share in the struggle to right the wrong that has been done against the Eternal Father and all the personages of Heaven. ...................My Mother told you some time ago that soon Her words will be few, and this soon has now covered a year's time. But you all know that as a voice-box We had to seek and bring you, My child, back to the grounds so that We can go forth, and together try, I say try, to save the world from its own destruction.............Now, My child, because of the long term of rest and illness, you will take three more photographs. They will stress what I have just given you in words, that sometimes, My child, one photograph can convert many, because seeing to some is believing. Blessed are they who do not have to see to believe. But if they must believe by some physical sign, We send all of this to you, My children; conversions, cures, photographs. Surely you cannot turn away from the pleas of My Mother. .................It will take courage, My children, to carry this Mission forth. But you will be guided by Our Blessed Mother. My Mother has accepted Her role and She promises you, as I do, also, that We will be with you until the end of time, and the beginning of a giant great renewal. That, My child, shall be given in time to all mankind.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My Mother, for many earth-years, has acted with Her heart to protect you. How many times the heavy hand of the Eternal Father reached down to start out the calamities with the Ball, and how many times did Our Lady rush forward. How many times did My Mother rush forward to save you? The world knows My Mother, but they cast Her aside. And those who are agents of hell now, demons in human form, they cannot be retrieved; their abode will be hell. But sad to say, it hurts My heart to know that I cannot be rid of these thorns that I am forced to accept for your salvation.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - Yes, My child, no matter how the world reacts to the truth, you will shout it from the rooftops that Russia has not accepted any overtures from Rome. Unless Russia can be dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Jesus and Mary, unless they will recognize the truth, they will continue to go throughout the world sowing seeds of discord, discontentment, and war. You know, My children, that war is a punishment for man's sins, but also, war is an indication of the loss of the knowledge of God.
The enemies of God are all about you. Russia has planned these days, My child and My children. And how I have begged for years of earth's time that Russia be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. When she is consecrated she will be converted, My children, and then you shall see the world of joy again. Tears shall be banished, and mothers shall not sorrow until they die of grief for the loss of their children and their sons.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - I have warned you all to protect your children. I come to you as a Mother. So few can understand My role throughout life on earth. I, too, know, My children, all of your hardships, your sorrow, and the temptations from satan. For I, too, was upon your earth, My children; this you have forgotten. I am not unapproachable, as some think, because I was as one of you, until the Eternal Father lifted Me up into Heaven. ........Fear shall be struck into the hearts of most; but as you know, My child and My children, I, as your Mother, will be with you throughout all of the conflagrations of the world, so see that those who have lived in justice, those who have shed their blood for the salvation of souls, and those who have accepted their roles, as a person would on your earth, before all of Heaven. There are many who have accepted the role as victim souls.
Do not follow the scoffers who continue to say, 'His promise has not and will not come true, to return in the Second Coming.' I assure you I shall come to you all as a thief in the night. Little will you be prepared unless you listen to My Mother's counsel and keep your heart open for the truth. The more you seek riches in this life, the less you will have in Heaven, for they do not coincide, my child and My children. You cannot have a god, symbolized by money, before you, for you will love one and hate the other. And whom will you hate, My children, but Me?.............My child, We will be here for the rest of the evening prayers. My Mother must then go on to Lourdes..............Yes, My child, you cannot understand the humanism that lies even in Our hearts, though everything has become a spirit for the Father. In our human nature upon earth, We have not forgotten. Yes, My Mother is traveling on to Lourdes. But She returns as soon as possible. She has the world now to try to awaken them before it is too late. My Mother does not rest, but has gone endlessly, tirelessly, on to all the nations of the world, appearing personally, to implore everyone to stop the carnage that is fast coming upon the world. She does not want to see the world destroyed.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have come to you under many names in the past, but I want you to acknowledge Me as the Mother of Grace. Because that is why I come to you now, My children, to give you the graces necessary to remain upon earth in a state of purity and perseverance, and knowledgeable to the truth, that will lead you and keep you on the narrow road to Heaven.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Yes, My child and My children, as a Mother of grace I have been given many powers, through My Son, in the Eternal Father, and the Holy Spirit; many powers to recover souls that are on the way to their destruction and ultimate death in hell. I say 'death,' My children, I do not wish that you misunderstand Me; you yourself know that your soul is immortal. There is no death as you know it; only to the body, which in time the good Lord, the Father in Heaven, in His mercy, will return that body and soul and make it one again at the end of time. That will be the resurrection of the body and the soul...........Today, and this evening, I am happy at heart because there are so many enlightened souls who have come to do honor to the gift from Heaven of the Rosary. ...........My children, I know if you will only place your confidence in Me, that with the Rosary and the Brown Scapular, We can turn this all about. But it must take the efforts in grace of all mankind. And there, My children, is little time for you to turn about.............. O My children, My Mother's heart is now torn asunder. I hear those words that are making a mockery of Myself, My children. Yes, My child Veronica, I am referring to the pornographic movie called the, 'The Hail Mary.'................My Son has wanted and wished that direct action be taken against those who have had even a small measure in partnership with those who have sought to blaspheme My name, and, also, to cut My Heart asunder.
I tell you as a Messenger from Heaven, I, too, My child, was just an innocent child growing up in a family enlightened by God. I knew My position upon earth, and I went forth to try to save you, My children; and in My sacrifice there was salvation. I am asking you all now, for the time left to your country and the world, to pray a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world, link to link, Father to Father. And the Hail Mary's shall be one of glory to My Mother, and not will Her name be disturbed again, as though it were a tombstone laid to rest.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 - My child and my children, your world is heading for a great catastrophe. Earthquakes will increase. Floods will increase. There will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth throughout the world as calamity upon calamity befalls mankind. And why? Because you do not listen to the Queen of Peace to bring the world back from the cataclysm it is facing. .............My child and My children, I shall not give a long, dissentive discord with you this evening because My heart has been torn at the necessity of having My Mother repeat over and over the warnings from Heaven. However, this She has chosen to do; for as a loving Mother, a Mother of great heart, She wishes that no one be lost to Heaven. Her heart is torn every time a soul descends into hell and purgatory. My Mother is truly the Mother of the world. And at this time, only She can save the world, for She has come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. And as such unto the time that no flesh shall seem to remain upon earth, My Mother will be with you, and I, also.
I repeat again: When I return to earth, I shall return the way I left. I ascended, and I shall then descend, with the armies of Heaven. You will see a banner that shall be raised at that time called "Faithful and True," and in that way you will know Me. My Mother will, also, descend during the time of tribulation. Now do not become confused; that does not mean that My Mother has left you, or is leaving you. My Mother has promised that She shall be with you until the end of time; and She will. .............You will pray constantly, My children. The prayers can reach Heaven in short time, and perhaps can stop the next tribulation. This is called a tribulation what will come upon you next. It will be of an earth force again. However, with your prayers, and your guarding of your homes, as We have always told you to, with the crucifixes, you can escape with little damage, or none at all. It will be as though the angel of death has passed by your home. To some it will seem like a miracle, but to others it's just an accepted part of life. For they will repeat: We are doing as the Eternal Father has told us, and we are following the directions of Our Blessed Mother, as She stood before us so many times, and said, 'I am Mary, Help of Mothers. I love all My children, and as such I will stand beside them, not wishing that one shall fall into hell.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - Russia, being an atheistic country, My children, Russia, you cannot believe what they tell you, nor what they print in their tabloids. Russia has but one plan; to capture the whole world. They will do this without heart or conscience. Therefore, know that I ask you again, as your God in the Trinity, I ask you to contact the Holy Father and beg him to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother. This has not been done, My children. That is why as time goes on, until that grain goes through the hourglass forever, that is why you will undergo great suffering.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, My heart is so lightened with joy at the numbers of wonderful souls who have come here this evening to honor the Eternal Father when He sent Me sixteen earth-years ago, down upon earth, to try to stop the crisis in the Church, and the chaos that is going throughout all the countries of the world. ..............My child and My children, I came to you many years ago, at Fatima, with a plan for the salvation of mankind. And I must say to you this evening, as your Mother, that none of My words must be kept hidden any longer, for it is urgent that the world make this final atonement. The hourglass now is almost empty; days can be counted by hours. For at this very moment We see a most terrible explosion, with the loss of many lives about to take place.
O My children, you do not understand what I have given to other seers upon earth to bring to you. Not only words of consolation but words of truth. The truth sometimes does hurt, My children; but I, as your Mother, must treat you at this time as adults, being able to reason with the God-given reasoning that Heaven gave unto you when you were conceived by the Holy Ghost. I say this for this reason: The Eternal Father is much disturbed at the numbers of abortions being committed throughout your country and the world. These numbers go upwards to fifty to sixty million is one year throughout the world. And this is too much for the Eternal Father; and, also, for the souls who are now victim souls; victims to try to save their brothers and sisters who have gone astray from gaining their rightful deserts of destruction and death. These victim souls, that have become victims of their own accord and their own placement, they are the ones who have kept the just punishment from coming upon you and mankind.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - For peace, My child, there is much asked for peace upon earth. I must tell you this: There will be no peace, My children, until what has happened in the past with My visit to Fatima is consummated. Now this has to be done, My children: I repeat this anew, as I have repeated it, as I have gone hinder and yon, across the earth to try to enlighten My children as to the road to true peace, you must now cast aside, abrogate, the union of Rome with Russia. For Russia must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart for a true peace. ............Yes, My child, as
I told you before you left for the grounds, this would not be a message of great solace but of truth. We expect you, My child, to get this message, also, to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II in Rome, that he must put aside the Treaty he has accepted from others, to keep from giving My Mother the necessary ammunition, We will say, My child, I will use your term as used upon earth, to fight satan. You must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, or there will be no peace, if but for a time.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - I ask all to listen to My Mother. She has gone throughout the world through countless earthly, countless years of earth suffering. Why? Because of Her children who do not listen to Her counsel. ............It is not only here in New York, My child, that My Mother has appeared. She has tried to make Her presence known in other places, but has been rejected. I cannot say how this hurts My heart, for I love My Mother as the Queen of Heaven; that She is, and also the Queen of all hearts. And most of all, She wishes to have the hearts of Her children upon earth, each and every one of them. For all that is lost, She cries constantly. Were it not for My Mother, and your Mother, you would have received the Ball of Redemption much sooner that you expected. But My Mother held My heavy hand back, as the Eternal Father listened to the saints crying out from Heaven. When, O when, My Lord, shall a just punishment come upon the evil ones upon earth, who are sacrificing the saints?
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - O My children, how I wanted to caress you and tell you good news, for I am not the bearer of bad news always. I am your Mother and must tell you the truth. I repeat again, My child Veronica; you repeat now in your weakened state, again; the Pope, John :Paul II, and all the bishops of the world must allot one day on which they will pray for the conversion of Russia. Not one day for the world, but one day for Russia; or else, I tell you now, Russia will go about and annihilate, destroy many countries. Nations shall disappear from the face of the earth in the twinkling of an eye. That is how desperate the situation is now throughout your world, My children. ............He must take one day of this year, this year, not next year, this year, one day with all the bishops of the world, he must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart. ................It can be done, My children, with your prayers and your efforts. Your Pope, he is a good man, but he is weak also, having human frailties, and he has great undue pressures upon him. Help him, My children, by writing, by trying to send through the blockade that they have set up in front of him in Rome; send a message of grace from Heaven to Holy Father Pope John Paul II. He must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart; or else Russia shall go throughout the whole world, destroying nation upon nation, even the United states and Canada.
I ask this of you as your God: In the Holy Sacrifice that I left with you, I did not ask for women to be upon the altar, nor try to be a high priestess. They carry this on in the churches of satan; therefore, it shall not be carried on in My Church. .............When I had the Last Supper with the Apostles, My Mother was not present. If I had it in My power from the Eternal Father to make a priestess, I would surely have chosen My Mother; but, no, there were no women present at the first Dedication. ................I come to you as your God, and I also want to make this clear: I did not have any brothers or sisters in My family. My Mother was Mary ever Virgin. this was a supernatural manifestation from Heaven; and only those who are in the light, they fully understand the existence of My Mother and the role She played in establishing the One, True Church upon earth.
JUNE 18, 1988 (MSG) - Always remember, call Me, My children, I am your Mother, your Mother of peace, your Mother of grace. I am always your Mother, now and in the hereafter. When you come across the veil, My children, you will fully understand how your works of mercy and caring have brought you across the veil to Heaven.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - My child and My children, My Mother has been going throughout the world. She is crying tears of pity upon mankind, for She knows the whole program ahead.
OCTOBER 6, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, there is not much more that I can say to you. My words have gone throughout the world, and how many have acted upon them? I come to you as a Mother of Peace, a Mother of love. My tears have been shed upon you all. I will not give up the incentive to want to save every child upon earth. I shall wander to and fro wherever My voice can be heard, and bring to the world the final message before the end of the age.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, there is one thing I wish to bring to you this evening: That is the word of Russia. You do not understand the great threat she is to the world. I say 'she' because We have nothing else that exemplative of explaining the necessity to convert Russia. Now My Mother in the past has told you through countless earth-years of visits upon earth how to do this. I repeat from My Mother Her words to the world some time ago, and I believe, My child, you have been a voice-box before and a means for Heaven to transport this message to the world, that is, that the Holy Father in Rome, in unison with all of the bishops of the world, must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - Veronica: Jesus and Our Lady are still standing there. Jesus has His head down low; He looks like He's very upset. I know why. And He's pointing over to Our Lady, and Our Lady is crying. It's like a repetition of many years ago when She said, "My tears fall upon you." And I know its 1970 She cried and cried, just as She's doing tonight. And I know from a discourse with Our Lady earlier that these tears are caused by the abominations that are taking place in the world against Her Son, Jesus. Our Lady feels that for all He did for us upon earth that we could never turn in such violence against Him and His Church.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, I, too, have watched; the Eternal Father made it known that I must see what is going on in the world today. And, I, as your Mother, have given My decision to the Eternal Father to go forward throughout the world, appearing in numerous places now, to awaken the world to the reality of everlasting life. ............And even now, my sister, there is much grief in Heaven. And I know that Our Blessed Mother sheds many tears daily upon the world because of the present abominable conditions. Man is fast heading for a cataclysm. Soon, we all know of the coming of the Ball of Redemption upon mankind, and it is now heading fast in.
OCTOBER 2, 1990 (MSG) - I, your Mother, and Protectress of the world's children, do beg you now to repent of your sins against the teachings of the Eternal Father; sins of the flesh and the intellect. ....................A great war will erupt suddenly, such as has not been seen from the beginning of creation. Countries shall disappear in moments from the face of the earth. Will you not listen to Me before it is too late? You all do not have much time left..............I come to you as a Protectress of Peace. Unless you repent of your abortions, the murders of the unborn, and return to lives of prayer and contemplation of the mysteries of the Eternal Father, given by writings, the Bible, the Book of life and love, I cannot save you from the conflagration that lies ahead.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - My child, My tears fall upon you all. If it weren't for My pleading constantly for you before the throne of the Eternal Father, this would have come upon mankind sooner. But now I can tell you that those who will be saved will be counted in the few. Those who will be saved will be counted in the few. .................My child and My children, I come to you as a Mother of peace, a Mother of love. And above all, I want you to turn to My Son and have courage in the days ahead. Many will fall from the Ball of Redemption. ............Now, My child, I know that this has been a time of great stress for you. It is urgent that the message from My Son be given to the world. ..................I bless you, My children, I seek in My heart to find a refuge for you all. I am not despairing at this time at the knowledge that was given to Me by the Eternal Father. I have great hopes for rescuing most of My children. But the Eternal Father makes it known that the numbers saved will be counted in the few. ...............My child and My children, I will not elaborate on My Son's discourse with you tonight. All I can say is I stand before the Eternal Father and continuously plead your cause before Him. If this was not to be, you would have received the Ball of Redemption already. I do not know, My children, how long I can hold the hand of the Eternal Father back. I can say at this time, that when the Ball of Redemption hits the earth, only a few will be saved.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - I, as your Mother, understand the difficulties of the world. Your must remember, My children, I was also among you and one of you, and I understand all that is going one.................And through the countless years that I've overlooked everyone from Heaven with My Son, this is not unusual to find a country in the state such as yours is, My child.
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - There have been many miracles set forth upon the earth by My Mother. This We have allowed as a grace to mankind, but many have been forgotten and rejected. My Mother has at this time gone throughout all corners of the world seeking salvation for mankind. How many have listened to Her counsel?..........Man can defame Me very easily, but I will not allow him to defame My Mother.........My child, Veronica, I do not mean to frighten you. But I am in dire suffering for the abuse to My Mother. I will not accept this much longer. Unless man makes a complete change from the ways that offend the Eternal Father, We will no longer try to keep His heavy hand from upon you.
MAY 30, 1973 - My Mother came to Heaven in the body. ..................Veronica: Oh-h-h! Oh, and now He's pointing over to the left side, and I see, I see a lady. Now it's Our Lady, but She's lying down on a, on a slab. But now there's a great light over Her as She's lying on the slab and, oh-h-h! This light seems to be lifting Her. The light is very bright. It's coming down from the sky, and it's now lifting Our Lady. And now She is just floating up, up, up, oh-h-h! And She's now standing over....And now She's removing, it looks like sheeting, sheets, like were wrapped around Her, and they're dropping off. And now, oh, She has on a beautiful blue cape, a mantle, and a white dress, and now there's a blue sash about Her dress. And She's holding out Her beads, Her Rosary. They're very large. The beads are white, but the Our Fathers now are, oh, they're very large and they're golden. The gold is brilliant. It's shining so brilliantly that actually it's shooting out rays. The Our Fathers now from Our Lady's beads are shooting out rays. They're coming over in this direction. It's just like streaks of golden fire. Oh! All the way back. Oh! right back over the trees. And they're beautiful. Oh, beautiful! Oh! (vol I page 103)
AUGUST 14, 1973 - Jesus: I want to show you, My child, the Assumption of My Mother...........
Veronica: Now I see, I see like a hillside. And there's a cave-like, oh, I guess it's a grave, sort of, but it's not like in a graveyard. It's like cut out of a hillside. And there's a slab, there's a slab of stone. And I see, it looks like a mummy, because I see a body all wound up in white sheeting-like pieces. But it's sort of not white sheeting, exactly, it's like very rough-looking with dots sort of in it, like muslin, sort of, and wound up just like a mummy............Now Jesus is, oh, He's coming. Now this place is all closed off. There's no door. It's like, oh, like a mausoleum or something, but it's more like a cave. And I see Jesus now; He's standing there now, and He's placed His hand on the sheeting. And all of a sudden there's a tremendous light around this, like a person in the sheeting. Ah! And I see the sheeting is just unwinding, falling away. And there, it's Our Lady, but She's sitting up. And Jesus is standing next to Her. And now as the sheeting is falling off, it's just falling away from Her, disintegrating. (vol I page 123)
She has a most beautiful white gown; oh, pure white. She's bare-footed now, and Jesus has placed out His hand, and He's taken Her hand, and She's all lit up, beautiful!............Now I see Our Lady is, I know it's Our Lady. She's getting younger and younger. When the sheet was first away from Her. She looked kind of old, maybe around, maybe 73, 74. But now She looks a little girl. She's beautiful! She's very young looking..........And Jesus now is taking Her hand and They are both just rising. They're going up, up, up, and right through the rock! Absolutely! They went through the rock! Now I see Them outside the door, and I see Jesus and Our Lady, and the light is tremendous. Oh, and Jesus now is holding Our Lady's hand..........And there are, oh, hundreds of angel figures about Them. And there's beautiful music. Ah-ah, alleluia, ah-ah alleluia. And there's voices; they're so loud, they're, it sounds like millions of voices...........I see Them, and Our Lady now is rising. Our Lady is all beautiful in white. It's, I can't explain it. It's just like in a tremendous light. And now They're rising far, far up into the sky. And I can't see Them any more. Now it's though They've disappeared right into the sky. Absolutely gone, and the sky now has become a very deep, deep, deep blue. (vol I page 124)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - Veronica: Now two men are coming forward and walking over to the side of this room. The room has no flooring it's dirt, and the walls, they look like almost the walls of a cave. Ooh! I see a large rock suspended on two boulders. Oh, my! And I see a lady, she's laying down on this slab-like rock and she's covered over with a white sheet............Now all of the men and the women are walking around about her and some are kneeling and now one woman is going to the head of her; she has a sort of candelabra. There are three candles in it, and she's placed now a black-colored shawl on her head and she sounds like she's wailing; she's crying. But I never saw anyone cry like that........Now I can look down and I see the face of a lady. I know, ooh! It's Our, I know who it is; it's Our Blessed Mother! She looks like She's asleep. Now, the women are leaving the room and I see the men looking over to the right side of the room. They look very startled and the room is becoming very bright. Oooh! And there coming into the room is Jesus! Oh! He looks so beautiful! He's dressed all in white............The light is so bright I can barely look at it, and with Him is Michael and the most beautiful little girls; or I think they're girls, they're young angels, cherubim, and they're going over now.
Jesus is walking over and He is now taking the hand of Our Lady and She's just sitting up! She's sitting up but She seems to be weightless!...........Now Jesus walking over towards the exit or the door, it's not a door, it has no door, it's just an opening, like a cave and Our Lady is going with Him but She's not walking. She's floating and I see all the men there, they've fallen on the ground, and some of them are holding their faces and others are looking just staring! ...........Now They're outside, oooh! It's more beautiful outside but it's quite warm. Oh, my! I'm watching now, the sky is beautiful and Jesus now and Our Lady and Michael, Michael is behind Our Lady and They're going up, up, up! They're going up into the sky. Now Our Lady has dropped from Her that cloth that was around Her, the white cloth has dropped away. And Our Lady now has on Her a beautiful white gown with a gold belt and She has now Her head covered by a beautiful cloak-like cape that hangs down the back. I can only see Her now from the back and I can see Jesus. His robe now is also blowing in the wind. Oh! And They're growing smaller, I can't see Them. And I hear beautiful sounds, music, and it's like voices, beautiful voices...........Now Michael is going over to the side of Our Lady, on Her left side, and he placing something on Her head. It's, oh! It's a crown but it goes over, he placed it over Her robe. I can't see Her hair. It's very beautiful. Now there seems to be a great mist; a cloud-like mist forming. The cloud and the sky have closed in. Ohhh! (vol I page 241)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - My children, I bring to you now a little known story of the Assumption of My Mother. Yes, there were present two small children, standing outside the crypt as I brought My Mother forward. She lay but a short time in Her burial shroud, and I came with Michael and Gabriel to take My Mother to the Kingdom of the Eternal Father to receive Her much awarded crown. ............My Mother received Her crown through suffering and perseverance. She walked among men for many years after I ascended to the Father. She waited and prayed and directed those about Her with care and patience. She strengthened the foundation of My House upon earth, and was awarded the crown gained by Her efforts. My children, know that My Mother left your earth in both body and spirit. She joined Me with the Eternal Father. (vol I page 523)
MARCH 25, 1973 - I bless you with the shield of the Immaculate Conception in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Ghost. May you be protected with the shield of the Immaculate Conception. (vol I page 90)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Our Lady is extending Her hand out with the golden crucifix. I bless you all now, My children, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. I bless you with the shield of My Immaculate Conception; In the name of the Father, and of the Holy Ghost, and the Son, My Son Whose Heart bleeds for the condition of the souls of mankind. Save yourselves, My children, in the Sacred Heart of My Son. (vol I page 404)
JUNE 13, 1981 - Clergy in My Son's House, I, your Mother, I come to you as the Mother of the world, your Mother, known to you by many names, Mary Immaculate, of the Immaculate Conception, I have appeared to many, in all nations of the world, in order to save your world from destruction. (vol II page 286)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - I bless you with the Shield of the Immaculate Conception: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. May you be protected by the Shield of the Immaculate Conception.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - May you be protected by the shield of the Immaculate Conception. In the name of the Father, and of Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
DECEMBER 31, 1973 - My Mother is known as the Mystical Rose. Remember, My child, the Mystical Rose. (vol I page 156)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - My child, in My mission with you, I did not explain the meaning of this rose. It is a symbol of perfection and piety. It is the Queen among flowers, a beauty beyond all human understanding, in the supernatural. That is why the good of heart have referred to My Queen ship as the "Mystical Rose." (vol I page 280)
MASONRY/FREEMASONS - See Satanists: Secret Societies: Freemasons
OCTOBER, 1971 - Make is known that the Faith in My Mass, in My House, shall not be discarded. You will NOT lose faith in My Mass. I am present in physical and spirit in My House and in My Mass and anti-Christ shall not destroy this truth! ...............Agents of satan are everywhere. You will learn to recognize the face of evil. Pray for the Light! (vol I page 37)
JUNE 8, 1972 - There are many offenses being committed against the purity of (sacredness) the Holy Mass. Half-naked practices of worldly music and pagan dancing are being condoned by the priests! It is too late to condone these offenses to God. You call down punishment! (vol I page 53)
AUGUST 1972 - Saint Paul and the Holy Bible prove.....that women must wear a head covering at Holy Service (Mass), and while praying. The angels who assist at the divine Service are interested in having all done properly........Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 11:10 - Have you chosen to ignore the teachings of the fathers of the Church; the chosen ones of God? St. Peter, the first Pope? St Paul, St. Matthew, St. Mark, St. Luke, St. John, St James..... The Holy Bible? (vol I page 58)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - Yes, My child, Jesus is always present in His House. The Holy Sacrifice of His Mass is always valid when performed by a duly ordained priest, no matter what his human character is. At the time of the Consecration the Father sends the Holy Spirit down to use this human being known as your High Priest, to bring to you the Body and the Blood, spiritual and physical, of My Son to you...It is satan's plan to drive you from My Son's House by creating a fallacy and the outright lie, My children, that the Mass is no longer valid and My Son not present! .............It is satan's plan to drive you from My Son's House by creating a fallacy and the outright lie, My children, that the Mass is no longer valid and My Son not present! We see and watch and use human instruments to make the corrections necessary to right the houses of My Son. Many have hardened their hearts and do not listen to these warnings from Heaven. Then, My child, all the Father can do is to cleanse them. (vol I page 140)
MAY 22, 1974 - Know, My child, that the heart of the sacrifice is in what you call the Eucharist. You will eat of My Body and drink of My Flesh or you will not have the light within you. You will not have the light within you, but will fall into darkness if you do not eat of My Body and drink of My Flesh. (vol I page 197)
JUNE 8, 1974 - The enemies of your Father, the Father of all creation, Who will sit in judgment soon upon mankind, He is greatly offended by the manner in which the great Sacrifice is being performed. The Father sent My Son to you as a great sacrifice, to open the doors of Heaven to a sinful generation. However, this fact has been cast aside and replaced by a scientific knowledge that has come from satan. Man in his arrogance casts aside the truth and the light, going farther into the darkness. (vol I page 209)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - Veronica: Now, all who are able please kneel as an act of atonement, for many do not bend the knee for Jesus during the Holy Sacrifice, Our Lady says. (vol I page 264)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - You must all stand firm in your faith. Do not abandon My Son's House, Church, know that you must not judge My Son's House by the actions of man. Man has been created by the Father, and man in his human nature can fall, My child. Do not judge My Son's Church by the actions of man. Know that regardless of the actions of man, My Son will always be there in the Eucharist. A duly ordained and consecrated hand of a legal representative, your priest, will always be able to bring to you My Son's Body and Blood in the Eucharist. The enemies of My Son wish to take this truth from you. They say that the Mass is not valid. That is not true, My child. Through the power of the Father in the Spirit, My Son comes to you. He comes to you physically and spiritually in presence. Do not accept the error of you day that this is a story or myth, My children. I assure you My Son is there with you. (vol I page 299)
MARCH 18, 1975 - You must, My children, make it known to your brothers and sisters that the last meeting of My Son was not a m-e-a-l! It was not deemed to be a meal by the Eternal Father! It was the start of a Sacrifice! That Sacrifice was known by the Father and My Son, and was to be perpetrated and continued unto eternity! ................During the Holy Sacrifice of your Mass, My children, you shall receive among you the physical and spiritual Body and Blood of My Son! This is not but a memory or a myth, My children! Understand the Supernatural! Understand that My Son comes to you fully in Spirit and Physical Body. That is why the Angels who attend the Sacred Service, demand, command that you conduct yourselves with the honor due to My Son, in the Father, and the Holy Ghost.
Women shall not approach the Sacred Body dressed as pagans! Exposing the temples of their spirit to shame! Cover yourselves, My children, or you will burn!................I repeat, women shall dress as befits a wife and mother! Clothing themselves with modesty and holiness. Children will follow the example of their parents therefore, if your example is poor, your children will be your thorns. The sins of the parents are surely visited upon the children. .............During the Sacrifice, My children, you must unite yourselves in heart with My Son in His Sacrifice. You will not be distracted by all manners of diversions that We watch being perpetrated in My Son's Churches at this moment. ..........At every second in every moment of the day and night, the Sacrifice continues. Oh, how sad it will be, My children, if this Bread of Life is removed from you! (vol I page 340)
MARCH 22, 1975 - Women, remove your arrogance! You are searching in darkness! As a sign of reverence, you will cover your head! It is not that I call is custom, My children, it is that the Angels demand this!!!! In the presence of the Sacrifice, Mass! (vol I page 346)
APRIL 5, 1975 - Place more attention upon the Holy Sacrifice. It is being celebrated in a manner that is not approved of by the Eternal Father. Take the time to honor your God with your heart. My brothers and sisters, the Holy Sacrifice cannot be done in thirty minutes or even sixty minutes properly. There is no time in Heaven and you shall not place a time upon the Holy Sacrifice on your earth. (vol I page 356)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - Attend in reverence at the Sacrifice of My Son. It is an expression of love, gratitude, and respect. Reverence and respect and holiness must be returned to My Son's Houses (churches) throughout the world. Reverence, holiness, and respect, from the beginning to the end of the Sacred Service! Women must keep their heads covered, My child. It is not because of fashion or mode. It is because the Eternal Father and the angels demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice! (vol I page 409)
DECEMBER 24, 1975 - The few who attend the Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice, My child, the few are the true of heart but many come with all manner of abominations in their hearts! My Son's House has become, not a temple of prayer, but a house of diversion, of abominations and a gathering place for all demons! (vol I page 454)
MARCH 18, 1976 - I repeat for your enlightenment again; no woman shall stand in the Sacrifice as a priest. How dare you set yourselves for a change created by satan! The plan of the Eternal Father has been made quite clear to you. Your father now is not the Eternal Father of Heaven, but the father of all liars, satan! My Son's Body, sacrificed for you, tortured for you, is now being re-crucified in His own Church! (vol I page 477)
APRIL 10, 1976 - The great Sacrifice, My child, has been misunderstood by many. It was the will of the Eternal Father that one universal language be used along with, in comparison with, together with the language of the land. The universal language, Latin, befit and was chosen by the Eternal Father as a universal language for the universal Church, the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of Pope Paul VI, the successor of Peter. Do you not understand, My children, that you were united in beauty, that you were united in understanding? ............Because of the fall in Babylon, many new languages were given because of the sin of Babylon. Therefore, as a member of one country, My children, with a universal language, you carried with you your own country's translation, and were you to visit abroad, you could enter upon any foreign edifice, Church of My Son, and feel comfortable and in one with the man, the priest, the one chosen by My Son to represent Him in His House. If you were, My child, to go from your United States to France, could you understand the words in French? But, My child, you would recognize the words in Latin and you would have your book with you to read in your American language, just as those in France could read in their French language, bringing upon the world a beautiful and common bond of language among all who have been given the grace to be called to the Roman Catholic Church of My Son. (vol I page 479)
MAY 29, 1976 - My child, tell all to act as good example in My Son's House. Women must wear a head covering in the holy places and in prayer. It is not because of custom; it is because the angels demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice. (vol I page 493)
JUNE 12, 1976 - My child, I am demonstrating the stance that Heaven expects of Our children in their prayer life. During the Holy Sacrifice there is much disrespect evident. You must during the Sacrifice, place your hands together this way, and going in spirit with My Son during His Sacrifice. (vol I page 500)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - My child, you and those who have gathered throughout your world as candles to carry the light through the darkness will accept much suffering as they watch the forces of evil gather. My Son is being recrucified by His very own. Do not lose faith or hope; do not abandon My Son's Churches throughout your world, My children. The Mass, the Holy Sacrifice, is still valid. (vol I page 520)
AUGUST 14, 1976 - All who wish to be saved must remain with My Son in the Eucharist, for it is truly the Bread of life. You cannot have the light within you without partaking of this Bread of life. You must not reject the Real Presence of My Son. You must not make this Sacrifice a mere meal, for you have then brought the greatest of desecration and abominations before mankind. My Son, your God, is, was, and always will be. (vol I page 523)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, My Son, His heart is pierced by the manner in which many come to His House with disrespect, apathy, and using His House as a meeting place for all manner of abominations. In due respect on this night of the feast of the high angels in the Eternal Kingdom, they demand, and Michael commands, that women must cover their heads during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. It is not through custom that this is asked of you. Do not be deluded by satan, My children. Women must cover their heads in respect for the Sacrifice of My Son, in respect for all laws of your God and not of man; for man now, My children, is setting up his own laws, his own rules, and man shall destroy himself in this manner. (vol I page 537)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - The conduct of women during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass shall be one of silence. No woman shall speak out during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Women must wear head coverings when they enter the House of God. The House of God is a place of prayer, and not a meeting place or dance hall. No woman shall speak from the pulpit. No woman shall enter the ministry. (vol I page 567)
You will go forward in the days ahead, retiring from your world that has been given to satan. Do not allow your parish doors to close, My children. By your example, unify as a parish group and you will patch the cracks. Do not lose faith in My Mass; it is valid. Man may distort, but it is valid, I say. When a legally ordained priest of the Roman Catholic Church conducts the Mass, it is valid, I say. (vol I page 569)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - You violate your sacred trust. You have taken the Body of your Creator, the Son of your God in the Trinity, and violated Him. You must do your eating at home! When you come to the great Sacrifice, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you come in reverence. You must go down upon your knees and do penance now for the offenses to your God! ............During the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, there is a change of the bread and change of the wine, and it is the real Presence, the Body and Blood of your God!...............As in the past, cannot you recognize the mystery of Heaven and earth? Did not the staff of Moses turn into a serpent in the Will of God? Did not the river in Egypt turn into blood in the Will of God? And cannot God, in His Will, come to you changing the bread and wine into the actual Presence, the real Presence, the factual Presence of His Body and Blood? (vol II page 18)
APRIL 9, 1977 - We look upon you, My children, and find that you are consorting with astrologers, sorcerers, paganism, even bringing this way of life into My Son's Church! Like pagans, you dance down the aisles during the Holy Sacrifice! Like pagans you come undressed, My children, to the holy Sacrifice! You conduct yourselves without respect or love! (vol II page 35)
MAY 14, 1977 - My child, I repeat Myself to you: At the start of the Consecration in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you will join your hands together and remain this way until all have received the Body and Blood of My beloved Son, respectfully and rightfully. (vol II page 44)
MAY 28, 1977 - My child, I repeat Myself to you; at the start of the Consecration in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, you will join your hands together and remain this way until all have received the Body and Blood of My beloved Son, respectfully and rightfully. (vol II page 49)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My heart is torn, My children, at the manner in which you do honor to My Son in His House! The angels demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice of My Son. A woman must have her head covered. It is the command of the angels who are present at the Holy Sacrifice. All flesh and nakedness shall burn with the Ball of Redemption. Cover your bodies! They are temples of the Holy Ghost! (vol II page 101)
APRIL 1, 1978 - Now also in relation to a woman's head being covered during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and proper deportment within the portals of Holy Church where Jesus is residing. Now I am sure that our liberationists would not go along with as in this respect. However, this would actually signify that much of the liberation movement is being directed by satan, and not by God. Now, the headdress for women, this is St. Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 11: Now I praise you brethren, because in all things you are mindful of me and hold fast my precepts as I gave them to you. But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ. And the head of the woman is the man, and the head of Christ is God. Every man praying or prophesying with his head covered disgraces his head. But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is the same as if she were shaven. A man indeed ought not to cover his head because he is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For man is not from woman, but woman from man, made from man by God. For man was not created for woman but woman for man. This is why the woman ought to have a sign of authority over her head because of the angels............In other words, St. Paul is saying that it's not just custom. This is the excuse given by the liberation movement to stop the head covering of women in the church. Well, they say that it is custom only in St. Paul's time. But that is not true because St. Paul explains, and these are the words direct from God through St. Paul, that you must have your head covered. It is proper deportment in the eyes of the angels. (vol II page 139)
JUNE 10, 1978 - I ask you again not to abandon your parish churches. You will maintain the papacy in Rome. I tell you anew that 666 now is in Rome. Do not judge My Son's Church by His pastors in their human nature they can err, however, as legitimate legally ordained Roman Catholic priests they will bring My Son to you if you come seeking Him at the tabernacles of the world. The Mass is valid, I say unto you! (vol II page 163)
JULY 15, 1978 - My children, we ask that all women during the Holy sacrifice of the Mass have their heads covered. It is demanded of all by the angels who assist My Son, who are there at the consecration and the reception of the Eucharist. It is not because of custom that this is asked of you, but because the angels who demand proper deportment during the Holy Sacrifice, are present and watch the Eucharist. (vol II page 171)
It is a defiant act, My children, that women no longer cover their heads at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. They will not obey, for they cannot understand that man must not change the wording of the Bible. Man and the Hierarchy must not change the wording of the Bible to suit mankind's instincts. No! The Hierarchy must lead the sheep upon the road to Heaven through the plan of the Eternal Father, and this plan has been written in His good Book, the Bible. If you choose to strike out on your own and form, a new Bible and a new way, you are doomed to disappointment and destruction. And worst of all, it will be soul destruction! (vol II page 171,172)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer must be kept throughout your country and the world. Do not abandon My Son is His Church. Do not be deluded by those who call the Mass invalid. My Son is there. He does not want the doors to close in His Houses, His Church, for He is the door. Though robbers and thieves often enter, He is still the door. Come and seek Him in His House. You will not be abandoned, My children. Only the man of sin shall be given over to a reprobate sense............You must keep in your hearts the knowledge of the true priesthood of My Son. The steps for obtaining Holy Orders must be followed. They have been developed through heavenly guidance for reason. No women must enter onto the holy place of the Sacrifice. (vol II page 190)
JULY 25, 1979 - I say unto you as your Mother that the Eternal Father is most displeased by the manner in which you conduct yourselves, O clergy, and also all laymen, the manner in which you conduct yourselves during the Holy Sacrifice of My Son. Less and less respect and honor is being given to the Eucharist. (vol II page 233)
AUGUST 14, 1981 - Do not judge My Son's House, His Church by the man, though he is a representative; legal, a legal representative of My Son, in His House. He is but a human in his nature. But during the time that My Son comes to you, this man will be used through the Holy Spirit, regardless of the state of his human nature, be it sin or a saint; be it a sinner or one who has led even those astray; at the time that My Son comes in the Consecration, He shall not turn aside from you, My Son. Therefore, you cannot say the Mass is invalid. This had brought great sorrow to Our hearts, for many left the fold on this matter. (vol II page 292)
JUNE 30, 1984 - My Son's heart is bleeding because of the manner in which His Mass is being celebrated, with neither honor nor sacrifice. My Son is not pleased with the manner in which His Body and Blood is being given to all of the humans upon earth. Communion in the hand has not been, and will not be, accepted by Heaven. This is a sacrilege in the eyes of the Eternal Father, and must not be continued, for you only add to your punishment when you continue on in the ways that have been found to be unpleasing to the Eternal Father. (vol II page 408)
...Any country that allows homosexuals to roam and to seduce the young shall be destroyed. Any country that has defamed My Son in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be destroyed. (vol II page 410)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - Veronica: Jesus is not pleased with the manner in which the clergy are carrying out their vocations, and, also, the Mass. Jesus wishes that the Old Mass be returned to wipe out many of the errors that have crept in since the New Mass has started.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - Now, My child, you have been much concerned about My appearance in another country, Egypt. Yes, My child, you do not understand all. Saint Demayana is a Coptic Orthodox Church, My child, and I must say; though My heart grieves because they are not with Rome at this time, they will join in the future. But at this time the only thing that eases, My heart is the knowledge that they have kept the Faith, as they know it. In that Church, My child, the Coptics, which are few in Egypt, they are devout. They do not rush through the service of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where My Son, daily, gives Himself to you. They are few in number but devout. ..............I must tell you, My child and My children, that they have suffered persecution throughout the years. I came there this time, My child, to try to draw together those about them who seek to persecute them; the Moslems, and others, the Arabs. This is going on throughout the world.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - I ask this of you as your God: In the Holy Sacrifice that I left with you, I did not ask for women to be upon the altar, nor try to be a high priestess. They carry this on in the churches of satan; therefore, it shall not be carried on in My Church. ............When I had the Last Supper with the Apostles, My Mother was not present. If I had it in My power from the Eternal Father to make a priestess, I would surely have chosen My Mother; but, no, there were no women present at the first Dedication.
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Pastors, no hands, other than those consecrated; only, duly ordained priests shall give the Host to others.........Better that you spend more time consummating your role as the representatives of Christ than joining the world. The extra-ordinary ministers have become a farce! (vol I page 405)
MASS, BLACK - See Satanists: Black Mass
MEDALS, HOLY - See Sacramentals: Medals
MAY 19, 1971 - Satan has placed his disciples in your schools, your means of communication, all have been infiltrated! You can readily see, My children, how far he has progressed to destroy. We are gathering Our armies from Heaven, yes, We are watching and will join in the eventual combat for My Mother's Heart will heal when We triumphantly remove the evil one from among you!! (vol I page 27)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Many agents of hell have infiltrated into every part of your country, you schools, your government, your medias of entertainment. Where shall you go but to stay within yourself and pray that you do not be enticed into the web. (vol I page 54)
APRIL 6, 1974 - You have, upon your earth, many societies of satan. They have monopolized the industry of your world and the medias of communication. They have done the work of satan well. This was allowed by the Father because of your unwillingness to turn from your sin. (vol I page 185)
APRIL 13, 1974 - You must warn and caution the children of earth not to abandon the Vicar of Christ. The enemies about him seek to set the pace for the downfall. They will bring into print through the media of your world; your newspapers, your radios and the agent that you have, known as television; grave errors, misquotes, misconceptions and lies. Know now that these lies were created by satan, for satan is the father of all liars, My child. He is the epitome of all deceit and deception. (vol I page 191)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - Children wander without a goal, My child, they have lost their way! They seek the Father but without counsel they will find satan! Satan has set up a false road to capture your children! Satan has many agents now in your government and in your schools and in all the medias of your life; your newspapers and your entertainment medias. (vol I page 316)
MARCH 18, 1975 - Satan roams your world, He has many agents in all the medias, My children. Hearts are hardened, ears are deafened, sight is blinded! Sight of the physical body means nothing, My child. It is the light that has been taken from the heart, the soul of mankind, that brings him to destruction. (vol I page 338)
JUNE 18, 1975 - The newspapers of the enemies of God, magazines of obscenity, ways of recreation and entertainment, My child, must be cleansed. The medias have all now been given to satan in your country and most of the nations on your earth. Recognize the faces of evil about you. They come to you as angels of light with ravenous hearts. (vol I page 379)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - The world shall be witness to suffering far greater than mankind has ever experienced. There will be father against son, mother against daughter; brother against sister; and brothers against brother. Mass insanity shall predominate, so great is the power of satan, as mankind has given himself to the world, the flesh, and the devil. You will not make judgment upon your present events because your news medias, My children, have also joined the father of all liars, satan. (vol I page 408)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - You must not seek novelty in My Son's House. Many abominations sadden My Heart. There is great lack of respect during the Holy Service, My children. My Son's House, His House throughout your earth, have become meeting places of demons.(vol I page 439)
MAY 29, 1976 - My children, you must read all periodicals and news by medias being prudent and scrupulous. You do not receive the truth from atheists, My children. ...........Do not accept as fact much that is printed in your news medias and books, My children. Pray before you read that you may receive the light to separate fact from lies and fallacies. Under a controlled state, you will only be given what they, the Masters, choose to give to you to read and absorb. That is human control. However, it is a sad fact that when they control the human they enter upon the soul of many. (vol I page 494)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - Your news media, My children, are controlled, as other means of communication. You must be very careful what you read now, for you will often be deluded. Much that is credited as coming from the Holy Father is not coming from him, but from those about him who are now in full control. (vol I page 531)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - O My children, persevere in your present days and the few days left in earth's time. I assure you, My children, if you carry your cross with resignation and maintain a truth, maintain the Faith, be faithful to your Vicar, Pope Paul, in Rome, but learn to recognize the faces of evil that surround him. Much, most now, My children, of your medias are controlled by the evil ones. It will take man of great knowledge and light to fully be able to understand what is true, truth, what is fact, or what has been made fiction by the enemies of your God. It is a known fact that now, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters, and those who are seeking to bring about the one world religion and the one rule of government, a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of antichrist. (vol I page 548)
NOVEMBER 22, 1976 - I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters, and those who are seeking to bring about the one world religion and the one rule of government, a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of antichrist. The man of perdition 666 is in Rome. The man of perdition 666 is in every country of earth now. Every nation is polluted by the errors of the forces of darkness. When the world receives the baptism of fire, there will be few left. (vol I page 563)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - Your news medias are corrupted, as are many other medias in your country and the world. Man who has been given the Faith, the true Faith, shall recognize the fallacies, the errors, and the lies that come out of these medias. Know, My children, that in a world of deep darkness of spirit, your Faith is the only truth. No man can build another for you. (vol II page 25)
MAY 14, 1977 - My child, your country's leader knows what is happening. The truth cannot be told in full through your medias and your newspapers. In the direction from his God, many leaders shall go about pleading for peace. Many leaders know the extent of the buildup of armaments throughout the world, the nuclear destruction that shall be set upon mankind. (vol II page 38)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - He is here. He has entered upon your country in 1975. Your children have been victims to him. The spread of drugs was for reason; to break down the morals and to give your children over to satan. Your children have been desecrated in black mass. Your children have been desecrated in the schools and the governments by the government leaders who do not care. (vol II page 75)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - In your country, the United States, and North America, there are many agents of hell loosed now. They have entered into all of your medias of communication. My child, I must caution you again that the telephone is a diabolical, mechanical instrument of satan. Beware! (vol II page 94)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - Satan, the prince of darkness, the master of deceit, now controls every media in your country and the countries throughout the world. As he was a murderer and liar from the beginning, so he is still a murderer and liar. (vol II page 98)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My children, you must retain tradition; you must retain a firm foundation of your faith by keeping all of the good publications. Do not accept the changes that have been made by satan to seduce your souls. (vol II page 103)
MAY 20, 1978 - Much that you read in your medias of communication, press, and your infernal machine, the television, has been monitored by the enemies of your God. The arms of the octopus are reaching out to ensnare the world, bringing you closer to a war that will end all wars with the destruction of flesh upon earth. (vol II page 150,151)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - My children, you must be very careful now what you read in your news medias because your country is controlled. Most nations of your earth now are controlled by the forces of evil. Before you make any judgment, My children, in matters of faith and morals, you will read your good Bible. And do not accept any changes in the Book of Life and Love. (vol II page 196)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - There is a group in the United States and the world, a group that started many years ago, calling itself the Illuminati, coming from the word "light bearer." Naturally, My children, this light that they bear stands for Lucifer, and as such they have gone through the world secretly known as Luciferians. They have brought into your country, the United States, and your neighbor Canada, a group of witchcraft practices. Well have they laid their plan to destroy your children with drugs, using your school systems, your medias of communication, your newspapers, your television, your radios; every means of communication has been infiltrated by the members and sub-members of the Illuminati, a conglomeration of individuals and powers and principalities throughout the world, and banking systems. As you well know, My children, money has always been the root of all evil, and many have sold their souls to get to the head. (vol II page 205)
MAY 23, 1979 - Unknown to you and many, the leaders of the world's powers are gathering armaments to set them in motion for a great war. The news medias of the people do not carry the truth of this terrible crisis in your world. (vol II page 213)
Do you know, My children, that you must look for the light from Heaven to know the truth. The medias of the world are controlled now; you will know nothing of the actual factual truth. You will be given only what those in command wish you to know. (vol II page 215)
JULY 25, 1979 - As the darkness deepens upon your earth, your world will appear to many like insanity has set upon it; murders will increase, accidents called "freaks of nature", accidents that are not accidents. Children, will continue to rise up against their parents, being encouraged by their schools, their teachers, their news medias and all the medias that have been well-planned to seduce the souls of your children. And the master behind these medias is Lucifer and his agents from hell walking now in human form. (vol II page 234)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - Man now is setting up upon earth a one-world government and a one-world religion! But it means enslavement of the masses and the destruction of faith. I have told you over and over, counseled you in the past, to not be influenced by your medias, newspapers and that infernal box, the television. (vol II page 241)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - My children, I beg of you as your Mother; I come to you from Heaven as a Mediatrix between God and man. You must listen to Me now. I warned you in the past that your medias of communication are controlled. The only guide you will have now are the messages from Heaven, given through various seers, and other miraculous manifestations from the Eternal Father to man. Many will be martyred in the days ahead. Heaven can be gained through martyrdom. (vol II page 264)
AUGUST 14, 1981 - Do not give way, My children, to the medias that have lulled and dulled your senses in repeating to you of the safety of your Vicar. I must warn you at this time that your Vicar is not safe. There will be another attempt upon his life in the city of Rome, brought on by the red forces. My child, grieve not because all is controlled and allowed by the Eternal Father. ...........The second part of My last counsel with you, My child, must remain a secret. You will pray, you will all pray a constant vigilance of prayer for your Vicar, Pope John Paul II. You must beware of your medias, even those who have labeled themselves Catholic, Roman Catholic. Infiltration, My children, is everywhere now. (vol II page 295)
MARCH 18, 1983 - For a nation that has received much, this nation, the United States of America, has become depraved through its medias, the newspapers, the motion picture, the television, all agents of hell and of satan. (vol II page 378)
MARCH 26, 1983 - And I, as your Mother, beg intercession through Jesus to the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost to spare you these terrible punishments. If there is a need for more victim souls, let them be satisfied to know that they have been warned. (vol II page 383)
JUNE 18, 1982 - Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security but now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth, they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada. (vol II page 382)
JUNE 30, 1984 - Do not be misled by your news medias. They are not telling you the full truth. There is much going on that is kept hidden from you. Your country, the United States of America, and also Canada, has been invaded from within. The enemy has worked their way in well. (vol II page 409)
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My child, I want you to do all you can to foster the return of morality and morality to the medias; and, also, to those you love; your neighbors, your children. And do not be affrighted or flee from the sinner, for he, too, can be saved by your effort and your prayers. As this child was born, so he must return; a simple child, to the Eternal Father. If you remember, My child, the lessons from Theresa; yes, St. Theresa, you will remember that it is a simple way to Heaven; if you accept the Eternal Father into your heart, you will always be His children of love.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - My child, the road to peace has been given to the world. You must write and implore your Holy Father in Rome to make known the full message of Fatima. There is no time to be wasted! Your country, My child, is in great distress, though your medias have camouflaged this from you. Your country will meet with a great distress and loss of life in the Gulf, the Persian Gulf. No, My child, you cannot accept as full knowledge all that the media impart to you; for they, too, are under control.................My child, there is also one thing I wish to discuss with you for the world, for all of the world's children to know, how Heaven feels about their diabolical search for life in a test tube. Yes, My child, I know this shocks you, but you are fully aware of what is going on. Your news medias seem to enjoy putting these evils before your eyes and your ears and your readings. Yes, We frown upon surrogate mothers. We shall not tolerate the making of children from one to the other.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - You understand, My children, that what you read in your newspapers are not fully the truth. They are, also, guarded well by a group named the Illuminati. They are active, My children, in the United States, and all the nations of the world, especially in France.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - Another area that shall be shaken will be California, My child. There is a great split in the earth that is widening. This is not generally being given to you in your news tabloids. They are trying to lull you to complacency. We have given you the road away from these disasters, and that road is only guided by prayers, penance, and atonement.
JULY 1, 1971 - You will find the books containing beauties of prose and keep these, My children, soon they will be taken from your counters. (vol I page 29)
APRIL 1, 1972 - My children, make your homes a fortress against the evil that enshrouds your earth. Gather the works of Truth into your home, even if you have to search the world. You will find little trace of truth in these times. Find the old books, My children, and keep them as Treasures of Truth. (vol I page 49)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 - Your children must be returned to learning the Scriptures of the prophets. All parents must gather their children and remove them from the agents of satan. Bring the truth to your children through the Book of Life, the writings of the prophets of old, the Bible. This legacy was left to man to guide him in his daily life. Instead, man has chosen to read and absorb, to destroy his eternal soul with books of evil, corruption, blasphemy, atheism all soul-destroyers, destroyers of purity of heart and body. (vol I page 131,132)
DECEMBER 31, 1973 - Parents must bring into their homes reading matter that brings their knowledge of God to their children. The Father is much grieved that satan has entered into many homes and the souls of many children in this manner by the placement of books of degradation within the homes, many by their parents. (vol I page 156)
FEBRUARY 10, 1974 - The books of truth have been removed from among you. You must read the lives of the founders of My Son's House, and those great Saints who cry in Heaven for vengeance upon satan and his agents, n-o-w, for many souls are being taken into the abyss. (vol I page 166)
JUNE 15, 1974 - My child, satan has a most terrible plan. You must make it known to the world that he will try to discredit all those whom We have chosen in the past to bring to you the truth. You will gather, My child, all the copies of the books that are being discarded from your shelves, the books of life and love, the books of truth. Many are being burned, for they have been replaced by books that have been written by the agents of Hell. Hurry, My child, rescue these books, for soon they will be few among you. Read them well and they will be forever in your hearts. Direct your children in the light. Do not allow them to fall into the darkness of error. (vol I page 215)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - My child, the warnings were given in your past earth life by many for the spirit of truth was given to many to leave with you but these memories; these words of truth and the parchments on which they were written are being removed from among you and replaced by the writings from hell! I repeat 'hell' for, My child, We do not hear the word being used often. Hell and purgatory and the Kingdom of God, why have you forgotten these words? The enemies of God have done their work well among you! Come out of the darkness! (vol I page 253)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - Much of your Faith in graces and indulgences, My child, they have been removed. Gather the books given to you in the past. Though mankind has set himself above his God to remove these from among you, know that in the will of the Father, they have not been removed. You will receive all the numerous graces of indulgences as directed by your good leaders of old. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 262)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - You will gather the Books of Truth that still remain with you. Save them, My child, and store them well, for the books that your children receive now are created by satan. There are still many that can be gathered as treasures of truth. Look, My child, in your stores. Many are being thrown from the schools as they shutter their doors. Gather these books and keep them, My children, you will need them in the future. (vol I page 323)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - The good books of truth are still among you. Pray for the light, My children, and be guided so that you may not fall into error, for man is now creating a church of man, and it will not be the Church of man, and it will not be the Church of truth and the light, the Church of My Son, Jesus. Man is bending His cross to suit his carnal human nature. (vol I page 530)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - My child and My children, you see all about you the souls who suffered through trial upon earth and gained their eternal reward. They stand before you and all mankind as examples to be followed. You must follow them in order to reach the Eternal Kingdom, My children. The knowledge of their existence, the story of their lives, are being removed from among you for a diabolical reason, My children. That is why My Mother and I caution you again to retain all of the old books, the publications, for your children. Do not discard them for the modernized versions, for they are of the truth. (vol I page 554)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - Read, My children, your books that I have pleaded with you to gather before they are destroyed. Do not give yourselves over to the publications of the antichrist in your world. As you pray, you will ask the Spirit of Light to enlighten you in knowledge that you may know when there is error, that you may recognize the truth, and that you shall not fall victim to the errors of your world. (vol II page 20)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - You must keep all of the books of truth that are fast being cast aside even in My Son's House upon earth, His Church. (vol II page 108)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - There are many good books still left upon earth, though they bear a label of years before. Read them, My children, they will be a great comfort to you. The light of truth will not be extinguished in the world, though it becomes a glimmer. When I return, My children, shall I, do you think that I shall come to earth and find even a flicker of faith left in the hearts of My children? (vol II page 124)
MAY 23, 1979 - My children, remove from your households all secular writings; read only your Bible, the Book of love and life. Your children are being exposed to mind control. Your children are being taught to sin, to hate, to murder, the elderly and aged. Father against son, mother against daughter; strife within the household, as satan seeks to claim the souls of the young. (vol II page 213)
JUNE 9, 1979 - I know, Veronica, I know that you are in deep distress over the events of the past week in your country. However, I say to you all, you must all constantly pray, for the battle is coming slowly to a close, and Lucifer has now concerted devious ways to try to destroy all that remains upon the earth for the salvation of souls. And that, My child and My children, includes all manner of books and knowledge given throughout the ages of man. (vol II page 224)
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - I, also, must give to you at this time another fact of your lives upon earth. You as parents, mothers, fathers, must guard your doors well and rule; take discipline in the lives of your children, for they will bring much sorrow to your hearts as they grow; they grow in a world that has been given to satan. When your child opens his home, the door, he will face the agents of hell loosed upon earth to reclaim his soul. Protect your children, My children; be sure that as a parent you do not fall down in your duties to teach your children, for many are now receiving schooling that is based on atheism. Their books and manuals you do not read, My children. You must as parents be a safeguard, a home of holiness for your children, or they will perish; and your parent's tears shall flow upon the world, crying, too late, too late.
MAY 10, 1972 - There are many among you who do not read the Book of Life and Love (Bible). You prefer to read soul destroyers, therefore I admonish you to keep your mind clean by avoiding evil reading. The Bible, without new change, will guide you on the path with My Son. (vol I page 51)
JULY 15, 1973 - Man would find his way to the Kingdom if he would cast aside the soul-destroyers that he now has in his home, which destroy not only his soul but the souls of innocent children. For the love of money, these soul-destroyers flood your earth. (vol I page 115)
OCTOBER 2, 1973 - My child, many of the objects of God have been cast aside to be replaced by soul-destroyers. The soul-destroyers must be removed from within the homes, the schools, and the streets of your country, and especially the foul dens of evil promoted by the prince of darkness in your cities. Your children are the principal object for seduction by satan. (vol I page 137)
MAY 30, 1974 - Your city is a cesspool of degradation. Your city shall not escape the punishment planned by the Father. This punishment, this great Chastisement shall be meted in measure of the numbers of countless murders committed within your city and the cities of the world; cesspools of sin! (vol I page 205)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - We are much grieved in Heaven to view the abominations being committed in your homes! The darkness has set into many homes! All parents must open their hearts and look into their homes objectively. Have you set your house in order? Have you brought the knowledge of your God to your children? Have you cast out of your home the abominations placed there by satan? The box of evil, your televisions! The books of degradation and perversion: pornography! Yes, My child, do not be startled! Many parents read these abominable books and set a bad example to their children! (vol I page 315)
JULY 25, 1975 - You must remove the reading matter, the books, filled with obscenities, pornography, you call it, My child; errors and degradation, soul destructors. You must close your schools! Remove the teachers who promote the destruction of souls! (vol I page 387)
AUGUST 14, 1975 - My child, you must set up a task force to stop the waves of evil in pornography that is engulfing your country and the world. Action is needed! There are many true spirits who will help you in this fight. It is truly a battle of the spirits! (vol I page 398)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Remove from your homes the corruption of souls, the pornography; the infernal box, your television; and the destructor of; souls, modesty and purity, the nakedness of the body. Parents you shall be judged for the destruction by permissiveness, of your children's souls. Clothe them in goodness, holiness, and piety and make Modesty a way of life for the young. (vol I page 405)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - You must now, My child, speak out the truth. Your country must send from its shores the coalition, the United Nations. Your country must purge itself of the many seekers of fortune at the expense of a loss of the souls of thousands, those who seek worldly gain and riches by bringing into your nation corrupters of souls and mind destroyers; pornography and drugs, My child. (vol I page 414)
MAY 28, 1977 - ..........the children should symbolize the spirit of innocence and purity and faith; but We see the most vilest of acts being committed against the purity of children. And I say unto you before that a man receives a millstone abut his head and is cast into the sea than to defile the young!......Reams of pornography! Abuse to children! Ages almost from the cradle! I say unto you, you have called down upon yourselves a just punishment from your God! (vol II page 49)
JUNE 16, 1977 - My children, you must separate what is important and what is not. The spirit is your eternal flame. You will guide by it, My children. Nourish your spirit and not your human bodies. Too much time is spent in amusement of the human body, seeking entertainment that is being created by satan to poison your minds. As I have counseled you in the past, your medias of entertainment are polluted. Your children must be protected against this pollution in pornography and exploitation of sex. ...............O parents, you have the greatest battle now to keep the souls of your children from contamination. The eyes are the mirror of the soul, so protect your children's eyes, watch what they read and what they look upon. Discipline your children and you shall not cry later as parents. (vol II page 58)
JULY 25, 1979 - Take from your homes diabolical literature. It's an abomination in the eyes of your God for parents to have pornography in their homes. They warp the minds of the young and shut the Kingdom of Heaven from them; the doors remain closed. (vol II page 235)
MAY 28, 1983 - O My children, speak to your pastors, speak to the bishops, the Hierarchy, and let them know that their Mother is weeping for them. They do not know what they are doing, or they do not care of the consequences because they have lost their faith and no longer have they received graces to keep them from the abyss. I repeat again man shall be left to himself, because the Spirit will not remain within him if he becomes a purveyor of such evil and sin as the corruption of the children. Pornography and others, all vile natures of mankind, this hits, My children, to the very core of children on earth, their being. We place upon the parents a far greater measure and responsibility toward their children than We can place on the schools or the government. No, parents must now guard their children or they will weep when it is too late. (vol II page 388)
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - O My children, My Mother's heart is now torn asunder. I hear those words that are making a mockery of Myself, My children. Yes, My child Veronica, I am referring to the pornographic movie called the, 'The Hail Mary.'....................My Son has wanted and wished that direct action be taken against those who have had even a small measure in partnership with those who have sought to blaspheme My name, and, also, to cut My Heart asunder. .......You will tell mankind that the sins of the flesh shall send many souls to hell. My child, the need for materialism is wrong. And the need for modernizing the world and My Son's Church is wrong. And passing over the grievous sin of immorality and, also, pornography, and all the other evils, are placed under the heading of humanism; even accepting without a frown, or proper attention to a sin, in accepting the aftermath of AIDS, received through inhuman relationships. I say 'inhuman' because those relationships are not from God, My children, but they are from satan. Homosexuality shall always be condemned because it is against the nature of man; and it is a violation of all human morality, and shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in the Trinity.
AUGUST 21 1974 - Your newspapers, even those who call themselves Catholic, have fallen. They have now been given to the enemies of God, for when they seek to destroy the Church of the Son of God, they are enemies of God and they are of the antichrist. (vol I page 248)
JULY 15, 1976 - My child, you are witnessing the many who shall die in the great War. Already the forces are working to the consummation of the great World War, My child. Do not be deceived by the editorials, by your newspapers that have now been controlled by these forces, for you will only be given the knowledge of what they want you to know. It is often concealing the truth. (vol I page 516)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - Needless to say, My child and My children, your newspapers and medias of communication are controlled. Yes, a man of dark secrets and spirit will be placed upon the seat of Peter. Those who have the light know a true Vicar, but those who are in darkness will work for Lucifer. (vol II page 198)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - The United States of America is fast approaching on the start of the Third World War. My children, your newspapers and your medias give no account of these secret missions. There are men going from the State's Department, back and forth, hinder and yon, looking for peace, peace, where there is no peace; and peace where there shall be no peace, unless they follow the directions of the Eternal Father and the Messages given from Heaven in the past years; not alone on these grounds, My children, of Bayside and Flushing Meadows, but also to various seers, young and old, about the world. The world is crying, peace, peace, and there will be no peace, unless the world will recognize My warnings of caution from years ago in earth's time, and they do something about it.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - My child and My children, listen to Me carefully. Guard your children and those in your family with your sacramentals, the Rosary, if you have no other sacramental; if you receive a brown scapular and a crucifix, place a Rosary about your children's necks. They must be guarded in these dire times. How urgent is it? All you have to do, My children, is hear the daily news and you know of the murders of the young and innocent that are being perpetrated by the agents of satan.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - And do not be swerved by the works of mankind. Because what is coming out in your press is controlled, My children, throughout your country and the world. You must pray to be enlightened, so that you will not be deluded by the forces of evil loosed in your country and other nations of the world.
APRIL 13, 1974 - You must warn and caution the children of earth not to abandon the Vicar of Christ. The enemies about him seek to set the pace for the downfall. They will bring into print through the media of your world; your newspapers, your radios and the agent that you have, known as television; grave errors, misquotes, misconceptions and lies. Know now that these lies were created by satan, for satan is the father of all liars, My child. He is the epitome of all deceit and deception. (vol I page 191)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - Take yourselves from those diabolical machines that you cast your eyes on daily......Yes, My child, they have been created by satan to seduce your minds. Remove them from your homes for many of your children will be seduced by them and be forever lost to the Kingdom of Heaven. ...............I admonish you about this diabolical machine, the television, for you may consider it as a mechanical agent of satan now, but in the future, My child, it will be used to brainwash your children into submission to evil. All manner of evil and degradation will be portrayed on this diabolical machine. Remove them from among you. They will expound the pleasures of the flesh and the degeneration of your generation. (vol I page 269)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - There has been a question, My child, of that diabolical machine setting in your house. We wish that you cover it, or remove it from your living room. It is a tool of satan. Remove it! It brings corruption into your household. Remove it at once! Better that you take it to the ax................No, My child, no excuses. You do not need this tool of satan to enlighten you. We will send these lights from Heaven. Remove it at once, your television!...........It is a sinister tool of the devil. You do not know what your children are watching. Day by day, daily in their lives, the filth and corruption is put into their ears and their sight! The eyes are the mirror of the soul. Guard your children's eyes well! Monitor your sets. Better that you cast them from your household. Remember, My child, out of sight, out of mind. That is why Our statues have been removed among you and replaced y the edifices of satan. Out of sight, out of mind! And how many have My Son in their hearts today? How many of your children are being misled? How many have already fallen into the abyss? Woe! Woe to the parent who does not heed My words and act upon them! You will be crying tears of anguish, gnashing your teeth! Too late! Too late! (vol I page 282)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - Much, My child, is passing into the hearts of mankind from the diabolical machines in the homes. How many times, My child, have I begged that all remove these machines from their homes, the televisions. They vomit filth! They corrupt the minds of the young and old. They are the boxes created by satan to invade your homes! They have invaded your homes! Take the ax to them! (vol I page 287)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - We are much grieved in Heaven to see the abominations being committed in your homes! The darkness has set into many homes! All parents must open their hearts and look into their homes objectively. Have you set your house in order? Have you brought the knowledge of your God to your children? Have you cast out of your home the abominations placed there by satan! The box of evil, your televisions! The books of degradation and perversion; pornography! Yes, My child, do not be startled! Many parents read these abominable books and set a bad example to their children! (vol I page 315)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - We ask that you remove the diabolical machines from your homes, the televisions! This is necessary for many parents have not monitored their televisions and permit their children to be destroyed in mind, body and spirit, by this diabolical machine created by satan. (vol I page 321)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Remove from your homes the corruption of souls, the pornography; the infernal box, your television; and the destructor of; souls, modesty and purity, the nakedness of the body. Parents you shall be judged for the destruction by permissiveness, of your children's souls. Clothe them in goodness, holiness, and piety and make Modesty a way of life for the young. (vol I page 405)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - I have many times cautioned you and all of My children against the use of the diabolical machine, your television. There will be no excuses accepted for having these in your presence. They are destroyers of the soul and corrupters of the mind. They take you from your moments of meditation; they take you from reading the words of the Good Book your Bible. They present to you a way of life that is not akin to the way of your God. (vol I page 417)
MARCH 18, 1976 - We look into many homes and We find no close bond of unity. And why? Because you prefer to keep a diabolical machine in your homes, those televisions! These, My children, are all creations of satan. The family does not pray together. The mother does not bring the knowledge of God to her children. The father seeks his way in the world, gathering money and material things that are all passing. Cleanse your homes! Start anew! Work together for your reward in the Eternal Kingdom. Your house must be now a fortress against the evil that surrounds you. (vol I page 477)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Too few even pray for members of their own household. And why? Because the damnable machine of satan, television, has been used now to destroy the solidarity of a home. It has come in and separated communication between the individuals of the home. (vol I page 543)
APRIL 2, 1977 - My Mother did well to warn you not to be deceived by the stories in your news medias through your communications of the box, the satanic delusion in the box in your homes, the televisions. I assure you, My children, when My Mother warned you of this diabolical box, it was for reason. It has become the center of brainwashing for your children, and it will become the mechanical instrument for controlling your mind. At this time I will not go further into details but watch what your scientific man shall command to destroy his fellow man. (vol II page 32)
MAY 18, 1977 - My children, filth is placed before your eyes; filth is taped in by the infernal machines of your television, and filth is being brought into your schools and all of your medias of communication! (vol II page 43)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, you must exercise your God-given sense and knowledge. I warned you in the past that all medias are now controlled. Your children, by manner of the infernal boxes in your homes, the televisions, are being now schooled to kill, to sin. And many parents shall be murdered by their own children! And why? Because you all failed to recognize what is happening before your very eyes; your children are being programmed to kill. A steady diet of violence will lead to the spirit being dulled and the sensitivity being dulled until even murder is condoned, with all manner of rationalizing for the commission of this sin against your God and all mankind. (vol II page 145)
MAY 20, 1978 - My children, I caution you once more to watch carefully the lives and recreation procedures of your children. The infernal machine, your television, must be monitored in your homes, if you must have them. My Mother had suggested for your welfare, not forcefully but in obedience, that you remove these infernal machines. However, as parents you will monitor them for your children. And woe to the parents that neglect this duty, for many parents shall be slain by the young. (vol II page 151)
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I bring you sad news, but it is the news that can cleanse many of their present sins if they listen and learn by it. Death now is becoming prevalent with wars, with droughts, with personal murders; murders of the unborn, father against son, mother against daughter; all manner of carnage being treated in the homes, and being conducted in the homes of children; children who cannot longer be children because by their viewing of the diabolical box, they are learning to act as adults with the hearts but not with their heads.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My parents of the world, I say unto you, as your God: This will not be tolerated much longer. For if you parents will not raise your children in the light, you will raise them in darkness, and they will eventually rise up and even kill you. There are many satanic institutions throughout the world now that are waiting for your children. Are you going to allow them to fall into their hands because you are too busy elsewhere to watch your children? Are you turning them over to the satanic tube, the television? Yes, My children, they are learning to kill by the television. They are learning disrespect for the parents. They laugh at you when you are not watching. That, My children of the world, parents, your children are to be lost............Veronica: Now I see a picture forming in the sky. It shows a terrible scene on a television. It shows a young child butchering a cat. The child watching this goes to the kitchen, takes out a large bread knife, and, oh, My God! He's plunging it into the back of his mother! Now the scene is becoming very dark; I don't see anything else. It's ghastly! ................That, My child, is what is happening now throughout the world. The children are taken over by satan through this instrument of satan. Much good could be gained if many will monitor their television sets, for their children's minds are being seduced by satan. I repeat again: Your own children will rise up against you and destroy your household. Murders are abounding.
Cardinal, experts agree - TV harmful ------Incredibly, within 24 hours of Our Lord's important Message about TV, John Cardinal O'Connor, the archbishop of New York, echoed a similar warning. The New York Daily News reported that the Cardinal told 5,000 worshippers at St. Patrick's Cathedral: "Television is one of the most difficult elements of the American culture we have to deal with. The total change in the presentation of life style, the incredible emphasis on materialism and the sheer pornography that young people are exposed to, they certainly were never exposed to with such intensity."............And who are these people presenting these ideas to our children? Pope Paul VI asked Father Pedro Arrupe, the former Superior General of the Jesuits, to do a study on the mass media. His research discovered that 90% of the world's media is in the hands of militant atheists. TV, which is at the forefront of the mass media, is in 96% of all homes. It is watched an average of six hours a day. The U.S. News and World Report stated: "Televised violence is so pervasive that the average high school student by graduation day has seen 18,000 murders in 22,000 hours of television viewing; that's twice as many hours as are spent in the classroom."
Furthermore, Jane Brody of the New York Tomes Service reported that: "....more than 3,000 studios have linked violence on television to increased aggression and violent behavior in children and adolescents." Joseph R. Dominic, Ph.D., and Bradley S. Greenberg Ph.D.,. of Michigan State University found that "the greater the level of exposure to television violence, the more the children were willing to use violence...." Dr. C. Everett Koop, the Surgeon General, has declared that violence is the nation's number one health problem. The Surgeon General said that the drastic increase of homicide and suicide rates could be related to violence on the tube. ...........We stress that all parents seriously act upon Our Lord's powerful warning. Because if you don't, you may be next to die an untimely death.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - St. Theresa: I come this evening to ask my sisters who hear my message not to be taken over by worldly pursuits. I agree fully with the nuns in the convents that object to the television. No televisions should be in a holy place.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - My child, you will also make it known that We are not happy to see the world enter all of Our convents. They discard the habits, they're no longer maidens of purity. And I tell you, My children, that cannot be tolerated. Modernism must not be a way of life for Our dedicated. Our nuns have to have discipline, My children. Do not bring the world into the convents. I ask that the convents remain free of all television and radios, and return to their prayer life.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - Parents, I ask you now to get rid of the infernal machines in your homes! I warned you through many earth years that this will be a point of destruction for your children. If you at least, I ask at least, which is the least you can do, is to monitor what your children are seeing. Satan has created the infernal tube. Heaven did not deem it to be in the homes of the just.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - However, I say at this time that all parents will be held responsible for the fall of their children's souls. Do not expect them to leave your homes and to be taught in light and truth, for the demons are raging now all about you. All hell is opened wide now, and you know that means that the onslaught is at hand. ...............Therefore, We ask all parents to keep a steady hand on their children. Bar them from all the insensitive acts being committed on the diabolical tube of satan, your television. I ask if you cannot monitor your set, to remove it immediately from your home, for your children will even resort to murder if they continue to watch the programming.
MEDIATRIX - See Mary: Mother of God
MERCY, WORKS OF - See Corporal Works of Mercy
APRIL 14, 1973 - A glorious mystery will be sent upon earth through the merciful love of a forgiving Father for His errant children. However, this will be the final act to bring you back before the cleansing with fire. (vol I page 95)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - The Warning which will be sent upon man must be effective, and in the mercy of the Father, a great spectacle will then be placed in the sky for all to see. However, the agents of hell will try to prove/disprove the hand of the Father in this Miracle....Believe what you will see at Garabandal, and turn back from your ways that have been created by satan. Return to the Father; do penance and atonement, for your Chastisement will soon follow upon the great spectacle. (vol I page 150,151)
The Father is of great heart that He may reach His children without further intervention after the great Miracle. (vol I page 152.
JUNE 15, 1974 - .......the time grows short! Years or months, My child, what difference is it that We give you the date? It is only important that you be ready, for I can assure you, My children, that the great Warning will come upon you at a a time you least expect. And then, a prodigy of great proportion, in the merciful heart of the Father you will receive a great light from Heaven. Many in the world will reject this miracle, for they have joined the forces of...........And after this if mankind does not repent and change his ways, there will be sent upon him the great destruction in two parts; the great war, that will take from your earth one third of mankind; and then, the Ball of Redemption, the second third! And what is left, My child, O sorrow of great sorrows! What is left though, shall be in the few, but they will join My Son in rising up in glorious triumph to rebuild the Kingdom of Heaven upon earth. (vol I page 216)
JULY 25, 1974 - The majesty of God will be much evident at this time. Should this great Miracle be cast aside and rationalized by atheistic, scientific man, I assure you, My children, the Chastisement will come upon you with great force. (vol I page 231)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - You ask, My child, again, about the Ball of Redemption. Yes, the Ball is out there, My child, in your atmosphere. There will be a great Warning, there will be a phenomenon of great magnitude and there will be a great Chastisement. All must come about. However, mankind holds the balance for the coming events. (vol I page 243)
JULY 12, 1976 - A great Miracle shall take place. Scientists will seek to rationalize this Miracle. (vol I page 500)
APRIL 10, 1971 - On April 10th at 6 p.m. the miracle of the sun was viewed by all on the shrine grounds. Glory to God and His Advocate, Our Adorable Mother Mary! (vol I page 26)
MAY 19, 1971 - It is there for all of you, if you would take the time to read it. All must come to pass! And then the Ball of Redemption will be upon you. At these latter days We are manifesting to many, My child, many will receive graces far beyond most human minds to understand. Oh, My children, there is nothing We would pass by, in order to save you! But We would caution you in days ahead to be very prudent in your approach to miracles, for in the battle of the spirits, he (satan in anti-Christ) will send out his disciples too, but his fruits will be known to you in time, you will discern the blackness of the heart. (vol I page 28)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - Yes, many miracles and manifestations are being given in these latter days only because you ask for physical proof! The faith is weak. Oh, will there be any faith left when My Son returns!! (vol I page 35)
APRIL 1, 1972 - Many turn their backs and refuse to recognize Our handiwork, rejecting even the power of the Holy Spirit, Who is working among you. Do not, My children, credit satan with the works of the Holy Spirit. The works from God are His miracles, for He is far greater than any entity of your world or the world beyond! He is God, He was God, He will be God always! (vol I page 49)
MARCH 18, 1973 - We are permitting at this time manifestations and evidence of miracles more abundant than ever in the past history of your world. This is a means We shall use to fight the armies of satan. (vol I page 86)
MAY 30, 1973 - Make it known, My child, that the false miracles of the end time are now at hand. Satan seeks to confuse you. Make it known, My child, that there is no life beyond your earth as you know it. Man will go out into space, better that he use these efforts to find his way back to God. (vol I page 103)
However, you will be given many manifestations, and then My Son will perform from these sacred grounds a major miracle that will bring all to the knowledge and reality that there exists a God Who is the Creator and rules Heaven and Earth. (vol I page 104)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - In this final battle, there are many agents of hell loosed upon earth. They are traveling in transports. Do not be won over to a false theory of life beyond the heavens, other than the Kingdom of God. Know that it is satan who sends these vehicles before you. They are to confuse and confound you. These objects that take flight across your earth are from hell. They are only the false miracles of your times. Recognize them, My children, they are not a figment of man's imagination. They are present in your atmosphere, and they will become more dominant as the fight goes on for the souls. (vol I page 151)
APRIL 13, 1974 - Yes, My child, there have been many miracles of cure given by the Father, in due time, they will be recognized. The one you speak of, My child, you will remain silent, for she will come forward of her own accord. As a messenger for the Father, We expect you, My child, to deliver the Message of Heaven and the rest shall be done through the intercession of the Father upon persons, places and things. (vol I page 188)
Yes, many will receive the manifestation of seeing with their human eyes these demoniac creatures of hell. It is for the edification of mankind. There will be great mysteries, there will be set great miracles upon earth. (vol I page 191)
JULY 25, 1974 - The false miracles of the end days promoted by satan are much in evidence upon your world. Science gives many explanations but they have not come forward with the truth. Your flying saucers are but a supernatural manifestation from satan!..........It would be better, My child, if the clergy would spend their time in not disproving the honorable miracles from God the Father, and seek out the truth of these dishonorable, dishonest miracles; that they call miracles, of satan! The miracles from hell are transports, transports of demons! (vol I page 236)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - You will circulate fast, My child, the photographs of the vehicles of hell; the flying saucers. They are gathering in great multitudes upon your earth. Know now that they are of an illusion; a delusion, to mankind. It is but one of the false miracles of satan. (vol I page 319)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - I cannot, in truth, promise you peace at this time, for there will be no peace. It is a point now of almost, My child, no return. The miracle you seek now must be a complete reversal in the way of mankind. It is the only factor that will hold back the Ball of Redemption upon you. (vol I page 331)
APRIL 5, 1975 - You ask for a miracle, My child? My Son performed many miracles in His lifetime upon earth. Many turned from Him, many denied Him in the face of these miracles. (vol I page 355)
No, My child, a miracle shall not be given to this generation at this time. You understand the Father has a plan. The message given to you in secret must not be revealed at this time. (vol I page 357)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - Satan will send many false miracles into the world but they are of short duration and by his fruits will he be known. (vol I page 393)
SEPTEMBER 27, 1975 - I bless you, My children, as My Mother blesses you with the light of eternity. Know that in the days ahead you will be given the grace of seeing miracles appear before your very eyes. They will not go unrecognized for you will test the spirits. All that is rotten will fall, and by the fruits will they be known. (vol I page 418)
OCTOBER 2, 1975 - Satan has started a great war against Us, My children. Satan will also bring forward false miracles. However, you will not be deceived by them because he may propagate his error but for a short while. If you will investigate each miracle, the hand of satan will make itself known. The bleeding statues, My children, must be investigated. (vol I page 421)
APRIL 17, 1976 - There will be many manifestations in your world today, but watch, My child and My children, do not be misled. Satan also has worldly miracles and many supernatural miracles to perform. However, they will be of only short duration. All evil is never triumphant, the Eternal Father will turn all evil to good. (vol I page 483)
MAY 14, 1977 - Many miracles and phenomenon shall come among you. You will be guided by them, but seek well that they come not from satan. You must give it a test, a test of the spirits. (vol II page 41)
JUNE 18, 1977 - My children, it is a war of the spirits now such as never has been seen upon the earth before. Many prodigies, many miracles shall take place, but test the spirits, My children; satan has great knowledge, also. (vol II page 62)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - 666 himself now is loosed from hell, satan. He has great powers and will entice your children in the covens. He has great powers because he will teach them miracles, show them miracles, that will convince them that he is satan. In this manner he will promise them eternal life, until he has their souls, and damned forever they will be. Too late to their knowledge will they know they have sold their souls to satan! (vol II page 76)
I give you, My children, graces; graces for cures, graces for conversions; cures of the spirit, and cures of the body. Many miracles and prodigies shall now be found upon earth; but beware of those that satan creates. Test the spirits. Satan cannot hide long his plan, My children and My child, so do not fear him.....(vol II page 77)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - I assure you, My children, "Sam" and his agents will perform what the world will call miracles, but they are false miracles satan, Lucifer, has retained great power when cast from Heaven. He has one mission upon earth now and has been in the past, to take from God, the Eternal Father, the Almighty and the Trinity, to take them the souls that the Eternal Father has sent upon the earth to do battle with satan and his agents from hell. (vol II page 105)
MARCH 25, 1978 - Satan is creating many false miracles, and one of these are the supernatural manifestations that you call the UFO's. My children, they are truly transports from hell. However, hell shall not be found on another planet. (vol II page 137)
MAY 27, 1978 - Your world, My children, is now filled with demons. They will promote accidents that are not accidents, destruction, and even false miracles in the air. And I repeat to you, My children, your UFO's are not unknown to your God, for they come from satan. They are one of the false miracles of the latter days. They are vehicles from hell, transporting demons, though these demons of the spirit can act upon their own. I cannot, My child, give you full details at this time one the reason for calling them transports from hell. In time this will all be given in knowledge to you. (vol II page 153)
JUNE 18, 1978 - Already satan is working his way into you consciousness, seeking to take over your minds. He is now promoting false miracles. Those you call flying saucers are images from hell. My children, if you reject the knowledge of the supernatural, you are now playing right into his hands. While he remains hidden among you, he can go about and, like a ravenous wolf, gobble up My children as they fall from grace. (vol II page 166)
JULY 15, 1978 - The Eternal Father is raising up among you many prophets, but you must exercise care in discernment of their spirits, for there will be also many false prophets sent by satan. These false prophets will perform what appear to be miracles, but they are false miracles of the end days, My children. Test the spirits. False miracles will soon be acknowledged by their fruits. (vol II page 172)
JULY 25, 1978 - Many prodigies, many miracles shall be performed upon earth, but watch well, My children, and pray upon them, for there are now many false prophets loosed upon earth. There will be many manifestations in the air and on land, but many of these shall come from the prince of darkness in the power he now retains. Test the spirits well and pray. (vol II page 174)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - As you have been warned through prophets of the past, who placed on parchment the words and counsel from Heaven, you are living in the last days. There are forces now loosed upon earth far greater than have ever been seen in the history of mankind. They will bewilder the minds of scientists. False miracles shall abound upon earth. Satan and the armies of hell, all hell now is loosed to do battle with the children of God. (vol II page 242)
OCTOBER 6, 1980 - My final word, My children, is to warn all mankind at this time, that they must guard their families well, the children, with sacramentals. For there are mysterious forces now and false miracles that will abound upon earth, even to deceive the elect. Therefore, to protect your children, they must use all the armor available from Heaven. We do not wish to see and watch future broken hearts of parents as they bury their dead children. (vol II page 279)
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - You will pray constantly, My children. The prayers can reach Heaven in short time, and perhaps can stop the next tribulation. This is called a tribulation what will come upon you next. It will be of an earth force again. However, with your prayers, and your guarding of your homes, as We have always told you to, with the crucifixes, you can escape with little damage, or none at all. It will be as though the angel of death has passed by your home. To some it will seem like a miracle, but to others it's just an accepted part of life. For they will repeat: We are doing as the Eternal Father has told us, and we are following the directions of Our Blessed Mother, as She stood before us so many times, and said, 'I am Mary, Help of Mothers. I love all My children, and as such I will stand beside them, not wishing that one shall fall into hell.
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - There have been many miracles set forth upon the earth by My Mother. This We have allowed as a grace to mankind, but many have been forgotten and rejected. My Mother has at this time gone throughout all corners of the world seeking salvation for mankind. How many have listened to Her counsel?
MISSILES - See Armaments and War, Nuclear
AUGUST 5, 1971 - Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you, who cry to you of no space left for man, there is space for everyone. My Father has a plan for every life He sends. There is, My children, a fear campaign to cause confusion among you. None of these fears are based on the fear of their God. No!!! These fears are only built on the socializing of man and his humanism being exploited to cover every sin that even the mind of satan could not conceive such diabolical folly. We do not want to see your country destroyed. We do not wish the earth destroyed but rather than see souls fall in the abyss. But those who remain with My Son have nothing to fear. (vol I page 32)
AUGUST 15, 1971 - Your workers will be limited, My child. It is necessary for your safety and the well being of your mission with Us. Your greatest adversaries will be those who should know better, Our Cardinals who lead Our bishops into error. You have been allowed to proceed in error because of your vain satisfaction seeking of bodily pleasures and because you have replaced your God with idols, humanism, idolism, destruction. (vol I page 33)
AUGUST 21, 1971 - You have taxed the patience of your God, with your pride, your intellectual pride, your vanity, your materialism, your humanism, excluding in truth your God from your life! (vol I page 34)
OCTOBER 2, 1971 - Call on Michael more often. He will enter My House without even being acknowledged within My House! Anti-Christ covers the earth now. Those who choose him surround their lives with materialism's and this new creation of humanism will find they have only been prey of satan, and when they have rejected the light that We have given them they will have willfully cast Us aside! They have done so willfully! (vol I page 37)
NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - We look upon the most despicable of sins being committed in the disguise and name of humanism, modernism, all true satanism! You build your ladder to hell! Yes, We promise you the ultimate victory, for I shall carry the Light to the world despite the plan of satan. (vol I page 38)
NOVEMBER 20, 1971 - They will enter hell as numerous as the snowflakes that fall from the heavens. Impress on all, the existence of hell, My child, this they would deny. There are fires of hell; those fires will engulf those who have lost their chastity and modesty; led by modernism to expose their bodies, the Temples of the Spirit, to ridicule and sin, the flames will burn every inch that has been exposed. (vol I page 39)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - Feed the soul, so many souls are thirsting; so many souls are starving, for the Light. Bring them the Light. They must not allow this to be clouded by modernism and humanism which is all satanism. (vol I page 42)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - Always beside you is the evil one, the dark man of sin, pray much that you will not fall into permissive interpretations of law and conduct. Humanism, Modernism, Paganism. Many are selling their souls to get to the head and consorting with devils! Woe to evil man! Recognize, recognize the plan of satan to seduce you. (vol I page 44)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - St. Peter: Hear me well! Those in the House of God, you will stop your conversing, your leanings toward modernism, your venturing with rationalization! Turn back and get on your knees! You have been deceived by satan. He has been present at your meetings. Many receive the fate of hell! Your rank in the House of God gives you no precedence over another soul!, for you, too, will be cast aside and judged with the least for your part in the final damnation of those souls entrusted in your care by the Father! (vol I page 59)
OCTOBER 2, 1972 - Many in the house of God have been misled to accept teachings of an untruth. Falsity has been covered by rationalization and learning's of modernism and humanism! You will find, My child, this well-laid plan has corrupted many! (vol I page 67)
FEBRUARY 1, 1973 - Our hearts are torn by the many who choose of free will to cast aside the graces given by the Father. Many have accepted the false maxims of humanism, modernism and pure satanism. Delusion! Delusion allowed by the Father for the separation of the sheep from the goats. Weep not, My child, for those who fall into hell, for they will have had every opportunity with their eyes open to stay on the path to the Kingdom. (vol I page 79)
FEBRUARY 10, 1973 - There is much error and delusion upon earth. Many have fallen into the ways of the world, leading to a society based on humanism, modernism and pure satanism. Before the battle is completed, you will have chosen your road and the ultimate eternity for your soul. (vol I page 82)
MARCH 18, 1973 - My Son placed upon earth representatives. They will counsel in truth or answer to the Father for their fallacies, for their abominations, for their half-truths, and for their falling into the false modes of modernism and humanism which We find prevalent among many. When a man has given himself and chosen from out of the world as a priest of his God, he will be a priest for life. (vol I page 85)
MARCH 25, 1973 - Many of Our dedicated have fallen in line with the false maxims of modernism. Our hearts are truly saddened at the blindness that has entered into the hearts of many in the House of God. (vol I page 90)
St. Robert Bellarmine: Why do we find these abominations in the House of God What is the new modernism you claim so constructive in the House of God, while we see destruction about us and the loss of souls to the King of Heaven? Arrogant man! What are you calling down upon yourself bit your own destruction? Lovers of pleasure! Fornicators without conscience! Even among the men of God! what punishment do you call down upon yourselves! You who should stand forth as an example to your flock have led them from the road!! (vol I page 91)
MAY 10, 1973 - Man has adopted a way of life in which he no longer recognizes sin as sin, or offenses against the nature and existence of his God. Many upon your earth have fallen into the web of satan, and accepted the false maxims of modernism and humanism. Many have rationalized their sins until they are blinded. Many who are teaching are teaching in error. It is only for the Father to judge whether this he of heart or of true purpose. Therefore, those who lead souls into the path of sin and eventual damnation will be held accountable before the Father. (vol I page 101)
MAY 30, 1973 - You must retire from this world that has been given to satan. Recognize the evils that are created for your downfall; humanism, modernism. They are satanic creations of satan to place you and blind you to the truth, place you on the road to damnation. For the man of perdition now is loose upon your world. He roams your world, and he is gathering many agents. (vol I page 104)
JULY 15, 1973 - The shepherds, Our representatives in your world, will lead their sheep with firm discipline and faith; faith in the light. They will remove all destructive minims of modernism and humanism from their teachings. Suffering is purification. The world is filled with soul-destroyers. Discard, cast off these evil trappings and clothe yourself in sackcloth. Go forth through the world as pilgrims so that you may return eventually to the Kingdom from whence you came. (vol I page 116)
JULY 25, 1973 - St. Joachim: Humanism in your world has been created by satan. You will bring back the adages of old of 'Spare the rod, and you will spoil the child.' Discipline must be returned to the homes. (vol I page 118)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - The example among your teachers leaves much to be corrected. Those who have been given authority of teaching must not surrender the truth in the light and substitute it for the false maxims of humanism and the advancement of what you call scientific intervention among man. For with all your knowledge, with all your learning, you have not learned the basic foundation of faith. (vol I page 128)
OCTOBER 2, 1973 - Pope Pious X: I left behind with you many writings, warning of what was to come about when I left your earth. Why have you cast them aside? They were inspired from the Father. You are traveling now onto the road of modernism, and rationalizing your offenses against the Father. (vol I page 136)
MARCH 18, 1974 - My child, I must clarify what I have told you in the past, for there is great discord in talk of this nature. When I requested that you flee from false pastors. I did not imply that you were to run from the House of My Son. No, We meant, My child, that you were not to rely, or to absorb the misconceptions, you are not to absorb those who have entered into the web of satan to propagate modernism and humanism which is satanism, among the young. (vol I page 171)
St. Pious X: Yes, my child, I do not have many opportunities to speak to the people of earth, but in this time of great anxiety and great darkness upon earth. I wish to make it known to those who represent the Father and the Church of the Son that they must restore discipline. They must not surrender to the modes of the world; this being the errors of modernism, humanism. ............ Strength in the Holy See! Man wearing the robes of a cleric must be excommunicated so that he may not contaminate the world with errors of modernism. You shall not remain with a soul when there are millions and thousands of souls to be saved. (vol I page 174)
APRIL 13, 1974 - There is a plan to deceive the nations. A delusion is allowed by the Father. This is the delusion that you accept upon earth that casts the darkness into the souls of mankind. This delusion I can give you, My child, in a few words. It is a delusion of old, evolved from humanism, brotherhood, modernism, all covered by the evil of satan. Deception upon deception! O heresy, mournful heresy, whatever shall become of you? Why have you cast aside the truth? (vol I page 192)
JUNE 15, 1974 - Pray much, My children, for your pastors, that they be given the strength from the Father to go forward in truth and in the light. It is sad to say, My child, that many have lost their way, preferring to receive the rewards of mankind. Their knowledge of the supernatural has been cast aside and replaced by humanism and the modernism of your times, rationalizing even sin, My child! (vol I page 213)
AUGUST 14, 1974 - There will be no rationalization for sin! There will be no acceptance of modernization of My word or My teachings! There is no reason, no absolute reason, to find new ways and create new methods to you. Therefore, listen and learn a simple lesson. You are being warned that your present actions are displeasing the Father and you will receive a Chastisement in accordance and with measure of this displeasure. (vol I page 244)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - Pope Pious X: I recognized, My child, the evils that were to fall upon the world. Search for the knowledge I have left to you. I, too, was enlightened by the Holy Spirit. Read well the legacy of truth that I left to you. Modernism must be erased from your world! (vol I page 258)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - You have given yourselves to satan, the pleasures of the flesh. You have cast aside the basic truths that will keep you on the narrow road to the Kingdom. You have replaced them with a delusion sent by satan. This, My child, I will explain with only three words; humanism, modernism, and satanism. (vol I page 286)
NOVEMBER 20, 1974 - On your pilgrimage in your world, you must lead a life of austerity, based on sacrifice and discipline. Return to prayer, dedicate yourselves with true vocation. Do not follow the modes of your world based on the themes of modernism and setting of man up as an idol to worship by humanism, and eventually subjugating your will to follow the plan of satan. Prayer, redemption through sacrifice! There is no other course that leads to Heaven. The road is filled with thorns. The road is narrow, but the reward is great. Deny yourself of your worldly pleasures. Sacrifice and retire into a life of prayer. You will not gather the sheep with socializing. You must return to a life of inner contemplation and prayer. Get down on your knees and return to a pure spirit of child-like quality. (vol I page 296)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - The materialism and modernism that man claims as his way of life now is setting him on a fast path to destruction. Make it known, My child, to the world that your life, all life, upon earth, is but a short duration. All must pass over the veil and be judged. Satan has set darkness, darkness of the soul, among you. His deception has claimed many. Many of Our mitres have fallen to this deception. Yes, My child, there are not enough prayers nor sacrifices for your priests. (vol I page 302)
You must in the time given to you make a complete reversal of your ways that offend the Father much. You do this not for mankind in his earthly life but for the salvation of souls. Awaken from your slumber, leaders! You have fallen asleep. You have been lulled into darkness because you have given yourselves to the pleasures of the flesh! As leaders of Our sheep, My clergy, do not be misled by your modernist and your humanist! You are being led into the darkness!! A deep darkness covers your world! You will know the hand of the Father upon you! (vol I page 348)
DECEMBER 24, 1974 - The materialism and modernism that man claims as his way of life is setting him on a fast path to destruction. Make it known, My child, to the world that your life, all life, upon earth, is but a short duration. All must pass over the veil and be judged. Satan has set darkness, darkness of the soul, among you. His deception has claimed many. Many of the Mitres have fallen to this deception. Yes, My child, there are not enough prayers nor sacrifices for your priests. (vol I page 307,308)
MAY 17, 1975 - St. Theresa: Yes, Our Lady wills that I remain with you for a while, for there is much work to do to outwit satan in his plan to capture the children of the Eternal Father, our brothers and sisters. We must work now, work fast, my sister, to remove the errors in teachings; the false doctrines of modernism and humanism set upon the hearts and minds of mankind. (vol I page 364)
MAY 28, 1975 - All who have given themselves to the pleasures of the flesh, all who have given themselves to the new modes of humanism and modernism set down for ensnarement of the human race by satan; all those who close their ears to Our Voices, shall burn!!!(vol I page 370)
JUNE 5, 1975 - We find the leadership of Our Church, many who have fallen into darkness of spirit! Many who have given themselves to the modes of the world involved in the destructive following of humanism and modernism! (vol I page 375)
JUNE 18, 1975 - The ways of modernism and humanism are the ways of satan! You have been warned in the past and you are being warned now! You are leading your lives in error! A great delusion has been set upon mankind to test Our sheep! All that is rotten will fall to satan! (vol I page 379)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - Satan has poisoned many minds and many are following like sheep to the slaughter. The evils of modernism and humanism abound throughout your world. I repeat Myself, My child, much for in My repetition I hope to reach many. (vol I page 391)
Many prayers are needed for your clergy. The leaders of many have gone into deep darkness, through false ideology, maxims of modernism and humanism mankind has entered into a delusion. All who have followed satan will fall fast into darkness of spirit no longer recognizing the light. When I return shall there be even a small light of Faith left upon your earth? The numbers saved will be counted in the few. (vol I page 395)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - The conquest of souls is promoted by those who have given themselves to humanism and modernism. They have entered My Houses to desecrate the spirit! They have cast your Guardian, Michael, from My House! And what have they gained! They have opened the doors for the entrance of all manner of demons. Demons now prancing in human form! All manner of desecration! (vol I page 441,442)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - You must warn your clergy, My child, that all of the modernism and humanism that pervade now their lives have been created by satan. It is part of the plan, the diabolical plan of satan, to destroy My Son's Church upon your earth. (vol I page 446)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - There are many now in Rome, My children, who seek to set up a one world religion. It is based on humanism and modernism. It is not the religion of tradition given by My Son Jesus to mankind. Man is building a Church of man. It is not one of the cross. (vol I page 460)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - In the Eternal City of Rome, the light is dim. There is a conspiracy of evil. Holiness must return to the man who represents himself in My Name. In the Eternal City of Rome, My Pastors, you have opened your doors to all manner of heretics and separated brethren who shall not join you for the betterment of My Church, but to destroy and confuse and bring together a new religion of man, one based on humanism and modernism and satanism! (vol I page 461)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - You shall not gather your flock, My pastors, by compromising your Faith. You shall not gather the flock for the Eternal Father in Heaven by giving yourself to the world, by adopting humanism and modernism as your guide. (vol I page 463)
MARCH 18, 1976 - We ask that all remain steadfast in their missions. We ask that all do not leave now, but remain and await the Warning that will soon be given to mankind. We do not wish a separation or a division among Our sheep. You shall not compromise your Faith. You shall not be misled into error in the name of humanism and modernization. (vol I page 478)
APRIL 10, 1976 - I must, as your Mother, give you warning, O you who wear the Red Hats and the Purple Hats in My Son's Church, that you have allowed yourselves to be counted with the goats. For the love of power and being misled by humanism and modernism within your lifetime and your rule. O you who have become of little faith, wherever shall your road lead you but to damnation! But sorrow upon sorrow, the road you travel is taking many of those entrusted in your care, you are taking them with you to destruction. (vol I page 479)
MAY 15, 1976 - Man shall not judge My Church on the actions of man, for man now is taking it and building a church for man, not to honor his God, the Eternal Father, not to honor and prepare his soul for the entrance over the veil! No! He is now wasting valuable time in promoting a mode of humanism and modernism. You are feeding the nature, the carnal nature of mankind, while you are starving their spirit. (vol I page 488)
MAY 26, 1976 - O pastors, whatever shall become of you? You have scattered the flocks. Your recovery can be a simple measure. You may balance the scale by turning back and accepting the simple way of life and the truth as has been given to you. You must not innovate and use all manner of modernism, which has been created by satan. Many who wear the Red Hat are misleading the Purple Hats. (vol I page 490)
MAY 29, 1976 - My children, keep in your homes the knowledge of truth, your books, your manuals that were given to you in the light. Do not succumb to the errors of your times, your times of humanism and modernism, for it is all obscured from your view, the truth, for this modernism and humanism, the trend has been promoted by satan. (vol I page 496)
JUNE 12, 1976 - In the Eternal City of Rome now, red forces gather. And why? Because they do not pray enough. They are, My children, busy running in all directions, setting up new government, new procedures, all manner of implementation and novelty, trying to rise high above the Eternal Father, placing man on a pedestal to worship. Long were you warned to beware of modernization in My Son's House. Humanism is satanism! You do not bring a soul back by laxity and feeding his carnal nature. Discipline is needed, but first and above all, this discipline must start with the leaders. (vol I page 501)
JUNE 18, 1976 - In your search for peace and brotherhood, you are building another religion, My children. It is a false religion of humanism and modernism. How many warnings were given to you in the past, warnings against these forces, the forces sent out from hell! You pastors, who have rejected Michael as the guardian of the Faith and My Son you cannot say the Mass is invalid. This has brought great sorrow to Our hearts, for many left the fold on this matter. (vol II page 505)
JUNE 24, 1976 - I give fair warning to all that your pursuit of humanism and modernism shall send many from My Church upon your earth. My Son has had His heart torn anew by the many who have cast aside His teachings, who seek to destroy the foundation of His Church, My Son. There are many Judas's in His House! It truly rains teardrops from Heaven. (vol I page 507)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - O My children, your world is going into deeper darkness of spirit. Recognize the signs of your times. Do not be caught asleep, Our pastors. Awaken from your sleep, before it is too late. The foulest of crimes against your God are being committed. And these crimes are being committed in the name of humanism and modernism and satanism. Many of the learned men of science have turned their searching for knowledge to channels of corruption and satanism. (vol I page 529)
Man has progressed fast onto a road that is taking him farther away from the truth and farther into the darkness of spirit. He is creating, in his searching, a new church, a new world, a world that is shutting out the light. The knowledge of his God is being taken from among him and being substituted by all manner of humanistic modes with modernizing, improvising, experimentation. And what is behind all this, but a quest for change. And why does man change, My children? Dissatisfaction, guidance by satan, the spirit of darkness entering into the hearts of mankind. (vol I page 531)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - All manners of abomination are being committed in My House under the guise of false humanism and modernism. Were you not warned in the past about the errors that can be set loose by these methods? You reject them because of science. You rationalize sin until sin has become a way of life upon your earth. And what does it gain you as you run about, going to and from gathering your coins, filling your coffers, building great palaces. And for what? To be destroyed because of sin, lacking a true purpose. And what form of religion and worship are your building? A utopia of man? No! I say unto you: You are fast plunging to your own destruction. (vol I page 539)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - You must all, pastors in My Son's House, pray more. You do not pray enough. You do not meditate! And what have you done to the good books given to you to help you in your prayer life? You have cast them aside and run about like chickens without heads. And looking for what? To gather the sheep by humanism and modernism. And I say "chickens without heads, for you flap your wings in pride; you stomp about in your arrogance, and you have no heads, for you have lost them to satan!" (vol I page 544)
Do not cast aside Tradition for modernism and humanism, for these are the creation of satan! You cannot separate Faith and Tradition, for one stands together with the other to unify My Church. It is the foundation of My House. I gave you the direction that has withstood the test of time, and you, in your arrogance and fallen nature of mankind, have now taken it upon yourselves to change My Church. (vol I page 546)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - O My children, the word has been given to you. It is a simple measure of truth that has been written within your holy Book, the Bible. There is no reasoning that is of God to change the wording and the object of the passages as laid down exactly by your Apostles, the founding fathers of My Son's Church. O My children, open your hearts to the truth. You are being deceived by satan when you make these changes in the name of modernism and humanism. (vol I page 548)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - The good pastors of My Son's House have always warned of the danger of modernization and modernism for modernism shall always lead to heresy. Modernism shall cause the Faith to darken and be lost in the hearts of many. And modernism shall lead to atheism, My children. Awaken from your slumber and recognize the signs of the times. The red forces are gathering throughout your world. Communism shall be the scourge of mankind. (vol I page 552)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - Give charity of heart in action to your brothers and sisters, but do not be deluded, My children, into comparing and bringing a comparison of charity and humanism together. When the world and My House, My Church, become as one, you will know that the end is at hand, My children. Recognize the signs of your times and act upon them. (vol I page 559)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - Experimentation and all manners of abomination being committed in the name of humanism and modernism, for what but destruction! You travel about like the chickens without heads, flapping your wings in pride and arrogance, for your heads have been taken off. And those with heads, they extend into the clouds, dark clouds above them, blinded by their arrogance, blinded by their pride! Get down to your knees and take off this pride and arrogance that has made you blind to the truth! (vol I page 571)
FEBRUARY 1, 1977 - There are many novelties, there are many abominations and offenses being committed in My Son's Houses throughout the world. Man has given himself to experimentation of humanism, and man has not learned from his past or listened to his past Vicars, the Popes of old, who warned of the approach of heresy and modernism. You were given the measures to be guided by to prevent the entrance of the antichrist into your world and into My Son's Church. But man of God, followers of the cross, you cast the cross down and you stomp upon it! (vol I page 19)
MARCH 18, 1977 - My child, My children, this new church they are building but no angels help to build, only demons; they are building a church of man, using as a foundation the basic carnal nature of mankind. There is nothing beautiful of spirit; it is all humanistic, My child, modernistic. And what are they doing but they are building the church of man with satan as the director! (vol I page 27,28)
APRIL 2, 1977 - My children, I do not speak in riddles to you, no more than My Son's prophets spoke to you in riddles. There is much given by Heaven that remains a mystery to man because he does not accept the graces from Heaven, graces that will open his eyes, open his heart for the entrance of the light. Man in his search for worldly acclaim bringing with him humanism and modernism and doctrines of devils into My Son's House and the world's peoples; man in his search for the truth using science and scientific minds have found themselves farther from the truth and the light, for man is ever searching but never coming to the truth. (vol II page 31)
APRIL 9, 1977 - My children, what manner of abomination is being committed in My Son's House? Can you not cry with Him, suffer with Him on His way to the cross? No! Demons have entered into My Son's House. They claim the human body to use them to defile My Son's House until evil men of the cross are setting a church up, now, a church of man with no angels guiding them, with no supernatural intervention from Heaven guiding them. This church of man shall be built on naturalism, modernism, and humanism............Oh, My children, there are doctrines of demons being given throughout your world now. The teachings of the prophets of old are being cast aside as being too old for a modern world. (vol II page 35)
MAY 18, 1977 - Parents, you must protect your children from all who have progressed into a new form of humanism and modernism. They have de-Christianized your children. (vol II page 43)
JULY 15, 1977 - There are many children without the light now, and the measure of responsibility is with My shepherds. You must understand that the supreme and first commandment of all and to all mankind is honor to his God, and the Eternal Father is your God in the Trinity. If you reject Him, if you build a new house, a new church upon earth, it will not have the angels at your side, you will have demons of humanism and modernism to your own destruction. (vol II page 65)
JULY 25, 1977 - My children, I must give you all fair warning now that if you conform with all of the new mods, and all of the modes of the world, in the name of humanism and modernism, leading to satanism, I say unto you; that you will conform and die on the vine! My Son is the vinedresser, the Eternal Father is the vine, and your were all placed as branches on this vine to grow and flower, and bring forth good fruit, but you have chosen to poison the waters, and you are bringing forth bad fruit! Because of this the Eternal Father will seek to shake the vine, and all that is rotten will fall! (vol II page 67)
My children, My Son has given you the way. He is the way. The rules were simple. Pastors in My Son's churches, you do not read your Book of life, the Bible. You are too busy committing yourselves to pleasure; you are too busy indulging your mortal appetites; you are too busy being deluded by satan with all rules of modernism and humanism and secularism, all of the 'isms', My children hat are leading you to communism. ............In your world now of modernism and humanism, socialism, communism, secularism, all of this, My children, is leading to the unification of man into a one world religion, a one world church, and a one world government to the enslavement of mankind, creating a form of mass atheism in the world. Man is setting up false idols to worship; money, power, materialism. My children, none of this will have any value to you when you leave this world. (vol I page 68)
Pious X: Keep the Faith. Modernism must be cast out. Heretics must be set loose, but they cannot be retained. My children, you must listen while there is time. Restore the House of your God. Do not defile and commit abominations in the House of your God much longer, for you have been tested, and all that is rotten shall be cast out. (vol II page 70)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - My child, modernism promoted heresy, heresy promotes satan. It is because of the sins of man that this time has come upon your world. You are all now living in the latter days, My children. Many shall carry a heavy cross in the days ahead. The good shall be persecuted. Lovers of evil shall glorify those who dwell in evil. (vol II page 97)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My children, the way? I am the way. The way, the plan was given to you. It is a simple plan of childlike submission to truth, doctrine and tradition. Man seeks to build a new way for himself based on humanism and modernism and all of the other defilement's, division, and destruction of souls that shall accompany these efforts. (vol II page 103)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - In the name of humanism and modernism the Mystical Body of My Son, Jesus, is now in great crisis. Only you as a generation shall determine the outcome of this battle. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer in your homes, private prayer, public prayer. The demons must run at the sound of prayer. (vol II page 109)
You must not compromise your Faith, for you were given a firm foundation. Humanism and modernism will lead to nothing but destruction and satanism. (vol II page 110)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - The vocations are nil, and why? Because the example is rotten! Tradition has been cast aside for modernism and humanism. (vol II page 113)
You have been warned in the past by the descendants of Peter to guard My Church from humanism, modernism and satanism. When the world and My Church become as one, know that the end is at hand. Many of the descendants of Peter, men of knowledge and piety, gave you the reasons for shunning modernism and liberal attitudes. Many of those wearing the Red Hats have sold their souls to satan to get to the head........There are now demons, doctrines of demons now spread throughout My House, corrupters of souls. You call the truth, the supernatural, the existence of My prophets as myths! (vol II page 114)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - My heart has been torn as I watch mankind wallowing in filth in the name of progress and modernism. He is now, man, standing on the brink of his destruction. (vol II page 117)
My children, you will pray much for your pastors, your clergy. The Red Hats have fallen and the Purple Hats are being misled. Rome is in darkness. And I say unto you now, conform and you will die on the vine! Conform to the new mode and you shall die on the vine. (vol II page 119)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - The Warning will soon come upon you. Shall you then awaken from your slumber, and turn from your present road of destruction? Can you not understand the counsel from My Mother? Can you not give yourselves over to lives of piety and usefulness to man without falling into a delusion based on humanism and modernism in the ways of man? (vol II page 123)
MARCH 18, 1978 - You have been given many warnings in the past, and you are receiving a final warning to return My Church to its former glory. Experimentation must stop. Humanism and modernism is a creation of satan in My House! A delusion has been set upon you. Your heads are out in the clouds, fogged. You are like ducks floating fast downstream to the brink, the edge. You are playing follow the leader. It is a game of destruction. Turn back now while there is time! (vol II page 133)
MARCH 25, 1978 - Please, My children, pray for your priests. Many are being led astray. Discipline and the rule must be followed in the priesthood. This brings great sorrow to the Eternal Father and My Son to see the manner in which the priesthood has cast aside the rule in the name of modernism and humanism. (vol II page 135)
MAY 3, 1978 - My children, this is now the time for action with prayer. In normal, semi-normal times, when even the clergy could be labeled as pious and holy, satan set about to attack My Son's Church upon earth. But as time went on even the clergy gave themselves to the world, seeking not the graces from Heaven, neither calling upon the Holy Spirit to guide them, but giving themselves over to worldly pursuits leading to humanism and modernism in My Son's House. (vol II page 141)
You have in your midst a group united to promote peace and security. You cry peace and security, and there is no peace or security, for there shall not be peace or security unless you follow the rules given by your God. Man shall not replace them, by a man-made set of rules based on humanism and modernism. The way to Heaven is a simple way, and in your sophistication you reject it. (vol II page 143)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, you must understand that man in his human frailties often succumbed to the mores of modernism. Countless times in the past the Spirit of Truth came with the knowledge to man that the day would come when a great delusion shall descend upon mankind and cover the earth in a blanket of darkness. This day has arrived, My children. Recognize the forces of evil about you now. The man of sin, 666, satan, Lucifer, with all the demons loosed from hell, now are upon earth and do great battle with the children of God. (vol II page 145)
MAY 20, 1978 - My children, understand that, with all of your modernization and your intent for good, you have been deceived by satan. Humanism and modernism is bringing about bad fruits, My children. A great measure of responsibility shall be given among those in My Hierarchy in My Church that have allowed these errors to come in. (vol II page 150)
Pray, My children, for your priests, your bishops, your cardinals. Too few pray for them, for in their awe and their knowledge they believed in the past, My children, that these Hierarchy had a special passport to Heaven. No, My children, they have a human nature also, and human frailties, and must be protected by prayer, and penance and sacrifice of others also, for them, in your charity of heart. In your love of human nature that We hear man speaking of as he falls into the errors of modernism and humanism; True love lies in prayers and sacrifice for an individual, for when you come over the veil, I assure you, it is only love and prayers that can follow you. (vol II page 151)
My children, you must understand that many are called but few are chosen. I cry from this knowledge, for it is My purpose to come to you as your Mother to save all of Our children,. But this has never come to a reality because, My children, many have allowed their hearts to become hardened. Their ears are closed, and they only open their ears to listen to all the heresy, to all of the modernism and humanistic tendencies, even coming to them from their teachers, even in My Son's Church, His House upon earth. (vol II page 152)
MAY 30, 1978 - My Church, My House, upon earth, is undergoing a great crisis; however, no evil shall ever be triumphant. It is a time of testing for all mankind, and all who have developed itching ears, adopting new doctrines and ways that are akin to modernism shall find themselves fast plunging into error and deceit and death. The wages of all sin is death. My children, pray for your bishops and your cardinals. Be a good example to all. I ask you to remain in your parish churches for reason. Accept the cross, the suffering that you must persevere in. (vol II page 158)
JUNE 1, 1978 - And do not fall into the errors of your modernists who say that there is no hell or purgatory and even deny the existence of Heaven. For I assure you, My children, that each and every one of you shall eventually learn the truth that there is a Heaven, a hell and a purgatory. (vol II page 160)
All who accept the errors of modernism and humanism will find it most difficult to maintain the truth and stay on the narrow road. I gave you, in My visit upon earth, the rule and the way. You must follow it or you will fall. Keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and all of the countries upon earth. (vol II page 161)
I give fair warning to all bishops and cardinals to adjust and mend the rents that they have allowed in My House, My Church upon earth. Experimentation in the name of humanism and modernism must stop now! Obedience must mean obedience to God the Father in Heaven. Man has a secondary role to his God, and no man shall be called "god" upon earth. (vol II page 162)
JUNE 18, 1978 - Doctrines and traditions are being cast aside in the name of modernism and humanism! The present council and the Hierarchy of Rome must remove their hardness from their hearts and realize that the armies of hell, satan, Lucifer, is loosed now upon earth as 666 now, his major attack shall upon Rome and the Vatican. (vol II page 166)
JUNE 18, 1978 - My children, pastors in My House, awaken from your slumber. As you have fallen asleep, the enemy has come in through your doors unnoticed. You must cast aside now the errors of humanism and modernism. Review over again the teachings from your past popes and learn by them. They were given for reason! All of your experimentation and change has produced naught. Your fruits are rotten. Do you think, as you produce bad fruits, that I will allow you, O Red Hats and Purple Hats, to remain upon the earth? You shall be shaken from the tree of life. (vol II page 169)
JULY 15, 1978 - Do you not recognize, My children, pastors in My Son's House, that satan is among you? He has come as an angel of light, deluding you with promises of humanism and modernism for mankind, promises of success and the salvation of souls for whom? For Lucifer! (vol II page 170)
My children, I have also a great sadness of heart as I watch and wait for My Hierarchy in My House, My Church, to awaken and come out of the fog. It is sad that satan, who comes as an angel of light among you, giving you all manner of humanistic theories based on modernism and progression, that satan could blind you to the truth and you will accept error even to the extent of promoting the rise of the forces of antichrist in My Basilica in Rome. (vol II page 172)
JULY 25, 1978 - This has come about only because arrogance and pride has entered upon them. They no longer pray but have succumbed to the errors of humanism and modernism. Holiness must be returned to the vocation. And this can only be acquired by restoring prayer in My Son's House and especially the prayer life that is so lacking now in the clergy. (vol II page 173)
AUGUST 19, 1978 - You cannot separate Tradition from your Faith, My children. The past leaders of My Son's Church, His House, the popes, had given you counsel to strengthen this House. You cannot cast this counsel aside for modernistic tendencies and modes. A church in darkness wears a band of death about it! (vol II page 184)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - It is not without reason that all of the past descendants of Peter guided you well against the false precepts of modernism and humanism in My Son's Church and the world. And now, My children, it is of a fact; by their fruits of this humanistic and modernistic approach but discord, disunity and a loss of souls to Heaven. (vol II page 189)
MAY 23, 1979 - I have told you in the past, and I repeat over and over, that sin is insanity, and with this insanity, your peoples of the world have formed a feeling, a major feeling, throughout your world, that sin may be condoned and promoted under the name of modernism, socialism, communism, atheism, which is all pure satanism. (vol II page 213)
As We look and search the world for faithful and true pastors, We find that each and every Cardinal and Bishop has fallen into the modes of the world now, consisting of advancement to modernism, socialism, communism, and even satanism. We find there are those over the age of reason that have made a mockery of My Name, of My Church, and in the name of satan, they go about as angels of light with ravenous hearts, preaching doctrines of devils. You cannot escape a just punishment for your deeds. .........I am your God, and I say unto you; continue to change My Church, bringing in all, even heretics, even homosexuals. All aberrations condemned by the Eternal Father, you will permit in the name of humanism. Nay, no! I say unto you as your God. You will be given a short reign, for I consider you then an abomination, and as such you will be removed. (vol II page 215)
JUNE 2, 1979 - You must not reject the Sacraments in My Church; you must not reject the teachings for new modes of modernism and socialism. (vol II page 222)
JUNE 9, 1979 - As in every walk of life there is the way. And the way to mankind was given through the Book of life and love, the Bible. And this way must be followed with discipline, tempered by love and understanding, but most of all built with tradition and faith. Many of My pastors now have fallen into the modes, the present modes of modernism and humanism and are misleading Our sheep. Therefore, it will be necessary for the Eternal Father to set in motion the cleansing, the tribulation upon mankind. In this manner shall there fast come about the separation of the sheep from the goats. (vol II page 224)
JUNE 18, 1979 - There are many false prophets now going throughout the world. They come to you as angels of light, but they are distorting the Book of life, the Bible. They are reprinting it to suit their own ideas, ideologies, and a new-found theology. You must not accept these modernistic printings, for they do not carry the truth nor the true word of God. (vol II page 226,227)
Many homes shall be torn asunder by the fall of the children. Parents shall shed tears of anguish. Therefore, prevent this now while your children are at a young age. Give them a firm foundation of their faith. Be not afraid to speak out against heresy and abominations, even if you have to do this against your clergy, for many now have fallen in with the modernists, the socialists, the communists, and some the satanists. Therefore, My children, I make known to you the crisis that lies ahead. (vol II page 228)
JULY 25, 1979 - You shall not win souls and neither shall you enter Heaven when you use humanism and modernism and change as your approach. Heaven gave you a full plan for the redemption of souls. You will not change this plan to suit the basic carnal nature of man. (vol II page 234)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - I say unto the clergy, My Son's priests and the clergy of the world! You have been blinded because of pride and arrogance. Your minds are confused with worldliness, humanism and modernism. Pray on your knees! Take your heads out of the fog now while there is time, for your time is running out. Redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Eternal Father now. ........
There are many false prophets in the world now bringing you doctrines of demons, peppered for activity with humanism and modernism, socialism and communism, and all of the 'isms' that come down under one major heading of satanism, for they are all promoted by Lucifer for the eventual destruction and downfall of mankind. (vol II page 238)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - Yes, you are all now being tested. Sadly the young, the children, the youth of your world are the major victims now because of the greed of many who have given themselves over to humanistic seeking joining with all manner of evil under the guise of humanism, communism, socialism and satanism. As I warned you in the past, Lucifer and his agents must enter into the body of a fallen soul to work his will. (vol II page 247)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - It is not without reason that all of the past descendants of Peter guided you well against the false precepts of modernism and humanism in My Son's Church and the world. And now, My children, it is of a fact by their fruits will they be known. And what have been the fruits of this humanistic and modernistic approach but discord, disunity and a loss of souls to Heaven. (vol II page 252)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - My children, it is a delusion for mankind to believe that a form and manner of humanism shall save the world. Modernism shall destroy the world and My Son's Church; but not the foundation, for My Son is the foundation. Though the walls may crumble, the pillars may shake, the foundation is solid; for it is My Son, and it shall be rebuilt, after the great Chastisement, to its former glory. The Eternal Father has full control over your world, though, in your free will now, He will allow you to follow your own course to destruction. .........St. Theresa: Even my sisters in the convent must remain steadfast in their Faith and the rules. They must not give themselves over to modernism and humanism, for chastity, an example for all mankind, my children. That is what Our Lady has said to you in the past, and yet you have discarded Her counsel. And why? For such a short time that many will be upon earth, why do you discard this counsel? (vol II page 254)
The kernels that survive in a store often fall on rocks and don't bloom and bring forth and bear fruit. But now, as I look upon My House, My Church upon earth, I find you have opened the doors to thieves and robbers. All manner of heresy abounds now in the hearts of man. You have turned from your God, and you are forming false gods of worship based on a humanistic way of life............You shall not modernize My Church. For you shall not change My Church to suit man, but you must reverse the course of man to bring him to his God. For I have given you the grace in your vocations to gather My sheep, and you have chosen to scatter them! (vol II page 255)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - My children, clergy in My Son's House, His Church upon earth; I understand your bewilderment; I as your Mother understand your concern. But many of you have your heads and your hearts in the clouds, befogged by humanism, deluded by modernism and your scientific manner of thinking, with the reasoning of man, but the knowledge of God. (vol II page 258)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - Every single man, woman, and child must one day die in his human body. Is it worth renouncing your Faith, rejecting the light and giving yourselves over to pleasures of the flesh, materialism, and all manner of political pursuits of communism and humanism. For what? For your own destruction. (vol II page 261)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - You believe you can cast aside the commandments of the Eternal Father and exist in peace? No, My children, already your world has given full evidence of what happens when you become arrogant and prideful and seek to rule as little gods upon earth. You cast aside all religious foundation build new religions that are guided by false doctrines of humanism and modernism and satanism. Oh, My children, you never learn from your past, because you are now in a state far worse than in the times of Noe and Sodom. And what then shall be your fate? (vol II page 265)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - My Son, His Heart is torn by the manner in which you have rejected His way; even reaching into the hearts of the clergy. He has been turned away by many of them; for they have given themselves over to pursuits and pleasures of the flesh, succumbing to the errors of modernism so prevalent now in your nation and throughout your world. The modernism has produced bad fruits. (vol II page 268)
JUNE 18, 1980 - Your nation, the United States of America, has been now, the proud eagle has been plucked by satan; and as such shall be cleansed by trial and suffering and war. humanism and modernism has set you on the road to satanism. Your country and many countries of the world now have adopted the worship of false idols. (vol II page 273)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - There is only one way to restore your world to peace, and that is by following the way of My cross. You cannot change My words to bring them in line with mankind's own egotistical ways. You will find that humanism and modernism shall bring much suffering upon mankind. (vol II page 274)
JUNE 13, 1981 - The way to Heaven is a simple way. It cannot be compromised; it cannot be modernized; it cannot be cast aside or a new religion started. For your religion will be of man, of humanism, and modernism, and satanism, and all the 'isms' that destroy mankind in the end. (vol II page 287)
AUGUST 14, 1981 - In the name of modernism, in the name of communism, in the name of humanism you have fallen into error and discord. Chaos in My Son's Church, the falling away of souls from the Eucharist, the Bread of life. My children, without the Bread of life within you, you cannot sustain yourselves long in your world now. (vol II page 294)
JUNE 18, 1982 - And you must always wear your sacramentals. Do not abandon them to modernism and humanism. (vol II page 306)
MARCH 18, 1983 - My child and My children, you must impress this upon the clergy in a kind and charitable manner; you will tell them that they must restore the good Book to its natural, to its natural being, which has given way to modernism and humanism. By this I mean, My child and My children, that this knowledge of hell and purgatory has been removed from among you. The children are growing up in a world that has been given to satan, and there is not much that you can do at this time other that pray, do penance, and guard your homes well. You will protect your children by indoctrinating them into the legion of good, purified souls who follow Jesus, My Jesus; with this prayer: My Jesus, my Confidence! (vol II page 380)
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - I say now, My children, that you must understand there are great graces given for reading the Bible, even a short time of fifteen minutes; you will be graced by indulgences. Have you forgotten, My children, in the modernization of My Son's Church, have you forgotten the meaning of indulgences? They are applicable to the time you may have to put in purgatory, My children............Now, My child, I must tell you, since much of your penance for the priesthood has been accepted, My child, I at first chose not to mention the sorrow We have because of the manner in which My House upon earth is being continued, a House, because of modernism, satanism and seeking the profound, not in the history of My House, but in the new modern way of doing things. This new modern way has been promoted by satan. ..........Yes, My child, I must tell you, since much of your penance for the priesthood has been accepted, My child, I at first chose not to mention the sorrow We have because of the manner in which My House upon earth is being continued, a House, because of modernism, satanism, and seeking the profound, not in the history of My House, but in the new modern way of doing things. This new modern way has been promoted by satan.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, there must not be any allowances made for the sacrilegious acts of those who call themselves humanists, and, also, those who promote homosexuality in the name of freedom; freedom of religion, freedom of what you want to do; do anything you want, as long as it offends your God. That is what We hear coming up to Us from Heaven. That is what We hear coming up to Us, High into the heavens, I hear - I hear the saints crying, 'How long, O Lord, will you accept this carnage upon earth? When shall we restore it to its former beauty and purity?'
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - You will tell mankind that the sins of the flesh shall send many souls to hell. My child, the need for materialism is wrong. And the need for modernizing the world and My Son's Church is wrong. And passing over the grievous sin of immorality and, also, pornography, and all the other evils, are placed under the heading of humanism, even accepting without a frown, or proper attention to a sin, in accepting the aftermath of AIDS, received through inhuman relationships.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - You will see all these things come to pass that We have warned you of for years. My Mother has been speaking to you for now fifteen earth-years, over and over, repeating what you must know to save your family and your own soul, and your children's souls. And what do you know? Modernism! That's what stymies mankind, modernism! Nothing was ever good enough; God the Father was not good enough. They're seeking other beings on other planets. For what?
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, how long can I go about your earth going from place to place, hinder and yon, as your Mother, praying with you, solacing the nations that suffer from their own laxity. We ask for prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. And what do We get? We have theologians who now consider themselves as gods upon earth. They are setting up a new world religion, a one world religion based on humanism and modernism. This will not continue much longer, My children. It has taken many earth-years to develop these theories. And those who have their heads in the clouds (though they wear the purple hats and red hats), those who have become blinded from the excessive love of luxury and materialism, shall be lost in the chaos.........My child, Veronica, it does Our hearts well, and We feel very comforted to know that has not been lost upon earth. We have watched now the teachings of the children in most of the houses upon earth of My Son, and I must say: I shed tears of pity for the parents, for it is best now if the parents look well into the teaching of their children in the schools, the Catholic schools of the world. Because they will find that the theologians have crept in now with modernism and humanism. And your children must be protected.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - The Eternal Father set up women not to be priests and not to be murderers, but to be with the head of the household a guiding light for their children. Each child to the Eternal Father is a pure blessing upon mankind, but all this has been lost in the name of modernism. Immodesty reigns in your country. There are many reasons why the Eternal Father feels that it is now time to do something about all of these abnormalities.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - Repeat after Me, My child, the words given on the Mount. This is the way you must pray to the Eternal Father: Our Father, Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from all evil. Amen...........Now I asked you to say that prayer because it soon will be forgotten upon earth. The modernists seek to remove it now from the books in the schools. You, My child, will see that this prayer to the Eternal Father is printed up, and given out to all the children within your means............Mothers must now take full precedence for the children. In other words teachers have given themselves over now to all forms of Modernism, and pacifying those that are evil in their teachings. They do not stand on their two feet solidly before their bishops, who are doing wrong in the teaching of their children. It will be up to the parents at this time to go forward and be a true parent in the eyes of God by teaching their children at home.
And one more prayer must not be forgotten. But Our modernists are casting it aside. Repeat this, My child: And Act of Contrition...........You see, My child, that also will be cast from the books this coming year. The children are being taught unity, but world unity. The world is striving and fast heading for a one-world religion, and also a one-world government. But this will be a godly government: It will be one of communistic nature. .......Mothers must now take full precedence for their children. In other words, My child, they must be the teachers now; for those who were teachers have given themselves over now to all forms of Modernism, and pacifying those that are evil in their teachings. They do not stand on their two feet solidly before their bishops, who are doing wrong in the teaching of their children. It will be up to the parents at this time to go forward and be a true parent in the eyes of God by teaching their children at home. ................My child and My children, listen to this well, guard your children. Do not let them be influenced by their teachers today, for modernism has set in, and also immodesty. There are many teachers whose example are poor to the children; therefore, it is now the duty of each parent to guard their children's souls. Otherwise, the day will come when they will shed great tears of sorrow, not knowing in what realm their children lie, now that they have passed over the veil.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children, the United States of America now is in dire conflict with its conscience. But you must remember: Without My Son they cannot succeed. Slowly but surely, against all the counsel from Heaven of the past nineteen years, man has become more scurrilous and more antagonistic towards My Son until he has even entered My Son's Church, seeking to cast aside all tradition and all knowledge of the supernatural, bringing a mode of modernism and humanism into My Son's Church. This has forced many a good soul to lose his way and leave the Church.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - My child, you will also make it known that We are not happy to see the world enter all of Our convents. They discard the habits, they're no longer maidens of purity. And I tell you, My children, that cannot be tolerated. Modernism must not be a way of life for Our dedicated. Our nuns have to have discipline, My children. Do not bring the world into the convents. I ask that the convents remain free of all television and radios, and return to their prayer life.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - My child, I have great news for you this evening, but it is not one to bring a smile to your face. The world has not progressed as the Eternal Father has asked. Man has become obsessed with sin. I tell you now, in the Trinity, that unless you listen now, your world will be planet-struck...................I know, My child, this frightens you, but it cannot be held back much longer. The world has become polluted with all forms of "ism," communism, atheism, humanism, all distracters of the soul. Man has not progressed as the Eternal Father has deemed them to be. They are now agents of hell. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. Souls are falling into the abyss as fast as the snowflakes that come from the heavens.
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - How can you, My clergy, lead others when you have adopted a mode of humanism catering to mankind? You do not heed the spirits of My children upon earth. As such you cannot enter the Kingdom!
MONUMENTS - See Sacramentals: Monuments/Statues
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - The conditions of your Country is not an 'Accident of Fate' as some would place the cause. It is the method used for destruction, by promoting moral decay! (vol I page 17)
APRIL 1, 1972 - A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. (vol I page 49)
MAY 10, 1972 - The mystery in woman is her greatest asset. Satan seeks to take away women's identity. The Holy Bible has in prophecy; the time will become in the end that woman will seek to be as men. They will wear his clothes and want to 'eat his bread, (be as a man in the fields). So Our fair flowers are being plucked from the garden on earth. The reality of disintegration of the strong standards of morality and living with constructive purpose are all about you. Darkness covers the earth. We carry the Light. Light your candles with Us. Sacrifice, prayers, atonement, works! (vol I page 52)
MARCH 18, 1974 - Yes, My child, Our hearts are heavy. Immodesty, immorality, fornication, all the abominations that destroy the soul have captured many souls for satan. The example in the home is poor. Woe, unto the days, that last day, when parents will look upon children and they will see the judgment of the Father upon themselves and the children. (vol I page 173)
MARCH 24, 1974 - Immorality, uncleanness, destruction of the Temple of God, the darkest of evils have entered into the hearts of many. The children, whatever shall become of the children? The teachers, lying teachers, with falsehoods, half-truths and abominations. (vol I page 177)
Your city is a cesspool of degradation. Your city shall not escape the punishment planned by the Father. This punishment, this great Chastisement shall be meted in measure of the numbers of countless murders committed within your city and the cities of the world; cesspools of sin! (vol I page 205)
JULY 25, 1974 - Your country is on the road to its own destruction as were many countries of the past. Think, explore the history of your country and the world. Your morality is your scale! Strip your country of its morality and your country will fall, the world will fall. (vol I page 235)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - Know, My child, that your country is in great error, and is falling into great sin! And when your morality has gone and has changed to immorality, know that your country has fallen! For it is the path that all that fall to the enemies of God lead. Recognize why you have fallen! Because of the simple truth that you have turned from your Creator. (vol I page 269)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - Immoral practices are being condoned in the homes! We see the home life of the children being destroyed! What example as parents do you give to your children! As you sow, so shall you reap! The sins of the parents shall be visited upon the children! Many parents will shed bitter tears, but too late! T-O-O L-A-T-E! (vol I page 272)
JUNE 18, 1975 - I say unto you, a degenerate generation, that you shall reap the reward of your immorality, your licentious conduct, and your leading astray the young souls in your care! (vol I page 378)
AUGUST 21, 1975 - My Son looks upon a generation that has given itself to pleasures of the flesh, debasement, sensuality and sexuality are rampant in the hearts of many. You will know that as the morality of a country goes, so goes the country on the road of damnation. (vol I page 404)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - I repeat, the Red Hat has fallen and the Purple Hat is being misled. I cry to you, through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father, turn back now! A new moral theology straight, coming straight up from hell! (vol I page 469)
FEBRUARY 10, 1976 - The evil has accelerated. Immodesty and impiety are prevalent in your world. A country is known by the moral values, My children. In the history of your world, if you consult and look, My children, you will find that your country and many in your world are now proceeding and many in your world are now proceeding along the same course taken before the fall of an empire!................The destruction of moral values, the turning from the Commandments of the Eternal Father, all has happened in the past to bring destruction and a change, just as now you proceed to your own destruction in the name of change! (vol I page 472)
JUNE 12, 1976 - My children, whatever shall become of you! You dress in nakedness, you come into My Son's House in nakedness. Immorality is widespread throughout your world. Read, My children, and learn: When a country has reached a point of no return, it has always started with the fall of morals! (vol I page 501)
In these days, My children, the signs of the times come fast upon you. There will be no charity of heart; selfishness shall abound. There will be little light of piety. Morality, the word shall not be accepted. Sin has become a way of life. (vol I page 502)
JUNE 24, 1976 - My children, there are many candles in your world, a world that has fast gone into spiritual darkness and corruption. Immorality has stricken the children. Immorality is bringing your country, your nation, America the Beautiful, the Great, onto a road to its own destruction. You will celebrate, My children, your past, your present, but what have you given for your future, a nation that has gathered the material and lost the spiritual? (vol I page 507)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - When you, as a nations give yourselves over to debasement, immorality, and turn your backs upon your God, denying His Divinity, and denying His very existence among you, My children, the Eternal Father has no other recourse but to chastise you. It would be more advantageous, My children, if your men of learning should set themselves to find the truth. And what is the truth, My children, but the knowledge given to you by God the Father, and not the knowledge of man. (vol I page 518)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - The world has become a cesspool of sin and error. No country has escaped the contamination. America the beautiful has succumbed to the evils. The morality of the young has fallen to the evil created by the masters of deceit. (vol I page 525)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - I repeat, My children: When the morals of your country have fallen, your country shall fall into grave error, which shall lead to a great Chastisement for your country and the world. How many warnings must be set upon you? How many lives shall be lost needlessly? Shall man accept, without trying to avoid, a War that will encompass your whole earth to its very destruction? (vol I page 529)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Learn a simple lesson from the past, My children. When the morals of a country start to go down into darkness, and the teachings turn from God to man, that country will soon be ended. First the spiritual life and then the material life of your country shall be destroyed. (vol I page 546)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - O My child, could I have but spared you this cross I would have, but you will learn much from it. No, My child, you did no wrong in exposing his folly. The morals of the young must not be corrupted. Nudity and nakedness shall never be condoned by My Son or Heaven, and no man shall take his religion and use it to twist out of context the words of the Bible, or to use these words upon young minds, pure minds of innocence, to gain a control by brainwashing them to suit his own purpose. And this purpose is not of God. (vol I page 547)
MAY 18, 1977 - Your world and many nations of earth shall receive a crucible of suffering. The degeneration of morals within a nation is the gauge that the Eternal Father will use for punishment. (vol II page 42)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - He is here. He has entered upon your country in 1975. Your children have been victims to him. The spread of drugs was for reason; to break down the morals and to give your children over to satan. Your children have been desecrated in black mass. Your children have been desecrated in the schools and the governments by the government leaders who do not care. (vol II page 75)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - There will be degradation, for the morals of your country are being destroyed. There will be no honor, for there is no honor among thieves; and there are thieves who have stolen into My House, My Church. They are robbers, seeking to destroy My children. (vol II page 91)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - I watch My children running to an fro, marrying and giving in marriage, neither caring nor thinking of what lies ahead, never preparing for their entrance into Heaven. They push aside the knowledge of immortality and substitute all manner of immorality and sin. (vol II page 101)
Your country, the eagle, has fallen and been plucked by satan. The great bird no longer flies high. No, I say unto you; because of your immorality, your materialistic seeking, you scientific pursuits to outdo the Eternal Father in His plan to mankind, you bring upon yourselves great trial and punishment. (vol II page 103)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - Immorality, homosexuality, and what do We hear now but permissiveness in sex, even from the mouths of Our trained ones known as theologians? Have you all lost your minds or your souls to satan? Human sexuality you call it? Animal sexuality I call it! You fornicate like animals. And why did the Father deem it necessary to intervene upon Sodom and Gomorrah? (vol II page 107)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - I cry to you, My children, that immorality is the gauge, the measuring point for the fall of a nation. Your country, My children, the United States, has fallen to satan. The great eagle has been plucked by sin. Corruption has entered into the highest places of your government and in My Son's Church. I say unto you, and say this with counsel from high, the Lord high God in Heaven, the Father of all creation, that as you sow so shall you reap! (vol II page 112)
APRIL 1, 1978 - Veronica: Many skeptics say that there is no proof in the Bible in relation to the immorality existent in our country. Well, if man stops believing in the words of God in the Holy Bible, man is left to his own diversions; and the road that leads only to destruction if God abandons man to himself. Now, in St. Paul, who is one of the founders of our Church under God's direction, and of course those who are trying to rebuild the Church in the Houses of man instead of God are not even acknowledging St. Paul as being a founding father. Well, say let us read from St. Paul's letter to the Corinthians Chapter, it would be Chapter 3, no, Chapter 6, third part. He speaks of the evils of immorality. Now he said: Now God has raised up the Lord and will also raise us up by His power. Do you know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? By no means! (Now Paul is referring to all of the immorality existent in our country and many countries throughout the world; I would say, most or all of the earth now has this terrible stigma of immorality, defiling of the human body by humanistic approaches, by men consorting with men and doing all defilement's to the human body.)
Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? By no means, no! Or do you not know that he who cleaves to a harlot become one body with her for the two it says shall be one flesh. Flee immorality. Every sin that a man commits is outside the body, but the immoral man sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your members are the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God and that you are not your own keeper for you have been bought at a great price. Glorify God and bear Him in your body. (vol II page 139)
JULY 25, 1978 - Sin in your country and in many countries throughout the world has become a way of life. In the history of a fallen nation you will always find it is preceded by a fall into immorality and sin. For a nation that has been given plenty, it has been used now, this excess in luxury, to destroy souls. (vol II page 175)
AUGUST 5, 1978 - As you continue daily, the sins of the flesh are increasing. The offenses to morality are increasing. Man has taken his body, his human body which is the temple for his spirit and is defiling his flesh, casting out the light until you will have living bodies with dead souls. My children, when this happens will you call yourselves human, as murders will abound upon earth? Charity will grow cold. All sins of the flesh being committed and multiplies unto murder! I could go on, My children, listing again and again the aberrations to you, and for what? (vol II page 179)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - My children, you must be very careful now what you read in your medias because your country is controlled. Most nations of your earth now are controlled by the forces of evil. Before you make any judgments, My children, in matters of faith and morals, you will read your good Bible. And do not accept any changes in the Book of Life and Love. (vol II page 196)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - In the days ahead now left for the redemption of your world, great trial shall come upon mankind. Your values, your morals, must be restored, restored in a manner pleasing to the Eternal Father, your God. He does not judge by the manner of mankind. The ways of the Eternal Father are far beyond the understanding of mankind. (vol II page 237)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - You understand well, My children, that the major concern of the Eternal Father is for the salvation of the souls of all mankind. We look upon you now, and it grieves Our Hearts in Heaven to find now brother against brother, sister against sister, murders abounding upon earth; atheism, communism, socialism, and all the "isms" that directly lead to the control of Lucifer and satanism. And what can you do now about the advance of this evil, My children? There is only one recourse now to save mankind. Your nation, My child and My children, and all of the nations upon earth. have now been reduced to a state of moral decay. It is a major sign for the fall of a nation. (vol II page 240)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Many clergy have given themselves over to pleasures of the flesh. Many have fallen into sin and heresy, and have cast aside the truth of their vocations. Many now rebel against their leader, their God-given leader, your Vicar. In matters of Faith and Morals, man must not change the God-given laws, coming from the Seat of Peter, and established through Tradition upon earth through My Son's Church. (vol II page 258)
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - You will tell mankind that the sins of the flesh shall send many souls to hell. My child, the need for materialism is wrong. And the need for modernizing the world and My Son's Church is wrong. And passing over the grievous sin of immorality and, also, pornography, and all the other evils, are placed under the heading of humanism; even accepting without a frown, or proper attention to a sin, in accepting the aftermath of AIDS, received through inhuman relationships. I say 'inhuman' because those relationships are not from God, My children, but they are from satan. Homosexuality shall always be condemned because it is against the nature of man; and it is a violation of all human morality, and shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in the Trinity. .........My child, I want you to do all you can to foster the return of morality and morality to the medias; and, also, to those you love; your neighbors, your children. And do not be affrighted or flee from the sinner, for he, too, can be saved by your effort and your prayers. As this child was born, so he must return; a simple child, to the Eternal Father. If you remember, My child, the lessons from Theresa; yes, St. Theresa, you will remember that it is a simple way to Heaven; if you accept the Eternal Father into your heart, you will always be His children of love.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - How can a great country like the United States fall, you may say, My child? You ask Me in your heart, I read your heart. I will tell you why. Because they have given themselves over to satan. When a country has lost its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over, to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up the highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - As I counseled you all in the past, I said to you as quote: "This is a ruse," I repeat again. This is the visit to your country, the once great and illustrious United States of the world, the nation, the United States of America, the illustrious country that now is leading into a path of darkness. This has been allowed because of the dire straits of your nation. The morality has now been cast aside. Darkness has fallen upon mankind. ............The biggest threshold for the United States and other countries of the world is if they are willing to go forth and overcome the evil within their own countries. The morality has fallen in most nations of the world now, and this cries to Heaven for either repentance or punishment........My child and my children, you understand it is a known fact that when the morals of a country fall, that country will be destroyed in one way or another. Wars are always a punishment for man's sins.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - O My children, My Mother's heart is now torn asunder. I hear those words that are making a mockery of Myself, My children. Yes, My child Veronica, I am referring to the pornographic movie called, "The Hail Mary."....My Son has wanted and wished that direct action be taken against those who have had even a small measure in partnership with those who have sought to blaspheme My name, and, also, to cut My heart asunder.............My child, all those who promote that moving picture shall be destroyed...............I know there are many who shall parade against this horror, My child, but let them know that by example others may come to their senses and seek the blessings of a God Who has given them more than enough time to make amends...........My child and My children, I ask you all to come forth as citizens of Heaven...(That makes you happy, My child does it not? Well, My child, you shall be citizens of Heaven one day! I ask you now to do whatever is within your human nature, and directed by the Holy Spirit, to oust these interlopers with their blasphemous movie.........I shall not stand by and allow My Mother to be debauched and defamed. I will take action, great action, against the theater where this picture shall be shown.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - I wish at this time to extend to one among you, Vincent, Our greatest heart of approval, and We wish to say to you: We in Heaven thank you for the fact that you went forward with others to right the wrong to My Mother when they produced that abominable motion picture called, "Hail, Mary."............Even the Pope, himself, wished this movie to be stopped, yet for the sake of money they sold out the Eternal Father. They sold Him out like they did to Me, many years ago, for pieces of silver. Yes, My children, that is all it amounts to, money! That is the reason for the showing of that picture. But how many could stay there without vomiting for what came forward from that screen..............I say again: I extend Our Hearts to all who made such a great effort of show to stop the abomination from being committed in the theaters of New York. Surely, My children, if they could get it out of Italy, you can get it out of the United States, and Canada, which it is approaching.
JULY 1, 1970 - Pray for those who have not lived. He breathes the Spirit of Life at the moment of conception! Do not murder the little ones! His Hand grows heavy! Many souls will be lost. All Heaven is saddened. Man walks the road to his own destruction. Pray for your brothers. Bring My Message to the world. So many souls will be lost! Man has forgotten My Son! It hurts to be turned away. Love My Son as He loves you! You can't bargain with God and man! One you will love the other you will hate! (vol I page 10)
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - My Rosary.....How long, how long! I warn you now that My Son will not tolerate the sacrifice of the young for the man of perdition, the man of sin. You must stop these murders now, for I cannot bear to see the slaughter of the little innocent souls! A Warning will be from My Son's Merciful Heart. This Warning will be governed by the extent of the fall of man. (vol I page 16)
DECEMBER 7, 1970 - You agents of satan murder! Yes, you murder the little ones. Next you will choose the aged and infirm. Vile vipers of the abyss!! The command of the Father is thou shalt not kill! Hell will overflow with your souls. (vol I page 18)
MAY 19, 1971 - Oh, My Jesus, how well the darkness covers the land. We look upon hate, greed, paganism and murder. The darkest of sins are being committed! Guard your children from the unholy ray. Keep the monuments (statues) in your home, keep the Rosary about your neck. These were not given for decoration. We cannot bear the blasphemies against Us much longer. We admonish you to save your soul and the souls of your loved ones. We are always with you, just raise your hearts in prayer to Us. Your prayers and sacrifices will be needed for your priests. (vol I page 27)
AUGUST 5, 1971 - The Eternal Father commands that you stop these murders at once. You will not destroy the lives of the unborn. Human life is sacred in the eyes of Your God. No man has a right to destroy a life. The Father sends this life to you and only He will decide when it is to be sent back to the Kingdom. ...............Do not, My children, be deceived by the words of the evil ones about you, who cry to you of no space left for man, there is space for everyone. My Father has a plan for every life He sends. (vol I page 32)
DECEMBER 31, 1971 - Each soul placed on earth by the Eternal Father has been given a mission. There are no accidents of placement from Heaven. Each soul is sent from Heaven. Woe to evil man who acts on the murder of one of these souls sent by the Father to earth. Your land has become a cesspool of evil! The world is a cesspool of evil! You will not destroy any more of these souls in their infancy (abortion) You will not cut off this life from your God! You thwart the plan of the Father! Your punishment will be great unless you repent of your ways now! (vol I page 41,42)
MAY 30, 1973 - It truly rains teardrops from Heaven. The Father calls for a heavy penance upon a world that has used murder for worldly gain. We look and count the numbers of innocent souls, souls that have not lived out their mission on earth and being sent to Us untimely. Your generation is one that calls for heavy penance! The Father is merciful and all chastisement will be for reason. (vol I page 102)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - Those teachers who have misled, under the direction of satan, the young souls, better that they had died in their mothers' womb, than to face the road that lies before them leading to the abyss and the fires! All who murder for gain shall be destroyed! All that is rotten will fall! All who share in the murder of the young, whether for gain or in arrogance seek to go beyond the Father, they, too, shall fall with the rotten fruit. (vol I page 151)
DECEMBER 29, 1973 - The Warning which is yet to come upon your city and the world has been delayed. However, the murders in your city have not ceased. The murders of the unborn must cease now or your city will fall. All who have even a small measure of participation in the slaughter of the holy innocents shall be burned in the abyss. (vol I page 153)
MARCH 18, 1974 - My child, you do not have to feel embarrassment for showing your human feelings, for I too am a mother. Yes, My child, there is a plan for each life the Father sends to earth. That is why We are much grieved, for many of the souls that the Father has allowed to be conceived have been brutally sent back without fulfilling their mission. ...........Murderers shall die! Murderers shall burn forever in the abyss. Life, and the spirit, enters into the being conceived into the human body of women at the time of conception. No man shall place himself above the Father and make the decision on life or death. ..........Listen carefully, My child, for this warning is of great magnitude. The Father grows angry. Our hearts are torn. The graces We give for the recovery of souls are cast aside by many. How long can this continue without the intervention of the Father. We will not tolerate the murder of the unborn. Man shall go through an extreme crucible of suffering. (vol I page 172)
JULY 1, 1974 - Your world has steeped itself in murder. Thou shall not kill! All who have given themselves to this lust and murder shall be sent into the abyss and suffer eternal damnation. Then the most abominable of offenses to the Father have become a way of life with many now. (vol I page 226)
Repeat once more, My child, the warning to mankind: All who have been either accessories or prominent in the murders of the unborn and do this of free will and conscience shall be condemned to the eternal fires of the abyss, hell!! Murder is rampant; life as you know it no longer is viewed from Heaven. We see man a creature of lust, murderous of heart, without scruples, hoarders of wealth, starving the righteous. The sword of destruction will claim many. (vol I page 227)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - It is a proven fact, My child, that when you take one step and go; it is like a habit. Murder will become a way of life. Charity of heart, charity to one's fellowman will diminish. All manner of iniquity will abound upon earth. (vol I page 268)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - Corruption and evil abound upon your earth. Murders, murders in abundance; murders that call for the wrath of God upon mankind! None shall escape the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 272)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - It is, My child, because the world has lost the need for sacrifice and penance that they have come to this point of murder of the unborn and the young. They care more for the material things of your world and they starve the spirit! They gather all that satan has set before them but they gather nothing that the Father offers freely! Satan has placed a price upon all he gives you. His price is your eternal spirit! The Father, the Eternal Father, My children, offers you His Home. It is yours for the asking! There is no price! (vol I page 339)
AUGUST 5, 1975 - My child, My tears still fall upon an unrepentant generation, a generation that is fast going into deep darkness of spirit. All manner of sin and abominations corrupt mankind. Murders, murders far in excess of any in all the past history of mankind is being executed in your country and in the countries of earth. They have now given themselves a balance that will demand the extreme penalty from the Eternal Father of a baptism by fire. (vol I page 395)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - Your city and many cities and countries throughout the world will suffer for the murders of the holy innocents. Life, the spirit of life, is breathed, the soul placed by the Eternal Father into the body of the unborn at the precise exact moment of conception. Do not fall prey to the fallacy; there is no life until the child emerges from the womb. No! I say to you; life begins at the moment of conception. The Eternal Father breathes the spirit of life at the moment of conception. No man shall take this life, for at that he is guilty and found guilty by the Eternal Father of murder! (vol I page 408)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - My child, all throughout earth, there is mass slaughter now of the innocent children, the unborn, and this has extended now past the unborn. Many children brought into the world are being killed, My child, at their birth. Shout this to all. Your hospitals have given themselves to depravity. They are taking needlessly lives, My child. ..................Yes, My child, it is at the knowledge of the parents. Shall you build a master race? Shall you create only a perfect individual? What shall you do to accomplish this? Shall you eradicate by murder all who are not perfect? Man has no right to place judgment on who is to live or die, My children. ..............The Eternal Father sends each life with reason. The spirit of life is breathed into that body at the moment of conception. At the moment of conception the soul is united to the body. Though it grows from a small seed, it is living and must not be destroyed! It is murder, My children, to destroy the seed.
All who commit this terrible act of murder, My children, cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they repent of this foul crime. They must in their repentance accept a penance upon earth for their acts that bring great sorrow to the Heart of the Eternal Father. Man has been given a free will and is using this act of mercy of the Father to allow him to go his way for the Father shall not force any into the Kingdom, My children. You must want to come to Us. You must use the balance of your life-time to gather the necessary strength through graces to stay on the narrow road to the Kingdom. It is most difficult to return once you leave that narrow road. The agents of satan abound upon earth. 666 is now there, My children, in force. (vol I page 460) (vol I page 460)
JUNE 5, 1976 - The children are the innocent victims of their elders. You country and many countries of the world stand now in judgment by the Eternal Father for the murders of the unborn. No man shall destroy a creation of the Eternal Father. The spirit of life is breathed at the moment of conception into the body of a living child. At the moment of conception, the soul is place by the Eternal Father into that child, and no excuses for murder shall be accepted by the Eternal Father. ..............No man shall murder and it is murder, My children when he shall give the excuse of saying an individual is no longer living or a part of the world because he has become emaciated, because he lives only with prayers and the help of all scientific means. The Eternal Father has placed a soul in that body. That body is the temple of the Holy Spirit! No man can know when that soul must return to the Eternal Father. No man shall hasten its exit from a body by murder! Euthanasia is murder! Shall you become a judge over the living and the dead? (vol I page 498)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - My child, they are spirits of light. Many spirits of light entered into mankind and have been extinguished by evil man. Murders upon murders, the corruption accelerates. You shall call down upon mankind a most severe chastisement, My children. Awaken from your slumber. (vol II page 22)
AUGUST 5, 1977 - O My children, do you not recognize that the evil is accelerating in your country and the countries of the world? Murders have become commonplace. There is no realization in the clouded minds of sinful men that murder is an abomination in the eyes of his God. Murder in all forms is being committed and shall not go unpunished. (vol II page 71)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - Awaken from your slumber! The murders are not natural. Awaken from your slumber! They'll gather and increase. Awaken from your slumber! The murders are not natural. They're produced from the prince of darkness entered into the body of a man. (vol II page 75_
However, the future is grim, for as in the past, they go on in sin, My children. and sin is insanity. The murders will increase, till you will think that the world has been engulfed with insanity. No longer will there be charity of heart, love of parents, love of neighbors. Suspicions shall arise, as more are killed before your eyes. (vol II page 76)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 - Satan now is walking in your country to claim his own. He was a murderer from the beginning and he is a murderer now! Your country, America the beautiful, and many countries throughout the world will suffer a bloodbath of murder. (vol II page 83)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - I warned you in the past, My children, that as you become murderers in heart, your children shall become murderers in heart. And it shall be parents and children, division in the home, parents and children fighting. Children rising up and putting to death the parents! And why? Because they have no light in the home, no light of faith. souls are in darkness, and the prince of darkness is satan................Already, My children, charity of heart has grown cold. Already, My children, murder is becoming now a way of life, and who shall be, or escape, these murders within the home? (vol II page 88)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - You will find that sin is truly insanity. Children shall rise up against their parents and put them to death. Murder shall be rampant in your streets, My children. And why? Because you have now set up another god to worship, a god of materialism and atheism. (vol II page 93)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My children, in recognizing the supernatural you must understand that these agents from hell exist, and must enter into the body of a human being to work their will. As you see the advanced evil now in the world; lust, homosexuality, immorality, murders. Yes, My children, I say murders, because you are going to experience murders such as never has been seen in such quantity and defiled methods. (vol II page 101)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - My children, who will accept the responsibility for the murders that now are rampant in your country and many countries throughout the world? It has been told to you that it will be father against son, daughter against mother, houses shall divide within, and why? Because both the light and the darkness shall meet, and who shall be the victor, but the light? (vol II page 107)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - If you cannot recognize the insanity that has been set upon mankind, surely you will know that murders are being committed far in excess of what would be called normal in daily living. Satan was a murderer from the beginning, and he continues as a murderer. Your children are being indoctrinated into evil. Your schools and sad to say, My children, the schools that were created under My Son's leadership, His Church, have been indoctrinated by evil. (vol II page 108)
A very heavy cross will be placed upon the United States. There is rising an army, a satanic army. The ages of the young are from twenty to thirties. They are now massing in the thousands. Revolution and murder are their plan. The plan is to promote fear by mass murder. (vol II page 109)
DECEMBER 31, 1977 - Sin is truly insanity, My children. Satan is the father of all liars, and deceiving spirits are now loosed upon your earth. Satan is a murderer and will promote murders far in excess of what has been seen in the past. (vol II page 112)
MAY 3, 1978 - Your nation has given itself over to murders. You despoil the creation of the Eternal Father with your murders of the unborn! You call yourselves as a nation enlightened. You have committed the most foul of deeds, murder! (vol II page 143)
MAY 13, 1978 - My children, you must exercise your God given sense and knowledge. I warned you in the past that all medias are now controlled. Your children, by manner of the infernal boxes in your homes, the televisions, are being now schooled to kill, to sin. And many parents shall be murdered by their own children! And why? Because you all failed to recognize what is happening before your very eyes; your children are being programmed to kill. A steady diet of violence will lead to the spirit being dulled and the sensitivity being dulled until even murder is condoned, with all manner of rationalizing for the commission of this sin against your God and all mankind. (vol II page 145)
MAY 26, 1979 - My child, My heart is torn anew, for though I have spent countless earth-years counseling you against the evils that have come upon mankind through the lack of prayer and his pursuit of worldly gain and power, left to your own devices, you can bring nothing but destruction to your country, O man who has given himself to perdition. I have counseled you in the past that there will be accidents that are not accidents. O My children, you did not listen when I told you and begged you to prevent the murder of the young, for murder then would be accepted and promoted among you. Life has become very cheap, My children, and who will be next to die an untimely death. (vol II page 217)
JUNE 2, 1979 - Your leaders, even the highest men in your courts, now condone homosexuality; an offense to your God and all mankind. And what are the fruits of this condoning of sin? Mur-r-ders!!! Murders of the young! Bands of roaming homosexuals going throughout all of the major cities in your United States of America, the once proud country. (vol II page 220)
JULY 14, 1979 - Do not laugh and think it has become a big myth in your nation, and other nations of the world, that there is not murders being committed in the name of ritualistic sacrifices to satan. Many children and young have disappeared, never again to be seen, as they were disposed of after being used as sacrifice to satan, Lucifer. (vol II page 230)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - The greatest sadness in My heart is that I must make it known to you, that many will sell their souls to get to the head; for money is the root of all evil and the corrupter of souls. The lust for power has brought many into the label 'damnation as murderers' of their brothers and sisters. Murder abounds upon your earth. Soon it will be, become commonplace in your lives, until sin, being a way of life, will be accepted and the light will become darkened. (vol II page 260)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - And I repeat again to all clergy in My Son's House. You shall not rationalize sin. Abortion is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! Euthanasia is murder, and murder condemns you to hell without repentance! The Commandments of your God must be followed, and no changes will be made upon them to suit the basic fallen nature of mankind. (vol II page 262)
MAY 30, 1981 - The days are numbered for your country. Murders will abound. You will see insanity among mankind, for sin is insanity. Brother against brother, children against parents, slander and scandal, murders, abortion. What manner of sin can I not count and list for you that does not stand in lieu of judgment? (vol II page 283)
JUNE 13, 1981 - O My children, how foolish you have become. Running hither and yon, gaining great knowledge, but you cannot stop the deaths that abound throughout your world. You cannot stop the increased murdering of your children; father against son, mother against daughter. And now all restraints gone for the protection of your children and your home life; the disintegration within the home because GOD IS does not have any place in your home today.............Life, as you know it, will have no value. Death shall be commonplace among you; murder, death by murder, in the name of mercy; death, murder.,(vol II page 286)
MARCH 18, 1983 - O My child, My tears fall upon you all when I see all of the innocent little babies being slaughtered, cast into garbage pails like nothing but dirt and scum. They are living human beings. And all murderers shall get their just recompense. (vol II page 378)
MAY 21, 1983 - Yes, My child, it is not the first time that murder has been and will be committed around the city of Rome in Italy. (vol II page 386)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - Your children, I cry for you, poor mothers. Know that My Mother's heart is solaced only by the knowledge that these children shall not be lost to Heaven. But your young children have been disappearing from your homes. And where are they, as you go to and fro, looking for your children, and My Mother's tears fall upon you? Many shall be found dead, but others shall never be found, for they are disposed of in a most despicable way by a group known as the satanist.....................These groups, My child and My children, are increasing, even on your island of Long Island. There are at least twelve major covens, and they are using human sacrifice. These bodies, My children, cannot be found by the police, or other authorities who seek to help and to solace the hearts of the family members of the lost child. ............But I tell you this now, why we have the abomination of murders of children, for they are possessed by satan, those who will set into motion laws, laws that are against God. Your country, My child, the United States, shall feel war as never have they conceived in their minds, that this could enter upon the glorious nation of the United States and Canada. No, My children, you cannot escape this. Your time is running out.
My child and My children, the murders of the unborn will bring great Chastisement upon the United States, Canada, and the nations of the world, that are now contributing not only to the delinquency of your children and the world's children, but are condoning murder and euthanasia. Euthanasia, My child and My children, is murder!.................And especially, My children, I repeat anew the words of My Mother when She said to you some time ago, that anyone who has even a small measure, responsibility for the deaths of the unborn, shall be judged as a murderer. No nation that has become so corrupt that their legal rules and regulations are changed for those who are in sin, shall not stand. They will burn in the embers, as the bodies will burn upon the roads and the streets.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - My child, I wish you to view one scene. You will hold your crucifix and you will not, My child, pass out. Veronica: Over on the left hand side, I see....I know it's Africa. It's all in flames. I've seen the flames before, but this is horrible. They're going wild; they all look dark-skinned, yet they're killing each other. .................Jesus: My child, you see war, the beginning of a war. It will be father against son, mother against daughter, and satan will be in their midst. Those who have the power are exercising it now in the wrong direction, My children. Better that they take the monies coming to them from out of the world, better that they try to construct a country with joy and happiness and peace among the brothers.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My children, you are all My children; do not allow Me any longer to see the great evil that you are developing upon earth. You are giving yourselves over to seeking armaments to kill. And for what, My children? The Eternal Father shouts from the rooftops: Thou shall not kill thy brother!
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - You see, My child, the enemy is very cagey. He has it all planned that man shall capitulate to save his body, to save his material goods, to save his money; as money has become the god for many. Money and power, this, My child and My children, is what brings upon the wars, and the killings, and the murders. .................Since the world has given itself over to murders, murders of the unborn, father against son, daughters against mothers, all manner of carnage; also, being perpetrated in My House, My Church upon earth. How long do you think I shall stand by and watch the destruction of the young, because of parents who should not accept the role or the name of parents, for they are destroying their children's souls by their example. ..............Do not be sorrowful, My child and My children; there will be times of great joy for all of us. This will not be a permanent state upon earth; earth that is covered with sin and defilement, children against their parents, murders in every street, killing of the unborn, and much more; much more that, My child, that I would wish you to know, but I cannot, for the purity of heart, instruct you on the vile deeds of the satanist.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Our hearts are torn asunder here in Heaven. The saints cry out, 'When will justice be meted to mankind? How long, O Lord of Lords, must we wait for the return of the good souls to Heaven? Seeing them crucified on earth makes our hearts grow heavy. How long, O Lord, the saints cry,' shall this carnage be permitted?' My child and My children, by now if you have only read a portion of My Mother's travels and Her words to the world, you will have an idea how much time is left.
NOVEMBER 1, 1985 (MSG) - While We speak of agents of hell, My child, I also wish that you make it known that there are no vehicles coming from other planets, extraterrestrial vehicles. No, My child and My children; they are agents of hell in transport. Now you may ask why must they be transported if they are spirits? Ahh, My child, this you may not understand. These are not ordinary spirits; these are the demons from hell; satan's cohorts, and satan himself. He is also on one of the transports. ...................There is a reason they must use the transports. I will not go into it at this time, for I am sure it would befog the mind of any scientist should I give this knowledge to them before they are ready for it. They must find out something for themselves, My child, before We will help them to the ending of this great sorrow upon earth. Anything that results in murder and death is sorrow upon earth, My child, just as the great wars that are prevailing. ...........Now I want it known to you that the very ones who plan the extinction of Ronald Reagan and Pope John Paul the II are sitting at this time at a table in Russia. They do not do their own murdering, My child; they have others do it for money.................I know this makes you affrighted, My child, that there is so little value for life, but did not I tell you many years ago that if they started to murder the unborn, they will murder the living, even the adults. They may murder the children, but then they will also murder the elderly.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - In the past few months, My child and My children, much has happened within your country and other countries of the world. There have been earthquakes, floods, and, also, a nuclear disaster. Know now, My children and My child, that this is not the end of suffering for mankind. Because of the fact that My Message has reached many but not all at this time, there is evil now brewing within the world that is heading for the Third World War. In My desperation, My child, I have even entered upon other countries to try to stop the evil among man, the evil of murder; murder whether planned or accidental, in accidents that are not accidents. .........My child and My children, children, I wish that you make it known to your countrymen in the United States, and Canada, and all the nations of the world, that We cannot tolerate the murders of the unborn. This is a sacrilege of the most foulest manner in the eyes of the Eternal Father and shall be punishable by death.
As I told you before, My child, you cannot understand the ways of the Eternal Father. So many deaths in the Mexican earthquakes, so many in the floods; starvation, sorrow, murders, all this was known and burdened the heart of the Eternal Father for years. He knows what lies ahead; but We also know through His words, through the Holy Ghost, and Jesus, His Son, that one day He will return and restore this earth. However, many saints shall come out from this conflagration, saints who have washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - Many of the good have become complacent. They have now brought themselves down from a pinnacle to wallow, We will say, in their self-exaltation of being saved. However, I repeat again to all My children, that to those who have received much, much is expected of them. They cannot sit back and with a smile not consider what goes on beyond their sight. They must work in the world and not retire from it, self-satisfied with their own salvation. They must go out among the nations, because, My children, everyone now cries for peace and security where there is no peace and security. There are more murders; the abortions continue, accelerating at a higher rate...................And your country, My child, the United States, and Canada also, will receive the heavy hand of the Father soon upon them. We can no longer protect them from what is to come about within the next several months. Yes, My child, there will be blood flowing in the streets of the United States. There will be carnage such as has never been seen before in the United States and Canada. Do not take lightly the threats of those murderers in the European states that have felt this carnage. They are now setting up their plans to bring destruction to the heart of the Americas.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - Remember, My child, the Pope, John Paul II in Rome, he must be besieged by letters to stop now the carnage going throughout the world; or Russia shall enter upon your nation and Canada. ....................You are surrounded, My children, as My Mother has told you for years, with submarines. They come closer to your shores by countries, one after another, boots stomping forward, killing, death, licentiousness; father against son, mother against daughter, cousin against cousin; nothing but murders and abominations. Is this what you want within your country, My children.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell. ..................My child and My children, listen to Me carefully. Guard your children and those in your family with your sacramentals; the Rosary, if you have no other sacramental; until you receive a brown scapular and a crucifix, place a Rosary about your children's necks. They must be guarded in these dire times. How urgent is it? All you have to do, My children, is hear the daily news and you know of the murders of the young and innocent that are being perpetrated by the agents of satan. .......The murders must be stopped in your country. That is another reason why communism is getting a foothold in your government and all the governments of the world; because they have given themselves over to sin. Murders and butchery. Millions of babies have been aborted in the United States of America and Canada, and millions more throughout the world. This is murder, and no different than what the communists do to those who dissent from them.
My child and My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your nation and the nations of the world. You do not know how close you are to being one of the nations to be annihilated. I speak this of the United States of America, because they are being deluded by Russia. Russia has in armaments six times the number of missiles that we store. While they say they deploy them, and take them out of existence, that is not true. They are increasing and increasing; for they have only one thought in mind, that is to take over the whole world. .........My Mother has gone throughout the world to try to stop the carnage that man is making upon other nations. Brother against brother, sister against sister. For what? What is there to gain if you lose your soul? Murder is a sin that is not condoned in Heaven nor upon earth; therefore, why must you murder and kill your brothers? For what? For money? For social standing? For gain? And what is that but a passing fancy. For this is a world where man passes through but for a short duration. Your real life is over the veil. That is when your life begins. You are all pilgrims upon earth going forward to honor your God, and I should say, that many dishonor Him now, even in His own Church upon earth.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - That is what makes My heart ache, My child. That is one of the reasons Theresa is crying constantly when she looks into the convents and sees what is going on. Many now believe in abortion, the murders of the children; and many have committed this act upon themselves. ...................You ask, My child, how could this happen to those with a vocation? How can they ever seek an abortion, no matter what the cause? I will tell you, My child; it is because they have given themselves over to immodesty. They have also given up their lives of prayer. They seek the pleasures of the world. They cannot be condemned at this time, My child, because there are too few that pray for the clergy and the nuns. They need your prayers, all the Rosaries that can be said for their repatriation. ..........Jesus: I know, My child, this frightens you, but I want you to look high into the sky and describe the scene that you see. Veronica: I see a road. It looks like a normal country road but it leads to a city, a great city. I would say from the buildings that the city looks like New York. But I see there are very sinister-looking characters walking down the road nonchalantly but carrying bags. Within these bags there are submachine guns. Jesus: Yes, My child. ................I see murder ahead now, My child, in your city of New York. Many shall be mowed down. It is an attack by a communist nation.
No, My child, you do not need to know at this time the name of this nation, for it will soon be known when the captors are picked up. The Federal Bureau of Investigation will hear of this, My child, and they will try to stop them. ...........My child and My children, pray a constant vigilance of prayer. Keep this going throughout the United States and all of the nations of the world, for there is little time left. Soon, in the plan of the Eternal Father, He shall set forth and allow to come upon mankind a great money disaster. In this way it will prove to you that the disaster back in the 1920's, My children, was as nothing compared to what will happen now. I talk of a great depression coming upon mankind. This is well planned by those in control and should hit your country, the United States, and Canada within the next two years.............Can this be stopped, My child? Anything can be if We can reach the people in time. However, I am not optimistic, My child, at the murders and the two men in particular that are now over here in the United States and using expressions like 'casing the places.' That, My child, means to look and see and report.
We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about consoling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers, and they are mothers who will murder their own children. ..........The Eternal Father set up women not to be priests and not to be murderers, but to be with the head of the household a guiding light for their children. Each child to the Eternal Father is a pure blessing upon mankind but all this has been lost in the name of modernism. Immodesty reigns in your country. There are many reasons why the Eternal Father feels that it is now time to do something about all of these abnormalities.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - Veronica: Now I see a picture forming in the sky. It shows a terrible scene on a television. It shows a young child butchering a cat. The child watching this goes to the kitchen, takes out a large bread knife, and, oh, my God! He's plunging it into the back of his mother! Now the scene is becoming very dark; I don's see anything else. It's ghastly!...........That, My child, is what is happening now throughout the world. The children are taken over by satan through this instrument of satan. Much good could be gained if many will monitor their television sets, for their children's minds are being seduced by satan. I repeat again: Your own children will rise up against you and destroy your household. Murders are abounding.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - Now also, My child and My children, there is another fact to be known to mankind, and shouted from the rooftops; the murders of the unborn will not be tolerated. You will read Job, chapter 33, verse 4: The Holy Spirit made me, and the breath of the Almighty gave me life. Do not listen to those disciples of satan that are trying to take this knowledge from you. All mankind has been created by the Eternal Father, in the Son and the Holy Ghost. ...........Satan is working now throughout the world. 666 is upon mankind, and it cannot be denied. There will be murders abounding, and the abortions shall continue until mankind receives a just chastisement. ........Now, My child, My Mother made it known to you about the AIDS epidemic. There will be a cure for mankind as soon as We see the legislative bodies and those politicians of the world, who are at this time causing the abortions with their monies and their funding, especially in the United States; abortion is murder, and as such you shall all be condemned as murderers at the time of your death unless you repent now of your sin! The Eternal Father sends each and every soul upon earth.
OCTOBER 2, 1990 (MSG) - I come to you as a Protectress of Peace. Unless you repent of your abortions, the murders of the unborn, and return to lives of prayer and contemplation of the mysteries of the Eternal Father, given by writing, the Bible, the Book of life and love, I cannot save you from the conflagration that lies ahead.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - Mothers must exercise great care over those placed in their trust by the Eternal Father. The abomination that hits the very Heart of the Eternal Father committed on the earth is the murders of the unborn. At the time of conception, the Holy Spirit makes the child, and the breath of the Almighty gives it life. Therefore, you shall not create a monstrous machine throughout your world! That is what its become; a machine! No human could conceive, but satan, of this act of the sacrifice of the unborn! Murder in the eyes of the Eternal Father.
JUNE 18, 1992 (MSG) - Therefore, We ask all parents to keep a steady hand on their children. Bar them from all the insensitive acts being committed on the diabolical tube of satan, your television. I ask if you cannot monitor your set, to remove it immediately from your home, for your children will even resort to murder if they continue to watch the programming.
JUNE 8, 1972 - There are many offenses being committed against the purity of (sacredness) the Holy Mass. Half-naked practices of worldly music and pagan dancing are being condoned by the priests! It is too late to condone these offenses to God. You call down punishment! (vol I page 53)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - Parents, I ask you now to remove from your home all agents or signification's relating to the agents and forces of hell; Lucifer and his demons now loosed upon earth. Because you are not accepting the graces given to you from Heaven; parents, you are not aware that your children are being brainwashed by Lucifer. He sends into your homes music. You accept these to make your children happy, but there is power called witchcraft. Do not laugh as I tell you. It is here, it is now, and it is powerful, even unto the death of a human being. It is a group that is using religion as a front, My children. There is only one religion that can save your country and all of the countries of the world; the religion of the cross and My Son's sacrifice upon that cross. (vol II page 205)
Listen well, My children, and understand that I ask you to remove all diabolical musical recordings from your homes. Your children are bringing demons into your homes because, at the time that these records were produced, called "rock," "hard rock," they were produced in the temple of satan, consecrated to satan. You do not understand, My children, but many of your companies, your record companies, are under the control of Wicca, the international organization of witches and warlocks. Do not laugh! It is true! Lucifer has given them power over mankind. However, the power is allowed by God the Father in Heaven to test all mankind. (vol II page 206)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - My children and parents, listen to me well. You must not allow your children to listen to recordings known as "rock and roll." They have been specifically created by Lucifer and his agents to seduce your children. They are the major instrument for leading your children into the plague, the country-wide plague of drugs, the country-wide plague of atheism, the country-wide and world-wide plague of casting aside your God and substituting false gods and religions...............You must remove from your homes these diabolical agents of hell; the recordings of Lucifer, that will put into your child a spell, a hypnotism leading to promiscuity, deviant sex, homosexuality, drugs, murders, abortions and all manner of foul deeds that could only be conceived in the mind of the prince of darkness, Lucifer himself. He knows his time grows short, and he now goes about the world deceiving even the elect. (vol II page 247)
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - The institution itself, as set up by Me, remains to be true; however the cavorting and the banjos and the guitars and the musical interludes and the dancing are all created by satan. So you can understand that satan has entered now with his armies in full regalia; appearing as humans. However, they are demons in disguise, and they have one ultimate aim to try to destroy My Church, the Roman Catholic Church, with the seat of Peter as the head.
NATURE (MOTHER) - See Elements: Nature
NOVEMBER 1, 1970 - I do not send you, My children, the signs without reason. Remember the "8," the "4," the octave! Through grace and in the Will of the Father, exactness will come in time. (vol I page 16)
MARCH 24, 1972 - When the flowers are in bloom, and the heather on the hill then gather the lilacs and bring to the shrine. ..........(Veronica was to print this message: When the flowers pass on; it will be received by a certain J.L. This part of the message is a mystery at this time to Veronica).........This is also to be passed on: The hill on the meadow is a holy place, 'C' will be there with the holy Light, a flaming Cross in sword-like formation. (vol I page 45)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 - We are now entering the beginning of the period called 'Y'. How long this will continue will depend on the penance of the world. '(X Y, Z=end.)' I have come to prepare you for the great cataclysm that lies ahead. I have called you to penance innumerable times and in many places. When the cataclysm comes upon you, the Chastisement, which is so sorely needed now, I will be unable to shield you any longer from it. All who are of well spirit will have no reason to fear. They will go through this with great hope and heart, for the ultimate outcome will be with joy to all who have remained with My Son. (vol I page 63)
DECEMBER 31, 1972 - The numbers 1-7-3-2 appeared in the sky. Our Lady said to count the numbers 1-7-3-2. And to remember 1 and 2 makes 3 is the warning. And the rest My child you will learn from the Father, when the Father finds the time right. 1 and 2 makes 3 is warning. (Our Lady said at present this will remain a puzzle for many, but (at the) when the time is right the full answer will be made known to you. (vol I page 77)
APRIL 21, 1973 - On the meadow is a very holy place...My beloved child...will see anew such beauty about him. There will come upon the world a glorious mystery. The Father is merciful to His children. He chastises those He loves. ..........Many will see and yet not believe, crediting science for a phenomenon from the Father. Intellectual pride will be the downfall of many. ..........
The lilacs are in bloom. Gather the lilacs from the bush, and bring them to the shrine. For the present, My child, this will remain a secret. (vol I page 98)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - In time you will understand My directions for the building of the convent and the Basilica. (vol I page 303)
APRIL 17, 1976 - When Our Lady and Jesus speak of a priest, the number eight, it goes after seven; seven is Heaven's perfect number, the number eight is given to signify the Eucharist and the priesthood, which is doing battle with the antichrist forces, the number four. It is the time of the Armageddon. Using the numbers four and eight, if you will read like a clock our so-called peace symbol of today, you will find the whole story of what is going on in the time of Armageddon. For the hands will point to twelve, which means that the hour has struck; six, for the arrival of 666; four, the antichrist forces, against eight, the Eucharist, the priesthood of Jesus, and the Roman Catholic Church. (vol I page 484)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - Veronica: The sky is black, but the lettering are in blue: 3, 5, that means assault; 3,5 - assault. The "3" is disappearing and the "5" is becoming very large across the sky. (vol I page 549)
NOVEMBER 22, 1976 - Veronica: The sky is brilliant blue this evening, a pretty blue - it's not a menacing look - but it's almost the blue that Our Lady wears on Her clothes, Her mantle. Right in the center of the sky, there is forming a very strange-looking figure 8, the number 8, but the eight is written as though it's made of stars or dots. ................The eight is now sort of just evaporating, that's the only way I can explain it, and these dotted almost diamond-like figures are forming the number 3. That would mean warning to the priesthood. Now over to the left of the 3, there is forming in the same diamond-like pattern a number 5, which would mean warning to the priesthood, men who are representatives bringing the Eucharist, that the fifth column is working in Rome. That would mean that communism is rearing its ugly head in Rome. And this is to alert all Bishops, Cardinals to prepare themselves for a major battle against the forces of antichrist. (vol I page 560)
MAY 14, 1977 - Veronica: Over on the right side, the numbers "82" are appearing in the sky. "82," I don't understand. "82" Our Lady: You will, My child, in time. Just remember the numbers, "82." (vol II page 40)
MAY 18, 1977 - Now Our Lady is pointing upward with Her right hand, and She's pointing to the left side of the sky, and I see that "W 3" again. "W 3" always means war or revolution. And I see now a very large boot, and the boot means Italy. (vol II page 45)
JUNE 4, 1977 - My children, as I told you in the past, you will all be tested. All that is rotten shall fall and be cast aside; the wheat shall be separated from the chaff, the sheep from the goats. All will be tested in the days ahead. I gave you the year "82" for reason. I will call it the year of the countdown, the year of the countdown, My children. (vol II page 53)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - I have counseled you in the past of the meaning of 666. Through the ages and man's rationalizing of the good Book, the Bible, My children, the meaning had been lost, but I brought to you the true meaning. 6 is for the six who are coming, and are now here upon earth, six demons of satan with the special mission to destroy. 6 is for the six terrible days of great suffering, and 6 is for the six who will be punished. (vol II page 108)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - All you will repeat, My child, are the numbers....77 3, 77 3, 77 3. Remember, My child, as Lucifer goes forward with his plan against the Papacy, watch for 77 3! (seventy-seven three) (vol II page 252)
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - The owl has eyes fore and aft, ever watching the eagle. When the world cries peace, then shall he strike.
AUGUST 14, 1970 - St. Theresa looked down and cried: My garments! What are they doing to the garments? The change in the habit of nuns is disapproved of in Heaven as "half-hearted vocations with vanity and worldly attachments." (vol I page 13)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - I offer you salvation, My children, remain with Me under My Mantle. Jesus is sad. Satan attacks Our Hearts by destroying Our children. This is the beginning of sorrows. Pray! Pray! to strengthen the convents and seminaries from the attacks from within. (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - Foolish virgins! (the nuns) Why do you choose to live in the world on earth! Have you become blind to modesty? Has vanity invaded your hearts? Woe to those who cause the down fall of Our dedicated by their example! You are following the evil circle. My dedicated, for it is like a chain of evil, link to link! By your example you build a solid chain to hell! For woe to those entrusted with the souls of the little one, and who lead the little ones to hell! (vol I page 17)
OCTOBER 2, 1971 - St. Theresa: Why has the world forgotten the true meaning of love? Why has my habit been replaced and substituted with all these creations of satan? Oh, woe to these souls that are going into darkness! (vol I page 37)
JULY 25, 1972 - St. Theresa appeared to point over to the convent (St. Robert's). She said, "We are much distressed as we see beyond the doors. Those who represent God should not take up the fashions of satan! Many who represent God must set an example of purity of heart and purpose. Those who represent God must live in the spirit! St. Theresa's sister appeared - Carmelites. (vol I page 57)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - St. Theresa appeared and took Veronica, in vision, to a large convent. As Theresa opened the door, Veronica heard, loud music, and nuns in black tights were cavorting about the room. Their habits laid over at the side of the room. Theresa dropped the habits into a waste basket at the side. Then, nuns in long habits with white mantles and heavy white bibs carried garments to the girls in tights and said, "Put them on, now! You shall answer to the Father! Then, there appeared a nun in a short habit, playing a flute; she led many away from the convent, down a long, wide road, like the Pied Piper. Nuns followed to her tune in tights, hot pants, indecent skirts. At the end of the road the flute playing nun turned around to reveal a horrible face, Demonic! Then she joyfully leaped into a huge chasm, hole. The other foolish nuns followed, and screamed in terror as they fell into the hole! (vol I page 58,59)
St. Theresa: Sister in Christ, children in darkness, come out before it is too late! The end is not as far as you can see. Come out before it is too late! Come out of the darkness into the Light! (vol I page 59)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1972 - St. Theresa: My sisters in Christ, cast aside the inducements to lose your chastity! You must not place upon your bodies the stigma of sin! In either thoughts or actions! You must live in the spirit and out of the world. The time on your earth is not long. You will soon be put to test. Do not follow as the sheep into the fires. Your sufferings for the Truth will be worth all discomforts of your worldly life, for you will gain an eternity of happiness and joy here in the Kingdom of the Mother of God, and all those who we have shared eternity with now. (vol I page 66)
OCTOBER 2, 1972 - St. Theresa: My sisters on earth, you must learn discipline! You have been led astray and have accepted satan's plan in your world! You must not follow the fashions of satan!....................St. Catherine Laboure: I cannot understand the lack of discipline in your Orders, my sisters! You have closed your hearts and your ears to the truth. You have been warned by the Eternal Father, and the Queen of Heaven! Countless times! You will listen now or lose the gift of Eternal Happiness. You will not reach the highest pinnacle of sainthood unless you mend your ways now! (vol I page 66)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - St. Theresa: (The Little Flower) appeared to stand next to Our Lady. Theresa said: Come out of the darkness, My sisters! You have been misled. Do not follow the fashions of your world. There is no fashion in Heaven; Jesus never changes. There is great punishment ahead for those who follow the world. Do not leave you convent when you are discouraged by those who satan has sent into your convents. Stand forth as an example of purity and Godliness! You will not be cast aside by your God as you will by man! As you stand to defend your God, pick up your cross and carry it! You will first return the habit to the floor! (vol I page 71)
FEBRUARY 10, 1973 - St. Theresa: My sisters, I have come many times to the sacred grounds because I promised to direct you from Heaven. I do not misguide you when I follow the direction of the Queen of Heaven. I do not place myself above man and his failings, and I stand only as a small little speck in the world and in the firmament of Heaven. For I, too, know what lies ahead for you in your world..........You must open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. There is much delusion. Many souls are now on the road to hell. We cry, we shed many tears for those who will be lost to the Kingdom. ..................Satan has entered into the homes of my sisters. A strong example of discipline and purity must be shown within the homes of my sisters. Do not follow like the sheep to the slaughter........St. Catherine Laboure: How many times must the Queen of Heaven shed Her tears upon a world that turns its back upon Her? We await the final outcome, and the hand will be placed upon the world heavily.
We are distressed in Heaven to find the number of our sisters who have fallen in line and lead with great joy of heart down the road to the abyss. They do not seek the road to the Kingdom, but the pleasures of the world which will only be temporary. Eternity; do you not seek an eternity for your life and your soul? How long is eternity, my sisters? It is forever! Your earth years are but short, but the Kingdom is forever. ...................Have you no shame to expose your bodies? Do you not know your example has been given to you falsely to lead you into the darkness? Open your hearts to the Holy Spirit. Accept the sacramentals given by the Lord High God of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven. Wear them; and do not let the demons enter upon you. We stand forward in the battle for the recovery of all souls from Lucifer. (vol I page 83)
MARCH 18, 1973 - The rule must be continued. The changes brought into your world have been to corrupt the sisters of the convent. Those who choose to follow the fashions and fads have been misled, and many are on the road to hell. Their examples have also placed many souls with them on this road. The habits of the sisters are abominations in the eyes of the Father! (vol I page 87)
MARCH 25, 1973 - St. Theresa: I have watched with my sisters the abominations in the convents. Why have they chosen to follow as foolish maidens the modes of an evil world. They do not pray; therefore, they have become blinded. How many have abandoned Jesus for the love of the world! What shall the Father do when they enter beyond the veil with them?............Satan has set upon the world a mode of fashion. It is a destructive way of life. The convents shall not follow the fashions of the world. The men of God shall not follow the fashions of the world. (vol I page 90)
MAY 30, 1973 - St. Theresa: It has been made known to you many times that there are many offenses being committed in the convents. However our warnings are falling on deafened ears. You try, and I tried in my life on earth, to imitate Our Lady. But now Our Lady cries, for so many are mocking Her. So many are going now down the road to perdition by following the modes of a world that has been given to satan.........Suffering, so few care to suffer or carry their crosses. It is much easier to accept the ways of the world. But in the final outcome you lose so much. ......My sisters, you must place your skirts down to the floor, for you offend Our Lady, and the Father looks with critical eye upon your actions. You must retire from the world and show by good example. Then many more sisters will enter into the convents if you give them good example. ......All mothers of the houses in the convents must watch who enters their homes, for satan has placed many within he convents to destroy them. Those who enter should not be counted by their intelligence, but by their hearts; for the Father has not chosen those of great intelligence and worldly acclaim to do His will. He knows and He looks into your hearts. (vol I page 102)
JUNE 8, 1973 - St. Theresa: You must hasten, my sister, to make known the sorrow of Jesus at the deportment of many of His dedicated in the houses of God. They must not follow the ways of the world, for they lead surely down the road to destruction. They must now lower their skirts to the ground. They must return to lives of piety, poverty, and chastity. Many are giving themselves to the pleasures of the world. Many have brought scandal into the House of God. Pray for them, my sister; pray much, for many souls are being misguided. Pray, my sisters and my brothers, for all the priests in the House of God. They are in need of much prayer. Only you, in your goodness of heart and love of the Father, must act now to save them. (vol I page 107)
AUGUST 21, 1973 - St. Theresa: There has been little change in my convents. I am very saddened at what we see beyond the doors. My sisters, do not allow the world to enter into my convents. So many good sisters are needed for fine example. I stand with our Mother and look into many convents of the world. I do not recognize what goes on there. I know it offends the Father much. ................You must not follow the ways of the world. You must restore the habit and be an example to other sisters of the world. There are far too many who have given up the work for the Father. This saddens all Heaven. Please, My sisters, do not leave. Remain and fight the good battle for the Father. Bring others into the convents, but you must pull out the weeds and be very careful who will enter into the convent; for satan has set many among you to destroy the good work. (vol I page 126)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1973 - St. Theresa: My sisters, you have paid no heed to my words. You are dressing yourselves like pagans. The convents will be empty. Whatever shall we do for example? You must not follow the habits. None will enter your convents with true vocation with the example you set now upon yourselves and the world............You will not bring true postulates into the convents by your example now. You walk in darkness, my sisters. Pray for the light, or your convents will be closed. This is the plan of the enemy of God. You must take yourselves from the world and worldly pursuits. (vol I page 132)
OCTOBER 2, 1973 - St. Theresa: My sisters, it is the will of God that you show no vanity in your habit. Therefore, you will cover your hair. Veronica: Now Theresa has a band, a white band, and her veil, her black veil, covers it. She's pinning it now with what looks to be a clip, over a very stiff, white headpiece that covers her hair completely to her forehead, so that I don't see any hair at all, just her face. ................My sisters of the convents, you must return to a life of mortification and self-privation. You have succumbed to the lures of satan, loving more the pleasures of worldly flesh than the ecstasies that lie beyond the veil when you pass over. Your lives must return to the rule, the strict rule of self-discipline. Your example is very poor to the children. Your actions have not gone by unnoticed by the Father. You will be called to task for your bad example. (vol I page 136)
OCTOBER 6, 1973 - High priests of God and foolish virgins who have given themselves to the world, why have you chosen to go down the path to ruination? Your example have set many on the road to hell! Are you ashamed to stand forth and wear the habit of your order? No, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven by entering the world! When the world and the House of God become one, it is the end! (vol I page 140)
DECEMBER 7, 1973 - St. Theresa: Veronica, they have not lowered their skirts. This offends the Father greatly. Their hearts are hardened to the truth. Modesty and chastity! They have lost their way. They go into deep darkness.................Oh, my poor sisters! Why have you gone on this foolish road? You have joined, and united yourselves , with the world. But the world has now been given to satan. Turn back, for you shall not enter the Kingdom on your present road. You must bring modesty back to my convents. Sacrifice! You do not need to stuff yourselves with the pleasures of the world. My sisters, what has happened to the black fast? ..........My sisters, you offend the Father and you bring great punishment upon yourselves. Your example has been very poor. The children are being misled by your actions. They no longer give you your due honor and respect. But this you promote of your free will. You have preferred to follow the ways of the world. You must return now to the rule or you will not be able to enter the Kingdom. .........I have promised to be with you. My time in the Kingdom has not been easy, for I look upon a world in darkness. I have promised to spend my time in the Kingdom helping you to find your way here. I will not rest until the world has been returned to the Father. .............The images have been removed from my convents. I am very sad. The children have forgotten me; the children will forget all. The images, statues, must be returned to the houses of God and the homes. (vol I page 148)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - I have asked you to remove the worldly hat in representation of Our great sorrow for the offenses being given and the bad example being demonstrated in many of Our convents. The hair must not become evident of a sort of vanity among Our nuns. Have great sorrow, My child, for many in the convents, by their bad example, have set many onto the road to perdition. (vol I page 150)
MARCH 24, 1974 - My child, Our pleas fall on deaf ears. How long must I beg for chastity when immorality reigns upon your world? Foolish virgins, whatever will become of you? You have cast aside your garments of honor. Why have you cast them aside? Are you ashamed to be known as spouses of Christ? Are you not becoming brides of satan? (vol I page 179)
MAY 22, 1974 - St. Theresa: Veronica, do not be distressed. My sisters have refused to place their skirts upon the floor. Soon they will run to place their skirts upon the floor. For if they do not place their skirts upon the floor, Veronica, their skin will burn. (vol I page 200)
JUNE 8, 1974 - I too was asked by Our Lady to give a message; I did not understand all that Our Lady said, but I gave the message. Our Lady told me that the nuns would start to wear clothes that would offend the Father and Our Lady very much, because these new fashions were created by satan to seduce the souls. (vol I page 210)
JULY 25, 1974 - Many have cast their garments aside. Replace them, for you are in great error! Foolish maidens, why have you removed your habits? You are blind to the fact that you no longer receive the respect or the honor and your leadership is poor, your example is poor to the young! Foolish maidens, please replace your habits. (vol I page 235)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1974 - My child, there will be many elites strong with the Faith but not with material gain or even the comfort of the human body. They will live in the spirit, neither seeking the plaudit, the praise of the world nor any worldly gain, accepting a pledge and vow of chastity and piety and poverty. We ask this in reparation for the many foolish maidens who have cast aside at this time, their vows when they became the brides of Christ. They cast Him aside, divorced Him from their hearts and sought the pleasures of the world and mankind. (vol I page 264)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - St. Theresa: My child, I, too, will add my few but humble words to the Queen of Heaven. Please, my sisters, return your garments to the floor! Your example is not one of piety and chastity. Your vows have been discarded. You enter into a world that has been given to satan! Retreat from this world. Go back to your life of prayer. Better a life of solitude than a life of eternal damnation.............Prayer has given way to worldly pleasures. My sisters, you are truly foolish maidens. You have given yourselves as brides of Christ. A bride does not commit adultery in her heart. When you reject the Son of God, you truly commit this in your heart. The spirit has no part of the flesh. You must live in the spirit and fight the pleasures of the flesh. For these pleasures are not being used in the manner given by the Father..........Chastity and poverty, these are given for reason. Do not discard this little way to sanctity. (vol I page 269)
I am pleased because you gave this to mankind. It is called, "The Way to Spiritual Childhood." For as the Father has said: Unless you become as little children, giving all to the Will of God, you cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven! It is very simple, my sisters. The reasoning is not difficult to understand. It is just to forget yourself and think only of Jesus and Our Blessed Mother............We asked and it was given in the past, my sisters, that you keep these beads of prayer at your side so that you do not waste a moment of your earthly life gathering the graces for your soul and the souls entrusted to your care, your loved ones and your brothers and sisters upon earth.............Do not waste a moment of your time, my sisters, for there is not much time left. You are going to receive a great Warning from the Father. (vol I page 270)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - St. Theresa: My child, all manner of aberrations are being committed in the convents. Please warn my sisters they offend God very much! Their example is very poor! There will be not many who enter the convents with this poor example. This hurts the Heart of our good Jesus very much, Veronica. They must have a firm example of discipline and chastity, piety. (vol I page 274)
NOVEMBER 20, 1974 - Many arms will be sent in the battle ahead. You ask, My child, about the establishment of another community. You will be directed properly in the future. Have patience, My child. It will appear before your very eyes. One step at a time..........Veronica: Our Lady refers to the establishment of an Order..........Our Lady: This Order will be founded on basic Tradition. This Order will gather those of true spirit. This Order will be composed of both men and women, and a cloistered convent. The means will be sent to you all by the Father. It will be a refuge in the time of trial for many. This refuge will be located, My child, in your country, the United States. (vol I page 296)
You must warn your sisters in the convents, My child, that the Father is much displeased by their actions. Their example is poor, and the doors will close on all convents that have given themselves over to the pleasures and lusts of the world.........It is better, My child, if We have few with quality than quantity with destruction. The doors will close, and pray much, My children, for those that remain are falling fast to satan. (vol I page 295)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - St. Theresa: Veronica, my sister, you must not be held back by fear and doubt. Work with great haste to reach my brothers and sisters. We are much grieved, they do not dress properly. Their example is poor and the convents empty. How sad we are here in Heaven! Where shall we find sisters to guide the sheep? (vol I page 299)
MARCH 18, 1975 - St. Theresa: Dear sister, Veronica, I have all sensitivity to what is taking place upon earth. I have even looked into my former home on earth. It distresses us all here in the Kingdom to find the changes promoted by satan. You must not change, my sisters, to please man if it does not please the Eternal Father. Return your habits to the floor. Bring back the fast, my sisters, the fast of sacrifice. Do not go outside the gates for satan is waiting there for you. ...........
You are being misled, my sisters, stand fast in your faith. We await you all in Heaven and my arms are filled with roses for you. Do not discard your habit for you will be unrecognized to the world, and also unrecognized by the Father in Heaven. .......You must pray more. You will not bring the souls to the Father by acting as a mere man for you are above man. You have been chosen as a bride of Christ. Do you prefer mere man to the Father and Eternal Life? Oh, my sisters, lock your doors! Return to your prayers and your life of sacrifice and penance! If you do not pray and pray much, you will not find many with you who are graced. ............Many of our dedicated are on the road to perdition. They have thought themselves strong enough to go out into the world and lead a worldly life. They will fall faster for satan has set his trap for them! Return, I say, my sisters, to you: Return to a life of solitude, sacrifice and penance. ............You will not be lost to us if you do not lose yourselves in the world. If the leadership, my sisters, in your convent is poor, pray more, and stand fast in your faith. (vol I page 341)
MAY 17, 1975 - St. Theresa: Poverty! Poverty, my children; have you forgotten the need for poverty? There were vows, My children, of piety and poverty. Have hey been cast aside now to follow the evil mode of modernism? My dear sisters, the convents, there are not many of my sisters left! Why?...........Our Lady: Because they do not pray enough, My child. (vol I page 364)
JULY 25, 1975 - You must, My child, hasten to gather your sisters. They must be strengthened in their Faith. They must not succumb to the errors that abound now in the Houses of God throughout the world, in the seminaries and the convents, My child. ..........The antichrist forces of the agents from hell are out now in great numbers invading Our convents and seminaries, My child. You must hasten to reach your pastors with the Message. (vol I page 388)
St. Veronica: Veronica! There's great discord in the convents. You must encourage them by prayer.........Tell my sisters not to fall into the errors of the world. They must not join the world, or they will be lost to us here in Heaven. They must place the garments of holiness upon themselves, bringing their habits to the floor.........All signs of worldliness must be removed from their persons for when they join the world, they will no longer be brides of the Christ.........If a bride of Christ give herself without change to the world, she will find it difficult to return and accept the truth, for she will become blinded. Please, pray my sisters and brothers for those who are losing the way. (vol I page 389)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - Women with vocations, you have become worldly! You have chosen, of your free will, to degrade your bodies and your habits! Whatever will become of you? Foolish maidens of the world! Return while there is time; purify your bodies through suffering. Place upon your bodies, garments of Holiness, down to the floor! You shall not set yourselves to tempt your pastors! Satan has set a delusion among you; you have become maidens of sin! (vol I page 409)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - Brides of Christ in Our convents, whatever shall become of you? You know neither discipline, nor love of suffering for souls! You adorn yourselves with all things of your world! You strip your souls of graces needed for your salvation and the salvation of your brothers and sisters.........You shall not in your vocation compromise your Faith!.........You cannot have worldly gain, worldly acknowledgment and still enter into the Kingdom of Eternal Light. (vol I page 412)
OCTOBER 2, 1975 - St. Theresa: My sisters, whatever has possessed you to set yourselves upon such a course to perdition? Have you no sense of shame in your attire, exposing your body to lustful eyes? Why have you discarded your protection? What model of purity and sanctity are you when you have become maidens and not brides of Christ? The Eternal Father is watching! He has a very heavy hand, my sisters, that shall be set upon you! You must not follow like sheep to the slaughter the cry of the serpent! You are all blinding yourselves to the truth! The road to Heaven, my sisters, is a narrow one and not difficult to follow, unless you choose to turn away. Even a short duration in the world will soil your soul. You must not, my sisters, give yourselves to the world in thought or deed or dress. Your example must be as one as Our Lady is dressed, a long habit that reaches to the ground when, you, my children, and sisters, discard a proper attire, dress and habit, you do much destruction to your order, to your vocation, for you no longer are an example of purity and commanding respect. You do not receive respect. You are a scandal to your vocation, my sisters! You must not be obedient to the cry of the serpent.
The rule must be followed within the convents, my sisters, you will gain nothing by leaving and going into the world. It is a deception of satan to destroy your vocation and true purpose as brides of Christ.............It is the Eternal Father who is the final Judge, but a nun who has left her convent and given herself to the world and seduces a priest, a representative of Christ, to leave his vocation and destroy his soul, that nun shall enter hell!..........Turn back if you have been deceived! The merciful Father shall forgive you if you repent of this great sin! If you do not repent and return to your vocation and allow the priest whom you have blinded by seduction, if you permit him to remain in his sin, your punishment will be two-fold, for not only have you sinned but you have caused another to sin!............A priest is a man of God, chosen solely from the world to be a representative of the Son of God, my sisters and brothers. As a man of God, he brings to you the Body and Blood of your Savior. (vol I page 423)
I tell you, my brothers and sisters, that none shall take in his, or her hands the purified Body of your Savior! Only the consecrated fingers and hands of the representative of Christ the Lord, shall give and bring this gift to mankind! No woman, my sisters, shall set herself within the altar railings! No woman shall speak out at the Holy Service! Have you not forgotten the truth and the rule? It is the Eternal Father Himself who gave your prophets this rule; a woman must be subservient to man! She is not a chattel! She is a helper of man and husband. But a woman must speak to man, she must not assert herself unsightly in the Houses of God! (vol I page 423,424)
Jesus the Lord, your Lord, my sisters and brothers, has made the rule! You cannot change it to suit yourselves! You have been blinded by satan! The liberation in your hearts has been placed there by satan! You gain nothing but your own destruction.............The mind and the eyes are the mirror of the soul. Therefore, you will cast your eyes upon goodness and holiness and purity! You will not watch the infernal machine, your television! You will not read books of sex education, books that do not belong in your schools! They are a private discourse between children and parents! The Eternal Father finds abominations and sins, soul-sins and matter of sins of the flesh, being committed because of the false teachers who now have set themselves in the House of God! You have been warned, my sisters and brothers. You have been warned in the writings from the prophets, or have you cast them aside, not recognizing the signs of your times?
I carried with me upon earth, my sisters, a little book of knowledge. Why can't you carry this with you 'Imitation of the Christ'? Fair maidens do not blush, my sisters, they do not blush for they know not embarrassment or sin. The purity, the beauty of purity is gone forever from their lives. If you do not have purity of purpose in your worldly life, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Light, the Kingdom of the Father, where purity reigns...............Is it not better, my sisters, to have to suffer to be different for just a little while upon your earth? Life is eternal in the Kingdom of God; your life upon earth is but a short pilgrimage. Shall you give yourself to satan while on earth and be claimed by him over the veil? Is it not better, my sisters, to follow the rule, obedience with honor, not with dishonor to your God? Obedience that is given with good and noble purpose and with truth. You cannot be obedient to those who have given themselves to satan, destroyers of the rule, those who seek novelty and change! Change, my sisters, what need is there for change, when you have stood the test of time? ............The world, your world upon earth, is in deep darkness of spirit. Good sisters, who have remained true with multitudes of graces through prayer, will you not light your candles with our glorious Mother and go throughout the world, seeking those who have been lost in the darkness. (vol I page 424)
OCTOBER 6, 1975 - The convent, the refuge, My child, shall come to you in time. You must continue to send the Message from Heaven throughout the world. It will be a lifetime dedication to all the children of God. Many arms shall be sent to help you, My child. (vol I page 430)
APRIL 10, 1976 - My child, I have tied the knot, the belt, to represent the carrying of My beads of prayer on the dress of the dedicated. The vocations have fallen, My child. Our young children, their souls are darkening daily because there is a shortage, a severe shortage, My child, of teaching nuns. Whatever shall become of the young souls for Heaven? The Eternal Father has a plan to remove many young souls before the corruptive forces will come upon them. (vol I page 479)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - My heart has carried a burden of sorrow because of the manner in which Our dedicated nuns disport themselves. O misguided souls of My children, whatever shall become of you! As brides of My Son, you pledged a life of purity and dedication. Have you forgotten your vows as you have taken yourselves into the world, misguided by humanism and your modern trend? There has been and there will be no change in Heaven. The Eternal Father commands that you keep you body pure, because it is the temple of your spirit.............In the cause of obedience, pastors and Our dedicated nuns, remember this; you cannot be obedient to one who has defamed his habit, to one who has cast aside his faith, to one who goes forward as a destroyer of souls. The Rabat is the teacher of life, but do not be fooled by those who foul these habits...........My heart has carried a burden of sorrow because of the manner in which Our dedicated nuns disport themselves. O misguided souls of My children, whatever shall become of you! As brides of My Son, you pledged a life of purity and dedication. Have you forgotten your vows as you have taken yourselves into the world, misguided by humanism and your modern trend? There has been and there will be no change in Heaven. The Eternal Father commands that you keep your body pure, because it is the temple of your spirit. (vol I page 519)
In your cause of obedience, pastors and Our dedicated nuns, remember this; you cannot be obedient to one who has defamed his habit, no one who has cast aside his faith, to one who goes forward as a destroyer of souls. The Rabat is the teacher of life, but do not be fooled by those who foul these habits. (vol I page 519,520)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - And the maidens who have given themselves in dedication to their God, what have you done to yourselves? You disport yourselves as harlots! Vanity, pride, self-seeking, materialistic, virgins of Christ who are no longer virgins of Christ! Whatever shall become of you? You are not nuns, you are a Miss, a misfortune to your vocation!.............Your God, the Eternal Father, commands that you promote respect for your vocation by proper dress of modesty. The Eternal Father, your God, commands that you retire from the world that has been given to satan. You must be a true and pure spirit, and example to all of mankind. And you have used yourselves and your role as nuns to destroy souls by your poor example! O ye of little faith, whatever shall become of ye? (vol I page 575)
JULY 15, 1977 - My children, see My habit given by the Eternal Father. Children of God, in vocations to the sisterhood, whatever shall become of you? You have become foolish maidens without modesty and piety. You run with your heads high in the air in the clouds of darkness. You remove your habit and take on the raiment of the world. O My children, you are defaming your vocation! ................Sisters, do you not understand why you were given a long habit to wear? It was a sign to the world of your dedication. You were to become brides of Christ, My children. And what have you given to the world, but a poor example of worldliness without dedication. You have become of the world; you have proceeded onto the wide road. .........Sisters in vocation, turn back! Do not become maidens of the world, foolish maidens, but return and be brides of Christ, brides who have been given the key to the Eternal Kingdom of your God..........My sister, without this firm dedication and example of piety and holiness, you cannot induce or lead others into your vocation. The convents are slowly closing. And why, My children? Because there are too few who try to find the real reason; they have succumbed to the lures of the world. (vol II page 64)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - St. Theresa: My sister, Veronica, you must continue. And please counsel my sisters in vocations that they have fallen asleep. They must remove the blindness from their hearts. They have been misled! Modesty and discipline must be a rule of habit. (vol II page 91)
APRIL 1, 1978 - You must not forger, My child, JACINTA 1972. I spoke with the child, and told her of the fashions that would come to the world that would displease the Almighty Father very much. These fashions would lead may young onto the road to perdition. These fashions have even entered into the convents of the good sisters, and have seduced them into becoming ordinary misses of the world. ................My children, you must hasten to tell the good sisters that they must not join the world. They are losing vocations because of their changes. They must restore their habit worn to the ground. It was an example of great strength and piety for others and brought many vocations to the convents. Have you not realized the fruits of your endeavors to become modern? Good sister, return and restore the convents. (vol II page 139)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - St. Theresa: However, in your world now of confusion, this did not mean we shall join in the revolt of the women against the plan of God. You must tell all of the sisters in the convents, and all the women upon earth, that the Eternal Father has given them their role as children of God. They must not revolt against Him and be liberated from this role, for they have been then deluded by Lucifer. .........Even my sisters in the convent must remain steadfast in their Faith and the rules. They must not give themselves over to modernism and humanism, for chastity, an example for all mankind, my children. That is what Our Lady has said to you in the past, and yet you have discarded Her counsel. And why? For such a short time that many will be upon earth, why do you discard this counsel? (vol II page 254)
St. Theresa: O my sisters, you have become foolish maidens in the convents. You have chosen to cast aside your Divine vocation to become women of the world. You cannot enter Heaven, my sisters in the convents. Listen and act upon this counsel, the counsel from Heaven NOW; for there is little time left for you. You must return to your habits and return to the rules. You cannot be of the world, though you live in it, you must not join the world, for your world now is in full control of satan. (vol II page 255)
OCTOBER 2, 1980 - My children, you must hasten to tell the good sisters that they must not join the world. They are losing vocations because of their changes. They must restore their habit worn to the ground. It was an example of great strength and piety for others and brought many vocations to the convents. Have you not realized the fruits of your endeavors to become modern? Good sister, return and restore the convents. (vol II page 276)
JUNE 18, 1982 - My child, too, when He speaks of His ministers His priests and the priesthood, He is also referring to the terrible abominations being committed by Our nuns. My child and My children, My heart is torn. I need so many brides for Christ, and so few are there who are willing to sacrifice their lives for Him. Oh, if they only knew the great reward. (vol II page 305)
My child, I wish you also to make note in your heart and the hearts of all mankind that I am much despaired, at the lack of numbers in the nunneries. Vocations are needed for the priesthood, and also for the nunneries. ............Are there not any who care to come forward and dedicate their lives to save Our young children? Please, My children, surely among you, those who hear My voice or will read this written word, can you not give your life to win your reward forever in Heaven, and perhaps also those you love you can bring with you? So many little souls are crying. They thirst for the knowledge of Jesus and all of Heaven. Will you not solace them and comfort them in their loneliness? They are like sheep out in the wilderness, astray with no leaders. They are wandering. And what do they feast upon but weeds. No good nourishment is being given them. Will you not, My children, you who are children of the light, come forward, and become nuns, nuns with good hearts, with a good foundation of the Faith and the truth, and nourish Our sheep? (vol II page 306)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - I hold your country, My child, at fault because too few who are in power in the government and the teachers from My Church on earth, too few are willing to fight against the abomination of the homosexuality that is raging throughout the United States, Canada, and the world. In no way will homosexuality be accepted, for it means damnation and destruction. And I say this to you, once fair maidens in the convents of the world, who have chosen to cast aside your profession and your oaths of allegiance to you God to seek a more pleasurable life upon earth without your habits, without your convents, and living the life of a lay person. ..........Theresa wished to be with Us this evening, but due to the time and the condition of your physical body, My child, I send you her words, though she chose at first to appear herself. I send you her words; My sisters, what have you done to yourselves? I can see through the Eternal Father what has happened within the convents. I can only beg you to open your eyes and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you. Accept not the counsel of man, for satan now and all hell has opened up and the demons are upon earth. This is the final struggle for souls.
OCTOBER 1, 1988 (MSG) - Look up, My child, I want you to look high into the sky and you will understand why you are being persecuted.....................(Veronica is shown a scene) I'm looking into what appears to be a convent, but, oh, my goodness, this is a convent? There's a room there now off the chapel, and I know they're nuns; but what are they doing? They're dancing. And they're dressed, not like nuns, but in leotards! What are they doing?..........Now Jesus is pointing over, and I see in the distance, looking far up into the sky. I see in the distance a steeple. The steeple looks like the type you would find on most churches in the United States, with the crucifix, the cross, not a crucifix, but the cross on the top. .................Now Jesus is pointing down, and I see coming out of the door three or four men. Jesus: They are, My child, priests! Veronica: Well...they are? Dear Jesus, I don't understand. What are they doing? They don't look like priests........Jesus: That is what makes My heart ache, My child. That is one of the reasons Theresa is crying constantly when she looks into the convents and sees what is going on. Many now believe in abortion, the murders, the murders of the children; and many have committed this act upon themselves.
You ask, My child, how could this happen to those with a vocation? How can they ever seek an abortion, no matter what the cause? I will tell you, My child, how could this happen to those with a vocation? How can they ever seek an abortion, no matter what the cause? I will tell you, My child, it is because they have given themselves over to immodesty. They have also given up their lives of prayer. They seek the pleasures of the world. They cannot be condemned at this time, My child, because there are too few that pray for the clergy and the nuns. They need you prayers, all the Rosaries that can be said for their repatriation. ..........We have other things to discuss, My child, before the evening is over. I want the world to know now that We will no longer tolerate the murders of the unborn. The Eternal Father finds that children He had great plans for to bring the true Faith to the world and to save His Son's Church, they have been murdered in the womb. Satan is the father of all liars, and many reasons are given for abortion. And even now in Our convents, they are going about consoling women who are about to have abortions; whereas they do not tell them the truth that they are murderers, and they are mothers who will murder their own children.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - We are also distressed because of Theresa. She has been watching the carnage in the convents. And as such, she finds that her mission upon earth was not fulfilled to the fullest, that so much evil can now be corrupting the convents. ....................St. Theresa: My life upon earth was not always easy, my sister, just as all of my sisters and brothers upon earth realize this as time goes on. However, I do say I am much disquieted of spirit by what I see taking place in many of the convents today. My life was always a life of solitude and prayer' therefore, I never lost contact with the Holy Spirit. Now my sisters in the convents are enjoying, as they think they are enjoying, all of the modern diversions that take them away from meditation and prayer. .........I come this evening to ask my sisters who hear my message not to be taken over by worldly pursuits. I agree fully with the nuns in the convents that object to the television. No television should be in a holy place. ................We were made fully aware in these latter days of all the tribulations of the world, and the convents especially. I make note of the convents, my sister, because it was my home for so many years.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - My child, you will also make it known that We are not happy to see the world enter all of Our convents. They discard the habits, they're no longer maidens of purity. And I tell you, My children, that cannot be tolerated. Modernism must not be a way of life for Our dedicated. Our nuns have to have discipline, My children. Do not bring the world into the convents. I ask that the convents remain free of all television and radios, and return to their prayer life.
OCTOBER 3, 1991 (MSG) - Now as we are in the latter days, when many things hidden are to be revealed, St. Theresa has made known through Veronica an astonishing revelation, little Jacinta actually confided the famous Third Secret of Fatima to Mother Godinho, a pious lady who was caring for her during her final illness. Mother Godinho was instructed by Jacinta to pass a message on to a certain priest designated by Our Lady, but tragically failed in the mission entrusted to her for reasons disclosed by St. Theresa to Veronica. (Actually, Veronica is not permitted to release all that St. Theresa revealed to her, but the report below represents a significant portion)....................Two nights later, restless and unable to sleep, Veronica was pondering the startling facts which St. Theresa had brought to light, when she was inspired to seek out Brother Michael of the Holy Trinity's monumental and authoritative work on Fatima, The Whole Truth About Fatima.
Volume II contains a detailed account of the little seer's painful illness and her death. Much of the information that follows is taken from this source. ..................In Appendix II of Chapter IV is the text of a message given to Canon Manuel Formigao by Mother Godinho at Jacinta's request. Canon Formigao was Jacinta's confessor, a very holy priest, and he believed wholeheartedly in the apparitions. .................Appendix III lists what the author calls an "apocryphal message," one which he and other Fatima experts believe may not be authentic. It is in the form of a letter sent by Mother Godinho to Pope Pious XII in 1954. The letter does exist, and was actually sent to the Holy Father; but Brother Michael in his commentary lists several reasons for doubting the truth of the message. .........The clarification given by St. Theresa sheds new light on both of these messages from Mother Godinho, and shows that instead of two separate messages, there was really only one message and it was to have been given in its entirety to Canon Formigao, who would then pass it on to the Holy Father. ...................She had hoped to found an order of nuns; a dream she clung to with tenacity all her life, despite the fast that her bishop repeatedly refused to grant her the necessary authorization. Apparently, he felt that despite her obvious good intentions, she did not possess the qualities needed to carry out such an undertaking. ......................Shortly before her death, Jacinta had asked repeatedly that Canon Formigao be called to her bedside, explaining that Our Lady had appeared to her and given a message to be related to him. Unfortunately, the good priest was unable to come at once, and arrived a few days after her death.
Meanwhile, Jacinta, knowing she was to die, gave he message to Mother Godinho, asking her to relate it to the Canon. ..................Upon the arrival of Canon Formigao, Mother Godinho met with him and repeated to him the first part of little Jacinta's message. It concerned a chastisement for Portugal, especially the city of Lisbon, in punishment for the sins and crimes committed in that country. ..................As Mother Godinho later testified, Jacinta explained that the prophecy of the Blessed Mother was conditional: "If there were souls who would do penance and make reparation for the offenses done to God, and works of reparation were instituted to make satisfaction for crimes, the chastisement would be prevented." ...................How these words must have rung in her ears, and fueled her burning ambition to found a religious order! There would be no problem with Mother Godinho in relaying the first part, as it fit neatly into her plans. However, the remaining part of the message would be a different story. She kept that part as her own secret, seeking all the while her bishop's approval.
Finally, in 1954, at the age of seventy-six, she wrote to the Holy Father, Pope Pious XII, daring to present her proposed order of Franciscan nuns as the express wish of the Blessed Virgin Mary, tailoring the remainder of the secret message to fit her dreams. .................The first two paragraphs of her letter were devoted as an ardent appeal to the Holy Father for the authorization she so anxiously sought. When we omit all of the many references to herself and her proposed religions order, what remains, from what we have learned now, is a distorted message undoubtedly mingled with truths, but definitely devoid of the heart of the Third Secret. ........We know that the little seers of Fatima were subjected to all sorts of ridicule and disbelief, as well as endless questioning from the authorities. Mother Godinho realized this and knew to make public all of the very startling message Our Lady gave to Jacinta might make her the object of similar scrutiny, jeopardizing her goal of founding an order of nuns. Therefore, according to St. Theresa, she omitted the most crucial part of the message. ..................We all know that the famous Third Secret of Fatima was supposed to be publicly revealed in 1960, but to this day lies buried in the Vatican archives. Unknown until now is the fact that it was also buried in the ground in 1960 when Mother Godinho went to her grave!
Yes, according to the revelation of St. Theresa, the Third Secret was an integral part of the final message Our Lady gave to Jacinta for Canon Formigao. Knowing she would die soon, Jacinta related it to Mother Godinho to pass on to Canon Formigao. ................Mother Godinho was only an intermediary, the message was not intended for her at all. However, grasping at a chance to further her own ambitions, she gave the good priest only the part concerning Portugal and kept the rest to herself. ..........For Our Lady once more revealed to Jacinta, shortly before her death in February 1920, what is really the essence of the Third Secret of Fatima; that 666, satan, the forces of antichrist, would enter the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome beginning in the year 1972!..............Given human weakness and Mother Godinho's obsession, it would seem that this prediction of an event which would unlikely be fulfilled in her lifetime actually served to increase her delusion. Of course, she never did get her order. .......................Our Lady told Veronica that for this infidelity Mother Godinho suffered in purgatory for eight years, until the year 1968.
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - Your country, the United States has been graced but your country has fallen from the pedestal that she had been placed on by mankind. Spirituality has been cast aside. Prayer life has fallen, even in the convents.
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - Like children you must follow My Son in loving obedience, questioning not the motives used or methods of heaven, but have confidence in His all-knowing goodness. (vol I page 20)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - Parents who have grown lax as they seek the pleasures of the world before, the spiritual welfare of their children, their children's souls! (You will flee from all false pastors! You will not be led into false obedience, for in this way you will be led as sheep to the slaughter). (vol I page 34)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - Obedience, My child, places many restrictions. You will understand that many pastors, many men of God, face restrictions. It may not be of their decision......... However, a guide to clergy and lay people, My child, is truth. You will not sacrifice in any way your soul for the things of your earthly world. Man has one master only, the God who created him and his universe. Man will answer to only his Master........... Be it clergy, man of great gain and renown, or the poor of earth, you will have one thing in common, My child, you all must stand before the Father for judgment, and you shall be separated like sheep and goats, for many are called, but few are chosen. (vol I page 130)
APRIL 13, 1974 - My child, there is much confusion in the world. We ask obedience. Yes, We ask, My child, obedience, but this story I must repeat to you. It is one of truth. Your obedience is to the Father in Heaven. Abraham was directed to give his son as sacrifice. It is the law of God as written by Moses that, 'Thou shalt not kill', but when the Father had asked this sacrifice he, Abraham, listened unto God, and knew that the law of God, first and above all is: Thou shall honor the Lord Thy God, with thy whole heart, with they whole mind and with thy whole body'. All who desecrate the Temple of the Spirit, the Body, shall set themselves on the road to eternal damnation, for the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. (vol I page 193)
JUNE 8, 1974 - Do not be led away from the truth. You have only one obligation, and this is to your God, not man. You will lead your soul on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven. It is a narrow road and you cannot bargain with satan. (vol I page 209)
JUNE 15, 1974 - If only, My children, I could break through this barrier that you have set against Us, and bring to you the knowledge that you have only one obligation, that is to follow the direction of your Father in Heaven. For it is only He that you will stand before in judgment. No man on earth can deny that one day he must cross beyond the veil and stand in judgment before the Father. (vol I page 215)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - You must recognize the forces of evil now loosed upon your world, My children. You must not follow like sheep to the slaughter. Your obedience is to the Eternal Father. (vol I page 335)
MAY 7, 1975 - Locution at home: You must understand, My child, there is a test for obedience in the plan from Heaven. My Mother is standing as Guardian over Her flowers, My child. As a voice box for Heaven your obedience is often tested, My child. (vol I page 358)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - If you compromise by pleasing those who have set themselves to rule you, and if you compromise without the love of God and accepting the Will of God, and replacing it for the will of man, in obedience that has been darkened by sin and false obedience; blind obedience. Noooo!! You shall not cast aside your God to please any man! (vol I page 412)
OCTOBER 6, 1975 - You owe, My children, no allegiance to man who offends the Eternal Father. The Commandments given by the Eternal Father must be followed. (vol I page 429)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - You shall not follow a man who leads you on a wide road away from truth and your Faith and into the abyss. No man is above the Eternal Father and no man shall commit his eternal soul into the care of another who has the rank in obedience to destroy this soul. Nooo! No man is a keeper for another soul; each individual shall stand before the Eternal Father and give an account on his own. The destroyer of souls shall not be there to support him. He has already done his work for satan. Awaken now each individual soul, man, woman, and child of age of reason. You must think for yourself in the light; you must seek the truth and not give yourself to the doctrines and creations of demons. (vol I page 437)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - Many go forward in false obedience, because they do not have the light to recognize evil. (vol I page 444)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - Awaken, pastors, from your slumber! Shall you be obedient to heretics? Shall you please man and reject your God? The decision is yours. In the Merciful Providence of the Eternal Father, you have been given the time to mend your ways. In the past many warnings have been given to you but have not been recognized as coming from the Eternal Father. (vol I page 462)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - We command, in the name of the Eternal Father, for all bishops of the world to set My Son's House in order! Obedience is obedience to God the Father and not to the agents of hell! Shall you obey mankind and hurt the Merciful Heart of the Eternal Father? (vol I page 469)
MAY 29, 1976 - Every man shall be a master of his own soul. You will not place the responsibility for your fall upon another, with no human conception of obedience, for no man shall be obedient to satan. (vol I page 496)
AUGUST 5, 1976 - In the cause of obedience, pastors and Our dedicated nuns, remember this: You cannot be obedient to one who has defamed his habit, to one who has cast aside his faith, to one who goes forward as a destroyer of souls. The Rabat is the teacher of life, but do not be fooled by those who foul these habits. (vol I page 519)
AUGUST 21, 1976 - The Eternal City of Rome shall pass through a great conflagration. Discipline must be restored. Obedience, yes, but true obedience to their God and not to the mores of man. Much evil is being condoned, disguised under the guise of obedience. Let Us, My children, call this false obedience, clouded by errors and satanism. (vol I page 528)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - My pastors, you shall not give as your excuse for your false teachings, a rule of obedience! And who are you being obedient to but satan? Shall you stand before Me and say that your teaching has been pure in My sight? I say unto you, I shall spit you out as vipers into the flames. (vol I page 539)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - You have no obligation to any man, My child and My children. Your first allegiance is to your God, the Father in Heaven. No man shall stand with you over the veil and ransom your soul. You shall come across the veil exactly as you entered it, with nothing but the treasure you have stored with Us in Heaven. If We find that your treasures are not counted in the supernatural, and you have gathered all upon earth, you will come bare and be banished from the eternal light. (vol I page 546)
NOVEMBER 29, 1976 - O My children, what more can I say to you? What more can the Eternal Father do to awaken you, you who are apathetic, not caring until you are struck by destruction, you who watch as the warnings go by, not caring until it enters your home, and you who go by like ducks in the waters, not caring or wondering or questioning why you proceed in that path; and you who, in your blindness, and you who, in your blindness of blind obedience, have given yourselves to destruction and destroying My Son's House in your obedience to man! No man shall be obedient to satan. (vol I page 557)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - Errors are compounded upon errors in My House. The Red Hats are given to all sins of the flesh. The Purple Hats follow in blind obedience, and they, too, fall to all manner of sins of the flesh and worldliness, self-seeking, arrogant, and prideful. Because of these reasons, My children, they are blinded to the truth. (vol I page 580)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - Mankind will go about with their heads in clouds, with itching ears, accepting false doctrines from false teachers. Novelty, experimentation, modernism, humanism! Because you sin and lose the light, you now fall prey to these creations of satan. Have you not been warned before from the Seat of Peter? Oh, no! You cast aside the direction of your Holy Father in the Eternal City of Rome! Evil men of the cross, you act in disobedience to your Vicar. (vol II page 23)
MARCH 18, 1977 - Obedience, My children, what is obedience when you become obedient to children of darkness, when you become obedient to agents of hell? And these agents of hell now are loosed upon your earth. They have now taken over human bodies, and they have not stopped at the lay person, My child. They have entered into the clergy. And how can this be, you ask, My child? Sin, sin has entered into the hearts of the clergy. You must pray for them. All who have the charity of heart must keep a constant vigilance of prayer for them. The Eternal Father, in Rome, He looks upon what is taking place now there. It truly rains teardrops from Heaven! (vol II page 27)
No man shall use the excuse before Me that he was directed by another to sin in obedience! And who are you obedient to, satan or your God? Shall you follow a man who has now been taken in by satan and used as an emissary of hell? Is this the type of leader for your children? I repeat Myself, chase the rodents from My House! Many mitres shall fall into hell! (vol II page 29)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - So too, My children, can We not accept you in if you place yourself with satan. It is the way of the Eternal Father that Heaven shall be won by merit and obedience to God, not to man. (vol II page 78)
OCTOBER 1, 1977 - You will continue now, My child and My children, with your prayers of atonement. Do not be concerned of the opinion of man. Your allegiance is first to the Eternal Father. (vol II page 92)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - Many in My Son's Church have fallen away. Pray for your brothers and sisters, My children. Pray for your bishops, your priests, who are under great attack by reason of false obedience. (vol II page 109)
MAY 13, 1978 - You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your country and the world. Pray for your bishops. Pray for your priests. Obedience has now been distorted even to cover sin, My children. (vol II page 146)
JUNE 1, 1978 - I give fair warning to all bishops and cardinals to adjust and mend the rents that they have allowed in My House, My Church upon earth. Experimentation in the name of humanism and modernism must stop now! Obedience must mean obedience to God the Father in Heaven. Man has a secondary role to his God, and no man shall be called 'god' upon earth. (vol II page 162)
JUNE 18, 1979 - Pray for your clergy. Obedience has been distorted now to make them servants of those who are not true rulers. (vol II page 227)
JULY 15, 1978 - My children, God the Eternal Father in Heaven in the Eucharist, God the Eternal Father in Heaven in the Holy Spirit is first before any man! (vol II page 171)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - My child, obedience is a word that has been distorted and used for a person's own evaluation, whereas you will understand, My child. Obedience is always first and uppermost to your Eternal Father in Heaven. (vol II page 208)
JUNE 2, 1979 - You will pray for all of your cardinals and bishops. Because of a false sense of obedience many go to destruction against their will. However, as man has been given a free choice in will, a man cannot use this as an excuse for his actions, for every man is responsible for the salvation of his immortal soul. (vol II page 221)
MAY 30, 1981 - For to whom much is given, much is expected; and discipline and obedience means suffering and sacrifice. Unquestioning love, unquestioning obedience, that is the only way to Heaven. Accepting all suffering, and offering this for good cause. Too few know the value of suffering, that one day you will release to the world when you complete your second book. That will be left for My Church. (vol II page 283)
My child, in relation to your great test of the past several months, know, My child, that every one was to be tested, and every one, My child, was you. And the greatest test of all was obedience, My child. But your mission in that respect is ended. You will not be given another trial again like that, My child. For the strength allowed you must now be given to compiling the conversations We had many years ago. (vol II page 284)
JUNE 13, 1981 - To be a disciple for My Son, the test of love and obedience is great. No man or woman chosen for the path to Heaven shall go without test. You will be tested as metals in the fire. If you love your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your wife, your husband, your children before, and place them between the border of spiritual salvation or destruction of the soul; if you place them first before My Son, you cannot be a disciple for Heaven, and your salvation shall be in the balance. The road to Heaven is a narrow one. The roses are given at the end of the road, My child and My children. (vol II page 285)
JUNE 18, 1982 - And obedience; there is false obedience, if you displease God, just to please man. (vol II page 306)
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - My child and My children, I do not wish to elaborate nor add to My Mother's statements to you this evening of facts and what is to be. But there is one incident that has appalled Us all in Heaven, that must be made known to mankind, because I feel in My heart for My Mother, Her great hurt and sorrow that Her Message at Fatima was not completely given to mankind. This evening I speak to you, My child Veronica, for you to tell the world that to hide a fact is often destructive. And this fact will be made known now, with or without Lucy, or others who cannot speak out because they are under obedience to their elders. You will repeat this, My child, though it may shock you.
OCTOBER 6, 1970 - The recognition of Father will not be denied, for His disobedient children will ask for a Father's Chastisement. I do not seek to place fear in your hearts, but only the realization of the possible consequences. Take heart for the dark days will be shortened for the elect, the children who sought to comfort Us when We were cast aside. (vol I page 16)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - There is great disobedience to Our Vicar! These disobedience are among His most trusted! Why do you seek the riches of this world? Have you forgotten your God? (vol I page 17)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - Your sacrifice, My children, will be a tower of strength for all who refuse to accept the Light in these dark days. While you reject all body comforts, We look down upon warm hearts. Your example will be the beacon, for they have closed their ears to the Truth and remain blinded by worldly pursuits and pleasures. It is sad to see, My children, that the Light has left many homes. The children are walking in darkness. Must My Son forcefully admonish you with a strong hand? So many of the good will then have to suffer along...I repeat again that the punishment metered out to you for the disobedience and turning away from God will be more than your human minds can conceive possible! (vol I page 19)
JULY 25, 1971 - Your country is calling upon itself a greater danger for when they seat themselves against My Son and seek to lock Him out of their Houses and to lock Him out of their country, We have no recourse but to chastise you as We would disobedient children. All about you, you see the disobedience of children. In your schools, your government, your churches, where is the respect, the honor to your God? (vol I page 31)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - Our Vicar, your Holy Father on earth, who needs your consolation, he is much grieved, My children, by the disobedience about him. There are many already plotting against his life. (vol I page 35)
MARCH 24, 1974 - St. Paul: Repeat what you hear, my child, and shout it from the rooftops. No woman shall be on the altars of God! Disobedience, lack of respect for the Holy Father; what will this bring you to but your own destruction! A church that falls into darkness will fall. The foundation will rock, but the foundation shall not be destroyed. For it will be renewed and built as it was ordained by the Father. (vol I page 177)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - The representatives of My House, will not change to please mankind. Discipline must be returned to My House. You who have set yourselves in disobedience to Our Vicar, will answer for your discretion to the Father. You have been given the time to make amends and atonement for your many sins against your rule. You will not bargain My House for working gain. The cost is too great for you are counting this gain in the loss of My sheep!! Restore My House!! Or you shall fall completely and from the ashes shall rise the Kingdom. (vol I page 332)
JUNE 15, 1974 - Yes, My child, many have given themselves to disobedience of your Holy Father, your Vicar. We have asked him to condemn the practice of calling upon the Spirit. He has followed the direction of the Father but many of his clergy have fallen into disobedience of your Vicar. Many have chosen to go their own way, following their own rules without discipline. Many have set themselves up to guide others without the true knowledge, for they have cast aside Our Vicar and his warnings. (vol I page 218)
JULY 1, 1974 - .Our Lady: My child, the scene that you have just witnessed is in the present. Our Vicar and your Father on earth is being crucified by those who have pledged themselves to follow him in obedience. It saddens the heart of all in Heaven to observe the disobedience of the children of earth to Our Vicar. These seeds of disobedience have been sown by satan. ........Your world is now in anguish, your world is in deep darkness of the spirit. I have been given this time, My children, to bring you a stern message from Heaven. Because of your great abominations, because of your pride and disobedience, because of your turning from your Maker, the Creator of Heaven and of earth, there will be sent upon the world, your world, a sword of great magnitude. (vol I page 225)
AUGUST 5, 1974 - There is great disobedience in the Houses of My Son throughout the world and a great predominance of such in your country. Pastors have chosen their own way. Many are in great disobedience to Our Vicar. Man has been set up as an idol of worship. No man shall be above the Creator for all men will eventually return to the dust. The souls is eternal, life continues; the word 'death' should be removed as such, from your books. There is no death. You body is but a casing, a temple for your holy spirit. When you desecrate this temple, you desecrate your spirit. You blacken this holy edifice of the Father and as such, without redemption, you must be given to satan. (vol I page 238)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - You must understand that no man, or woman, or child of conscionable age will be gathered by satan unless it is of his own free will, for he has rejected grace and given himself to satan. He has disobeyed all of the laws of the most High God in Heaven. And there is a penance for disobedience, as there was a penance when the angels, the highest angels of Heaven, and Lucifer himself was cast from the realm of the Kingdom of God for his disobedience and arrogance. (vol II page 78)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - I have asked you in the past to refrain from rebuilding My Church into a church for man. I am the foundation! I have set down the rules, and of all the disobedient cries, of disobedience against My little ones, it is you who are disobedient to your God!! It is you who have been disobedient to the Vicars I sent to you! and it is you who have murder in your heart! (vol II page 199)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - Your country, My child, the United States of America, My child and My children, how light and gladdened were Our hearts at the reception given to your Vicar. But how saddened now are Our hearts to know, that soon his words will be forgotten; and the confusion will reign anew, the disobedience shall accelerate....O My children, pray now! Pray always! Your life must be now a life of prayer, and retirement from a world that has been given over to satan, to claim his own. (vol II page 258)
My child and My children, I will not give you a further discourse upon the state of the souls of mankind. Be it known to you at this time that all of Heaven has watched with eager hearts to see, perhaps if but for a short time the rise of the flickering of candles of faith throughout your world. It is not unknown to Us that this great display will soon be abated, and replaced by cynicism, doubts, confusion and disobedience to Our Vicar. (vol II page 259)
MAY 30, 1981 - Why must you be like immature children, to be punished before you will be obedient to your God! Can you say, O clergy in My Son's House, and those who profess with mouths and hearts allegiance to the Vicar in Rome; when he dies, you have killed him, because of your disobedience. (vol II page 282)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - O My children, how light you make My heart with the many Rosaries you send up to Us. We look down upon a pagan world and My heart bleeds for the blindness of those souls being led to the slaughter. They are like sheep playing follow-the-leader. ...........Who created the pagan rituals that I see before Me, in the Holy Places of Prayer? For well I remember how they too, danced about My Son's Cross, clapped their hands to the beat of each drop of His Blood! Why must you make My Son continue His anguish? See the torn Flesh, the Heart laid bare! Won't you stand beneath the Cross with Me, now? (vol I page 17)
MAY 19, 1971 - Oh, My Jesus, how well the darkness covers the land. We look upon hate, greed, paganism and murder. The darkest of sins are being committed! Guard your children from the unholy ray. Keep the monuments (statues) in your home, keep the Rosary about your neck. These were not given for decoration. We cannot bear the blasphemies against Us much longer. We admonish you to save your soul and the souls of your loved ones. We are always with you, just raise your hearts in prayer to Us. Your prayers and sacrifices will be needed for your priests.
I love you all, My children, My Son loves you, do not force Our hand upon you! Yes, We see those whom satan has placed within Our House. You know who you are! You went on the wide road. Throughout your country We see pagan practice! Who led them into such vile practices? There is a well laid plan to destroy My Son's House, many have sold their souls to get to the head! Eternal damnation is their destination! (vol I page 28)
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - There are two crosses in the world now, My children, the Cross of the Living God and the one that man has built for himself to worship! Pagans in disguise! Bowing down to man! (vol I page 43)
APRIL 10, 1972 - Your country is now turning fast to pagan practices, My children. Satan has entered upon your hearts well; you accept him of free will (conscience. All who will stand to defend My Son in these trials, many will be martyred. Your government, your schools, and now My Son's house (Church) has been entered. Many have sold their souls to get to the head. The abyss, the deep pit, is filling fast! (vol I page 50)
MAY 30, 1972 - Parents, how dare you allow your daughters to be looked upon with lustful eyes! Have you no shame? What is your example? Are you pagans? ..................Guard your children's souls. Your country and peoples have taken up with pagan practices. Star gazing and fortune telling has a rock heart. Only your God controls your destiny. He is not a feelingless being, but a living Entity! (vol I page 52)
JUNE 8, 1972 - There are many offenses being committed against the purity of (sacredness) the Holy Mass. Half-naked practices of worldly music and pagan dancing are being condoned by the priests! It is too late to condone these offenses to God. You call down punishment! ..........Your country has turned to pagan practices. My Son would wish to place the ball of punishment upon you now. All those who remain with Us in the light shall have no fear. All will be well for those of true spirit. I have promised to cover all who come to Me with My Mantle. I have given you your armor (Rosary); you will wear your armor at all times, for I may tell you now that the time will come that you will leave with whatever is upon your body. (vol I page 53)
JUNE 18, 1972 - The monuments (statues) must be returned to My Son's House, now! All who keep the monuments in their homes will be saved. The pagan practices that are being condemned in My Son's House (Church) must now stop! (vol I page 55)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - Pagans roam the world, pagans walk into the House of God. Man, you have reduced yourselves to the state of an animal. Your intellectual pride has set you down the ladder to the fires. (vol I page 119)
AUGUST 14, 1973 - Your world has given itself now to pagan pleasures. Your world has turned now to satan! Idols, false idols to worship! (vol I page 122)
JUNE 15, 1974 - See, My child, the worship of the prince of evil. You are shocked, My child? Do not delude yourselves that this does not exist upon your earth now, the worship of satan. Pagans, pagans in the House of God, pagans roaming your nations, leaders of your nations giving themselves to satan! (vol I page 217)
JULY 15, 1974 - I stress, I repeat the way given by the Father for you in the days ahead: Prayer, atonement and sacrifice. Much is needed. You must bend your knees to honor your God. Women must not expose their flesh. Paganism will not be tolerated by the Father, neither in your lay life nor in the House of My Son. (vol I page 231)
APRIL 9, 1977 - We look upon you, My children, and find that you are consorting with astrologers, sorcerers, paganism, even bringing this way of life into My Son's Church! Like pagans you come undressed, My children, to the Holy Sacrifice! You conduct yourselves without respect or love. (vol II page 35)
MAY 18, 1977 - You who cast your lot with satan, you who guide yourselves by stars and rocks and time and signs, you are pagans in My sight, and you are pagans to your world! You are unbelievers, and you are men without God! Astrology is for the unbelievers! (vol II page 44)
NOVEMBER 1, 1977 - Immodesty has led to the corruption of the young. Paganism has been condoned by your leaders in your countries throughout the world. You learn nothing from your past history, for you repeat and repeat the same errors! And I assure you, again there will be a repetition of a just punishment. (vol II page 98)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - Pride and arrogance, even among My clergy. I say unto you: Cast aside My Mother and you are finished as a nation! But for the tears of My Mother, you, O United States of America, would have received a just chastisement long ago. But My Mother has begged for a reprieve, the time for you to mend your ways, to cleanse yourself of your sin, for you have become a pagan nation. You are not alone, My children, for many nations now have become paganized. (vol II page 118)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - Your country and many countries upon earth have given themselves over to paganism and pursuing this course has now taken the young down the path to abominations. Your children are now victims, for they have entered into a form of idol worship. Your foundation of their Faith. The laxity falls upon the parents, because through countless years of My wandering upon earth I counseled you, I directed you, I warned you to watch your children, to safeguard their souls from the evil that has entered now into all of the medias of your world. (vol II page 101)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - The Eternal Father watches and waits for your penance and atonement. His heart, and the hearts of all personages of Heaven are saddened by the lack of charity in the hearts of mankind. Your children are being programmed to kill. Your children are turning now to false idols to worship. Your country has become now paganized..............Your country now has become perverted, paganized by its leaders. Sin is insanity, and can you not say that your children, many have become insane with sin? Many now consort as animals. (vol II page 106)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - Immorality, homosexuality, and what do We hear now but permissiveness in sex, even from the mouths of Our trained ones known as theologians? Have you all lost your minds or your souls to satan? Human sexuality you call it? Animal sexuality I call it! You fornicate like animals. And why did the Father deem it necessary to intervene upon Sodom and Gomorrah? (vol II page 107)
FEBRUARY 10, 1978 - In the diabolical conspiracy, worldwide now, against My Son and His Church, there are leaders, and these leaders reach into the youth of your nation with a diabolical plan from satan. Man has paganized himself, and he seeks to set up new idols to worship. (vol II page 120)
MARCH 18, 1978 - My children, you must change your values back to the plan of your God. As a nation, as a country, as in many countries throughout the world, you have become paganized and immoral. My children, it is the gauge for the fall of mankind, immorality and paganism. No nation shall stand without its God, the God in Heaven. (vol II page 133)
MAY 23, 1979 - My child and My children, I must caution you now to repent of your sin. The United States of America has fallen from grace. Your country, My child, and many countries of the world are paganized, giving themselves, their peoples, over to all manner of sin and evil that must be cleansed. It will be cleansed through penance of suffering, suffering that will bring not only death to the body, but death to many souls before they can recover with conversion. (vol II page 215)
MAY 26, 1979 - I hear cries of peace, peace and security going throughout your world, My children. But there is no peace, there is no security. And your country, the United States of America, the great eagle has been plucked by satan and his agents. You see lying now before you a majestic eagle, the once proud symbol of America, fallen because of paganism and sin. (vol II page 218)
It is known through history, that once a country has given itself over to all manner of paganism and sin, it is not long before that country falls into a system of dictatorship, bringing great sorrow, even murder to the masses. (vol II page 218,219)
JUNE 9, 1979 - As it was in the past so it is this day upon earth, that man has now regressed back to an age of paganism, idolatry, and insanity from sin. Man has given himself over to all manner of abominations. And sad to say, this way of life that man proceeds on is not the way given from Heaven for the salvation of mankind, but a darkness along the way that enshrouds the whole world now. Many souls are fast heading into the abyss, lost forever, and eternity of damnation. Remember, My children, that no man, woman, or child of conscionable age shall fall into hell, unless he goes there of his own free God-given will! (vol II page 224)
NOVEMBER 20, 1979 - O My children, how My heart aches, and is torn over and over, as I watch the young being destroyed physically and morally. Teachers that have accepted doctrines of demons! My children, open your eyes! You have become blinded to the truth. Open your eyes! Can you not see that your country has become paganized, worshipping false idols, and given themselves over in the worship of the adversary, Lucifer. There are only two forces upon earth, good and evil. You are expected to make the right choice, the only choice; to follow My Son to the Kingdom of Heaven. (vol II pate 261)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - I ask you not to judge your brothers and sisters, but I also counsel you in all warmth of heart as your Mother, that not to abandon them in their sin, but to offer charitable consolation in the knowledge of their Faith. A religious foundation must be given to all of the children, the young of the world. Without this foundation of religion, paganism takes over, and soon you will see a major increase in murders and all forms of abomination. I shall not, My child, in your weakened state this evening, give you a long discourse in the major sins of the world; the sin that shall be held in abeyance, the sins that shall send mankind into a world war, a war far greater in destructive nature that mankind has ever experienced. (vol II page 264)
PARACLETE - See Spirit, Holy
PASTORS - See Priesthood: Pastors
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - I caution you again! Keep your doors barred! It was not the Will of God that forced this cross upon you, My children, for My Voice hath cried to you through endless years. To repent, but you heeded not My warnings! My travels have been world-wide, My tears shed in every land. My Voice grew weak and now there will be the Great Pause! During this time, My children, I can only impress on you the necessity for constant prayer. Guard your doors well now, against the enemy who walks the land. He has come to your locality to try to destroy My work here. He knows that We plan to recover many souls by Our vigil of prayer. He will use the clergy to stop you, My child. Trust in the Majesty of My Son, for His Will, will be done! (vol I page 22)
MARCH 24, 1971 - My child, at this time, there is nothing further to say! I expect you to be guided by the signs of the past and I will guide you to the Great Pause that is ahead! I do not wish to instill fear in you, but i must admonish you with a Mother's loving heart to bring the souls you love to Us soon...........(vol I page 25)
JULY 1, 1970 - Pray to My Son to send forth the Holy Spirit. Keep your Rosary about your neck, not for decoration, but to pray, to have it always with you. I send forth My graces in abundance. Redemption, Graces, Peace. (vol I page 10)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1970 - The Angel of Peace has left your Country. The moment of Chastisement is approaching. I admonish you now to keep a constant vigil of prayer. Forsake all worldly pleasures. Retire in the spirit. Only by prayer and example will you save souls. (vol I page 14)
NOVEMBER 21, 1970 - The owl has eyes, fore and aft. He lives in the darkness. He travels by night, ever watching the Eagle. When the world cries peace, then he will strike. Ponder this well, for I do not use My words idly! (vol I page 18)
DECEMBER 24, 1970 - Veronica again saw the Eagle: The demons had made a straight path up from hell. They are trying to push the Eagles from behind. they are trying to push the Eagle over the edge. I see a power, England, but I cannot fully understand the involvement with satan. They pretend to be friends. They are to be watched. It is a conspiracy. It is the uniting of the forces to destroy the United States! They are doing their work well so far...But Our Mother stresses the power of prayer to hold back the darkness. These are desperate times. Do not be deceived by the momentary cries of peace. I see the false prophets increasing in number, cunning in their deceit, even to the Elect. (vol I page 19)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1971 - For your prayers, My children, are being therefore gathered for souls. For each prayer can help to ease the suffering of those souls who will truly know suffering in the near future. I can only promise peace to the hearts of those who come to Me and My Son, for when the devastation comes upon you, it will be your faith that will make you strong. (vol I page 35)
NOVEMBER 1, 1971 - Pray for the Light that you may not be led into the darkness. I have stressed the plan for your salvation many times. You will act upon it now or fail! You cry peace, peace, when there is no peace! You cry security when there is no security! You open you country's door to add to the brood of Vipers (U.N.) (vol I page 38,39)
MAY 30, 1972 - Your world cries, 'peace, peace' where there is no peace! You consort with devils! The word of an atheist is not binding. The promises of an atheist are not true. You are falling in with the plan like sheep to the slaughter. (vol I page 52)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1972 - I give you, My child, the sight of what is to come. The peace I have promised you in the past is yet to come, but before this you must be cleansed. (vol I page 64)
MARCH 25, 1973 - Blood will flow freely upon the earth. I cannot come with words of untruth and promise you a great peace until the world is cleansed. I cried for years for atonement and penance, but My words fell on many deafened ears. (vol I page 93)
MAY 30, 1973 - The olive branch of peace. It will not fly over your country at this time. (vol I page 105)
JULY 1, 1973 - There will be no peace, there will be no salvation of the soul, unless you save yourselves and those you love in the Sacred Heart and Merciful Heart of My Son. (vol I page 112)
DECEMBER 1, 1973 - When man learns through trial to desire not the wealth of this world and the pleasures of the body, he will find that he will be given a true peace. (vol I page 155)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - I dispense upon all many graces; graces in abundance, graces for the asking. Come to Me, My children, all who are burdened with sorrow, mothers forsaken by their children. There is great discord in family life. I have given you the sacramentals, and the plan to restore peace within your homes. You must bring My Son back into the hearts of your children. You must return prayer to your home. (vol I page 151)
MAY 30, 1974 - My child, peace, peace; the world cries for peace. There will be no peace upon your world until they recognize My Son as their Savior. Treachery and deceit lies in the hearts of men. Your country and the world lies in a quagmire of evil. There will come upon your world a great War. Do not be deceived by your medias of communication, for you do not receive the truth. (vol I page 203)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - The peace I promised you many years ago must now wait for the Second Coming of My Son. Man did not hasten and listen then, no more that We are finding that man is listening now. Only a few will be saved in the final count. (vol I page 288)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - The world as you know it shall be changed. Not completely, My child, annihilated as in the time of Noah, but changed. The peace promised shall be given at this time. It will now, My child, take a complete reversal of mankind's ways that offend the Father much to hold back and give you more time for preparation before the coming great War and the Ball of Redemption. Pray a constant vigilance. (vol I page 305)
DECEMBER 6, 1975 - There are cries of peace and brotherhood going throughout your world, My children, but there is no peace; there is no brotherhood; for the plotters are at work. They constantly arm themselves, and you, being deceived, My children of America, you disarm foolishly! (vol I page 449)
APRIL 17, 1976 - The Message from Heaven must continue to be given to mankind until the return of My Son. Your world, your earth, is now in a mire of degradation and perversion. Your world, your earth, My children, is setting itself upon a path of destruction. While the world cries peace, peace, the bear goes forward with destruction and planning for the destruction of your nation. (vol I page 482)
MAY 26, 1976 - There is now a battle upon earth, the battle spoken of by your prophets in days gone by. You are living those days now. Many saints shall rise from this battle. Many shall be martyred, but then peace shall be restored to mankind. This peace promised by My Mother has now been set ahead, for man did not listen then, as he is not listening now, and you must then accept the Chastisement as deemed necessary to mankind by the Eternal Father. (vol I page 492)
JUNE 18, 1976 - Your world cries peace and brotherhood. And the more you cry peace the farther you go from peace, and why? Because you seek to find peace without your God. Man cannot send up his prayers unless they are founded on charity and a search for salvation through My Son. No man shall come to the Eternal Kingdom of the Father except through My Son. (vol I page 504)
JUNE 24, 1976 - Do not be discouraged, My child. My Son shall come with the sword. The world will go through great trial, but there will be peace. I cannot promise you an early peace as I did in Fatima, for all was conditional, and man did not respond, My child. (vol I page 509)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - My children, the world, your world cries peace, peace, when there is no peace, for they are looking for peace without their God. In their arrogance, as satan whispers to them, they believe that they have risen far above their God and can establish a utopia upon earth. They run about like chickens without heads, crying peace, peace, and love and brotherhood. Better that they get down upon their knees and ask their God for enlightenment. (vol I page 553)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - There will be a baptism of fire set upon your earth. There will be a war far greater and more disastrous than any war that man has ever involved himself in. Do not cry peace, peace, and security, when there is no peace and there is no security. No man shall construct peace without his God. (vol I page 558)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - My children, I cannot promise you an easy way to the Kingdom. I cannot promise you peace without penance. I can promise you hope, for the eventual victory over evil is with My Son. (vol I page 570)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - There shall be peace, My children, but not before the world has been cleansed. A heavy penance will be set upon mankind. But there will be peace with the Coming of My Son. He will dry all tears, He will take the torments from hearts, and man shall be restored to his true nature. (vol I page 576)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - Your friends, those who govern the nation, the foreign nations of your world, are not your friends, My children. They plot and plan behind your back. While they cry peace, peace, peace, they prepare for war! There shall be no peace among mankind unless you follow the direction of Heaven. The plan for peace was simple as given to you, My children; penance, atonement, sacrifice to your God. (vol I page 581)
FEBRUARY 10, 1977 - My children, awaken from your slumber. Shall those to be counted, saved, shall they be only in the few? My children, that will be your decision. I repeat, while the world cries peace, peace, love and brotherhood, they sow hate and destruction! The words that come out of the mouth, do not come from the heart! Words of destruction! The Eternal Father, He looks into your heart. No man can set himself to judge another, but you cannot hide your heart from the Eternal Father. (vol II page 25)
MARCH 18, 1977 - My children, do not be deceived by the reports being given to you from your news medias, for they are controlled by the father of all liars, and his agents in human form. While your world cries peace, love and brotherhood, they prepare for war! While your world cries peace, love and brotherhood, they slaughter their brothers; they murder the children. And what kind of peace will you have when you defy your God? I say unto you; there will be no peace when man has given himself to sin. (vol I page 28)
APRIL 2, 1977 - My children, I do not wish to place fear in your heart, but I cannot allow you to go forward without knowing what is happening about you. I assure you, My children, it is not productive to keep the truth from all and to substitute a climate of false hope and false peace. Know, My children, it is by peace, peace, peace, when the world cries peace the highest and the loudest, know that the destruction is at hand! Do you think there is honesty among thieves? Do you think there is honesty among atheists? Are you so blind, My children, not to recognize that communism has a great hold upon your country and the countries of the world? (vol II page 32)
MAY 18, 1977 - In the Counsel of Rome, Vatican II, man set out to use his own deviations to promote peace. Look about you, My children, and learn what peace has been brought to mankind. Man cries peace, peace, and he goes farther away from peace. There shall be no peace without faith. There shall be no peace without the plan of God in the hearts of man! ...........As you travel farther into the darkness, My children, the world's leaders are preparing for war! Like smoke screens, they send out communications that are misleading and false! While they cry peace, peace, My children, they build up arsenals for war. (vol II page 43)
MAY 30, 1977 - Man cries for peace and brotherhood, but these come from his lips; these words do not come from his heart. And how can he have true love in his heart of his brother if he does not accept the father of all love, his God in Heaven? What can a man teach to others if he does no longer have the light in his heart to teach? He can only send forth the darkness and evil that comes from the hidden corners of his heart to others. (vol I page 50)
JUNE 16, 1977 - The cries of peace going throughout your world are just a cover for armaments that are being gathered now to enslave and ensnare the world into a war of major proportion. My children, all of the cries of peace that go out throughout your world cannot prevent the explosion of nuclear warfare upon mankind! The hand of God that withheld this punishment upon mankind is being withdrawn! (vol II Page 58)
NOVEMBER 19, 1977 - My children, I hear voices crying for hope. I hear voices crying for a message of peace and hope. My Son is your peace. The Eternal Father in the Trinity is your peace. All of the material gain in the world affords you nothing, My children. You must now change your values. (vol II page 101)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - You have, My children, as a nation, gone about looking for peace in the wrong channels. There shall be no peace without your God! For man has created a void now, and this void is like a bottomless pit, and a force reaching up from hell and pulling many down into the abyss. (vol II page 117)
MARCH 18, 1978 - A delusion has been set upon mankind. The Eternal Father has deemed that man shall go along now and reap what he has sown. Man is forever searching for peace - peace of heart, peace in armaments. But the more he cries for peace the farther he flies from it. There shall be no peace upon earth unless man returns to his God. (vol II page 130)
MAY 3, 1978 - You have in your midst a group united to promote peace and security. You cry peace and security! And there is no peace or security; for there shall not be peace or security unless you follow the rules given by your God. Many shall not replace them by a man-made set of rules based on humanism and modernism. The way to Heaven is a simple way, and in your sophistication you reject it. (vol II page 143)
MAY 20, 1978 - O My children, can you not gather for Me and your Creator? And I say this, My children, as a Mediatrix between God and man as deemed by the Eternal Father. My Son has asked that you listen. He has pleaded with you to remove the hardness from your heart. I shall not repeat My counsel; I shall not stress the need for repatriation by penance, for, My children, you are forcing a severe penance upon your world. (vol II page 149)
MAY 27, 1978 - I have visited My Son's House seeing all of the abominations being committed in the name of peace, love and brotherhood, a delusion and deception upon mankind from satan. For no love or peace shall come to mankind unless he places his God first and above all men or man. (vol II page 152)
JUNE 1, 1978 - One word of caution, My children, as you go about crying 'peace and security,' the world's leaders are gathering for war. There shall be no peace, no security, without God the Father as the leader for your world, the earth. Reject Him, cast Him aside and satan then becomes your leader and he has one mission; to destroy each and every soul upon earth so that he may capture them as prisoners in the eternal kingdom of the damned, hades, hell; eternal banishment from the light. (vol II page 161)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1978 - I hear peace, peace, love and brotherhood coming forth from the minds of men, but what comes from the heart but death and destruction and wars and murders, and robberies and adulteries and all manner of sin, punishable by death, not only death of the souls but death of the body! There will be many bodies upon earth if you do not turn back from your sin. (vol II page 196)
JUNE 2, 1979 - O My children, you do not recognize the signs of your times. You do not understand the enslavement that is fast coming upon your nation and the world. Because of the love of money and power, many have sold their souls to get to the head. There are cries of peace and security going throughout all the nations of the world. As these cries go forth, farther away do you proceed from this peace and security, for there cannot be any security or peace without My Son as the leader, your God. (vol II page 220)
JUNE 9, 1979 - O My children, the nation's leaders upon earth are becoming confused and confounded. The cries of peace and brotherhood go throughout the world and yet the world's leaders in secret plan destruction of their brothers. (vol II page 223)
JUNE 18, 1981 - Your world which cries for peace, the words come from the mouths of those who are lying. For while they cry peace, they make provisions for destruction. Peace will not be restored to mankind until My Son in the Trinity is returned to your homes and the hearts of your families. (vol II page 290)
MARCH 26, 1983 - Man was created to live peacefully. Man was created to know his God, and in this manner to have a world that is not a paradise, but one in which man could live in peace and security but now all of the leaders of the world run about and they say it is peace, it is security. Their words are like two prongs from the mouth, they say those words, but then they turn their backs and they are busy getting ready for a major invasion of the United States and Canada. (vol II page 382)
My children, awaken from your slumber! You live in a dream world. You believe that this cannot happen to you. O My poor children in North America; Canada, the United States, you do not know what it is to seek the blood flow in the streets, to see your loved ones, torn, their arms, their legs missing, their bodies, and their bowels spewing out upon the grounds. Is this what you want?.........O My children, please listen to Me. You shall not be free from this type of suffering. It is fast closing in. The enemy is all about you. You are slumbering, while the world cries peace, peace, and tranquillity............The peace that you seek far eludes you, My child and My children, because of the fact that you do not recognize the power of the Bear. The Bear surrounds you. Those who are with the Bear laugh at you, for they do not seek peace. And you believe in your purity of heart, of many of the leaders. I say this, for the United States, which has been always called a great Christian nation, I say this to the United States, because they do not understand the ways and means of an atheist. Behind the Bear are atheists. (vol II page 303)
MAY 21, 1983 - It is urgent that mankind now take stock of what he is pursuing. I say unto you as your God, that your pursuits are making you run in circles while everyone is crying peace, peace, peace and happiness. Where is the peace? There certainly is no evidence of this upon your earth at this time. (vol II page 409)
MAY 28, 1983 - Wars are a punishment for man's sins. Syria holds the key to peace at this time. However, I place in front of you, My children, a graphic picture for you to understand. It will be a parable for some, and some will turn away not willing to hear what Heaven has to say in these desperate times. (vol II page 387)
Veronica: Our Lady is pointing up with Her finger like this, to Her right side, and high above Her the sky is opening up, all the clouds are floating away and the sky is opening up and I see a map of the Mideast. And then Our Lady is pointing up farther and that's another map of China and Russia. Our Lady is turning back now. She was looking upward also. ............Our Lady: My child and My children, there are scoffers who will say there shall not be a Third World War. They do not know and cannot conceive of the plan of the Eternal Father. Be it known now that the Father has great heart for all His children but when the sin reaches a peak only known to the Father, the amount of sin among mankind, then the Father will take action. He will allow you to go upon your reprobate way until there will be few souls to save upon earth, for the others will have died in battle and also at the hands of a corrupt generation of the young. (vol II page 388)
JUNE 18, 1984 - My child and My children, you do not understand how close you are on the brink to the Third World War, which could break out any day now. All who are ready will not suffer the great cataclysm brought on by evil minds. You must all work and pray and do penance for peace among all nations; for We love Our children and We do not want to see them die, for many are unprepared and they come without Baptism. (vol II page 406)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - The United States of America is fast approaching on the start of the Third World War. My children, your newspapers and your medias give no account of these secret missions. There are men going from the State's Department, back and forth, hinder and yon, looking for peace, where there is no peace; and peace where there shall be no peace, unless they follow the directions of the Eternal Father and the Messages given from Heaven in the past years; not alone on these grounds, My children, of Bayside and Flushing Meadows, but also to various seers, young and old, about the world. The world is crying, peace, peace, and there will be no peace, unless the world will recognize My warnings of caution from years ago in earth's time, and they do something about it............I have promised you peace, My children, if you will go forth with your Rosary in one hand and the Brown Scapular about your neck. How many have cast aside their armor because they fear or they are afraid of the mockery of those who have already hardened their hearts to the truth. And their eyes and hearts are eternally blinded, for many of them shall fall into hell, and many of them shall be wearing their red birettas. ..................While the world cries, peace, peace, peace and salvation, they do not look in the right direction. They are depending on the scientists of the world, who are ever seeking but never coming to the truth. These scientists have created now arsenals of ammunition, and warheads and missiles, in which they seek to gain control of the world.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - Jesus: My child, you see war, the beginning of a war. It will be father against son, mother against daughter, and satan will be in their midst. Those who have the power are exercising it now in the wrong direction, My children. Better that they take the monies coming to them from out of the world, better that they try to construct a country with joy and happiness and peace among the brothers. ...........Veronica: Oh, and I see that, Our Lady is showing me now, there are some kind of implements they're using that, it doesn't look like a gun, it looks like a flashlight, but I know it's not a flashlight, it's some object of some kind of a ray they've got. And then, now he's lifting, I see a man in a very odd looking uniform, I don't recognize the uniform. But he's raising high, like this, this ray gun. That's what I looks like long streams of light, but everything it hits just disintegrates and melts. ..........Our Lady: Russia, My child, has this implement of destruction. While the United States and Canada, and most of the world, go about crying for peace, tranquillity, love, they are not aware of the fact that Russia has every mind to take them over, be it good or bad. And if they have to annihilate the whole land of its people, they want that land, and they will use any means to get it.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I shall continue to beg the Eternal Father to hold His heavy hand from coming upon you. Your peace and joy, that words are spoken of peace and joy when there is no peace and no joy. How can there be joy when others have assumed a power, which they expect to transcend to Heaven with by bringing back the dead? No, My children. I know of your modern science and how they are trying to now resurrect the dead. This shall never be.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, you cry for peace. I come to you as a Mother of peace. My messages to you are not to frighten you, but they are to reveal to you what will happen if you do not act now upon My counsel, My Mother's counsel to you. I expect you to think of this, and consider what is more important to you; to have a life filled with glory, and money, and materialistic things? Do you think, My children, that you will take them with you? You will come from your world, the earth, with nothing, just as you arrived in it.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, it has come to Us in Heaven that so few are reading their Bible. How, My children, if you do not seek the truth, shall you find it? From others? No, this cannot be. We have left with you all a testimony of truth, the Bible of life and love. Mankind must read his Bible, or he shall be lost in the world. He shall go to and fro, hinder and yon, seeking peace and tranquillity, but never finding it.
SEPTEMBER 27, 1986 (MSG) - Many of the good have become complacent. They have now brought themselves down from a pinnacle to wallow, We will say, in their self-exaltation of being saved. However, I repeat again to all My children, that to those who have received much, much is expected of them. They cannot sit back and with a smile not consider what goes on beyond their sight. They must work in the world and not retire from it, self-satisfied with their own salvation. They must go out among the nations, because, My children, everyone now cries for peace and security where there is no peace and security. There are more murders; the abortions continue, accelerating at a higher rate.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - For peace, My child, there is much asked for peace upon earth. I must tell you this: There will be no peace, My children, until what has happened in the past with My visit to Fatima is consummated. Now this has to be done, My children: I repeat this anew, as I have repeated it, as I have gone hinder and yon, across the earth to try to enlighten My children as to the road to true peace, you must now cast aside, abrogate, the union of Rome with Russia. For Russia must be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart for a true peace.................My child, the road to peace has been given to the world. You must write and implore your Holy Father in Rome to make known the full message of Fatima. There is no time to be wasted! Your country, My child, is in great distress, though your medias have camouflaged this from you. Your country will meet with a great distress and loss of life in the Gulf, the Persian Gulf. No, My child, you cannot accept as full knowledge all that the media impart to you; for they, too, are under control.
Yes, My child, as I told you before you left for the grounds, this would not be a message of great solace but of truth. We expect you, My child, to get this message, also, to the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II in Rome, that he must put aside the Treaty he has accepted from others, to keep from giving My Mother the necessary ammunition, We will say, My child, I will use your term as used upon earth, to fight satan. You must consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of My Mother, or there will be no peace, if but for a time. ............My child and My children, remember now, I have asked you to contact Pope John Paul II, and tell him he must rescind the Treaty, the Pact made with Russia; for only in that way shall you have a true peace.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - Now, My children, My Mother has given you the way to peace. It is a way of prayer, atonement and sacrifice. You must love your brothers. It is a faction to say that you must hate the sin, but love the sinner. I have heard that, My children, from many lips upon earth, but they really don't understand the meaning of love. We hear the word 'love,' 'love' being expounded throughout the world, and as they cry for love and peace and happiness, it evades them. And why? Because they have taken a wide road, and made it wider, as they ran from the truth, as expressed by My Mother to them.
OCTOBER 2, 1990 (MSG) - I come to you as a Protectress of Peace. Unless you repent of your abortions, the murders of the unborn, and return to lives of prayer and contemplation of the mysteries of the Eternal Father, given by writings, the Bible, the Book of life and love, I cannot save you from the conflagration that lies ahead.
JUNE 18, 1991 (MSG) - My child and My children, I come to you as a Mother of peace, a Mother of love. And above all, I want you to turn to My Son and have courage in the days ahead. Many will fall from the Ball of Redemption.
JUNE 18, 1993 (MSG) - The owl has eyes fore and aft, ever watching the eagle. When the world cries peace, then shall he strike.
FEBRUARY 1, 1971 - You will not receive a kind ear from the clergy, for man can be wise but stupid. Man has grown soft in the luxuries of his worldly life. Man no longer seeks the Revelation in the Bible. I want you, My child, to repeat the words of My Son, given to your young son in his innocence of heart. I repeat the words of Jesus: My heart is sobbing. My hands are bleeding. I long to see My creation and be filled with Joy! The monuments, your statues, they MUST be kept in your homes, for all who keep them in their homes will be saved. The broken cross, the sign of the man of perdition, the sign of the anti-Christ, so-called peace symbol, all who wear this ARE DOOMED! The Rosary is broken, people do not take this seriously, My children, how many signs must be given to you? The man of perdition has spread his folly wide! The Light has not passed through the Papal Village. He has kept it in darkness. (vol I page 22)
FEBRUARY 11, 1971 - I admonish you again! Parents, remove that diabolical sign of satan from your children's throats, for it will strangle their souls! This mark of the anti-Christ, the cross that is broken, used as a disguise; the peace symbol. Destroy them before they destroy your children! Place the Cross upon their necks for, that will be all that will save them! Do not fall down in your job as a parent, for you will also be held responsible for the condition of your children's souls when they are brought to Us. (vol I page 24)
DECEMBER 7, 1971 - All who wear the mark of the beast will fall. This which you have been misled to accept as the so-called peace symbol, brought to your country with the insidious plan of infiltration to set up the wheels in motion for the takeover of souls. Awaken America, you are falling! (vol I page 40)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - Now Michael is pointing up. He has a very large sword in his right hand. He's pointing up to the sky and there's forming a large circle. In this circle is being drawn in black, black strokes, ominous black stroke-lines forming a peace, a so-called peace symbol, used today by many of the youth. The symbol is now, the hands are pointing to four and eight. There's an extension of a "Y" in this, leading to the top of the circle, the point of twelve, the time has arrived. It is the beginning of the end. "Y" period is mankind's history. (vol I page 459)
NOVEMBER 20, 1976 - Observe, My children, the sign of your times, the peace symbol of deception, the time of Armageddon; the fight between good and evil, the forces of evil man against the Eucharist, My Son and His Church. Peace shall be restored, but not until there has been much gnashing of teeth and woe set upon your earth by the evil one. (vol I page 557)
MAY 20, 1978 - Veronica is shown a scene: Now She's motioning to Michael, and Michael is now pointing his spear down. I don't know exactly what that means but it gives me kind of a funny feeling. I don't know. It's not good. But he's pointing upward. And over Our Lady's head there is forming an emblem in the sky. It's a cross; it's silver; of consisting it looks like it's a color silver-like. It's a cross on a ball, and in the ball is that so-called "peace symbol", the sign of the beast, the antichrist symbol of the beast. A cross, a ball, it's a combination of the cross and the peace symbol. Our Lady said it is the mark of the beast. (vol II page 150)
JUNE 21, 1970 - At Holy Communion, Jesus said to Veronica: The penance of the world will be heavy. (vol I page 10)
AUGUST 14, 1970 - This should be a most joyous occasion, My children, but We look down and see thousands of slaughtered innocents. We cry tears of anguish. The Father demands punishment. We beg penance and reparation of you now! All loving hearts must bear the burden of this sorrow, to pray for those on the road to perdition, forever to be lost to Heaven. Pray! Never cease your prayers, for many are at the brink of eternity, on the road to eternal damnation. Thou shalt not destroy a creation of the Most High! Repent! While there is still time. Look, My child, on the punishment to be. The Chastisement, will be metered in measure of the extensive infested nature of man's sin and his disregard of all urgent admonitions and requests for immediate reparation. (vol I page 13)
AUGUST 21. 1970 - Jesus spoke to Veronica in locution: Do not test My Mercy, My children, for your penance will be most severe! Comfort Me, My children, for it hurts to turn the other cheek. (vol I page 13)
OCTOBER 2, 1970 - You are the children of My Heart. I bless you from My Heart. Your yoke will be heavy but only in relation to the penance needed to save souls. Your prayers will recover many from the darkness. (vol I page 15)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - Do not deny your God because the punishment has not come upon you as yet? It is only because He is long suffering and cares not to see one child lost to Him that the punishment you so deserve has been held in abeyance, but each day you continue without penance and atonement will bring you closer to the END! Yes, My child, you have reason to fear, but not for what can happen in this world, but what will be your lot as you pass over to the Kingdom. God will look into your hearts and you will be judged not by he way or standards of the world to judge, but the complete picture He will see in your hearts. Your country cannot conceive nor expect the vengeance of an ANGRY FATHER! (vol I page 19,20)
APRIL 3, 1971 - My Son has seen the defilement that evil man has created. The penance will be severe. Few have heeded My cries. I have wandered the world in tears. Who has sought to ease My anguished Heart? Now you may look into your own heart and find the answer of the days ahead, for you have made your choice. My Son and I have begged you for atonement, for sacrifice, to deny yourself these temporary pleasures of your earthly life. In many places in many ways We have been cast aside. The burden of saving all souls has fallen on those of true faith. There is still time to gather the souls. Please, I beg of you to now spend every moment aside from your necessary worldly duties and obligations in prayer and sacrifice. It was not long ago that I cried this warning, but it also went unheeded. My Son's Mercy knows no end but, what shall We do with these young boys that are coming to Us unprepared! It is too late now to spread this message for it's best advantage, now I must beseech you, My children, to pray; keep your Rosary with you, day and night, you must pray. (vol I page 25,26)
APRIL 10, 1971 - For the Rosaries sent to Us, the sacrifice of victim souls, victims to His Merciful Love, the Eternal Father has bestowed a delay, the rest will depend on the penance, the prayers, the sacrifices that you will be willing to give! (vol I page 27)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1972 - We are now entering the beginning of the period called 'Y'. How long this will continue will depend on the penance of the world. '(X Y, Z=end.)' I have come to prepare you for the great cataclysm that lies ahead. I have called you to penance innumerable times and in many places. When the cataclysm comes upon you, the Chastisement, which is so sorely needed now, I will be unable to shield you any longer from it. All who are of well spirit will have no reason to fear. They will go through this with great hope and heart, for the ultimate outcome will be with joy to all who have remained with My Son. (vol I page 63)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - My children, My tears fall upon you. I see the destruction of young souls. How many tears I have shed for you who are repentant, for you who do not listen to your Mother's cries for atonement. The Father plans a heavy penance for you. None will escape the time of trial. My children, you fail to recognize the existence of a world unseen to your human eyes. Satan, and the abyss, have come now upon you to do full battle with those who stand forth to defend My Son and His House. (vol I page 70)
MARCH 25, 1973 - It is not My intention to fill your hearts with fear at the sight of what is to come upon this ungrateful generation. I have wandered throughout the world, shedding many tears. My pleas for penance and atonement have fallen on many hardened hearts and deafened ears. Now all I can do is prepare you for the days ahead. (vol I page 90)
APRIL 14, 1973 - The greatest trials are given, My children, to those who are on the narrow road to the Kingdom. You must all learn the value of suffering. The Eternal Father allows this for reason. If you will study the past lives of your saints, My children, you will understand why I say that penance and suffering are truly the way of the cross. (vol I page 96)
MAY 10, 1973 - The number, the number in the Chastisement who will be taken before their atonement and penance has sent, this knowledge has sent, a great knife through My heart. Many will leave unprepared, and therefore join the kingdom of Lucifer, the prince of darkness. (vol I page 101)
JULY 1, 1973 - Satan now walks among you, he brings many agents to set confusion and delusion throughout the world. This confusion is not only in your lay life, but is found in the House of God. You can only set the House of God and the world to right by prayer, penance, heavy penance, now, and sacrifice. (vol I page 112)
My beads of prayer, your acts of penance and atonement. You must open your hearts now to the truth. Your days are counted. The penance planned by the Father is heavy. The Ball has already been set upon its way. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 114)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - One day of your earthly week time will be given to the Father in prayer and meditation. It is the day of the Lord. Know now that this is but a small penance and sacrifice for what lies ahead. I promise all who follow My direction to be protected during these days, as I shelter them beneath My blue mantle. (vol I page 120)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1973 - The greatest barrier is intellectual pride among the men of God. Once they remove this barrier by much penance and return to prayer, the blindness will be taken from them and they will see the errors of their ways. Pray, My children, pray much for them. The power of prayer is great with the Father. (vol I page 129)
APRIL 6, 1974 - Accept fast and atonement. I have asked in the past, many times, that the leaders and the teachers in the house of God, the Church of My Son, that they fast and do great penance, pray more, for they have allowed the demons to enter upon them. The Father finds their leadership very poor and He will judge accordingly, and all shall receive the fruits and merits of their actions and their leadership. (vol I page 185)
JUNE 15, 1974 - My child, you will receive graces in abundance. My Mother has come to you in the will of the Father as a Mediatrix between mankind and the Father, to save, to recover as many souls as are willing to sacrifice and do penance in the time left for them. Know that you will not cast aside the warnings of My Mother. (vol I page 218)
JULY 1, 1974 - My child, you do not understand the words. As My guardian, he, too, wished to warn you that the time is growing short. Mankind brings down upon itself a great sword. The penance will be hard. All who remain with My Son in the light will have no reason to fear. They will go through these days with much courage, and perseverance. (vol I page 227)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - Yes, without prayer and penance, there will be a great war; a war of such magnitude that without the intervention of the Father not many shall be left to inhabit the world of earth! (vol I page 247)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1974 - Every moment of your life is not wasted if you will learn a lesson; a very simple lesson, on the road to sanctity. You will use every moment of your life and give up your hardships as a sacrifice, as a penance, for your soul, or the salvation of other souls. Think, My child, throughout the hours of your day, how many graces you may accumulate for the waiting souls in Purgatory, especially those who have been abandoned by their loved ones, forgotten; for when you are out of sight, you are slowly out of mind. (vol I page 266)
NOVEMBER 1, 1974 - If your country will do penance, return to a life of prayer, they can escape for a time the planned punishment and warning The scale is not balanced to the right but leans heavily to the left. Know that the peak of iniquity is being reached and I will no longer be able to hold back the punishing hand of My Son. (vol I page 288)
Remember, My child, after penance comes great joy. Accept all of your trials upon earth as penance and you will put them to much good. (vol I page 289)
NOVEMBER 23, 1974 - Penance, My children, the world must do heavy penance. You must keep in heart that you cannot have he world and the Kingdom of God. For you will love one and reject the other. The world and the Kingdom of the Father are not companionable. When you are not of the light you will love the world, but if you reject the world you will find the light. (vol I page 298)
DECEMBER 28, 1974 - Prayer, penance and atonement will be necessary. If man does not seek means of doing penance, the Father shall set upon the world a great penance! (vol I page 316)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - My Mother will be with you on these Sacred Grounds in the days ahead. The peace you ask for cannot be given at this time. The sins of the flesh have set a heavy penance upon your world. You will all pray now and make atonement but this you will do upon your knees! (vol I page 337)
MARCH 18, 1975 - You will pray much for your clergy. You will pray much for your government leaders. And parents, you will adopt a rigid and strict rule in your families for you are now holding the balance for the salvation of your children's souls. Your sacrifice now will bring you gladness of heart for at the end of penance, there is great joy. Yes, My child, I say penance, for to remain in the light in your dark world will be great penance to mankind! However, there is always the joy in knowledge that Eternity in the Kingdom of Light is your reward........... Your world is wallowing in sin! A sin far worse than during the time of Noah! Therefore, if you do not do penance now and change your ways that offend the Father much, you will receive a far worse punishment than given in the time of Noah. (vol I page 342)
MARCH 29, 1975 - At the end of penance is a great joy. Man has forgotten and closed his heart to the value of suffering. The Father, the Eternal Father and your God, allows you to suffer for a reason. It is the purification of your soul. (vol I page 351)
MAY 17, 1975 - I would be willing, as your Mother, to wash you in My blood for your salvation. My Son washed you in His Blood for your salvation. Are there not enough among you to make penance, do penance and sacrifice for your brothers? (vol I page 362)
NOVEMBER 22, 1975 - My child, will you now do great penance for My Son and your brothers and sisters in your world. So many shall go into the abyss without prayers and acts of mercy. There is a balance in every man's life. This balance can be evened by the prayers and acts of mercy of others. (vol I page 444)
DECEMBER 24, 1975 - Hasten, hearken and listen, for the time is growing short! Soon words will not be sufficient. The Eternal Father commands great penance from mankind at this time. You hold the balance, My children. You will keep a constant vigilance. All manner of diabolical temptations shall be set upon those who are destined to become the children of their God in the Eternal Kingdom. As you travel on the narrow road to the Kingdom, do not slacken, do not let down your guard, for you will find that the closer you approach the Eternal Kingdom, the more you will be attacked by satan. His frustration, in his frustration, My children, to claim your souls, he will send all manner of aggressors to you. So watch and pray much. Pray that your children do not become victims. (vol I page 458)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - All who commit this terrible act of murder, My children, cannot enter into the Kingdom of Heaven unless they repent of this foul crime. They must in their repentance accept a penance upon earth for their acts that bring great sorrow to the Heart of the Eternal Father. Man has been given a free will and is using this act of mercy of the Father to allow him to go his way for the Father shall not force any into the Kingdom, My children. You must want to come to Us. You must use the balance of your life-time to gather the necessary strength through graces to stay on the narrow road to the Kingdom. It is most difficult to return once you leave that narrow road. The agents of satan abound upon earth. 666 is now there, My children, in force. (vol I page 460) (vol I page 460)
DECEMBER 31, 1975 - This a night of great penance for many. This a night of great sorrow for many, My child. My Mother has gone throughout your world begging for you to do penance and atonement so that you shall have a reprieve from the great Chastisement that was to be in the future. I say, My children, was to be. As man falls deeper into sin and does not do penance for the abomination being committed on your earth and in My Houses throughout your world, this leaves no recourse to the Eternal Father but to set upon your world a great trial! (vol I page 463)
JANUARY 31, 1976 - You ask, My child, about penance. What more can I bring you in direction? There are laws of God and laws of man. The Eternal Father demands penance! The Eternal Father demands a strict rule, with no alterations and no novelty implemented upon His words. You shall not rationalize the Commandments of the Eternal Father! They are simple and they are to be followed simply in faith. (vol I page 468)
Do not fall into error. As I look into the hearts of mankind, I see many who have fallen into this error of teaching. My Son died, He died at the hands of those who did not believe. And My Son is now being recrucified in His Church at the hands of those who do not believe. Because My Son died upon the cross does not mean that man shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven without penance!...........What man can say he now stands before the Father and has not made restitution for the offenses against the Eternal Father and shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven? O My child, it is not that way! .............Because My Son died, My children, upon His cross, He opened the gates of Heaven that were shut to mankind at the fall of the first parents. He died for mankind, but shall those who reject Him by sin and breaking the Commandments of the Eternal Father, without penance, enter! No! Sadly, My child, My children, they cannot enter. (vol I page 469)
For you who have the knowledge, recognize the signs of your times. 666 is upon mankind. It is the closing of your era. It hastens with great speed upon you, because you have refused the grace given to you to turn back and do penance and restore My House. (vol I page 470)
MARCH 18, 1976 - St. Joseph: Do penance now for the time is growing short. Those days that were told by your prophets of old are fast approaching. There shall fall upon mankind a great Chastisement. You must prepare your children and your families now. All this, my children, our children of earth, all this can be avoided. And how, you ask, my child. In wonderment you approach and ask, and how? By reparation, my children. The Eternal Father is most merciful. He begs for reparation, for His Heart is filled with great sorrow as He wants not one to be lost to Him. The world will soon be baptized by fire, and many shall die in the great flames. (vol I page 476)
APRIL 10, 1976 - Much sacrifice and penance must be done in the days ahead. There are countless manners to make sacrifice, My child. In the days of old a calf, an animal, was given in sacrifice. It was not enough in acceptance by the Father because it did not include the true heart of the giver. The sacrifice that pleases the Eternal Father most is penance of the individual in his spirit. I do not expect you, My child, to understand fully My words at this time. (vol I page 480)
MAY 26, 1976 - The world, Our children, have forgotten the value of prayer and suffering. In their human nature they avoid prayer and suffering, but this is the fallen nature of mankind. Do not be deluded, My children, in thinking that the time will be given for you to make amends after you have accepted all the evils of the world. No, you do not know the day nor the hour. Therefore, can you take this chance of involving yourselves with the evils of the world? Will you have a chance to do penance and turn back in time? No, I say to you, many shall be taken from the world and be lost forever to Us. (vol I page 490)
JULY 15, 1976 - Do not be concerned of your body discomfort in the days ahead, all who seek to bring the Message to mankind, the Message from Heaven. Sacrifice, My children; do penance for your brothers and sisters. Without your grace, your application of abundance of graces to them, many will be lost. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 516)
The road to the Eternal Kingdom of God your Father is a narrow road, one that can only be followed with penance, one that asks you: "Come, follow My road." But it will be a road filled with thorns and heavy crosses. (vol I page 517)
JULY 24, 1976 - My child, much penance, much atonement is needed for the abominations being committed from the hearts of men. My Son's House, His Church, is under constant attack by the forces of 666. These demons set loose in these end times, My children, will enter into the body of any man, woman, or child who has fallen out of grace. (vol I page 512)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - When a man has stepped over the threshold and allowed himself to fall into mortal sin, he must be purified by trial, but he must also, My children, be purified by the rule of penance and confession. What manner of evil is being set now upon mankind that compels him to lose his soul by rejecting the Sacraments, by no longer confessing to his confessor, but coming to receive My Son in sacrifice, while his soul is degraded by sin of mortal nature! (vol I page 529)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1976 - Now, My child, you will fully understand the way of the cross. After penance, My child, there is always a great joy. (vol I page 534)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, ever upon your knees to your God the Father. Beg Him! Do penance, if not for yourselves, but share, in charity, your graces for those who, without your prayers and sacrifices, shall be lost forever to the Eternal Kingdom. For those who receive in abundance, much is expected of them. (vol I page 546)
DECEMBER 7, 1976 - It is a sad fact, but one that cannot be escaped, but held in abeyance by the prayers and acts of atonement of the few; it is a sad fact that two great penance's shall be set upon mankind; a scourge of war and the Ball of Redemption. How soon, you ask? Does it matter when a time? Are you prepared now? It will fast come upon you unexpectedly. There shall appear two suns on your horizon. Fear shall grip the hearts of many, and this fear shall come from the knowledge that you rejected the warnings from Heaven and did not act upon them. (vol I page 568)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - My children, I cannot promise you an easy way to the Kingdom. I cannot promise you peace without penance. I can promise you hope, for the eventual victory over evil is with My Son. (vol I page 570)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - I say unto you, as your Mother, that any man or woman who performs or takes part in this abomination of the murder of the unborn shall be given a heavy penance upon earth, or if this penance is not given upon earth, the person found guilty in the eyes of his God shall suffer eternal damnation in the fires of hell. (vol I page 574)
DECEMBER 31, 1976 - Do penance now, My children. The Ball of Redemption is heading your way. You have won in the past a reprieve, My children, but the balance for this destruction upon mankind is heavily against you. The Ball of Redemption approaches, and many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 581)
APRIL 2, 1977 - Your governments, your medias of communication, your medias of entertainment are now fully controlled. The United States of America has been plucked. The vultures are gathering for the kill. I say, My children, unto you that, unless you pray, this year shall not pass without the weeping and gnashing of teeth. I repeat Myself that, unless you do penance now, this year shall not pass without much weeping and gnashing of teeth, for much woe shall be set upon the world by the agents of 666. (vol II page 31)
And what can you do now, My children? Penance! Heavy penance is asked, and heavy penance will be given to many without asking. You cannot understand in your civilization the value of suffering. The Eternal Father has a plan to use this suffering. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer now throughout your world. (vol II page 33)
APRIL 9, 1977 - My children, hell and purgatory, forgotten! My Son's death upon the cross, forgotten, as you happily raise your voices, call Him Savior, and think all are saved without penance, atonement, and sacrifice! Shall you sin and be always forgiven without penance? No, I say to you! Only a few will be saved. Many are called, but few are chosen. (vol II page 35)
MAY 28, 1977 - My children, keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world. Nation for nation, city by city, town by town, My beads of prayer must be fingered. And I ask of you all to not just render onto your God lip-service and words of the tongue, but open up your heart to Him. The Eternal Father cries for your penance now, or you shall receive the Ball of Redemption. The Eternal Father looks into the heart of mankind. Nothing is hidden to Him. (vol II page 47)
JUNE 4, 1977 - I counsel all leaders of government to return to the commands of his God. I counsel all mothers and fathers, heads of households, to return to the commands of their God. I counsel every man, woman and child who hears My voice and the Message from Heaven to do penance, atonement and sacrifice; if not for yourselves, but to save your priests, your clergy, your cardinals, your bishops who are fast heading into the abyss. (vol II page 54)
JULY 25, 1977 - There is little upon earth now, My children, little in penance and atonement in comparison to the world's millions of people to make restitution for these offenses to the Eternal Father, little to hold back the accelerating evil and the great warnings and chastisements what will be given to mankind in an effort to awaken him from his errors and sin. (vol II page 70)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - I have warned you in the past, and I still give you this counsel as does My Mother, that unless now you do penance, and restore My House, My Church upon earth, and your homes, your country, and many countries of the world, shall become unrecognizable through evil. (vol II page 107)
FEBRUARY 1, 1978 - My child, you will be subjected to much physical trial. Penance is great, but at the end of penance there is always a great joy. (vol II page 119)
MARCH 15, 1978 - .It is well, children of the earth, that you spend now your time in prayer and penance. Many shall die soon. Many shall die without the opportunity to make amends for the salvation of his soul. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer now, going throughout your world and your country. (vol II page 126)
APRIL 1, 1978 - My children, the forces of evil 666; and 666 I repeat is Lucifer and his agents loosed from hell now to do full battle with the children of God, Lucifer knows his time is growing short. You will, My children, if you continue without penance and sacrifice and atonement, you will find set loosed upon the earth with horrors of immorality, debasement, murders, licentiousness, robberies. It will seem, My children, as if the world's people have gone mad, and they have gone mad for sin is truly insanity. (vol II page 158)
MAY 3, 1978 - I say unto you: Come out of the darkness, restore My Church to its former glory, cleanse your souls by penance. For if you do not choose penance of your own I will set upon you a far greater penance! (vol II page 143)
MAY 13, 1978 - Penance is severe, My child, but at the end of penance there is a great joy. The world's children must know the value of suffering in the salvation of their souls and their brothers and sisters............My child and My children, I repeat again and again that you must not omit penance daily. Acts of sacrifice are needed for the repatriation of souls. (vol II page 148)
MAY 20, 1978 - My child and My children, My heart is heavy. All of Heaven grieves, for again the evil continues. Sorrowfully, the penance that is to come upon the world for the murders of the unborn shall be a Chastisement far greater in severity than man has ever witnessed in the past nor ever shall pass through again. Your world is plunging into a deep chasm of suffering and destruction. (vol II page 149)
AUGUST 14, 1978 - O My children, need I repeat over and over the long list of reasons for mankind to do penance and make atonement. Your country, the United States, and many countries throughout the world now have become cesspools of sin, and many are drowning and wallowing in sin.. (vol II page 180)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - Yes, My children, I cannot bring you erroneous discourse with words of happiness and cheer at this time. I can only give you the facts of what has taken place. The present conditions in the world, in My Son's Church, and in Rome, have been well promoted by Lucifer and his agents. His power is great, but you can always break his rule with prayer and penance..
SEPTEMBER 13, 1978 - All of your years now have been given to worldly pursuits, but you must now cast that all aside and spend the remaining time doing penance, making atonement for a God, to a God Who has already been too much offended. (vol II page 189,190)
My child and My children, I repeat again and again that you must not omit penance daily. Acts of sacrifice are needed for the repatriation of souls. (vol II page 191)
OCTOBER 6, 1978 - My child and My children, you wonder now at the happenings in Rome. Much that has happened has taken place because too few have cared to pray and do penance for the priesthood. One day all will be made known to mankind. (vol II page 197)
MAY 23, 1979 - My child and My children, I must caution you now to repent of your sin. The United States of America has fallen from grace. Your country, My child, and many countries of the world are paganized, giving themselves, their peoples, over to all manner of sin and evil that must be cleansed. It will be cleansed through penance or suffering; suffering that will bring not only death to the body, but death to many souls before they can recover with conversion. (vol II page 215)
MAY 26, 1979 - My child and My children, how often must My Mother come to you over and over again, crying for you to do penance and make atonement to the Eternal Father for the sins of mankind. You never learn from your past. It behooves Me to say that man must suffer great tragedy before he makes any effort to return to his God. (vol II page 218)
JUNE 2, 1979 - You are as a nation, as are many nations throughout your earth, fast onto the road to self-destruction through perdition. My children, you do not learn from your past, but you go on, making the same mistakes. In your human nature, you are weak; but you do not pray enough! You do not do penance for your sins and the offenses you commit against your God. My children, you do not read your Bible. Instead, you pollute your minds with the writings of man. You have become a frivolous nation, condoning all manner of sin, immorality! Where shall you come to but a fast destruction. (vol II page 220)
The Eternal Father is most merciful, and He waits with patience for your penance and your atonement. The way has been given to you. You will stay and remain true, Faithful and True! You will not go about seeking novelty and innovations upon My Church!! A Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol II page 222)
JUNE 18, 1979 - I, Michael, guardian of the Faith, guardian of the Most High Heaven, ask that men do penance at this hour, for a great trial will come upon mankind and many shall die. Penance, atonement and sacrifice. You will listen all, to the Queen of Heaven, or you shall perish. (vol II page 229)
JULY 25, 1979 - Penance will be sent upon the world. In the mercy of the Eternal Father a heavy penance will be sent upon many. (vol II page 235)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - The lack of prayer, even within the hearts of the men of God, has caused Our children to go astray. Because of the lack of penance and prayer of Our clergy, many souls are falling daily into hell. I have cried tears of sorrow, wandering throughout your world, crying for penance and atonement. Instead, who has listened to My pleas and made an endeavor to act upon them! The Eternal Father in My Son has sent among you voices and voice boxes to bring to you a message of warning. Your time is growing very, very short. (vol II page 236)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - My child and My children, I have a message of great urgency for the world. I have passed throughout your world to and fro, as truly a Mother of Sorrow, trying to warn you, begging with you to do penance and make atonement to the Eternal Father for all of the offenses committed by mankind. And now, My children, the great trials are upon you. (vol II page 247)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - My child, I shall not extend the Message from Heaven. All that has to be said to mankind, has been repeated over and over by My Mother, who has come to earth as a Mediatrix between God and man, to be rejected by many. Therefore your world shall receive a heavy penance. My children, you do not listen. Many have cast aside, without acting upon the Message from Heaven, and now you shall be chastised. (vol II page 251)
Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Reread the words of My Mother. For She has come many times to earth in the time of great urgency to warn you; and, as in the past, only few act upon Her counsel, and now it is almost too late for mankind. The Eternal Father has been most patient with you. You have become a degenerate generation, calling down for a great penance upon mankind. (vol II page 251,252)
OCTOBER 2, 1979 - My child and My children, the crisis for Our Vicar has not passed. His life is in great danger as he remains in the United States of America. There are great forces of evil loosed now to endeavor to destroy him, or set in motion a manner of revolution that will bring a great multitude of deaths in his presence. I ask you all to continue your prayers of atonement, your sacrifices; and We ask major acts of penance from all. (vol II page 253)
St. Theresa: My sister Veronica, I am happy that you have recognized me this evening; though my heart is also heavy, as the Queen of Heaven suffers much for the sins for mankind. The Eternal Father does plan a heavy penance upon mankind. O my sister, can you not join me in the quest for souls? Remember, I asked you many years ago to go fishing with me; and I said to you, my sister, that we will join and be fishermen for souls. (vol II page 254)
I shall not give you a long discourse on your offenses, but I give you fair warning now that the sand is about to pass through the hourglass, and your time is running out! Amen! Amen! I say to you, as your God; penance, atonement, and sacrifice now!! Cleanse your souls by penance, or you shall be forced to your knees to do penance! (vol II page 255)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - You must all understand and practice penance. You must understand the value of suffering; for each and every act of suffering, discomfort, can be offered for the sins of mankind. Even the smallest act of penance can save another. (vol II page 260)
NOVEMBER 24, 1979 - I have asked you and pleaded with you to do penance. There will be a great crisis set upon your country, the United States. O My children, I cannot burden you now with a full revelation of the evildoings by many in your government and the governments of the world that has brought about the present state of affairs in your world. (vol II page 264)
JUNE 13, 1981 - I ask those who can now, are enabled to hear My voice, I plead with you, as your Mother, to listen to Me and follow the direction, or your will receive a great Chastisement. You must now go down upon your knees and make atonement, sacrifice and do penance for your country, for your nation, and for the countries of the world. You are upon now the brink of great destruction. That is why, My child, I took you to the corner, the edge of the chasm, and showed you. (vol II page 256)
NOVEMBER 21, 1981 - You have joined the infirm, My child. Penance is humanly painful, but after all penance, there is a great joy. Accept all suffering as My Son partook of the final dregs of the chalice of suffering, to open unto all mankind the treasures to be found in the spiritual Kingdom. Your reward shall not be found on earth but in Paradise, the epitome of glory, with the angels. It is the only reward that man should strive for, all else is vanity, and passing. (vol II page 297)
Remember, My children, to offer your trials, your penance for those who are in purgatory, for very few come directly to Heaven but must spend a time of purging just beyond the veil. They are helpless without your aid. You will pray for the souls in purgatory, and in the Lenten season ahead you will gain many graces for them. (vol II page 298)
MARCH 18, 1983 - You must pray for your bishops, you must pray for all the clergy, and especially you must stand behind your Vicar, Pope John Paul II, because there will be another attempt upon his life. My child, that is why, principally, that I brought you here this evening, so that this message must go out to the world. Already the vermin are gathering to plan the next assassination attempt upon your holy Vicar. You must pray for him do much penance, make many sacrifices. That is the only gauge you have to save his earthly life. (vol II page 377)
My child and My children, I shall not try at this time to enlarge upon My Mother's message to you all. I just want to add this fact, that there is little that I can say at this time but for you to all do penance, make reparation to the Eternal Father, for all the sins that man has committed that will condemn him eventually to death, and eternal life in the kingdom of the damned, hell. ...........My Mother will always be with you, and I will be with you. Even when your trials become so profuse that you feel that you cannot survive another day in your life; that you will accept as your penance. (vol II page 380)
MARCH 26, 1983 - My child and My children, there is one fact that must be brought forward to all mankind. I know that many have tried to make up for the void that the bishops of your country and the world have created when they will not go about and consecrate the major offender to the world now, Russia; will not consecrate Russia to the, both the Immaculate Hearts, My Son and I, We wish to save you from this destruction. And there is only one way that you can; that's through penance and prayer. Your future which is coming to a point of what you call the end of an era your future is upon you. (vol II page 382)
JUNE 18, 1983 - There will be one more most devastating plague upon you. That will come within the next six months, My children. You ask, My child, why is this allowed? My child, you have forgotten the real reason for all this; man will benefit from it in the end. For I once said to you many years ago that penance is difficult, but after penance there is a great joy. (vol II page 393)
OCTOBER 1, 1983 - There is only one recourse to hold back the flames, My child, that you have viewed; that is an outpouring to Heaven of penance and prayer, and sacrifice. Your world is heading towards a cataclysm of massive proportion. Many parents shall lose their sons and shall cry to Heaven, "Why, oh why, has this come upon our world" (vol II page 395)
The world must now give itself over to penance, great penance. But this penance shall go much farther that We would have wished to see upon Our children. That is why, My child, you were called here this evening. I know of your weakened condition, but it was necessary that you warn the world now that there is little time left. (vol II page 396)
APRIL 14, 1984 - Pray, My children, a constant vigilance of prayer. Pray that the murders cease, the murder of the unborn. Pray that Heaven will accept all of your prayers and your penance's done with great heart for your priests, the clergy. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer, like a worldwide chain of prayers. You will take your Rosary and make it the leading point of your life. He who does not pray the Rosary once, at least once, in their homes, he who refuses to accept penance when given it to them by the Eternal Father, not knowing perhaps the value of penance, he you must pray for. There are so many prayers to be given, but We do not have enough, My children, to pray. (vol II page 403)
JUNE 18, 1984 - My child, this is not a lesson in politics. This is but a lesson of reality, what will happen if you do not accept the messages from Heaven and pray, do penance, do much to help My Mother in Her Mission, for so many are needed, so many prayers are needed for those poor souls who have no one to pray for them. (vol II page 405)
My child and My children, and especially My children of the United States of America, you are surrounded now by reconnaissance planes and, also, you are surrounded by missiles. Know that your world is not safe any longer. This must be told to you, My children, to try to waken you up to the fact that now is the time to pray, that now is the time to do penance. Do not put it off for another day, for many of you shall not see the dawn of that day. (vol II page 406)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - My child and my children, you must do your utmost to bring back into My House, My Church upon earth, the Faith. I often cried through My Mother's tears, Her tears and Mine abounded over the earth, because through the Eternal Father, man was given a conscience and a free will, to either accept Heaven by sacrifice and penance, and having to face the rebuke of a darkened world.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - I cannot lie to you or try to fashion My words to suit the widened area of the world that through their seeking of riches and positions of high nature and powers beyond what is needed for their soul they seek to discard all of the knowledge of sacramentals, penance, and all other means that Heaven has given you through the Book, the Bible. My children, I say again: If you will just read for fifteen minutes, first giving yourselves over to the Holy Ghost, and employing the Holy Ghost to help you to open your hearts and clear your eyes that are clouded by the world's goods....I say goods because, My children, many have sold their souls to get to the head. They place more value on their coins. No coins shall jiggle on their person when they come for judgment. One day there will be a great General Judgment, and all mankind then will be forced to accept what he has sown. Many are throwing away the time allotted to them to right the wrong, to restore My Son's Church to its former glory, to bring your children out of the darkness and into the light.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, this could be an occasion of great joy, My coming to you. But the fate of humanity and the world lies in the hands and the hearts of the faithful. Without your prayers and your acts of penance, you cannot save your Pope, and Our son, your Vicar. I will say, in My Mother's heart, from My Mother's heart to you, that your Vicar will soon meet with an enemy, who comes as an angel of light to him, but is an enemy of My Son's Church, and all of My Son's churches throughout the world. We choose, My child, to call them the House of God, because it is a home, a refuge, for all of Our children who suffer, and are brought to naught by modern science. In this way We hope that modern science will accept the supernatural, but they rather would cast it aside, My child and My children.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - My child, I ask this of you this evening, that is why I requested that you do not eat, I ask that you accept My Son. You will do heavy penance for the world in the coming months, My child. But you will accept My Son for the world. I want you, My child, to raise your heart to Heaven now, and beg forgiveness to mankind from the Eternal Father. My child, you will now receive one of the Hosts taken from the water fonts.
You see, My children, satan always says; to divide is to conquer. But I do not want to see the world in chaos, and a Third World War. That is why, My child, I brought you here this evening, though I knew that your strength was waning by this afternoon. There is only one recourse for mankind now to avoid a Third World War, that is more prayer, more penance, and more sacrifice for sinners. Those who are keeping the laws of the Eternal Father must remember that they have been given a special grace from the Father, and have an obligation to seek out the souls who have not received this grace. Bring them the light; show them the way. For they are wandering, and they can be seduced in nature by others who are not in the light. Your example, My children, is very important. ..................I know that all who hear My voice now and read this Message are doing all they can to restore the earth to what the Eternal Father calls a bit of normalcy. For the world has gone crazy with sin. Is that not true, My child? Sin has become a way of life among many. Now I ask you, as children of God, all who hear My voice, to continue a constant vigilance of prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Many more disasters are heading for your country, the United States, and the world.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - And if you think you have seen carnage now already in the Church, the worst is yet to come, unless you follow the rules, given by My Mother many years ago, of prayer, atonement, and sacrifice. By your example you may be able to save others. For soon there will come upon you the great Chastisement. It comes in two parts, My child and My children: The Third World War and, also, the Ball of Redemption. These can no longer be delayed. For the good seem to go about their way, perhaps pride fully. We do not seek to accuse or place a stigma on any, but some may pride fully sit back and let others go forth and make these sacrifices and prayers and penance. Because they have become smug, or because they have not the grace to understand, that once you receive this grace much is expected of you. You must even work harder to save your brothers and sisters.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - Our Lady: My child, I have to tell you in all truth, that there are many priests who have gone to hell because too few prayed for them, and they did not accept the road to penance, dedication and truth. ..........AIDS was a plague, and is a plague, and shall continue to be a plague, as long as you will not change your course of destruction. What else must We allow to come upon you? No, My children, there will be no relief for those suffering from AIDS; for it is a penance from a just God. For their punishment will be greater, the suffering that they incur will save many from hell, and give them the chance to enter upon a penance in purgatory...................
Remember, My child, I have already told you, as My Mother did sometime ago, that the enemy is closing in fast upon you. You are being tempted now to bring your sons to the foreign shores of foreign nations to fight and lose their lives. Is this what you want? How many hearts of parents will be torn by the carnage of receiving greetings from the United states or Canada, from the Army, the Navy, the Marines, saying: Your son is dead or missing in action.
Is this what you want? Cannot you do a slight penance for your God, for your neighbors? Love your neighbors, even if they malign you, even if they make fun of you. Remember, you hold the truth in your hearts and in your hands; for you carry the Rosary, you carry your Scapular about your necks, and you also wear the St. Benedict medal. Satan must run at the sight of the St. Benedict medal, as well as he will when you cast the waters of truth upon him, your holy waters, gathered from the many holy churches left upon earth. Use them all, My children. All! Your armor cannot be strong enough; that is how strong the enemy has become in your country and many nations of the world...........The sacrament of Marriage was given for the union of man and woman in love and godliness. There is nothing godly about a man who sets himself up to play God and starts revolving innocent, I prefer to call My children innocent, because in that way I do not refuse them even penance for their sins, but they must know that you cannot bring life in a test tube. This will not be accepted by Heaven.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - My child, I wish as penance for the world now, that you ask them to daily repeat the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity. I ask that all pray with you at this time the Acts of Faith, Hope and Charity.
MARCH 18, 1989 (MSG) - Another area that shall be shaken will be California, My child. There is a great split in the earth that is widening. This is not generally being given to you in your news tabloids. They are trying to lull you to complacency. We have given you the road away from these disasters, and that road is only guided by prayers, penance, and atonement.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - I want you to stress, My child, the existence of hell and purgatory. It has been forgotten by many. Even the priests in My Son's Churches have overlooked this essential knowledge. In fact, some now mock it as being untrue. My child and My children of the world, please believe Me. I have been through purgatory, I have been through hell. And I tell you please, do penance for you brothers and sisters who do not have the way.
PERDITION, MAN OF - See Antichrist
MARCH 25, 1972 - Permissiveness, My children, is destroying you. Laxity of discipline and parents involving themselves in excessive worldly pursuits. What has become of the dedication? What has become of the laws given to you by Our prophets? They have been changed to suit the weakness of man. How long do you think I can hold back My Son's hand? We see the vilest of evils being committed in your country and throughout the world. The desecration of My Son's Body! The Brood of Vipers in your country, why do you open your doors to the evil? Have I not warned you? You are being deceived and led blindly down the path to destruction! Listen to Me! (vol I page 45,46)
MAY 10, 1972 - There are parents who are not practicing true discipline with their children. Permissive attitudes, while parents grow lax; parents who do not watch the forms of entertainment of their children; many young souls are losing their purity, learning to accept sin as a way of life. Woe to these parents! What are you doing? Have you tried to eliminate this evil from your world from your lives? (vol I page 51)
JUNE 8, 1972 - Mothers, why are you permissive with your children? Do you not recognize the plan of satan? Do you wish lustful eyes cast upon the innocence of your young child? Do not lead your child into danger! I have watched with torn heart the parent who leads her daughter to the butchers! How dare you! Do you think you will go unpunished? No! (vol I page 53,54)
JULY 15, 1972 - Each family that wishes to be saved, must now retire as a family from the world that has now been given to satan. Guard the souls of the ones you love. Satan sends his agents among you with cunning. You must always watch. Many parents are leading their children on the road to damnation by their example, by their permissiveness and by their laxity. What has happened to the shame among you? Pagans! (vol I page 56)
NOVEMBER 20, 1972 - The Father now leaves the decision to His children. The fullest measure of responsibility and plans a condemnation upon all parents who do not safeguard the souls of the children entrusted in their care. We see a foul example in many homes! We see an uncaring and permissive attitude on the part of many parents. (vol I page 71)
MARCH 25, 1973 - Discipline must be returned to the House of God and the homes. Permissiveness must be stopped. You will not save souls by giving him the luxuries of life and pampering his worldly body. (vol I page 92)
AUGUST 5, 1973 - You will make it known to the world, and especially, My child, to the men in the House of God, that We can no longer tolerate their permissive attitudes in the offenses which they permit, and are acting in laxity of their permission of offenses to the Eucharist. (vol I page 119)
JUNE 15, 1974 - As in the days of Noe, My child, so it is in your time. Many have given themselves to the worship of false idols. Many have given themselves to the worship of satan. Abominations are being committed in the lay lives and also within the Houses of My Son. Permissiveness will not guarantee conversion, My children; your example has sent many from the path. (vol I page 213)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1976 - O My children. leaders of Our flock, Our pastors, you must spend more time in voicing out, crying out against the evils that have invaded your society. You are, in your permissiveness, scattering Our flock. You are, in your permissiveness, floundering, and the bark is sinking. I have asked you to keep the bark of Peter afloat, to bail her out. And how? To return, turn away from your errors. In your arrogance and pride, can you not strip yourselves of your pride and turn back and restore My Son's Church? (vol I page 529)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - All manner of evil is being condoned with permissiveness by the pastors in My Son's House. All manner of abominations are being committed in My Son's House. Clean out the errors, restore the light within My Son's House, for a Church in darkness wears a band of death about it. (vol I page 570)
JUNE 18, 1977 - Parents, go forward with your Rosary and your Bible. Admonish your children with heart; discipline them for the salvation of their souls. Permissiveness allows them to come face to face with evil. A child must be guided by a strong hand and heart. (vol II page 62)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - Prayer, My children, is all that you have now. You have waited too long. The evil has accelerated now, and your children are surely the victims of your laxity, your permissiveness. You condoned immorality. You condone sexuality. You made no effort to fight the evils that have corrupted your schools, and your governments, and now your homes. (vol II page 76)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - Permissiveness shall not be accepted by your God. Sin is sin; there is no compromise for sin. Mortal sin is a grievous offense to the Eternal Father. The commandments shall be followed without permissiveness. (vol II page 107)
NOVEMBER 21, 1977 - Immorality, homosexuality, and what do We hear now but permissiveness in sex, even from the mouths of Our trained ones known as theologians? Have you all lost your minds or your souls to satan? Human sexuality you call it? Animal sexuality I call it! You fornicate like animals. And why did the Father deem it necessary to intervene upon Sodom and Gomorrah? (vol II page 107)
JUNE 1, 1978 - I ask you not to judge your brother or sister but to counsel them. Permissiveness is not accepted in the redemption of souls. It is one thing, My children, to maintain discipline, and another to become lackadaisical and going along like ducks in water, for the truth. Many of My pastors, the leaders in My House, My Church upon earth, have joined the groups of the ducks. And I must say that many are goats now, My children, and I assure you We are busy now from Heaven separating the sheep from the goats. (vol II page 161)
JUNE 18, 1978 - My heart, as a Mother, is torn asunder because of the permissive attitudes that are allowed by the teaching fathers of My Son's Church. I hear little children of a tender age of three and four being taught immorality of word and actions. O My children, the sin upon your earth is far greater than any sin in the past! Surely you will remember Sodom and the punishment that fell upon that city. (vol II page 166)
APRIL 6, 1974 - You will find that many will be placed upon the cross as victims for their faith. All who follow My Son will carry a very heavy cross. The time of the persecution is now accelerating; prepare yourselves, retire from your world which has been given to satan. Guard the Faith in your homes, in the hearts of those you love. (vol I page 183)
JULY 15, 1974 - My child, you will be subject to much trial. As your country and the world progresses into deeper darkness, all who stand for and acknowledge My Son will meet with much persecution. (vol I page 234)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - My children, I have promised to guide you in the days ahead. I cannot promise you a life of ease, wealth of material value. I can only bring you the reality of what will be. Your country will go through great trial. All who will stand forth in defense of My Son shall receive great persecution. (vol I page 246)
OCTOBER 2, 1974 - All who continue in the battle ahead must accept martyrdom. It does not, My child, necessarily mean death of your body, but it will mean persecution. Stand fast in the faith. Keep the faith in the hearts of those you love. Extend your charity of heart to all of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. Pray a constant vigilance of prayer. (vol I page 275)
DECEMBER 31, 1974 - You must expect, My children, much opposition and persecution, for were you of the world of materialistic man, they would accept you as one of their own. But We, My children, accept you as one of Us. You are born of the Spirit. (vol I page 320)
MAY 28, 1975 - I allow your persecution, My children, I allow you to be walking outside the Sacred Grounds for there are many souls to reach in this manner. The Eternal Father has full control of your world. The sorting continues, the separation, My children, of the sheep from the goats. (vol I page 370)
SEPTEMBER 27, 1975 - Your world is revolving into a crucible of suffering. The children of God shall be persecuted, but persevere, My children, for your reward is great in Heaven. The time will come, without prayer and atonement of mankind, the time will come when those upon earth will envy those who have passed on and are dead. Father against son, mother against daughter, brother against sister! To all who have even the slightest glimmer of light, of truth, they will say, has insanity fallen upon mankind? (vol I page 416)
MAY 26, 1976 - The persecution to all those who follow and defend my Son in truth, in the light, the persecution will be great. The masters of deceit, they are gathering like vultures to send into motion a conspiracy of evil that has been brought about because mankind has given himself to all manner of evil. (vol I page 489)
JUNE 18, 1977 - Many shall go forward in the days ahead suffering persecution for My sake. I say unto you, My children: You will follow My path as the Dragon covers your earth. The Dragon, My children, is the beast of power, the powers that now form 666 upon your earth. You will learn to recognize the faces and forces of evil about you. (vol II page 61)
NOVEMBER 20, 1978 - Yes, My child, this message will bring much persecution to you and My children of light, but you must remember; as it was in the past, so must it be now, that all children of light will be tested as mettle in the fires. It is a short and narrow road to Heaven, and the road now will be shortened for many. (vol II page 203)
NOVEMBER 25, 1978 - Prepare, My children of light, for a great time of persecution. It will come about that all who follow My Son shall be labeled as 'crazy,' 'fanatical,' 'having hallucinations,' and all other manners to commit them and take them from society; a society that is ruled by Lucifer. (vol II page 206)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - My children, pray constantly. The prayers do not have to be come from a book, but you will pray from your hearts. Lift up your hearts in belief. Believe and you will be given the way. I bless you all, My children, and I send you the grace of perseverance in the face of adversity and persecution. My children, pray constantly. I cannot counsel you enough, for prayer is one of the greatest parts of your armor. (vol II page 211)
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - Now, My child, you have been much concerned about My appearance in another country, Egypt. Yes, My child, you do not understand all. Saint Demayana is a Coptic Orthodox Church, My child, and I must say; though My heart grieves because they are not with Rome at this time, they will join in the future. But at this time the only thing that eases, My heart is the knowledge that they have kept the Faith, as they know it. In that Church, My child, the Coptics, which are few in Egypt, they are devout. They do not rush through the service of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, where My Son, daily, gives Himself to you. They are few in number but devout. .....................I must tell you, My child and My children, that they have suffered persecution throughout the years. I came there this time, My child, to try to draw together those about them who seek to persecute them; the Moslems, and others, the Arabs. This is going on throughout the world.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - All those who think that life is forever upon earth are making a serious error, and they are defeating the reasons they were placed upon earth. there is no way other than straight through to Heaven, hell, or purgatory. There isn't a soul upon earth that can say, 'I will be here forever.' For the only place that exists, My children, forever, is Heaven, hell, or purgatory. When My Son returns to earth, when the persecution to the enlightened grows stronger, when all the world is fighting, that My Son shall deem it necessary to return...........It is the will of the Eternal Father that the sheep be gathered by those who have become disciples in the latter days. The sheep must be gathered and separated from the wolves that are roaming now. Therefore, we ask you to even work much harder at your apostle ship. All will be on the side of the Eternal Father in the end. But He will allow these persecutions to come upon you. Accept all as Jesus did when He was upon earth.
JULY 15, 1970 - Though you may stand alone, persevere, My children, to the end and the Kingdom of Heaven will be yours. Fight not among yourselves. Just pray, for you are all brothers. Satan seeks to separate My children with discord. Heed not his diabolical plan that blinds you to the truth. Sacrifice your pride, your avarice, your greed. Be humble in heart, for only as little children shall you enter the Kingdom. (vol I page 11)
AUGUST 5, 1970 - Your crosses will increase from now on but persevere and you will reach the Kingdom. (vol I page 12)
NOVEMBER 20, 1971 - Your country will go into great darkness, but We will carry the light. Many will light their candles with Me, to carry this light in the darkness. Perseverance, confidence, My children, in the days ahead. We will not abandon you. There will be man trials. Do not be apathetic to the situation in your land, My children, if you sit back you will be removed from your homes and your land. You must organize a solid front, yes, link to link, soul to soul, across your land. (vol I page 39)
DECEMBER 26, 1970 - Persevere, My children, accept the scorn of the world, for your reward for this suffering will be greater than all the knives that tear at your heart in this mission from Heaven. (vol I page 20)
FEBRUARY 1, 1972 - This hallowed place (Shrine) will be an oasis in a barren land. In time you will understand. There will be many tears before the gathering of My Son's House (Church). Keep hope and light of heart, for that day will come when all will be returned as beauty, of peace, as the Father has Created it to be. Persevere to that day and you will be counted among the blessed. (vol I page 43, 44)
APRIL 6, 1974 - Know that with your perseverance, one day, you will understand that it was well worth the struggle, My children, eternal life of happiness and glory. (vol I page 187)
JULY 1, 1974 - My child, you do not understand the words. As My guardian, he, too, wished to warn you that the time is growing short. Mankind brings down upon itself a great sword. The penance will be hard. All who remain with My Son in the light will have no reason to fear. They will go through these days with much courage, and perseverance. (vol I page 227)
JULY 15, 1974 - Perseverance and courage will be necessary in the days ahead. The strength and grace will be given to continue the mission. (vol I page 234)
OCTOBER 2, 1975 - I bless you, My children. Continue with courage. It will take much perseverance to give My Message to the world but your greatest hope, your greatest strength is with the knowledge that you are on the winning side. My Son shall come down to earth in triumph to stop your suffering in time, My children. (vol I page 426)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - My children of grace, those who have listened and acted upon the warnings given from Heaven, you must continue with perseverance. You must act charitable and pray for those who are destined without your prayers for the abyss. (vol I page 462)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1976 - Persevere in the days ahead, My children. Do not slacken in your quest for souls. My Mother shall always be with you in the battle ahead. She has been sent to you as Mediatrix between God and man. Do not reject Her Message as you have done in the past. Can you not learn from your past. Can you not learn from your past in your history? Must you continue to make the same errors? (vol I page 539)
OCTOBER 6, 1976 - There will be many signs given upon earth. We promise you, My children, that these trials and signs and disturbances of nature shall come upon you, but not those who are in the light, they shall not become unaware of the meaning. Many who will go through the great crucible of suffering will go through this time with hope and perseverance, knowing that they have been given the direction and the plan of Heaven aforehand. (vol I page 548)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - Do not be misguided by those who, in the spirit of darkness, take the knowledge of the supernatural from you. Yes, in order, My children, to stay in the light, you will be rejected by many; you will be scorned; you will be called insane; because, I repeat; there is nothing in common between the light and the darkness. As they rejected Me upon your earth, you, too, must go the way of the cross. But carry your cross, My children, with purpose and fortitude. And I assure you, as your God, that the road you follow in the light will be well worth your perseverance. The joys of Heaven are for all, but all do not attain this height, My children, for they are not willing to sacrifice and do penance and to follow the way of the cross. (vol I page 555)
DECEMBER 24, 1976 - My children, do not sell your souls for your temporary pilgrimage upon earth. Gather the supernatural graces being given from Heaven to you. There is no easy passport into My Kingdom. The way has been given to you. The cross is heavy, but the reward is great for your perseverance and your maintaining your Faith. (vol I page 572)
I ask perseverance and fortitude and purpose in the days ahead of My children. The reward for your perseverance will be great. I must warn you that it will not be an easy road; it will be a road filled with thorns. However, as I walked this road, surely, My children, you will do this for the salvation of your soul. (vol I page 573)
DECEMBER 28, 1976 - My children, I cannot, as your Mother, refrain from bringing to you the facts. I give you hope in My Son; remain with Him at the tabernacles in your world. I bring you confidence from My Son, that if you persevere you will overcome all of the evils now rampant in your world. (vol I page 575)
You will persevere to the end and you will be saved. You must not compromise, I repeat: You must not compromise within My House. (vol I page 577)
JUNE 18, 1977 - O My children, the reward is great in Heaven for all who will persevere in the days ahead. Remember, be prudent and say, My Jesus, my Confidence! When you are tempted. Temptation is always about you. Satan works through the material, and satan will come into your mind to influence your will. (vol II page 61)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1977 - My children, work, pray; do not slacken, do not give in to all of the blandishments of human nature and mankind in your mission. You will go forward, for there is a great reward for perseverance and faith, My children. (vol II page 89)
MAY 13, 1978 - The world, earth, shall pass through a great crucible of suffering. Many minor warnings have been given in the past, and too few recognized them as such. Death will become prevalent in your country. Murders, robberies, fornication, idleness through famine and drought. My children, all who are of well spirit shall pass through these times with perseverance. You must all follow the counsel of My Mother. She has been permitted by the Eternal Father to come to you as a Mediatrix between God and man. Her counsel is true. She will remain with you, steadfast in Her promise. It is the will of the Father that She shall direct the children of earth in crushing the rule of satan. (vol II page 147)
JUNE 18, 1978 - All who have received the message with heart shall go through these trials with perseverance knowing that the eventual victory is with Heaven. No evil is ever triumphant. It becomes a testing ground for all. (vol II page 167)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - You will go forward in the days ahead, My child and My children, with great perseverance. Remain free from all worldly attachments of environments that are detrimental to the mission and your souls. (vol II page 210)
Our hearts are torn because many have been misled. We ask a great burden for many to accept a burden of perseverance. And this is a burden when the opposition is great, a burden filled with eventual graces to accept martyrdom upon earth.............My children, pray constantly. The prayers do not have to be come from a book, but you will pray from your hearts. Lift up your hearts in belief. Believe and you will be given the way. I bless you all, My children, and I send you the grace of perseverance in the face of adversity and persecution. My children, pray constantly. I cannot counsel you enough, for prayer is one of the greatest parts of your armor. (vol II page 211)
JUNE 9, 1979 - You will persevere in the days ahead. Do not judge on the counsel of men, but accept only what has been written in the true Book of life and love, the Bible. Do not discourse with demons or those who come to you as angels of light. (vol II page 225)
APRIL 14, 1984 - My child and My children, I send to all who come to this sacred ground the grace of perseverance in the days ahead. I want you to remember, My children, always, that when the thorns come among the roses you will say, My Jesus, my Confidence! (vol II page 402)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I have come to you under many names in the past, but I want you to acknowledge Me as the Mother of Grace. Because that is why I come to you now, My children; to give you the graces necessary to remain upon earth in a state of purity and perseverance, and knowledgeable to the truth, that will lead you and keep you on the narrow road to Heaven.
JUNE 17, 1989 (MSG) - My child and My children of the world, I want you to know this: For the perseverance in the fight ahead to stop the satanists in their quest to take your children from your homes, I ask all parents at this time to be a steady guardian of their children and not to become obsessed with the things of this world, the pleasures and the monetary gain.
JUNE 18, 1970 - Right from the first apparition, Our Blessed Mother instructed Her messages to be disseminated throughout the world. Miraculous photos have been taken during the Vigils by various instamatic Polaroid cameras which produce 'tamperproof' photos. Polaroid has no explanations. Rosaries have turned from their natural metallic color to gold during the Vigils, the substance of gold having been verified by jewelers. There have followed cures and conversions and people returning to the faith. Veronica has a file with many testimonials. (vol I page 9)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1971 - A miraculous picture was received. A man took a picture of the shrine grounds with Our Lady's statue, with a polaroid instant camera, developed on the spot, no negative. In eerie supernatural scrawl, across the whole face of the picture are these words: Jacinta, 1972. Jesus said the next day: Consider this as a puzzle for the human race to figure out. If not answered in time to come I set the answer upon the world Myself! If not solved in time to come. The future is NOW. (vol I page 36)
MARCH 24, 1972 - The pictures you have been given (miraculous photos) were given because the faith has grown very weak. Man needs now physical proof. We are desperate for your acceptance of Our gifts to save each and every soul! We do not want the final count to be in the few! There will be the gathering of the souls when My Son sets His House to right! (vol I page 45)
JUNE 8, 1972 - The miracles in print (photos) are given to fortify you in strength of spirit. My children, do not credit the adversary, satan, with these gifts of the Holy Spirit. The meaning of their pictures will come through in the days ahead. All who remain steadfast in the days ahead will receive their crowns in Heaven. (vol I page 54)
MARCH 24, 1973 - You will be very busy studying the incoming photographic manifestations. Many are temporarily blinded to what story lies hidden in these photos. We have adopted this means to communicate with a blinded generation. As We gather the sheep, many will receive manifestations. The sight to see beyond the veil will be given to many as you line up in battle against Lucifer. (vol I page 88)
JULY 25, 1973 - We have given you in print many photographs of the coming Chastisement. Scoffers will close their eyes and be blinded to the manifestations. (vol I page 117)
AUGUST 21, 1973 - Much will given to you now in records of photographs. There is much, My child, that I ask to you keep now until the Father directs the release of these facts. (vol I page 126)
DECEMBER 24, 1973 - My child, all that you will have to know of the future will be given to you in photographs. You will study them and dispense the knowledge given to you. (vol I page 151)
APRIL 13, 1974 - My child, I notice that you are quite overwhelmed by the manifestation in photographs. Yes, many will not be understood by man. They are graces far beyond what most minds can comprehend, but they are the messages in secret that you will need for the propagation of the work. I would advise as they read the photographs, that they pray for guidance to the Holy Spirit, so that they will understand fully. (vol I page 195)
JULY 15, 1974 - The Father has deemed it necessary, My child, to increase the numbers of photographs miraculous. They will be of great consolation to many. They will be a means for the human eye to see. They will verify and make known the truth, for the Faith has become so weak that man will not believe unless he sees. And this We are giving to you, My children. The Father sends you graces in abundance, graces for cure and graces for conversion. Gather them while there is time, for the time is growing short. (vol I page 232)
AUGUST 21, 1974 - My child, the photographs you have been receiving, many were given to you for the present and some for the future. These photographs, miracles in print, are given edification. They bear witness to the Message of Heaven and they will be a personal gift to many for their personal edification. (vol I page 246)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1974 - The photographs given to you must be examined with much care. They are given for a reason. I must caution you, My child, not to reveal all that is hidden within them. You must use prudence in this matter. (vol I page 252)
OCTOBER 6, 1974 - Veronica: We want it known at this time, to bring forward the truth Our Lady says, of the miraculous pictures being given here. Some of these are messages in secret for the work and others are for the general edification of the people. These photographs that have been condemned by many, are gifts of the Holy Spirit to mankind and must not be denied.....The unbelievers will be blinded to them, therefore, they shall reject them but know that they are miraculous and supernatural. However, all that are given to you cannot be labeled as such, Our Lady says. Only those that are obvious..................Many will search for these pictures but, however, you must not credit all with being actually miraculous. They have to be first looked upon because some may be, as they say, distortions from the camera. But, however, We will use those that are outstanding...........When something appears from out of nowhere onto a photograph, it is miraculous. Now when you are photographing Our Lady's blessed statue here, and instead of the statue you get out something entirely different upon your comers, it is because Heaven wants you to know, or to bring forward part of the Message that is being given by Our Lady............. These photographs are given. They are manifestation for your edification, proof of the Message and also a special gift from Heaven. What man cannot see with his human eyes, Our Lady has asked the Father that this Message be given to you and bear witness to the spoken Message in pictures, photographs. (vol I page 284)
DECEMBER 24, 1974 - Yes, My child, I am sending to you many photographs of the coming Ball of Redemption. You will send these widely throughout the world, not caring for their acceptance, knowing that you do your part, My child, in dispensing these pictures. ...........What man cannot see with his human eyes, My Son has chosen to place in print for you. It is because your faith, My children, has grown very weak. You will not believe unless you see. Blessed is the child who will believe and does not see. (vol I page 308)
FEBRUARY 1, 1975 - Many, My child, have rejected My message. Many have rejected the photographs. Why? The Father looks into their hearts. Many shall reject them for if they want to be accepted. My child, they would have to change their ways and many do not wish to change so great do they love their sin. (vol I page 329,330)
FEBRUARY 10, 1975 - The photographs, miraculous, My children, will be given in great numbers. They will stand as factual witness to My words. It is a sad fact in your age, My children, that man will not believe unless they see. (vol I page 336)
MARCH 18, 1975 - I would advise you, My child, to advise My children, that it would be best if they do not make a rash judgment of the miraculous photographs We give to you. They are given, I assure you, with reason. Some are of a personal nature, and others are for the general populace. (vol I page 341)
MARCH 29, 1975 - I will continue to communicate with My children by using the photographs. Much will be given in secret to them. It is a grace that can only be given for those in the light. All others will look and find nothing. (vol I page 353)
APRIL 5, 1975 - The photographs given to you have been given for a reason. Study them carefully and you will find the present and the future within them............You will receive a complete fact in your next photograph, My child. This will be the proof that you want. Continue now, My child, with the prayers of atonement. They are sorely needed now. (vol I page 356)
MAY 7, 1975 - It is well that you did not disregard the message in photograph given to you this evening. You must understand, My child, that We are fully aware of the plan of satan. We can direct you sometimes in photographs. We ask you to read them and study them well in the past and the future. We can give you this direction, My child, but you must not act on your own free will but you will pray and read the photographs. (vol I page 358)
MAY 28, 1975 - Yes, My children, you will receive graces in photographs. Nothing is impossible with the Eternal Father, He has a plan for everything, My child. Even your sufferings are put to good use. (vol I page 370)
JULY 25, 1975 - You must pray much for the leaders of your country and the countries of the world. As I had told you countless times, many will disappear from the face of the earth. You will continue to receive your photographs of knowledge. Many are given in secret and many are for the general exposition to the world, My child. (vol I page 387)
SEPTEMBER 6, 1975 - My child, do not be overly concerned about the photographs I have given you. You will study them in private, My child. I would be more cautious in giving the hidden information to the public, My child. You must understand that many of these photographs are not to be given to the public. It is a manner in which the Eternal Father has chosen to direct you in secret. They could, My child, be given to the agents of 666. (vol I page 407)
OCTOBER 2, 1975 - My child, We are very pleased that you have been reading the photographs carefully. I was as much distressed, My child, because of those who have not accepted the graces given to them. These photographs are given often in secret, but because of the ways of the Eternal Father many will look and still not see. Do these photographs, My child, of special message and meaning, there are many that you will have to point to and describe, for they are only for your eyes. The camera must be blessed to purify them for taking miraculous photographs. (vol I page 421)
NOVEMBER 1, 1975 - You will receive, My child, many photographs of knowledge. I do not wish that this taking of photographs become a novelty, an attraction to the Sacred Grounds and this site, My child. You must make it known that this is a Vigil of prayer and meditation. .......Man has difficulty, in his imagination and thinking, to understand the existence of a world that cannot be seen by the human eye, unless allowed by the Eternal Father. It is a special grace. This grace, My children, is being given to many through the photographs. Many should be enlarged for more clarity of reading. (vol I page 433)
DECEMBER 24, 1975 - Veronica, My child, you must now read the photographs carefully, but I must caution you there are others who are making novelties of their cameras. It was not given for that reason. The camera must be blessed. Satan has much power over technical implements. However, all that are blessed by Me, My children, shall not fall into satan's power. (vol I page 457)
DECEMBER 27, 1975 - You will continue to read the photographs very carefully My child. They are a special grace to give you strength in the mission ahead. They will also be in the future positive evidence for the investigation. (vol I page 461)
MARCH 18, 1976 - The photographs that have been given have revealed much to mankind in a manner that has not been used by the Eternal Father in your past history. They are given for reason, some of private revelation and others for instruction. Examine them well, you who have been chosen as instruments by the Eternal Father for this mission. (vol I page 478)
JULY 24, 1976 - The photographs, miraculous, given to the world through Jacinta, the child seer, has been discarded and forgotten. It was, it is still a mystery to mankind. But the secret has been given to the simple of heart. Those of great knowledge, who hold the highest places upon earth, have lost sight of the road, the road to their redemption. It is only in the hearts of those who remain simple and pure of thought and deed that these miracles of photographs, of cures of spirit, of cures of body, will be given. (vol I page 514)
OCTOBER 2, 1976 - Now, My child, you will continue to examine the photographs that I give you. However, I caution you to not make this a circus, for you will lose the power of the photographs if it continues. These photographs, My child, were given to you for the purpose of understanding the Message. They are not to be used outside the work of your shrine, My child. They are not for personal reasons to an individual life. (vol I page 545)
NOVEMBER 22, 1976 - My child, you will be given many photographs of great knowledge. Read them carefully. We give you these photographs, My children, as proof, a physical visual proof, that many need to believe. It is sad, My children, but most blessed are they who do not seen and can believe. Believe and you will given the way....................Many of the present calamities in your world and the future, many these events are foretold and have been foretold in the hundreds of photographs being given in My visits to earth. (vol I page 560)
APRIL 2, 1977 - My child and My children, I waited for verification to you in the photographs. It will be necessary, My child, at this time that the photographs be given worldwide. If they are accumulated in your own home, My child, they will be destroyed. It is better that they go now out. (vol II page 32)
MAY 18, 1977 - The photographs miraculous will be continued for a time. Outside the vigil area, I would caution My children to be more skeptical and watch that satan does not enter upon photographs. These miraculous manifestations and phenomena's were given for the edification of the Message. (vol II page 42)
MARCH 25, 1978 - My child and My children, I come to you a little late in the hour, for there is a great urgency for the production of more photographs of direction. My child, this is given to you for your edification. Much shall be given to you through photographs, My child, for a reason. One of the reasons being, that being your memory is short, My child, they must be studied over and over again. you will place these photographs in a catalog. The manner will be made clear to you, My child. (vol II page 134)
DECEMBER 7, 1978 - If you can understand with charity, My children, you will then have unveiled for you the secret of the pictures. Many are blinded and will not see, because it is a special grace to see. Yes, My child, many will look and not see. you will pray, when you give a photograph to another, that the Holy Spirit will enter upon them and open their eyes, for some now have become so blinded that nothing with the light can enter and pierce their hardness......We give you time to review the photographs, My child. Because the mission has reached a point where there is little time left and the forces of evil are accelerating, much must remain now in secret. It is truly, My child, a private communication with Heaven. (vol II page 210)
JUNE 21, 1979 - The second photograph will be physical proof to the Bishop when it is needed. (vol II page 221)
OCTOBER 6, 1979 - I ask that the photograph given from Heaven, 'JACINTA 1972,' be propagated, made known world-wide; for within this photograph lies the date, the month, the hour, the year, of the coming Chastisement. Search it well, My children, for those who are given the grace will find the answer to the puzzle, 'Jacinta of Fatima, Jacinta 1972.' (vol II page 259)
MAY 30, 1981 - My child, you must now take three photographs, and retain the knowledge in them. They will give you firm consolation and conviction to what I have spoken to you of, that must temporarily remain a secret. (vol II page 282)
JULY 1, 1985 (MSG) - Now, My child, because of the long term of rest and illness, you will take three more photographs. They will stress what I have just given you in words, that sometimes, My child, one photograph can convert many, because seeing to some is believing. Blessed are they who do not have to see to believe. But if they must believe by some physical sign, We send all of this to you, My children; conversions, cures, photographs. Surely you cannot turn away from the pleas of My Mother.
JULY 25, 1985 (MSG) - I gave you photographs, photographs not only of what My Mother has brought to you this evening in words, in figures, in actions...but My Mother has sought now to console those in Heaven, who stand by, the angels. Oh, My children, the world would not be in such a sorry state if man hadn't forgotten the angels in Heaven. Each and every soul upon earth has an angel guardian. If there is any question or any doubt in your actions, your earthly actions, that you need to discuss, discuss this, My children, with your angels; they are always there. I know, My children, in My House upon earth they have thrown out the angels, the statues, calling them irreverent, calling them objects of worship. We know that is not true. But they have adopted that attitude, and that is why I say that even many wearing the highest rank in the Hierarchy are like rats burrowing into the foundation of My Church. They, too, shall be judged.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, I wish now that there be taken three photographs; I say three, because within these photographs, My child, you, and you alone, will find the date of the Third World War. Sit back, My child, now; awaken, and take three pictures. You understand what I said to you, My child.
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, many miraculous photographs have been given to you to try to make you understand how futile it is to go about seeking to buy happiness in a world that is materialistic. You cannot buy happiness, for that is one thing I instilled in mankind; the knowledge that the spirit within him is to be guarded and nourished with the fruits of true life, the knowledge of the Bible, past and present and future.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - Now, My child, you continue with three more photographs. These are taken for great reason. One day they will be given to the Bishop to examine. ..........Now My child, you will sit back and receive three photographs. The first you may repeat, and the other two must be kept secret for the time being. The time being, My child, means until We allow you by contacting you, whether it be at your home or in the circle, to make known what is in these pictures.
MAY 17, 1986 (MSG) - I cannot, My child, give you your request of last week of the date. But you will keep those photographs that I gave you, and you will know the date. But you must promise Me now that you will not reveal this either by mouth or by writing. ..............You see, My child, if you give dates, others will run to come back to the fold, but as soon as the danger passes they will go back to their old ways. We must have a complete redemption, not just a temporary state of goodness. For it is a selfish reason that does not reach out and give to the Eternal Father what He asks; your love, your compassion, and your willingness to help Him in this crisis.
JUNE 18, 1986 (MSG) - Now, My child, for reasons that you are not to give out, I wish at this time that you take three photographs. They are very, very important, My child. They will contain a date for the next catastrophe. You must know for reason because you must move from your house at that time. You will take the pictures now, My child, and I will be with you again. .......You, My child, now will take more photographs, but these you must be most silent on. I understand how you like to show them, My child, but I know that these are some that it's best that you keep to yourself for the time being.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - My child, I want you now, for it is greatly urgent for your country, that you take three photographs; but they must remain a great secret, that will be given to the Pope in due time. Not one word must be uttered when these pictures are given, My child, for they will they will give you the road of mankind. ............Now, My child, I call you quickly. You have not had the opportunity to read the three photographs taken for the fellows who are in the center. I call them fellows, though you may call that a common term, but they are in a fellowship with God, and they will also know that their time upon earth has been used in the best cause of all; to save souls and to bring God to mankind.
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - My child, now you will proceed to take three photographs. You will find that two of them are most frightening. And should you choose to make them known, I give you My permission, My child. I realize the ones at your last visit with Me, I gave you, made terror strike your heart. But these you must have, My children. But remember: I do not wish that you get embroiled in any satanic case that comes along, even if they contact you by telephone..........I want you, My child, to read them now very carefully, and I will be speaking with you again. I am not leaving. I shall remain right here; in fact, My child, I shall move over to My right side for the present, for My son shall be coming very shortly.
OCTOBER 2, 1989 (MSG) - Veronica: I see the picture of "Jacinta 1972." Jesus: And what is in this picture, My child? Repeat. Veronica: I see the letters very heavily penciled over by Jacinta when she wrote this message. It says, one part of the message, there are five parts to the "Jacinta 1972" picture, but one part says: "A-C into, I-N-T-O, mitres 1972." Jesus: Repeat that well, My child. Veronica: Antichrist into mitres 1972......................That, My child, I know you were much affrighted at that message when you first received it from Jacinta several years ago. But nothing that We give you is to remain hidden. It is necessary for the battle ahead. ............Be it known to all men upon earth that the antichrist has entered now among you. Be it known to Our bishops and cardinals: (I do not include Pope John Paul II at this time, because he is under the domination of his bishops and cardinals.) I look upon My Church at this time and I find gross errors. I tell you now, all bishops and cardinals of the world. My Church shall not be defaced. You shall not defame My Name. I will allow this to continue but for a short time. If you do not acknowledge Me properly before the world, I assure you, I will not acknowledge you before the Father; and you will not have eternal rest with My Father in Heaven.
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - A Polaroid photograph taken during this Vigil was taken of Veronica holding blessed candles. Miraculously something else appears. A standard procedure has been established by Heaven for each vigil. Veronica (or if she's not present, another worker) holds three blessed candles, and three designated workers each snap three photographs with an instant Polaroid camera. ..................The end result is always miraculous, and the images appearing having a profound meaning, and thus serving as a vehicle for Heaven to communicate important messages. Some are for public release, while others are just intended for Veronica and her close workers. Veronica is distinctively graced to interpret them.
This particular photograph is a startling visual that bears out Our Lady's prophecy this evening. Note on the top, a woman with a head covering (man dressed as a woman?) pointing a gun, her arm extended and her finger on the trigger. When you turn the photo slightly to the left, you will note 2 large "Ps," an "8" (in between the "Ps"), and a "Y" (formed by the top of the left "P," the "8," and the full "P" on the right. ..................The 2 "Ps" stand for: The Pope and prayer. The "8" represents the priesthood or the Holy Eucharist. Our Lady symbolically uses the last letter of the alphabet, X,Y,Z," to denote the end times. The meaning now is quite evident. Unless we pray (P), and pray hard, for the life and safety of John Paul II (P, 8), the satanic plans which are in the final stages of development (Y) will achieve its cursed objective; the brutal and violent end to the life of the beloved Vicar of Christ. .................I will continue to communicate with My children by using the photographs....It is a grace that can only be given for those in the light. All others will look and find nothing.
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - How sad to see many dying in the pursuit of revelry and worldly body pleasures! Drunkenness has always been an abomination in the eyes of the Heavenly Father, and time will never distort the Word of God! Time and custom never change in the Eyes of the Father. I would have you know of all the abominations taking place. We see consorts in sin destroying the sacredness of the marriage bond with drink and mixed brain medication! What horror........What constructive pursuit is there that seeks to destroy the total personality of man, reducing him to the animal level in emotions and actions!!! The heavy Hand of God will not fall lightly on these offenders! Always remember, excesses weaken the soul. Gluttons of worldly pleasures! Can you not see the sorrows, the miseries of starving nations and the souls leaving the earth untimely? Is this not time for full prayer? Have you so little faith that you believe that your time is not limited? Cast not your lot with satan now, for in His Mercy, Our Lord, the Eternal Father must often look the other way when He calls many souls into judgment! (vol I page 21)
APRIL 1, 1972 - A country that loses its morality has placed one foot already in hell! Servitude, desecration, all will reap what has been sown. Floods, great heat; you will have visited upon you a plague! Recognize now, the finger of death will be placed upon your earth. When you pass through this crisis many will be cleansed! Understand, My children, that science cannot strive above the laws of His God. (vol I page 49)
DECEMBER 6, 1974 - Yes, My child, your country shall not escape the tribulation of the other countries that have fallen to sin. Your country shall experience death and violation, tribulation, and the plague. The Father will chastise those He loves. The sheep shall be separated from the goats. In this manner will your world be prepared for the Coming of My Son. (vol I page 303)
APRIL 5, 1975 - The children are the true victims of their elders. The example given to them is poor. Many children shall be removed from the world, My child. It will be necessary for the salvation of their souls. It will be a great plague............Have great pity, My children, My child, for the soul that will be lost. In the Holy City of Rome and in the country on the sea there will be a plague. In the country on the waters of England there will be a plague. (vol I page 356)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - Your city and many cities throughout your country shall feel the plague. It is for the murders of the unborn that your city receives the plague. (vol I page 414)
JULY 15, 1977 - A plague. The boats will not anchor to the land. A just punishment upon man. Famine in America the Beautiful. No one shall have the price of the wheat. Man shall become like animals, killing their neighbors. It will be like dog eating dog. (vol II page 66)
DECEMBER 7, 1977 - The rules, My way was given to you in the Book of Love and Life, your Bible, and I say unto you, you who go about adding to My words and making changes. I shall visit upon you every plague that has been written in the Book of Life! (vol II page 111)
SEPTEMBER 7, 1978 - My children, prayer, atonement and sacrifice I beg of you! For many shall die upon earth. Death shall become commonplace. Already there will be loosed upon you an epidemic of great proportion, taking many lives. (vol II page 186)
DECEMBER 24, 1979 - Many plagues have been visited upon your earth. but you do not recognize them, and you have not gained any knowledge by them. These plagues I speak of are not of the scientific type involving illness of the body, but of the soul-destroying plagues visited upon your homes and your children. (vol II page 267)
JUNE 18, 1983 - My Mother has directed you well through this stage of man's progressing towards sanctity. However, you must remember this: Words were given, and actions have taken place. Our Lady told you several years ago that there would be great floods, and there were great floods; that there would be a great heat, and that will come soon; and after that there will be a great plague. You had a great plague now, My children, two diseases, unknown in cure for mankind. Did not My Mother pass along to you that knowledge that there would be diseases that your scientists will not be able to explain nor stop? They will find no cure for it.
There will be one more most devastating plague upon you. That will come within the next six months, My children. You ask, My child, why is this allowed? My child, you have forgotten the real reason for all this; man will benefit from it in the end. For I once said to you many years ago that penance is difficult, but after penance there is a great joy. (vol II page 393)
APRIL 14, 1984 - Do not cast aside the knowledge I give to you, My chosen few, the knowledge that 666 is satan and his legion of demons. Do not fall victim to those who are going about the earth discrediting the actual knowledge of the supernatural. They, in their theology and their new mode of living for mankind, what do they expect to happen when there comes upon them illnesses without cure. Illnesses without the knowledge of how it developed and where it come from. All this and much more shall be sent upon your nation and the world as a last resort to bring you back to the fold. (vol II page 401)
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - Homosexuality shall never be accepted. In the writings of the good Fathers, My child and My children, you were made fully aware in the Old and the New Testament of the Book of Life and Love, the Bible, you had been made full aware of the dastardly acts of mankind, as men consort with men. This shall not be accepted nor condoned by the Eternal Father even if He has to send another plague upon you. No, My children, they shall not. NOT be given the cure.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My Son has asked that I report to you that there shall be another plague upon mankind. Yes, My child and My children, another plague. For AIDS is a plague, and other illnesses that have gone by without any scientific recognition, are plagues from Heaven. They are allowed for the individual to retain a measure of love for his God. As long as he knows, as his time grows near to death, that it was because of his misconduct that he dies a most unhurried and unscrupulously recognized a death.
JUNE 6, 1987 (MSG) - You have your chance now, as My Mother pleads for your cause, to stop what you are doing now, that displeases the Eternal Father; or you shall be sent, within the next year, a far worse plague upon mankind, if the great Chastisement hasn't already overcome you.
The existence of the Trinity, too, is being attacked. We are fully aware of what is going on. And I can tell you, My children, if there are not immediate changes, another plague shall be set upon your country and other countries of the world. Eventually the suffering will be so great, if man does not repent, that there will be few souls left on earth.
JUNE 18, 1990 - The existence of the Trinity, too, is being attacked. We are fully aware of what is going on. And I can tell you, My children, if there are not immediate changes, another plague shall be set upon your country and other countries of the world. Eventually the suffering will be so great, if man does not repent, that there will be few souls left on earth.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - Little did the world recognize the three plagues which originated from the mind of the Eternal Father. These plagues were called "The Legionnaires Disease," Herpes, and AIDS. But, My children, as I told you in the past, many years ago, My child and My children, the bad shall be glorified and the good shall suffer. However, these diseases that came upon mankind originated through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father. Sufferings were brought upon those who must cleanse their souls to avoid hell. ...............My children, I shall not allow the scientific world to find a cure for AIDS, because of the horrible nature of what brings on this disease called AIDS. It is being flaunted now as though the good were to be stomped upon, and the bad shall receive the glory. ............Homosexuality shall never be accepted. In the writings of the good fathers, My child and My children, you were made full aware in the Old and the New Testament of the Book of Life and Love, the Bible, you had been made full aware of the dastardly acts of mankind, as men consort with men.
SEPTEMBER 7, 1985 - And I repeat to you, My children, listen well. The disease you call a modern disease, I call it a disease of satan. That disease, known as AIDS, shall have no cure. It has been sent upon mankind because of their sin.
OCTOBER 5, 1985 (MSG) - My Son has asked that I report to you that there shall be another plague upon mankind. Yes, My child and My children, another plague. For AIDS is a plague. and other illnesses that have gone by without any scientific recognition, are plagues from Heaven. They are allowed for the individual to retain a measure of love for his God. As long as he knows, as his time grows near to death, that it was because of his misconduct that he died a most unhurried and unscrupulously recognized a death. Yes, My children, there is much now in the world that you must protect yourselves against. ............You will tell mankind that the sins of the flesh shall send many souls to hell. My child, the need for materialism is wrong. And the need for modernizing the world and My Son's Church is wrong. And passing over the grievous sin of immorality and, also, pornography, and all the other evils, are placed under the heading of humanism; even accepting without a frown, or proper attention to a sin, in accepting the aftermath of AIDS, received through inhuman relationships. I say 'inhuman' because those relationships are not from God, My children, but they are from satan. Homosexuality shall always be condemned because it is against the nature of man; and it is a violation of all human morality, and shall not be tolerated by the Eternal Father in the Trinity.
JUNE 6, 1987 - I want you, My child, to tell the world, that, as your God, there shall be great suffering placed upon mankind in the near future; more so than the plague that was allowed to be sent down upon you, AIDS. We warned you over and over again, through years of visitations upon earth, My Mother going to and fro to warn you, that homosexuality, birth control, abortion and all other aberrations that bring sorrow to My Mother's Heart, this must be stopped now. There shall be no excuse accepted in Heaven by the saints, nor by My Mother and I, or the Eternal Father and the Holy Ghost, for what you are doing upon earth now.............AIDS was a plague, and is a plague, and shall continue to be a plague, as long as you will not change your course of destruction. What else must We allow to come upon you? No, My children, there will be no relief for those suffering from AIDS; for it is a penance from a just God. For their punishment will be greater, the suffering that they incur will save many from hell, and give them the chance to enter upon a penance in purgatory...........You have your chance now, as My Mother pleads for your cause, to stop what you are doing now, that displeases the Eternal Father; or you shall be sent, within the next year, a far worse plague upon mankind, if the great Chastisement hasn't already overcome you.
OCTOBER 2, 1987 (MSG) - I know, My children, you are all heartbroken but there are, many families are heartbroken because of the entrance of AIDS upon the world. Can I not say that you were not warned of this, My children. ..............I tell you now, there will come within a short time a greater plague. Yes, My child, I know that you have feelings of shivering, but it must be.
OCTOBER 6, 1988 (MSG) - I tell you now that there shall not be a cure found for the disease of AIDS. It is a punishment from the Eternal Father. Unfortunately, My children, there are many young innocents and those that are older who have come in with the plan of God for the salvation of their souls, but they, too, have fell victim to the AIDS plague. It is a plague, My child, as other plagues shall also follow this one. ................Do not be affrighted, My child; I realize that this has given you a feeling of terror, for the AIDS plague has hit many; all the known and unknown, and children as well. I would suggest, My children, that you guard yourselves well against this plague. If you must have a form of operation requiring transfusions. I would suggest that you have a member of your family donate this blood; for the other has been grossly, I say grossly, contaminated and will cause many deaths.
JUNE 18, 1990 - We're all aware in Heaven of the drug epidemic, the volcanoes erupting; but you see, it was to come about. Now I hear, I hear the prayers of many who call out for mercy because they have the disease called AIDS. My child, make it known to them, in writing, that this was a direct admonition by the Eternal Father for their performing terrible acts of indecency upon earth that destroys the young souls who follow them. I am talking, My child, about homosexuality. It is rampant all over the earth....................O My children, I hear your cries because of the AIDS epidemic in your country and the world. I plead for you to the Eternal Father, to remove this plague from mankind. And I have great news for you this evening, My children. The Eternal Father and My Son have made it clear to Me that if man will repent of his ways that have given, been given to him by satan, We will see that you do have a cure for AIDS...............I say again: if man will repent of his sin and discard the homosexual life they're living, I will give them a cure for AIDS............Now, My child, My Mother made it known to you about the AIDS epidemic. There will be a cure for mankind as soon as We see the legislative bodies and those politicians of the world, who are at this time causing the abortion with their monies and their funding, especially in the United States, abortion is murder, and as such you shall all be condemned as murderers at the time of your death unless you repent now of your sin!
OCTOBER 6, 1992 (MSG) - My child and My children, I had promised you relief from the suffering now being inflicted even on little children, of AIDS. This will come in due time. This is actually based, My child and My children, on the acceptance of mankind of the Eternal Father and My Son as their leaders.
JULY 25, 1972 - All mothers will now see that their children remain close to the sacraments. Many children will be taken out of the world in the plague. Many parents will shed bitter tears, but it will be too late! (vol I page 57)
AUGUST 5, 1972 - Veronica: Our Lady pointed to a map over the waters: Chinese people, black people, floods, plague. Our Lady said: This is in small measure what is in store for your country. Many children will be taken from your country. It is the only recourse to save them from a bad parenthood, a misguiding society; from a land that has turned its back on its God!......I ask you as a Mother, Who knows the sorrow of a loss; prepare your children for the entrance. Guard the souls of those you love. I cannot promise that all will be spared anguish in the days ahead, but I can promise that those who have lighted their candles with Me, and carried the Light to their families, their brothers and sisters, will join Us in the ultimate victory, which will be with God and all the personages of Heaven. (vol I page 59)
FEBRUARY 1, 1973 - There will be visited upon your country a plague. Many children will be taken from your world. It will be an act of mercy from the Father. Many young souls will be destined for the kingdom of hell, claimed by Lucifer, were they to remain upon earth. (vol I page 79)
FEBRUARY 10, 1973 - Many infants of similar ages shall be removed from the world, many against the will of the Father, and many through the will of the Father. (vol I page 84)
MARCH 18, 1973 - There will be visited upon your country and the world a great plague. Many children will die in this cleansing. Young souls rescued from the contamination of a world that has given itself to satan! (vol I page 85)
MARCH 25, 1973 - The great plague and darkness will come before the Ball of Redemption. (vol I page 91)
APRIL 14, 1973 - Man has chosen to destroy life created by the Father. Innocent souls are sent on the road to the prince of darkness. With the coming plague, many of the young will be removed before they become of the age of reasoning, held accountable by the Father for their actions. It is an act of mercy from a sorrowing Father. (vol I page 95)
FEBRUARY 1, 1974 - If you remember, My child, I told you sometime ago that many children will be removed from your world. It is for the sanctification of their soul. (vol I page 159)
APRIL 13. 1974 - There is great darkness upon your earth. We have now such a great trial to parents. Many children shall be taken into the Kingdom. Tears will fall from the eyes of parents, but those who are in the light will understand the plan of the Father. We do not wish to have the souls of the young destroyed by the plan of satan; therefore, many of the young will be taken from the world. Science and man of great learning will not know the secret of this great trial. This trial will be in body ailment. There shall be no cure by human science for it, for it is the hand of God upon man. (vol I page 188)
JUNE 18, 1974 - I cannot take away the plan that will be put in motion by the Father soon. Gradually many children will be removed from earth to save their souls. Parents, heed this admonition now that you will save yourselves great sorrow if you now prepare you children. I cannot, My child, at this time give you added knowledge of what is to come. I can only as a Mother direct you, My children, to listen and heed My warnings. Prepare your children, for many will be taken from your world. You do not understand; you cannot understand the great sorrow of loss. It will be of great comfort to know that you have prepared your children. (vol I page 222)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - There will be sent upon your country a plague. Many shall die. ....... When die great rains start. know that many shall die. (vol I page 411)
NOVEMBER 20, 1975 - Many shall be taken before this great catastrophe! Do not weep for the children who are removed from your earth, for it is in the Merciful Heart of the Father that will gather them before the baptism of fire. (vol I page 442)
MAY 30, 1981 - Pray always a constant vigilance of prayer. Protect your children. Tears shall be shed, for many children shall die in an epidemic uncontrollable by science. (vol II page 282)
JUNE 18, 1981 - My child and My children, I have counseled you on the approaching plague among the children. Because of the sin of man, this cannot be avoided, this cannot be held back, My child. (vol II page 291)
JULY 14, 1979 - There will be many accidents that are not accidents, My children. Many young children shall be removed from the world in a plague. (vol II page 231)
JUNE 30, 1984 - The children, the innocent children, are victims of debauchery. The children, many of them shall die. We shall set upon your nation, and other nations of the world, a mysterious disease. But be it known now: It will not be a mysterious disease but the hand of the Eternal Father placed down to remove these innocent souls before they are sent into debauchery. O my children, the missing children in your countries are not just missing because they want to be adopted, or others wished to take them into their homes as children to be loved. They are being taken to be used in all foul manners. (vol II page 409)
DECEMBER 31, 1970 - Because of revelry and sin this evening, many lives will be lost! You will count them in your morning papers. Continue your Rosaries for those who are already dying and not in the state of grace due to the mixture of drugs and drinks. The deaths will be counted as numerous. (vol I page 20)
How sad to see many dying in the pursuit of revelry and worldly body pleasures! Drunkenness has always been an abomination in the eyes of the Heavenly Father, and time will never distort the Word of God. Time and custom never change in the Eyes of the Father. I would have you know of all the abominations taking place. We see consorts in sin destroying the sacredness of the marriage bond with drinks and mixed brain medication! What horror; what constructive pursuit is there that seeks to destroy the total personality of man, reducing him to the animal level in emotions and actions!! The heavy hand of God will not fall lightly on these offenders! (vol I page 21)
MARCH 25, 1972 - There are two signs in the fight now: The mark of the beast and the Mark of the Living Christ! Recognize the signs of the times! It is much easier, My children, to close your eyes to a truth. Your human nature forces you to want only good and you will be shut out of that does not feed your vanity! Recognize the signs of the times; the plagues are already upon you! The medicinal deterioration (drugs) of your children, planned by satan to destroy the mind and you can conquer the soul! (vol I page 46)
MARCH 25 1973 - Many plagues have entered upon your country and pass unnoticed, accepted as a way of life....Veronica: Our Lady is referring to the use of drugs among the young people...Our Lady: It has been promoted to destroy the mind and the will, allowing the young soul to be susceptible to the entrance of evil, and taken from God into the kingdom of Lucifer. (vol I page 92)
SEPTEMBER 13, 1975 - You must now, My child, speak out the truth. Your country must send from its shores the coalition, the United Nations. Your country must purge itself of the many seekers of fortune at the expense of a loss of the souls of thousands, those who seek worldly gain and riches by bringing into your nation corrupters of souls and mind destroyers; pornography and drugs, My child. (vol I page 414)
APRIL 2, 1977 - Do not, My children, be deceived by the father of liars, and his deception in raising up armies that gather under the banner of communism, atheism, satanism, agnosticism. And while they work both day and night to gather the powers and the arsenals to enslave your country and the world, what do you do? You are like children going through the fields picking daisies, tripping along merrily, high on your way of life; your drugs and your alcohol and your dreams created by false mediums. (vol II page 32)
APRIL 2, 1977 - Little by little, through the years, man has oriented and made the human being in his mind, with his loss of free will through drugs and brainwashing through other mediums, man has now been reduced to almost a robot state. (vol II page 32)
AUGUST 13, 1977 - He is here. He has entered upon your country in 1975. Your children have been victims to him. The spread of drugs was for reason; to break down the morals and to give your children over to satan. Your children have been desecrated in black mass. Your children have been desecrated in the schools and the governments by the government leaders who do not care. (vol II page 75)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - My child and My children, the greatest anguish of heart that We suffer now is because of the sorcery that has come into the lives of many of your children. We call this sorcery, My children, because there has been a combination of the practice of the occult, witchcraft, with drugs. The minds of your children are being destroyed and distorted by the use of mind controlling agents from hell. And I say from hell, My children, because it is a diabolical plan of satan to control the minds of your children. (vol II page 93)
AUGUST 14, 1979 - When Luciel, Lucifer, was cast out of the Kingdom of Heaven, he retained many powers, My children. I will not go into a long discourse at this time about his powers. However, you must understand that he can promote false miracles. And now, since he has captured the souls of many, who sought with pride and arrogance, gain, fortunes, monies, power, Lucifer has allowed a major plague; the drug infiltration upon your nation and the world. And now there are those who, through the plan of Lucifer, know and now control with mind manipulation. (vol II page 241)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1979 - My children and parents, listen to Me well. You must not allow your children to listen to recordings known as "rock and roll." They have been specifically created by Lucifer and his agents to seduce your children. They are the major instrument for leading your children into the plague, the country-wide plague of drugs, the country-wide plague of atheism, the country-wide and world-wide plague of casting aside your God and substituting false gods and religions. (vol II page 247)
JUNE 18, 1987 (MSG) - Now, My child, I have one more thing to tell you. There has been much publicity afoot in your country and the world about the existence of satanic cults. I must tell you they do exist. They worship satan, and they are the opposite of all Christianity. They will do the opposite of what is asked in the Bible. Therefore, they kill with no remorse. They steal your children and brutalize them......................How can they do this, My child, you ask Me? How can they be so hard, so cruel, so merciless? Well, My child, the enemies of your country and the world have done their work good. They are using an infiltration with drugs. Your children are being educated for the use of these drugs...........There is now a plan in the national and international seat of satan.....It is a group, My child, that is united with other groups throughout the world. They have one plan in mind, to bring about the fall of all nations and the introduction of communism to all nations, by destroying the young with drugs and all manners of debasity.
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - Little did the world recognize the three plagues which originated from the mind of the Eternal Father. These plagues were called, "The Legionnaires Disease," Herpes and AIDS. But, My children, as I told you in the past, many years ago, My child and My children, the bad shall be glorified and the good shall suffer. However, these diseases that came upon mankind originated through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father. Sufferings were brought upon those who must cleanse their souls to avoid hell.
AUGUST 5, 1976 - Much that I have given by direction to My children in the past is coming before you. There is a great challenge to science in your city of Philadelphia, but know, My children, that your men of science shall not find the answer, or the cause. In this war of the spirits, much amazement shall register in the minds and hearts of mankind. It is in this manner that the Eternal Father plans to bring many back to the fold. You cannot understand, in your human nature, the ways of the Eternal Father, My children. (vol I page 518)
AUGUST 21, 1985 (MSG) - Little did the world recognize the three plagues which originated from the Mind of the Eternal Father. These plagues were called, "The Legionnaires Disease," Herpes, and AIDS. But, My children, as I told you in the past, many years ago, My child and My children, the bad shall be glorified and the good shall suffer. However, these diseases that came upon mankind originated through the merciful heart of the Eternal Father. Sufferings were brought upon those who must cleanse their souls to avoid hell.
AUGUST 21, 1975 - Now, running also, I see what looks like, oh, looks like a bunch of rats going across the sky. And above it now, I see the word pestilence! Pestilence! Pestilence will follow upon the war! Now, it's growing very dark except over by the trees..........(vol I page 403)
JULY 15, 1977 - Within your land, the United States, and many nations that have fallen to corruption and sin, great trial will be given. The crops will fail; there will be famine and thirst in many regions. There will be set upon your city, New York, a great plague, My children. Those who are on the waters may escape the rodents...........I realize, My child, the great terror, the knowledge in sight, I have given you of what is to be, the great terror it brings to your heart. But I assure you, My children, if you are of well spirit, you will have nothing to fear. (vol II page 65)
Veronica: I don't like rodents, I don't even like mice. Rodents and flying creatures eating the crops...........Bands of roaming homosexuals shall attack the young. People will live in fear, their doors barred. There shall be no love or charity between neighbors. Fear shall grip the nation. Murders will increase and the crops will rot. Rodents will run, scavengers will fly, transported by air through the states. (vol II page 66)
JUNE 18, 1983 - I, also, must tell you, My child, to tell the world of the coming second part of the plague, the first you must remain secret with for awhile, My child. I will tell you there will be a slight plague of rats. Do not be affrighted, My child, this plague will be kept within only the eastern area. (vol II page 394)
APRIL 10, 1972 - My child, you will make it known to Our high priests that they are not to become involved in politics of the world. They are being led into the web that will take them into deep darkness. Hearken now, and heed My words you are being blindly led into darkness! (vol I page 50)
MAY 10, 1972 - I repeat again, that Our high priests (cardinals and bishops) must not enter into politics, for they will find themselves bargaining away My Son's Body! (vol I page 51)
JUNE 18, 1972 - All high priests of My Son's House will live in the spirit and not be concerned with the politics and worldly living. You will make your choice you will stand with My Son, or you will be of the world, and you who have been given the graces to represent My Son in this world will be cast aside and condemned with the least for the offenses you are committing against your God! (vol I page 55)
MAY 15, 1976 - You must not involve yourselves, My pastors, with the political machines of your world. It is a satanic involvement. I do not have to repeat by name those who have fallen into the web of satan and the world machine. This machine, My children, in simple language, will promote, without prayers and without enough sacrifice to give balm to the heart of the Eternal Father for the abominations being committed, this machine shall set itself to enslave the world's souls. (vol I page 486)
MAY 29, 1976 - Your country and many countries throughout your world have already fallen. They have now been entered upon by the giant political machine that seeks to enslave the world; the octopus of evil. For the love of money, prestige, and power, many shall sell their souls to get to the head. O My children, when My Son returns, will He find even a small flicker of faith left in your hearts? (vol I page 494)
NOVEMBER 1, 1976 - I caution you, pastors of My Son's House, to not involve yourselves in the politics of your world. There must be a separation between you and politics. (vol I page 552)
OCTOBER 6, 1977 - My child, politics will not influence the advance of the man of sin. When your leaders recognize the existence of a supernatural world, My child, much more shall be accomplished in saving your city, your state, and your nation. As long as they accept every thing upon a human basis, My child, they will never be able to defeat one who is supernatural. This may be a puzzle to some, My child. My own will know Me. (vol II page 95)
MARCH 18, 1978 - The enemies of your God have infiltrated into the systems of the world, the political systems, and also the lives, the homes of mankind. You now, with the knowledge given to you through your Baptism in the light must retain the Faith. Be defenders of your Faith in the days ahead. (vol II page 130)
AUGUST 4, 1979 - Lucifer has converted many into his army of ogres, satanists, and as such now they trample and recrucify My Son. Do you think that the Eternal Father will allow you to recrucify My Son? I say to you as your Mother to make amends, do penance, return to your knees, remove yourselves from your involvement in worldly pleasures and gain and power, political aspirations for the enslavement of mankind. (vol II page 236)
SEPTEMBER 28, 1979 - You cannot question, you cannot fully understand now, the war of the spirits raging not only in your country, but on all of the countries upon earth now; for you are approaching the closing days of the latter times. Have you all listened to My counsel? Have you acted upon it? Have you prepared your households well? Are you ready, My children, for what will soon be upon you? (vol II page 251)
SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 (MSG) - My child and My children, We cannot accept the political and the rational views - I say 'rational,' because they do not use the supernatural, but they curry - c-u-r-r-u, My children - they curry on those who do not have the Faith to understand their so-called 'enlightened' messages to the world. This I speak of, My children, for I know the influence of the clerics over the laity.
JUNE 18, 1990 (MSG) - Now, My child, My Mother made it known to you about the AIDS epidemic. There will be a cure for mankind as soon as We see the legislative bodies and those politicians of the world, who are at this time causing the abortions with their monies and their funding, especially in the United States-abortion is murder, and as such you shall all be condemned as murderers at the time of your death unless you repent now of your sin! The Eternal Father sends each and every soul upon earth.
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